The Actual Chance of a BDS

UPDATED: Thursday, August 24, 2006 18:12
VIEWED: 19390
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Friday, August 18, 2006 8:00 AM



Originally posted by Esther:
OK, you veteran, I only joined this month, SO WHAT CAN WE DO NOW? What did you do then? And how can we go further? Whom to address? Is buying the DVD sets and giving them to friends enough? I could also give the money directly to a fund ... is there any? Like "fans buy a TV series"? I mean, 3 Million US$ for one episode - with 50.000 fans that would make 60 bucks each (don't know, how many fans are there, but a DVD set in Germany costs abour 60 $). And someone paid over 3.000 $ for the Sereinity script (well, of course he got something of value for his money, but still ...)

Okay... in the order of your post:

First, my handle is 11th Hour, not "you veteran"... okay?
Welcome to the board!
We did a lot:
• Letter and postcard campaigns
• Newspaper ads
• Spreading the word via message boards
• Getting everyone we know, and their pets, to watch Firefly
• DVD buying campaigns
• Fan tables at Sci-Fi conventions
• Guerilla marketing with posters and flyers
• Wearing Firefly inspired clothing out in the world
• Bumper stickers, window decals, tattoos even
• and much more...
We are going further. Endeavors are happening right now.
Addressing the goal of growing and invigorating the fan base is the priority.
Buying the DVD sets yourself to give to friends gets very expensive. The better way is to create enough interest and motivation for people to purchase their own DVD sets. There is a campaign happening RIGHT NOW "Firefly Fortnight" which is geared to doing just that.
As for giving money to a fund, that is something that could be very helpful for the more ambitious, and expensive, promotional activities.
Regarding the "Fans buy a TV series", this fan financed movie/episode idea has been bouncing around for a while. At this particular point, it isn't a workable plan for a variety of reasons. The eventual consensus finally arrived at the conclusion that a studio, not a huge group of fans, needs to back the production.


Aaaaah, just feeling so helpless!

The way to help relieve the helpless feeling is to start involving yourself with guerilla marketing. I've listed some of the things we fans did before, and these strategies still apply now. But we also need to come up with some new and surprising ideas to shake things up.

However, we must always keep in mind that any promotional ideas need to stay respectful and with a positive, supportive tone when it comes to Universal. Sometimes fans' frustration can prompt marketing tactics which get too aggressive, or even irritated, at Universal because they are the ones with the keys to Serenity right now. Not saying this to you personally, I always try to reinforce this notion to the fans because from time to time promotional ideas are suggested by fans which would actually do harm to our endeavors.

On a side note, I am working with a great team of Browncoats now on various Firefly/Serenity promotional ideas. We're getting ready to launch a new website which is dedicated to spreading the word of the 'Verse and increasing the fan base. More news on this in the very near future...

You can also participate in "Firefly Fortnight", and there's a link to the thread, next to the banner below, with all the info on this campaign. "Firefly Fortnight" already has had a measureable effect! When we launched the endeavor the sales of the Firefly DVD jumped up the chart on Amazon! Since the sales had been holding at a steady line for a while, and then suddenly went up right when the campaign started, and there were no other things going on at the time to promote FF, it can be reasonably assumed that "Firefly Fortnight" had something to with that sales increase.)

You can also download my guerilla marketing posters and spread the word that way. You can make the posters big, or make use of the handy "mini" posters... they are incredibly useful marketing tools... read the website for ideas!

There's also a nice website with a great list of promotional ideas:


It's fascinating, though, how as a fan you can just re-enact Mals frustration as a Browncoat and all. I guess, that's somewhat part of the connection between the fans and the 'Verse ...

Yes, being a Browncoat in the fan sense, is just too ironically similar to the Browncoats of Firefly. We had our dreams taken away by an uncaring, cold Alliance. We experienced such loss and grief when Firefly was murdered... and it was sheer torture being there while it happened, right in front of our eyes. There was a quote in an article which summed up what happened to Firefly rather well: "Firefly was shot with the wrong meds and smothered with a pillow."

Well, here we are... and the fight continues. I wouldn't still be here if I didn't think there was a real chance of continuing the 'Verse.

Oh hell, maybe I would anyway...

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Friday, August 18, 2006 8:10 AM



That's more or less exactly how I feel. It would be nice to have some kind of cohesive campaign, rather than just wishful thinking.
And that isn't being negative, but it would be nice to have a concerted campaign, rather than just keep buying everything that's out there.

(First of all, LOVE the Liberator. Dr. Who and Blake's 7 are where I first cut my scifi teeth, thanks to mom! LOL)

That's just it exactly. We're trying with the Browncoat Army and the Summer Campaign, but I'd love to actually find someone who can answer our questions: What needs to be done? What would make the people responsible take notice?

If only I knew exactly HOW to direct efforts, we could be more precise in what we're doing. We're tossing our cash their way and yet it seems there's not even a whisper of a continuation. (Ok, ONE whisper I've seen online.)

