Male and Female Imponderables - If music be the food of love, play on

UPDATED: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 03:04
VIEWED: 13029
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:06 AM


Morning, MSG!
Don't know about the navel thing...never actually tried making love to one. I know there are other things that can be done to them, though.



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:23 AM


possibly, but as i only ever have tv on as an addendum to something else (even watching Firefly i have to have something for my hands to do) it means i have the same thing.
Of course, it could just be an extension of this famous female ability to 'multi-task'.
I think the worst i've ever been was sewing and listening to my mp3player in one ear, then the tv got turned on and i was watching that and daydreaming at the same time.

this isn't an imponderable, its just an out and out please, feel free to skip...

other peoples children are horrid! Its only the first day of the summer holiday and i've already started visualising painful deaths for the smelly little gits and their pond scum parents. Oh god honestly, somepeople should be prevented from breeding! what is this compulsion people like that have to spawn? They don't want the kids- they certainly can't look after them properly - they should have their ability to procreate removed as soon as their bits drop. I bet vets would love the extra business. Argh! nosepicking! i've had to start keeping a bottle of that anti bacterial gel next to the till, but it still doesn't stop the need to run to the bathroom to wash while trying not to heave. Oh they are foul, the general public are just disgusting. I swear, we get thousands of visitors a day and about six of them will be decent human beings, the rest will be a mixture of chavs scum and the great unwashed. One guy stood in front of me giggling and drooling in the marble trays.
Needlesss to say i didn't touch them, and warned the others to wear gloves. Eurgh. I hate children, despise their stupid braindead excuses for parents and wish the whole lot would f off to the beach and die in a freak jellyfish incident. or maybe they could go to southend and get run over by boyracers, that way two bird with one stone - they're all gone and all these rust bucket piles of crap containing stupid amounts of speakers and five middle class small boys smoking weed and trying to look 'ard in the tracksuits mummy and daddy bought them back from benidorm would also disappear.

Its to freakin hot!

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:30 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Seryn, all I'm gonna say is... I feel your pain.




Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:34 AM


OK HUGS Seryn...yes I understand. My cute boss had a sign and she was fairly serious about enforcing it. Kids who act like little animals will be whisked away to the zoo. Kids that got bratty were escorted out with a suggestion that the parents were welcome to shop without them. It sucks being a clerk because you have to just smile and be nice no matter how completely awful the person is being, for the most part. I do wonder about the parents though. I see a lot of this at my school. They ignore the kid until the behavior becomes unbearable then scream or attack the kid and I think "are you stupid, way to guarantee a massively disturbed and bratty creature" I wonder why they had the kid since they visibly have no interest in caring for it

ooooh thought of an you think men and women discipline kids differently and who do you think is better?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:34 AM


I am also a multi-tasking male, but I put that down more to the lack of ability to be still. Even though I put down the generalities, I don't really follow them. It's a rare ocassion when I just sit down and do nothing, or just watch a movie. I have, at the moment, half-a-dozen construction projects going on (DragonCon in 37 days!!!), so I have no idleness at the moment. But when I do work on a project, I have to have something else going on; tv, radio, loud talking. Helps the brain focus.



Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:43 AM



My son and I were having a good laugh at the Underworld 2. My son (who is gay) was wondering on the severity of the lovely Scott Speedmans birth defect. LOL

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:48 AM


I'm back all you Shiny Ponderable ers!
Multi tasking is the only way to be.

PR- Hear ya loud and clear. I tend to have a bit of fun with those types. Gettin' the cops or juvenile probation (I know alot of them) to put them in line ain't no thing. I just sit back and watch all the fun happenings after a few quick phone calls.

Be back soon. Will update more details of the Ms. Whatever saga.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:55 AM



Originally posted by msg:
...and in the case of Underworld 2 is it possible to have sex with someone's navel?

