Male and Female Imponderables--Continued Yet Again

UPDATED: Friday, June 30, 2006 20:00
VIEWED: 9563
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Thursday, June 29, 2006 2:57 AM


Greetings, all! This is just the next step in the Imponderables ladder. Check out the last thread here:

To those who are just now joining us, this thread is for the discussion of, well, imponderables of the opposite sex...things they do that confuse, frustrate, or make you want to pull out your hair.

Post away, enjoy the conversation, and as always, lurkers are more than welcome to throw their two cents' in...this is by no means a closed thread.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:02 AM


A shiny new home!

Can I admit that I am stunned by CaliKaele's 30FF at 5'2!

I am, in fact, gobsmacked!

I worry my dear for your spine health!



Thursday, June 29, 2006 3:08 AM


Yes...I was kinda shocked to hear that. It's early, so I am still trying to picture that, and I really can't. Although the "K" for Kangaroo did make me spit up coffee!



Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:06 AM


Morning all... Glad to have a slightly shorter thread.
WOW CK- I now feel dainty. I'm surprised you haven't gone for a reduction as with my now puny DD's have major back and neck problems which is why insurance will pay to make em nice and C

Hey I have a fun one for us to big an age difference is too big? WE have a great friend who is 36 and he still can't seem to date a woman his age ( last girlfriend was 19) So how big an age difference is out of bounds??

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:09 AM


Mornin' all. It's too damn early to be sitting in front of the 'puter...and yet here I am. Grrr...

NV, I just had to comment on this from the end of the last thread:


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I will not compete with anyone for the affections of a woman. Not kids, dogs, cats, family, or especially another man. I will be loved for being myself and no other reason. I expect these conditions for myself and expect no less for the recipiant of my affections.

While I agree that you shouldn't have to compete for the affections of a woman, especially with another man, please rethink the other list. Your statement is a sentiment that has kept me single for so long.

See, I am a horsewoman. Now horsewomen, as a group, are fiercely dedicated to our horses. We are strong, independent woman who aren't afraid of doing hardwork and getting dirty. Horses aren't just pets, they aren't just hobbies, they are a passion. They are our therapy. They also require A LOT of regular care...which takes A LOT of time...and A LOT of money. I can't tell you how many times I hear "He wants me to choose," "He's jealous of the horse," or "He resents the money spent on the horses." It scares the bejeesus out of me.

Now, I don't expect a man to take a back seat to the horses, or have to compete for my affections, but there are times that the horse will come first. And yes, more than likely, the majority of the money I make will go to enjoying the horse. A man involved with a horsewoman had better have a strong sense of self...and a time consuming hobby of their own doesn't hurt. And by god, if I am ever asked to choose, the horses were here first and they will be here when he's gone.

It's a pretty harsh stand. But it isn't an uncommon one in my world. I watch husbands turn their wive's passion in to a source of contention and it hurts me to no end. That's got to be one of the saddest imponderables of all to me. A strong, confident man knows he's not competing for affections, just that he's not the sole source of joy, love, and devotion in his partner's life.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:13 AM


Morning, MSG!
Age difference...well, my wife and I are separated by ten years, and while that may not seem like a lot, it does make for some interesting times. She is the first person I ever dated that was that much younger, so I do not have all that much personal experience, but I do have a mindset regarding that. Beyond societal disapproval (such as a 20 year old woman marrying an 85 year old man), age should have no bearing on who you love or desire to be with.

That's a good one to start the day with.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:15 AM


Rug darling I understand, but there are great guys who can support you. My sister is a horsewoman as is my mother and both of their husbands are great with regards to the horses. They even help out and can even feed in a pinch!
What kind of horses do you have?
My sis had a gorgeous Arabian ( he just passed away of complications from surgical colic) and so right now all she has are our barn babies A percheron and the percheron/clydesdale mix ( offspring of the percheron)
She competes in hunter/ you compete? or do you just show?
I only think it's competing for the affection if you love the horse more and bail on couple time to be with the horse. I think most decent guys should understand about horses:)
EDIT- Tristan I think the age difference problem depends more on your reasons for the age gap..if it's just who you fell in love with , great! If you date profoundly younger women because it boosts your ego or for money then eeeew!!!
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:27 AM


MSG, I agree. Dating younger people for an ego boost is a bad thing.

