I just tried to convert another one and failed

UPDATED: Wednesday, February 4, 2004 07:10
VIEWED: 5686
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Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:12 AM


I shouldn't have bothered trying. He didn't have the patience for it. He thought it was boring although I'd rather the several hours of Firefly than any other sci-fi (with the exception of Star Wars) but when he told me exactly his opinion I could have him. Has anyone else here failed because of this?

I'll rape you to death.
I'll eat your flesh.
I'll sew your skin into my clothes.
If you're very very lucky, I'll do it in that order - TheReaver


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:17 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Honestly I have not had anyone I showed it to who did not like the show. My stepdad wasn't a huge convert, though he did like the series, I doubt he will buy the DVD set. Guess I will get it for him for his birthday. I am sure he will go with me to see the movie when it comes out.

Sorry to hear your friend did not like it. Did he give any indication what exactly about the show he did not like?

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:39 AM


A friend of mine who claims to have seen the show (he says he saw 1.25 episodes - starting with "Our Mrs. Reynolds") said he didn't like it because Serenity didn't have any ship-to-ship weapons. Kind of a weak reason to dislike a show in my opinion, especially given the nature of the universe.

Of course, I don't think he was really paying that much attention during his alleged viewings because the other day, I mentioned something about Adam Baldwin and described him as "the guy who played Jayne," and my friend was all like, "What, the guy who played Jayne?" Seems to me that name/gender combination would be something that would've stuck out in your mind on the first viewing.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:43 AM


There is bound to be some non-intellectuals who dont like Firefly for some weak reason or another.. cut them loose.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:46 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Adeptus:
A friend of mine who claims to have seen the show (he says he saw 1.25 episodes - starting with "Our Mrs. Reynolds") said he didn't like it because Serenity didn't have any ship-to-ship weapons. Kind of a weak reason to dislike a show in my opinion, especially given the nature of the universe.

Of course, I don't think he was really paying that much attention during his alleged viewings because the other day, I mentioned something about Adam Baldwin and described him as "the guy who played Jayne," and my friend was all like, "What, the guy who played Jayne?" Seems to me that name/gender combination would be something that would've stuck out in your mind on the first viewing.

Sounds to me like your friend is hung up on the spaceship battles in space thing. Star Trek and Babylon 5 are good for that effect. Personally, I have always thought it odd that someone would be willing to risk something as expensive as a spaceship unless there were no other choice.

If he did not know who Jayne was, odds are he didn't really watch the show. No way is he forgetting Jayne's pitch w/ Vera to Mal in trade for Saffron.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 10:52 AM


I've only tried to convert 2 people. Both appeared to be relatively unenthusiastic, but genuinely liked the show. My sister, coming home from college, was too busy to see the whole series, but called and said she missed the characters. My friend kept annoying me with incredibly dumb questions ("Shouldn't a spaceship be cleaner?" "When they accelerate, shouldn't there be a 'zooming' noise?"), but really loved the show, saying I should have brought over more than one disk. Now whenever I talk to him on AIM, he begs me to bring the other disks over.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:29 AM


My friends have been hearing me rave about the show for a long time, and one of them even seemed interested in trying it out. The next time he was over I got him to take the first disk home and check it out. He had it for three weeks and, well, let's just say he must have the shortest attention span imaginable. I think he's mentioned before he has very mild ADD or something.

He succeeded in getting through Serenity in 2 or 3 sittings, but I had to remind him to do it. He'd literally be online and say he had absolutely nothing to do, and I'd suggest going to watch the DVD he had hostage. He usually didn't. He actually said he really like Serenity, but I haven't had a chance to get him to watch any others, I wanted my DVD back REAL bad! It was like FF withdrawl.

I haven't given up yet though, and I'll definitely drag friends & family to the movie when it comes out!

