You are a Browncoat if..............2

UPDATED: Thursday, May 14, 2009 18:40
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Friday, July 14, 2006 11:55 AM



Originally posted by Choo1701:
...and he was on the wrong side of a war

Might have been the loosing side. Still not sure it was the wrong side.

* - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * - * -

流口水的婊子和猴子的 笨儿子。
Liou coe shway duh biao-tze huh hoe-tze duh bun ur-tze.
"Stupid son of a drooling whore and a monkey."


Friday, July 14, 2006 1:29 PM


Whenever someone says something to the line of "Yeah but when does ... ever happen" and you immediately reply "Butcher Knife."

"I'm not going to say Serenity is the greatest SciFi movie ever; oh wait yes I am." - Orson Scott Card


Friday, July 14, 2006 1:31 PM


...if you watched every minute of the Firefly marathon!


Friday, July 14, 2006 3:03 PM



Originally posted by msg:
You are so profoundly excited that sci-fi is airing Firefly that you jump up and down:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

Yep, I did a literal dance of joy msg, thankfully the only witness was my sister, who was dancing as well. Mercifully the commercial break ended before it turned into an interpretive dance number.

And Guy, I totally get hurt feelings when family doesn't want to watch with me too.

And I was happy to read that other people share my obsession for promoting higher visibility of all verse-related goods in stores of any manner. I always look in every rental store, book store etc, and "accidentally" place Serenifly stuff right in the line of sight, top of the shelf, you get the idea. Hey just helping people on find the path to enlightenment.


Friday, July 14, 2006 4:53 PM


You've bought the Firefly and Serenity DVD's AFTER renting them from NetFlix. Then you bought another set of the same, because you loaned out your first set, haven't gotten them back and missed them too gorram much. Then you bought another set just to give away as a gift. Then you bought and downloaded all of the same from Itunes, simply because they're too cool NOT to have them available on your computer.

I wish I was drinking a mug of mudder's milk instead of this swill that we call beer; the flavor has to be better and I need all of the nutrients that I can get. I'm dreaming of a mudder's smoothy.

It has a name, I call it Vera.


Friday, July 14, 2006 5:49 PM


When you sincerely believe that Firefly was the best television show ever aired...

When every time you watch it, you wonder how many more times you can rewatch it and yet still remain amazed by its beauty (and literally shed tears to think that it is gone now)...

When you seriously wonder why everyone doesn't love it as much as you do. I mean, are the vast majority of people morons, or is there something wrong with my eyes and ears?

When every time you see the series or watch the movie, your brain melts down trying to wrap itself around the idea that this delightful fictional world has been relegated to Purgatory by the 'geniuses' in Hollywood, while utter shite like "XXX" and "The Fast And The Furious" get multiple sequels made, and "Stargate: Et Cetera" goes on for years with no discernible redeeming values... (NB: Yes, that was one sentence.)

In short, you're a Browncoat when you just cannot understand why everybody else on the planet is not one.



While I apologize if I offended any Stargate, XXX, or TFTF fans out there, that's another way you can tell you're a Browncoat: If you would gladly and unhesitatingly throw your current favorite T.V. show (for me, "House, M.D.") under the nearest speeding city bus, if it would get Firefly back on the air where it belongs. Sure, I'd miss "House", but there's really no question about it: Firefly lives and House (or any other show or movie) dies before it even realizes what hit it...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:06 PM


you own the dvd set and you still watch every minute of the marathon just so you know others are enjoying the same moments you are


Friday, July 14, 2006 6:13 PM


Haylan wrote:

you own the dvd set and you still watch every minute of the marathon just so you know others are enjoying the same moments you are own the DVD set and you still watch every minute of the marathon just so you can fantasize -- for a fleeting moment -- that it's still on TV!



Friday, July 14, 2006 6:19 PM


You take a late lunch-go home, realize the Firefly marathon is on and risk being late back to work in order to see the last minute of "Trash".

