Male and Female Imponderables--Is this a dagger I see before me?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:18
VIEWED: 15378
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Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:28 PM


Yes, I know...I'll be heading to bed soon. Just winding Down. Glad to find you still up!

Yeah, I guess I should have better-defined "kiss". Pecks are all good, but you are right; the kind of kiss that could lead somewhere else are the bad ones. We also share the same views on flirting. I also feel safer flirting with someone I may never meet, as it often happens online; even sometimes on this board. But as long as all parties know it is in fun, it is alright. Yes, you are making sense. :smiles:
I am sorry your Ex of Doom turned out to be such an appears he did not know what he was going to lose. We sometimes do not know what is best for us, and unfortunately, people get hurt.

Thank you for humoring me this late (early) in the day.



Saturday, July 29, 2006 9:42 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*sniffle* Yeah, I'm sorry he turned out to be a too.
I just gotta keep my standards up meeting someone new. Just because I like them doesn't mean they really have what it takes to be right for me. Must remember that Sometimes I get crushes way too easily.
Flirting online can certainly be good. It's safe, it's fun.
There's at least one member of this board I reeeeeaaaaally wish was in my state, though. The flirting only online thing gets frustrating sometimes. *Sigh* Oh well.
Trying to keep positive. Really, I am trying. Bad night. Wish it was light enough out to see the bunnies; they always cheer me up with their cuteness.




Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:14 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Bumpses so this one is above the other one.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:26 AM


Looks like there are very few Imponderables out this time of night...

Here's one for later - kitchen usage. How many gadgets/pans does your SO etc use in the kitchen compared to you? Is is always the right tool for the right job, and if not, go and buy the right one, or just use what's handy? We won't go to the BBQ place...


Sunday, July 30, 2006 2:53 AM


Sorry for what I typed earlier! Yikes! Sleep is good fo the 'ol noggin!

An I carried such a torch


Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:50 AM


GMT afternoon, all!

On the subject of standards. Being pre-relationship that I am, this does sorta make me think, because.. well I have something of an inferiority complex at times, I'd hate to be looking over my shoulder all the time about the cheating issue. And I do hope I can find folk with similar standards, I very much agree about the above descriptions of commitment, how important it is to love first and foremost.

As for the cheating, the idea of 'only physical' seems rather odd, because while it may be just physical, being in a relationship involves an ammount of trust that you wouldnt go and sleep with someone else, so much so that this is generally and unspoken arrangement. Even if the 3rd party was at fault, it's simply a betrayal to break your word on the subject.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:09 AM


Hi everyone! Long time no see, I've been somewhat busy this week!

As for Valentine's day, I rarely have a girlfriend during this time, so I don't really recall. When I was right out of high school though, I bought this huge basket of roses for my g/f at the time. Her dad didn't get her step mom anything and when he saw the big ol' basket of roses I got her, he had to get something bigger for his wife. It was kind of funny.

As for the cheating and who to blame, you blame that who was cheating on you. You tell them to GTFO and never come back. If someone's cheating on you, they clearly don't respect you or care about you.

And did I miss some birthdays? MSG? Happy birthday to those who had birthdays! *hugs* to you all!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:29 AM


Urgh, good GMT evening all...

Went n saw some gardens, got stung by a wasp (it kinda hurts) and it rained. A lot. Good times.

Yeah, Valentine's day is weird.

"But, these strong women characters?"

"Why aren't you asking 100 other guys why they don't write strong women characters?" -Joss Whedon


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:50 AM


Well, cheating, as TV defines it, is a physical thing. Its about the act itself, not the intent, hence they go to the default setting women = evil. Really, its about honor - if you say to someone you're intimate with "I will not have sex with anyone else" and you do, you lied. I cant see how its anyone elses fault "oh, but you pushed me to it" or "I was drunk" or whatever - ultimatly it comes down to your word, and what thats worth.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 12:29 PM


i blame the male, because it makes me look like i look down on and despise that kinda thing and must be above it

no wait! i blame the female! because it makes me look like i wouldn't have any truck with the kind of woman who'd tempt me to do that kinda thing!