I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that. Not that I'm opposed to looking at Scott Speedman nekkid, but the whole navel thing kind of defies explanation.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:56 AM


To clarify, for love scenes in movies I'm a fan of the falling-onto-the-bed-fade-to-black love scenes. Don't really need to see much more than that. Kissing is okay, and like I said before, some of it works, but less is more there as well.

Multitasking: I can mimic the existence of a rock, if I so choose. I can sit in one spot for hours reading a book or watching movies. I can waste away an entire day doing absolutely nothing. One of the most relaxing things I do ocassionally is take a shower, then just lay on the bed, still wrapped in my towel, hair wet and ponder anything or nothing at all. I always feel so peaceful like that (and clean ).

That said, I can also get a hell of a lot done if I put my mind to it. I run some horseshows with only the help of a one or two parent volunteers (it's like herding cats, getting parents to help out) and those seem to run smooth, which is a minor miracle. In the past, I was a facilities manager/event planner and that was a huge juggling act. My skills are utilized well in fact paced, high pressure situations, but I prefer the existence of that aforementioned rock.

Seryn: I'm not so fond of other people's children, either. The little yard apes are rarely taught respect or manners these days, why should I have to deal with them? I often cringe watching how inept many of my generation are at parenting. You don't need to be a dictator, but you ARE NOT their friends. Kids need rules...they thrive with boundaries. In a glorious world, they grow up to be your friend, but when they are five they need to be told that it's not okay to throw a tantrum in the store and when/if they do, drop everything and take them home STAT.

(I do know how hard it is to be a parent but sometimes they just make it harder on themselves...and the rest of the world.)

Um, haven't seen Underworld 2 yet...but now I'm a little frightened.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:27 AM


Thanks MSG for the encouragement. I'll be off to the Farmer Market this evening With my nephew (AKA the ultra cute but shy chick magnet). I really do feel much better now that I vented a bit with Ms. WHatever. She knows what I think and how I feel. But watch. I'll get out there and be seen with others and she'll suddenly show up. Happens every time. That is the thing that bothers me the most. If she ain't gonna give in, then why does she keep comin' round. And always when I'm ready to move on.

Sorry about the jakkin' folks, still venting a bit.

As for the discipline issue, I see styles between individuals, not just male/female. My peeve is the style of "ignore them and they'll stop". The only time you should ignore bad behavior is when the child does it for attention. Then you counter it with praise for the good things they do. I see alot of parents ignoring good and bad things their kids are doing. Look at the overachievers y'all know. Chances are they have had to contend for attention or compensate for others throughout their lives. Been in both spots and it sucks!

ADD: RUGBUG- Always loved the fade to black scenes. Like I said before, good imagination.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:32 AM


Alright, my days off have just gone from bad to comically horrid. Septic tank is backed up, ergo nothing that runs using water can be used in my house. That's the part which was bad. The part which was comically horrid is that on this entire Island, there's only two folk who can handle septic tanks, and neither one of them can work today or any time in the forseeable future.


It's the little things which can ruin... everything.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:43 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I run some horseshows with only the help of a one or two parent volunteers (it's like herding cats, getting parents to help out) and those seem to run smooth, which is a minor miracle.

Wow...You're qualified to run FEMA!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:48 AM


Septic tank ain't no little thing. Especially when you can't use any water in the house. And living on an island means you can't just pump the grey water out to dry. I say you hijack a septic truck and pump the water into at least one of the buisnesses that can't do their job.
Well, that may be a bit brash. But not being able to do my buisness or take a shower makes me a bit fired up. As you can see, been there. Never want to be there again. Wish I could help.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:49 AM


James: Sorry about your septic nightmare. I had to deal with that for my office once. All plumbing went down for three days. It was interesting to say the least.

Do you own or rent? If rent, get on the phone to the landlord and make it his/her problem.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:13 AM


Oh septic tank! I need to get a plunger before I have people over! It's only cause cat litter clogged my extra it's not that bad folks.

