Male and Female Imponderables--Though This Be Madness...

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 15:24
VIEWED: 16283
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:13 AM


DG187- I actually work in the Human service field at the only shelter for tribal youth in the state of Nevada. I have a WIC appointment for my nephew. Don't mind really, the WIC officer is hot, (but married). My nephew Guillermo likes women alot. Think he'll be happy to go?

M4P- Ducks have also been a large staple for the people. The valley I'm from is a mixed desert/marsh area surrounded by mountains.
And yes, crisp duck with a light berry sauce is great. Especially elderberry.

KENOBIOUS- Venison served with Chokecherry jam is like turkey with cranberry sauce in my part of the world. Try it ever the chance arises.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:14 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
Where you is?
I love me some wilted lettuce! Ever had it? My dad lived in a holler in WVa and they ate ANYTHING - possum, nutria, snake - you name it great grandma would cook it.

Not sure if this was directed at me or not, but I am in south eastern (hear the twang already) Ohio. Culture doesn't exactly flourish around these parts. I've actually had wilted lettuce before at a cast party. Not too shabby if I remember correctly.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:17 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:
I totally agree, PR, alcohol sucks. I have seen so many of my friends get so drunk that they pass out. had to be carried home, and had no idea what had happened the night before - anything could have happened to her.

There's that too!




Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:22 AM



Sorry, It was for you. I get so carried away....You know that movie Brother Where Art thou?

Thats my family. Beverly Hillbillies had nothin on us!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:24 AM


Almost forgot a food I like that may not be popular...mutton! I was introduced to it through the family of an SO who had roots in Kentucky. They would bring some back every now and then, and I became addicted. I was in heaven when I travelled to KY with them one was a big, long week full of mutton, tobacco farming, and blue grass (the plant...yes,it does have a blue tint).

PR, I do not share your views on alcohol, but I won't argue with you, nor will I drag out any charts . I like alcohol, yet I am neither a drunkard nor a bad person. I enjoy the taste, and enjoy the feelings associated with ocassional drinking.

NVG, if I ever make it out to NV, you and I are going to have to have a huge dinner one night! Venison, sage rabbit, crispy duck...oy!



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:29 AM


I loves me some Tequilla.

I have no problem with drinking in moderation.

I do have a problem with the drinking culture that seems to have taken hold in the UK. It is bad here in the US, but the UK I think in this instance, is worse.

I have a problem with alcoholic's drinking when they know better. I have an alcoholic father, brother and husband.

Lucky me


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:29 AM


Not offensive, PR. But surprising. And no, I'm not going to quote studies, blah, blah, blah. You just have an interesting take. Not one I perscribe to myself (and I come from a very conserative background where all alcohol consumption is seen as bad) but your entitled to your opinion.

Edited to add: I live in a college town. Drinking "culture" means drinking as much as you can in as little time as possible to get as drunk as you can. And it's party time from Thursday to Sunday. That, IMHO, is LAME...and dangerous.

Foods: I'm not a big meat eater in general. I never crave meat, but do eat it. Not a fan of game. And lamb is too fatty.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:30 AM


Having smoked on stage before, I didn't see what all the huff (PUN!) was about. I've never felt an addiction for it. Unlike my caffeine addiction, but we'll leave that alone. Although my buddies and I will all sit down and have a cigar once in a blue moon for celebration of some sorts. It's not a habit for me and never will be.

Although I have to admit, I am a social drinker. Having been to a few well-to-do theater gala thingies and a few medieval parties, I've had my share of the poison in one form or another. I don't mind a buzz to smooth me over. Only passed out once, and yet I retained a lot of the events prior. I think my mind is always working, even when tipsy. I don't particularly care to not be in control of me, but sometimes, I get too fed up with me, I don't want to be me. A weakness, I know.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:32 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
Vegetarians: There are a lot of different ways to define yourself as a vegetarian... .......I had a vegan friend....

