Underlying Sexual Tension

UPDATED: Sunday, August 27, 2006 14:44
VIEWED: 6744
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Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:20 AM


perhaps this has been discussed before (apologies if so and please link me to said discussion) but...

am I crazy or is there a super underlying sexual tension between

Simon and Inara


River and Jayne or Jayne/Kaylee???


as much as I love the Kaylee/Simon scenario I really felt a connection btw Simon and Inara (both from Alliance cities, both lost in the woods so to speak)

also I know Jayne would hump anything that moves but I felt he had a crush on both River AND Kaylee...

btw Jayne is actually my secret fave ;)


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:22 AM


Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges

I saw the Kaylee/Jayne one But not Inara/Simon

Howd u figure???


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:23 AM


I think Inara and Simon recognize each other as attractive, but don't think there is tension IMHO. I see Jayne and Kaylee. More on Jayne's side and possibly River and Mal.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:33 AM


The Jayne and Kaylee thing is really only obvious in the pilot, especially since Joss points it out in the commentary, but I never really notice the other ones...


We're all just floating...


Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:39 PM


I don't see any sort of River/Jayne tension..."Butcher's knife!"

Most people notice some sort of connection between Jayne and Kaylee but I always looked at it more as a big-brother sort of relationship. In the pilot where you see him looking into the infirmary after Kaylee had been shot is a wonderful image.

As far as Simon and Inara, I see where you are coming from and I think Joss did as well. If you go and read the script for "Dead or Alive" you'll see undeniable proof that the relationship was set to develop further.

"What'd you all order a dead guy for?"


Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:47 PM


simon/inara, i definatly see that.
jayne/kaylee, no sexual stuff there, just a big bro.
mal/river, i can see that.

but i DO see zoe/jayne.

the summer is hot normally but in england its more like winter!


Thursday, August 24, 2006 12:50 PM


Oh, I love your Kaylee banner! The text with that sweet smile. *g*

That sort of subject is always so... subjective, hehe.

I can see the tension between Simon/Inara. It's subtle and unaknowledged, but seems all the more natural for it. To me.

I can also see Jayne/Kaylee to a degree, although I am not particularly into it.

Actually, considering how many beautiful and interesting characters we have on Serenity, it's surprising how limited to certain pairings the sexual tension is. *g*


Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:18 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hey - nice idea - I hadn't noticed UST between Simon/Inara but there is a kind of sense there...

I had noticed a little bit of Jayne noticin' Kaylee in a couple of episodes & even a tiny hint in the BDM (though I don't remember Joss mentionin' it in the pilot commentary... will have to watch that again!) and with Mal & River I think it's almost a fatherly affection he has for her... summed up for me in the moment she returns to Serentiy from Jubal Early's ship - like a child returning to the safety of her fathers arms...

I like the Kaylee/Simon thing too much I think - though he sometimes frustrates me I think it's part of what draws Kaylee to him... and it's so like Kaylee not to give up on having a relationship even when he seems oblivious!

Mwaaah - Magdalena x x x


Thursday, August 24, 2006 8:33 PM


I had noticed the Jayne / Kaylee.

As far as the Simon / Inara - I hadn't gotten that. They seemed to have a common understanding from being in the upper echelons of society in the core planets, but I hadn't seen any sexual tension.

As far as the Jayne / River - I hadn't seen it there either. In spite of Jayne always wanting to sell her down the river (no pun intended) and making derogatory comments, he seems to occasionally treat her with respect or with care. I found that interesting.

(all of this is IMHO)


Thursday, August 24, 2006 9:08 PM


I think it's very clear that people in the future world of FireFly have moved beyond the petty human interests of sexuality. They're all virgins and share completley plutonic relationships with one another.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 10:30 PM


Lol, ChrisMoorhead. Indeed, clearly humanity has evolved in the series to a near asexual point.

