Movies that were a waste of money when Serenity 2 could have been green lighted.

UPDATED: Monday, July 31, 2006 21:49
VIEWED: 12708
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006 3:37 PM


Now admittedly there are good movies out in this crazy mixed up world. I in no way am trying to say all movies are sucky and only Joss is qualified to direct (i might be thinking it, but darn it I'm not saying it)

It's just I'm so sick of movies that are really really dumb getting made when great stories with passion and heart are being neglected. I mean "Little man"? How did that happen, really? And "Date Movie"? Anyone else been victim to countless commercials and trailers to moronic films like "Lady in the water" or "Scary movie 4" perhaps tears have been brought to your eyes as you sit throught "The hills have eyes" When greatness like say... SERENITY 2 could be made...

*grunts and growls in annoyance at stupid people*


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 5:02 PM


I agree most movies suck. As does TV except BSG or Eureka. If you like horror....Wolf creak is cool or The hills have Eyes....Scifi...not so much!


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:20 PM


Well there's the new Miami Vice movie out. As if we NEEDED another old tv show made into a movie (I never liked it when it was on tv) I mean just look at the lobotimized execs that have no clue on how to see a potential good story because they're going back into the vault dragging up things that should have been left alone. (I've bitched about this plenty on other threads.) Little man, yes, sick, Don't let the real little actors face show, instead put a cgi'd face of one of the Wayan brothers on him and try to pass him off as a baby. If that's the extent of those people's IQ's that they can believe it IS a baby then they deserve what's coming to them.

Big Momma, can't believe that Go Se was made, same formula as other shows (like Little man, White Chicks.) And it got a sequel? THAT got a sequel? Basically it's as much of a crapfest in the theaters as it is on TV, and if the Hollywood industry doesn't change soon and reinvent itself it'll be going the way of the Dodo and we'll be getting all our entertainment form Indie films and Fans (as it should be since they're the only ones with brains left to know what a story is SUPPOSED to be.)

Nuff said.

Ah, here's another one. You Me and Dupree. Another movie about an idiot screwing over a friend and being rewarded for it. Ya, that's real deep.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 7:25 PM


I didn't much care for Wolf Creek. But then again, I'm not a big horror fan so that might have had something to do with it. I did see the Libertine the other day, and I think the world would be just fine without that movie. I haven't seen it, but I'm guessing Little Man would also fall in that category. I can't think of anymore right now, but I often see a preview or a film and ask myself, "What studio exec thought that flick would be a good idea?"

As far as sci-fi, I think The Island was the last major sci-fi movie (although Bruckheimer's involvement may have turned the genre to action for a lot of people) and I enjoyed it. The sad thing is that sci-fi movies don't seem to sell (unless they're a franchise, like Trek or Star Wars), due to the "nerd" stigma or whatever. Sometimes I tell my friends a movie is sorta sci-fi and they're turned off right there. But what can one do.

And shouldn't the thread topic say "greenlit" instead of "greenlighted?" Sorry for the grammar nitpick.

"All I got is a red guitar, three chords, and the truth...the rest is up to you"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:24 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by jpstargazer:
I didn't much care for Wolf Creek. But then again, I'm not a big horror fan so that might have had something to do with it.

Hey JP!

As Wolf Creek was so very scary I have not seen it myself, despite being a huge supporter of the Australian Film Industry... however I dispute the idea that it was made at the expense of Serenity 2 'Coz Aussie films are notoriously underfunded and therefore it might have been made at the expense of one pair of Mal's tight pants or one of Jaynes T-shirts...

Just putting my 5 cents worth in - actually that would fund a low-budget film here in Australia!

My turn - Big Momma 1 & 2, White Chicks, You, Me & Dupree (I am a big fan of all three main actors but it was just the same old same old...), Any of the spoofs of like Scary Movie, Date Movie...ho hum..., Ace Ventura Pet Detective 2 (yeah - I know it's going back a bit but that's time & money I'll never get back!!), Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (mimic Kevin Costner in thick USA accent "I'm Robin, of Locksly")... , anything by Woody Allen with the exception of Match Point , almost anything with Dustin Hoffman (exception being Tootsy) - both Allen and Hoffman are so overrated!!! and Hoffman did not deserve that Oscar for Rain Man... -, Charlie's Angels 2, Ametyville of Horror... anyone want to stop me?

sorry for being so down...Magda...x x
{edit} to fix all my spelling errors - I'm on pain meds today so no sense I'm makin'

...also I think grammatically it should read "...received the green light" couldn't help it!