BTW you arrive at work with a silly grin on your face remembering the last scene of "Trash" even though SCIFI obscured Nathan's rear end.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 2:34 AM


I'm in Australia and I didn't get the marathon, but I watched a Buffy marathon even though I owned the dvds. So yeah I'd watch a marathon on tv. It would save me getting out of bed during the cold nights to change discs. As long as there were no ads of course. Let me have my little fantasy


Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:15 AM


That's right! It's midwinter in your hemisphere, innit? Here in the central U.S., we're just getting started on our consecutive 100+ degree days streak (God save us). Exactly how cold does it get in your winters? I mean, I could look it up -- this thing called "The Internet" I've been hearing so much about lately -- but I'm interested in a first-person perspective. ...And it'll give you a chance to vent.

Your notion of everybody watching the same moments at the same time wasn't misplaced. That is a neat idea, that a 'synchronicity of souls' occurs when we all see something at exactly the same time. I wasn't aping your words and adding my own twist to say you'd got it wrong.

But I like seeing Firefly with the commercials, because it shows our girl earning a living. That way I can envision her -- even if it's only in my fantasy -- still on first-run primetime TV, with a growing base of millions of adoring fans. She'd be selling shampoo and toothpaste and washing-up liquid; and the Browncoat Army would switch their brands to buy her wares.

After the marathon, that brief glimpse of what might have been has vanished like a mist. We Browncoats are left holding hands around Firefly's quiescent body, weeping as we pray for an awakening from her comatose state...

Still Hopefully,


Regardless the outcome, I will always love and remember Firefly, and believe in her eventual resurrection...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:21 PM


You set OPTIONS=fruit:Fruity Oaty Bar in Nethack.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:18 PM



Originally posted by zoid:
When you sincerely believe that Firefly was the best television show ever aired...

When every time you watch it, you wonder how many more times you can rewatch it and yet still remain amazed by its beauty (and literally shed tears to think that it is gone now)...

When you seriously wonder why everyone doesn't love it as much as you do. I mean, are the vast majority of people morons, or is there something wrong with my eyes and ears?

When every time you see the series or watch the movie, your brain melts down trying to wrap itself around the idea that this delightful fictional world has been relegated to Purgatory by the 'geniuses' in Hollywood, while utter shite like "XXX" and "The Fast And The Furious" get multiple sequels made, and "Stargate: Et Cetera" goes on for years with no discernible redeeming values... (NB: Yes, that was one sentence.)

In short, you're a Browncoat when you just cannot understand why everybody else on the planet is not one.



While I apologize if I offended any Stargate, XXX, or TFTF fans out there, that's another way you can tell you're a Browncoat: If you would gladly and unhesitatingly throw your current favorite T.V. show (for me, "House, M.D.") under the nearest speeding city bus, if it would get Firefly back on the air where it belongs. Sure, I'd miss "House", but there's really no question about it: Firefly lives and House (or any other show or movie) dies before it even realizes what hit it...

Zoid- YES. I feel everything you just said down to my toes. I've said variations of the above more times than my family could ever endure hearing (their ears have bled at some points). I BELIEVE it. Browncoats indeed.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:14 AM


onthedrift replied:

zoid- YES. I feel everything you just said down to my toes. I've said variations of the above more times than my family could ever endure hearing (their ears have bled at some points). I BELIEVE it. Browncoats indeed.

You know, I used to say, "Well, there goes two hours of my life!", after watching some mindless piece of dreck passing itself off as filmed entertainment. Now, I try to work out the piece du merde's budget (is 'merde' feminine or masculine?) to see whether we could have gotten a Serenity sequel for the same price. I take note of big name actors, SFX, whether multiple locations were used for shooting, pyrotechnics, stunts (to include car chases and wrecks on actual city streets), etc.

I mean, if I'm stuck in the mindless oblivion of the standard Hollywood fare, I might as well put my time to good use by fantasizing that I could have been seeing "Shadow" (my nominee for the sequel's title) for the same production cost.