Allisa, good question. I think Simon and Inarra's connection is more a shared high-society past, like an understanding between people that grew up in the same neighborhood. Joss' coments on the pilot about Jayne crushing on Kaylee hang w/ me so as I rewatch it seems obvious. Though there are no clear signs, I could see Kaylee attracted to Jayne on physical level but he's far to crude for her to consider (so perhaps some tension). I see Mal's/River's feelings for one another as little more than platonic affection. Though w/ complex characters and stories there's no telling what could have developed.


Thursday, August 24, 2006 11:38 PM


Great topic!

I noticed a bit of Simon/Inara in Objects of Space, and in a few other episodes where Simon looks at her like she is some kind of wonderful.

I think Jayne/River have great on screen tension/chemistry. The way River’s always smiling at Jayne, and the way he spends most of his time making comments about her. Like the boy who teases the girl he secretly likes. Mind you I don’t think he thought of her in that way yet, but maybe later on when he stopped being “Jayne” and tried to understand her. I think their dynamic would of made for an exciting/interesting relationship.

I feel nothing for Jayne/Kaylee. Kaylee’s so intent on Simon, and she’s not dark enough for Jayne. I get brother/Sisterly vibes from the pair.

Same with Mal/River. They have a Father/Daughter sort of relationship. Moreover, the way Mal pines over Inara, leaves little room in my imagination that he could ever feel that strongly for anyone else.

Who are we missing… Oh, if Wash didn’t already complexly love Zoe, I think him and Kaylee would work well together. I can also see a post-Serenity sexual type relationship between Zoe/Jayne.

That's all folks!
Jayne: What the hell is up? You all right? What's goin' on?

He holds her, as she whispers, wide-eyed...

River: Reavers.


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:03 AM


I agree with most of the other people out there with regards to Jayne/Kaylee being more of a big brother thing. Mind you, he's also impressed with her being able to easily do something he has no aptitude for (look at the engine room scene in the pilot for an example).

As for Simon/Inara, I just don't see it myself, apart from the fact they both come from similar backgrounds, they have nothing between them, and besides, Simon is intent of Kaylee, and Inara, Mal even if she doesn't admit to it.

As for River/Jayne, I don't really see it, despite all the River/Jayne videos popping up on Youtube.

For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die along, unremembered and unsung...


Friday, August 25, 2006 1:49 AM


I never saw the Simon/Inara thing, though I've read the 'Dead or Alive' script, and see what some folks might see in it. But Inara is designed to be drooled over by men - it's what she has trained for. We only get glimpses of the 'real' Inara.

Zoe, post BDM, is not going to be too interested in other folk for some while, and I think she's probably too used to rough military types to be interested in Jayne. Ever. Also, she likes soap.

I think Jayne had a crush on Kaylee, but she just saw him as a big brother type - too familiar a type from her childhood, I'm guessing. And I don't think he would have a crush on River - 'sick ain't sexy, and I don't go chasin' children'. I have a little theory on the type of woman Jayne likes. And I have my own theories on what River likes, too - a little smarter and cleaner, about six foot or so, with a roguish grin and sad eyes...

Because I can see something very interesting happening there. Mal might think he's being fatherly, but River - 'adequately parented, biologically. Don't need another' - is just about the age to go getting a crush. And a war hero with a wounded soul (and those tight pants) is just prime material. Of course, what the war hero then does about it...(panic, denial, guilt, the usual adept handling of emotional crisis etc)

*immodest cough* for elucidation of this thesis, please check items in Blue Sun Room.


Friday, August 25, 2006 3:47 AM


Inara/Simon – let me preface by saying I know this would never actually happen – Inara would never do that to Kaylee ;)

1. Simon seems the typical stammering, virginal boy Inara tends to choose.

2. Granted I don’t think he IS a virgin…hmmm could his father possibly have hired a Companion to see to that little detail?

3. In Serenity (Pilot) when Mal barges in on Simon and Inara (she’s giving him the immunization kits) and Inara tells him “I was giving the boy a last thrust since he’s not long for this world” the look on Simon’s face is….priceless. It’s an odd combination of wistfulness and embarrassment. I know Inara said it just to tick Mal off but….

4. In Out of Gas they comfort one another. That moment when Simon says “It was my birthday” and Inara reaches out to hold his hand. I don’t think that’s all “comfort”.

