Male and Female Imponderables--Is this a dagger I see before me?

UPDATED: Tuesday, August 1, 2006 11:18
VIEWED: 15373
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Monday, July 31, 2006 8:52 AM


Good morning...well almost afternoon all. I started the day late, trying to fight off what very possibly might be MSG's cold. Can you catch things through the internet?

There is much to catch up on, but I seem to be forgetting most of it. let's see what I do remember:

Genetic insensitivity: Two reasons someone talks about their love life to someone who may be interested:
1. They don't know you're interested and see you as a friend
2. They know you're interested but aren't interested in you so they talk about their love life so you don't get the wrong idea

Either way, if someone you like is talking to you about their love life, they aren't viewing you as a potential love interest.

We had a MisterG sighting. That's cool. Welcome and treat that wife of your's well. Tristan isn't the only one who drools over her menus.

Roommates: Never really had an uberbad one. All paid bills, etc. Did have one (was best friend in college) that managed to drive me bonkers after a few years. And because of her, I can't stand people who sigh all the time. She was a total passive-aggressive sigher...would never say what was bothering her, but would sigh every 5 seconds instead.

Cheating: I believe someone can emotionally cheat without anything thing physical happening. (An easy example would be Brad Pitt/Angelina Jolie). If you are going to someone other than your SO for emotional support, you're cheating. If you get that charge of excitement because you know you are going to get to spend time with someone other than your SO, you are cheating. I think this is the atmosphere that sets up affairs as you usually pull away from your SO and attach yourself to the other person.

I also believe that most relationships can recover from emotional cheating, but once things turn physical, that usually spells the end.

Hrmmm, what else? Oh, redheads. Never really like redheaded guys (I attracted to what a friend just recently called 'semi-dark' guys. Dark, hair, light eyes....). I myself spent a number of years as a redhead, ranging from strawberry blonde to deep auburn. Liked it, but prefer my roots () as a blonde. Unfortunately, age has turned my roots from dark blonde to nasty brown with probably 50% gray (I haven't seen my natural color in so long I really have no idea what it is). I am currently medium brown and will be going back to blonde soon.

Cooking: don't like to do it because I don't like to do dishes. Thusly, I use as few as possible. or I don't cook at all. I eat A LOT of salads.

Facial hair: LOVE goatees. Not so much with the beards. Mr. PT grew himself a goatee and was absolutely adorable. Then he shaved it off. I should tell him to grow it back.

Okay, I'm as caught up as I'm going to be. Now to get some real work done.


Originally posted by Tristan:

Ah, one of my favorite smileys makes an appearance.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:05 AM



I tend to have far too many prejudices than one man should have. I've been ruined. Ex was an inceredibly sweet girl who wasn't overly sensative but could read folks like no other. Just couldn't stand the fact that she didn't stimulate my mind all that much.
Many more prejudices to speak of, but it all sounds like a bunch of whiny crap. Crap and excuses. Just too judgemental for my own good.
Making some of those judgements has kept me out of trouble. Others have kept me from the sort of trouble I want to be into.
Stupid brain.
Thats why god gave us alcohol.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:14 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
One of my many arguements on the whole thing. I have no clue if I can even relate to her. But again with the excuses. I am tired of them.

Just feel a bit wrong about chasing this one.
But with a lack of options, wadda ya gonna do?

If it feels wrong, maybe it is wrong...for you.

But I think MSG was not saying to chase her, but to just go out and have a good time with intentions, no expectations, and NO moves. Just be all friendly like. Basically gaining a friend whilst exercising the dating muscles that may not have been used for awhile.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:33 AM


Honestly, I like the way you put it. I need folks to be more direct on stuff.
Caveman not understand well and need good direction.
I really hate my primative side. Gets in the way of anything other than eating, sleeping, and poopin'. Does anyone else have this problem?
Spending so much time just gettin' stuff done, all is bland and boring.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 9:50 AM


Rugbug- thanks for the restate. Yes that's what I was saying. Go ask her out as a friend and just get a practice date under your belt so you remember how it works... I had this great friend ( been friends literally since birth) who in high school was my practice date. He was shy and I had just switched to this high school so we went out with each other for a while so we had a partner for group stuff and someone to go with to dances and in general someone to hang out with and practice flirting etc...I even set him up with his wife ( which is a story in persistance. She wasn't interested at all and he asked her like a dozen times and finally I talked to her, as she was a friend of mine, and said if you go with him once I promise he will stop asking. She went ,had a great time, and now they are married with 4 kids)