Rugbug - there is quite a difference between vegetarian and vegan - the vegan is totally committed to using no animal by-product at all, where as vegetarians use vegetables as their primary sorce of protien, but will also use eggs, milk and things like leather and parts of animals - a friend refuses to eat anything with a face... which is little far out - but i appreciate the effort involved...

i rarely think about this, but a 'cattleman' in texas who dosen't eat meat.... ironic...?

endeavor to persevere...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:34 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:
I totally agree, PR, alcohol sucks. I have seen so many of my friends get so drunk that they pass out. had to be carried home, and had no idea what had happened the night before - anything could have happened to her.

There's that too!

Well, we are birds of a feather! I grew up with smoking, drinking (social drinkers) parents. I have never had any interest in starting either. I managed to get through college, bankruptcy (many years ago), the death of a parent, job loss, and all of life's little stresses without ever drinking, smoking, or taking any illegal drugs.

I was always the designated driver in college. But I'm thinking that was wrong too, because it just encouraged someone to get completely blotted.

Enough of my rant!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:34 AM


My favorite part of Notting Hill is the "fruitarian" discussion.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:40 AM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
I loves me some Tequilla.

I have no problem with drinking in moderation.

I do have a problem with the drinking culture that seems to have taken hold in the UK. It is bad here in the US, but the UK I think in this instance, is worse.

I have a problem with alcoholic's drinking when they know better. I have an alcoholic father, brother and husband.

Lucky me

Being English, I can say, that FMF, you are utterly correct. Especially now that the government has introduced the 24-hour drinking thing (what in God's name were they thinking??!!), so many people think that spending all your income on drink and getting absolutely fished every single night is totally acceptable. Also, kids who start drinking are getting younger and younger: with drugs too: there was a case in Glasgow a few weeks back of a heroin addicted 9 YEAR OLD GIRL who overdosed. The friend I mentioned before started smoking weed when he was 12.
What in the hell is the world coming too??!!
Sorry, I don't usually rant like this, but these subjects really get to me.

edit: FMF: O brother where art thou? I love that film! I got it when I was 10, didnt get it and never watched it again untill about a month ago, now I love it!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:41 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I've also heard the nearly everyone smokes in the UK. Yucky, yucky. If anything makes someone else's mouth taste worse than drink, it's smoke.

Yes, I know it is an unusual take on things. It's the outlook I've had basically as long as I can remember, though.
And I've had several friends with alcholic parents. Bad scene.
Long history of alcholism in my family; I think it's really best for me to just avoid it altogether.
You really think it tastes good, Tristan? I've had so many people try to convince me that this or that drink tastes good, and they all just make me choke if I take a sip.
No, I don't think drinking makes you a bad person. Just... Well, I explained as best I could.
I'm glad some people get it, but I'm not surprised there are those who don't. My mom doesn't even get it. After my breakup she asked me if I wanted some wine. Silly woman, thought she knew me better than that.

*edit* A nine year old heroin addict. I don't even know what to say about that.




Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:45 AM


I have to agree, Jose is a friend of mine. Helping NVG be a happy boy in times of need.

On the darker side of things. I deal with kids everyday that have been concieved, raised, and ruined by drugs of all sorts including alcohol. If people would just limit themselves a bit, the world would be a littl better. Part of the reason governments hold people back is because a few make everyone look bad. That and greed. More of an illness than a drug.

Rant over. I now return you to your regularly scheduled pondering.

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:47 AM


I don't mind drinking myself, but what does bother me is the idea of becoming sloppy, fall-on-your-face drunk is pretty repulsive to me. I've seen it happen with friends, people I respect. My respect for them didn't go down, but it did make me sad to see them that way (in retrospect).


"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:48 AM


Actually, smoking is on the decrease here. You always get a few of the 'look at me, aren't I grown up' brigade killing themselves in an uncreative fashion, but it just stops 'em muddying the gene pool, y'know?

I grew up in a household where we all cooked, and all love food; my brother and I were encouraged from early teens to try wine etc with food. In consequence, neither of us ever got regularly blasted. So we like alcohol, but with food, not as a drug.

