Male and Female Imponderables--All the World's a Stage

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 08:09
VIEWED: 13179
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Monday, July 10, 2006 7:15 AM


Well happy birthday Rugbug, delayed or not!

Copilot... bah not sure what to say. The usual response is that whole deal about it being better to have loved n lost than to have loved, gotten married and lost... but that probably doesnt help

Arrg, everyone is so lonely! Let's all be lonely together!

Ok, on jealousy... my only real experience with jealousy has gotta be some of my best friends (who are predominantly female) also having boyfriends, and it just gets awkward. Not that i'm jealous of said boyfriends, but it still sorta bugs me. Eh, maybe that's not jealousy maybe that's awkwardness(TM).

Eh, anyone got any good news for us lonely hearts?

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 10, 2006 7:20 AM


Tristan - Just a busy week setting up for our Shakespeare auditions. I get alot dropped on me as company manager. But, now I'm back and ready for more questions.

Simon: What if he(Mal) tells you to kill me?
Zoe: (without hesitation) I kill you.


Monday, July 10, 2006 7:25 AM


Lysander, shiny! Again, it's good to see you back, and hope all goes well!

NVG...thinking of food today?



Monday, July 10, 2006 7:33 AM


It is better to have loved and lost then to never have to loved at all.

My only problem is since kissing new boy I havn't wanted anyone else to touch me! Yuck! I'm about to burst with the sexual build up! Masterbation hasn't helped. It did help me sleep for 20 minutes however.

An I carried such a torch


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:04 AM


Oh, thats so cute. Lucky him.

Whatever helps you sleep.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:36 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I am feeling the lonely pain.
Also the frustrated pain.
I get no exposure in my life. My job is solitary, my social life is small. I'm hoping it will grow with the Northern Colorado Browncoats, but that is turning into slow going.
No one sees me.
I have more life on this site than anywhere else. Partly because I can access it at work. So y'all see me, but no one else does.
Even when I'm out and about no one sees me.
And copilot, I'm sorry new boy isn't working out as you hoped. Not sure what to say about the dynamics of your former relationship... However, I envy your ability to find people to be with a little bit. I wouldn't want to have a string of relationships, but I wish it was easy enough for me that I could.
I've had no one in my bed but me since February. I haven't been sleeping very well in that time. No nightmares, I just can't fall asleep (hence why I'm up at this time of day). I can't relax and my craving for real sex is really starting to get to me. I agree with you on the masturbating not helping. I love sex, too, I always have. From my first kiss to my first time I've loved it. And I think it's the ultimate stress-relief on the planet (and beyond). And there's nothing like the real thing. The real real thing. With someone I can trust and love... But right now I'm close to just settling for something warm-blooded. I feel terrible about that. But I also feel like I'm wasting some good years of my life that should be spent having a wonderful time in bed. And other places.
Ok, words aren't expressing my frustration, so I'm just going to stop now.




Monday, July 10, 2006 8:40 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I am feeling the lonely pain.
Also the frustrated pain.
I get no exposure in my life. My job is solitary, my social life is small. I'm hoping it will grow with the Northern Colorado Browncoats, but that is turning into slow going.
No one sees me.
I have more life on this site than anywhere else. Partly because I can access it at work. So y'all see me, but no one else does.
Even when I'm out and about no one sees me.

Tweak a few things around, change the NCB to community theater, and you have my social stance. And what's worse, is all my friends are either gone to college or hooking up.

So, I know that frustration all too well.


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:44 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I am feeling the lonely pain.
Also the frustrated pain.
I get no exposure in my life. My job is solitary, my social life is small. I'm hoping it will grow with the Northern Colorado Browncoats, but that is turning into slow going.
No one sees me.

I've just worked out that this could be why I've gone from a complete shy camera phobe to constantly wanting to post picks over at the faces to names thread. I've been stuck at my parents house with no social life for many months now and I think a part of me is thinking that if I don't make someone see me I might fade away entirely. Hmm, not sure it's healthy to have my self image depend on other people's perceptions of me. Maybe I'm over thinking things though.

On the other topic, yes. Sex good. Miss it. Me want more.