RugBug, have you ever thought about dating a cowboy? They seem to be horse-people, too! I can understand the love and devotion for horses, but I have never actually been around them for any length of time. I am a big fan of the larger horses; Belgians, Ardennes (I think that's what they are called), and the Clydesdales. Big horsey!



Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:40 AM


Tristan you'd love Diesel and Tinkerbell then..Tink's hugeher hooves are the size of large dinner plates...if she weren't sucha girly girl horse she'd make a fabulous war horse...sadly Diesel is hand raised so he thinks he's a somewhat oversized dog so he'd be lousy in a battle. he'd be trying to lick the enemy and pull hair ( as a joke)

Ok just got a great laugh from 13...he seemed stunned that a teacher would have a tatoo....think I should tell him about the bullet bike??

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:48 AM


I have always had a healthy respect for horses and those that choose them as a lifestyle (did that come out right?) But, yes, the first time I was truly impressed with the mere "thereness" of a horse was coming up to a Clydesdale when I was about twenty and realizing how truly massive they really were. And then I found out the largest horses we have on the planet (I think it's called the Shire breed) is still a bit smaller than the warhorses used during the medieval period.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 4:54 AM



I have tattoos - I was told by a guy recently that I looked "too innocent" to have them. Imagine his face when I offered to show him my piercing. LOL!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:00 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

I have tattoos - I was told by a guy recently that I looked "too innocent" to have them. Imagine his face when I offered to show him my piercing. LOL!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:06 AM


MSG: I compete hunter/jumper on a warmblood. I know there are supportive guys out there, they are just really hard to find in this small town.

Age difference: It's fine to a point. I think a 36 year old dating a 19 year old is a little off. Makes me think the 36 year old isn't very mature.

I usually date guys a little younger than me. Always been attracted to them, dont' know why. Most of my friends are younger as well. Guess I'm just in denial about how old I really am.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:12 AM


Rugbug- warmbloods are such lovely horses:) You're bound to find a guy who loves them too..just don't put any personals ads out about horse lover seeks horse lover you might get a wholly different kind of horse lover;)

FMF- piercings??? do tell:)

Penguin you are so talented with the little yellow people..I'm impressed!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:12 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:

Oh no! Someone get some water! We must revive Penquin!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:14 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Originally posted by Penguin:

Oh no! Someone get some water! We must revive Penquin!

I think he needs mouth-to-mouth!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:19 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:

Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

Originally posted by Penguin:

Oh no! Someone get some water! We must revive Penquin!

I think he needs mouth-to-mouth!


Well its a good thing that I am a certified Instructor in CPR and First Aid!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:24 AM



Originally posted by msg:
So how big an age difference is out of bounds??

Well, I dated a 35 year old woman when I was 24. I honestly think a 5-7 year difference is probably the cap for me, unless I find someone truly amazing. Age is not only a factor, but also maturity, character, and personality.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:26 AM


The EXmr-FMF is 5 years older. I used to find considerable humour in reminding him that when he was in highschool, I was in the 5th grade And of course the FutureMr is younger than me.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:35 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Penguin you are so talented with the little yellow people..I'm impressed!

I find most of them on the web...the penguin ones I make myself...usually from the yellow ones!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:35 AM


FMF, my wife's favorite thing to remind me of is that she was eight years old when I graduated from high school...always a big hit, that one By the time she got into college, I had already graduated three times and was going for a forth...slight generation-type gap there. But, she keeps me young most of the time...or reminds me how old I truly am compared to her.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:37 AM


ooh that's another part to add on. How big is too big an age difference in a relationship and does it matter if it's older guy younger woman or older woman younger guy?
I think love has no age limit, but there are moments when the age difference may cross not only generally accepted society lines, but moral lines as well.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 5:58 AM


FMF: I am surrounded by cowboys. or Wal-Mart cowboys in the very least. The only problem with that is that I'm truly a city girl at heart. I ride english, and it is worlds away from western. And I HATE country music and wranglers (complete turn-off) and boots. I'm open to a cowboy who will wear levi's though.

