life onboard serenity : the three hills job pt.2

UPDATED: Friday, July 21, 2006 09:59
VIEWED: 12870
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Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:06 PM


Life Onboard Serenity is a chain-story/rpg. Anyone can play! Anyone Can Join! Come on in and make yourself at home.

Previously, On Life Onboard Serenity!

and, our latest adventure-

in which: ertia got taught how to shoot by pain and jayne, but ended up shooting a random merchant. 13 had no where to go, (then got poked in the eye. 62 started to mess things up, AGAIN.
we got 2 new dudes here with us,(i have NO idea where there going to sleep) john learned he was gonna be best man at kaylee's sisters wedding.

remember, have fun, keep the sexin' implied, and try to be consistant.



the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:10 PM


yippie fist post *does new thread dance while still waiting for guidance*

Guy: how's this gonna work exactly?

Fly: I was wonderin' that myself.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:18 PM


Ok Guy just got the job description from the previous thread before last. You, Fly, Zoe, and Mal are to steal some parts from a dump, fix them up and sell them. Ask John on the why.

*Jayne and Pain finished getting all the crates and the box of empty cans into the cargo bay. Ertia sat on a nearby crate and wondered*

Did I shoot that guy? I hope I didn't cause I was aiming at the cans. Oh gods I hope he makes it.

*Pain sat down next to Ertia, put a hand on her shoulder and said*

What's wrong bao bei?

*Ertia looked up at Pain and said*

I think I might've shot that man in the infirmary.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:24 PM


not bad for my first new post

*after chatting and exchanging stories, wolf desided to go to bed.*

ma" do you want the guest room?"

kaylee" no, its ok, he can stay with me."

ma" ok then."

*john shifted in his chair, between bill's hand on lisa's ass and wolf and kaylee givin each other certain looks, he was fellin a might uncomfortable*

pa" watch'yall doin tomorow then wolf?"

wolf" ill go see my father. the wolves are probably goin crazy now they can smell we're back."

john" you've still got huttsar and the other wolves?"

wolf" yep, probably a few new ones, and less old ones, 10 years won't make a difference though, there still wolves, and if theres one thing i know apart from flyin' its wolves."


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Saturday, July 15, 2006 3:46 PM


"Nuisance! Hmph. Although I should do something about my look."

Just as he said this, a wooden sign from across the street was put up by a woman in a sari.


Considering how many times 13 had gotten into bad situations simply by relying on signs and walking into strange stores, you'd have thought he would've passed the bath house.

"Shiny," 13 grinned, and strode inside.

Obviously, his lack of common sense got the better of him.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:22 PM


*Pain hugged Ertia and said*

Hey now don't talk like that. I'm sure it was an accident, I mean it's not like you were facin' Serenity when you were shootin'. He probably got hit by a ricochet.

*Ertia buried her face into Pain's chest and said*

I hope you're right Pain cause I don't want Mal thinking it was on purpose.

*Pain continued to hold Ertia and said to her*

Don't worry about it bao bei I'll take care of it.

*Ertia looked at Pain with tears in her eyes and said*


*Pain smiled, wiped away the tears from her eyes, kissed Ertia and said*

You bet.

*Ertia nuzzled her head into Pain's chest as he held her. Pain thought to himself*

I wonder how Mal's goin' to take this?

Meanwhile in the infirmary

*Simon finished patching up the stranger and went to check on J.R., who was still sedated as was Sybil and Mac. Simon checked Mac's vitals and thought to himself*

This would go a lot quicker if I had help.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:27 PM


(OoC: Who feels like having a reaver attack once the heist is done with? And then, onto Osiris!)

"Whaddaya mean you have to be by YOURSELF!? It's PUBLIC, isn't it?"

Ignoring his pleas, the proprietor shoved him out fussily.

"At least give me my clothes back!"


Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:06 PM


I think I just found an early Life aboared serenity:

EDIT: and here's the next one:

again EDIT: and the next one:

might be the final EDIT: and the next:
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 7:19 PM


thought this deserved another post because I think it's THE FIRST THREAD!
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:02 PM


*gives Guy a cookie for finding the first L.O.S. thread.*

*Simon stepped out of the infirmary, saw Pain and Ertia still in the cargo bay, and said in an unsure tone*

Um Pain, Ertia, would it be too much to ask you two to assist me in the infirmary?