And let's be frank, much as we love our BDHs, White Noisier and that Mammoth Sci Fi Channel movie were not anywhere near what we know those actors capable of. (and from my opinion, it looks like Waitress may not even go into wide release.) Adam Baldwin's been acting for a VERY long time and done movies and television. Of any of the actors from the show he has the most on screen experience. If he signed on to do Firefly once, he's likely to do it again. One thing we can be grateful of for the time being is that our BDH aren't A-list actors yet and won't be commanding the huge paychecks for a little while longer. (Don't take that the wrong way, I love them all and love their work!)

Will a sequel or season 2 happen? I wish I knew. I'm no sort of expert on the movie industry nor am I connected to it in any way. Wish I were so I could figure this problem out! But we are trying and we're gonna keep on trying. Eventually someone will notice and it'll fall in the right lap.

If wishes were fishes... I'd wish I could crawl inside a Fox exec's head and find out what needs to be done to get our series back on the air. Nothing on TV today compares to Firefly, but I'm finding myself having to settle.

I don't like that feeling.


Join the fight.
Become a part of the Browncoat Army.


Friday, August 18, 2006 10:03 AM



Originally posted by Kaele:

That's more or less exactly how I feel. It would be nice to have some kind of cohesive campaign, rather than just wishful thinking.
And that isn't being negative, but it would be nice to have a concerted campaign, rather than just keep buying everything that's out there.

(First of all, LOVE the Liberator. Dr. Who and Blake's 7 are where I first cut my scifi teeth, thanks to mom! LOL)

That's just it exactly. We're trying with the Browncoat Army and the Summer Campaign, but I'd love to actually find someone who can answer our questions: What needs to be done? What would make the people responsible take notice?

If only I knew exactly HOW to direct efforts, we could be more precise in what we're doing. We're tossing our cash their way and yet it seems there's not even a whisper of a continuation. (Ok, ONE whisper I've seen online.)

And let's be frank, much as we love our BDHs, White Noisier and that Mammoth Sci Fi Channel movie were not anywhere near what we know those actors capable of. (and from my opinion, it looks like Waitress may not even go into wide release.) Adam Baldwin's been acting for a VERY long time and done movies and television. Of any of the actors from the show he has the most on screen experience. If he signed on to do Firefly once, he's likely to do it again. One thing we can be grateful of for the time being is that our BDH aren't A-list actors yet and won't be commanding the huge paychecks for a little while longer. (Don't take that the wrong way, I love them all and love their work!)

Will a sequel or season 2 happen? I wish I knew. I'm no sort of expert on the movie industry nor am I connected to it in any way. Wish I were so I could figure this problem out! But we are trying and we're gonna keep on trying. Eventually someone will notice and it'll fall in the right lap.

If wishes were fishes... I'd wish I could crawl inside a Fox exec's head and find out what needs to be done to get our series back on the air. Nothing on TV today compares to Firefly, but I'm finding myself having to settle.

I don't like that feeling.


Join the fight.
Become a part of the Browncoat Army.

Seems some of us are starting to think alike - and I agree about the Liberator, lol. I cut my teeth on that when I was 7 (probably too young to grasp it entirely at that age, but did instil a love of all things Sci-Fi).

And I agree that I hate the feeling of having to settle with second class sci-fi now. I guess Firefly spoiled us somewhat, as it makes anything else seem pretty lame by comparison.

I think there are a lot of damn good ideas out there for helping bring FF back, but the problem is a lack of cohesion at the moment. And I don't mean any disrespect by that - but for any new (or old) fans who want more information on what to do, there's a confusing array of threads.

That's why I started a thread about combining these threads, or making a seperate area available for promoting FF/Serenity - and for that alone.
Even on this one board (albeit probably the biggest FF board going), there are a multitude of threads relating to FF promotion or how the series could be bought back.

And that's where it all gets confusing, because someone needs to grab the reins and take a hold of it.
Heck, I know zip about the movie/tv industry, other than what shows I like, so we do need to get a concerted campaign of sorts going - even if this is a cross forum campaign (just google Firefly and see the results).
There's probably no shortage of fans - it's just how to best direct our efforts towards a common goal.

I don't have all the answers (or arguably any of them, lol), but let's put our heads together collectively and see what we can come up with.

This type of thread (The Actual Chance of a BDS) is great, but really everyone here probably wants another series, so most will reply very optimistically - with no real basis to back it up on. Not a put down - hell, I'm optimistic for another series, but I don't see it happening.

And the longer we leave it, the less likely anything is going to happen. The cast will be snapped up by other shows, or possibly go on to movie greatness. And I wish them all the best in their careers, but it does leave FF dead in the water if that happens.