5. They seem to hang out a lot, watching the other crew members play…was it basketball…comes to mind.


1. In Serenity (once again Pilot) when Jayne is interrogating the mole he says “It’s a girl….pretty too. She ain’t all there tho….course not all of her has to be.” *charming grin*

2. In Safe (and this is actually the final scene) everyone is gathering for “chow” River sits next to Jayne and steals his roll, giving him a beautiful smile when he realizes it lol. He gives her a look back and shrugging grabs another roll for himself. There’s something in that look….

3. I always got the feeling while watching Ariel that it wasn’t really about the money for Jayne (well…not entirely). I think River maybe stirred up some stuff in him he wasn’t willing to acknowledge. The looks he gives her in that episode vary greatly but you can tell he’s struggling with himself. Selling her out the Alliance is a great way to squash those mushy feelings.

AGENTROUKA! Thanks my hubby made it for me ;) he’s much better with photoshop than I lol.


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:32 AM


Heh, I saw Joss saying somewhere (don't remember where) that in his shows he was aiming for actor dynamics where it was possible to 'ship anyone with anyone. So here you go. :)

But in Firefly I hope we can at least exclude Book and Wash with Zoe, but the rest is a fair game, I say - I can certainly see hints of something between various people which may come about if the current relationships fall through.

I can certainly see Jayne's attraction for Kaylee - not only in the pilot, but also in TJ, and in Trash and Message - especially in Trash. The looks he gives her when she explains the heist mechanics - "OMG, you're so smart and adorable!" I don't see much coming back from Kaylee, though.

And Simon and Inara - oh yes, not a sexual tension as I see it, but they are very fond of each other, they are open and relaxed with each other as with no one else. Something might have grown out of it if their current 'ships got burned, and there were even more hints in the earlier scripts of the pilot, Bushwacked, and Janestown, and not just in Dead or Alive. I wonder if they really planned some intrigue here, but then abandoned it - out of 4 women on board 2 are already hanging on Simon, add a 3rd one would be too much. :)

One might even say that Inara is Simon's only friend on the ship, and Simon would also be extra crabby in the beginning of BDM because of Inara's leaving, but for a different reason than Mal. As for Kaylee - he can't really relax around her as he has to step very carefully to not to offend her, especially in how he feels about being on the ship. When he really speaks his mind, like in Safe, Kaylee gets mad at him. And in OiS when he jokes with her he doesn't speak his mind, as we've learned from River.

But sexual tension between Simon and Inara I don't quite see. Simon is a bit smitten with her, yes, just like other men on board. Heh, Jayne is a bit smitten with Inara too, in the same way. But I see more of that kind of feeling between Inara and Kaylee than between Inara and Simon. :)

As for River - she's still crazy, she should get better first before anyone could touch her. While I see Jayne as the only one immoral enough to not care about her being insane ("she's cute, too. Not all there, but not all of her has to be"), he's scared of her - butcher knife, "kill you with my brain" etc., and self-preservation would alwasy come first to him. :)

Just my IMHO - as I said, there are hints there for all kind of 'ships for all people to enjoy.


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:42 AM


I think sexual tension is a fluid, there's-always-potential kind of thing.

You can be off the market generally (married, celibate by choice) or off the market for any particular person (not your type, too close a friend, a colleague and therefore a bad idea), but I think the awareness of possible sexual activity is always going to be there with someone you're not actively turned off by (immediate family, thug in a dark alley).

So, sure, there's going to be a little bit of the awareness of sex, and therefore a little bit of sexual tension, between Simon and Inara -- they speak the same language, they're both attractive, they're both available -- but they have no real desire to do anything about it, due to Simon's interest in Kaylee and Inara's friendship with Kaylee.

Ditto Kaylee and Jayne -- they're both single and attractive and available -- but they aren't really each other's type, so they won't do anything about it either.

And Jayne and River -- River's just coming into availableness, and of course Jayne is going to notice that, even if overall she isn't his type.