About kissing in films...doesn't all kissing sorta look weird when you're not one of the people involved? The only thing that matters is how it feels to the people who are kissing.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:13 AM


Lets see here...


Feel better now.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:28 AM


NV- I say if she keeps sitting on the fence...I get to push her off it with my pointy stick of evil

Yeah go see Underworld 2 there's a love scene and from angles/way it's cut it looks like he's umm well aimin for her belly button instead of correct area:) Apparently he either needs a manual or to fine tune his targeting... of course doing a love scene with Kate while her husband ( the director) gives you directions must be a tad awkward

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:32 AM


I hope you don't mind, but I had an inspiration dearest PhoenixRose

I mean to confound these bungers!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:42 AM


Now if we could just get the parking people to put those up with some info we could really speed up the recruiting:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:54 AM


Its all good. I like the idea of shoppin' around. That and I'd like to see you prodding at her with a pointy stick!
I think I'll do what has been done to me for years. Enjoying the company of my friends of the opposite sex while runnin' round with others. Sounds mean, but it seems to make sense now. To always have someone to love and support you while getting on with whoever. Not that I'm a whoever kinda guy, but I'm willin to (maybe) give it a run.

And I'd make huge stickers for the signs in my area. Folks sure would take notice and look out for that.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:57 AM


NV- any time her behavior bugs you , just picture her flopping around while I poke her with the pointy stick yelling bad Ms. Whatever bad no treat!! and FMF right next to me with her pointy stick as well:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:05 AM


And a Canadian for back-up.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:07 AM


Gotta stop. Imagination working overtime.
Been very... unchained lately.
Definatly shootin' for the heart this evening. May need to dress up a bit.

13- You're a good hero and all, but the thought (females) can't include you. Though, we could use a midget in the corner with a video camera.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:09 AM


Hi 13 sweety and how have you been?

NV- sounds like a plan there...a cunning plan... a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 10:17 AM



Originally posted by Penguin:
Friends, Imponderables, countrymen...lend me your ears...

I have been asked to recruit a few of you to sell Amway...I mean a few of you to help FollowMal and others in the "Summer of Serenity" campaign. We have a list of active Firefly/Serenity forums and Yahoo! groups and would like to "assign" forums and groups to people to post at and help spread the word!

We don't have all the details worked out yet, but we would like to start sometime later this week. Please PM me if you are interested!

Thanks a bunch!


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:20 AM


Ugh, I'm annoyed. And I want to rant. And since you were talking about parenting, I'll rant.

So, still in the ireland, and me n my sisters and my mother went a-sight seeing. Sometime in the afternoon, my right eye starting bothering me... for the rest of the day it got progressively worse, no doubt a combination of my rubbing it and whatever the irritant was... and we had this big dinner with my uncle's family and my grandmother, and we went, and I didnt want to say 'my eye is bothering me can i go home', but I ended up doing the writhing-in-pain motions alll night, (think mal in OoG or war stories, them grunting noises) and it seems like no one noticed. Occassionally people would ask 'is your eye still bothering you'? and after all the writhing i've been doing... just gotta look dead pan at em and think... 'well obviously'. After dinner, tho someone had said something about eye drops or somesuch, we went a-walkin'... my writhing continued. eventually my mother noticed and told me the irritant was probably long gone, just stop rubbing it, and walked on. urgh. So the eye is still really sore, and I am annoyed at my family.

When folk i know are hurt, i'll mother hen them to death if they're nearby, or at least I think I do... grrrr.

So, question? was I just being lame and crying for attention, or is it ok to be pissed at my unresponsive family?