"I love my Captain!"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:46 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Well there's the new Miami Vice movie out. As if we NEEDED another old tv show made into a movie...

Yeah, what are they thinking? Bringing a TV show to the big screen...sheesh.

Actually, I can't watch any movie (or TV show) preview nowadays without thinking "They coulda made more Firefly with that money..."

Don't even get me started about the SciFi Channel's "Original" Movies....


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:54 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

...also - anything 'made for TV' and called a movie! Especially those that 'dramatise real life events' or give us a hypothetical like 'what if a .9 on the richter scale hit LA.. lets enjoy that for a couple of hours... is what it is!

... also - Several of the Star Trek films - and I was a huge fan when most of them came out!!

"I love my Captain!"


Wednesday, July 26, 2006 11:10 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah, but Universal owns the right to make more movies. What are they doing with their money? That's what I want to know.

And the sad, sad thing is that these stupid movies are very successful because a lot of people watch movies/tv to "vedge" and therefore they don't want to think so they watch stuff that won't make them think. BAH!




Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:32 AM


Just two words.

Superman Returns...

'Nuff said.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Thursday, July 27, 2006 12:36 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

{Edit} Oh Damn - too slow - this to Gorgeous Phoenix Rose...

I know my darlin'... that's what gets me too... I was just watching something on TV & went channel surfing in the ad break to see a show called 'My Name Is Ed' - the biggest, steamiest most on the nose 'go se' I have ever stumbled accross (except maybe Big Brother) and this is 'entertainment'...

Panderin' to the lowest common denominator pays apparently...

We might be forsaken, but we are also, apparently, well above the average IQ when it comes to TV programming!!!

Here endeth my rant...

{edit} Oh! No it doesn't - just realised that there should be a difference between 'vegging out' and actually watching such toxic that millions of brain cells are destroyed in the process... New Firefly Slogan? "Make brain cells, not kill them!" Now I'm done... I think

"I love my Captain!"


Thursday, July 27, 2006 6:56 AM


That is £4 I am(well, my dad) never getting back! It was awful!! If that kid was anymore wooden, I could have knocked nails in him and built a house. Plus, Everything was over the top streotypically english, like marines having a cup of tea, in the middle of an important training exercise. ugh! not everybody in England lives in London and goes to private schools, you know. I almost expected them to all go and have tea with the queen.
BTW, how come whenever there is an evil woman in a film, nines time out of ten she has an eastern european accent?

Oh, and The Breakup too.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:01 AM


the list of movies that should not have been made could be a lot shorter, if you made the list movies that are good...

I haven't been to the theater since FEBRUARY!!


Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:28 AM


My nomination(s): Almost any comic book-based movie, and at least half of the animation movies. The latest X-Men and Superman movies were a phenomenal waste of everyone's time and money. I enjoyed "Batman Begins", but I'd readily trade it for a Serenity sequel, because BB wasn't that good.

I'm not saying there should be no comics-movies -- "V for Vendetta" was a fresh idea -- just that there should be less of a headlong rush to the rubbish bin to try to scrounge up old fishwrap and put it on film...

As to animation, even Pixar is running out of original ideas. Currently in theatrical release (and enjoying good box office) is their "Cars", which is virtually a scene-for-scene remake of 1991's "Doc Hollywood". I loved that movie, and I enjoyed the animated treatment, too; but, I already knew the story, and it took some of the fun out of it, for me.

Original stories. Like Firefly. Is that too much to ask?



It never fails to amaze me how much more I love the SereniFly universe with each viewing. It's, like, consciousness-expanding, man. Somebody opined recently that they couldn't understand how they themselves could love it, given Firefly's Western-mixed-with-scifi backdrop. Set me to thinking...

Firefly isn't a Western, it's a science fiction frontier story: The expansion of humanity into new habitats. I find JW's vision of how and why we'll engage in that expansion infinitely more believable than the Utopian visions we've traditionally been presented in movies and television...

"I aim to misbehave." -Capt. Mal Reynolds, Serenity, a.k.a. 'the BDBOF'


Thursday, July 27, 2006 7:45 AM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Ah, here's another one. You Me and Dupree. Another movie about an idiot screwing over a friend and being rewarded for it. Ya, that's real deep.

