Male and Female Imponderables - Not for the Faint of Heart

UPDATED: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:53
VIEWED: 14041
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Monday, July 17, 2006 8:12 AM


Hey take it from a former cheer leader ..women, in general, suck!!! sorry, but they do. I have really liked talking to the women here and have a few female friends, but for the most part ( despite my girly primping) I just can't figure them out or find common ground. I just don't care which star is dating or broke up. I don't care if my hair and make-up get messed up or if I get grease on me. I actually like eating food not picking at it and sighing and saying I am on a diet. I would shoot myself rather than watch a chick flick...and it drives me mental that they can waste such enormous amounts of energy on analyzing ever nuance of what a guy said and what it might "mean" it's a guy for smacks sake he didn't mean anything by that. He just said " hi you look nice today" it was not a subtle dis of your outfit, a proposal to run away and bear his children, or a suggestion that your butt's too big...he meant " HI YOU LOOK NICE TODAY" ...sorry sore spot as you can tell ok rant over now!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:12 AM


I am definitely someone who gets on better with men.

(Actually, thinking about it, the kind of men I get on with would be very familiar to a lot of you guys - you see 'em in the mirror every day.)

Re-reading this, it sounds weird. To clarify - I am not a girly girl. I had my first manicure a week before my wedding (ie four months ago) Fashion confuses me - I wear what suits me and is comfortable. I have always been happier yapping about films (particularly those with loud explosions in) and books, than anything on the domestic front. Put me at a party and I won't be in the room with the wives (and probably children) but out in the garden with the guys drinking beer and talking martial arts. My mother wanted a girl who had a least an inkling of housework. She got a tomboy, who opted out of the traditional 'female' pattern presented to her over teenagehood. My sole domestic concession is cooking.

I think it is all down to the conventional expectations.


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:18 AM


Cars and motorbikes are my machine of choice. I've been around them forever, because my Dad owns a Ducati (Whoot!)which he races, and when I'm 16, I get to go with him (two months and fourteen days, but then who's counting?), Can't wait!
On that note, I'm off to watch Top Gear!
That's a 'you can't do that you're a girl' thing I get,like why would a girl be interested in cars? Um, because I'm not interested in the general teenage girl stuff (make-up, boys, fashion, the 'celebrity' [and I use that term loosely] world and the like).
More into art, reading/writing, culture, vehicles and of course, Firefly!
bye for tonight! Hugs and waves!

*edit* No chick flicks! Please God no chick flicks, or romantic comedies. Everysingle one follows the same story line (meet-> like-> hate-> love) and they are immensely depressing I need sarcastic humour and at least one interesting death!

Eagles may soar, but ferrets don't get sucked into jet engines.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:19 AM


Except for you guys on the forum, I don't really talk to anyone, male or female. Ain't anonymity grand?

I will say however, that I tend to have the same interests as men. Beyond my small circle of friends, I don't many women in the area who like to play video games, RPG's, and actually think swords, armor, and the like are cool.


"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:22 AM


Days like this, I like bein' a man!

Sorry, had to say that. I get along with both, males more so than females, but again, I don't have the social circle I had in college and a few years' after. I am mostly an onliner when it comes to friends, and I would be proud to call all of you, females and males, friends. We are different than the rest of the population...I think our posts here indicate this...not better or worse, just different. I hate to do this, but that makes us mighty. We could all meet up in a bar (or restaurant...for the minors amongst us ) and get along famously. That is what I love about this place!
and :hugs: to all!



Monday, July 17, 2006 8:26 AM


Ah, see DeepGirl, you and I would get along just fine. I can sit around talkin video games and RPGs and swords all day long.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:27 AM


yeah it is all lovely here isn't it:) oooh technical question Tristan... one of my husband's swords has gotten a bit mucky what precisely would one clean an ivoy kitana hilt with?? I'd like to clean it up, but am not sure if it would ruin it.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:29 AM


Are you looking to clean the hilt specifically MsG, or the blade as well?


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:32 AM


msg, a few it real ivory? And would you please further explain "mucky"? Grease, dirt, just general ick?
Also, if your husband is anything like me, he may be a bit particular about his weapons...does he have a special cleaner he normally uses?