*Pain raised an eyebrow as Ertia raised her head up and said*

Uh sure Simon what's it you need?

*Simon replied to Ertia*

I just need some volunteers to look over some of the patients and read off their vitals.

*Pain looked at Ertia then back at Simon and said*

Yeah sure doc we can do that. Just don't ask me to be doin' anythin' major, like surgery.

*Simon replied to Pain*

Oh it'd be nothing like that. You just read off their vitals and I'll do the work.

*Pain shrugged, got up and said*

Alright doc fine by me.

*At that Pain and Ertia followed Simon into the infirmary and followed his instructions.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, July 15, 2006 8:09 PM


Choo groaned as slowly his senses awakened..and then wished he hadn't...

"Barman, i'll have another Gargle Blaster if you please".a sharp pain suddenly shot up his leg. Choo winced in agony. "Make that two...."

"Hold stil, you've been shot" Said, what Choo could only describe as one of those neat and tidy core doctors, the last thing you'd find on 3 hills, let alone a Firefly.

"ain't that Bl**dy obvious." said Choo as the doctor gave him something to go to sleep...

"Well close enough.."

Back into the cold, white, lonely wildness...

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon



Sunday, July 16, 2006 3:26 AM


*wolf walked up to go to bed. he remembered the last time he slept in this room. he smiled.*

wolf" *yawn* its been a while."

*he looked into the room and saw the fallout of a young mecanics life, a shirt here, a tattered pair of overalls there, half fixed engine parts strewn across the floor.*

wolf" whats this?"

*he noticed what looked like aa unfinished project on the table.*

wolf" this is the engine from the car i crashed."

kaylee" you bet it is."

*kaylee was standing in the doorframe.*

wolf" oh, i didn't see you there."

kaylee" i remember when you crashed that old hover car. pa was furious."

*she stifled a giggle*

wolf" well, i had to get my father to the hospital."

*kaylee went over to him and put her arms around his waist. wolf did the same*

wolf" i remember the last time i slept in this room."

kaylee" i sure do. well, we've got a room to ourselves. shame to waste it."

wolf" i like the way you think."

*wolf and kaylee through themselves onto the bed.*

i still got nothin'


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 7:37 AM




the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:22 AM


"Wolf! Let me in! WOLF!"

Wonder how that heist is going.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:33 AM


*wolf leaned out of the window, half naked himself and said*

wolf" are do you want 13? im busy."

*kaylee from inside* " whats goin on wolfie?"

wolf" nothin'. 13, why are you naked?"

13" why are YOU naked?"

wolf" never mind that, i asked first!"

13" there was an... incident. i need some clothes!"

*wolf reached into the cuboard next to him, pulle dout a pair of breifs and threw them down to 13, he closed the window and got back to kaylee.*

13" what! thats it! wolf! WOLF!"

*wolf didn't reply*


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:40 AM



Alright, gotta think this one through. I can either beg for my clothes back at the bath-house, buy some, or steal from Wolf...



Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:50 AM


*wolf opened the window again*

wolf" 13, go next door, tell them wolf sent ya and tell them to give some of my old stuff, oh and tell my father ill see him tomorrow."

13" thanks buddy"

*wolf closed the window again.*

there you go, nice bit of charity, just don't look in the inner left pocket! (no seriously don't it contains my dark secret oogabooga!)


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 8:58 AM


(Dark secret? Wolf can't have a dark secret, that's what 13's for!

"Xie xie, Mr...?"


"Freezefast? Huh. That's a new one. Anyway, the Wolf'll show up tomorrow."

Good thing this is old stuff, 13 thought. Wolf outsizes me by quite a bit.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:15 AM


scott freezefast" wolfs comin!"

13" yeah."

scott" hot damn! ill go tell the wife."

*wolfs dad seemed a little eccentric but still, 13 wasnt nekkid any more*


the following people kick pigu! terry pratchett, nathan fillion, jewel staite, antonio banderas, liam neeson and finally joss whendon himself!


Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:27 AM


i love this sig and just had to have it.



Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:33 AM


(Poor River...actually, poor interviewer!)

"Well, I'll be around. If you really need me, I'll be at the bar."


Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:37 AM


ive found out how to do sigs and i cant help me-self!



