Male and Female Imponderables--Soft, What Light...

UPDATED: Friday, July 7, 2006 06:35
VIEWED: 11191
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Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:18 AM


Tristan- we humbly thank you for violating your secret oath ( also that was such a cute speech I hope your cute wife reads it)HUGS

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 5:33 AM


PR, sorry, couldn't let that one go
Yes, that is a very effective on switch for males, but sometimes other things need to be done, too. Most of the time, I am ready and willing, just waiting for the "go" signal, but there are times I am almost in the mood, but not quite...a bit of convincing is needed. Those are usually the sessions that are the most intense and fulfilling.

MSG, thank you! The wife falls into that category. She can wake up first thing in the morning, sleepy-eyed, yawning, hair all over the place, and she is the most beautiful creature in the world to me.



Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:18 AM


ok that is just sooooo cute Tristan:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:26 AM


On the male 'switch' thing - there are indeed things that turn me on (generally just the willingness to have sex with me is a turn on)....
But seriously, once you've been together as long as my wife and i, there is usually an unspoken acknowledgement of each others wants and needs - sort a mental thing - we do have certain buzz words to indicate our moods - like my wife will say - "this is a good time to get naked under sheets..." and bingo... we eventually end up there - the main thing is to respect each other and never force your partner to do something that he or she doesn't want to do.

One of the most important things we've learned is to never go to bed mad at each other - we may stay up most of the night working out some silly little disagreement, but we always end up in an embrace before sleep - Once we learned this, it has served us well and i highly recommend it.
Now, sometimes i wake up grumpy for whatever reason (i am the bear of the family), but it's never from an argument that carried over from the night before. (and sometimes there's blueberry pancakes....bonus)


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:34 AM


Dayve, I agree totally. I have been married twice, and the first wife and I went to bed mad for the last six months of our marriage. I considered that marriage the "test run" I know what not to do. This marriage has more communication (still working out the kinks in that, but it's getting there), and we have not yet had a serious fight. There have been a few disagreements, but nothing major. We wil be married two years in October. We are still learning to gauge each other's moods. We dated for about two years before marrying, but marriage has changed some things, and it takes a bit of adjusting...and I love every minute of it!



Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:36 AM


Mornin' to all you wonderful Browncoats.

M4P- Right on! Good catch. Keep the ball rollin'.

MSG- Guys need to be told, even dominated from time to time. Soft and subtle and cuddly is good most of the time, but to be outright ruled over and tore apart is a good way of showing a guy you really love (and want) him. Just one dumb guys opinion.

RUGBUG- Vacation? Whats that?

TRISTAN- Alot of women I've asked never seem to understand that early morning haze. The only visual comparison I had was those cheesy over saturated romantic scenes filmed throughout the seventies. Where all is blurry and distorted except for the incredible being passing before our eyes. Wow, I miss that feeling. Thanks guys.

Think I'll get a cupa coffee.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:37 AM


Morning all!

So being that I live in the House of Warcraft (we're both huge World of Warcraft players), I have something that might help answer the question of where the "on" switch goes during WoW stints:


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:39 AM


Morning NV:) Enjoy the coffee... and hmm may have to try that!
Early morning haze....I see so would that be a good time to ask stuff??? Keep trying to get my husband to take ballroom dancing with me and he isn't really into it:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:45 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

CK, glad you like it, but I have to lodge my complaint against that game. I was constantly competing against it for Ex of Doom's attention. And on a (probably not really) unrelated note, it was shortly after he met a girl who was really into it that we started having problems.

I want someone to think I'm the most beautiful creature in the world....




Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:49 AM


that was so funny.

oh dear, I think my brother and his girlfriend have to see that one.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 6:51 AM


CK- my husband just about died laughing and had me email that link to him:) it was great! Also he wants to know what server you two are on:)
EDIT- PR I think you're beautiful and yes I know the pain of competing with WOW...actually my husband's really good( for the most part) about asking if I am ok with I'm ok with him being on or making a point of having time for couples nights:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:01 AM


Well with the geeky tech girl thing comes the geeky gamer girl thing. I've been playing games as long as I can remember, and although we're spread to the four winds now, my family still gets together for an old fashion Dungeons & Dragons session once a year, usually the night before or the night after Christmas. My hubby and I met because of MMOGs (massively multiplayer online games) like WoW (though it was before WoW came out), and when we first moved in together, we went out and bought a gigantic dining room table. It could seat 8 comfortably, but we just have our computers on it. It's nice, because even when I don't feel like playing, I can still sit right beside him as he plays, while I read the FFF boards.