Monday, July 17, 2006 8:34 AM



Originally posted by msg:
I would shoot myself rather than watch a chick flick...

thank you... women like yourself seem rare these days....(but please don't shoot yourself... i have considered bashing the set a few times... but i find a spin on the bike helps...) and, it's not necessarily the SO watching this mindless drivel... but my niece & friends will camp in front of the tv at the mere mention of Matthew McGuggley....(whatever).... so they don't like scifi... i guess it's a draw....

as far as getting along better with one sex or the other... i suppose that's a draw, too. i have a few good buds whom i'll spend days fishing with and several female friends that enjoy discussing just about anything - but i don't consider myself a social person and usually avoid parties or large gatherings -

kids & animals... they seem drawn to me for some reason - you wouldn't think it to read some of the goofy things i've written here, but i am just a big softie at heart... today i stopped someone from stomping on a wasp - picked it up and let it go outside - i might have to adjust my thinking to survive in the black....

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:34 AM


ok obviously I meant ivory not ivoy ( apparently I should proof read) and just the hilt..blade in very good condition:)
It's bone or ivory ( not totally sure) and just dusty and the like...we got a new mattress and I did a bunch of cleaning and when I was done the hilt was somewhat dusty and such and I don't want to mess it up
Side note for SpaceAnJL- hey there are about 1 1/2 pounds of tilapia in my fridge and I just don't want to do an herb crusted grill again. Any thoughts/ suggestions I was thinking maybe I'd do a shallow pan fry with shallots and white wine, but that's so ho hum:(

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:35 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Hey take it from a former cheer leader ..women, in general, suck!!! sorry, but they do. I have really liked talking to the women here and have a few female friends, but for the most part ( despite my girly primping) I just can't figure them out or find common ground. I just don't care which star is dating or broke up. I don't care if my hair and make-up get messed up or if I get grease on me. I actually like eating food not picking at it and sighing and saying I am on a diet. I would shoot myself rather than watch a chick flick...and it drives me mental that they can waste such enormous amounts of energy on analyzing ever nuance of what a guy said and what it might "mean" it's a guy for smacks sake he didn't mean anything by that. He just said " hi you look nice today" it was not a subtle dis of your outfit, a proposal to run away and bear his children, or a suggestion that your butt's too big...he meant " HI YOU LOOK NICE TODAY" ...sorry sore spot as you can tell ok rant over now!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

I ditto what MsG says.


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:37 AM


FMF- as you can tell from the spelling errors it's obvious you have the brain today:) For those of you who are now confused..FMF and I share a brain and all:)
EDIT- and by the way FMF should I change the turquoise toenail polish to a pink or just leave it turquoise ( can't decide)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:37 AM


MsG - geez, I thought it was your week? OMG where is it?

Tristan - would that all men were particular about their weapon. giggle snort


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:38 AM




"These words are all I have so I'll write them."


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:39 AM


Re the getting along with women thing - there's this woman's lunch thing where women is sciencey professions get together to bond over our technical-ness. I've tried going, but they talk about their kids and houses and domestic stuff and that just doesn't do it for me.

Why must women be like this? Grrr.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:39 AM


msg, just in case it is ivory, don't use water on it...brush it off with something like a small paintbrush and then you can wipe it down with denatured alcohol to get the "grime" (if any) off. It may appear dry afterwards...just handle it for awhile; the oils in your skin will "revive" the ivory.
Hope that helps!

FMF, I am very particular about my weapon(s)...must take care of them so they will take care and all...


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:42 AM


Any time deepgirl just drop on by:) mainly I just need to decide about the herbs so I can decide if I want to use them to make herbed cream cheese for the lunch time sandwiches or just stick to the shallot mayo:) and I got the tilapia which I am less familiar with as the husband is a bit sick of the miso glazed salmon and the lemon caper dill mahi mahi

Thanks ever so Tristan- just cleaned it and it looks fine. I must have accidentaly blown some of the dust and such on it when I was cleaning and as my husband is as particular as you are regarding his weapons ( giggle) I wanted to clean it before he saw and made the face
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:43 AM



...he meant " HI YOU LOOK NICE TODAY" ...sorry sore spot as you can tell ok rant over now!