/rant over.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:29 AM


Family should be a little more responsive to such things. Unless of course you are one who is constantly demanding attention and pity from your family, but from what you said it surely doesn't sound like it. Maybe they were just having too much fun to notice. It happens.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:37 AM


Blarg, I dont know what it is with me and my family. Love my sisters well enough, but my mother annoys me so much, and I can never figure out why. For one thing, when my older sister is near my mother, she takes on this holier-than-thou feel compared to me and my other sister, which always annoys me. And my mother... for all she's done for me, and for all i've put her through (remember that whole depression thing, well sometimes I can be downright annoying when I get frustrated with existance) I just can't wrap my head around her loving me, my theory is she doesnt show it much, but she's real busy n all, I shouldn't blame her.

Damnit, I knew I had issues. Freud would have a field day.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:07 PM


Actually, this might be an easy one for Freud. My question is on how these relationships will effect your future relationships with women. Will you end up with one that you despise like you do your mother? What path will you take when choosing a mate? What kind of ice cream will you eat next? Strange how one aspect in our lives will effect others.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:16 PM


Hey Whitefall,

Remember that conversation a few threads ago about 'languages of love?' Could you be expecting a different type of love from your mother than she is giving? Perhaps you want words of affection and she's giving you acts of service (providing for you, taking care of you, etc)? Just something to ponder. You may not feel her love for you because you're looking for the wrong thing.

As for the eye, dont want to be harsh, but maybe you were a little needy? 'Course I'm of the 'suck it up and push through' ilk so I could easily see things differently. I have a hard time being needy at all (kind of keeps me seperated from people, I just don't let them take care of me or help).

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:36 PM


Whitefall, mothers are not mind readers. Should she have said Gee your eye looks bad, lets get some drops - sure BUT YOU should have said, mom, my eye really hurts.

But rant away. I always tell my 47 kids - you can be as pissed at me as you want, and you can slam any door you please - but you better be doing what I told you to do while having your tantrum.

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:50 PM


FMF is the coolest. She is right. Sometimes a parent is distracted by whatever and their "reading" abilities get clouded.

Can you explain the 47 kid thing. I've had (thinks) 250+ kids and maybe twenty five of them I'd actually gotten close to. But you are an actual parent and have found time for all these kids? That ia quite incredible.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 12:59 PM


***acessing inner teenager***

If it helps i have the same gripes when it come's to my family - my father is a better teacher than dad - he's about as demonstratively affectionate as an ironing board. My mother is the one person in my life who makes me feel bad about myself and the way i look, and i can spend about three days in close contact with my sister before i want to start clawing her eyes out - and i know that she feels the same. And its always been that way - i moved out of home at 17 because i couldn't take it any more.

The problem is a very teenagery cry of 'they just don't get me!' and they don't - my father comes from a f****d up family, my mother isn't happy with her size and can't grasp the fact that i might just be. and my sister has no sense of humor - or at least, no sense of my humor - she takes everything so very seriously, when i never say or think a serious thing if i can possibly avoid it, which results in so many lectures when i start up with the jokey devils advocacy and sarcastic tirades.
About the closest i am personality wise to any member of my family is to my brother - and most of the time he behaves like an ungrateful freeloading git, so i fight with him too.

The basic point of all this is to say that your family members are never ever going to be what you want them to be... thats why you go out and choose friends. They are never going to act exactly how you want them to, but they will still love you - i know that my father does, even though it only takes the form of asking how school went or if i have any jobs lined up - i know my mother does, shes trying to get me to 'help' myself. and i know my sister does.

I think.

but whatever, you have to stop thinking in terms of 'they should act to suit me', and more, 'well, how do they work?'

and that was a bit of a lecture, but its a valuable lesson that i was forced to learn, so i'm determined to make others learn it. and suffer... bwah ha ha ha haaaaaaa.

Also, my sister does that holier than thou thing - even while she brings her daughter round and then leaves her for us to deal with, while completely ignoring her. At those moments she is oh so slappable. But i kind of put it down to being the eldest child - messes with your brain, gives you sad little king type delusions.

as a matter of interest, you don't happen to be a middle child do you?