MSG, our characters have gotten really spread out since our group of friends keeps moving, but we're mainly on Hyjal, Dark Iron, and Black Dragon Flight these days.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:03 AM


my hubby's on Silverhand:) Sounds like you have a good system there CK. It's always great when you share interests and get together time:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:04 AM


Morning, NVG! May your cup of coffee be always full of the wonderful awakening elixir!

I agree with you...every now and then, ladies, ambush your SO, rip off his clothes, have your way with him, and leave him a whimpering, sweaty puddle of twitching nerves. That is always appreciated.

Never got into WoW, but my wife is also a pretty serious gamer...more so on the consoles, but she does her fair share of PC gaming. Those are fun nights, when the two of us stay up playing games. Games have never come between us spending time together, though, but I have heard of it happening. Never made sense to me.



Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:13 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*hugs Ms G*
I'm a limited gamer. I like console gaming; Nintendo, if you wanna get specific. Mario, if you wanna get more specific. I kicked ass at Super Mario 64, MarioKart, and Super Smash Brothers. Now I have a GameCube and kick even more ass at Double Dash! and Smash Bros. Melee. Haven't gotten into Super Mario Sunshine, though; I miss 64 Mario. With the hitting and kicking and powerful jumping and actual ability to control him. Yoshi is cool, though, if he is a little hard to get out of those damn eggs sometimes.
I play little tiny arcade computer games, too, and I have incredible Minesweeper scores, but that is mostly the extent of my gamer geekiness. A lot of games make me motion sick becuase their graphics are so "advanced" and they move... I dunno, almost too smothly, with lots of pixel transisions and other things. Blah.
As for tabletop, I was ruined for that because I played with a group of nasty snobs who were irritated because the GM gave me a very powerful character to start out with, probably not expecting me to actually use it, but I did and I killed a lot of things. They kept saying things like "That's not the way it works!" and I would say "But, they're all crispy critters! Is that not what we want?" They were jerks. The game world blew up and I stopped going, haven't done it since. I never got the rules of the dice, anyway. Ex of Doom tried to get me to game with him and his friends, but I couldn't make it down and plus I was the only girl in the room. Didn't go far with that. More blah.
You'd think he would be happy with a girl who would play naked Lego Star Wars and Double Dash with him! But oh no..
Sorry, tangeant. I will stop.

I need to be sleeping soon.




Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:23 AM


Well though of course a lot of this couple stuff I can't comment on....

I will say, here's to Tristan, I think he's absolutely correct, despite what I just said about my perspective. Can't really put my finger on the wording, but I agree with him, specially when it comes to comparisons between being all dressed up and not. Imho, it's not that big a change in appearance, so why can't folk be pretty when all messed up and bleary eyed?

Ahh, now WoW, I unfortunately can weigh in on. I'm sort of a recovering WoW player, i've canceled my account several times, even at this moment, dunno if i'll pick it up again. Imo, the only reason to play WoW is because you have friends who play it. (I had originally quit, and then i started again because i knew people playing it) Why? Because outside of doing things with people (in the virtual way) it's not that fun of a game. Really. It's not. At all. It's downright boring, unless you've got folk to play it with.

Another problem with WoW: no one in a given facinity will be playing on the same server. And my problem with WoW has been, people you play with change servers, or are different level than you.

Point is, WoW is really a hard game to get real enjoyment out of. If CalforniaKaylee, you and your SO manage to play together (being different levels is a pain), then more power to you, WoW is something to do. But if your situation doesnt fit that exact thing, where both partners play, same server same level, it seems to me to be a bad time sink in a relationship.

Ok, sorry, don't often get a chance to hate WoW on these forums.

Edit: See above post, Rose has it right, games where the other person is right there with you, it's a social thing! And um.... yeah.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:24 AM


PR, I totally get what you're saying, and it's something I hear a lot. For me, though, being the only girl in the room is the default, and anything else is disconcerting. Hubby and I went to a party last year with a bunch of the guys we play WoW with -- first time I was meeting a lot of them in person -- and we walk in, and I go over to talk to the women folk clustered in the corner. We all make our introductions, then the first thing out of their mouths was "Don't you hate how much they talk about WoW?!" I just sort of stood there with my mouth opened, having no idea how to answer that. I spent the rest of the night talking about WoW with the guys.