Gotta dash - end of the day!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:50 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:

Rugbug - there is quite a difference between vegetarian and vegan - the vegan is totally committed to using no animal by-product at all, where as vegetarians use vegetables as their primary sorce of protien, but will also use eggs, milk and things like leather and parts of animals - a friend refuses to eat anything with a face... which is little far out - but i appreciate the effort involved...

i rarely think about this, but a 'cattleman' in texas who dosen't eat meat.... ironic...?

Yep.... I used to get really frustrated with people that called themselves vegetarians as they sat there eating a turkey burger, etc. I couldn't convince them they weren't, so I decided to give up trying and go with "vegetarians define themselves in many different ways." My friend was truly a vegan (although she did wear leather shoes as she has horrible feet that made a certain type of shoe the only thing that didn't cause tremendous pain...but she felt real guilty about it.) She is also a supporter of Farm Sanctuary, Humane Society of the US and PETA (talk about possible areas of conflict between us). She is no longer vegan...started eating diary when she got pregnant...and interestly enough looks much healthier now. She was a nutrition major in college and was very specific about her diet and did it all right, but she always had a sickly pall about her.

A vegetarian texas cattle that's interesting. I'll give you one: I confess to being a horseman who doesn't necessarily think horse slaughter is evil.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:57 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Wow this thread is long!
Also, it is getting late in my world, and I must go to bed now. See y'all tonight I hope!




Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:58 AM


my cousin used to be vegetarian, so whenever we t went to my Nanna's for sunday dinner, we had to have salmon for about 2 years - I still hate her for that Then, she went to a barbecue, had a spare rib then ate nothing but bacon sanwiches for 3 weeks, and still claimed she was vegetarian, but whatever.

I just had my dinner, and here's something interesting I discovered: A mixture of sweet mango chutney and plain greek yoghurt is so, so nice!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 6:59 AM


PR, yes, I do believe some alcoholic beverages taste good. I am not going to try to convince you I am right, just offering up a counter to your rant. Never had alcoholic parents, nor other family members, but I did have friends who either were or fast approaching it. I spent most of one summer drunk or buzzed (summer theatre) and then never touched it again for six years. I didn't preach about the evils of alcohol, nor avoid my friends when they partook; I just didn't drink. I got back into it slowly, and ever since then have enjoyed the ocassional drinking. As far as the drugs go, I have never taken any illegal substances (had one or two contact highs from concerts). While I do not like them, I do not speak out against them...although I do take the moral high ground in arguements every now and again.
Guess I'm trying to say to each their own, as long as it does not have a negative impact on me or mine.



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:01 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

You really think it tastes good, Tristan? I've had so many people try to convince me that this or that drink tastes good, and they all just make me choke if I take a sip.

Not Tristan, but there are definitely drinks that taste good. You have to try things to find what you like. Pale beers? Not so much. I don't want to be able to see through it. (although I will have a Corona after riding. Don't mind that a bit). I'm a big fan of an Amaretto Sour. A Vodka Tonic, with the right kind of Vodka is good. Some types of whiskey are good...some not. I'm not a fan of white wines and don't like Cabernets on the red side. There's so much variation in tastes between brands that I just try something, if I like it, good. If not, I don't drink it.

And I come from history of alcoholism. Mom and brother both have struggled with alcohol and drugs. My mom gets freaked out that I drink, but I've never had an addictive personality when it comes to alcohol. I just DO NOT like being drunk, so I don't go there. And I hate wasting all those calories on something other than chocolate (although red wine and dark chocolate is an amazing combination). I drink about once every two months and even then it's a beer or glass of wine. Did have a Mai Tai or two at our year end party...but haven't drank since. Moderation is key.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:04 AM


Sings real lound and off-key:
"Sooo close, yet so far away, we belieeeeve in tomorrow, maybe more than todaaayy"
sorry, just started up my realplayer playlist, and I love this song

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:07 AM


hey, not sure if this has been covered (I got to this point and just gave up trying to keep up, you guys are fast like freaks) But most vegetarians I know are vegetarian not 'cause they don't like meat (most of them glaze over drooling when you mention bacon) but as a protest against the truly horiffic, brutal, casually and ignorantly sadistic farming practices that most western counties have.