Also, what msg and nvg said is true - don't let it affect your future dealings with women - I can already see it coming out in your dislike of proposing and your uber PC attitude in some things.
Human beings function as totally separate universes all bumping into each other, don't pre form opinions, just keep bumping.

Now, This one had to be bought out and shown to the world.
Everybody - say thank you Arcadia.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 1:51 PM


Gotta be out soon. Probably be jawin' a little late tomorrow (gotta work with the recreation program kids for a few mornings this week). Love y'all.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:40 PM


I do agree with FMF the only way for a parent to know what is going on is for you to tell them. When we are little we are used to parents anticipating our wants and soothing our hurts and it's hard for us to realize as we get older that our wants are more complex, our problems are different and parents may not time sweety say " Hey mom my eye is really bothering me and I think I might have hurt it..could you take a look at it?" then she knows what response you want:)
Just wait a few years and you may like your sister a ton. You just have to see one thing. She is a separate person with a whole identity, thoughs, feelings, and self concept and idea than you. What she is has nothing to do with you...she is who she is and you can find things about that to like:) Hang in there and remember nothing is worse than being a teenager..not hell...not pain...nothing. If you can get through this then you know you're tough enough for the real world...ok this all looks really preachy, but I swear it's true

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 2:46 PM


NV I don't ACTUALLY have 47 kids.

At last count I had...let me see...nuttin into nuttin, caryy the nuttin........9 - assorted mine and borrowed. See my log - 47 children to unnerstand

one of the Forsaken TM


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:13 PM


Whitefall, as someone living with a chronic illness, in this past year I've decided that trying not to burden people but still wanting my friends and family to notice is too complicated. So I've simplified things. If I need something (need to go home, need a glass of water to take medication, need to walker slower, whatever), I say so, and I don't let anyone talk me out of what I need. If someone asks me how I'm feeling, I give a short but honest answer ("My knees hurt, my hips are killing me, but I'm in a pretty good mood. How are you doing?"). I worry about taking care of myself, and don't worry about what people think about it.

Of course, I realize that as an adult, this is easier for me than it is for you. I can be largely self-sufficient, whereas you're dependent on others to take you home or take you to the store for eyedrops, etc. MsG is right, nothing is worse than being a teenager. That said, I do think that everyone can benefit from saying what they need and how they are feeling. As long as you aren't exaggerating how you feel or what you need, no one can fault you for that.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:26 PM


@ Whitefall:

m'h'm, late teens can be tough on your relationships with your parents (only came out of them a few years ago). inclined to think alot of the time there's an element of it being very difficult to communicate, they're still so used to you as you were, while you're still getting used to the world being a whole differant place, and communication being this entirely differant minefield (i was going to say ballpark, but i think minefield is much more apt) which result in it being extremely difficult for you to talk, communicate or understand each other (shocked me when i realised my parents needing me to understand them as much as i needed them to understand me ). in addition to everything people've mentioned previously, that bit can be tough.

plus side is, if it is what the bother is, then it gets better your parents learn better how you're looking at the world, and maybe you can get some insight into how they look at it as well (usually only AFTER you move out, i think that's the standard criteria for it )

as for the eye thing, at the end of the day, stop rubbing it IS pretty sound advice. maybe seemed a little insensitive, but then, nobody gets it right all the time, nobodies going to realise exactly what you need from them 24/7, much less be able to act on it. (all confounded and compounded by the communication thing, means it improves in time too though ^.^ ) but on the whole, poeple do their best, and i doubt if your mothers an exception.

(wee bit whiney and mopey about your eye, but is it maybe more that it's not so much the eye you want help, care and attention with, so much as how low you feel sometimes? if so say to them, they can't take 2&2 to make 5 for themselves )


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:39 PM


I apologize for my earlier... bah, everything, I just felt like saying all that more or less inane crap. Sorry to make you all play freud.

That said... different but similar topic... it's 2:30am here, and I cant get any sleep because of the damned eye.