I'm *terrible* at making friends with women. Horrible, awful. Other than the one best friend I've had since grade school, all my female friends are gamers. And even then, we're talking about one woman I go out with occasionally, one I talk to online since we no longer live in the same area, and two I see at parties. Thankfully my two younger sisters have the same issues, so we all get along really well.

I know I've mentioned it before, but that scene in Shindig, where the other girls make fun of Kaylee's dress, and then she ends up talking to all the men about engines, that's really me, lol. I have the hardest time carrying on conversations with women who aren't gamers. (At least IRL. Online, I seem to be able to make friends much easier. Maybe it's because there isn't the whole body language thing, and the awkward silences thing.)


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:25 AM



Originally posted by msg:
I see so would that be a good time to ask stuff??? Keep trying to get my husband to take ballroom dancing with me and he isn't really into it:)

Well, MSG, being a social dancer myself, mostly swing, (although if a guy can lead it, I can usually follow it) I would say a lot of men aren't into ballroom dancing. It's a little sissy (those shoes are enought to turn all but the most secure men away) and SO prim and proper.

I'm often asked to teach couples how to dance for their wedding. My first comment is that I WILL NOT teach them the foxtrot, or waltz, or even an easy east coast swing, if they don't already know how to dance. I'm sure we've all been witness to that painfully horrible first foxtrot with the groom counting to himself and watching his feet and the bride just trying to keep up and not backlead. It's no fun for anyone. Dancing shouldn't be something you are just trying to get through.

I end up teaching just basic lead/follow and how to find the rhythm. From there I show a couple turns/spins and it ends up looking natural and easy for that single dance.

I personally don't think you need to know how to do the foxtrot or whatever to have fun social dancing. If a guy can hold you correctly and find the rhythm and then just move about the floor, it's all good. One of my most memorable dances was at my friend's wedding, dancing with her 60+ year old father. I still tell her I'm going to go kidnap him and take him dancing. We didn't do a specific dance, but I could just relax in his arms and let him do all the work b/c he knew exactly how to lead. There's not many men my age that understand that.

So the point of all this is don't tell him you want to learn to ballroom dance, tell him you just want to take a few basic lessons so that you're comfortable being out there. Once he's comfortable doing that, he may be more willing to go for the specific dance lessons. It's a huge turn on to dance with someone who knows what they are doing. (and side point, east coast swing is one of the easiest dances to learn and might be a way into the more formal social dances).


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:26 AM


I have always loved console RPG's. Left me in a space of my own for exploring and destroying things. And secretly, I do like the story lines. Damn those Final Fantasy influences.
Ms. Questionable likes online gaming. Her confession to me: "I like playing online, but I like playing alone. My charecter is a chick with big boobs that kicks ass. One guy tried to follow me around so I killed him and took his stuff."
Mixed feelings about that. Excited and scared at the same time. Is that a bad thing?

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:39 AM


Rugbug, you're my hero. Classical/ballroom/etc is just plain... I dunno, it's better than the gyrating modern culture calls dance. Wish more people my age felt that way.

As for NV's thing about playing online games alone.... ok, here comes another spiel.

To me, RPGs (computer, not the social kind of pen/paper) are about one of two things. Story, or meaning. A story is something that takes you along, it's escapist, I love a good story, it's just plain fun, letting the narrative play out. That to me is fun.

Option number two. When you cant find a story (lets face it, MMO's really have no traceable storyline) you look for meaning in what you do. To play an online game alone (believe me i've done it, see my post about WoW) is to play a single player RPG (albeit a pretty bad one, because the world must remain 100% the same for the next player) but with some semblance of purpose, because you can share your character and your accomplishments with others, even if you dont know them. The time you spend on your character is not time wasted because the character can be better than other characters, or something like that.

Switching to personal, eventually i realized there was no point, if i'm not playing the game with someone, i'm just watching my character massacre lifeless pixel-stuffed animals, over and over, in the hope of making my pile of pixels character look better, or kill stuffed animals better than the next guy. Yeah, i'm jaded.

