Firefly has no chance at all :(

UPDATED: Friday, August 30, 2002 15:12
VIEWED: 8838
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Sunday, August 25, 2002 5:30 AM


Poor firefly, hardly a light. FOX is not behind this thing, it barely made the cut, only because it's highly promotable value and heavy production money already invested that it didn't wait til midseason. Even a terrific script from Joss & Tim cant stand against money. W/e drop that

Have you seen the promos? If I didnt know Joss was makin it, i wouldnt watch it, it looks horrible in the promos, but i know it will be a good show, unlike the onther 250million americans.

Friday nights? no show survives there on FOX, look at their track record.
Even if it was moved to a new night, where? Sunday's taken up with comedies now. Monday is D.E. Kelley night, Tyesday has struggler 24 that Wont be replaced, and Fastlane is a sure hit with todays mush brained audience, hey, Anna Nicole Smith's show kicked off with spectacular numbers. Fastlane will be around for years. Thurdays is Fox's bastard child. Saturdays taken. No room for Firefly, and John Doe is move heavily promoted.

Any comments from Critics keep saying Firefly is being retooled, although its not, the public still reads it as so. You could tell them Drew Carey is the illegitamite child of Bill Gates and the Pilsbury Dohboy, they'd believe it.

List your other reasons it will fail here, because I'm to tired to type more.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Sunday, August 25, 2002 5:48 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

On the contrary, FOX is supporting the series. So far there's been a new trailer for Firefly for the past few weeks or so aired during American Idol, which, by the way, is probably their top rated TV show right now. In that respect, Firefly is getting a lot of press and possibly targetting the right audience who might give the series a chance.


Sunday, August 25, 2002 6:30 AM


I don't know Haken,

The above poster might be right in that it has no chance. First, Firefly's *only* chance of being renewed is that Fox is willing to accept a noticeable improvement over Dark Angel's ratings (about a .5 improvement ratings wise) as reason enough to renew it. A lot of people I've talked to seem to think that Fox is expecting another X-Files, which apparently got 7's and 8's in the Friday slot. If that is the case the show is dead. Secondly, the press seem determined to "bad buzz" Firefly to death by making any of the difficulties seem far worse than they are, making whatever rating it earns far worse than they actually are. If you don't think this can happen I'd gladly point you to a number of shows (usually sitcoms) that managed to earn good enough ratings and yet got pulled and the only concrete explanation was the continual harping on it by the press. Couple that with the fact that the *very* best Firefly can do is about a 4.1-4.5 for the season (which is well below an X-Files splash) and you have a very chancy situation, though admittedly this has nothing to do with Fox's support.

"Being popular and well liked is not in your best interest. Let me be more clear; if you behave in a manner pleasing to most, then you are probably doing something wrong." - Janeane Garofalo, from "Feel this Book"


Sunday, August 25, 2002 8:28 AM



FASTLANE is a sure hit? I doubt it. And you're very wrong about promos. FIREFLY is getting just as much airtime as JOHN DOE, if not more. I've been watching FOX and FNC a lot this month to view those spots (because my VCR is wonky).

I think the trailers are cool. "Event" makes the show look epic. The only beef I have with the promo dept is that godawful FIREFLY poster that was passed out at Comic-Con.

As for misinformed critics, once they're given screeners for the first couple of eps, they can judge the show better. And the fall press junket will clear up any lingering confusion.

--- Joe


Sunday, August 25, 2002 8:45 AM


I wanted to add...

I predict that the FIREFLY premeire will score at least a 10, then settle into a comfortable 6 or 7 average (if the show excites).

I'm optimistic.

EDIT: If the show becomes a critical darling with franchise potential, then FOX will be comfortable with that average, I think.

Again, I'm optimistic.

--- Joe


Sunday, August 25, 2002 10:36 AM


Actually the serious critics (the ones who actually do it for a living, not the glorified blogsters) are pretty positive about Firefly. They too cite lots of reasons why Firefly might bomb, but nothing I'd take seriously. Mostly complaints about the timeslot and nitwited advance PR. None of the complaints about the timeslot make any sense to me, and can anybody remember a show that didn't get nitwited advance PR?


Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:47 AM



Actually the serious critics (the ones who actually do it for a living, not the glorified blogsters) are pretty positive about Firefly. They too cite lots of reasons why Firefly might bomb, but nothing I'd take seriously.

I wasn't talking about the critics, I was talking about the press. And pretty much every press story I've seen (that hasn't been about fawning over Joss Whedon, which he deserves by the way ) has been refering to Firefly as the "troubled show" or the "revamping series" and other language like that. The consistent drumbeat of these effects is a kiss of death to a series. Actually I haven't seen a whole heck of a lot of critical notice on this series at all (which is troubling in its own right).