Almost all of them (except one girl, but she was such a pathetic idiot on the whole that i just started ignoring her) would eat meat again, were they able to rear and slaughter their own livestock, or were they able to totally satisfy themselves that the animal had led a suitably comfortable existance and had died quickly and painlessly. Alot of them were also concerned about the growth hormones and other nasties that are fed to animals, and plus there was all that crap with BSE and foot & mouth.

I never went vegetarian, but i do support farming reformation groups and intend to start buying only local, ethically produced food as much as i possibly can (i'm limited by lack of access and poverty!)

As for picky eaters, my mother is one of those people that you lot don't seem to like - resturants are a nightmare, waiters get so huffy and imatient with her, and thats if they even 'get' what she's asking, mostly she just gets blank stares. She gave up wheat after an operation a few years ago and lost alot of weight very quickly and felt so much better in herself - headaches, stomach upsets, joint pain and her sciatica were almost a thing of the past. Now I do get pissed of at her - she's vegetarian and low fat as well, and quite often i'll suggest something that she can't do, so we can't do it. But never seriously, as i've also sat there and watched her almost cry with the pain after she's accidentally eaten wheat.

So don't judge to harshly. They may not be sanctified by a doctor, but these people know their own bodies and what they feel, so...

Saying that, I know there are nutcases and hypochondriacs (sp?) but cranks will be cranks and if they wern't using food as an issue they'd probably be doing something much worse.

Myself I tend to avoid red meat, purely cause i don't like the tase or texture, i really only eat bacon with anything approaching regularity. In resturants i'll always go for the chicken or fish option (apart from beef in blackbean sauce, yum!)I like squid etc, but only when cooked right (so its biteable, not rubbery) One thing i have learned is to go for things that are small bitesizes or that can be cut up. AND AVOID SALAD! that fantastic moment on a date where that bleeding lettuce wont stay on your fork and pings off to go sliding down your chin? Or when you just can't get it into your mouth, so you either start shovelling with your fork or doing that 'masticating cow' movement with you mouth. Sexy. Not.
To be honest, in public i tend to pick meals in terms of ease and elegance of eating as much as taste. I love spicy though, and always try to try something new, at least every other visit.

I cannot cook for the life of me. Im crap at anything remotly domestic. I detest chores and function better living in controlled chaos (seriously, i'm totally lost if someone tidies up) My cooking extends to subsistence level student cooking - open tin, burn bread, nuke tin contents, pour on top. I can occasionally rise to a stew or soup, but only because thats chop stuff up, stick in pan, leave it for an age season, serve with bread. However, I once aided and abetted a roast dinner. The only meal that other people seem to like was my student payday special - cabbage, spinach, sweetonions and garlic (chicken if I was flush) stir fried in oyster sauce (packet) sometimes i'd get fancy and do new potatoes or something with it. I'm also bad at food presetation, drizzling sauces and crap - it usually just got stuck in a bowl, maybe with artistically angled chopsticks stuck in to carry them to the table. I'm not a good housekeeper.

Garh! Ok, I asked for funny embarrasing DATING stories and someone sidetracked it to theatre stories.
oh, wierd food combinations. I have an absolute love of wotsits (er, puffy cheesy corn crisps cheetos?) dipped in salad cream. (a really tart yellow creamy salad dressing.) thats apparently wierd.

Come on, I shared the bra exhibition story, people have to submit something equally silly!


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:15 AM


I had a classmate in High School who condoned the killing of Mustangs here in Nevada. Because, as he put it, "They aren't native to the United States". Imagine my counterpoint. "Neither are you. So should I go huntin' stupid white boys out of sheer meanness?"
Shock and awe in our conservation class. It was great.
Alot of people don't understand that a horse cannot live if it can't stand. A few years ago there was a huge case of abuse and neglect. Guy had a dozen horses who'd been malnourished and whose hooves were so over grown that they couldn't stand. With such a soft hide they had sores all over them from laying down. I was so heartbroke seeing that. Who are these people? Can we return the favor to some of them. Eight had to be put down. So yes, sometimes it has to happen.