So long story short ( TOO LATE) just ask the girl out so you can go and have a fun no pressure date and get back into the swing without having to worry about what next, or making a move, or the outcome. Plus it'll give you a chance to practice asking someone out when you know they'll say yes...builds confidence....and she'll get a chance to see what you're like so that's good:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:12 AM


Okay, here it is:

Those are the things keeping me from dating. I have very little of all three. On the desire part; I spent myself on Ms. Incredible? over the last several months. Kinda sapped the willingness to direct that wonderful desiring energy towards someone else. Feels like the only energy left is the primal, just wanna mate, kill something, eat it raw, then take a nap energy. Not that it would be bad to actually do that, (think I just planned my next vacation), but I want more. Just have a hard time seeing it now.

On a lighter note, I kinda got what I want. Figured a while back that I actually wanted a wife and kids. 25 percent accomplished (not my kids). I'll keep tryin' though thanks to all of your encouragement.
Thanks 'coats.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:42 AM



my primative side. Gets in the way of anything other than eating, sleeping, and poopin'. Does anyone else have this problem?

"For animals, the universe has been neatly divided into things to (a) mate with, (b) eat, (c) run away from and (d) rocks."
-Terry Pratchett "Equal Rites"


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:52 AM


OK that so makes me laugh...Maybe I should give that to our science department for use!

stupid stuffy nose!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:55 AM


Dboes bMsG bhave a stubbfy dose?

That darn internet sniffle is gettin' around.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:03 AM


yeah I caught a cold (from my sister) on Friday. My family has been sharing this lovely virus for several weeks. Wyatt ( baby nephew) got it at his sign language class and gave it to his mom Holly and baby Annie. Holly gave it to my brother Ev, while Annie gave it to my sister Cathy. Ev gave it to Jared who gave it to his wife ( my sister Margi) who then gave it to me on the camping trip. So at this point my parents, husband, and Cathy's husband are the only ones not sniffling:)
At this point, I am just trying to avoid the dreaded head cold turns to sinus infection or bronchitis ( sadly something I do all by myself)

And I realized this is seriously TMI, unfortunately cold medicine makes me somewhat verbose.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:22 AM


I have been seriously sick only once in my life. Caught an upper respritory infection for like six weeks when I was nineteen.

Feel pretty lucky. Took two antibiotics and it was gone.

The progression of your sickness sounds like the telephone game.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:23 AM


ok grand master plan was a bust...I'd finished 6 loads of laundry and decided instead of folding each load and running upstairs and putting it away, I would do the 6 loads, put them in the center of a clean sheet and haul them up santa claus style and fold all upstairs as a nifty time saver...needless to say the "sack" weighed a ton and almost dragged me down the stairs painfully glad there are no cameras in my house as I comically struggled with the "bag"

Edit- yes it is a bit like the telephone we're playing who gets it next

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:29 AM


(Covers mouth and nose) I keep thinkin' this stuff is contagious over the net.

Envisioned a drunk Santa tumbling down the stairs of our local Mason hall. Seen it, loved it, almost had to change my pants.

Thanks for the stokin' 0f the memory.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:33 AM


GrrArg, it's good to see another Pratchett fan onboard...there are a few of us around somewhere...

Colds are evil. 'S'all I'm going to say on that issue.



Monday, July 31, 2006 11:53 AM



Originally posted by GrrrArg:
As to redheads, and the perfect redhead ... so I'm watching Firefly on DVD and Mal gets a wife and she walks on camera and a large "!" appears over my head. Personality, any of the dozen we've seen for Saffron, aside, that theres the perfect woman for me; buxom redhead. Oh, yeah .
And as for personality, frankly, I liked the seductive evil ninja con-artist far better that the "may I wash your feet" personality. Never liked meek. Liked innocent and pure, but only for the opportunity to scuff it up.

YES!!! Redheads!! Yummy!!

There's just something about red hair that makes a girl even prettier. Sadly it doesn't work on guys. Women always say how they wish they had my hair color. Yeah well I wish I didn't. It just doesn't work on guys.


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:58 AM


Hey Zeek it works damn well for David Caruso!!!
ok I need a few minutes to stare off into space now..mmmmm David Caruso

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:01 PM


The only reason to watch Bloodrayne- Kristanna Loken. Don't think red is her natural color, but she sure made it look good.

Actually there is no reason to watch Bloodrayne. Avoid it like..
.. well just avoid it.

I hate you Uwe Boll!