Mind you, people change, and people's desired types also change, so I wouldn't say that real attraction wouldn't develop between any of the above in the future -- just that right now, the sexual tension is of the below-threshold variety.

Interesting insight by the person who posted about the fact that Mal would see River as a daughter, and therefore feel actively repulsed by the idea of sex, whereas River is primely positioned for a crush on him. But then, that's part of the nature of a crush -- it's at least partly about calibrating one's sexual attractions and practising those feelings on a safely unavailable object of desire.

Anyway, just MHO,

Indigo S.


Friday, August 25, 2006 2:58 PM



You seem to notice many of the same little moments as I. I think a lot can be said with a look or body language.

I don’t remember what epi it is in, but Simon is talking with Kaylee and Inara descends the stairs making her regal entrance. It was the way that Simon looked at her in that moment (like she is some sort of goddess) that had me thinking of the possibility. I really don’t think Joss would of went any where with it, besides maybe to make there OTP’s a little jealous.

As for River and Jayne, I agree with the moments you pointed out, and there are a few others. Although, I think it takes several runs through the series to open up to the idea enough to notice body language between the two. Whether it was intentional or not, it is enough to spark the possibility.


1) They are not one another’s type, too different.

River and Jayne are both unconventional characters (outcasts in society) and I can see many other commonalities. The are both fighters, both have their child-like moments, they like to taunt and tease one another, both are misunderstood to an extent, and they both are always touching and smelling the objects around them.

The way’s in which they’re different just adds to the exciting dynamic between them. After all Mal/Inara, Simon/Kaylee and Wash/Zoe are all opposites. Zoe didn’t like Wash right off the bat, ect…

Yes she is young, but I think that what she’s been through (and her intelligence) makes her astute beyond her years. If people think the age difference between Mal/River is acceptable, why can’t it be for River & Jayne?

We know Jayne’s type, whores, and River is obviously not one. If and when Jayne continued with his character growth, I believe there is a possibility for his type to change. River after all is gorgeous, and Jayne is a lover of all women.

2) Rivers nuts, Jayne’s too scared of River, dislikes her, and wants her gone.

Obviously, River was slashing at the logo on Jayne’s shirt (this is in the transcripts) and not him. I think he would have figured out eventually that River does not secretly wish him dead.

In Ariel, if he really wanted to get rid of River and Simon, he still could have left them handcuffed and made his get away.

By the end of Serenity, he has actually agreed with her, thus in a way understanding her plight. Also, in the BDM River say’s with emphasis “I’m all alright.” Telling us she’s on the path to sanity.

I think Jayne respects people who are strong and invaluable. After seeing her fighting skills and saving their pi gu’s. I believe he would form a new found respect for the girl.

I can go on with the various counters for people’s arguments against the idea, but you get the gist. I don’t think the ship is for everybody, but I will always wonder if Joss would have taken it there.

P.s. If you’re interested or haven’t already been, check out this community over at LJ:

In addition, this page helps you go back and sort through the vast amounts of FF.

Jayne: Ruttin' pigs! Where's...

And River is holding out his weapon before he can ask for it.


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:06 PM



Originally posted by Allisa:
Inara/Simon – let me preface by saying I know this would never actually happen – Inara would never do that to Kaylee ;)

1. Simon seems the typical stammering, virginal boy Inara tends to choose.

I was going to make both of those points but you beat me to it.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:19 PM


Jayne has sexual tension with everyone on board,
it is his gift...
and his curse


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:31 PM



Jayne has sexual tension with everyone on board,
it is his gift...
and his curse

Lol...wait, how is that a curse?


"Will you not do that while we...ever!"


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:40 PM



Originally posted by Romanceguru:

Lol...wait, how is that a curse?

oh you know, when Shepard Books crawls into bed w/Jayne in the middle of the night with his cold feet...


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:47 PM



oh you know, when Shepard Books crawls into bed w/Jayne in the middle of the night with his cold feet...

LMAO! Now that’s sex appeal! Poor Book, he never gets any action!


"I like smacking them."