no, erm, levity aside. As regards who's to blame, i think that kinda thing is entirely circumstantial, but broadly i'd say both. (having been someones bit on the side, not a time in my past i'd care to revisit or something i'm terribly proud of, i can say there's a fair bit of blame there, as much as anywhere else). as regards intimacy issue's, well, that's a tough call, but, i think i'd have to go along with the school of thought that it's the intent that makes the differance, well, intent and emotion and, yeah. And i agree that it's really rather difficult to have the one without the other, the physical, in most cases, is likely to mean something. flirting i think is something i'm a little uneasy with (i don't do it very well, not good at anything much bar taking the piss out of people, but hey, anyone else out there who flirts in a bitter sarcastic manner, with many a quip and aside, look me up ) but at the end of the day, i don't think i would consider flirting to be cheating.

and yes, that was confused and convoluted, not in the clearest frame of mind at present, but it made sense in my head...even if i only managed to get about half of it in a vaguely workable world-like form.

as far as cooking implements go, i'm definately more of the 'make do' school, i'm proud of my cooking, but i'm the first to admit it's really quite simple. inventive (ie, good at hiding the taste of day off meat, hey it's why all the famous sauces were invented! ) but simple. i do keep meaning to get myself a good set of knives and a nice chopping board, but rent tends to come first and foremost.

Quick imponderable(ish) have any of you shared flats with really unreliable flatmates? and on the whole, did they tend to be male or female?


Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:18 PM


male and female - crappy housemates are crappy house mates for reasons other than gender. Or at leat they were in my opinion.

It rained? welcome to the UK darlin! Valentines day i just tend to ignore, some how managed to be single every february. meh.

I have no gadgets. What a tin opener a grater or a bread knife wont do isn't worth doing. but then you already know all about my culinary standards.

Oh Copilot dear, drink less fer heavens sakes! And give him an honest answer, soon as you work out what it is.

New imponderable - red hair. Ginger men are regularly made fun of and small ginger children are regularly beaten to within an inch or their lives, just cause o the red hair, even though folks like Alan Tudyk have proved that red can be cute and sexy and Josh Homme that it can be tough (and sexy) yet it still goes on.

But amongst women, red shades have are and probably always will be the most popular hair dyes sold in the west, not to mention henna etc, with has traditions going back centuries.



Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:41 PM


Simple answer:

Redheads are cute.

Really. As one who is entranced by the awe-inspiring cuteness of natural (NATURAL!!) s, I claim that there is no finer color, especially when one considers the peripheral properties. s almost always have smooth, pale skin (yay!), are usually petite, (yay!), are oftentimes bluff and open with their emotions (yay! Sometimes), and make up 2% of the human population (DAMNIT!). Although, there is something to be said about being able to beat the 1 in 50 odds of landing oneself a natural red...

And freckles. Can't get enough of the freckles.

Is it getting hot in here? I need airflow...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.


Sunday, July 30, 2006 3:02 PM



Originally posted by seryn:
male and female - crappy housemates are crappy house mates for reasons other than gender. Or at leat they were in my opinion.

that i've no doubt is true, just occured to me that all the flatmate's i've failed to get on with were female, and wondered if there was such a huge differance in the approach to sharing a flat (probably skewed slightly by only having shared a flat with one bloke anyway)

as far as redheads go, can't help but agree with jamesthedark, in terms of the female thing, but i'll not go into any more detail or i'll wind up all flustered as far as the male thing goes, i've seena bit of a slagging, but not much more then i saw other people get for similar things, and far less then i ever got for being half-english in small-town scotland but then i guess we all know what see you jimmy hats do for our economy. can't really offer much explanation, other then being differant, and, perhaps outnumbered. why that would make for such a desirable trait in women and such a deplorable trait in men i do not know, differance in perception? can't offer much insight myself, probably all number of sociological studies out there though.

edit true instead of skewed...was tired


Sunday, July 30, 2006 4:42 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by JamesTheDark:
almost always have smooth, pale skin (yay!), are usually petite, (yay!), are oftentimes bluff and open with their emotions (yay! Sometimes).

You just described me, 'cept I don't have red hair.
Alan Tudyk is a redhead? Since when?
I used to love red hair. I still like it. My first boyfriend had beautiful red hair... and NO OTHER REDEEMING QUALITIES. Not to say no other redhead would have redeeming qualities, but I don't much want to be reminded of that... person.
Red hair does carry a stereotype, though. My mom used red henna for awhile and was percieved to be much more quick-tempered than she actually is. I've thought about dying my hair just so I would have an excuse But I look awful with red hair. Strange, with my Irish background.




Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:36 PM


Hey all, just checkin in for a quick moment, haven't had much of a chance to read through the thread, but I'll jump in on this last topic.



almost always have smooth, pale skin (yay!), are usually petite, (yay!), are oftentimes bluff and open with their emotions (yay! Sometimes)

You just described me, 'cept I don't have red hair.

That pretty much describes me as well, but I am also not a natural redhead. One of my great grandmothers was a natural redhead, and I inherited the rest of her coloring -- green eyes, pale skin, freckles -- but not the red hair. My hair is naturally a really really light dishwater blonde, but if I'm outside enough it'll start getting more gold, and will eventually get to a strawberry blonde color, if I spend time outside every day for months. I dyed my hair red for over seven years, everything from bright ruby to strawberry blonde, and except with the ruby and garnet colors, everyone seemed to think it was natural.

As for the temper, all the women in my family who descended from that great grandmother seem to have inherited her temper, so I didn't really get the temper thing any more or less when I dyed my hair.

Almost three years ago I dyed my hair back to blonde (which was the first time hubby had seen me without red hair!), and about a year ago I chopped off about ten inches, and stopped dying my hair. I've cut at least another four inches off since then, and with this last hair cut got the last of the dye out. So back to being dishwater blonde, but I've been spending enough time outside that it's actually a fairly nice color right now.

I've had a thing for redheaded guys in the past, and was crushing on one right before I met hubby. He (the redheaded guy) was pretty vocal that natural redheads should hook up, to keep the hair color in the population.


You can't take the sky from me...


Sunday, July 30, 2006 7:43 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have brown/sandy/dark blond hair. It gets really pretty and gold if I'm in the sun enough (that hasn't happened lately...) And sometimes I get red highlights, but nothing beyond that.
I thought about just dying it gold, but I don't want to ahve to keep up with it. I don't like to fuss too much with my hair

So hey, here's a piece of news; I have been contacted on the dating site that has so far been rather lame. Guy actually read my entire profile and talks about photoshop and stuff. Not even sure his interest goes beyond that. Kinda odd, kinda shiny.




Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:25 PM


As far as hair color, I have always found red hair to be attractive, but if the person under the hair is a walking butt, then they could look like any of our BDHs and I wouldn't feel attracted to them. I suppose I can't be too picky since my hair started out jet black, and from the age of 15 began looking more and more like Book's. I expect by the time I hit (garbled speech here) years old, I might have a full head of silver. My beard and mustache still grow in black, when I grow them.

edit: and as far as actually dyeing my hair, I have done it before, but the last time I did it was for "Madame Butterfly", and it came out green instead of black for some insane reason.
So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:29 PM


no, go with it! He actually read your profile - thats a plus point, so chat to him about photoshop and see where it goes.

I've stopped even replying to the guys who don't bother reading my myspaces page. Or the ones that do but send one line messages like hi, wanna chat?
I just feel like writing back - 'about what? you plainly have no imagination'.
Apart from the people, and my rallife friends, theres only two people (both guys funnily enough) who i still talk to - one about music (i got him addicted to Tori Amos, he introduced me to fusion jazz and White Rose Movement) and another who sends me huge long letters about his work (he's a tv editor/director etc) and general life stuff, written brilliantly, so i send him back letters about different things and all the strange folk who come into the museum (also writtian brilliantly - he accused me of being a writer, I had to rise to the challenge!). Its great I think is what i'm getting at - one interest in common (music with the first, finding a largish hill and going to see whats at the top with the other) means i now have two incredibly intelligent, sweet funny and literate penpals.

now if only i lived in London...

I to, naturally have light brown hair that goes silverblond in the sun, but i've been dying it red since i was fourteen. I also have the pale freckled skin (well, at the moment its gone kinda cramy, but my legs are still irish white (i.e blue) and the temper. Being from a family from the north of england,(and a very typical taurean) and often from liverpool, the irish connection is well ingrained. my cousin david has the brightest red hair you could imagine, and he gets chronically bullied at school, and when the kids in my highschool wern't beating me up, they were chasing after a friends brother, even though they left my friend (also a red head) largely alone.