Case in point: "The Cave", seen last night on Starz. Basically, a thinly veiled remake of "Alien". The 'star attraction' of this extended music video (who knew scientists were so cute in belly shirts?) was Cole Hauser, so I'm thinking they didn't spend a lot of money on acting contracts. There is a lot of underwater filming, and actual cave locations: fairly pricey. There is a ton of CGI, blue/green screen effects, and a "creature performer" in full costume and prostheses (again, a la "Alien"): very expensive. Based on my recall of the film's theatrical release, I'd say it got about as much (or a tad more) for promotional expenditures as Serenity.

I figure "The Cave" was easily as expensive as Serenity. Ergo, we could have had "Shadow" and left "The Cave" in the incinerator out in back of the vet's, where it belongs...

See? Wasn't that fun? Certainly better than just sitting there wondering whether or not a film is eventually going to develop 'a story' or 'a meaningful character', only to be disappointed time after time. This way I'm doing something useful with my time in captivity...

Anyone care to analyze how many sequels we could have had for the cost of "Alien vs. Predator" or "Aeon Flux"? Or, oooh, "The Island"? (NB: Virtually a 'note for note' remake of ridiculous B-film, "The Clonus Horror", done up on MST3K)



It just occurred to me that the same approach could be applied to films like "Lemony Snicket's", "Big Fish" or "Brothers Grimm"... But there's a difference. At least with those three, you can see that there was a creative effort being made. They may have failed at some aspect -- and it's always easiest to blame a specific actor/director, but sometimes it's just bad chemistry/timing -- but at least there was a genuine effort being made to tell an original story. I can admire that, even in failure.

What boils my bodily fluids are the movies that are formulated and prepackaged for maximum affect on an audience within a specific demographic. That ain't storytelling. It's pimping hormone injections. I'm sure it makes money (so does selling crack), but it's disgusting all the same...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:05 AM


WOW! What poetry. I like that 'synchronicity of souls', it is a perfect way to explain my feelings. I struggle to find words worthy of a response. I have spent years dedicating my own self to spreading the word (but Aussies are a strange breed, if it's not sport they don't care), and have only managed to convert a small number. So for me it is amazing to find a place where others are still discussing this amazing experience and keeping the dream alive.
As for the weather, it's usually not too bad here, quite often in shirts during winter. We also get hot summers. My town is Orbost if you want to check the weather out, it was 13C(or 55F) here today . Also I'm ten minutes from the beach.
So poetic. I only wish I knew people like you in my actual world.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:52 AM


If you translate Firefly episodes subtitles, hoping you manage to convert your family (I live in Brazil, we don't have Firefly dvds... )

If you are seriously considering to buy said dvds, even you will be spending your entirely monthly income on them... (my mom thinks I'm crazy )


Sunday, October 1, 2006 8:08 AM


When you're mad enough you say 'gorram it' or 'gorram whore' when you're not even thinking.

When you don't buy a photo op with Adam Baldwin because you know that if he even looks at you, you'll faint.

You say 'If wishes were horses we'd all be eating steak!' all the time, even in notes you pass to your friends in class

When you have outfits that make you feel like your favorite character(s).

When if you make an obscure refrence to Firefly, friends who've never seen the show know what you're talking about.

you pimp your fanfic so heavily that friends that have never seen Firefly want to see the show after reading it.

You ask your mother for a ticket to Flan II as your 'big' Christmas gift thereby giving up any other large expensive gifts.

You constantly quote your favorite lines when you're upset or happy.

You use shiny instead of special or cool.

When you're considering getting a Firefly tatoo at some point.

I love the Castro, because if somebody grabs my ass, I know they're picking my pocket.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:10 AM


When you use EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE MOMENT to bring up Firefly to the customer you're checking out while cashiering at your local supermarket - and ask them how they'd like their "cashy money."

You kick your tired father repeatedly to keep him awake in order to get him addicted to Firefly like he is with Star Trek (didn't work... gorram guy just moved).