On a brighter note, I just bit into a tasty white peach and half the seed was rotted away.
Hooray for me!

"Where do bad folks go when they die?"


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:19 AM



Originally posted by seryn:

I cannot cook for the life of me. Im crap at anything remotly domestic. I destest chores and function better living in controlled chaos (seriously, i'm totally lost if someone tidies up) My cooking extends to subsistence level student cooking - open tin, burn bread, nuke tin contents, pour on top.
Garh! Ok, I asked for funny embarrasing DATING stories and someone sidetracked it to theatre stories.

Come on, I shared the bra exhibition story, people have to submit something equally silly!

oh, wierd food combinations. I have an absolute love of wotsits (er, puffy cheesy corn crisps cheetos?) dipped in salad cream. (a really tart yellow creamy salad dressing.) thats apparently wierd.

oh, and you do realise that seafood sauce is just ketchup and mayo mixed together?

Thanks, that cooking bit really made me giggle.
I have no funny dating stories, since I have never actually been on a date.
I am the queen of weird food mixtures, but that one sounds gross!!
I love nutella and tuna (on top of each other) on ritz crackers.
When I was younger, I used to like peanut butter and jam; and cheese and chicken sandwhiches, not so weird, you might say, but what about when I tell you all four ingredients were between the same two slices of bread!!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:19 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
I had a classmate in High School who condoned the killing of Mustangs here in Nevada. Because, as he put it, "They aren't native to the United States". Imagine my counterpoint. "Neither are you. So should I go huntin' stupid white boys out of sheer meanness?"


"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:25 AM


NVG, "hunting stupid white boys"!
I spit coffee on the keyboard reading that! It pisses me off when people don't care for animals, and they end up in a situation like that. I believe the ones responsible should have the same thing happen to them, but alas, the justice system in this country does not work that way.

Afternoon, Seryn!
Sorry, not sure how it got to theatre stories...
Embarassing dating stories...I don't have any near yours. The worst thing that happened was I drove down an interstate on-ramp after getting lost at night...and my date never batted an eye. That was, however, the last time she went out with me.



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:30 AM


Hahaha! Excellent, I choked on my shoelace when I read that!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:33 AM


nutella, as in choclate spread? and tuna! on crackers? and you thing wotsits and salad cream sound gross?


I have to admit i onc ate my entire lunch on a sandwich for a dare - a cheese sandwich, with salt and vinegar crisps, a banana and a twix all together. It was totally rank. Even worse than mixing citrus fruits with chocolate (which i hate) But it did leave me with a love of crisp sandwiches.

Ok, all my icky food things revolve around crisps.

(edit - I appear to be having a dyslexia bad day - haven't been able to speak properly all day. Though its been a good excuse to keep stopping and using the 'can't. sentence. properly.' line. and make silly noises. See, clouds, silver lining... i'm great me.)

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:34 AM


crap, double post!



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:46 AM


seryn: I just looked at your myspace, and you live near me! also, who is that guy in the black coat on your main page under Televison??

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:48 AM


Omg, over 100 posts in this new thread already!

Picky eater: I will admit to being a bit of a picky eater. In high school I had some weird stomach problems, for which the doctor suggested that I cut out all coffee, tea, and alcohol. I think I blinked at her and said "I'm a 15 year old Mormon girl, exactly how much coffee, tea, and alcohol do you think I'm drinking?!" I think she may have actually blushed, and then she went on to restrict my diet from anything carbonated, caffeinated, or spicy. That seemed to keep the terrible cramps at bay, but I hated the restrictions, so I sloooowly worked up on the coffee and soda fronts during college. Slowly meaning, I'd have a full cup of hot chocolate with one shot of coffee in it (this was when I was living in the dorms and eating at the cafeteria, so I mixed my own). And I'd spend a good hour or more sipping the one can of soda.