The problem as I see it, is that these threads don't tend to get many replies (in comparison to others, ie RWED or other threads). And a lot of the replies tend to be by the same posters, lol. So although this thread has been replied to 50+ times, there aren't actually many new names on here.
That could be down to 1 of 2 reasons:

1) There are/have been so many threads, that people aren't sure which to follow.

2) A lot of fans want another series, but can't think of any suggestions - or their suggestion's already been posted.

Another problem could be how quickly threads are archived. Once it's archived, it's less likely to be read than something current - always something new to catch your eye.


Friday, August 18, 2006 12:06 PM



Originally posted by Dinalt:
I think there are a lot of damn good ideas out there for helping bring FF back, but the problem is a lack of cohesion at the moment. And I don't mean any disrespect by that - but for any new (or old) fans who want more information on what to do, there's a confusing array of threads.

Yes, this is an issue I've already addressed. I've been in communication with Haken to establish an "anchored" area to organize the fan promotional efforts.

The area will be ready soon, a nice, highly visible panel on the home page. Discussions can be centralized, along with marketing ideas and resources, and links to sites related to the endeavors. The area will also be a great place to brainstorm promotion ideas and for fans to network.

We will be able to better focus our energies and channel all this positive enthusiasm much better.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Friday, August 18, 2006 12:32 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by Dinalt:
I think there are a lot of damn good ideas out there for helping bring FF back, but the problem is a lack of cohesion at the moment. And I don't mean any disrespect by that - but for any new (or old) fans who want more information on what to do, there's a confusing array of threads.

Yes, this is an issue I've already addressed. I've been in communication with Haken to establish an "anchored" area to organize the fan promotional efforts.

The area will be ready soon, a nice, highly visible panel on the home page. Discussions can be centralized, along with marketing ideas and resources, and links to sites related to the endeavors. The area will also be a great place to brainstorm promotion ideas and for fans to network.

We will be able to better focus our energies and channel all this positive enthusiasm much better.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:

Great stuff 11thhour. Thanks for the excellent news - should take our chances up a notch or 2.


Friday, August 18, 2006 12:39 PM


I'd say the chances are pretty slim. I don't think the movie did as well as we all were hoping. Personally, though the movie was great, I think I still preferred the feel of the show anyway. I still have some hope, but not much. Also if there is a sequel it's gonna be a long way off, Joss is occupied at the moment and so we won't be seeing a sequel anytime soon even if it does happen.

"Haha, mine is an evil laugh."


Friday, August 18, 2006 5:25 PM


" I'm thinking we'll rise Again . "

11th Hour , I want you to know , that for several years now , you have been , and continue to be , a lovely , lovely , Source of Inspiration to me .

I have enjoyed all of your efforts and creations in regard to our beloved 'verse .

I admire your art and find it enthralling . I have admired , and continue to admire , your perseverance and determination in being a supporter not only of the Firefly 'verse , but of your fellow Browncoats . I've enjoyed seeing you in 'Done the Impossible' , so that there's a face to go with your screen name . I think it very fitting , and only appropriate , that you be seen there for years to come , and that you receive all the credit that you are due , for the work that you've done for us .

In past years I've enjoyed a number of quality TV shows , most of which were treated in some way or another , in a fashion similar to Firefly .
Misunderstood , mistreated , mishandled , by network decision-makers who 'just don't get it' . Happens all the time .

A number of sci-fi shows have been meaningful over the years , and I was sickened when 'Earth2' was canceled . It was a beautiful show , with characters that I cared about . There have also been some dramatic series' that I made the mistake of caring for a lot .

Quality television is just usually not truly appreciated by the majority of viewers OR network executives . But Firefly struck a chord with me , that resonates with every fiber of who I am . That's why I was compelled to write the postcard when the fate of Firefly was being determined . Ultimately , maybe it didn't turn the tide at that particular time , but I'm sure that it did not go entirely unnoticed , either .

We're the Browncoats ! Each of us will do ALL that we can !

We'll choose our battles wisely . We will reach the 'tipping point' . We will achieve our 'critical mass' . And when we get what we're after , those who are speaking most negatively NOW will say , " I never doubted , I always KNEW we would get it done ! "

Those who have led will continue to lead , those who follow , will follow ; now if those of you who want to be "realistic" will Choose A Task or Stand Aside , we'll get done what we've come to do .


Saturday, August 19, 2006 1:59 AM


Another chance to freely promote the 'verse - as long as this is legit. I've checked it out, and it seems legit, but if anyone has information to the contrary, for gods sake let me know and I'll edit it out.

A lower res (and missing most of the extras) version of Done The Impossible has been released under a Creative Commons License.

Could be a good way to spread at least some of the enthusiasm, as it doesn't cost a bean and might encourage more fans - just send them the link, and get them to download it.

More information here:

As I say though, if anyone knows it's not legit, please post immediately and I'll edit it out. The last thing I want to do is push anything illegal, but it looks on the level.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 9:09 AM


Out2theBlack ~

Such a thoughtful and beautiful post, thank you sincerely.