Yeah, I'd have to agree with that as well. I think women are the ones who say one thing but mean something else, not men. Men either say what they mean, or say something without thinking about how it will be taken. Taking what men say at face value has usually worked well for me (with the exception of pathological liars, of course ).


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:46 AM


MSG - how are you with spices? I have a number of African and Cajun recipes and at least one Cuban one - Yay rum! - but they are generally a bit warm. (I am checking them for cilantro, too )


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:47 AM


Dropping in.

If my sister has kids outide the US and returns with them, They Are Citzens! Kinda messed up, but the thought of thst is a bit frightening. More kids she can't take care of.

"Oh my got, you look hot!" is what my coworker said. Despite the fact it was pushin 100 degrees outside, I had on a black sport coat, white button up shirt, black Wranglers (country wedding), and my "church" shoes. Very over dressed. I must say that my square rimmed shades really set the whole thing off. Damn I looked good. Avoided the tie. Look like a damned body guard with the tie.

Can't stand myself much. Up and down and up and sideways. Glad y'all are here. Friends are too busy with their own crap right now.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 17, 2006 8:51 AM


NV- you'd look good in anything..or nothing would be nice too, but it sounds like you shorted out quite a few ladies there:) Hey we are always here for you hon..BIG HUGS

SpaceAnJL- hot is good ...cuban is better...and my email is
Thanks for the help and all!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:11 AM


Cuban fish thang should be winging it's way to you now, MSG

You got my mail with it, and I check that fairly frequently if you want any more recipe stuff.


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:13 AM


Ok, time to get started. I'm so sad, only post occassionally cause you folks all post when I'm asleep.

First off, Rose and maintenance... eh, your description of yourself aint high maintenance by any means, it's a normal (or more like perfect) relationship. Only trouble is in finding someone who wants the companionship as much of the time as you do. Some folk like their privacy, some folk (I'd put myself in this category) spent way too much of their life in privacy and are looking for some company.

Hmmm ok, which gender... well, I've said it before, but I get along better with women. Men for the most part, I don't like em, or I just don't enjoy their company. Meh. Women, well, what's funny is, of the women I like to spend time with (and hopefully vice versa) most of them are just as anti-stereotype as you folks. Some have a thing for dance, some like some cookin or whatnot, but they all have a vested interest in things that aint "normal teen girl stuff"... ugh. Lemme see, I know a color guard academic dynamo who wants to work at Genentech, a dancing lightboard operator, eh, the list goes on. Fine folks all of them, and though some have boyfriends and a working knowledge of fashion, don't mean nothing about them.

Basically I just spent a paragraph saying that I don't like anybody except people who most folk on this board could get along with anyways, so... did I just say anything?

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:19 AM


Hey, Whitefall, your mouth is talkin', you might want to look to that

Seriously, I think you just summed up what we're all saying. 'Coats are a fine bunch of folk, who may be deemed eccentric by the norms, but who manage just fine amongst our own kind, ie the interesting people.


Monday, July 17, 2006 9:56 AM


ok new mattress is sooooooo comfy I may never get off the bed again:) so happy and joyous my insomniac husband might get some sleep...and that means I might too ( he tosses and turns and on the old bed it was like being shaken awake every time he turned)

Dratted Westminster sent another alumni thing.. you know they'd get more money from me if they'd stop reminding me I'm old! Anyone else get pestered by their college?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:11 AM


NVG, I bet you cut one hell of an impressive figure dressed like that! Hey, wanna make the ladies in this thread swoon? Post a pic of that outfit!

msg, glad the sword worked out alright...

Whitefall, afternoon. Yes, we understood everything you just wrote. I think.

Back to msg...mattress...stay in bed all day...oy.

And yes, I get pestered by my university...twice over, even. I graduated in '94, so they send me stuff for that, and I also graduated in ', more stuff! Not that I don't like receiving newsletters and such, but when the school spends an awful amount of money to brick-face some older buildings rather than doing other, educational....nope, not going to start. Sorry!
Yes, my alma mater sends me mail.



Monday, July 17, 2006 10:12 AM


WHITEFALL- Glad to have you here. I rarely get to hear from young folks these days, even though I work with them.