I agree. Another example of a studio taking a "hot at the moment" actor and plugging them into a similar vehicle that they know will sell. Nothing new here, nothing new to say, just the same vapid entertainment quality.

I saw a preview, though, to a Ben Stiller movie (I dislike him intensly, BTW) that I will see in the threater. It looks funny as hell, and has an interesting premise.

It reminds me of one of my favorite books I read as when I was a kid.

"It Looks Alive to Me!"
Thomas Baum
The exhibits at the Museum of Natural History come alive as a young boy searches during the night for the stolen moon rock.


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:07 AM


This seems like a good thread to post this to, so. is going into the movie producing biz. Could this bode well for us ‘versewise? Amazon has got to know how well Serenity/Firefly DVDs sell maybe they’ll option the rights to one (or both) of the shows and then…then…maybe…


Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:28 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:

My turn - Big Momma 1 & 2, White Chicks, You, Me & Dupree (I am a big fan of all three main actors but it was just the same old same old...), Any of the spoofs of like Scary Movie, Date Movie...ho hum..., Ace Ventura Pet Detective 2 (yeah - I know it's going back a bit but that's time & money I'll never get back!!), Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (mimic Kevin Costner in thick USA accent "I'm Robin, of Locksly")... , anything by Woody Allen with the exception of Match Point , almost anything with Dustin Hoffman (exception being Tootsy) - both Allen and Hoffman are so overrated!!! and Hoffman did not deserve that Oscar for Rain Man... -, Charlie's Angels 2, Ametyville of Horror... anyone want to stop me?

Hey Magdalena!
I have to agree with most of these. I also hate Woody Allen, despite everyone singing his praises. But I did love Match Point, it was quite creative and Woddy Allen wasn't in it (thank God). I recently saw Monster House and almost threw up on myself in disgust about how much money they must have put into that movie when they could have produced something great. One objection-okay two-Ace Ventura has always been one of my guilty pleasures, okay it had bad acting and a crappy plot, but it also had Jim Carrey being crazy and lots of animals, which I'm a sucker for. Also I've always loved Dustin Hoffman, he's been in quite a few movies I've loved (Rain Man, Tootsie, Runaway Jury, I Heart Huckabees, Meet the Fockers, Finding Neverland, and The Graduate) so I gotta disagree with you there. But despite all this, I would easily throw all these movies (and Dustin Hoffman) in a trash can just to see Serenity 2 made


Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:31 AM


Well I gotta jump in and say that I like horrors and I was really looking forward to Wolf Creek.
What a big pile of smuggled black market beagle crap.
It was supposed to be a true story (or based at least) but what happened to the girls was just made up. How could anyone know what actually happened?

On to other movies I think any "comedy" where the so called actor puts on silly voices, disquises or pulls funny faces (see Martin Lawrence, Adam Sandler and some Jim Carrey movies for examples).

Anything starring Ashley Judd these days coz they are all the same movie. Also Harrison Ford falls into this category.

I loved the first couple of American Pie's but all the countless rip offs just want binning.

My Super Ex Girlfriend. Oh dear oh dear.

And on that bombshell....


Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:09 AM


Okay, so I sat through Bloodrayne this weekend as a favor to my sister. Aside from seeing Kritanna Loken really getting down in one certain scene, I almost got sick. Almost slapped my mother for bearing me to a world that would allow such crap. It was so bad that not even Michael Madsen could make it any better.
Now that is bad.
F you Uwe Boll. F you and the horse we shoulda ate!

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:16 AM


Aeon Flux, that dough could've been used on Serenity II. It even covered some of the same ground that Serenity did, and not nearly as well.



Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:47 AM



Originally posted by Moose:

Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Well there's the new Miami Vice movie out. As if we NEEDED another old tv show made into a movie...

Yeah, what are they thinking? Bringing a TV show to the big screen...sheesh.

Actually, I can't watch any movie (or TV show) preview nowadays without thinking "They coulda made more Firefly with that money..."

Don't even get me started about the SciFi Channel's "Original" Movies....

Now hold on there Moose, maybe I had said it the wrong way, yes of course Firefly was a tv show made into a movie but the original poster asked to choose mediocer films that were made that shouldn't have seen the light of day when the time could have been spent into a Serenity sequel and I chose Miami Vice because frankly it's just another shoot em up let's put our brains on hold cashbin fair. I feel the same about The Dukes of Hazzard movie (wtf?) and Starskey and Hutch (theat was a beloved show of mine that they just ripped apart and screwed over) mindless drivel made for no reason other than the executives have NO IDEA about how to make original movies anymore, so they're going DEEP into the tv vaults redoing shows that had it's day.