Alan looks blond in firefly, but in lots of his other movies he's red, and it looks natural (dodgeball) in Knights Tale its fake.I think he's a natural strawberry blond to pale red, but it suits him and he damn cute.

and my complaints against my housemates were mostly the same - not paying bills, not buying electricity and leaving me to buy it all, or leaving me in the dark, leaving their crap all over the comunal areas, not doing chores, eating my food, deliberetly going adfter the guy i was interested in (boy housemate) and sleeping with my boyfriend (girlhousemate)

thats the one time i have blamed the girl, because she was a complete slut basically, she had a fiancee, and yet she'd be stringing along any other guy she could, especially if it meant getting one over on another girl.

the rest of the time i'd blame the straying partner, or both, if theyre both betraying someone they supposedly love. what else was there? I can't keep up!


Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:40 PM


oh, i had a female friend who started grying at 16. she hated it but recently she just stopped dying it, she's now got a sliver streak over one eye.

Its a terribly cruel twist of genetics that means men go grey or bald ontop, but continue to be able to grown thick bushy coloured hair on their chins (legs chests and in some cases, eyebrows and nostrils)
Except one guy i knew, who when he grew a beard, had a reddisn goatee and patches of blond, brown and grey over his cheeks. Needless to say, he didn't grow his much either.

Which make me ask, where do you lot stand on body hair in general? girls do you like beards and hairy bodies? guys, its stray hairy legs and armpits a terrible thing?;)


Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:40 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

OMG he also likes sushi! (just got another message from him; I asked him what else he did for fun) Dude, he likes sushi!
He's an occasional smoker/drinker, though. I guess that's not as bad as it could be, but it's putting me off a little.
But he likes sushi!
I know, I seem overly excited about that, but see Ex of Doom was such a fussy eater that I never got to go anywhere exciting with him; it was basically always burgers and fries at Perkins or similar.




Sunday, July 30, 2006 9:45 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I have mixed feelings on beards. Sometimes they look realy good, sometimes they look terrible, and I have gotten at least one friction burn on my cheeks from kissing Ex of Doom while he was in the process of growing a beard. He looked better with a little goatee, but looked fine without, too. He had very fast-growing facial hair.
Body hair... *twitch* Well, too much is too much. If I could afford to have most of my body hair fried off permanently I would do so. It's good to keep it under control; I would probably not go for an overly hairy guy.




Monday, July 31, 2006 3:17 AM


As far as the body hair issue goes, I really don't care too much, as long as it is kept neat. If the person (man or woman) looks like they are one step removed from Bigfoot, it makes me want to buy them a pair of clippers. I can grow a beard fairly easily, but the rest of me has always been very sparse with the hair. Except my head. I may be getting gray fast, but none of it is going anywhere.

You mentioned eyebrows and nose hair, but don't forget the ears! I have seen folk with more hair there than on their head. Makes you wonder if they are hard of hearing from age or just from lack of airflow.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:24 AM


In general, I am not very picky about my beard. When I get tired of trimming it, I will shave it off, and when I get tired of shaving it, I will let it grow, unless the person I'm with has a preference or I need it a certain way for whatever opera I am in at the moment. I have found that opinions are about evenly split on what others think of it.

Now if my girlfriend had a beard...

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:30 AM


Morning, Imponderable-ers!
One major project was completed this weekend...I finished my Mal boots!

Back to the Imponderables:
SpaceAnJL, depending on the complexity of the dinner, the wife and I can go through about 1/4 of our pots, pans, and dishes in the creation of a meal. Generally, though, I do most of the "complex" cooking. Between us, we have almost everything a kitchen needs (including a propane torch!), but there are times when we have to make do with something else. Always fun times in the kitchen!

Welcome back, GED!

And welcome, GrrrArg. Welcome to the board. We hope you hang around!

OddsBodkins, you made sense.
My last experience with roommates was the last time I was in college (2003ish). I was living in an apartment with my wife-to-be and her former roommate. This would be every guy's dream, right? Two early 20's females and me living under one roof. Oh, the jokes and innuendo that revolved around that...but, no. I would never again want to live with two females. I love both of them (I married one of them ), but trying to live with them...oy! They were both reliable as far as rent, utilities, etc., but when it came to cleaning...the one who is not my wife liked to let things pile up (like dishes). I can stand a few, but she would wait until we got through all of them before washing. Oh, and the bathroom?!? If I wanted to use the bathroom or take a shower, I had to wait until after midnight when I knew I'd be able to get in there...
Ok, sorry, I'm done.

Seryn, red heads...hmm. Back to my wife, she generally dyes her hair various shades of red (always a single color at a time, though), and it looks really good on her. I think the attraction comes in because red hair is still somewhat of a minority hair color in the world. Men are often attracted to the rare. A redhead will still catch my attention, even in a very crowded room.
I have dated a few natural redheads, and they were always the center of attention...although my bottle-red wife is also always the center of attention...hmm. Must be the atitude.