Monday, July 10, 2006 8:53 AM


Gee, I sure am in the right thread. Just switch around a few details (substitute lack of sex to never had it) and I'm in the same boat as you guys.

It's funny. I just watched this episode of Buffy where a girl turns invisible because no one paid any attention to her. I feel like that a lot myself, especially when it comes to dating. Do you guys think it's possible to emit some weird pheromone that makes people not find you attractive, or at least not very interesting?


"I...won't be just a memory."


Monday, July 10, 2006 8:59 AM


Well, I just don't understand it at all. Sounds like Kenobius is single and lonely too and he is another super sexy FFF babe! Something is definately wrong with the world when such wonderful and gorgeous people as us are without partners. If it weren't for this pesky geography stuff I'd say we sould all meet up and breed a new generation of intelligent, sensitive and very fine looking browncoats!



Monday, July 10, 2006 9:00 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You know, that was the only episode of Buffy I ever watched all the way through ecause I love and adore Clea DuVall (the invisible girl)
I've been trying to decide what it is that makes people find me attractive or not. I cannot figure it.




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:01 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
Do you guys think it's possible to emit some weird pheromone that makes people not find you attractive, or at least not very interesting?

You probably weren't serious with this question, but I can tell you that while not a pheromone, you can definitely emit an "aura" that makes you unattractive. I've pondered it a ton, have even played around with it. Last wedding I went to I specifically decided to put off a "yes" vibe. Basically any guy I talked to was a possibility and didn't have to be anything other than alive. I had to really think about my reactions and how I was putting myself out there. Worked wonders. I was never alone, danced the night away with my choice of guys and then when the festivities ended at a cheesy bar (called "The Naughty Pine", couldn't pass that up ) in the wee hours the cutest...and nicest...guy in the place was all mine. It didn't lead to anything, and I didn't want it to, but it was a great lesson for me. "Yes" really works. And for clarification, it wasn't slutty "yes", just an open to the possiblity "yes". I did nothing that would embarrass myself....

Now I just need to continue practicing "yes" instead of "stay the F#$% away from me" which is my normal vibe.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:02 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Well, I just don't understand it at all. Sounds like Kenobius is single and lonely too and he is another super sexy FFF babe! Something is definately wrong with the world when such wonderful and gorgeous people as us are without partners. If it weren't for this pesky geography stuff I'd say we sould all meet up and breed a new generation of intelligent, sensitive and very fine looking browncoats!

I agree and am on board with that plan!




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:04 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

But... but I've had the "yes" vibe. I thought. Maybe I didn't really. Maybe it was at the wrong kind of place, a coffeeshop rather than a wedding.




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:04 AM


My birthday was 2 days after we signed the original now null agreement. He came over on my birthday and without mentioning the day yelled at me and called me the most vile things I have ever heard.

So hoping this year is a little nicer

As for the sex thing - ain't had nothin twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries about 18 MONTHS!


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:05 AM


Lol deep, in the same boat on the sex issue hehe.

Was also thinking of that buffy ep... hmmm maybe we all turn invisible and then go around pretending to be people's inner voices and tell them to bring Firefly back......


Yup, me i'm hanging around an empty house most of the time, damned summer, and I could go to the library or somesuch, but what's the point. Aint really one.

Arrg, did the entire thread just have an existential crisis/lonelyness pang?

bah, where's tristan when we need him, to regale us with tales of his marital bliss.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:08 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

You know Whitefall, I think maybe it did. More'n just a pang.




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:08 AM


PhoenixRose, from your posting on here, you are all about the "yes" vibe. I have some friends like that. One in specific doesn't have to put herself out there, people just come up to her. She's the one everyone always comments 'is sooooo nice.'

And really, no sex since Feb isn't that long in the grand scheme of things. You'll be finding someone soon, I'm sure.

FMF: what a tool. I will wish you much happiness from now until your birthday and ever after.

(sorry about all the grammar errors. Holy crap I type, then change what I wrote, retype but miss tenses, etc then post, then update, then see another. Eesh, it's exhausting. I should slow down and proof things first. Would save a lot of time...and embarrassment.)