Friday, August 25, 2006 4:57 PM


wow , Wow , WOW ! Starblaster , you truly are an Indigo ! It shows ! Brilliant analysis !

Only the sexual-tension fluid-potential thing is slightly too suggestive in a Freudian way , but other than that , the comments are perfect !


Originally posted by IndigoStarblaster:
I think sexual tension is a fluid, there's-always-potential kind of thing.

You can be off the market generally (married, celibate by choice) or off the market for any particular person (not your type, too close a friend, a colleague and therefore a bad idea), but I think the awareness of possible sexual activity is always going to be there with someone you're not actively turned off by (immediate family, thug in a dark alley).

So, sure, there's going to be a little bit of the awareness of sex, and therefore a little bit of sexual tension, between Simon and Inara -- they speak the same language, they're both attractive, they're both available -- but they have no real desire to do anything about it, due to Simon's interest in Kaylee and Inara's friendship with Kaylee.

Ditto Kaylee and Jayne -- they're both single and attractive and available -- but they aren't really each other's type, so they won't do anything about it either.

And Jayne and River -- River's just coming into availableness, and of course Jayne is going to notice that, even if overall she isn't his type.

Mind you, people change, and people's desired types also change, so I wouldn't say that real attraction wouldn't develop between any of the above in the future -- just that right now, the sexual tension is of the below-threshold variety.

Interesting insight by the person who posted about the fact that Mal would see River as a daughter, and therefore feel actively repulsed by the idea of sex, whereas River is primely positioned for a crush on him. But then, that's part of the nature of a crush -- it's at least partly about calibrating one's sexual attractions and practising those feelings on a safely unavailable object of desire.

Anyway, just MHO,

Indigo S.


Saturday, August 26, 2006 9:42 AM



Originally posted by Romanceguru:
Who are we missing… Oh, if Wash didn’t already complexly love Zoe, I think him and Kaylee would work well together.

I think this is the only point I agree with. I have often thought Wash and Kaylee would go well together if Wash and Zoe weren't already madly in love, married, and, well, amazing as a couple.

The others... I'm just not seeing.

As for Jayne and anyone... I think the original post said it best. (Jayne "would hump anything that moves.")

As for River and anyone... she's 17! As a fellow 17-year-old, I could see her having a crush of some sort on one of the guys... though I'm not sure who, since she does seem to have more of a father-daughter thing going on with Mal, and Jayne is, well, Jayne (crude, has tried to kill her, etc.)... but, don't you think they're a little old for her to actually have any kind of relationship, even purely sexual (hmm... that's a bit ironic), with any of them?

Credit for screencaps belongs to: and


Saturday, August 26, 2006 11:33 AM



but, don't you think they're a little old for her to actually have any kind of relationship, even purely sexual (hmm... that's a bit ironic), with any of them?

This is just my personal opinion. I understand an age is an important factor in the believability of the pairing for some.

By the end of the BDM River is almost 18, and who knows how old she would have been when/if things finally developed. Kaylee is only 20 years old. That would make the age difference between her and Wash 11 years.

River is intelligent (regaining her sanity), mature and wise beyond her years. She is in no way a normal 17 year old. I believe her experiences’ (being a killer) has aged her beyond numbers. I personally think age isn’t as relevant (once your legal) and I’m sure it is not as imperative when you live in the black.

Love is blind, if two people were to fall for one another, I don’t think a power in the verse could stop them.

They also wouldn’t be the first fictional pair with an age gap.

As for Jayne trying to kill River, he never did. In Ariel, it’s true he tried to sell her for coin, but as you saw in Objects, when he said “I got stupid. The money was to good.” he did feel guilty about it.

In the BDM, when Jayne comes for River, he had said a scene earlier “We take a shuttle, we drop her off and we get ‘em off our backs -” and when he enters the storage locker “No trouble now little crazy person, we’re going for a nice shuttle ride-” Which supports (in his angry, drunken haze) he was planning on dropping her of somewhere, and was not going to kill her.

Most of Jayne’s anger towards River I believe is partly exaggerated (as are other character interactions) to add more tension and revisit themes from the series.