I mean the Honeymooners movie with an all African American cast? I'm not meaning to offend anyone but it JUST DOESN'T WORK. There was a reason it worked on tv in it's time. Gleeson was a good comedian (I wouldn't say great) in an era where that kind of comedy fit. You ask anyone out there about that movie and they'll say, "Oh yeah, I forgot they made that."

That's the legacy of this centuries contribution to entertainment.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting

Oh, and anything with Ashton Kutcher. Just what IS the appeal of that kid? I look at him and see an un-talented actor who just happened to be on the right show at the right time. No no no.

And though it may anger Chrisisall, Fantastic Four. Had they not gone so camp and made the story more believable got a better actor to play Reeds and followed Doom's ORIGINAL story instead of doing what they did it could have been worth the $8.00 spent, but they muddled it like they do with everything else and we could have been spared this monstrosity and discussing plans for seeing the S sequel.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:24 PM


I know this might shock and horrify everyone, but both my hubby and I enjoyed Superman and Xmen 3. Although in my opinion Xmen was missing heart. I felt like "oh yeah that's intresting" instead of "OMG! that's so wrong and gut wrenching. I think i might cry." I have been impressed w/ the spidermans (i cried during the second one)

I don't mean to say all movies are totally works of crapula... but just that it's stupid all these really dumb movies are being made one after the other when serenity 2 just lays in wait.

Also I really liked "the devil wears prada" but that's probably because i'm a chick flick maniac who watches all the disney channel original movies the night they come out (that and olsen twin movies used to be my guilty pleasure, granted sometimes they were better w/ the sound off and my best friend and i would come up w/ out own dialoge)

Sorry that it should have been "greenlit" I'm not too in on the movie biz lingo.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:36 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Well there's the new Miami Vice movie out. As if we NEEDED another old tv show made into a movie (I never liked it when it was on tv) I mean just look at the lobotimized execs that have no clue on how to see a potential good story because they're going back into the vault dragging up things that should have been left alone. (I've bitched about this plenty on other threads.)
Nuff said.

The new Miami Vice movie was written and directed by Michael Mann, the person who was the executive producer for the original series, and who also wrote some of the episodes himself.

He also happens to be one of the greatest directors of the last 10 years, directing movies such as The Insider, Heat, and Collateral. Miami Vice will probably end up being regardes as one of the best movies of the year, as the early reviews are fantastic.

Just because the idea is old doesn't mean it can't be a really good movie.


Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:40 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:

Originally posted by jpstargazer:
I didn't much care for Wolf Creek. But then again, I'm not a big horror fan so that might have had something to do with it.

Hey JP!

As Wolf Creek was so very scary I have not seen it myself, despite being a huge supporter of the Australian Film Industry... however I dispute the idea that it was made at the expense of Serenity 2 'Coz Aussie films are notoriously underfunded and therefore it might have been made at the expense of one pair of Mal's tight pants or one of Jaynes T-shirts...

Just putting my 5 cents worth in - actually that would fund a low-budget film here in Australia!

My turn - Big Momma 1 & 2, White Chicks, You, Me & Dupree (I am a big fan of all three main actors but it was just the same old same old...), Any of the spoofs of like Scary Movie, Date Movie...ho hum..., Ace Ventura Pet Detective 2 (yeah - I know it's going back a bit but that's time & money I'll never get back!!), Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves (mimic Kevin Costner in thick USA accent "I'm Robin, of Locksly")... , anything by Woody Allen with the exception of Match Point , almost anything with Dustin Hoffman (exception being Tootsy) - both Allen and Hoffman are so overrated!!! and Hoffman did not deserve that Oscar for Rain Man... -, Charlie's Angels 2, Ametyville of Horror... anyone want to stop me?

sorry for being so down...Magda...x x
{edit} to fix all my spelling errors - I'm on pain meds today so no sense I'm makin'

...also I think grammatically it should read "...received the green light" couldn't help it!

"I love my Captain!"

"At the expense of a pair of Mal's tight pants" ROFL...teeheehee


Thursday, July 27, 2006 1:44 PM


Okay, I might watch the Devil Wears Prada for one reason..
I have a crush on Anne Hathaway. Just sorta happened.