When you and your first Browncoat convert dress up in Jayne hats and blue gloves on Twin day during spirit week, and also when you decide to dress up as Wash during Hawaiian Shirt day, including bringing in a set of plastic dinosaurs to act out the scene for your friends (and annoy the hell out of 'em too. ).

When you relate everything you can in school towards firefly, whether it's mentioning while you're giving you 'Medieval Monasteries and Abbeys' presentation in English that whenever I read that Monks chained their Books to the desk, you pictures Shepherd Book chained to a desk, or when you write a Firefly-based Canterbury Tales prologue (I refer you to my Blue Sun room. ).

Prob'ly several more, too.


The only animals I'm not comfortable with are parrots, but I'm learning as I go. I'm getting better and better at 'em. I really am. - Steve Irwin, our Honorary BDH


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:20 AM


You get the Firefly "in" jokes on Gina's new show Standoff. It is a great show although they need to show more of Gina. In the first episode, she wore a "brown coat". In the third episode they have the male lead where a shirt with chinese characters. I'm convinced that the person in charge of clothing is a firefly fan. Elaine

Please! Nobody died last time!


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:26 AM


you turn everything you hear into something having to do with Firefly or Serenity

you get REALLY excited when your English teacher starts quoting "The Ancient Mariner", but then get upset when she says you don't learn until later in your school career


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Sunday, October 1, 2006 9:32 AM


You are a Browncoat if... you tell your ex-girlfriend that your first love is and always will be a made up Firefly class transport called Serenity.

Edit: I spelled fist, what I meant to say was "First."
Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:31 AM


Hi, my name is jim and I'm a Browncoat

(you all say in unison "Hi Jim")

I knew I was a Browncoat when:
1. I named my car detailing business "Everything's Shiny"

2. I told someone I was cross with that they were going to the special part of hell.

3. I went out and bought a brown coat.



Sunday, October 1, 2006 11:30 AM


I can't tell you how bent I was about "The Island". First, Scarlett Johansen alone should have made it fun to look at (God bless a woman in Hollywood with curves, not protruding skeletal parts), and even that lost its charm pretty quickly.

Most of all, I remember "The Island" as a movie from the late 70's early 80's, based on a pretty dandy Peter benchely novel (as in "Jaws" and "The Deep"). I hate to see them take a pretty good name and then slap it on some pile of crap that has nothing to do with the's why I still have yet to forgive Dodge for the Charger!



Sunday, October 1, 2006 3:51 PM


you see a sign that says Mingo Rd. and immediately look around for another sign that says Fanty


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:08 PM



Originally posted by YESmynameiskali:
you see a sign that says Mingo Rd. and immediately look around for another sign that says Fanty.

Are you for real? COOL!! I'd love to see signs like that!

Fe'nos Tol
JOSSIS(Most Definitely)AGOD

Self appointed Forsaken! Been on the list for a while now!
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.
"Look at me, I'm STUPID!" The Doctor.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:43 PM


...You get a personalized plate that says Gorramit"
pic is somewhere in the BSR. All the other good ones ie. Firefly, Serenity etc were long taken.

...While counting "cashy money' at work you see a box of Alliance rubber bands and wonder when the Alliance started making rubber bands.

...of course use "if wishes were horses, then we'd be eatin steak" all the time.

... mutter Chinese curses under your breath at horrible customers while keeping your best "customer comes first" smile on your face