BSC, your hair color looks good on you. And thanks for the laugh with the green hair. I remember us talking about that!

Beards: I can't grow a full one, but I can get a decent moustache and goatee going. Before you think "goatee? Eww", it is one thing that looks good on me. Ever since I figured out I could not grow a full beard (something about ancestoral blood), I had to be happy with what I could grow. My facial hair grows slowly; I can shave off my goatee and moustache, and it'll be a few days before it begins to show again, and another two weeks or so before it starts looking like it was.

Ok, long post...and it's a Monday...time for coffee.



Monday, July 31, 2006 3:46 AM


Wow, if I could wait that long between shaves it would be GREAT! Oh, well..

Tristan, remind me before we get together again to bring my Aida pictures, and you will see me bald. They wanted us to wear bald wigs, and singing under stage lights for 2 1\2 hours with a bald cap on is not a pleasant experience, so I shaved my head to avoid having to wear one. It's probably the only time I will ever do that, since it was too much work to maintain.

Mmmm- coffee. Time to get ready for work. That's where my coffee is!

By the way, I take it you're feeling better? I never heard and was curious.
So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:50 AM


BSC, will do. Although seeing you with green hair might be funnier...
Thanks. I was ill for a day last week...bad stomach virus-thingy. I'm all better now.



Monday, July 31, 2006 4:07 AM


Ooh, the little torch for brulee. Weeee!

My poor mother had to cope with me and my father, in an advanced state of intoxication, playing with creme brulee and my blowtorch in her kitchen. We nearly set the blinds on fire, but everything was so damn funny by then, we didn't care.

I actually shared a house with a girl who would use everyone's kitchen stuff, and not wash it up. And this was just for porridge!

Husband is a bit of a gadget man. Has to be exactly the right tool for the job. But we both enjoy cooking, so we use all our gadgets. Even the pasta-maker - it's like playdoh fun.

Other points - on the red thing. I'm kinda dark brown, but the red comes through if I get a lot of sun. That's also due to Scots/Irish background - the green eyes and the temper are more noticable. I've never quite had the nerve to go really red. Except one Hallowe'en. Evil Willow outfit.


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:18 AM


haha, well s'good to see you found someone special that way tristan xD mostly i share with women, like i mentioned earlier, and for the most part i don't have too many problems, excepting one person right now, s'all the stuff that's been mentioned before, bills, rent, generally unpredictable, hugely unreliable ( had to clean her room at two hours notice when the landlord was coming round, even i don't live in that much of a mess!) and constantly trying to dump her wein on us for childminding...but yeah, only other flatmate i've not gotten on with was anal-retentive about cleaning, and everything else truth be told...used to keep a blackboard in the kitchen and tried to make us write down everything we bought 'for the flat' so we could work it out and divide it up and find out who owed who for half a dozen loo rolls...needless to say it got abanadoned after i refused to write in anything i bought (i love that smilie) but yeah, i'm sure there're plenty of bad male flatmaes around, may be one myself for all i know, tend to adopt a very, ehm, relaxed attitude to most everything lifewise.

and an aside, just looking over my earlier post, and sorry seryn, didn't mean to accuse what you said of being skewed, meant to write true, but was a bit tired and a bit all over the place, and musta been thinking a sentance ahead (bad habit )

as far as facial hair goes, i'm naturally kinda scrubby chinned, ather then actually definitively stubbly, but tend to deliberately leave a while between shaves to hide a scar on my chin (it's teeny tiny, and barely noticable at all, and i'm sure it's just me being paranoid, but, can't help it) it tends to come in slightly darker then the hair on my head, but not very. as for the fairer sex, i've got to admit i prefer it if they're a wee bit smoother, but, in my defense, have always taken the position that if that's what a girl wants, i'd definately undertake to shave my toes from time to time! so no-one can say i'm not even minded

as for the guy, he seems to be interested in you as a person phoenixrose, i'd say give him a chance and see whether he carries on sounding like he might be up your street ^^


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:19 AM


Morning all hope you had a great weekend. On a happy note , my wretched cold is nearly gone!
Hmm let see

Kitchen gagets/pans- normal dinner about 3 pans and afew implements. Fancy dinner 6-7 pans and tons of implements. If my SO cooks ( which he does once or twice a year) it's every single pot and pan:)

Redheads- spent oh all my life trying to be a red head ( since almost all of my cousins are, it's that irish blood as my grandmother is an irish immigrant)finally gave up as it's really expensive and hard on my hair. I have all the rest of the irish ( pale skin, greenish eyes, smattering of freckles)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:50 AM


Morning, MSG!
Glad to see your husband popped in over the weekend.