Originally posted by out2theblack:
" I'm thinking we'll rise Again . "

11th Hour , I want you to know , that for several years now , you have been , and continue to be , a lovely , lovely , Source of Inspiration to me .

I have enjoyed all of your efforts and creations in regard to our beloved 'verse .

So glad to hear this, and very kind of you to say. Firefly is a constant inspiration for me as an artist. When I create the art for Firefly it's an expression of my connection with it, and I always hope that the feelings come through and reach other fans. My art really is meant to be a shared experience. It's just about impossible to separate the fans from Firefly in my mind. We are connected with that show on what can be called a spiritual level.

Many people might deride the passion the fans feel for Firefly... after all it's "only a TV show". But of course that's the most simplistic of descriptions. Television is just the medium that delivered these amazing characters and stories. History is filled with ages of people who were passionate for the stories of their time. These stories reach the level of art, and somehow touch a meaningful place in people. It doesn't happen often, but it is real and cannot be denied... although explaining it to someone who has no knowledge of the work risks putting one squarely in the "fanatic" role. Well, love is like that. One does have to experience it personally to finally "get it". Sure we're fans in the fanatic sense, but so long as the experience and activities are positive and uplifting, it's a very enjoyable thing indeed to be a fan.


I admire your art and find it enthralling . I have admired , and continue to admire , your perseverance and determination in being a supporter not only of the Firefly 'verse , but of your fellow Browncoats . I've enjoyed seeing you in 'Done the Impossible' , so that there's a face to go with your screen name . I think it very fitting , and only appropriate , that you be seen there for years to come , and that you receive all the credit that you are due , for the work that you've done for us .

I'm very honored to be in "Done the Impossible", though I wasn't feeling at all very well at the time. My segments were made during Dragon*Con last year and I had developed a bad toothache literally while at the show. (Discovered later at the dentist that I had a cracked a molar... ack... ) Anyway, I was running on very little sleep and a lot of pain, so to say I wasn't tip top is to put it mildly. But it was necessary to participate at that time, or not be in DIT at all as interview opportunities were running out... so I trudged on through and joined in the fun. I sorta wish though that a caption would come up when I appear to explain why I look so totally trashed!

Thanks too for the compliments on my perseverance... sometimes even I get a bit worn down and ask myself why I continue to fight. Then I'll listen to the Ballad of Serenity, or watch an episode of Firefly, and the flame gets fed again. I fell in love, fiercely in love, with Firefly. I'm connected to it on a level that even I can't fully explain. I'll keep fighting until Joss says he no longer cares to continue the 'Verse, or until I can't fight anymore.


In past years I've enjoyed a number of quality TV shows , most of which were treated in some way or another , in a fashion similar to Firefly .
Misunderstood , mistreated , mishandled , by network decision-makers who 'just don't get it' . Happens all the time .

Yes, happens to TV shows, and it happens to people. That may play a part in at least some of my personal identification with Firefly...


A number of sci-fi shows have been meaningful over the years , and I was sickened when 'Earth2' was canceled . It was a beautiful show , with characters that I cared about . There have also been some dramatic series' that I made the mistake of caring for a lot .

Quality television is just usually not truly appreciated by the majority of viewers OR network executives . But Firefly struck a chord with me , that resonates with every fiber of who I am . That's why I was compelled to write the postcard when the fate of Firefly was being determined . Ultimately , maybe it didn't turn the tide at that particular time , but I'm sure that it did not go entirely unnoticed , either .

Yes, something about Firefly just hot welded me to it. Some of it has to do with where I was at when I discovered the show... but the main force is the brilliance of the show itself, the love and dedication the creators and cast have for Firefly, and the incredible people I've met because of this show. What we all have is truly unusual... phenomenal in fact.


We're the Browncoats ! Each of us will do ALL that we can !

Abso-ruttin'-lutely!!! When we join forces, we are MIGHTY.


We'll choose our battles wisely . We will reach the 'tipping point' . We will achieve our 'critical mass' . And when we get what we're after , those who are speaking most negatively NOW will say , " I never doubted , I always KNEW we would get it done ! "

You are exactly right. There will be such a thing as the "tipping point" and "critical mass"... these are very realistic goals to work toward. It's just a matter of math. We all have already seen just how passionate new people become when they discover Firefly. Okay, maybe we won't hit 100% success with everyone we introduce the 'Verse to, but still, we have seen the great recruiting successes... Firefly has an amazing ability to hook people. What's so wonderful too is that people don't have to be Sci-Fi fans to love it. The writing and the characters are brilliant enough to draw them in... the characters just happen to inhabit a futuristic, yet very understandable, world.


Those who have led will continue to lead , those who follow , will follow ; now if those of you who want to be "realistic" will Choose A Task or Stand Aside , we'll get done what we've come to do .