How big an age difference is too big? Well obviously if it crosses legal lines. I suppose it depends a lot on the individuals involved. I personally wouldn't go more than 7 years younger than me. That is even pushing it. Seven years older than me seems ancient. I always choke when someone mentions their 40+ year old friend they'd like to set me up with. I always ask what type of person he is, because if he lives young, it might not be too bad. There's a guy at my barn right now that is probably interested in me, but he's like 47...on top of the other creepiness that is him, there is just no way.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:04 AM


Rugbug- I'm with you on the cowboy thing:) I've only ridden English as well:) 47 does seem a smidgen old for you...hmm however I've just realized all the actors I find attractive are waaaay too old for me.
Sean Bean (47) Tony Todd(53) Alan Rickman (60) Adam Baldwin (43) ( I could go on, but eeek I may need to start working on some younger crushes!!)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:04 AM


Rugbug- I'm with you on the cowboy thing:) I've only ridden English as well:) 47 does seem a smidgen old for you...hmm however I've just realized all the actors I find attractive are waaaay too old for me.
Sean Bean (47) Tony Todd(53) Alan Rickman (60) Adam Baldwin (43) ( I could go on, but eeek I may need to start working on some younger crushes!!)
Edit- don't know why that just double posted. It acted like it didn't sorry folks:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:20 AM


Morning all.

RUGBUG- My intentions are this: I wish for a woman to have her own time and own things to do. I really do not require much upkeep at all. In fact, I prefer a woman that needs time. I too lead a very involved life filled with work and family obligations. The things I like to do with my spare time don't always involve womenfolk. I'm just saying that when all is said and done, when its time to be with one another, I ask for that to be our time.If a woman told me that I couldn't spend time with my ponies, (Truck and Rez' Rod)I'd be plenty pissed. I agree that an SO cannot be the sole source of happiness for anyone. Everyone must have their own thing. Otherwise they end up lonely and broke and stuck with an SO that expects too much. Besides, how many women out there would really go bounce around in the desert mountains for three to five days looking at the sights with no shower in the near future. Or sit at the range in 105 degree heat sighting rifles or running drills. I've met a few, but most of them were related to me. I need to get out more!

TRISTAN- Always had a huge soft spot for the war horses of old. There is a family up the road from here who've bred Belgians for years. Magnificent animals. Our area is famous for the mustang. Small but not useless. Though, I would not subject such a small creature to burden themselves with much more than my pack gear.

MSG- Enjoying all the DP goodness? Naughty teacher lady Who has a problem with the age thing? (raises hand) Alot of the guys my age in the immediate area are always chasing High School girls. How F'd up is that? Wish I could help people make more posative choices in their lives. Maybe a mandatory sterilization campaign for disagreeable people? Oh hell, glad I brought my knife!
Now that I look at it, I don't require a whole lot of attention. I think a hug and a kiss from time to time might do me some good. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Thank for the comments. I was stuck at work last night until 11:00 and started talking out my ass at about 9:00. Just got a sudden boost of aggression and... I'll shut up now


Thursday, June 29, 2006 6:40 AM


you never need to shut up NV. I think you do just fine:) I do however wish you'd stop saying things that make you sound like my perfect guy... You like guns, horses, Firefly, independent smart women, and you're smart and cute...WOW if I weren't taken...I'd be in a car on the way to Nevada right this very second!!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:14 AM


Must communicate my fondness for women who'd been cut. I absolutely love tattoos. Not big on the piercings, but some do seem to be placed well. I really hate the dumb little girls running around showing their ink and holes. So many of the girls in this town are so unhappy with themselves that they altered something and end up unhappy with what they'd done. The guy who does my work( John @ Outsiders 775 980 7699) is a true artist that really talks through a piece rather than just selling crap or running a boutique like so many others. I must say that heartfelt, significant pieces always flow very well on a womans body.

MSG, Did you say bullet bike?

I'm a little slow. Please forgive the off topic posting. I just really like ink.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:28 AM


yeah I did say bullet bike:) and may I also say esspresso lip gloss!! just picked it up while I was out;)For me a tattoo is meant to be symbolic to represent an ideal or have special meaning. That's why I'm getting a serenity tattoo to celebrate my 33rd birthday and all the great changes I have made in my life:) I personally like a tattoo or so on a guy/girl as long as it's tasteful and easy to cover in situations where tattoos are less appropriate:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:34 AM


Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

And yes, the boobs are a little unwieldy, lol. The important thing to remember about bra sizes though, is that it's determined by the difference in inches. Double-F just means that I have a 10 inch difference between my ribcage and my bust measurement. My ribcage is 27" and my bust is 37", so while the difference is rather large, the final measurement isn't all that big. I can usually buy tshirts off the rack no problem. It's just things like swimsuits and dresses, which have to fit elsewhere, that are the problem. And having a bra that fits correctly has done wonders for my clothes fitting correctly, not to mention easing the back pain, lol.