Over the last 10 years, I've worked up to flavored coffees, but black coffee will still give me a tummy ache, and I'm good with soda as long as I don't drink more than one glass/can in a sitting. Spicy I've never really gotten past, so a bit of that will still make my stomach hurt. And one of the medications I'm on currently makes me nauseous if I eat meat with it, but thankfully I only take it in the evening. Oh, and now I'm trying to keep Kosher, so there's all those restrictions too.

(Quick primer -- I was raised Mormon, realized it wasn't for me when I was 15, spent the last 10 years trying to figure out what I believe, and recently started attending synagogue. Thinking seriously about converting.)

Hitting: I think the rule that a boy should never hit a girl is necessary, and I think we should teach girls the same principle. I too hate it when girls will smack guys, knowing they won't hit back. However, I do think it's necessary for girls to know how to defend themselves, and to realize that if they are in bodily danger, hitting or kicking a guy *anywhere* is definitely acceptable.

Mornings: Neither hubby nor I are morning people, which is great since we keep the same hours, both like sleeping in on the weekends, etc. Where we run into trouble is that I like to wake up slooowly, usually over my email and a cup of coffee. Hubby, on the other hand, will wake himself up by singing at the top of his lungs. He's got a nice voice but has never been taught to use it, so doesn't bother much with staying in key. He also has trouble remembering lyrics, so he'll make up his own. And he sings mostly Disney songs. I've driven him to work once or twice, and let me tell you it's a painful experience.

Special foods: I have my collection of recipes, but nothing I really used to impress hubby until we'd been together for awhile. Most of the recipes were my mother's to begin with, except the challah bread (egg bread, usually braided) recipe that I recently developed. He'll eat the entire loaf in one sitting if I let him, and make happy-food-noises the whole way through, hehe.

Embarrassing dating stories: Hmmm, I don't really have any, strangely enough, but I'll relate one of hubby's. About six months before we met, he was trying the online dating thing. He and this girl decided to meet up, and they were exchanging emails about how to recognize each other at the meet up. He was joking around (keep in mind that hubby is quite a bit like Jayne, but with Wash's sense of humor), and said that he'd be the one in the dress. She sent back an email that said "Dress?! Are you gay?" He started to type out a reply about being bi (still totally joking around), when his office mate asked him what the email address was to email the whole company. So hubby, using the email window he has open, types in the address to see if its in his address book.

Then he hit send.

The very first Reply To All was hubby once again, saying just "Kill me now." When he and I started dating (while we were both working at that same company), *several* people sent me that entire email thread, with everyone from the company laughing and commenting, so that I'd "know what I was getting into", lol. I don't think he and that girl ever did meet up though...


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:53 AM


I do? where do you live! oooh! local browncoat! yey!

And that guy, actually in rifleman green, is Richard Sharpe, aka Sean Bean. Very tasty man. I just like that picture as a friend sent it to me with the caption 'chav's get everywhere don't they?' (i.e. the guy behind him)

it made me giggle.

Its too large though, i keep meaning to resize it. The idea was to replace all the words on the screen with pictures, but i got bored.

edit - oh that is brilliant! see how well i'm learning? not drinking tea when reading these threads?

which reminds me of my other finicky thing - i try to avoid caffiene - give me headaches, so i drink Rooibos tea - which means i'll be turning up at D*C with a box of tea bags. yup. like yer gran would.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 7:55 AM


NV: Crap like that really pisses me off (both the ignorance of the guy in your class and the cruelty of the one with the horses).

I wouldn't call myself pro-slaughter, but I do believe it has a place and as long as it is humane, then so be it. I don't get how people think slaughtering cows is just fine but have a hissy if you talk about horse slaughter. Other cultures eat horse like we eat beef. Some eat dog. Just because you think of an species as a pet doesn't mean someone else doesn't think of it as dinner...and there is no moral implications to those differing thoughts.

Oh, I missed out on the hitting discussion: If I hit someone, I fully expect to be hit back. That said, I don't think anyone should be hitting in the first place.