Mal's quote from Serenity often comes to mind:

"So I hear a word out of any of you that ain't helping me out or taking your leave I will shoot you down."

Okay, granted it's worded a lot more hard core than I would actually say, but it's an apt sentiment...

Thank you again for a truly soulful post.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Saturday, August 19, 2006 5:20 PM


Sorry, I'm new here so was just wondering, what do BDS and BDM stand for (I did search but unless I'm completely blind couldn't find any sort of official search system).


Saturday, August 19, 2006 5:40 PM



Originally posted by YLess:
Sorry, I'm new here so was just wondering, what do BDS and BDM stand for (I did search but unless I'm completely blind couldn't find any sort of official search system).

No need to be sorry, YLess. If you're new how could you know?

BDS stands for Big Damn Series
BDM stands for Big Damn Movie

as in Big Damn Heroes... it's from "Safe" the episode where the crew saves River and Simon from the villagers.

There is no official search engine here at, but you can google to look for stuff by typing in your google search box + "whatever you're looking for". It works very well.

ETA: Please see Ubergeek's post below for the correct way to search this site with google.

Now, since you're new.. you've also just become a Browncoat. I'm the supply clerk around here.. I've got your 'coat right here.

*hands YLess a browncoat from the storeroom*

Looks like it fits! Good.

How'd you come to like Firefly/Serenity and join us here, YLess? We do love to hear the stories of how folks found the 'verse.

And make yourself to home, talk often and we're happy you're here.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, August 19, 2006 6:34 PM


A better and more percise way to search this site with google is, in the search box type: your search here means that google only searches displays results form that url

if you just type in you will get everything from this site *and* any other site that has the words

just so you know

welcome to the boards.


Saturday, August 19, 2006 6:40 PM


Thank you Ubergeek, I've been doing that wrong... I'll edit my post accordingly.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:27 PM


There's an article I've seen in occasional searches -- and the use of the term 'closure' makes me twitchy.

(if this has already been discussed, apologies, I'm new here and couldn't find reference to it),6115,1141343_1_0_,00.html

Does anyone know if this is still accurate?



Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:50 PM


No, SeaOtter it's not.. please read this thread to see Joss' response to the EW article.

Also, welcome to the 'verse, we're glad you're here.

How did you find out about Firefly/Serenity? I'm guessin' since you're here and twitchy about "closure" you're lovin' the series and movie as much as all of us here.

I'm the keeper of the browncoats and the unofficial greeter. Since you're a new Browncoat.. you need your browncoat..

*hands SeaOtter a browncoat that fits very nicely*

There you are. Folks will probably come along and offer you food and drink.. we'd like you to feel at home, cuz you are at home.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:08 PM


Thanks so much -- it's pretty cunning, this coat.

Started watching Firefly when it was on TV, was heartbroken when it was cancelled. Went back to school and didn't even know about Serenity until I saw the reviews in the paper. Went to see it, bullied (delicately) everyone I knew into seeing it, bought it, bought the series, started buying shirts on cafepress, saw the article I posted above, was heartbroken, wanted it universally denied / squished, did a google search on firefly forums, looked at a bunch, liked the thoughtful tone of this one.

Or did you mean philosophically?

Now I just gotta find me a nice banner for my sig. Thanks so much for the link.

Got one!


Saturday, August 19, 2006 8:44 PM



Originally posted by SeaOtter:
Thanks so much -- it's pretty cunning, this coat.

Started watching Firefly when it was on TV, was heartbroken when it was cancelled. Went back to school and didn't even know about Serenity until I saw the reviews in the paper. Went to see it, bullied (delicately) everyone I knew into seeing it, bought it, bought the series, started buying shirts on cafepress, saw the article I posted above, was heartbroken, wanted it universally denied / squished, did a google search on firefly forums, looked at a bunch, liked the thoughtful tone of this one.

Or did you mean philosophically?

No, I meant it literally.


Now I just gotta find me a nice banner for my sig. Thanks so much for the link.

You're welcome.

'Course you can go here and use the shiny banner I'm using or the smaller version ( find it on the thread) made by 11th Hour. That'd be mighty nice of you to help us promote the Firefly Fortnight campaign.


Here's the banner thread from our Summer of Serenity banner making spree.. there are some mighty fine banners to be had here too.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, August 20, 2006 3:59 AM



*Puts on the coat with pride*

I must admit that until a few months ago I'd never heard of Firefly until one of my house mates bought the DVD box set (he'd never seen it either) and I watched it and loved it. I then subsequently found out about the movie but instead of doing my usual thing of adding it to my list of movies I want to see but probably never will or at least not soon I went out and bought the box set and film.