I have thought about a reduction, and will probably have one in 10 years or so. Right now I have a lot of other health issues that are preventing me from having any surgery that isn't absolutely necessary. Someday though. :P

As far as age difference goes, I tend to think the older you get the less it matters. My hubby is 8 years older than me, and while that seemed like almost too big of an age difference when we started dating, it only ever comes up now when old songs come on the radio, lol. My grandfather's wife is 12 years younger than him, but once you're both in retirement, I don't think anyone notices, lol. Actually, now that I think about it, the vast majority of my family have married someone a few years older or younger than them. Even my brother who is getting married in August is marrying an older woman, hehe.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:36 AM



OK since I am older and meaner I will claim that I thought of the Serenity Logo tattoo first. It will be my story and I am sticking to it. I came home from the movie, saw the logo on the computer and told my kids I was getting one. I just need to get rid of this 20 pounds of prednisone weight and the 150 pounds of A weight that is the ex and I will be on the way to the tattoo parlor.

NV - I really dislike tattoos that can be seen in polite society - mine are on the small of my back and my hip. I do not mean to offend anyone - but I hate seeing a really nicely dressed girl in a fancy outfit with a huge tatto on her sholder or somewhere visible. It just doesn't sit right. I also, btw HATE sleaves on men. Its too much! I think every tattoo should have a meaning and I just can't see that there is a meaning to all 400 on a mans arms.

Now you will all think I am a fuddy duddy.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:47 AM


FMF_ um I think if you use the word fuddy duddy it automatically makes you one:) Just kidding you know we'd all be happy to help you with that 150 extra pound ex..I bet if we hit it hard enough it'll fall off and die:) Hey I think it was the simultaneous impulse of 2 intelligent, charmins, fabulous women...we should sync up and get them on the same day or something:)
CK- I'm so impressed that you can sew. I always wanted to be able to sew. I took a sewing class in school and after sewing my hair ( at the time waist length) into a waistband and then attempting a pair of shorts and coming up with a complete waistband and both legs on one side...I've given up! As for the chest thing...Since I've had these since 7th grade( oh holy hell that was 1987) when I weighted 90 pounds and I still have them even though I lost 120 pounds I'm kinda done with mine, but I figure if they work for you...go for it. Oh and out of curiosity have you ever had people assume you've had implants? I once had a woman I had never met come up to me and say "oh hon don't you know how dangerous those implants are?" Wanted to smack her!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:50 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Boobs are distracting.

They sure are!

FMF: I don't think you're a fuddy duddy...especially since you're younger than me! I do agree on the tats. I've never been overly fond of them, but especially the public ones...male or female!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:55 AM


MSG- Bullet bike and expresso lip gloss. Hmmmm? That won't be leaving my mind for a bit.

CK- What kinda health problems are we talking about? Don't mean to pry, just concerned for my fellow BROWNCOATS.

FMF- You in no way bear any likeness to Elmer Fudd. (Giggles) I have to keep my pieces under wraps working in a facility with teens and all. Some sleeves are good and some are bad. It is all about taste and artistic expression. I must say that alot of the trainings and conferences I attend have alot of folks wearing long pants, long skirts, and long sleeved shirts. Alot of these folks are revered doctors and lawyers and working professionals. Kinda strange to see these people relaxing in another setting with a mix of elegant color and old street gang tat's.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 7:56 AM


FMF, I agree with you. Anything done to excess doesn't always sit right with me.

When I was on the high school swim team, Alex Bauman was swimming for Canada in the Olympics (Now I show just how old I am). He had a Fleur de Lis (french thing) tattoo on his pec. I wanted to get a maple leaf. Still to date toy with the idea. But I'm not 17 anymore, while I'm still in decent shape, I'm not sure if I'm "too old" for it now. Plus I'm not keen on shaving my chest all the time.

Now I'm being the fuddy duddy...