. None of the complaints about the timeslot make any sense to me, and can anybody remember a show that didn't get nitwited advance PR?

ER, NYPD Blue (for both this one and ER this is refering to "back in the day"), The Sopranos, The Shield (over done is not the same thing as nitwitted ), The West Wing, 24 (the only real draw back had to do with stuff they couldn't possiblely control), Alias (The PR for it makes it look better than its luke warm mix of every James Bond cliche known to man writing), the list goes on...

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:51 AM



FASTLANE is a sure hit? I doubt it. And you're very wrong about promos.

I have to doubt your doubt as I feel that Fastlane will end up a hit, and possibly a large one if West Wing falters in replacing Rob Lowe. Why you ask? Because of two competing factors. The first is that the American public has been embracing more and more braindead shows thus Fastlane looks right up their alley. Secondly, Fastlane looks very much like something I'm going to hate and because whatever governs TV is determined to have more and more programs I hate Fastlane will be a hit so it can stay on the air to bug me indefinitely . Do I sound better to everyone else?

"It looks like a great adventure...That's what it is; that's what it feels like. When I saw the pilot, it was really engaging. It was exciting. It was unusual. It threw me off every now and then. I think people will be grabbed by it." - Ron Glass, on the pilot, during an interview with the Indianapolis Star


Sunday, August 25, 2002 4:04 PM


Critics dont really have an effect on the show, its press. PRESS. Bad press ahs already killed it. fastlane is a hit, who would even watch West Wing and Fastlane? What type of person would that be? Bill Clinton? Well him and no one else, Fastlane is a mindless show that suits FOX.

John Doe IS recieving more promos, as FOX has it on a high rank of promotional rotation )if you know what that is).

Firefly might get a good start on the premiere due to curiousness, but will tank after that, and could be killed by the baseball strike too.

I dont want Firefly to loose, but come on, we cant kid ourselves here.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Sunday, August 25, 2002 5:16 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
I dont want Firefly to loose, but come on, we cant kid ourselves here.

I don't want FIREFLY to loose either. Hopefully, Joss pulled it taut.

Since News Corp. owns TVG and EW, FIREFLY will probably get the cover of both of their fall previews, or at least lots of face time. No press is bad press. I see nothing on FASTLANE.

--- Joe


Sunday, August 25, 2002 5:58 PM


Okay, in my opinion if every Buffy fan tunes in for the first episode, Firefly has got a chance. Fans already know how Joss Whedon's brain works and if FOX and everyone else has faith in him as a storyteller, then hopefully Firefly will make it to a second season.

And why let other people tell us what to think? So the reviews have been a little lukewarm. So what. Personally, I want to see it first before I decide not to like it.


Monday, August 26, 2002 5:41 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Firefly might get a good start on the premiere due to curiousness, but will tank after that, and could be killed by the baseball strike too..

Take pity on an ignorant foreigner and explain how the baseball strike will be bad for Firefly. I don't see the connection.


I dont want Firefly to loose, but come on, we cant kid ourselves here.

What exactly is it that makes you so certain that Firefly has no chance? Seems a little arrogant to me to think you have that kind of absolute foresight.



Monday, August 26, 2002 6:00 AM



Originally posted by Shuggie:

Take pity on an ignorant foreigner and explain how the baseball strike will be bad for Firefly. I don't see the connection.

Hey, I'm a American and I don't get the connection either. But then, I don't follow baseball...


Monday, August 26, 2002 6:16 AM


^ I would like to see the connection between baseball and Firefly as well!


One evil at a time, that's the best i can do - Farscape


Monday, August 26, 2002 7:58 AM


I would think a baseball strike would prevent Firefly from being preempted in favor of playoff games, which would be good for the show, not bad. Playoff and World Series games would give Fox a larger platform for promoting the show, but I'm not sure how helpful that would be compared to allowing it to run in the same timeslot six or seven weeks in a row.


Monday, August 26, 2002 9:03 AM


Wow, no wonder none of you work in telelvision. FOX uses basebasll to promote the fall shows, and FOX has already stated that in the event of a strike, Firefly & John Doe will NOT be seen in September and hold out til late November at least, plus cause more pre emptions when its on.

By the Way, how could Buffy fans alone support the show? Look at X-Files fans, did Millenium work? Did Harsh Realm work? Did The Lone Gunmen work? No. Buffy fans only tune into buffy 4.4 million a week. Even double that Firefly will be cancelled.