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:05 PM


Hey I know someone who watches Charmed with the sound off...we all have those shows that we'd rather not have other people know we watch

OOh hey there's a nice topic...what t.v. show is your guilty pleasure?

Mine is sadly all of those World's Wildest ( weddings, chases, animals, etc...)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:10 PM


Little House.

Not that I care if anyone knows.

I secretly aspire to father children in the fashion of Charles Ingalls.

Not so much a secret now is it?

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:13 PM


I still watch the O.C. from time to time :-(

What can I say there were some pretty witty one liners the first season. It has since gone way down hill. But the chick who plays summer is still really hot...fine that's not excuse. *hangs head in shame*


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:13 PM


yeah he's great!! apparently he was a good surrogate dad to the little munchkins who cated with him...obviously referring to Michael Landon not Charles Ingalls ( 'cause if you read the actual series of books I don't think he's truly up for the parent hall of fame)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:25 PM



Originally posted by msg:
OOh hey there's a nice topic...what t.v. show is your guilty pleasure?

Roswell. Loved it. Have it on DVD.


Anything on MTV.

"My feelings are changeable but intense" Anya (season 7 Buffy)


Monday, July 31, 2006 12:32 PM


I kinda got that from Ms. Incredible? in one of our lengthy, tangential discussions. Michael Landon as Charles Ingalls is the dsd I always wanted. Strong in every aspect, but vulnerable, human. Not to mention he had his own land for workin', great kids, cool dog, great neighbors, and a hot wife. What more could a man ask for.

I think Michael Landon as a man had a lot to make for in his personal life, making his TV personae very loving.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:15 PM



Originally posted by msg:
...what t.v. show is your guilty pleasure?

Pee Wee's Playhouse... the sexual tension between Captain Karl and Miss Yvonne is palpable....

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Monday, July 31, 2006 1:45 PM


Alright, as much as I hate the multitude of "Who wants to be famous" shows. I really only watch Rockstar Supernova fo one reason, Dilana. First time I watched it she sang a slow, throaty version of Ring of Fire. Wow. Glad I'm headed home soon.

This shows the type I wish to try. Dark haired, sings, energetic, tats!, rough, dirty in a very attractive way. Seen a picture of her riding her motorcycle and it looks like she's going fast.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:08 PM


'Night all you Imponderale-abubbers.
Love y'all.
Continuing take home work.

"...And them chains them chains
Their 'bout to drag me down"


Monday, July 31, 2006 2:52 PM


Aiyeee! I keep missing out on a lot of stuff. I've been real busy at work and I actually had a first date over the weekend which went really well! She loves Firely/Serenity and Star Trek... a very good sign! She's also an amazing person from what I've seen so far! I'm very excited, but I've also been down this road so I'm going to just take it slow and hope for the best, but not expect too much for now.

Anyway, I'll see if I can play a lil catch up tonight on the threads when I get home tonight from work!

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, July 31, 2006 3:37 PM


I'm back from a weekend of Family-Reunion-ing. Ack! I've missed a TON! And just after I de-lurked, too. You guys move fast!

Here goes my comments on a few things:

MsG - I totally agree on your emtionally cheating comment. (EDITED to clarify - I've done it myself.)

On redheads. They need the personality to match the hair to be yowzah-inducing. But if they do, look out...

Facial hair: I've had it twice - once because I played the part of Jesus in the musical "Jesus Christ Superstar", and the other time it was just for fun - but my girlfriend at the time saw it and she said emphatically "no, shave it." I pressed her for why, and she said, "Ummm, well, you ... ah ... your beard hair looks like hair from ... uh ... another part of your body, you know what I mean?"

Gone. No beard since.

P.S. Favorite guilty pleasure TV show - the Saturday morning Batman cartoon.

P.P.S Fun Dad Moment - I've recently telling my horse-crazy 7-year-old daughter about Star Trek; we're planning on watching a few. We've talked about Firefly, too, of course (we're watching "Shindig" together on Thursday). So, when getting ready for bed, she pops up with "What if there was a Borg horse?" We talk for a bit about the Borg, the collective, Hugh, Seven of Nine, Locutus, etc. She thinks for a minute, looks up in surprise, and says, "Wow, they sound almost as bad as the Alliance!"

When you're mad, sing, don't scream.