Embarrassing dating: Last date I went on (over a year ago. I feel so pathetic) I was really sick. His smoking didn't make it any better. I ended up cutting things short because I couldn't breathe. It was awful. 'Course there was the whole embarrassing part where I met him in a dive bar wearing my rubber barn boots (middle of winter) and my crazy friend who uses alcohol as an excuse to get wild kept telling him he was going to get laid. Um, no. I told him it took more than looks and she chimed in that he had to take me to dinner first. Things were pretty doomed from the start.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:00 AM


Ok, here's an Imponderable for everyone: What do we think about men crying? Men shouldn't cry? Real men know how to cry? Few and far between? What do we think?

Hubby and I will have been together 5 years this fall, and I've seen him get suspiciously leaky around the eye area twice: once in pain, and once when we saw Finding Neverland in the theater (though he'd deny both if I straight out asked, so I just smile and keep it to myself).

Anyone else?


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:02 AM



Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:
I love nutella and tuna (on top of each other) on ritz crackers.

nutella, yes.... hazelnut goodness...
nutella & tuna.... that's scary

this food thread is getting out of hand...& it's lunch time.....!

ok, another thing i don't consume is soda... once i found out that you can clean the acid from your car battery with coke - that was it for me.....
now, having said that - has anyone tried Coke Blak...? i was tricked in drinking some the other day - had never even heard of it.... and i will admit.....very good. Some sort of fusion drink of cola an coffee.... it's not available around here - and for my sake, i hope it stays that way....

endeavor to persevere...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:10 AM


Plus, Coke Blak is very expensive for what it is. Quite yummy though.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:11 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
What do we think about men crying? Men shouldn't cry? Real men know how to cry? Few and far between? What do we think?

i wonder about this... i can't think of a single time when i 'broke down' and cried..... i wonder if maybe it's just me, cause i've seen men cry before. I've lost numerous friends and family members and even at funerals, while i may get choked up, and feel really bad - the waterworks just don't come - I feel loss, pain, depression and all the things people cry about and sometimes very deeply....but cry like a baby - doesn't happen

endeavor to persevere...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:15 AM


CK, men biological father was one of those "real men don't cry" types, so I was brought up that way in the beginning. Then, as I grew, I discovered that crying was alright. Not saying I cry at everything, but I don't try to hold it in when I feel it coming. I cried during several episodes of Firefly, I tear up during emotional conversations with the wife, etc. Now, crying during injuries is a different thing...the only time I think tears have come to my eyes during pain was during my second epidural. I was not expecting that level of pain! Tears, sniffly nose, and all. I do not see men crying as weak, just human, but men are not supposed to show weakness during pain. I think that was also something we discussed here several threads back. A man can cut his arm off with a chainsaw, and his reaction will be "Damn; gonna have to see the Doc now". I am, unfortunately, somewhat like that.



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:16 AM


Well not even necessarily "cry like a baby". Just tears slipping out of your eyes counts in my book.

I think everyone is different about crying, and I think it's part personality, part biological (e.g., my left tear duct is strangely a lot less active than my right, so I cry lopsided), and a huge part societal. I think there's a lot of pressure on men not to cry, but I'm curious what everyone else thinks.


You can't take the sky from me...


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:19 AM


Hmm, men crying, not against it,It shows sensitivity, I think but I'd rather it was just a bit teary, than full out crying like a hungry, angry baby.
Didn't I tell you I was the queen of weird food! Anything I don't like, anything at all, on goes the mango chutney and/or sundried tomato paste, I would eat anything with those on!
Seryn: I live in between Chester and Runcorn. Actually, I did my work experience last week at the countess of Chester hospital if anyone was there, I might have seen you!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:20 AM


I missed that bit. basically i agree with what Rugbug said - i do not agree with hunting for sport (where it is for subsistance, i.e you use all of the animal / eat it, whatever, i've got no issue) but fox hunting, and all these gun nuts I can't stand.

I also understand the importance of culling etc - its regrettable, and i wish it didn't happen, I actually conflict badly on this subject - half of me i s saying what right do we have to decide, and the other is saying 'be practicla'.