Yes, he is crude, but that fact never seems to faze her in the series, she actually looks amused. I think she would find him interesting because he speaks his mind.

It would also be interesting to see how falling in to a relationship, would affect both of their extreme personalities. I imagine hilarity would ensue!

“She picked a sweet bung of a time to go helpless on us.”


Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:18 PM



Originally posted by Romanceguru:

but, don't you think they're a little old for her to actually have any kind of relationship, even purely sexual (hmm... that's a bit ironic), with any of them?

This is just my personal opinion. I understand an age is an important factor in the believability of the pairing for some.

By the end of the BDM River is almost 18, and who knows how old she would have been when/if things finally developed. Kaylee is only 20 years old. That would make the age difference between her and Wash 11 years.

Kaylee's only 20? I didn't know that. I thought she was at least a little older than that.


River is intelligent (regaining her sanity), mature and wise beyond her years. She is in no way a normal 17 year old. I believe her experiences’ (being a killer) has aged her beyond numbers.

That is a very good point. She has gained some atypical maturity and wisdom from her experiences. I'm not sure I think intelligence is overly relevant, but, if it is, she certainly has that going for her, too. And, for me, it isn't so much the age gap... as much as it is the level of wisdom, experience, etc. of (most) 17-year-olds. (Meaning, a 17-year-old dating someone ten years older is a little different from a 30-year-old dating someone ten years old, IMO.) But, like you said, River is not exactly normal.


In the BDM, when Jayne comes for River, he had said a scene earlier “We take a shuttle, we drop her off and we get ‘em off our backs -” and when he enters the storage locker “No trouble now little crazy person, we’re going for a nice shuttle ride-” Which supports (in his angry, drunken haze) he was planning on dropping her of somewhere, and was not going to kill her.

Another good point. I never realized he wasn't actually aiming to harm her in the BDM, only remove her from the ship. I do still think he could've, though... he did have a weapon and he was in an "angry, drunken haze"... not exactly the most sensible or healthy mind frame, particularly for someone who is an armed mercenary.

Anyway.... I personally still can't picture it. The thought of River being with any of the crew just doesn't work in my head and it would take some awful gorramn amazing acting and writing for me to believe it, seeing it on-screen (should it ever happen). Granted, we have one highly talented cast and crew... gotta love our BDHs! <3 ... but, still.

Credit for screencaps belongs to: and


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:24 PM


That is the great thing about our BDH, they are all so multifaceted and it’s anyone’s guess where things can go. I think River’s character is the most open for interpretation, she is unstable in mind and nature and I think everyone views her differently.

Oh, Here’s a link to the Firefly timeline, it has all of the characters DOB, except for Inara’s.


"That’s there is the exact kind of diversion we could of used."


Saturday, August 26, 2006 2:44 PM


Absolutely! Really, they could probably pull off anything Joss Whedon wanted to throw their way (and, of course, he would pull it off, too). I just don't think I could picture some of it until they did it. But, who knows?
And, River is very open to interpretation. So is a lot of the 'verse. I think that's part of why we all love it so much... it's nice when things in a movie or show aren't 100% entirely set in stone and each fan can look it through their own eyes, to an extent. It's more fun that way.

Credit for screencaps belongs to: and


Saturday, August 26, 2006 3:04 PM


Lisa 37,

So true!

In all honesty, I couldn't picture it either, or even had thought of River and Jayne as a possibility until I read my first fan fiction story. Then it just clicked. I've been hooked ever since. There are so many interpretations and directions thins can go.

I agree that seeing is believing! Until then...

"Hey, you know, we'd have been back first but there's something wrong with Inara's shuttle. She did something to it, Mal - it smells funny."


Saturday, August 26, 2006 4:33 PM


that timelines wrong. jayne is older than mal.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Sunday, August 27, 2006 2:44 PM


That's only if you're going by the age of the actor. Adam is older than Nathan, but that doesn't mean that Jayne is older than Malcolm. Come on, Summer is a lot older than River, does that mean the timeline's wrong there, too?

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.






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