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:02 PM


here we go making myself the least popular person in this thread

I cheated....a lot during my four year engagement. I believe the number was 14 people. So here's a little insight into the mind of a cheat. I felt like I was never good enough. So I found peole who felt like I was. Also I told FSO this today. Yay! The dirty whore he took me for four years now has a basis! Yippie! This is not actually good just you know either I cry or I don't.
So if you act as if your significant other isn't good enough for you they will find someone who thinks they are.
Extrating myself as I am about to be hated.

An I carried such a torch


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:16 PM



no hate coming from me... you hang in there darlin.....

"endeavor to persevere..." Chief Dan George as Lone Waite, Indian chief


Monday, July 31, 2006 4:39 PM


This ...

So if you act as if your significant other isn't good enough for you they will find someone who thinks they are.
is so true. There are usually a few steps between, like MsG's comments about emotional cheating.

Nothing negative intended here, but in my experience there is usually a long history of being treated like you're not good enough in this kind of situation ... previous relationships, etc.



Monday, July 31, 2006 4:53 PM


Cheating: I agree with the wife... anything other than playful flirting (verbal) with a good friend of the opposite (or same sex if you go that way..heh) is just fine.. if it gets emotional or at all physical you've passed a line.

Red Heads: Not bad, I prefer shorter (i.e.: vertically challenged...a.k.a. short and cute...a.k.a. my wife.. a.k.a. we're talking like 5 foot she's hurting me now) brunettes with pale skin :) Oh yeah, and they have to be a 'healthy' girl

NVG: Man..go out. Have fun, get back into the swing of things...then ask her if she has an older sister or if her mom is cute.. heh. Seriously tho, get your feet wet again. Trust me, I went 6 years without dating. Oy! Of course after that I caught my wife (as she just reminded me).

Harassment: Anyone else’s SO backseat post?? I'm sittin here, posting, and she's laying on my shoulder, sniffling cos of her cold at me. Oh and telling me what to post (j/k). Oh god.. another sniff.

Telling SO about dreams of someone you both know: Hell no! And I never have. Nope. Never. Not at all.. OUCH MY ARM…

Show that is guilty pleasure to watch: er...*think think* Well there is Spice World, one of the funniest films ever, but most people freak out when I tell them that.

"There can be only one."


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:04 PM


okay Trogman cause you brought it up now I've never felt good enough. Issues with the parents and what not. Yes that's why I am the way a I am.

An I carried such a torch


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:46 PM


Well, since Copilot took the plunge, I'll follow: I've cheated in the past too, on former-SO. The one who was a lying, manipulative bastard, but I don't mean that as an excuse for my actions. I cheated physically twice (though I wasn't sexually active at the time, so it was more on the heavy making out side), emotionally at least twice, and twice told him that I was going to be seeing other people as well, and if he didn't like it he could hit the road. Six different people total. And then there was the "fling" that finally ended that relationship -- the fling that I married.

We had a massively screwed up relationship. I've mentioned before that he was passive aggressive and a compulsive liar, but I wasn't exactly a cake walk myself. I was trying to figure out who I was (like everyone does at that age), and I was trying to break out of my insecurities and feelings of worthlessness. I stayed with him because he was safe, because I knew he'd never leave me or cheat on me. Every time I cheated, it was because I had started to get a better opinion of myself, and wanted to move beyond the safe, wanted to grow and try dating other people. But he took breaking up really, really badly, and wouldn't stop "fighting for me", basically no matter what I did. So I'd say "I want to try dating other people" and he'd say no, and I'd say tough, and he'd whine and plead and eventually say, you can date other people, just don't leave me. So none of our break ups stuck (until the last one), and I'd be seeing someone else, more or less with his knowledge. I kept trying to push him so he'd finally say enough is enough and break up with me, and I kept trying to find another relationship I could jump to so that I could call it quits, finally, with him, but those six didn't pan out for one reason or another.

And then just when FSO had me convinced we really were destined to be together, I met hubby. I'd never really stopped looking -- which is how I ended up cheating in the first place -- so I noticed hubby right away. He and I flirted quite a bit, and almost ended up kissing at a party. But I needed to get my feelings sorted out in regards to F(then current)SO, so I left without kissing hubby. I got myself sorted out, realized that I was falling for hubby, and that I hadn't been in love with FSO for a long time. Hubby and I started dating, but I waited about a month to break up with FSO, because he was about to graduate from college, and I knew if I broke up with him before his finals, he'd drive out (I'd moved to another state) to "fight for me", and end up not graduating.