Again, native animals rights to exist also conflict - they american grey squirral in this counrty has all but killed off the native red, but the methods people are using to control the greys are horrible.

Short anwaer, i don't know.

animal abuse however - no, absolutely no conflict - the punishments for abusing an innocent and unknowing dependant animal should be equall to if not worse than the penalties for killing another adult. Like child and elderly person abuse, its the abuse of power over another and its sadism in its worst form, peopl need to know that it is not an acceptable thing - its one are where ithink and eye for an eye is entirly justified.

I also think there should be much harsher penalties for animal owners that mal train their animals - theres been a spate of attacks near me by people with pit bull terriers and similar breed, where the owner has set the dog loose and trainer them to attack other passers by and their dogs - several dogs have died and other peope have been injured. I seriously think that those people should be locked away, thoroughly monitored in the least, and certainly prevented from being near animals again.

To be honest, I'd also like to see them removed from the genepool, or at least prevented from raising children. The human rights activists may whine, but if a sick mind can do that to another living being, and derive pleasure from it, what kind of damage are they going to do to a child? in the very least they raise another like them, and we need less, not more of them on the planet.

Yup, Helens inner fascist dictator raises her head.

Ok, sorry bout the rant. I just get very angry at humans some times - we're supposed to be the dominant species on this planet (apart from the cockroaches) and we are supposed to be looking after it - for our own offspring if nothing else. and slowly we are allowing sick, ignorant masses and unhealthy societies screw it totally into the ground.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:22 AM


I had the pleasure of showing my good friend Serenity last night, she loves the show and was very eager to see the movie. Not of course telling her the spoilers, we were both in tears at the end. Partly cause she was, partly cause dinosaurs.

SO, yeah, I cry. Usually just a movies or funerals. Or if something is really moving. I just get caught up in things.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:28 AM


I'm scared of myself now! I've put so many chemicals in my body in the last two days that I'm surpised I didn't die! When did I become his empty shell of human waste?

I told the boy exactly how I felt so I don't expect to ever see him again!

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:28 AM


I'm scared of myself now! I've put so many chemicals in my body in the last two days that I'm surpised I didn't die! When did I become his empty shell of human waste?

I told the boy exactly how I felt so I don't expect to ever see him again!

An I carried such a torch


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:29 AM


Copilot? What did you do, my dear?



Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:31 AM



ahhh, the posh bit.

Cool, what were you doing in the hospitle?

sadly if i get sick i get dragged kicking a screaming to arrow park. (I actually live in birkenhead, near victoria park, i'f that means anything to you. The bus between Chester and Liverpool goes nearts it)

well, if you fancy meeting in the middle... actually, the middle would be port sunlight ish. Nice gallery, used to work there. Snided with old folks. Ok, i'll come up to Chester, and we can have lunch and talk like crazy people!

not until after payday though. (i'm broke until then!)

sound like fun?

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:31 AM


I saw Pirates of the Carribbean 2 at the weekend. Got to say it was not as good as the first, I can't fault Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. But the ending was go se, just a clever ploy to do a third. Also, Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightly were still in it. Sorry if you like 'em, but I think they both need a good slap. Two actors I would rather die than see appearing in the verse.

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:35 AM


Seryn: I just wrote a blog on it, so check out my page. sorry, but my arms are getting tired and I really can't be bothered typing it all out again.
It does, but I doubt my mother would agree In a few years time? maybe.
I am always broke. My younger sister has more money than me, and she doesn't have a job. I don't know how she manges it, but when we go shopping she always seems to come back with more money than she went out with!

Currently searching for the planet of the hot, rich yet appropriately hygenic man.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Wednesday, July 12, 2006 8:37 AM


my wife says i hold all emotions inside and that one day they'll come to the surface when i least expect.... now she shows her emotions freely and cries at the drop of a hat....
i feel that i express myself - i'm not a selfish person, maybe a little more pragmatic than some - but i do have emotions and openly discuss them with SO... i don't know, maybe my tear ducts aren't working properly.....

endeavor to persevere...






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