Monday, July 31, 2006 5:12 AM


The result of much whinging and such( just kidding) the irony of that is he's the one who showed me FFF
So glad he's here though:)

ok had to share that as it creeps me out and now I'm not sure I ever want to eat a sandwich ever again

So here's an imponderable should you tell your SO or others if you have an erotic dream about someone real in your life?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:18 AM


AHH!! Talking bread!

My wife is the same way...she's the one that got me into Firefly, and I have out-fanned her. She signed up here awhile back, but hasn't returned since the troubles the site had.

Do I tell my SO about erotic dreams I had of others? When I do have erotic dreams that I can remember, they are usually either about her or a celebrity, so I do tell her. I have not yet had one about someone we both know, but I would probably tell her about those, too.



Monday, July 31, 2006 5:23 AM


I was just listening to Ray Romano's comedy concert asn he was talking about his wife yelled at him because she saw a woman that she thought he would like had he been there...and I thought that was one nasty jealous woman...and then I wondered. I mean I think we all have those lovely celeb dreams, but what if you had one about like a close friend or something...would that give rise to more jealousy? Probably depends on the spouse:) I'd tell mine and he'd likely laugh his head off, but I don't know if others would

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:33 AM


If there are doubts in your mind as to your SO's feelings towards the person in question, yes, jealousy is a strong possibility. (By "your", I am not specifically addressing you, MSG, it is a general "you") There are one or two of my wife's friends that give me slight feelings of discomfort. This is in the back of my mind, the primitive caveman part..."girl mine, you find another" part. The upper portions of my brain know she loves me, and married me because of that, and will not stray. That primitive part will not be totally silenced, though, so I always have that little twinge around them. We have talked about this, and both know what's going on. Weird?



Monday, July 31, 2006 5:57 AM


Naw I figure you know what you're doing:)

Oh seriously happy teacher moment. I have a computer program ( it uses wav files to signal and I look around the room and if kids are good I put a yes slip in the jar and if kids aren't I put a no in the jar. At the end of class I shake and draw and if they get a yes they get 5 min free time or some such and if it's a no they get nothing) anyway I just found a whole collection of firefly wav files...yippee:) I think I'm going to start the year with " did he just go crazy and then fall asleep?"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:09 AM


Mornin' all

Pretty good weekend. Saw Clerks 2, F'ing hilarious.

MsG- Failed. Sorta. Aside from the movie, I was with the kids all weekend.
Problem: The girl next door is getting to me. She won't stop flirting with me. Very cute, outdoorsy, tough, likes my family. So heres the problem. She's only 18. I've known her since she was little. This ain't right. The wrong part is that it doesn't bother me as much as it should. Going for her would be a small step up from dating one of my former clients.
I may be going to the special hell.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:14 AM


OK that's not failing you're just late turning in assignment...ok 18 is young, but you know I'm not saying lifelong partners or anything...just a date...So why not take her on a date, friendly like and then she can get to know you in that setting and you can both assess whether that would be a good idea or if you should just stay neighbor/friends... it can be like a practice date since you know nothing's going to happen and you aren't even going to use your moves...just practice small talk and being social and eat something nice etc...

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:21 AM


Also this comes under same heading as dating lifelong friends sister...why woldn't your neighbors want their daughter to go out with a guy they know is nice,kind, would take care of their daughter, and would treat her well??? Yes you're older, but that might be a whole lot better than her getting involved with some guy her age who treats her like crap!!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:22 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Boo, I thought I was getting something done, but I didn't. I hate that.
Hmmmm, I might tell a SO about an erotic dream if I had one, but the fact is that I don't tend to have sex dreams about people I haven't had sex with. And I wouldn't want to make a deal out of something that wasn't a deal.
Tristan, I have that caveman part of the brain, too. It can usually be controlled, but it's come out at bad times, too. (So I'm a woman with a caveman part to her brain; what kind of sense does that make?)
Yea, hehe, I'm gonna see if this guy eventually asks me to sushi. That would be the greatest first date ever! Probably. Let's say it would take a lot to ruin it.
I should go to bed soon, but I probably won't...




