Kevin Smith (Silent Bob, director of Clerks) has NOT seen Firefly!

UPDATED: Sunday, October 1, 2006 17:26
VIEWED: 3352
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Sunday, October 1, 2006 10:26 AM


Kevin Smith is one of my favorite directors, and I LOVE his movie CLERKS, but read about it here:
how he hasn't seen Firefly! Kevin is such a HUGE Star Wars fan, I can't believe he hasn't bothered to watch Firefly/Serenity! If anyone knows a way to twist his arm to get him to watch, DO IT! He would be an awesome voice to have on the side of the Browncoats in Hollywood!


Zoë: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "Quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Sunday, October 1, 2006 2:25 PM


I have a favorite morning radio program, Mark and Brian, that I tried to interest in Firefly, after the Serenity trailer first appeared, because they both love science fiction and westerns.

When I called in, Mark said that he'd seen the trailer and it "looked like they were trying really hard to sell some'n that was crap," but I couldn't convince him otherwise (or to Netflix Firefly).

The Monday after Serenity opened, and they were reading off the box office results, Mark said, "The thing that bugs me about that movie... I'm sitting there watching the trailer, and they're flashing the words 'From the mind of' whatever the guy's name is, and I'm like 'Dude! Get over your name!'"

Those guys would've been a good voice (and Kevin Smith is a "Friend of the Program"), but they had a total block on it.


"Sadistic crap legitimized by florid prose... Tell me you're not a fan."


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:10 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
I have a favorite morning radio program, Mark and Brian, that I tried to interest in Firefly, after the Serenity trailer first appeared, because they both love science fiction and westerns.

When I called in, Mark said that he'd seen the trailer and it "looked like they were trying really hard to sell some'n that was crap," but I couldn't convince him otherwise (or to Netflix Firefly).

The Monday after Serenity opened, and they were reading off the box office results, Mark said, "The thing that bugs me about that movie... I'm sitting there watching the trailer, and they're flashing the words 'From the mind of' whatever the guy's name is, and I'm like 'Dude! Get over your name!'"

Those guys would've been a good voice (and Kevin Smith is a "Friend of the Program"), but they had a total block on it.


"Sadistic crap legitimized by florid prose... Tell me you're not a fan."

They're loss. They'd probably give it a chance if they didn't have to buy it themselves. That's how them people are. - The Homepage - The Myspace page


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:20 PM


i've met a few radio dj's in my day, and if you ask me... its the whole 'i'm so important' thing that they need to get over...

most as pretty self-absorbed, and wouldn't take well to a listener asking them to check something out... but i could be wrong.

...considering they were foolhearty enough to turn down the experience hands-down, i'd say they're thinking with their egos, and not their heads.

but again, that could just be me...

"Dear diary, yesteday I was pompus and my sister was crazy... today we got kidnapped by hillfolk, never to be seen again. It was the best day ever!" - Jayne Cobb


Sunday, October 1, 2006 4:55 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

So, anybody got his fanmail address? I've got an extra copy of Serenity I bought for the 'versary that I'm wondering what to do with... - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:00 PM


Got an extra copy for Mark and Brian? LOL
I think we could shame them into watching it...a few thousand listener comments on "dissing stuff you haven't seen is too lame for words"...

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:00 PM


Got an extra copy for Mark and Brian? LOL
I think we could shame them into watching it...a few thousand listener comments on "dissing stuff you haven't seen is too lame for words"...

"Do not go gentle into that good night....
Rage, rage against the dying of the light. . ."
--Dylan Thomas

Though my soul may set in darkness
It will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly
To be fearful of the night.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:10 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Wait, it says he wants to see the show first. And that people need to stop telling him he'll love it because that's a buildup. So someone should just send him a boxset, with a note like "Hey, I'm a huge fan. I got you a present" or something... - show Universal your gratitude!

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow in sunlight. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:24 PM



Originally posted by ElDusto:
They're loss. They'd probably give it a chance if they didn't have to buy it themselves. That's how them people are.

Actually, Mark was raving about Slither after he saw it, and I decided to call in again.

Me: "Well, since Mark really enjoyed Slither, I wanted to tell him that Nathan Fillion..."
Screener: "...was in Serenity, yeah!"
Me: "Hey!"
Screener: "Yeah, I was quite an avid watcher of Firefly."
Me: "Gee, where were you last year when I called about Serenity? Couldn't get the guys interested!"
Screener: "Oh, I've only been here a couple of months."
Me: "So, do you own the DVD?"
Screener: "Sure."
Me: "Well, bring it into the office there & pass it around!"
Screener: "I could do that."
Me: "It's your duty as a Browncoat!"

Don't know if he followed through or not.


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:24 PM


Yeah, as much as Kevin likes to quote Star Wars in his movies, since he's a huge fan, wouldn't it be great to get him to do some Firefly quotes or plugs in his next gig? His audience would be the right demographic for going to see Serenity II if he could do some plugs in movies and in his "Evening With Kevin Smith..." lectures.

Somebody get this man a copy of the boxset, and lock him in a room with it!!!!

Zoë: "Preacher, don't the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killing?"

Book: "Quite specific. It is however somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps"


Sunday, October 1, 2006 5:26 PM


I'm sure you can find it on any of the Askew sites. And he does have a MySpace account, which is his equivalent of crack, so getting in touch with him is pretty easy. And he does tons of signing at the L.A. Secret Stash store, so next time he does one, maybe someone who worships at both the altars of Joss and Kevin could slip him a copy of FIREFLY and SERENITY.

As per his not seeing FIREFLY/SERENITY over fear that he might not understand why people are so into it, I can understand that. I know that after seeing FIREFLY, I was a bit hesitant to watch BUFFY, since so many people consider it to be one of the best shows EVER (which after seeing all 7 seasons of it, I still think is a bit of an overstatement), and I was afraid of not getting it.

And as a film student, there are numerous films by legendary filmmakers that after I've seen some of their work, I'm like "Why do people consider this piece of shit to be great." For example, in one of my film classes, we watched this Ingmar Bergman movie called PERSONA. The film prof had built it up to be this great foreign film and all that, but after seeing it, in my reading response for it, I basically let loose and tore it a new asshole. I hated that movie so much. And I've tried. I've seen other Ingmar Bergman flicks, and with each one I've tried going into them with open minds. But with the exception of THE SEVENTH SEAL, I havn't taken anything away with his work. While to some the idea of a Bergman class or a festival might be cinematic heaven, to me it would be the equivalent of watching WILD WILD WEST on a loop for eternity.

So I can understand his hesitancy towards approaching something that has been built up for so long and afraid that he'll incur the wrath of a even larger fanbase than his for not liking it.

I do hope that even though Kevin doesn't hang out with Joss like he does with Richard Kelly, Quentin Tarantino or Robert Rodriguez, that if the two ever were in the same room together that they could hit it off and be pals, even though I think the only thing they have in common is that they both like VERONICA MARS. After seeing BUFFY, I can see DOGMA as like a pro-God/faith version of Buffy. Where the Angels are real, and not some pretty-boy vampire with a soul.

"I have no reason to believe you and every reason not to."
"Why's that?"
"You work in television."







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