X3 really lacked heart. Shoulda added some sex and Weapon X tearing through all like the Bride, Kill Bill style. Kinda funny they could de-construct humans piece by piece but the appearance of blood was taboo in a PG-13 movie. Least they coulda done was add some actual romance. Think I'd a preferrred that to the tounge swallowing session.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Thursday, July 27, 2006 5:57 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:

Now hold on there Moose, maybe I had said it the wrong way, yes of course Firefly was a tv show made into a movie but the original poster asked to choose mediocer films that were made that shouldn't have seen the light of day when the time could have been spent into a Serenity sequel...

Whoops, sorry about that..I was just trying to make a joke, nothing against ya, Misstressahara.
I have a very weird sense of humor, especially at 4am (most people call it "being a wiseass")

I totally agree with you about the shows you mentioned, and ESPECIALLY about Ashton Kutcher....WTF is up with that?!?!? Seriously....WTF!?!?


Thursday, July 27, 2006 10:58 PM


No need to apologize Moose, I'm sorry if I sounded a little harsh, someone on another site had pissed me off and I guesse it came across on a few posts (I think I may have left some rather cross words on other posts, that's what happens when you let a troll get to you) Hey it's 4:00 in the morning now.

And I know, Ashton Kutcher is this generations Keeanu Reeves, and he can't even do a surfer accent right.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Friday, July 28, 2006 5:47 AM


Cautiously attacking a holy cow (or rather sheep...)

Brokeback Mountain. Like a Merchant and Ivory film, but without the explosive set-pieces, car chases and breathless dynamism.

Pirates of the Caribbean 2. First one was unmemorable, but inoffensively OK, I suppose, but nothing that screams sequel.

Hey, let's do a movie with Steve Martin and Queen Latifah. That'll be quality.

The. Da. Vinci. Code.

Garfield. I can't understand how such a weak, unlikeable and unfunny cartoon gets such big syndication, so it making it onto celluloid shouldn't really annoy me. But it does.

Cars. The Toy Stories and Shreks were great. Why wasn't this? It didn't take long for the "Sod the content, the popcon-munchers'll be happy with noise and bright colours" brigade to get their cold dead hands on the new format.

Hairspray remake, and remakes in general, unless they are good in their own right. About on a par for offensiveness with people renewing their marriage vows. Yes, I'm looking at you, Britney - short-term memory loss, is it?


Friday, July 28, 2006 5:48 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I think it was 'Young Blood' where Keanu had about 3 lines and managed about 5 different accents!!!???

"I love my Captain!"


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:07 AM



Originally posted by outsyder:

Originally posted by Misstressahara:
Well there's the new Miami Vice movie out. As if we NEEDED another old tv show made into a movie (I never liked it when it was on tv) I mean just look at the lobotimized execs that have no clue on how to see a potential good story because they're going back into the vault dragging up things that should have been left alone. (I've bitched about this plenty on other threads.)
Nuff said.

The new Miami Vice movie was written and directed by Michael Mann, the person who was the executive producer for the original series, and who also wrote some of the episodes himself.

He also happens to be one of the greatest directors of the last 10 years, directing movies such as The Insider, Heat, and Collateral. Miami Vice will probably end up being regardes as one of the best movies of the year, as the early reviews are fantastic.

Just because the idea is old doesn't mean it can't be a really good movie.

Sorry, Outsyder, but I agree with Misstressahara. Miami Vice is one movie that probably didn't need to be made, especially when we could have had another Serenity film. There are so many TV shows and movies that deal with cops, and not any that deal with our BDH's. Not to discredit Michael Mann, but I'd take a Joss film any day.


"Now they see the sky and they remember what they are."


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:18 AM


I have to agree. I can't make a list cuz....well...I won't stop. Hollywood has made the masses dumb. It has convinced them that all we need is more fat jokes, more race jokes, & more sex jokes & we've got the makings of great cinema & if we can't make em laugh let's just gross them out with gore. Story has become irrelevant.

I like comedy just as much as the next guy but I like my comedy within a "story" if i just want a bunch of jokes I'll sit & watch stand up.

I even loved Jack Black in Nacho Libre. It was funny. He has great physical comedic ability. But even that movie tried to have a story to it.

I haven't seen Lady in the Water, but I want to. I think M. Night is a good storyteller.