Monday, July 31, 2006 6:29 AM


oooh PR date anticipation is the best...kinda zingy and like Christmas morning before you open presents:)

Ok I have to bail for an hour ( tutoring calls) but I shall return in about an hour and a half. I leave you with this:

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:42 AM


Is that Forsaken Bread? Send it over to our threads and let us make sandwiches out of it!

As far as the 18 year old, just watch out for the "Goodnight Kiss" and you should be OK. I have found that dating someone that is that young usually means that they haven't formed all of their adult personality yet, and sometimes the changes that they go through make them very different in just a short time. But it could be fun. Go for it!

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:49 AM


PR- Can't stand the date anticipation. Really helps to have it way beforehand, thata way its all done by zero hour.

MsG- Getting caught up here. MisterG dropped in this weekend. He's a soccar nut huh? My little brother (better looking with better job, Air Force ATC) just goes nuts on the game. Tried to hang with him, but I just fall asleep. He gets all fired up, but doesn't cuss (He's LDS).
Side tracking, I'm bad at it.
So yeah, I see your point, just stubborn. She's cool and all, but... Okay, no more excuses. I'll see what I can do. Posative note: If anything else, maybe I found someone to shoot with. May be one of the few things we have in common.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:49 AM


NVG, the special hell isn't all that bad. I will be going there eventually, so you and I can keep each other company.
MSG's advice sounds quite good.

PR, again, good to hear it's not just males that have a caveman lurking in their brains.



Monday, July 31, 2006 6:57 AM


One of my many arguements on the whole thing. I have no clue if I can even relate to her. But again with the excuses. I am tired of them.

Tristan: At least I'll be in good company.
Did I read that you finshed you Mal boots, Right on!

Just feel a bit wrong about chasing this one.
But with a lack of options, wadda ya gonna do?

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 6:58 AM


Gotta love the Captain Caveman, but where are the Teen Angels to go with him? Maybe they're at the Wacky Races or the Laff-a-Lympics.

I think everyone has a bit of the cave in them, and sometimes it's a good thing to at least notice when it is happening. It may be for a good reason. Or maybe I'm paranoid.

So who is he?
He's my husband.
Well who in the damn galaxy ain't!


Monday, July 31, 2006 7:00 AM


I'll keep the Guinness cold (or warm, if you prefer it that way), the whiskey on ice, and the fridge full until you get there, NVG.
Yes, I did finish the boots. I posted pics over in the Costume thread.
Hey, go for it. You deserve a bit of happiness, and it sounds like she may be just the ticket for you.



Monday, July 31, 2006 7:24 AM


BSC- I think thats why I'm rejecting the excuses I've made for myself. The caveman is taking over and I like it.

Tristan- "Killer boots man!"- Lloyd Christmas
I like Guinness. It can be spilled on the floor and sopped up with a dirty bar towel...
Okay, maybe not that much. But not far from.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 7:27 AM


NVG, thanks!
And amen to the Guinness comment.



Monday, July 31, 2006 8:31 AM


There are two reasons I have for beards - the first is that clean-shaven, I look about 20.
"Oh, but you should find that flattering..."
Yeah, look, I'm 37, I'm a veteran, I'm a husband, I'm a father, etc., and if people think you're 20, they treat you like it. Paid my dues already.
Second, a full beard is actually useful in the winter - I discovered this late in a New England winter when I shaved it back to a mustache and gotee, and my face froze. Ever since, come Fall Equinox, I put away the razor.

As to redheads, and the perfect redhead ... so I'm watching Firefly on DVD and Mal gets a wife and she walks on camera and a large "!" appears over my head. Personality, any of the dozen we've seen for Saffron, aside, that theres the perfect woman for me; buxom redhead. Oh, yeah .
And as for personality, frankly, I liked the seductive evil ninja con-artist far better that the "may I wash your feet" personality. Never liked meek. Liked innocent and pure, but only for the opportunity to scuff it up.


Monday, July 31, 2006 8:45 AM


NV- breathe in and out and listen the only reason you ask someone out is to see if you are compatible. You aren't supposed to know ahead of time, that's what the date is for. Now like I said just ask her out once to dinner or something. It'll get your feet wet and you can see how it goes...who knows maybe you'll like dating:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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