Why are you all attacking me? I'm on your side. You cant attack your own side. And we all know it wont last year and years and years. It would have to at least change timeslot, but there is no where to move.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Monday, August 26, 2002 9:30 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Wow, no wonder none of you work in telelvision. FOX uses basebasll to promote the fall shows, and FOX has already stated that in the event of a strike, Firefly & John Doe will NOT be seen in September and hold out til late November at least, plus cause more pre emptions when its on.

Umm.. could you please point me to the source you found the information that Fox would move Firefly if baseball goes on strike. You just *can't* hold back a fall line-up that long for several reasons. #1, they would have nothing else to show, and dead air just doesn't go over like it used to. #2, they would lose out on *tons* of money from advertisers already interested in Firefly and John Doe. #3, many viewers will have found alternative programing in that time slot by November, thus Fox loses viewers and therefore loses money.

I'm sorry, you're also wrong about the Firefly/John Doe advertisements. A.) Firefly has been getting far more ad time on Fox, with as many as three ads being shown during American Idol. Firefly has also released at least 6 different ads. John Doe has released three ads, all of which get less airtime than Firefly. B.) Firefly has been advertised extensively on... you guessed it... FX. The ads are shown numerous times throughout the day, and are shown at least once during each episode of Buffy. C.) Firefly has recieved lots of press. John Doe has not. Even if the press is bad, people will tune in out of curiosity. If it's a good show, they'll continue to watch.


Why are you all attacking me? I'm on your side. You cant attack your own side. And we all know it wont last year and years and years. It would have to at least change timeslot, but there is no where to move.

Obviously you're wrong... people can attack their own side. To rule out that possibility displays your own ignorance.

We aren't attacking you, but if we were it's because you are not making sense at all. You're spouting off things about which you know nothing, and insulting those who are trying to understand your comments. This is trend with you, FF. Stop trying to play the victim... or don't.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Monday, August 26, 2002 9:38 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Critics dont really have an effect on the show, its press. PRESS. Bad press ahs already killed it. fastlane is a hit, who would even watch West Wing and Fastlane? What type of person would that be? Bill Clinton? Well him and no one else, Fastlane is a mindless show that suits FOX.

You better watch it with the political insults, buddy. Nothing polarizes you from the rest of the group faster than conflicting political ideals, not to mention ideals fueled by false information. I'd watch what you say in future posts... but that's just my advice.

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--]


Monday, August 26, 2002 10:57 AM


Wow your a ignorant dumbass. My information is true. not false dumbass. Anyways, I ahve nothoing more to say in this topic, because i gave my point acrosss. Go blow yourself.

haken, you can delete this now/ Please no one reply I dont want those notify emails, and you cant turn them off! i've tried. No reploies

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Monday, August 26, 2002 11:04 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Wow your a fucking ignorant dumbass.

FF, if you can't be civil, be gone.


Monday, August 26, 2002 11:54 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:

Why are you all attacking me? I'm on your side.

Nobody's attacking you. We're disagreeing with you. When you grow up, you'll understand the distinction.


Monday, August 26, 2002 2:04 PM


Uh, I'm 29 and a female, ou jackasses.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Monday, August 26, 2002 3:57 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
haken, you can delete this now/ Please no one reply I dont want those notify emails, and you cant turn them off! i've tried. No reploies

Oh please... like I was going to pass this up!




Sorry, Haken... I just had to do it!

--Dylan Palmer, aka NoVaGrAsS--


Tuesday, August 27, 2002 2:15 AM



Originally posted by Novagrass:
Umm.. could you please point me to the source you found the information that Fox would move Firefly if baseball goes on strike.

Since Furyfire rather colourfully declined to reveal her sources I did a little web research on my own.

This is the most up to date info I could find on the subject -

Scroll down to the section headed 'Fox revival in the offing?'. Keep scrolling until you reach a paragraph which begins 'In case the threatened baseball strike materializes'

Basically their contingency plan involves going ahead with the fall schedule for 4 days of the week and possibly delaying the other 3. Crucially for us Friday is in the 4 that's definitely going ahead as planned.


Prior to the week of Sept. 24, the Nielsen-sanctioned official start of the 2002-03 season, Fox will premiere four nights -- Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings -- starting Sept. 14, before Major League Baseball's tentatively planned October post-season playoffs, Ms. Berman said.



Ms. Berman said the rollout of Thursday, "the night most impacted by sports preemptions," will have a delayed rollout to "some time" following the November sweeps. Nevertheless, with over half of Fox's schedule unspooling in September, Ms. Berman said she thinks it mitigates the effect of a baseball players' work stoppage on Fox's other planned debuts.

"We're not prepared to lay out the [entire] contingency plan" if there is a baseball strike, Ms. Berman reiterated, when asked if it would mean pushing up the Sunday and Monday premieres if October again goes without a playoff post-season.

So it seems that Furyfire had just confused the days - unless it's changed since that article (22nd July).