I would like to say that I have had an equal amount of male and female friends. Though, I do not want anymore female friends. Really can't stand being friends with anymore women. That whole just friends thing is BS. I know not all women are the same, but how do you stay friends with someone that talks you up but is jealous when they see you with other women. Or the fact that somewhere down the line they figure they'd seen it all and want to give you a try. And my favorite: The Last Resort. When they'd been with everyone else and realize that the person right in front of them is who they'd been looking for in the first place. I got at least fifty more reasons why I don't look for female friends.

Venting a little helps.

MSG- good luck with the new mattress.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:19 AM



Originally posted by msg:
ok new mattress is sooooooo comfy I may never get off the bed again:)


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:20 AM


Hey the new bed's a king and the mattress is so tall it the top of the bed is even with my belly button:) It's all pillow on top're all welcome to pile on:) You just sort of sink in ( it's got 4 inches of memory foam underneath the pillow top)

NV- if you post a pic of that as Tristan suggests...could you warn us first so I can go get a cold shower

SpaceAnJL- love the recipie and I have all the ingredients so it's all good

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:28 AM


well, our world is largely puritanical and still possesses lingering victorian mores.

this means sex is usually something that is best dealt with discretely.

hickeys are just the opposite. personally i like giving and receiving them, but its not entirely appropriate in the professional world.

PDAs arent always appropriate and neither are hickies on open display. common sense should be the guide. granma shouldnt have to see them, nor would it be best to show em off at church.

as to the side question: my ears. go there and its on.


“With the first link the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, changes us all irrevokably. The first time any man’s freedom is trodden on, we are all damaged."


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:33 AM


Hey I'll be back shortly...just have to run a laptop up to my friend and then hit the gym HUGS and such

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:40 AM


Slumber party at MsG's!

one of the Forsaken TM


Monday, July 17, 2006 10:54 AM


Welcome, Ray! Don't think we have had the pleasure of your company before. Glad you decided to join us imponderable-ingishness...or some such.
You've got a point with the Victorian morals in this's too bad!



Monday, July 17, 2006 10:59 AM


ahhhhh, tough one.

I'd say i instantly get along much better with men - i enjoy 'social intercourse' (fnar fnar) much more with men than with women, saying that, i form deeper friendships with the girls. That may change. things always do.

I'm about as domesticated as a dinosaur. I'm not neat or tidy (i am hygenic however!) i will eat my cooking, but i wouldn't expect anybody else to, my interests include many things that ain't so feminin. In principle i hate pink. I detest rom-coms. I take less than half an hour (including bathing) to get ready, and i rarely cut my hair properly and never get my nails or whatever done, i utterly detest clothes shopping, rarely bother to put together 'outfits' I can't stand womens magaizines, and girly talk will have me walking away quicker than you can say periods. shoe shopping is done in raids, and the thought of having to have children near me often fills me with unspeakable dread (when i'm not, for some unkown reason, firmly convinced that i cant have kids)

Yet my rooms are littered (literally) with florals, my clothes are mostly girly. I love romantic films like Amelie and Gardenstate, I have a keen interest in fashion and design, i gossip like no bodies business when i'm in the mood. I trained in an age-old female job, and i've no particular love of femininsts.

so where does that leave me in the social conditioning/high maintenance/eccentricity stakes?

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:02 AM


Seryn, were I not happily married, and if you were interested, I would move to England to be with you!
Eccentric, maybe, but in a good way.
High Maintenance? I say not.



Monday, July 17, 2006 11:09 AM


Seryn - what do you consider a feminist? This could be the start of something interesting...

Feminist to me is a belief that your gender should not dictate your job or your salary, or your status in society. That you have a right to the same education and opportunities. That you have the right to dress and behave as you please (with a certain element of common sense and decency involved) and that your body is your own to do with as you like.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:11 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Hey the new bed's a king and the mattress is so tall it the top of the bed is even with my belly button:) It's all pillow on top're all welcome to pile on:) You just sort of sink in ( it's got 4 inches of memory foam underneath the pillow top)


New mattresses suck arse.

Let me 'splain. Breakin' the arm meant sleeping ONLY on my back. Old mattress was, well, old. Nice, but old. My back started really hurting after about 6 weeks. Got to the point I was taking Vicodin for the back pain, not the arm. So I decide to buy a new mattress.