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:11 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Yeah see but they don't though. I can't remember a single time when someone just "came up to me". Well, yes I can, but he was crazy. Like, in the bad way. Didn't realize it at first. That was tense.
Can you direct me to the nearest place to find someone? Please?




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:11 AM


I wish you to meet people with at least half a brain - so that they recognize how beautiful you are!


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:15 AM


PR, they tell me the grocery store, the gym, the bar. None work for me. Well, the gym works, and ocassionally the bar but the only guys that approach me are about 10-15 years older.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:18 AM



I get approached all the time. But they want my car! LOL


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:20 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I don't go to bars so that's right out. Especially if I want someone with half a brain. Grocery store? What kind of hook-up place is that? Have a nice room downstairs all set up for workouts, so I don't go to a gym. I keep trying at the indie coffeeshop, but with very minimal success. Lots of pretty people there doing lots of avoiding of my eyes. Internet dating/personal ads have never worked out for me. I'm stumped.
Also, I love you all and need to try that sleep thing again.




Monday, July 10, 2006 9:22 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
My birthday was 2 days after we signed the original now null agreement. He came over on my birthday and without mentioning the day yelled at me and called me the most vile things I have ever heard.

what a lying hypocritical sexist egotistical bigot.

And a schmuck too.


As for the sex thing - ain't had nothin twixt my nethers weren't run on batteries about 18 MONTHS!

All right, we already had the how-long-has-it-been talk, and I'm not admitting how long it's been for me again! Remember the virginity grown back thing? Well - mine has!!!

Damn - I just got the little top left picture of Mal kissing Saffron. focus on work... must focus... geology is just as sexy, really it is...

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:35 AM


If all the world's a stage... I want to operate the trapdoor!!!

With my man too long now...I couldn't tell you how to meet anyone. But joining a local Browncoat chapter might be a good start. There's one here in CO.

Yahoo group here,

I mean to confound these bungers!


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:37 AM


Lol that reminds me of this T-shirt our techs were hoping to make:

If all the world's a stage, the techies must be gods.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:40 AM


Mal - he is an idiot and not worthy of my contempt - he is so unimportant. My son keeps wanting to call and say BTW DAD I AM GAY!!!!!! Only, we try to have no contact whatsoever. Unless ofcourse he has figured out another way to cause stress and dismay and calls me at work.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:41 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

I get approached all the time. But they want my car! LOL

So what exactly do you drive...and where can I pick one up?

When I first bought my car, some guy approached me and asked me why I bought a manual transmission. I don't know if he was picking up on me, but I think it was probably more of a slam against women drivers. I told him I bought stick because I like to be in control, that I want to get the highest performance possible out of my machine and don't want to be hemmed in by some engineers ideas of how my engine should run. I think I scared him.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:41 AM


Sorry, all. Work's getting in the way of posting today.

I agree. All the Browncoats should get together and create a happy, shiny place outside the world where we can all be in bliss. Happy thoughts...

The "yes" vibe...see, I don't have it at all. I generally have the above-mentioned "get the @%&$ away from me" vibe. Does not do anything for the social life. But the good thing is that if people make it past that, they find the real me. It was good enough that the wife decided she could put up with it forever, so there you go. But again, I am not a social person, and that vibe has helped me remain that way.

FMF, the engine is always warm and ready for the kicking. :hugs: and



Monday, July 10, 2006 9:43 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:

Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:

I get approached all the time. But they want my car! LOL

So what exactly do you drive...and where can I pick one up?

When I first bought my car, some guy approached me and asked me why I bought a manual transmission. I don't know if he was picking up on me, but I think it was probably more of a slam against women drivers. I told him I bought stick because I like to be in control, that I want to get the highest performance possible out of my machine and don't want to be hemmed in by some engineers ideas of how my engine should run. I think I scared him.

I prefer manuals! I drive a 1989 Turbo Supra - they only made this model one year, so all the Fast and the Furious" wannabes really like it.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:45 AM


Virginity grown back. Forgot I had that on my Myspace profile. Thanks MSG for the great suggestion.

I understand the yes attitiude. Just haven't had it lately. Motivations gone to crap since the family hiccup. Oh yeah, and the whole Ms. Questionable thing.