Whatever the hell is wrong with it, be it pink eye (only eye disease i've heard about, but seems sorta likely having been on a not particularly hygienic 747 recently) or just some insane irritant, it really gorram hurts, but all basic advice on eye care says dont rub it. And not only does that mean it hurts a lot, i also had trouble not doing it when trying to sleep.

If typing to an online firefly forum at 2:30am in a foreign country on vacation about eye-related insomnia isnt the weirdest thing i've ever done...

And yeah, I love my family, i do, i doubt the blindin' pain really improved my opinions of them. Ugh on the one hand i dont ask for help from them, on the other hand I should.

P.S. Anyone know how the NHS works with foriegners?

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:43 PM


Whitefall- the likelyhood is that with your rubbing you have now scratched your cornea..dull throb combined with gritty something is still in my eye feeling with get some eye drops lie down so that the outer edge of the injured eye is resting on the pillow and put a few drops in. It won't help it feel much better, but you really can't rub it any more or you will do permanent damage. Next brew a cup of tea and then put tea bag mostly drain in refrigeration for about 30 min. Then take cold tea bag and place it on your eye for about 20. That should help.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:46 PM


is't northern ireland or ROI you're in? (as far as i know you should get service, really ought to know since i work for the buggers, but unbless you develop severe challenging behaviours and/or a phsycosis, what i know about the NSH is unlikely to help ) but yes, not sure why i asked which bit of ireland, mostly 'cos i'm not sure what the arrangments are in ROI, but the NHS should help everyone, s'what they're there for ^^

hey i sit up at 2:30 replying to forums on a frequent basis, doing it right now! although granted i'm not in a foreign country, well, except to everyone who isn't from it in the first place *ponders*


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:52 PM


Remember that foreign country at 2:30am bit? Urgh. I'll do my best w/o.

Sorry to be such a pain, it seems to me I have two modes when I'm annoyed, lash out at everyone else or lash at myself. Seems i do both pretty well.

Anyways, to the sleeping I may have been partially panicing about... something, i dunno what it was, bad dream or something. I'm gonna try sleepin again, calmed down a bit.

Thanks for being around, all. Cant say i got the answer i was hoping for, but i got something. But thanks for still being nice when I spilled my whiney guts all over you.

'Night. :-/

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 3:58 PM


Come summertime, I used to come down with damn-near-fatal hayfever. It always did two things: It robbed me of my sense of smell and taste for two months, and it made my eyes itchy as hell, ooze something viscous and disgusting, and made it almost impossible to see.
For the first I was SOL (and it doesn't matter, because you didn't ask about hayfever), but for the eye, a simple stopgap I cottoned to was taking two adjacent sheets of paper towel and folding them down until the wad was as big as three thumbs. Then, I soak the thing in water, squeeze the excess (or not, if the day's been really bad), and lean back with it applied to the offending eye. Not only does it soothe (soooo cool... Soooo moist...), but it also helps clear away any discharge which might be troublesome.

Pity about the Ireland Eye Ire.
(I feel so witty)

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:21 PM


Hey Whitefall, in case you can't sleep and come back, two things:

1. What does your eye feel like? I've had several different eye problems (including a raging case of pink eye that took over three months to clear up, but which I now suspect was something else), so I might be able to take an educated guess at the problem.

2. I just replied to you in the "When I Grow Up" topic in Talk Story, which might cheer you up a bit.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:01 PM


Lol, i'm back, got a little shuteye, then, i dunno, couldnt get back to it. Eye is still bugging me, but i think it's on the way out, my biggest problem atm is getting rid of the discharge. Sorry for all the weirdness and grossness, been a weird sort of day.

I think i'll try that paper towel thing now. And CK, thanks, for both. Nice to know my backup plan wasnt totally nuts.

to all. (because Rose controls the awesome power of the :hug:).