So that's my existential crisis with WoW.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:42 AM


Rugbug...ah, classic dance! Can't do it to save my life, but I like it ever so much more than what passes as dancing these days. I agree with Whitefall on this. Personally, I like slow "hugging while moving".

NVG...not sure about that...gave me an idea, though. Find her online, track her down, kill her and take all her stuff. See how she deals with that! Sort of an online head-shaving party!



Thursday, July 6, 2006 7:50 AM


RUGBUG- My head is in a bit of a whirl just hearing you talk about dancing. Aside from the two step swing and the twist, I'm one of the dancefloor challenged. Traditional Native dances are an individual dancing with a group so the concept of dancing with a partner is almost lost to me. Always felt like I was fighting rather than cooperating with a partner. Though, fighting is not all that different of a concept. Huh, think I just figured it out, Thanks.

MSG- It may be good to postpne asking for too much when your guy is in mid haze. He may not remember later on what was asked of him. I know I did.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:20 AM


NVG, I have always heard the statement "Never give a sword to a man who can't dance"...Celtic saying, actually. I am living proof that that statement need not always be followed. I do not dance all that well, but put a sword in my hand and I become Barishnikov...ok, that may be stretching it a bit...I have better control over my body when concentrating on something else...



Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:23 AM


Whitefall, NV, comepletely agree with you about console RPGs.

I grew up playing video games, all the way back to the Atari. But what I've always really loved were RPG's. I started out playing Zelda on the Gameboy, and eventually moved on to the Final Fantasy series. I remember being blown away at the graphics when FFVII came out. But I think the best part was the storylines. At a particular point in FFVII (you guys know what I'm talking about), I was near tears. So was my brother, who happens to be a 6'4'', sword-carrying, bad-ass.

I never got into the online games much. The only online game I've ever really played was Diablo, and even then I was more content to play by myself. Too anti-social to game with other people, I guess.


"I...won't be just a memory."


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:26 AM


I may be doing some research on the whole idea you've put forth. Seems like I would have plenty of help on the whole "virtual shaving party" idea.
We're evil.
I like it.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:33 AM


NVG, that is what we are here for. To discuss Imponderables and ocassionally destroy an individual who crosses one of our owns' path.



Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:47 AM


Destroy? I don't know. It makes me feel bad to talk like that about her. Besides, I may have to utelize the program she works for (assists with childcare fundage).
Man do I sound like a huge puss or what?!?!

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 8:55 AM


Ok...destroy is bad, about "unhinge"?



Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:26 AM


Unhinge may work. A jarring of the senses may be in order. Called for the appointment, (just remembered to do so), and she sounded a bit concerned and a little scared to talk to me. Might not have helped that my buisness only, don't get in my way voice was in full effect. Not that I wanted to sound mean or angry, but there is plenty to be angry about.

P.S. Thanks for the encouraging words. All will be fine. Just need some time to adjust. On the brighter side, I do have the chick magnets to utelize. Trying not to feel guilty about that, but I might as well get something out of the whole ordeal.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:38 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
On the brighter side, I do have the chick magnets to utelize. Trying not to feel guilty about that, but I might as well get something out of the whole ordeal.

Don't you dare feel guilty about that. It's not like you're just borrowing them for that purpose. You're the real deal. And really, the only reason they work as magnets is because they suggest to the womenfolk that you are caring, supportive, responsible and least in some ways. IMHO, if you are taking these magnets on, then you ARE those things and it's okay to let the world know. Thus sayeth Rugbug.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:47 AM


NV-UMMM are you feel guilty because you took 2 kids in to give them a happy life?????? Hey that makes you a big damn hero arriving in the nick of time!!!! I think you're great to do that and that by the way is what women respond to over the little munchkins. It's the sight of a guy nurturing and taking care of little helpless beings and enjoying it that makes them all gooey!

As for the dancing thing...I don't want to be competition level or something. It's just I spent from age 5-18 as a professional ballet/modern dancer and I'd really like to go out and dance as a couple not just the arms around each other swaying thing, but actually dancing. well another little fantasy bites the dust...oh well:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:57 AM


To the dancing: I can't dance in public, at least not in any freeform way, dances with steps I can learn are good. This is one of the primary reasons why I think that the Shindig shindig is my type of party. That and the opportunity to wear formal clothes.
On that issue, I'm a guy and I have always enjoyed wearing formal clothes. Is this normal or just another manifistation of my tragic lack-of-space dementia?