Lucky me. Get to apply for child care from her program today. I would take the baby to use as a buffer, but its way too hot outside.

Okay, so yeah. Lots of aggressive energy needing to be worked off.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:54 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I drive a 1989 Turbo Supra

That is soooo not what I expected you to say.

My car works pretty well, too (Red Jeep Wrangler). Even picked some guy up on the freeway one time. We were both going the same way, did some flirting, he held up his cell number, I called. We talked for a bit, then pulled off the freeway to chat. Or at least that was all I would give him. Once again an experiment in "yes." My friends were shocked.


Monday, July 10, 2006 9:57 AM


Rugbug what were you expecting?


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:15 AM


RugBug, I have always been impressed with people who can drive a standard auto...I never learned, as my first car was a '71 Charger with an automatic, and every one since then has been automatic. Now, I can really tear it up on the simulators, but in RL? It's quite embarassing. I have enough to think about without taking into consideration a clutch and a stick shift.



Monday, July 10, 2006 10:16 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
........bought stick because I like to be in control, that I want to get the highest performance possible out of my machine and don't want to be hemmed in by some engineers ideas of how my engine should run.

whoa....that's really close to what my wife told me when she bought her last car..... it's just an Accord Coupe, but is a six and plenty quick.... and she drives it....well, she DRIVES IT....

now, on the loneliness issue.... i feel like maybe i should back off a little - i mean, i have been in that situation, even though it has been a while, and, honestly, i really don't have any negitive issues in my life (for the moment).... and if you guys would rather not hear about my so-called "happy life" i can mosey on over to another thread for a while....

i don't have any workable advise - and all i can think of to say is that sometimes life is terribly unfair to the best people - but if you believe at all in the cosmic Karma - than you'll know that life is a circle and good people are rewarded for good deeds.... sometimes it just takes longer than we would like.....

endeavor to persevere.......


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:25 AM


I like 4 wheel drives in standard, but street cars with auto's. With a good stall converter and a shift kit, and automatic can really tear up asphalt. Yes people, an automatic can pull wheel stands, (pics exist of the Rez' Rod on 3 wheels)
Try smoking a cigarette, using the phone, drinking a fountain drink, and messing with the radio in a standard.

TRISTAN- we had a 318 Dart that kicked ass. Ugly as all get out, but its not how it looks. Its how it cooks.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:26 AM


Hey Rugbug! I have a red wrangler too. Wee fun!

My favorite and first car, which I got in 1999 and put into retirement last year, was a 1987 Nissan 300Z. Bright red, T top, 5 speed manual and zippy. Oh yeah.

Think Magnum PI but put a quiet riot tape in the deck.


I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:28 AM


FMF: I was expecting nothing. I think he was expecting differently, though. A girl who'll pull off the freeway to meet you? Yeah, she just might be the girl who'll take you home and rock your socks off.

He was a cutey with the body of a movie star (yowza!) and seemed nice. But I'm just not that girl.

Tristan: My mom made us learn to drive in a stick. We were suppose to take our driver's test in it as well, but I lucked out because she had a burned out taillight, so I got to take it in my bomber '64 Lemans. I LOVE driving a stick and the skill comes in handy. There's never been a car I couldn't drive if necessary.

Dayve...stick around. Seems the impondering thread has bee sponsored today by the word "lonely", but we can all enjoy tales of bliss.


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:32 AM


<~~~~Black Wrangler for fun & hauling the me
<~~~~Chevy truck for chores
<~~~~various Motorcycles for basic transportation & fun, fun, fun....


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:33 AM


NVG, the Charger also had a 318 2-barrel...but in it's previous life it had been a reserve Deputy "interceptor" in Texas. I don't think it ever really saw any major chases, but when it was passed to me (1986...couldn't drive it legally until 1989) it was tricked out...spotlights, flash kit, etc., but had not been driven since about '79. Took a long time to get it going. And yes, it would jump when it took off.



Monday, July 10, 2006 10:41 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
tails of bliss. i had a few days off from the routine so we went coastal for while... but the bestest was 5 days in the Hill Country of texas on the Goldwing.... that was great with a capital G.....