Hollywood traded Art for Entertainment, and now they've traded Entertainment for Amusement.....

Joss help us.

"We had ties that could not be broken, except by the passing of time. Like a rock. A broken time rock. And you're very special to me, my broken time rock people." - Nathan Fillion

Stillshiny's Shop - Original creator of the -isms series


Friday, July 28, 2006 6:26 AM


OK - don't get me wrong, but....



Yes, the BDM was great but it only provided 2 hours of relief from cold turkey. With hindsight, it was always going to be a hard sell - although the "hey - lets market it as Buffy in space (and leave the space bit out of the poster)" attitude surely didn't help. How much new Firefly could have been made for the money?

Second choice:

Wonder Woman
OK - not made yet (so there's still time!), but the idea leaves me cold. Not only is it consuming money that (in a world of fantasy economics) could pay for more Firefly/Serenity, but its also consuming irreplacable Wheedon-years! I'm prepared to be proven wrong, but I can't see what it can say that Buffy didn't.

Third choice (again - still time!):

The Golden Compass (Dark Materials 1)
If this film series turns out true to the (excellent - for the open minded) books, then global warming will become a thing of the past as the sun is blotted out by the smoke from burning cinemas in Middle America. Bound to be dumbed-down beyond recognition - and unless they settle for a PG-13 rating (for a film of a childrens' book) I don't just mean the bits about religion!


Friday, July 28, 2006 9:23 AM


I just don't get people's facination with horror films. Sure--adrenaline rush. But hey, guess what--you can get that from an action movie...*resists temptation to go into horror film rant*

i'm relitively new to the Firefly/Serenity fandom, and I ADORED the movie. I think that the big screen NEEDS something like Firefly. Lately, most movies seem so washed out! THey're not up to par, or theres a crappy plot, or some other such sucky-ness....

Sequels, Cliche plots....Can someone PLEASE just clue in and say "-hmm...this movie came out last year, and it's doing pretty good....good fanbase....maybe we should do something with this!"

River, honey, he's putting the hair away now.


Friday, July 28, 2006 10:38 AM


Funny thing I have noticed for the last couple of years. Has anyone else noticed that of all the movies made each year, probably only 10-20% of them are actually original screenplays? EVERY movie made nowadays it seems is "based on a true story" or a re-make, or a TV show, novel, short story, comic book, or what-have-you that was made into a movie. Where has the IMAGINATION in Hollywood gone!? Surprising enough, the most original screenplays are in the comedy genre. How much longer before this trend starts to dwindle? Or at least how long before there are no more tv shows and books to adapt into movies?

"What'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Friday, July 28, 2006 11:05 AM


Ok not sure what it's called but it just came out. It's a movie where a midget undercover cop pretends to be a baby ( it's a Wayans movie) that looks utterly dreadful!!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, July 28, 2006 11:52 AM


Fast and the Furious 3

Can't say anything else! I think that sums up cinema today.

Sorry am saying something else, just to defend Stormbreaker...YES, I would take Serenity 2 or FireFly season 2 over it anyday but... It stuck to the book pretty closely and all those British bits are part of what the book's about. And at the end of the day it's a kids film.

99% of the time Brits in movies p**s me right off, I'm from Yorkshire (Northern England - not Scotland) and I don't speak BBC english with a cut glass accent, but I do realise that the Powers That Be (Tony Blair etc) do speak like that. So what's wrong with it.

Sorry rant over.

I love my Captain
"You hold till i get back."


Friday, July 28, 2006 12:49 PM



Originally posted by msg:
Ok not sure what it's called but it just came out. It's a movie where a midget undercover cop pretends to be a baby ( it's a Wayans movie) that looks utterly dreadful!!!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2

MSG the movie your talking about is called Little man, I mention it in my first post at the top of the thread. He's not a undercover cop he's a thief trying to hide out from the cops pretending to be a baby and getting adopted by two very dumb very stupid very clueless people. Ya, I knew it was a piece of Go Se the minute I saw the first commercial, so you know it'll make tons of money on the opening weekend because it'll be catering to the lowest common denominator and unfortunately the average movie goer HAS had their intellegence reduced in the last few years.

Oh hey, here's someone who's very movie salary can finance a Serenity sequel and whom we really don't need to see any more of. Martin Lawrence.

Nuff said.

By the way I love your little emotes.