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:13 AM


I used to dance. Feet got in the way, though.


'It's Braedan. With an A.'

'Shiny moments aren't a destination any of us get to, and stay put forever. They're unknowable, brief flashes in time. That's what makes them shiny.' -GorramReevers


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:14 AM


If anyone couldn't tell, I have a huge hero complex. Most people don't understand the dirty work such a person has to undertake. Over half my life I'd been seen in a different light as other people so needless to say, ego does sometimes factor in to a lotta things. I think thats why I'll go the extra mile for folks, even at my own expense. I don't care what people think of me or how I look to them. Just that I did the job and did it right. But in my line of work I see the results of people not holding up their ends all the time. Even kids from good homes and families cross my path. I wish I could help everybody. Maybe this will be my cotribution. Strange, isn't it usually actual parents who think like this? If they don't then I wonder why?

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:15 AM


That'll sort itself in a few years 13:) Just keep trying...and I thought we were calling you 14 now:)
AS for wearing formal clothes...go for it! wear what you like and to h*ll with what others think!

EDIT- NV I think you and I are doomed to ask that question for between handing out the food, cleaning up the injuries, teaching the needed skills, and providing the love an support of course:) I figuer we just do what we gotta and it'll work out in the end.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by msg:

As for the dancing thing...I don't want to be competition level or something. It's just I spent from age 5-18 as a professional ballet/modern dancer and I'd really like to go out and dance as a couple not just the arms around each other swaying thing, but actually dancing. well another little fantasy bites the dust...oh well:)

Ah, you're a REAL dancer. I just pretend. I took tap for a while, but quit when I bought my horse. There just wasn't time. Makes me sad because it was a blast. And the best part was regularly getting my arse kicked by the senior citizens.

Don't give up on the dancing. Just mask it as something else. Like say, all you need to get is a frame and a concept of rhythm and let the fun begin. And the frame that I am talking about is not the ballroom frame. It's very, very close with little room for anything else between you. That alone should be enjoyable enough for him to give it a try. There's nothing like being led around the floor, just giving yourself over to his will. This coming from someone who doesn't let anyone tell her what to do. Ah, dancing.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:24 AM


yeah I loved dancing, sadly it didn't love me. Little accident ( fell during a complex lft) and my right ankle got twisted about 350 degrees. Ripped the muscles and tendons through and sheared the bones. Got it fixed, but it won't hold up to real I moved on to something almost as good...teaching ( it sounds weird, but I loved dancing more than breathing so that's why teaching isn't quite as good)USed to be good though...made prima of the best modern dance company in the Western U.S. before...
Moving on to happy things now.. my cat has successfully learned to manipulate the dogs into getting him treats...little devil:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:36 AM


I just don't get MMORPGs. I tried WoW when it was in open beta. I finished a couple "kill x number of some monster" quests which really sounded like "waste 15 minutes then come back" quests. Then I got bored and ran out of town. I got about 5 feet and a spider kicked my butt. A friggin spider!! That's when I quit playing.

On the other hand I just recently got back into playing Diablo 2. I just love planning out a character and building him up just to see how well he can do in hell difficulty. They really got the equation right with that game. Other than that I don't play too many videogames these days.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:07 AM


ok on an odd topic...
Have you ever wished/wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite gender...and if you were the opposite gender for one day, what would you do?

I have to admit, I am curious to see what it would feel like to actually have upper body strength:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:15 AM


Everyone has to be real with their answers to this one. I would probably touch myself most of the day, play dressup, possibly get drunk, but no sex. Unless of course its with another woman. Or at least someone else who'd switched bodies for the day.

Wondered, yes. Wished, No.

Okay, maybe a little.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:20 AM


see I just really want to know what it's like to pee standing up...ok I know how that sounds, but's such an odd and alien concept...I get curious about the weirdest things:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:25 AM


Man for a day to do list:

1. Enjoy the freedom of peeing outside without squatting.
1a. Contemplate how much better using an outhouse is for men than for women.
2. Go on a job interview to see how differently I was treated (would I really get more money and a more upwardly mobile entry level position?).
3. Go to bar and hit on women to understand exactly how hard it really is
3a. Get me some casual sex...if possible
4. Walk around without my shirt on, which might lead to 3a, if I was cute enough.
5. Try out the wonders of BBQ what the fuss is about

Edited to say: Great minds and all that, MSG. Peeing was the first thing I thought of too.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:34 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Everyone has to be real with their answers to this one. I would probably touch myself most of the day, play dressup, possibly get drunk, but no sex. Unless of course its with another woman. Or at least someone else who'd switched bodies for the day.