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:49 PM

AJS have a set of nicknames due soley to Firefly. ("Captain" and "Albatross"; "Jei-jei" and "Mei-mei") liked being called "mei-mei" so much, you looked up "older sister", "younger brother" and "older brother". insist on calling your brothers "di di". attempt to teach them to call you "jei-jei". find yourself explaining the plot to your grandmother, who you know will never. ever. ever. appreciate it, just in case. squee at the reverse side of fortune cookie fortunes when they have "Learn Chinese!" thank your waitress in Chinese. name your phone River, because she's just a little off and hard to understand.
......your friend names her phone Simon and you respond to your phones as if they should have a like link. have conversations when you get cut off like this:
"Gorrammit, River!"
"I think that one was Simon's fault, actually."
"Oh, sorry."
"River, quit it!"
"I think she's mad at Simon tonight."
"Well, she needs to stop."
"Maybe he should apologize."
"He doesn't even know what he did WRONG!" name your charger Mal for the sheer purpose of being able to say "I'm plugging Mal into River now" and imagining Simon flailing.
...............your friend admits that when your phones cut you off once, she took a moment sitting there going "River? River? ...Serenity?" quote Firefly in conversation whenever possible. the point where your family realizes they're quotes, you've said them so often. constantly try to get your parents to watch the series, and are planning to make your brothers when they're old enough to understand. say "Shiny!" so often, your mother knows to expect it and mocks you regularly for it. ("Glittery, even." has been the best response so far)


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:55 PM



Originally posted by YESmynameiskali:
you see a sign that says Mingo Rd. and immediately look around for another sign that says Fanty


"See, I've secretly been kind of a fan of me for some time now. I've seen everything I've ever done. I'd love to meet me, but I'd probably just stare and not be able to say anything witty or anything." -- Joss Whedon

There is a River Rd on my bus route, and also a Summer Lane. I keep looking for 'Simon Place' or something...LOL!

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:56 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:
You spend close to six months studying screencaps, promotional photos,, and watching the DVD's with the frame-by-frame button going just to pattern Mal's browncoat...and then turn around and build one.


Do you make them for others?

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 8:13 PM

JUSTSHINY always post on the "you know your a browncoat if.." threads. and your best friend live and breathe Firefly/Serenity so much that your other friend (who still hasn't seen the show yet) starts to sing the Jayne song, and not even realize it. find yourself comparing and contrasting other movies to Serenity. say 'shiny' a lot at work to customers hoping that they will recognize the word. (so far only one has :( get upset when you can't think of any more 'if's' even though you know there are so many more...

"In the spaceship, the silver space ship, the lion takes control."
Always up for talkin' to my fellow Browncoats!


Saturday, December 30, 2006 11:14 AM


...You can't watch Winnie the Pooh with your younger cousins because you laugh every time they say "a woozle's very sly, sly, sly".

"We will rule over all this land, and we will call it... This Land."
"I think we should call it YOUR GRAVE!"
"Curse you, sudden yet inevitable betrayal."


Saturday, December 30, 2006 12:26 PM


... You name your musical instrument "Vera"
... You involuntarily quote Firefly and change around the words to fit the situation
... The door to your room has a sign that reads "Sarah's Bunk" with Firefly based images all around it
... All your friends have posters of celebrities in their lockers and you have a poster of the BDH's with the lyrics to the Ballad of Serenity
... You have a big sticker of a strawberry on the back of you laptop
... Your e-mail is

All of these are true, I'll try to come up with more later

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> Scorpion owns all <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Saturday, December 30, 2006 1:54 PM



Originally posted by Choo1701:
"You have this great appreciation for Dr. Who #10 because he wears a BROWN overcoat. "

I saw that too. (just got to catch him swearing in Chinese or saying "shiny"!!!)

oh and he ALWAYS carries his weapon/tool on him (the sonic screwdriver )

and he was on the wrong side of a war

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon


Heheh... I was just lurking, watching the thread, but.. I saw this... *giggle*

It's true though.

May not be smart, and it may not please you, but you're definitely gonna see what I have to say.


Sunday, December 31, 2006 3:18 PM


when you ask someone what they just said after you heard them say (network i dare not speak but is a host to House and Prison Break) and when they say it again, you threaten to beat the living shite out of them

Dear diary, today I was pompous and my sister was crazy.