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 6:13 PM


Backup plans are good things, as is double checking them with family, friends, and local schools. But in the end, nothing it totally safe, and only you can decide how much danger you're willing to live with. (For instance, hubby and I lived for years with the knowledge that he could be laid off at any point in time, and I've been doing the "will we or won't we have funding in three months" dance for over three years now. But we love this industry, we accept the risks and plan for them, and try not to be too shocked when the worst we planned for comes to pass.)

On a totally different topic, MsG, I have a link for you! My brother, the very staunch Mormon boy, returned Missionary currently attending BYU and trying to find that special girl before he reaches the dreaded Old Maid age of 25, sent me this link: The Utah Baby Namer. Very silly stuff. And I'd imagine you'd have some names to add to it.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:27 PM


Ahhhh morning..... tis nice. ok, so my night turned out to be all of about 7 hours, but there comes a point where a bit of lost sleep is worth it to move on with teh life.

Thanks for all being.... thanks.

So.... can we ponder something?

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:29 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Bwa, I should just never sleep!
Azhea, love the sign! Shiny!
OK, multi-tasking, yeah. I used to be able to do it better; I'd listen to music all the time, and I still listen to a lot, but if I really need to focus I can't anymore. I used to read and eat, read and talk on the phone... never read and watched TV, though, I've always just sat through movies. Anyway, that hyper-alertness I had in my youth faded as I became an adult.
Whitefall, in my personal experience (not a doctor) the irritant is probably not gone and the eye needs to be thoroughly flushed with saline solution. I once had an eyelash that fell in my eye and got sticky on the sleep goop and was stuck in the corner my eye for two days before I got it flushed out. I'm in the same boat as you in that area; my mom kept insisting I was imagining things and just "doing that thing" I supposedly do of "insisting" there's something in my eye. I showed her the big huge eyelash when I got it out and she has since not doubted me. hope it gets better, sweetie! I have had too many things in my eye, I know what it's like! Get some solution, hold the eye open, and flush it real good, then keep the solution for any future problems. And try to remove as much sticky stuff from the corners as you can; I think it's supposed to be there to help, but it's just sticky and can keep stuff caught in your eye. Carefully use the tip of your finger to pull down on the lid so you can clear it out.
As someone who has had a scratched cornea, it doesn't sound like the same thing. My eye (personally) did not hurt like that when my eye was scratched, it just watered a bit and kinda itched. I wouldn't even have thought it was a problem if I hadn't gone in for my eye exam that week and been told it was scratched. No contacts for ten days, I was sooooooo sad!
And yeah, you might have a few "mother-issues" to work through. Heaven knows I have a new "father-issue" crop up every few months and after every failed relationship. It's strange what our unconcious mind forms commitments around. Eurgh.
*awesome power of the *




Tuesday, July 25, 2006 7:49 PM


Whitefall, listen to PR, she knows what she's talking about! The good news is that eye drops should be pretty easy to get, no matter where you are.

Oh, but in case it is pink eye, wash your hands a lot and try not to touch your face at all. And if you wear contacts, wash your hands, then take out the contact from one eye, wash your hands again, then take out the other contact. I know that sounds silly, but that's how I ended up with pink eye (bad bad conjunctivitis, according to the doc) in both eyes: I'd stick my fingers in one eye and then the other when I put in or took out my contacts.

Ok all, I'm off to watch a movie with hubby, and then to bed. See you all tomorrow!


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, July 25, 2006 8:03 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Can't flush eye with eyedrops, though. Needs a big bottle of solution for that. But those cost about the same
I'm betting you don't wear contacts, though, because if you did you probably would have already flushed the eye with the solution (soooo soothing, even better than water) but yes, lots of hand-washing. There are infections that aren't pink-eye, but still infections and you don't wanna spread it to the other eye if it's that. I didn't have the same thing as CK, but I did have an infection once. Another time I had to go ten days without contacts I hate that.








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