I shopped, I compared, I laid on the dang sucker for 1/2 hour. I LOVED it. Got it home, it feels like a different mattress. I was in even MORE pain. It already has a hole in it. Now, I'm no waif, but I shouldn't be making a divot in a mattress just a few weeks old. I think after 6 months my back is starting to get used to it, I don't wake up at 3am too sore to sleep. But still, GRRRRRR. Worst part is it only had a 4 week return. I couldn't get it set-up for 3 weeks (again, one arm, no friends available to help) and it was a dream for the first two weeks. So at week six I was in terrible pain and got a "too bad" response from the seller. Double GRRRRR. Apparently my "electronics" curse carries over to major furniture purchases.


MSG: I wish you much better mattress luck than I have had. A good mattress is a godsend.

(Post script to mattresses: Almost 40 weeks (tomorrow) into this and I still can really only sleep on my back. I get about 30 minutes on either side before I hurt too much and have to roll back onto my back.)

Other topics: I used to have a majority of male friends. That, sadly, has all changed. I have mostly female friends, and because I can't handle many women, there's only a few.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:15 AM


RugBug, sorry to hear about the bed problems...I have always been lucky in that five minutes after lying down anywhere, including places you wouldn't think of sleeping, I am toast.

And don't feel bad...I can't handle many women either...prefer it one at a time.
(Sorry, could not pass that one up)



Monday, July 17, 2006 11:23 AM


Rugbug, I hear you on the sleeping troubles. With my joint pain, I can only lie on my side for a minute or two before it hurts too much. I roll around a lot in my sleep, and I think split my time pretty evenly between sleeping on my back and on my stomach.

My new rheumatologist gave me a muscle relaxant, cyclobenzaprine, to take at bedtime every night. It's helped the muscles in my back relax so that I don't wake up so stiff and in pain in the morning, and it makes me drowsy so I sleep through the night now, rather than waking up every time something hurts.

Of course a mattress that didn't hurt your back would be ideal, but if you're going on nearly a year with these problems, maybe a trip to the doctor to see if there's something else wrong might help?


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:24 AM


Y'see, the people you just described i'd call more 'equalist' fiminism to my mind is the promotion of females as better than males, when they're not, they're just different. I'm the 'all people are created equal' school. gender race etc all have bugger all to do with it.

I think its deplorable that women are still being payed less on average, and that they are still in a much weaker postition than men in most societies in the world.

I think the 'feminism im offended by is those women who spend endless hours moaning on about sexual suppression and womens bits meaning they are goddesses blah blah blah meh. (in a totalyy different way to PR's personal 'i like to be treated like a goddess' thing) And their constant carping and bitching, and downright browbeating of men. I also hate it when some women blindly insist that a woman can do anything a man can. they can't (and here i'm talking physically) some women can do the same things as men, but not all, not automatically. each has their own set of skills and natural aptitudes, and thats a good thing. so it annoys me when you see people who plainly can't do a job, insisting that they can because they're trying to prove a point. And i absolutely, absolutely HATE 'positive discrimination' - where two people of almost equal merit, even if the white male has the edge, the minority/female person gets ahead. That is unjust. It should be on pure merit, and if two people are equal, then they should be re-examined. Dress it up any way, its still discrimination.

ooooh, ranting.

ok, i think i'm personally equalist and practical. My opinion of feminists is shaped by the warped extreme variety.

or maybe its just because i detest Germain Greer (i met her once. bleh.)

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:29 AM


So, instead of adding to my already long post, I will committ the sin of double posting. With any luck, by the time I hit "Post My Response" there will be at least one post between mine.

While not utterly girly in appearance, by reading some of these other posts, I am much girly than many of you. I'm all about the chick flick, I probably own most decent romantic comedies, and some that aren't decent. I'm wearing pink today and do so often. I like fashion, I like clothes, I like reading celeb rags (but never buy them), InStyle is my fav magazine. I wouldn't call myself domesticated in that while I CAN cook, I don't and 'tending house' leaves me cold. I do love interior decorating, though. I love putting together colors, patterns, fabrics and shapes. I'm not a big fan of kids...they're fine in short bursts, but I don't want any of my own.

So, that's me. The not-really-girly-but-still-kinda-girly-girl.