"It must be all lies and of no account when the culture of a thousand years could not prevent this stream of blood being poured out, these tourture-chambers in their hundreds of thousands. A hospital alone shows what war is."
-All Quiet on the Western Front


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:33 AM


I only had one failed conversion (and several very successful ones). It was a friend of mine from work, who despite the almost thirty year difference in our ages (she's 65), has usually shared my enthusiasm for many shows & movies. She was always a huge Buffy fan, so I loaned her my Firefly VHS tapes (this was months before the DVD release) expecting much praise and gratitude. So when she returned them, she said she just couldn't get into it, I was stunned. But then she said "I want something I can put on and enjoy while I'm cooking, or doing my knitting," and I answered "Yeah, this show does require you to pay attention."

Haken needs a new development system for, please donate.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 11:37 AM



Originally posted by LtNOWIS:
"When they accelerate, shouldn't there be a 'zooming' noise?"),


Oops. . .sorry. I over-react to nit-pickers. . .ESPECIALLY when the nits they pick don't make sense anyhow. *grin*

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 12:12 PM


America loves a winner!

My dad is in his 70's. Even HE laughed at it, and he absolutley does not get 'sci fi' or any such fantasy stuff. He spends most of his time watching either The History Channel or The Weather channel. But then again, he DOES follow 24 and Alias. Go figure.

" There is no try. Either do, or do NOT do"


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:11 PM


oh, no reason to let a little ol' thang called Physics get in the way of a good story.


Originally posted by Static:

Originally posted by LtNOWIS:
"When they accelerate, shouldn't there be a 'zooming' noise?"),


Oops. . .sorry. I over-react to nit-pickers. . .ESPECIALLY when the nits they pick don't make sense anyhow. *grin*

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."

Haken needs a new development system. Donate.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 1:42 PM


Don't get discouraged, TheReaver...not everyone has as good taste as you do! Keep at it!

Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 2:18 PM


I still have a perfect record...i have gotten 4 people to watch and all of then have gone out and gotten the DVD Of those four two have gotten others for a total of 6 converts. I cant help but wonder what the ratings would have been if fox would have kept the show around.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 3:05 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:
My dad is in his 70's. Even HE laughed at it, and he absolutley does not get 'sci fi' or any such fantasy stuff. He spends most of his time watching either The History Channel or The Weather channel. But then again, he DOES follow 24 and Alias. Go figure.

" There is no try. Either do, or do NOT do"

The WEATHER Channel? Hahahahaa. Sorry. I don't mean to laugh at your dad. But I just have this image of a guy with a big bowl of popcorn, hunkered down in front of the Weather Channel. Hahaha. And yet...some people watch reality t.v. Go figure.



Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:29 PM


when i was home for the winter holidays, my brother got the DVDs and instantly converted my whole family. that over-confidant bastard even got the DVDs for me (although a little late for the season) before i'd even seen one episode, knowing how much i'd love it.

since getting the DVDs in the mail, i've only had time to try one covnert, but she's hooked, and so is her room mate, and her boyfriend. so 3 for the price of one.

once i get the discs back (they wouldn't let me go if i didn't leave them there all week!) i've got 3 more people i know will love it, although one's too pig-headed to ever admit to liking anything.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 8:34 PM


I've gotten at least four converts and maybe six. Two now own the DVDs, two are interested in watching the rest and may buy the DVD and the other two were somewhat ambigious after watching Serenity, but I'm fairly certain they liked it. The only complaint from the last two was that Inara's sponging scene and River's reveal were gratuitous.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Tuesday, February 3, 2004 9:15 PM



Originally posted by Adeptus:
I've gotten at least four converts and maybe six. Two now own the DVDs, two are interested in watching the rest and may buy the DVD and the other two were somewhat ambigious after watching Serenity, but I'm fairly certain they liked it. The only complaint from the last two was that Inara's sponging scene and River's reveal were gratuitous.

Were the two viewers elderly women? Who the heck considers River's box scene 'gratuitous'?