Now, this may be weird, but it was a solo trip - not that SO doesn't like the bike riding thing - she can't make long trips (an old back operation doesn't help).... plus she thinks i am sooo UNcool on my "geezer glider" that she refuses to be seen on it for any length of time... which is fine. We have fun together and sometimes apart. It sounds strange, but it works...for us anyways..... right now my only steady riding partner is our newest stray dog - a little terrier of some strange breed - Murphy...and he loves riding on the scoot... i'll post a pix of the little guy sometime....


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:46 AM


Dream machines. 78 Firebird mentioned in previous threads saw alot of action in its day, (despite the small backseat). Rez' Rod (72 Ranchero) never saw as much as the Firebird, but it sure turned heads. Hell, it even got a few friends laid when I'd go out of town and let them borrow it. What is the relationship with cars and sex? Is it the excitement and freedom associated with the vehicle? Status symbol? Mattress on wheels? I feel like that is lost for me now. How 'bout y'all?

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:50 AM


Hm. For me, a car was always about freedom. Not to channel Mal or anything, but I share his views regarding that. That is what a car was to me, so it was important that it be a head-turner. Now, not so much...I drive a very sensible Ford Focus , while my inner child wants the 2008 (I know, it's not out yet) Dodge Challenger. That, or any of 20 or so older cars. I have never, however, had any female be turned on by the car I am driving.
O, and on a side note, the backseat of a '71 Charger has plenty of room



Monday, July 10, 2006 10:54 AM



Try smoking a cigarette, using the phone, drinking a fountain drink, and messing with the radio in a standard.

Lol, that's *exactly* the reason why I do drive a standard! My first car was a standard, and my second was an automatic. I found that in the automatic, I did waaaay too much while I drove, and really wasn't paying attention to driving. So for my third car (the one I have now), I went back to standard. Cute little Honda Civic 5 speed which is a ton of fun to drive (though it's not very heavy, so it's not so great for road trips, if we're going through a windy area). Now, if I'm on the cell I use an ear piece, and I never do anything more complicated than have a cup of coffee to sip between gear shifts.

Btw, happy Monday everyone. I had a crazy weekend (sudden unbelievable job opportunity presented itself on Friday, so I've been crazy busy since then getting my resume and cover letter and samples together). Sent everything out this morning, so now I just have to wait. And be ready to go in for an interview if/when they call, heh.

Anyhow, I've been lurking here off and on since I sent the paperwork in this morning, but my brain has been elsewhere.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:55 AM


the first thing an old girlfriend of mine back in high school did was check out the back seat of my car..... i nearly popped right there....

sex in that takes me in cars at drive in movies...that shows my age..... sex in compact cars... that shows what the human body is capible of..... and sex in the back of a pickup truck with a mattress in the bed.... a sure fire prescription for waking up waaaay too late..... and that spells trouble.... (and fun)


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:57 AM


Dayve - Please don't! I live vicariously through your lives!


Monday, July 10, 2006 10:59 AM


Hello, CK! Good deal on the opportunity. Here's hoping it works out for you!



Monday, July 10, 2006 11:00 AM

BLACKSHAMROCK5 in where you can be caught...


Remember that a kick in the ass is a step forward.


Monday, July 10, 2006 11:10 AM


EVERYONE should know how to drive a standard transmission...never know when you might have to.

That said, I prefer standard. I like to drive while I drive, if you catch my meaning. Something about actively participating in the experience that I enjoy. Plus, in icy conditions, I like the added control I get from a smooth downshifting.

Sex in for sure (I'm there with ya pal in the age showing) and compacts...vw beatle and a nasty bruise on my tail bone (don't ask!). Good times!

I mean to confound these bungers!


Monday, July 10, 2006 11:15 AM



Originally posted by mal4prez:
Hey Rugbug! I have a red wrangler too. Wee fun!

Awesome! I LURVE my Jeep. I think it is the perfect car for me: Says a lot about who I am. I'm also about to pay it off a year early and that makes me exceedingly glad. I pretty much drive it topless from June to October. In fact, when I broke my arm in October the top was off and I had to be driven home at 1 am from the ER: it was FREEZING.

Sex in the back of a Wrangler would be an exercise in pain and discomfort.






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