Sunday, July 16, 2006 9:43 AM



*13 walked away from the house. a wolf started to tail him (no pun intended).*



Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:15 PM


Nice work on the new thread-start, Wolf.
So.... nobody is interested in actually doing the Three Hills Job? (The salvage part was just cover for the knocking off the vault that the paranoid ownder keeps all his stuff in.)

I had a pretty elaborate plan for Plottwist. So we'll just take Trench for Plottwist for now, and I'll re-introduce the other plan later when we don't have new characters, weddings, maps and ignored scrap-heap jobs.

Yes, fabulous time in SF. If you get a chance to see Howard Shore's Lord of the Rings Symphony performed live, DO IT! Worth every penny!

Ertia checked pulse, blood pressure, and O2 intake on all of the passengers, smiling when Sybil grabbed her wrist as she checked her pulse. "Hey there, Miss Harrow. You 'wake?"

"JR? Mac?Where are the others?" The woman looked around groggily and Ertia patted her hand.

"They're okay, Sybil. We got to you in time. They're all right." At an exchanged glance from Simon, Ertia didn't mention the woman with the crushed chest that they found. There would be time for grief later.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:20 PM



I created this account to keep from having to register new characters as a seperate character, and thus keeping the board's actual member count closer to reality.
Anyone can use it. SOrry I didn't get the info out sooner. :)



Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:29 PM


OK! OK! I'm here.

Meanwhile somewhere on Three Hills

*Mal said to Zoe*

I thought John said this was goin' to be a simple job.

*Zoe replied*

He did sir. Guess he forgot to tell us this.

*Mal replied as him, Zoe, Guy, and Fly each had their backs to each other, forming a square*

Now now nice folks we're just lookin' around. No need for the show of arms.

*The grungy dump owner steeped forward, a sawed off shotgun aimed at Mal, and replied*

I don't take ta kindly ta folks trespassin' on me property.

*Mal turned to Guy and said*

Anybody have a plan to get us out of this fine mess?

Hey John, Fly where you at?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 16, 2006 12:37 PM


Guy: *between his teeth* Yeah, I got a plan, follow my lead.

*grasps at his chest right where his heart is and acts like he's havin' a heart attack*
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:04 PM


*Fly gets down on her knees and says*

Oh my God he's havin' a heart attack! Someone get a doctor quick!

*The owner and the five other men turn their attention to Guy as he pretends to having a heart attack (and a very convincing one I might add). Mal takes his cue and lands his fist square in the owners jaw. The blow causes the man to stumble back just as Mal unholsters his pistol. The man shakes his head and is about to aim his shotgun at Mal when Mal pistol whips the man, causing him to lose consiousness. The other men draw thier weapons and go to help their boss when Zoe, Fly, and Guy jump in and help the Captain. Zoe backhands one of them with her mare's leg and shoots another one. Fly spin kicks another as Guy flings dirt into anothers unprotected eyes. Mal says to Zoe*

I think we best get to that safe ol' John talked about and retrieve its contents!

*Zoe replied as Fly and Guy took care of the man with the ditr in his eyes*

Sounds like a good plan sir!

Meanwhile back on Serenity

*Pain walked up behind Ertia who was talking to Sybil, wrapped his arms around her waist, kissed her neck and said*

So Miss Sybil how're you doin'?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, July 16, 2006 1:18 PM


"What's your whiskey?" 13 asked the spathic barmaid, wad of money fisted.

"Wild Turkey." Drawing the shot, 13 stops her, hand tight on her wrist.

"Actually, I'll just take the bottle, thanks."

The woman snorted, handing him a shot glass.

"I meant just the bottle when I said it. Now, here's a trick you won't see too often."

Seizing the Wild Turkey, 13 tips the bottle over his mouth, letting the whiskey flame down his throat. The maid double-takes.

Wiping his mouth, 13 grins. "I'll have another bottle, thanks. Not that much of a danger for me."


Sunday, July 16, 2006 6:06 PM



WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 17, 2006 5:44 AM





Monday, July 17, 2006 7:52 AM


"Thanks for the Turkey."

Striding to a table, 13 roughly pulls out a chair, settling in uncomfortably. Tipping back his bottle of W.T, he makes out a strange sight in the corner of his eye.

A Core woman.