Safeat2nd, Chief Handyman of Destiny


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:02 AM


I didn't get one until 1996. I figured I was old enough at that point. So age isn't the issue. If you want one, then get it. But remember, it never goes away! Even if you have it lasered, the tattoo will still be there in the skin, it just won't have color. Dang, a Fleur de lis sounds cool!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:03 AM




Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:03 AM


then put it on your back Safe:) I don't think you can be too old for a tattoo..'sides it's not like you're 90:) You're not even old silly;)
NV- yeah I always love it when we get grown ups at our school doing a tour or wanting to see our programs and they end up mixing or talking to one of my wild kids..the contrast is cute ( as is the slightly fearful look on the grown up's face)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:09 AM


Not...fuddy...why does everyone have tattoos but me?

Oh, the 14 thing. Right.

On surgery: I suffer from a common birth deformity which causes my chest to dome inwards, creating an odd little pocket of incredibly hard bone. Occassionally handy, usually a nuisance, as It drives me away from swimming and other shirtless activities. It is gone as soon as possible.

On this morning: Well, I did it. Picked up a nasty scratch from flipping that gorram go-se quad (its actually pretty dashing, so I shouldn't complain!) but I did manage to get to her house.

Nothing particularly earth-shattering happened. I got to her house at some ungodly hour (was late, actually, on account of the Baja)and talked to her, about pretty much everything from two years ago to the present. Then I told her everything I'd felt for the last two years.

Didn't laugh, which is good. Didn't do the 'here's a stalker back away,' which is better. She was kind of buffaloed, apparently having no clue of it.

After the nostalgia-confession, just sat on the lawn and said nothing. After a half-hour of comfortable silence, she started to talk.

Told me she didn't feel the same, but that I'm still a friend, and then I left.

So, didn't go half as bad as I thought it would.

Questions, comments, queries? Alright, back to tattooes!


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:10 AM


Yep, I've lost weight and mine haven't budged either, hehe. I've lost 25 lbs since my husband and I got together (mostly by eating healthier in an attempt to make *him* lose weight, but that hasn't seemed to work, lol, and these last 10lbs have been due to illness), so now I'm 5'2", 110lbs, with 30FFs. We moved to southern California a few years ago, so between the way I'm built and living in the implant capital of the world, I'm pretty certain that everyone thinks they're fake, hehe. The funny thing is, I was asked about it *before* we moved down here but not once since. Implants are just so normal here, no one thinks to ask. However, doctors do like to ask me twice if I've ever had surgery, lol. Hard not to just give 'em the old

My mom started teaching me to sew when I was 8, and I'm glad she did. It's come in handy for making my own swimsuits and formal dresses, but my real love is making costumes! I haven't made a Firefly outfit yet, but I've got sketches lying around, hehe.

Oh and health problems -- autoimmune diseases mostly. I have thyroid disease, and another they're still trying to diagnose. Lot of joint pain, mostly hips and knees, for about 2.5 years now. They've ruled out arthritis in the joints and any neurological causes, so now they're looking at autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation in the base of the spine. I'm on a pile of prescriptions for all the different aspects of this, and I walk with a cane when I get really run down. My doctors are really careful about changing anything about my set up for fear that it'll aggravate this disease (they won't give me the flu shot because they're afraid it will make my over-aggressive immune system flip out again and attack something new), so surgery for breast reduction has to be put on hold. At this point I just want a diagnosis, so I know what I'm dealing with and what the long-term prognosis is.

But I really can't complain. Other than this health thing, my life is pretty sweet. I married a great guy, have a job that I love (working for my dad, no less!), and we just bought a place here in SoCal, so even the weather is good. My entire family are Browncoats (all nine of us, I kid you not -- though we're going to have to work on my brother's fiancée) and I'm close with all of them. Things are really really good. I just have some pain and get run down in the evenings, so I have to take it easy and sometimes walk with a cane. Things could be much, much worse. But thanks for your concern. :)


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:12 AM


Way to go 13!!!! You rock! Even if she didn't reciprocate you still showed a lot of confidence and courage and that by the way is the big secret to getting girls. If you have self confidence, you can usually attract any girl you're interested in. Not many 14 year old guys have the courage to lay it all out there like that so I am very impressed!
EDIT_ CK wow you are fantastic! It's so terrific to see someone with health problems who can be so positive and upbeat.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:14 AM



Originally posted by 13:
Not...fuddy...why does everyone have tattoos but me?