If I'm a bitch, then life just got interesting


Friday, July 28, 2006 1:02 PM



Originally posted by rockxwl:
Funny thing I have noticed for the last couple of years. Has anyone else noticed that of all the movies made each year, probably only 10-20% of them are actually original screenplays? EVERY movie made nowadays it seems is "based on a true story" or a re-make, or a TV show, novel, short story, comic book, or what-have-you that was made into a movie. Where has the IMAGINATION in Hollywood gone!? Surprising enough, the most original screenplays are in the comedy genre. How much longer before this trend starts to dwindle? Or at least how long before there are no more tv shows and books to adapt into movies?

"What'd you all order a dead guy for?"

I know exactly what you mean. Making a movie from a television show...tsk tsk I think we can all make an tiny exception for our 'verse. But honestly, the lack of original ideas is somewhat sickening. In fact, I almost prefer to see a movie with an original idea than one that's a remake or based on something else, although if it is really good I will see of of course. (Lord of the Rings anyone?) Recently I saw Nacho Libre...okay it wasn't brilliant...but it was original. Same with Slither, and I'm not just saying that because Nathan was in it Original ideas are hard to come by, and it's even better to see them well done.


Friday, July 28, 2006 1:10 PM


Lady in the water isn't bad! I totally agree about the other films. Big Mama's house 2? God, stupid. Bring it on, ok maybe intertaining vaguely, bring it on again? Stupid film, didn't deserve to get any attention. :( Now their making ANOTHER freking remake of that la-sa film. It makes me want to scream. Great films like Serenity while Goh Sah films like Break back mountian get all the attention. :(

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"
Mal: "I'm standing right here."
Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."
Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."


Friday, July 28, 2006 1:39 PM


Okay, I saw Slither in a Henderson movie theater fidded with pre teen bastards. I would just like the world to know, JR HIGH KIDS STINK!
Little (explative deleted) couldn't stay off the gorram phone, wouldn't stop seat hoppin, and wouldn't shut up. Wanted so badly to fly off into a violent rage, ripping theater seats from the floor, traumatising them forever. Or, at the very least, take their cell phones so I could tell their parents how they utterly failed the human race.
I was in the special hell!

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Friday, July 28, 2006 1:52 PM



Hollywood has made the masses dumb. It has convinced them that all we need is more fat jokes, more race jokes, & more sex jokes & we've got the makings of great cinema & if we can't make em laugh let's just gross them out with gore. Story has become irrelevant.

How very true.

let's change this a bit. what was the last good movie anyone remebers? the last one I can think of is The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, and the wardrobe. yes, I know it's based on a book, but at least it's a good book, and at least they stuck to the book.

now, for bad movies.....

the list is so long that if I start now I'll still be here by the 3rd Serenity movie.
-try it out, I dare you

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature

I'm so into Firefly, my butt glows in the dark.


Friday, July 28, 2006 2:07 PM


Granted this is a little off topic, but I've bought the Firefly series a long time ago (like when I was overseas) and didn't get the third disk. Can someone help me out? There's three episodes that I haven't seen.

"There's three ways of gettin' outta here - walkin', crawlin', or carried. I'll give you a moment to talk amongst yourselves." Josiah Greene


Friday, July 28, 2006 2:26 PM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:

Sorry, Outsyder, but I agree with Misstressahara. Miami Vice is one movie that probably didn't need to be made, especially when we could have had another Serenity film. There are so many TV shows and movies that deal with cops, and not any that deal with our BDH's. Not to discredit Michael Mann, but I'd take a Joss film any day.

Well, regardless of our differences of opinion on whether Miami Vice should have been made, there's not doubt in my mind that Miami Vice will make more money than a Serenity 2 would have. In Hollywood, money talks. That's why crap that earns big at the box office gets greenlighted over better, smaller movies.

Not that I think Vice is crap, but it will be a big movie.


Friday, July 28, 2006 3:14 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Okay, I saw Slither in a Henderson movie theater fidded with pre teen bastards. I would just like the world to know, JR HIGH KIDS STINK!
Little (explative deleted) couldn't stay off the gorram phone, wouldn't stop seat hoppin, and wouldn't shut up. Wanted so badly to fly off into a violent rage, ripping theater seats from the floor, traumatising them forever. Or, at the very least, take their cell phones so I could tell their parents how they utterly failed the human race.
I was in the special hell!