With confident steps, she makes her way over to 13's table, sliding in elegantly. She stares at the bot, head cocked to one side. Flicking a business card from her sleeve, 13 sees the familiar blue-and-white logo, emblazoned with those two words.

"Leave," the robot says simply.

"Hear us out."


Ignoring him, she begins. "We've been keeping track of you, '13,' and we are very interested in you. You see, I'm offering you something."

"What exactly is that?"

"A life. You and I both know that what you're doing now, petty crime with those pirates, is a poor substitute for what you could be living."

"I'm fine with where I am."

"No, you aren't. You have no idea of your true potential, what you can be. What I'm offering is that you work with us, like you were meant to. And believe me, you will be rewarded."

"What reward?"

"We can clear your name, give you a home and wealth.We can make you human again."

13 stares into the gaping mouth of the W.T bottle, unblinking. After a long time, he looks up.

"What kind of work?"


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:54 AM


*Sybil replied*

I'm a little groggy but I'm sure that'll pass. I must say Mr. Pain, I thank you for saving me and my crew.

*Pain smiled and said*

It wasn't nothin' Miss Sybil, just doin' my job is all.

*Sybil placed a hand on Pain's wrist and replied*

Well it was a job that you and the rest of the crew shall be commended for.

*Sybil smiled and fell asleep, the drugs in her system taking effect. Pain looked at Ertia, smiled and said*

Remind me to save more people like Sybil next time.

*Ertia smiled back, wrapped her hands around Pain's waist and replied*

I'll write that down babe.

*Pain smiled, kissed Ertia and said*

Well if anyone needs me I'll be in the shower.

*Pain unwrapped Ertia's hands from his waist, kissed her once more, turned around and headed for the shower room.*

Hey where is everyone?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:26 AM


working :(

Choo was slowly dragged back to the waking world by the sharp pain in his leg. Groaning he muttered "Barman, lay off the olives next time..."

"so your awake then." said a voice nearby. Slowly memories started to come toghter...

"Ah. So your the doc on this boat then?"

"certainly am Mr...what is your name? We never quite asked.." said the doc as he shined a light into Choo face.

"great, my eyes are playing up now!..Names Tom by the way, but everyone calls me Choo. After the star. properly. What about yours Doc?"

After a short silence the Doc muttered "Simon my names Simon."

Holding out a hand Choo said "Nice to meet your about my wound...will i be able to play the violin ay time soon, cause last time i checked i couldn't..."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Monday, July 17, 2006 12:32 PM


OoC: Hey all. Summer continues with kids. I'll try to post soon. I also have some background info that's been rattling inside my brain, concerning Sybil, JR and the last mission.
JR swore revenge against The Black, the pirate ship that went kablooey, the one that killed Lizbeth, his wife. But he had no way of exacting his revenge. He even thought of joining the Alliance air/naval wing, but couldn't bring himself to do that. Then he met Sybil. Her father's company runs a "black ops" division, to help fight against the corrupt Alliance and pirate menace. Her mystery ship, called "Nightwing", was built by Sir Warrick's company. The two gunners, Mac and Laci, are/were Sybil's cousins.

Everyone dies alone.


Monday, July 17, 2006 12:48 PM


"You will be our arm where we cannot reach. Namely, the Border Moons and planets, pirate space, independent colonies. You will have all of our resources at your disposal, plus a fully manned ship.

"Work with us long enough, with positive results, and we'll make you into what you deserve."

"Why me? Couldn't you just as easily have a strike force or some kind of space ninja?"

"You're, for all intents and purposes, invincible. Extremely cost-effective. And, you yourself already have a contact base and exceptional pull in the Border."

You wouldn't be missed. They don't care what you do, as long as it doesn't cause them inconvenience. With Blue Sun, you could have everything, the woman isn't lying. Honestly, how much good can you do flying around doing petty thieving?

"Well?" Her face remains placid, and 13 can read nothing from her eyes.

13's mouth pulls into a weird half-smile.

"Where's my ship, boss?"


Monday, July 17, 2006 12:57 PM


That's quite alright JR. Go have some fun with the little ones. Nice background info BTW.

*Simon replied to Choo*

You'll be able play the violin or any other instrument. Just try to limit your physical activities for a few days while the wound heals.