Oh, the 14 thing. Right.

On surgery: I suffer from a common birth deformity which causes my chest to dome inwards, creating an odd little pocket of incredibly hard bone. Occassionally handy, usually a nuisance, as It drives me away from swimming and other shirtless activities. It is gone as soon as possible.

Pectorus Excavatum. #2 has that. He is 15 and needs the surgery this summer. Are you having the bar put in, or the concave broken and reset?

Well I am sorry she doesn't return the feelings, but at least she knows, it is off you chest and you still have a friend!


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:15 AM


Hello, again, all...been away for a few hours, but I'm back...

NVGhostrider...see, if I didn't like the women-folk so much, I might be on my way to see you, too. I used to live in AZ, and we would often go tramping out into the desert in the middle of summer with all our guns...I miss those days!

Tatoos...I would like one, and will probably get one when I find an artist I trust...we have a lot of them around here, but I'd like to know who's putting ink in me before I sit down. Already have a design decided on, too.

I've got a bit of work to catch up on...I shall return shortly.



Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:18 AM


"I don't believe there is a power in the 'verse that can stop Kaylee from being cheerful."

I definitely have my bad days, but the rest of the time I use that as my mantra, lol.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:19 AM


SAFE- Do It! Age has nothing to do with it. Symbolism and pride does. I'm not much for the Canadian aspect, but FMF's future MR is and I'd hate to piss her off.

FMF: You naughty women and all the Double Postey goodness! (Tries to stay on FMF's good side in fear of the earlier Canadian reference)

MSG- Luckily only a few of our kids have seen any of my tattoos and scars. Alot of the kids we see are quite atounded when they see the ink floating in our facility. Hell, even one of my co-workers/cousins who I'd known for forever was shocked when she found out that we frequent the same artist. You live in SLC, right? Makes sense, the shock and awe from a parent. (My little brother is LDS).


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:23 AM


I'll probably have to get the bar.


'I don't know. He seems kind of peculiar.'

'Maybe he's Canadian!'


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:39 AM


NV- yup I live in SLC. My tat isn't visible for the most part although when I was doing stage crew last year I was leaned over the stage edge fixing a mic connect and I hear a student behind me sa" nice tat Ms.G" I about died :)My Serenity tattoo is going to be on the back of my neck or on my left front hip can't decide.

I may be rambling I am in a salad coma...made a homemade salad for lunch of baby greens, tomatos, avacado, left over chicken castellina, and vinegarette...mmmmmmmmmmmm sorry salad rhapsody over now

13- that sounds scary...HUGS

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, June 29, 2006 8:55 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Even if she didn't reciprocate you still showed a lot of confidence and courage and that by the way is the big secret to getting girls. If you have self confidence, you can usually attract any girl you're interested in.

Heh, I'm 26 and I'm still trying to find the right one. It's hard sometimes. I just moved to Dallas and know very few people, and I'm not much for bars or clubs.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:08 AM


13- You may never know how proud I am to call you a fellow BROWNCOAT. Not alotta young men these days are willing to bare their hearts to anyone let alone the subject of their affections. Hoohay for 13!!! So, ate crap on the way there huh? Was someone in a hurry. Had a co-worker whose little guy had the same problem with his chest. He's still too small to have it corrected. I wish you the best of luck.

MSG: Funny thing I observed on SLC. So many LDS buisness owners tend to outsource work to non LDS folks. Most of those jobs are the ones the church don't agree with too much. Love and hate the town alot. Think the same about Vegas. Nice to visit and nice to leave behind. Utah drivers really put love and faith in my heart. You can tell alot of folks in SLC are close to god by the way they drive. Plenty of guardian angels on those freeways.
I have to say their is definately something in the water in SLC. Lotta eye candy. Everyone should go there at least once.

Ramble, ramble, mumble, mumble. Think I'll eat lunch now. Left over enchiladas and rice.


Thursday, June 29, 2006 9:24 AM


Please stop talking about food you guys. I'm stuck at work and have no money.

Speaking of food, I was watching the View one day when one of the ladies referred to the Food Network as porn. And in a way she's right. So does anyone else here consider food to be an aphrodisiac?


"What you plan and what takes place ain't ever exactly been similar."






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