Then, after watching the series twice concurrently (with my brother and with the rest of my family who were a few episodes behind him (I got all them into it, even to the point where my mum (who's not a huge program watcher) can site examples from the series in conversations (my jaw nearly hit the floor when she started going on about a young Simon asking for a dedicated source box in relation to a conversation about the internet and new technologies))) I came here. (I also ramble alot). I had wanted to write a fanfic (which I've never done before for anything else and I've been a fan of cult for a long time. I came to this specific site via Google as it looked respectable, don't know if I was right yet :p.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

Aftermath: The Renegade
[url=]Chapter 1 - The Moon of Talgos.[/url]


Sunday, August 20, 2006 4:16 AM



Originally posted by YLess:
I came to this specific site via Google as it looked respectable, don't know if I was right yet :p.

Anyway, thanks for the clarification.

Aftermath: The Renegade
[url=]Chapter 1 - The Moon of Talgos.[/url]

Well, we're respectable all right.
We're also ornery and like any family full of talk and fun!

'Course like any family we also got our own troubles ( trolls) but like the door to the upstairs that squeaks because it's old, you soon learn to ignore those things and enjoy the folks that make it a home with you.

I hope you come to love this place as much as I do.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:03 AM



Originally posted by Esther:

Originally posted by 11th Hour:

Being one of the veteran Browncoats, who helped do the impossible, I gotta say... "realistic" and "likely" weren't much a part of our vocabulary.

It's fascinating, though, how as a fan you can just re-enact Mals frustration as a Browncoat and all. I guess, that's somewhat part of the connection between the fans and the 'Verse ...


Hey there Esther,

I think when 11th used the words "realistic" and "likely", she was inferring that Browncoats back then didn't allow the lack of those two things to deter them from their course. They went forward with their endeavors, against all odds.

Just to mention another iron in the fire, we're developing a Firefly myspace page that will soon host the winners of the Firefly episode trailer contest (July 1 -- August 31st).

You should check out the trailer thread -- we've had great submissions (30 so far), with more to come.

We launched the contest so that we could have GOOD marketing materials for the series (since the ones FOX did were so off-target and badly made). We'll post these vids to the Firefly myspace page in order to bring new fans to the verse.

How you can help is get a myspace account, join Firefly as a friend (how weird it THAT? but oddly comforting), then troll myspace looking for sci-fi fans who DON'T mention Firefly on their page. And invite them to be a Firefly friend. This makes them curious, they watch the trailers, think they're interesting, rent the DVDs, fall in love, buy the DVDs, find out about the movie, buy that DVD. Another Browncoat is made. Another fan. More DVD sales. More eyeballs for the sequel.

It's crazy, but it just might work.


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas


Sunday, August 20, 2006 6:09 AM



Originally posted by Hera:
This makes them curious, they watch the trailers, think they're interesting, rent the DVDs, fall in love, buy the DVDs, find out about the movie, buy that DVD. Another Browncoat is made. Another fan. More DVD sales. More eyeballs for the sequel.

It's crazy, but it just might work.


"Wanna?" – Mal to Kaylee, Out of Gas

This makes me grin. From ear to ear.

This is gonna be so shiny!!

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, August 20, 2006 8:59 AM


Every time I see some No-nothing show on TV, I find myself thinking "That's money that could have been spent making another episode of "Firefly".

If a Cable channel is so desperate they show giant spiders and metal machines (that are OBVIOUSLY the worst special effects of the 21st century), then SURELY they could throw a little money Firefly's way...

The Stargate channel... uhhh, Sorry, the Sci-Fi channel... could do away with MUCH of the other "crap" they host and pick up the rights to Firefly... Of course, even BattleStar says their paper is "Cube shaped" as a protest to all the "Corners they had to cut" with their original budget, and even THEIR first season was "Iffy".. then it started winning awards and now appears to be safe... When something has an OBVIOUS following (And more every day), you give it a little more than was given to Firefly to make it work...

Look at the awards Firefly has racked up... And it's STILL making money! and I'd MUCH rather watch Firefly than "Wrasslin" (What's Wrasslin got to do with the Sci-fi channel? I dunno, but they're showing it..)

Sorry, Whew, went off on a bit of a rant there.. but, well, you know how it is. Almost no one even knew what Firefly was until Serenity came out.. THEN everyone was saying, "They should make that into a series!".. I want to scream every time I hear that.. I bet I've sold more Copies of the Boxed set series FOR Fox than their own commercials have sold.

We can't give up hope.. took, what, 25 years for BattleStar to come back? But it happened (Dunno if I could wait 25 years for more Firefly, and hopefully we won't have to).

I know Joss is tired of Fighting for Firefly, but when you can't run any longer, you crawl, and when you can't do that.. well, you know the rest. WE aren't giving up.. I gots LOTS of fight left in ME! If Joss can't crawl any more, *We'll* carry him.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:11 AM



Originally posted by bad2verse:

I know Joss is tired of Fighting for Firefly, but when you can't run any longer, you crawl, and when you can't do that.. well, you know the rest. WE aren't giving up.. I gots LOTS of fight left in ME! If Joss can't crawl any more, *We'll* carry him.