That pretty much sums it up. I would do a lot of touching and seeing what causes what. Could give some major insight into pushing the right buttons. Still wouldn't want a guy jumping on me though. That would just be unsettling.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:36 AM


I don't know what i'd want to do if I were a man for the day, can't say that the thought ever crossed my mind. And even thinking about it now, can't think of anything i'd particularly like to do.
The closest i've ever come to that kind of idea was idly wondering how boinking felt for a guy. But i don't think i'd really wish to find out. I shall ponder, and get back to you.

Hey! whats wrong with the gyrating and the shaking of butts on the dancefloor!?!
Its fantastic, literally the most fun you can have with your clothes on. Everything from leaping about a pit to slinky dancing with a partner, just to find a rhythm and do what ever the hell you please? I can't see how that can be bettered.

I'd love to learn to "proper" dance. I've always wanted to learn to waltz, the kind that goes very very fast and twirly, and if I ever move back to London i'd be joining a minuet company I know of who do displays of 17th & 18c. dances in full costume, but they'd still never beat the absolute freedom of modern dancing. And as for the fun in being 'led' - just find a bloke (or a girl) with strong rhythm and let the slinkyness commence.

Plus i've never known anything to be such an endless source of amusement, not with out copious quantities of alchohol any way.
So to neatly link dancing and WOW (which i've never been interested in, so i couldn't comment)this was a little further down the page to the other link -



Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:37 AM


Okay ladies, peeing standing up is fantastic. I am the reigning distance champ between my brother and cousins, (9 1/2 feet). Kinda sucks when drunk. You HAVE to aim. No Fire and Forget.
Hitting on women ain't hard, neither is casual sex. Its wanting something of substance that is difficult. Its the general concensus that men just want sex. Well, yes it is. But like alot of women some guys need more than just an offer.


Sorry distracted for a moment.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:38 AM


Lol, peeing standing up was the very first thing I thought of too.

I also assume I'd be taller. I hope I'd be taller. Being a guy but still being 5'2" would suck.

I'd never wish for it, but I have wondered about it. I think I'd be fairly scared of it, but if somehow that did happen, I think I would have to try out sex. Just seems like the sort of experience you couldn't pass up.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:43 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok on an odd topic...
Have you ever wished/wondered what it would be like to be a member of the opposite gender...and if you were the opposite gender for one day, what would you do?

I have to admit, I am curious to see what it would feel like to actually have upper body strength:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

Well, in no particular order:

1. Give birth to experience what that's like (minus the 9 months of fun prior)
2. Sex, to see what that's like as a female
3. Search for Mr. Right, but find Mr. Wrong all the time. Well... I kinda know how that is right now, but instead it's Ms. Wrong =(
4. Walk in high heels
5. Be subject to awful pick up lines by random guys.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:50 AM


I personally think that'd I'd be ok at being a guy, but I'd never want to be one...just stuff I'd like to know how it feels to do...Like be able to do more than a few chin ups, be able to really throw well( girls can throw well, but guys have different musculature and it allows for a different application of force so it comes out better)assuming I'd be the height of an average guy, I'd like to know how it feels to look someone over the age of 10 in the eyes, I'd like to know if guys really do feel and see things differently, I'd probably like to know what sex felt like from the other perspective...but mostly still just wanna know what it's like to pee standing:)
EDIT- and on that note. I have to go to the gym, but I'll be back in an hour:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:51 AM


Well 'coats, I'm out for the day. Off to take the baby to a WIC appointment. May take the suggestions and put them to work at the local grocery.
Love you all.

MAL: "What happen about me?"


Thursday, July 6, 2006 11:52 AM


i can write my name in the snow!....

never wanted to swap sexes.... but i have often wondered what it would be like to be a black man....

did somebody say they actually wanted to experience childbirth....yikes!

i guess it would be fun to see how many traffic tickets you could avoid.... (i know for a fact this happens)....
but i'm content to stay all manly - even with the funny parts!






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