Monday, October 8, 2007 6:47 PM


You're a browncoat ...

if you use -fei hua- in conversation with your husband about something (probably about the new DVD player to buy) and spend quiet moments for the next 24 hours trying to remember if you used it in the right context. oh yeah, he didn't blink at all.

if your old DVD player died and to watch Serenity you used your computer, but won't let your kids play their DVDs on your computer.

if your kids wake you up awfully early one morning and you yelled at them about fighting with each other that early and realized that you had almost used chinese and gorramit while yelling at them.

if you spend all your free time on this website reading fanfic, and have come up with some ideas for your own fanfic. eep.

if your trying to figure out if you have any brown fabric to make a browncoat out of. I'm a sewer what can I say, don't know of many sewers that don't have stashes of shiny fabric. now do I have any brown....

Mal: She is fine. Except for bein' still crazy, she's the picture of health.


Monday, October 8, 2007 9:45 PM

BULLET0IN0THE0BRAINPAN0SQUISH start looking for threads like this just to satisfy your "browncoat hunger". (btw, does anyone have a link to the first one?) die a little inside when you miss the show on your local cable channel even when you already own the series DVD and have watched it a million times.

...your dad looks at you funny when you try memorizing the longer Chinese curses. see mundane objects and start relating them to all things Firefly (like signs that say "Break glass in case of fire", and you immediately think "Ron Glass, Shepherd Book, Firefly...")


I don't know what I'm saying. I never know what I'm saying.... -River Tam, Serenity (2005)


Monday, October 8, 2007 10:55 PM


.... if everytime you see the words "browncoat" and "2" in the same sentance you think sequel

That was when i found out my pants were on fire, and that's my Courageous story.

[url] [/url]

- Jimmy the Blindoutlaw


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 2:16 AM


... if you're still here after all this time.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 3:38 AM


You are a Browncoat if.............

You have printed up your own Ariel and Blue Sun 'verse money and...

You carry it with your Earth-That-Was money to weather it for realism and...

You pull it out at work and one of your co-workers asks if its enough to buy a space ship and...

You open your uniform shirt to show them your "Slim's Used Spaceships" shirt with the big ol' Firefly on the front and tell that
"No' its not enough to buy one, but it'll keep her flyin' for awhile.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 4:35 AM


Your friends are in the local comic book store, pick up the PVC figure set and ask each other, "I wonder if Laurie has these?"

And the owner says, "Yeah, she picked up her set last week."

And your friends (who introduced you to Firefly) start thinking about an intervention.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 6:08 AM


.....if you spend almost all your free time researching the theory of war and military strategy to be in a better position to flesh out the unit history of your fictional battalion, who in turn is based on a throwaway line from a deleted scene from the pilot episode.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 6:40 AM

STFLETCH do a double-take every time your hear or read the word 'Serenity', even when it has no connection to Firefly.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:22 AM


When someone mentions the serenity prayer and you think of the movie and forget what the prayer says.
When you get jealous of your 11 year old having no school and getting to watch Firefly, and you have to go to work.
You have to be firm with yourself to make said 11 year old wait to watch the BDM, because he's only 11.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:28 AM


(And this a true one, too!) At my job (Where I teach the short folks to properly hit someone else), there is this cute little six year old named, get this, Kaylee. And I put it upon myself to constantly call her "Kaylee-Bird", simply because I think that Zoe said it.


We move for all mankind,
A million miles from everything we've ever know...
We're on their hearts and minds,
A million heads are bowed to bring us safely home...
Hemmed in by emptiness,
A million ways that everything could be undone...

My Master went to the Moon in a Rocket of Flamin' Cheese!


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 9:15 AM


...typing up the elementary school honor roll (for the first 9 weeks of the school year)for the newspaper you start to grin at the names "Zoe," Nathan," "Malcom" and yes, yes..."Serenity"....(and believe it is a "sign.")


Wednesday, May 13, 2009 8:18 PM


You watch other TV shows to mostly find you compare how wanting they are compared to Firefly.

I agree, the other is quite cumbersome to load.


Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:51 AM


The ringtone on your cell phone is the Fruity Oaty Bar song.


Thursday, May 14, 2009 6:40 PM


Even though you have 2 Serenity CEs, and Bluray Serenity at home with your bigscreen, you're still planning to get to CSTS again this year.






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