Elsewhere on Serenity

*Ertia smiled as she entered the shower room, knowing full well Pain was in there. She closed the door, stripped off her clothes, and opened the shower door. Pain saw her enter and said in mock shock, while covering himself*


*Ertia smiled, wrapped her arms around Pain's waist and said*

You're such a kidder.

*Pain smiled, kissed Ertia and replied*

I know I am bao bei.

*The two of them soap each other up, taking time to make out and admire each other's bodies. Pain said to Ertia as he kissed her neck*

You know I like this whole showerin' together thing. It reminds me of the first time we did this.

*Ertia moaned and said as she leaned back in his arms*

That was fun bao bei. I'd like to do that again sometime soon.

*Pain smiled and said, brushing his lips against her ear*

Me too bao bei. Me too.

No there was no sexin' in the shower this time.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, July 17, 2006 5:12 PM


In the Three Hills Junkyard

*Mal, Zoe, Fly, and Guy entered the small cramped office that belonged to the junkyard owner. Mal and Zoe stood guard as Fly and Guy searched for the safe that John talked about. Zoe spotted a plume of dust heading their way and said*

Sir I think we have company coming. Looks like they're about 5 miles out and coming in quick. I say at least 25 miles per hour.

*Mal looked over his shoulder to Fly and said*

Fly you find that safe yet?

*Fly responded*

Not yet sir.

*Mal responded as he turned his attention outside*

Well there's some trouble headin' this way that says you best find that safe on the double.

*Fly is about to reply when Guy shouts out*

Found it sir! It was hidden behind the bulletin board here.

*Mal replied unholstering his gun*

Shiny! You two get to work opening it. Fly you remember the combination?

*Fly replied as she walked over to the safe*

Yes sir I do.

*Zoe said to Mal, readying her mare's leg*

Looks like they'll be on us in 6 minutes sir.

*Fly had opened the safe and started putting the contents into a canvas bag, when Mal shouted*

6 minutes folks.

*Guy responded*

It's shiny Captain we got the stuff.

*Mal replied*

Alright lets get to the hover mule and head back to Serenity. Zoe hail Wash and tell him we're coming.

*Zoe replied as the four of them headed for the hover mule, parked a half mile away*

Aye sir.

*Zoe pulled out the handheld com, pushed the button and said*

Wash baby we've got the loot. Will be heading your way shortly.

*Wash's voice came over the portable com's speaker*

10-4 sweet cakes. I'll be waiting.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:30 AM


BUMPING again. *floats around in pool with a nice cold drink, waiting for the others to post.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:18 AM


bumpsitting here eating grilled cheese sandwiches waiting for posts


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:38 AM


(Wolf, are you still tailing 13? Did you hear the little meeting?)

"You're ship will arrive with full crew in two hours. Tell them you were sent by LaChance. That should be enough for them to follow your orders. Your first assignment will be sent to you once you're off-planet."

"Fine. I still have business here, though."

Without waiting for LaChance to speak, 13 rose from his chair, and left the bar, heading to Serenity.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:50 AM


Meanwhile: At the Hall of Justi- sorry, my bad!!! Serenity

Choo rolls his eyes sarcasticly
" your not a sarcastic type then"

"Not really. Just a doctor." replied Simon as he turned back to a moniter. "so what were you doing by the ship anyway?" he asked over his shoulder.

"would you believe, looking for a lift."

With this Simon turned around and saw Choo holding a data sheet.

"Your advertising one. Picked it up this morning"

Simon replied dumbfound
"Wash was told to take that down months ago!...Oh... boy..."

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:06 AM


This is it. Last stop. 13 sighs as he enters Serenity, quietly making his way to his small bunk.

Hoisting his leather pack, 13 turns to leave, to see River standing in the doorway, her eyes surveying the floor.

"You'll tell them, won't you?" she asks, eyes still at the floor.

13 doesn't answer.

"Fine. Leave."

Nodding, 13 complies.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:06 AM


yeah i am and yeah i did.

*wolf was surprised to hear 13 exepting the job. and wondered if it would hinder HIS plans. the charges were in place but if 13 did anything to rash it might ruin the whole thing.*

wolf" gotta tell the cap'n, if 13 does anything unexpected that might hurt them..."