Oh and Furyfire - please don't think of this as an 'attack', it's not, it's just me trying to find out what's going on. Being a mere mortal and a foreigner to boot it sometimes takes me a little longer.



Tuesday, August 27, 2002 6:09 AM


Perhaps I misread this, but the article doesn't specifically say that shows could get delayed by the baseball strike. What it does say is that the possibility of a strike is making it hard for Fox to finalize its Thursday night schedule and that a strike would hurt the network overall. I'd guess that if there is a strike, they'll actually premiere a lot of shows earlier than they would otherwise.

Gail Berman is an interesting person. When she was head of Fox's TV studios, she was the one that persuaded Whedon to turn Buffy into a TV series, and got the resources together to make it happen.


Tuesday, August 27, 2002 6:16 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Uh, I'm 29 and a female, ou jackasses.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.

I didn't say "when you're full grown". I said "when you grow up".


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 5:46 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
Wow your a ignorant dumbass. My information is true. not false dumbass. Anyways, I ahve nothoing more to say in this topic, because i gave my point acrosss. Go blow yourself.

Hey now THERE is a way to make friends.

Perhaps not the best way, nor MY way but i guess it is A way.


If i hear any more technobabble out of your mouth, i'm cutting out your tongue- Farscape


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 9:48 AM


I ahve no friends here, so why should I be nice to them at all, they yell at me for saying 'hey', so screw them.

Shugs, i appreciate the link you put up, but i had actually read a different article that stated the stuff i spoke of.

Btw, i asked that no one else reply, so i stop getting the stupid notifyy emails, but your all to ignorantly rude and keep doing it. Suck off.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:22 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
I ahve no friends here...

Gee, I wonder why?

Btw, i asked that no one else reply, so i stop getting the stupid notifyy emails, but your all to ignorantly rude and keep doing it. Suck off.

So ask Haken to remove your user data from the system. I'm sure he'd be only too pleased!

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.

Here's a suggestion: learn to interact without going ballistic. I mean, you start calling people names, they're certainly not going to want to buy your scripts!


Wednesday, August 28, 2002 10:23 AM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:

Btw, i asked that no one else reply, so i stop getting the stupid notifyy emails, but your all to ignorantly rude and keep doing it. Suck off.

We're rude for simply replying? E-mail notifications are easily deletable. I don't know why you're so huffy about it.

You seem not to handle criticim well. We're only engaging, debating, challenging -- not attacking. To disagree is *not* to hate. Just chill, and maybe we won't be so "ignorantly rude" in your eyes.

--- Joe
Awaiting your obligatory "stop replying" reply


Friday, August 30, 2002 5:22 AM


On the subject of clueless PR: the promo for next Tuesday's Buffy manages to imply that Buffy and Xander will become a couple:


Friday, August 30, 2002 8:37 AM


BtVS previews in Real Player format? Damn you UPN! Damn you to hell!

--- Joe


Friday, August 30, 2002 9:53 AM


Likes to mess with stuffs.

Well, the baseball strike has been averted.


Friday, August 30, 2002 11:51 AM


Is it me or are there only like 3 new scenes in that Buffy Promo? I could swear that 90% is season 6 or earlier!

I suppose promotions don't have to be about the new, but surely they could come up with a little bit more new footage!

Never the less.... Looking forward to what Joss has in store for us!

"I'm not ashamed. It's the computer age. Nerds are in. They're still in, right?" -Willow


Friday, August 30, 2002 11:51 AM


The reason that notifications are so irritating, is because I'm waiting for response to other topics, and it doesnt say in the email which topic was replied to.

If you know anyone that can help my screenwriting career, please help! And yes, I am self-advertising here. Hehehe, me such a little devil.


Friday, August 30, 2002 12:03 PM



Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
The reason that notifications are so irritating, is because I'm waiting for response to other topics, and it doesnt say in the email which topic was replied to.

Sounds like something Haken might do quite easily if you asked him nicely.



Friday, August 30, 2002 12:24 PM


Likes to mess with stuffs.


Originally posted by FURYFIRE:
The reason that notifications are so irritating, is because I'm waiting for response to other topics, and it doesnt say in the email which topic was replied to.

All you had to do was ask. It's done. Hope you like it. I would have included the original message too, but then it might be a bit lenghty depending on your original post that requested the notification.

Also added an option to override the notification by the person replying.


Friday, August 30, 2002 3:02 PM


Don't mind me. Just testing timezone support and reply notification.

--- Joe


Friday, August 30, 2002 3:12 PM



Originally posted by Haken:
I would have included the original message too, but then it might be a bit lenghty depending on your original post that requested the notification.

You could include the first 500 bytes or so.






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