That's one of the most beautiful gorram things I've read on this board.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Serenity Inspired Cafe Press Shop ~

Get the full scoop:


Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:30 AM


Being still new here, it shows there's a lot I've got to learn about the Browncoat movement.

Just had to post and say how beautiful your posters are 11th Hour. To my shame (blame it on being new, lol), I didn't even realise these existed.
They truly are excellent, and I hope anyone else new to the FF scene checks them out as well.

Totally off topic, but guess I'll be ordering from Cafe Press as well - great way to promote FF/Serenity as well as looking good.

Sorry folks, just had to post after seeing some great art.


Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:47 AM



We can't give up hope.. took, what, 25 years for BattleStar to come back? But it happened (Dunno if I could wait 25 years for more Firefly, and hopefully we won't have to).

Firefly 2030? Following Richard Hatch, Nathan will have a reoccuring role as...Niska! Sean Maher will get to play one of the Blue Hands. And Suri Cruise-Holmes will be cast in the role of River...


Sunday, August 20, 2006 10:55 AM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Originally posted by bad2verse:

I know Joss is tired of Fighting for Firefly, but when you can't run any longer, you crawl, and when you can't do that.. well, you know the rest. WE aren't giving up.. I gots LOTS of fight left in ME! If Joss can't crawl any more, *We'll* carry him.

That's one of the most beautiful gorram things I've read on this board.

11th Hour


I know how it is to do "Big Things", you get tired, you lose your momentum when things aren't going smoothly, even when you have a lot of people behind you... I'd rather they get up here Beside me and give me a little help... I expect Joss thinks that from time to time, I know *I* do.

I know we ALL want to do all we can to bring the series back in one form or another, So we need to find out what we can DO to help Joss make that happen..

Letter writing campaigns are great and all.. but when a sudden flood of letters comes into a network, they look through a few, yawn, and think, "Another Website doing a letter writing campaign.. coupla hundred people, no big deal", and they file it in the circular file (Trash can) and go back to sleep...

Support has to be long lasting, and unique in some way...

We're adults, Many of us have college degrees (I can just tell ;) and we know how to network... ALL of us know someone, and that someone knows someone else that could help make things happen with the series.. a Friend of mine has a Sister in the movie business in Hollywood.. I've gotten him hooked on the Series and movie... and told him to hook his sister up with a copy..

Now THERE is someone the networks may listen to.. and if not her, then maybe a friend of one of YOUR friends... when people in the network business start hearing something a time or two from people they know, they tend to look at it a bit more closely... So we find out who they listen to and we get in THEIR ear(s). These are just people, no different from you and me, and they have friends they listen to.

Of course it'd help if we had one Mal's brilliant and genius plans, or at least if Joss had one that we could take up... The numbers are obvious, the people that would Actually do Something are obviously here.. we just need a direction, and some way to smooth the road out in FRONT of Joss.

For that, we need to know what the stumbling blocks are... we tackle those one at a time until they are gone (or manageable), and then we see what happens.

It'd help if Joss would tell us what the stumbling blocks are, but there's obviously plenty of smart people here that have an idea or two about what they are, and WE could work on removing those.

The road's smoother when your friends know you're coming by and they fill in the potholes on their little stretch of the road before you get there....

Sorry, Went off on Another Rant/tangent... I'm bad for that ;)

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Monday, August 21, 2006 5:33 AM



Originally posted by bad2verse:
Every time I see some No-nothing show on TV, I find myself thinking "That's money that could have been spent making another episode of "Firefly".

I couldn't help but think that when I saw the trailer for "Snakes On A Plane." I thought we were past the horror-movie-on-an-airplane stage...

"We may experience some slight turbulence, and then... explode."


Monday, August 21, 2006 6:09 AM



Originally posted by micjwelch:

Originally posted by bad2verse:
Every time I see some No-nothing show on TV, I find myself thinking "That's money that could have been spent making another episode of "Firefly".

I couldn't help but think that when I saw the trailer for "Snakes On A Plane." I thought we were past the horror-movie-on-an-airplane stage...

I thought so also, I guess we aren't though ;)

While we're in "Thinking mode", We also need to think about friends that know people who own larger businesses that advertise nationally (or globally), my brother is on the team that makes decisions about "Commercial times" for a large international business... He's a firefly fan also.. and I've asked him if he would/could be willing to at least ASK some networks (Unnamed) about the possibility of a new Firefly season, just to see what response he gets... I figure if advertisers (That WANT to KNOW the Program schedule line-up, of course) start asking about a second season, it may carry more weight than individuals simply writing to ask about it.

Again "Networking"... we all know "Someone", and those "Someones" know someone, and "the advertisers asking about the show" angle may be one of the better ways to get execs thinking "There's marketing support for it".

SURELY they aren't afraid of making money...