In regards to feminism: Equal pay and equal jobs is top for me. From there, I think women should get to decide how they define being a woman for themselves. No movement should make a housewife feel inferior because she wants to stay at home and take care of her husband and kids. Likewise, no housewife should make a career woman feel guilty about not wanting children or for not giving up a career in order to have them. Different strokes, you know?


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:32 AM


awww Tristan, thats sweet, but please don't say any more - your wife is armed and dangerous.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:33 AM


Extremists are a bane to anything. Naomi Wolff is oh-so-slappable, too, isn't she? You've nailed my thoughts on it. It's a perfectly valid viewpoint that has been hijacked by loons and is now a dirty word. You cannot say that you are a feminist even if you are, because of the label and the implications.

Anyhoo, it's late here, so I am signing off until tomorrow. The boss is out of work all day, and leaves his broadband connection up without a password. Bless.

Sleep well or have a nice day depending on your timezones, 'Coats.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:40 AM


Vicodin, cyclobenzaprine...add a five-day steroid treatment and two epidurals and y'all have described a back problem I recently disposed of!

Seryn, I like your stance on the equality thing, and agree with you. It's just nice to hear a female say those things first.

Oh, and again, my wife is mostly harmless and encourages flirting. So, all is well.

I do think extremists in any cause make that cause something to reconsider. All things in moderation usually works better, but there is always the "fringers" that scream from the street corners...release the Reavers!



Monday, July 17, 2006 11:41 AM


And so this thread doesn't go bonkers overnight, I'll go ahead and start a new right back!

New digs:



Monday, July 17, 2006 11:41 AM


You're just too quick bud. I totally saw that one coming. Is there any wonder TRISTAN is on my list of hero's.

Sleeping. I sleep on the floor (too damn hot for a bed) and feel more refreshed than when I do sleep on a bed. Not alot of folks these days consider sleeping on the floor.
Anyone else perfect the standing nap?

RUGBUG- I too am not a fan of pillow tops. My prejudice is the fact an old roomate of mine was constantly moving her room around and couldn't move the damn thing. Hope thing get better for you. Can't imagine trying to sleep with a bad limb.

"Better dead and cool
Than alive and uncool."


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:45 AM


yes, exactly, you've got my feelings, but i'm happy to assign my own words to things. (now, i wonder why i'm always getting into so much trouble?)

Oh! SBDB! did you see the Top Gear where they got the caravan and attempted to go on a camping holiday? Oh, priceless, i almost died laughing. that was unbelievable.

honestly, i haven't laughed that much for an eon, i was shaking by the end of it. It had to be scripted, but i don't care.

(Mind you with Mr Lord of the Braniacs Hammond in the car, you kind of new it was all up for the caravan)

oh, never was a regular Top Gear watcher, but i am now.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:46 AM


Seryn, I agree with you on the feminism front. I think the equality of feminism means that a woman should be able to *pursue* any career or lifestyle she wants, and shouldn't be told she can't do something just because she's a woman. However, I don't think that means that women should be *given* jobs just because they are women. There are some women who can work construction or other male-dominated, physically taxing jobs and keep up with men, but feminism doesn't (or at least, shouldn't, IMO) mean that a woman *must* be given a job in construction if she isn't qualified.

The other thing about the popular feminist stance (not saying it's true feminism, but just how some people construe it) that really bothers me is the idea "As a woman you can do anything you want to do -- except be a mother." I've seen a lot of women trample on the idea of *choosing* to be a mother, and that bugs the hell out of me. I may never have children, but if I do or if I don't is my *choice*. My brother and his fiancée are planning on starting their family soon after they get married, and that's fine. No one is forcing my soon-to-be sister-in-law to have children, and I respect the choices she's making with my brother. In Western countries, in the age when the vast majority of marriages are not arranged, and when the vast majority of women have access to birth control, I detest the stance that choosing to become a mother is somehow letting a man have dominion over your body.

Hmm, don't want to turn this into too much of a RWD topic, but feminism is an Imponderable, no?


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 17, 2006 11:49 AM


I can sleep sitting bolt upright in the back of a car.

i'm like a baby, stick me in a car and i drift right off.

Your robot reminds me of you. You tell it to turn it stops. You tell it to stop it turns. You ask it to take out the garbage it watches reruns of Firefly.






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