*he continues to follow 13*

"damn should have shaved, he will SO recognise the beard." wolf thought.

wats ya plan? if you PM me yours, ill PM you my plan.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:19 AM


(Just P.Med you 13's plan.)


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 9:53 AM


*The hover mule arrived in Serenity's cargo bay and touched down. River watched from her hiding place as Mal, Zoe, Guy, and Fly got out of the hover mule. She said as Fly walked past*

The numbered one left home.

*River emerged from her hiding place and repeated*

The numbered one left home. Has things on his mind.

*Fly tilted her head and said to River*

You mean 13 darlin'? Where'd he go? Why'd he leave?

*River looked at Fly as Mal, Zoe, and Guy gathered around, and replied*

Didn't say.

*Before Fly or the others could answer, River wandered off baabling something incoherrant. Pain said to Ertia as he opened the shower room door*

So what do you wanna do tomorr...GAH!! Ai ya!

*River giggled as Pain almost ran into her. She looked at him, smiled and said*

Pain and Ertia sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G...

*River giggled again and ran off somewhere. Ertia hugged Pain and said*

What was that all about babe?

*Pain smiled and said as they headed to the cargo bay*

I don't know babe. Just that crazy sister of the doc's bein' herself I guess.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:26 AM


It had been one hell of a day for the Captain. First the job nearly went down the spout, and second 13 had decided to leave. A good day. And it just got better.

Mal stood in the entrance of the Infermary to find a man he had never seen before with a bandaged right leg, talking to the Doc.

Catching Simons attention Mal ordered "um..Doc, could i have a word? Outside. In Private"

"I can explain. He got shot."

"SHOT! on my gorram boat."

"yes it does seem to happen a lot..look, pain and erita brought him in after Jayne had been doing target practise or something. I had to treat him. Thats what doctors do."

Mal replied bluntly "but doctors don't bring random, possibly dangerous strangers onto a boat full to the brim of Fugitives!!"

pausing for a moment simon mentioned: "He has a notice as well". While handing mal the data sheet

Mal stood there for a second: "but they were taken down months ago."

"I know."

Both men stood there in silence.

"Fed?" Mal asked.

"hopefully not, but he also says he can pay. In this".

Simon handed Mal a roll of coin notes. Mal stood there shocked, relizing that he was holding nearly 600 in gold and platenum. Enough to buy six months worth of fuel, and then some...

"keep an eye on him until he can walk. If you get supicous, you tell me first. Got that?" Simon nodded. "good. lets hope he's just a very richman who likes to dress as a Hobo..."

any good?

"Remember, always be yourself. Unless you suck."-Joss Whedon

Ralph Wiggum(after walking into the 'Adults Only' section): Everybody's hugging!


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:59 AM


(Shiny, Choo! Hey, could I get your help in designing the Blue Sun ship?)

Standing alone on the bridge of the colossal Animinaru, 13's memory returned to Serenity.

River, Pain, Ertia, Kaylee...and Fly. What would she think of him, that he'd left without a word?

Does it even matter? That part of your life is over now.

"Yes, but that..."

...means they're feelings are irrelevant.


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:52 PM


*Ertia and Pain walked past the infirmary just as Mal left for the bridge. Ertia saw the man they had brought in, awake and said to Pain*

I'm going to talk with the doc's new patient and then check up on Sybil and the rest. Is that alright with you boa bei?

*Pain kissed Ertia on the head and replied*

It's fine by me bao bei. I'll be outside takin' a smokin' break. Holler if'n you need me.

*Ertia smiled and said*

Sure thing babe.

*Ertia smacked Pain in the butt as he headed outside. He turned around and grinned at her just as she entered the infirmary. Ertia smiled back and Pain took out a cigar from his pocket. He turned back to the open cargo bay doors, leaned against the right one, lit the cigar, and stared out at the scenery.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, July 18, 2006 4:47 PM


Ertia tucked her head into the infirmary, spotting the man sitting on the table, his leg wrapped in sterile bandage.

"Heya, How you holding up?" Ertia holds out her hand, meeting the newcomers eye rather boldly for someone who just shot him, "I'm Errrr..."

Crap. Ertia was dead. They blew her to smithereens! And she didn't know this man from Adam. Smiling perkily, and hoping he'd think she was just airheaded and silly, she said, "I'm the designated meeter and greeter around here whenever Kaylee's busy. You can call me E."






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