Of course, Execs in ANY company are busy, and they get their info from sound bytes and snippets.. even my Brother said "I thought the creator was tired of the show"(?) I replied that it was a magazine article that took some of Joss' comments out of context, and that I'd heard he WAS interested in the show, but was working on another show right now.

Joss' comments are witty and sometimes a bit sarcastic, and many people (especially people that are rushing a deadline to fill space) don't get him... Joss seems to give these interviewers credit for more brains (and thinking time) than they may actually have... so it might help if he was a bit plainer with them.

I've had (An Un-named men's fitness magazine) Butcher some of my Comments also.. you have to say EXACTLY what you want them to pass on, and repeat the main points several times, PLAINLY... they usually aren't as interested in the "story" as they are in finishing the story to meet a deadline.

It'd also help if we knew exactly what the obstacles were that could be expected when Joss has time to think about Firefly seriously again, so we could work on removing them while Joss is busy with his current project.

None of this can happen overnight anyway, so we have time to work on it before Joss looks at it again seriously.. and when he DOES look at it again, I'd like him to see a smooth(er) road laid out in front of him.

..but eatin people alive, where does THAT get fun?


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:39 AM


Sorry, but I'm new and some of the acronyms you guys use I can't figure out. What's "BDS" stand for?


Monday, August 21, 2006 10:46 AM


Hi, ElDusto, welcome to the site!

BDS stands for Big Damn Series.

It's a play on the line "Big Damn Heroes." from the ep "Safe".

Since you're new, you need your browncoat. I'm sort of the unofficial greeter around here.

*hands ElDusto a browncoat*

There you are. Make yourself to home and talk often, as you can see on this thread alone, we love to talk.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:09 AM


(laughing) I thought it meant Big Damn Sequel.

Since we've already had the Big Damn Movie, what the acronym for the next one?


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:09 AM


(this was a duplicate post - I had gotten an error message after I posted the one above)

We need a "Delete this post" option for the poster.


Monday, August 21, 2006 11:20 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
Hi, ElDusto, welcome to the site!

BDS stands for Big Damn Series.

It's a play on the line "Big Damn Heroes." from the ep "Safe".

Since you're new, you need your browncoat. I'm sort of the unofficial greeter around here.

*hands ElDusto a browncoat*

There you are. Make yourself to home and talk often, as you can see on this thread alone, we love to talk.

Thanks for clearing that up. I figured the B & D stood for "Big Damn", the "S" eluded me.
*Takes browncoat and wears it with pride*
I've been here for alittle over a week and posting randomly here and there, but I never made a Hi, I'm new thread.


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:40 PM


I usually just type BDSequel.


"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Monday, August 21, 2006 12:56 PM


Isnt it odd that more and more official merch has been trickling out from universal? I wonder if they are testing the water for a bds? just a thought.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."


Monday, August 21, 2006 1:35 PM



Originally posted by monksdad:
Isnt it odd that more and more official merch has been trickling out from universal? I wonder if they are testing the water for a bds? just a thought.

"And I think calling him that is an insult to the psychotic lowlife community."

Yeah, they might be feeling out the fan base or milking it.


Monday, August 21, 2006 1:56 PM


Not a bad thought, Monksdad.. not a bad thought at all. Hmmmm.. so if we have a particularly good run on all this new merchandise that could help.

Also, we're still lookin' at the need for multiplying the fanbase. That is what we need more than anything else.. new folks. Not us same folks buying, but new folks buying and making recruits in their turn.

The 'verse needs to be part of culture, not just genre stuff... it needs to become an ordinary thing for many folks to know what it is.

I hope we can make that happen. I believe we can make that happen.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Tuesday, August 22, 2006 11:44 AM


This is gonna sound wacky but the thought has been running threw my mind all day. But let me start at the beginning, for those of you who have not seen the Stargate SG-1's 200th ep spoilers follow.

At the beginning of the SG-1 200th show which is about making a sci-fi movie, Carter says something like, "yeah, after 3 shows, they want a movie?" this was a clear reference to Firefly. The usual comedic show followed. Then towards the end the central character received a phone call, the movie had been canceled. Sad faces all around then he said "they decided to make a series instead"

Now, what could the writers of SG-1 possably know about firefly's return. The logic against this is significant but....


Thursday, August 24, 2006 6:12 PM



Originally posted by 11thHour:

Out2theBlack ~

Such a thoughtful and beautiful post, thank you sincerely.


No thanks required . The kudos should belong to you . But thanks for the compliments , and your thoughtful comments .

I want to add a couple of things here to give this thread a bump and inspire any 'Coats who are growing weary from the wait .

" Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation." - ( Oscar Wilde , 1854-1900 )

" Restlessness and discontent are the necessities of progress. " - ( Thomas Alva Edison , 1847-1931 )

" Show me a thoroughly satisfied man - and I will show you a failure. " - ( Edison )

" Try Not. DO or Do Not. There is no Try." - Yoda

" Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. "
- Margaret Mead , ( 1901-1978 )






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