So was that cheating? I didn't and still don't think so. FSO and I weren't in a physical relationship, being that I was in a different state, and my own feels were clear, at least to myself. Was it a bit dishonest for me to wait a month to break up with him? Probably, but I still think it was the best thing to do, because at least now he has a degree and a career (or so I hear). It was still a really messy break up, took a good two months to finally, really be over, and another three months for us to drop the pretence that we could ever be friends (or rather, for me to move and change my phone number and email address and stop calling him). It was messy, it was painful, but it needed to be done. Should I have broken up with him the first time it crossed my mind, back in high school? Well yeah, but then if I'd had the self-esteem to do it back then, I probably wouldn't have been dating him in the first place.

FSO did tell me, near the end of the break up, that he didn't think I could ever be faithful to anyone. That I would cheat on this new guy (hubby) eventually -- I think his message was that I might as well stick with someone who would put up with me. It hurt a lot when he said it, but when I took it to hubby, he disagreed. I had been cheating because I wasn't happy in the relationship and couldn't figure out how to end it, not because I'm by nature an unfaithful person. Four and a half years later, that's proven to be the case.

But to answer the original question, each of the cases of cheating were my fault, not the fault of the person I cheated with. I was pretty vocal about having a boyfriend when I wanted to be (one of the securities he provided), so every single one of those people knew I was seeing someone else. One of the two I physically cheated with told me she wasn't comfortable with the situation, primarily because I was still technically dating FSO. (And secondarily because she wasn't sure she swung that way, but I recently re-connected with a mutual friend, and found out that she is currently living with her girlfriend of four years, so apparently that wasn't such a problem after all. ) The other five all brought up the concern, and I found a way to answer it one way or another. In the end it was my choice, my fault; not a one of them seduced me.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 5:49 PM


I'm posting again because my last post was so ridiculously long!

Hi, Mr.G! Glad you joined us! Say hi to the missus, but tell her to stop leaning on your shoulder -- she was sayin' earlier that you're one of three people in the family who haven't caught that cold yet!

Wow, ok, I feel really light and fluffy now. Either there's more on these donut holes than powdered sugar, or keeping those two secrets (cheating, being bi) from you people was weighing me down more than I thought it was.

Does anyone have a bouncy emoticon I could borrow? I feel bouncy now!


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 8:59 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Good morning everyone! Lazy day for meeeee! (until I do laundry, anyway. But I slept late)
RugBug, I like your take on emotional cheating. I totally agree. And I hope you feel better!
NVG, this girl is legal; just let her take the lead so no one can say you took any kind of advantage.
I wouldn't say I have a "guilty pleasure" per se. Don't watch much TV. I love South Park and get very odd looks from people who don't watch the show (and never have and don't understand why anyone would because they haven't seen how funny it is) but that's about the closest I would come. 'Cept maybe Celebrity Deathmatch (been a long time since I got so see any Deathmatch...)
Copilot, we don't hate you, we hate your FSO for treating you like go se.
Hey, CK! I have a lot of bouncy emotes:

You can take your pick
You know you can tell us anything. How many people here didn't know I was bi? Well you do now. (Still haven't had a real relationship with a girl yet, though )




Monday, July 31, 2006 10:02 PM


Heh, neither have I. I consider being bi my natural -- now, somewhat theoretical -- state, but I never did get to try out anything long-term with a girl. But what with the happily-married thing, it's a bit academic now. It doesn't seem to bother hubby at all though.

And thank you for the emotes! I think I feel like this right about now:


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 10:22 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Ah, that finding someone who doesn't really mind thing... That's nice.
It's funny, I was still attracted to women in the first year and a half of my relationship with Ex of Doom, but had no active interest in being with one. When he got a bit more emotionally distant (the beginning of the end, in hindsight) I started looking more and being drawn to the idea more. Then I was too devastated to look anymore, and now I'm looking again.
It is easier to find men who wanna date me, though, I must say. Only three girls have been really actively interested in me; one was too butch for me, one was crazy and had commitment issues to rival the most skittish teenage boys (she was frickin gorgeous, though) and the last was a really good friend who I just couldn't see that way. I had before, but couldn't anymore.
Looking, dating, hunting... Pain. Big ol' pain.
But yes, it is the natural state, even after commiting to someone; whatever gender they may be. Nice when that's understood. I had a BF at one point who was like "but you're with me, you're straight now" no matter how many times I explained otherwise. GAH!




Monday, July 31, 2006 10:38 PM


I suppose currently I'd be straight in practice, bi in spirit. What's the saying, that a poet is only a poet while he's in the middle of writing a poem?