What a strange was exactly the same at the theater I was at. I was angry it was playing at only one theater in my neighborhood...and it wasn't the one up the street but then there were these annoying brats that made it worse, I actually think they were my age, but it still pissed me off. Gotta hate people that talk in the theater. them!


Saturday, July 29, 2006 11:34 AM


just pointing out that Slither is actually a remake.

But YAY for our BD Cappy.

And on the special hell thing i took my young (5, 7, 9yrs old) neices, and nephew to see Stormbreaker, they sat through the whole film and only once spoke.... To ask me why the couple next to the 7 year old were licking faces and giggling...and why's he got his hand he holding her pants (knickers) up?

I don't mind if people wanna pay all that money to go to see a film and kiss and fondle each other through the film but why pick a kids film? WHY? The 9 year old was embarrassed and the 7 year old was disgusted. And when i asked them if they'd mind not doing that in the seat next to my 7 year old they said well i paid £6 for my ticket i'll do what i want. Ignorant Morons.

Sorry i know i went off topic but it really wound me up. These idiots are the future of the world/country, then oh budda we're in trouble.

I love my Captain
"You hold till i get back."


Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:12 PM


I think the reason would be that they weren't quite old enouph to go to an adult film, and said what the hey we don't care about the plot anyway.

When I saw King Kong there where 15 teens sitting in front of us who deserved to go to the special hell. They were throwing stuff at the screen, yelling comments at the screen and yelling at each other. Finally this really big black dude, who looked like he beat peeps up for a living, just cause of his build, came over and warned them that if they didn't get out of the theator, the theator peeps would have to call securtiy to come pick up pieces of their bodies.

Yes, there was clapping and cheering. :)

Jayne: "Testing, testing. Captain, can you hear me?"
Mal: "I'm standing right here."
Jayne: "You're coming through good and loud."
Mal: " 'Cause I'm standing right here."


Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:20 PM



just pointing out that Slither is actually a remake.

No, it isn't. There was a 1970s film called Slither, but it has absolutely nothing to do with it. There's also a film called Serenity that has nothing to with Serenity.

Hollywood churns out things like Miami Vice because PEOPLE GO AND SEE THEM. If people stop going, they will stop making them. It's that simple. Not enough people went to see Serenity, so it won't get a sequel (probably). They probably went to see Big Mommas House 2 instead.


Saturday, July 29, 2006 1:54 PM


This is slightly off-topic but I thought this was the best place to put it. Yesterday I saw a film called Mirrormask, I hadn't seen it before but it looked interesting. I found it to be very entertaining, and original ( far as i know.) Sort of a different take on the Wizard of Oz. It's a fantasy movie, and I thought I'd just give it a mention. I rented it out, I never saw it in theaters, I don't know if it was even released in theaters, but not every good film is.


Saturday, July 29, 2006 3:40 PM


Yarrrrrrgggg. Hell, I'd give up a whole year's worth of good movies just to have a few more Firefly episodes.

The whole thing just stinks. What's that? The perfect TV show? Cancelled! What's that? A movie based on said TV show? Fine, but no sequel!

I find the whole thing depressing. I'm just glad I got to see Serenity, the very last episode of Firefly (I see it as just a big episode), on the big screen. Most movies I'm only impressed with and buy it on DVD, forgetting about when I saw it in theatres. But Serenity... that was different. The whole time I was sitting there going "Wow." I'll never forget it.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:11 AM



Originally posted by WhoIsRiver:

just pointing out that Slither is actually a remake.

No, it isn't. There was a 1970s film called Slither, but it has absolutely nothing to do with it. There's also a film called Serenity that has nothing to with Serenity.

Hollywood churns out things like Miami Vice because PEOPLE GO AND SEE THEM. If people stop going, they will stop making them. It's that simple. Not enough people went to see Serenity, so it won't get a sequel (probably). They probably went to see Big Mommas House 2 instead.

Sorry, but I've seen the original and Slither is a remake right down to the deer in the office and slugs in the bath. Although the look way better now than they did then.

I love my Captain
"You hold till i get back."


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:34 AM



Originally posted by wicca303:
Sorry, but I've seen the original and Slither is a remake right down to the deer in the office and slugs in the bath. Although the look way better now than they did then.

Uhm, okay. However, it's actually not a remake. Sorry if I sounded a bit snarky there, but the director is a friend of a friend, and it gets annoying seeing people saying it's a remake. It's not. It's an original script.

There's a 1973 comedy called Slither, of which you can find info on here:






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