I suppose as long as there's an understanding in whatever committed relationship you're in, then it's all good. Though, I can't imagine a woman making nearly as big of a deal about it...


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, July 31, 2006 11:05 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Think it would depend on the woman. There seem to be certain people who are just paranoid about bi folk; they're convinced they're going to be left for someone of the opposite sex. I don't know why this is, and have tried to explain to many people that it doesn't really work that way. Some people get it, some people don't. Also, a few bi friends of mine have come up against some hostility from lesbians; like they're doing it deliberately to "get out of" being properly gay or something. It's very frustrating.




Monday, July 31, 2006 11:27 PM


Hmm, yeah, I see your point there. I think plenty of guys are accepting of it as well (well, at least accepting of bi women, not sure how a gay man would feel about a bi man...), so I'm sure it does depend on the person, their own feelings on sexuality, etc.

Not sure how much longer I'll be up tonight, heh. Hubby is out of town, so I'm trying to stay up until I'm really tired, but I just finished watching The Pianist, and while it's not quite as affecting as Schindler's List (IMO), I'm still not going to try to sleep right after watching it. So a bit o' Serenity for me, and then I may try to get some sleep.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 2:48 AM


Morning, all!

Copilot, no hate at all. Thank you for sharing that. You know that all of us in here love you, right? Well, we do.

TrogMan, I hope that one day I have a daughter of my own, and she and I have a conversation like that one. That was priceless!

MisterG, I again say thank you for joining us. I enjoy your sense of humor! Oh, what was for dinner last night?

CK, I am glad things didn't work out with sound like a much happier person!

I don't have anything to ponder over yet...but I haven't had my coffee yet. Hopefully, the brain will start firing on all eight cylinders soon.
I'll be back when it does!



Tuesday, August 1, 2006 4:39 AM


CK, PR - to be honest, on examining my own head for a minute, I think I'd have the knee-jerk reaction of thinking a bi girlfriend would leave me for another girl. Thinking about it, though, there is no reason the odds for them leaving would be higher for another girl than for another guy. (Both odds hopefully very low!) Thanks for helping me broaden my mind a bit.



Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:00 AM


In all honesty FSO prayed I'd leave him for a girl....or a guy! I think we both knew we weren't gonna last he just wished he had some reason to hate me. Now he doesn't 'tis hilariously cruel of me but it's what he desearves. I wonder if he'll ever learn or if he'll continue to be who he is? Once upon a time he said that if we didn't work out he'll never love again. Rediculious! You don't take a person like me and base your life around them! Just leave them the frick alone! I am a beautifully irrational soul so go away already and let me be me! Sorry tangent!

Fair warning to all those people out there! Never date a bi-polar bi-sexual Gemini and expect fidelity! That is downright insaintiy in a very real sense!

An I carried such a torch


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:17 AM


Hehe we went out for dinner last night so...

Tonight, lucious pork chops. She learned this great way to cook them from her dad that makes them soooo juicey :D

Anyway, home sick today with my lovely IBS flareing up again. I tell ya, it makes you want to trade stomachs with someone...anyone. Ok we'll not a cow, because I don't want 4 stomachs, I am not to keen on eating grass, and to be honest I already produce way to much methane as is (heh)

"There can be only one."


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:21 AM


MisterG, I think you guys must be the US counterparts of me and Mr SpaceAnJL!

I want to know about the pork chops...


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:22 AM


I don't think I could ever cheat on someone. I'd have to break it off before I ever moved on to someone new. Oddly enough I think my last girlfriend dumped me as a pre-emptive strike thinking I would cheat. I do have a lot of female friends right now. No idea why that is, but I'm very picky in who I date. I'm not attracted to any of my friends. I'm just not one to stray.

I think I'd also be very hurt if one of my SOs ever strays. It would be a major slap in the face IMO. Though I guess it would make the breakup process go quicker. Cause then I'd be very upset with the person instead of thinking about maybe somehow things will flare up again. Why does that thought always spring to mind after a breakup anyway?


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:27 AM


MisterG, do not be surprised one day if a bunch of Browncoats show up at your door for dinner.



Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:34 AM



Originally posted by Tristan:
MisterG, do not be surprised one day if a bunch of Browncoats show up at your door for dinner.

I could cook my supper nummy herb roasted lamb with portablello mushrooms in a cream-wine sauce :D

"There can be only one."


Tuesday, August 1, 2006 5:38 AM


Yep, now there will be a hoard in your front yard. Hope you're ready!







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