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 1:46 AM


Well - most folks I've shown it to have gotten completely hooked. The main exception being a neighbour, who liked it to start with, but then 'got bored' - but he also got bored with everything else on TV, and stopped going to the cinema at the same time, so I can't help feeling that it was no real reflection on Firefly.

My biggest triumph was getting my gf to like it.
She doesn't like scifi or fantasy at all. She find Starwars/Trek/virtually anything with spaceships to be dull as ditchwater. Oh - and anything with a hint of horror in it is right out.

But she got completely and utterly hooked on Firefly, purefly because of the characters, story and humour (she says it's worth sticking with the "unrealistic boring parts" like the Reaver chase in Serenity - her opinion, not mine) because the rest is so good...



Wednesday, February 4, 2004 4:34 AM



Originally posted by Steve580:
Were the two viewers elderly women? Who the heck considers River's box scene 'gratuitous'?

Strangely, no. In fact, even more strangely, one was a male who had applied for a management position at the strip joint just outside of town.

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 4:36 AM



Originally posted by straybat:
(she says it's worth sticking with the "unrealistic boring parts" like the Reaver chase in Serenity. . .

Man, talk about your different strokes for different folks. . .

No power in the 'verse can stop me.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 6:32 AM


Of all the people I've converted I've never failed. I got all my friends to watch it while it was on the air. Becasue I live on the east coast, and them on the west, I got to see it before they did and woldn't let any of them miss it. After the first episode I went right to my comp and told all my AIM contatcs to watch it. I wouldn't shut up about it. A total of six people became die hard fans such as my self.

When the DVD's came out I managed to convert the only person I know on the east coast. She's not a Sci-Fi person really. She's got almot no attention span and she'd much rather watch hokey then Star-Wars. We watched the Serinity, as soon as it was over she demanded the next one. We watched all the way to War Stories. She wanted me ot leave the set there, but I won't let it out of my sight. It's like my Sci-Fi bible. She still pleads with me to bring it over again. But your schdua;s odn't line up.

I think the trick to converting someone is to make sure they're not going to reject it based on a traped feeling. Don't force them into it, or all they'll be thiking aobut is how they'd ratehr do some thing else. Do it at a time when they're in the mood to watch something. Also, don't act overberring, you may be a a Firefly Zelot (like me)but try not to go on a rant aobut the show, or you'll alienate them. Also, if they ask any questions durring the show (plot or character related) don't stop to explain, or they'll miss something thats going on right then. "Just have to watch" is probbly one of the best responces, because it fouces them back on the show and some what provides some forshawdowing. Above all, keep it a atomosphear focused on the show, don't shout "Oh now watch this!" before something happens, let the shows speek for them selves.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:10 AM


My conversion track record is pretty good so far.

I gave two sets as christmas gifts.

Of those, one friend watched the whole series in one weekend and called me pleading... "WHY did the cancel this show?!"

The other set went to my sister who is watching the show when she can (she only watches it when she's alone... her hubby hates all sci-fi so when they watch TV together, they watch stuff both of them enjoy). She recently finished the first disc and seems to be warming to the show.

Aside from those gift sets, I also am indoctrinating unannointed friends who come over to my house:

My dad is up to 'Shindig' and gets excited when I ask if he wants to watch another Firefly ep on his weekly visit.

A new friend of mine came over last Saturday night and we had a Firefly marathon. Initially, she had a hard time getting her head around the lack of aliens, space laser fights and sound in space (I had to keep reminding her this was a different take on the future and that she would get used to it). She made it through disc one and part of disc two before crashing on my couch at 2am during 'Safe'. She wants to have another marathon soon!

Finally, a friend of mine who is a sci-fi fan who passively watched portions of a few Firefly eps when it was on TV... wasn't initially impressed and thought he had the show fully figured out... he sat down and watched 'Serenity' from beginning to end and was asking a lot of questions about the show afterward. I'm still working on making him a into a bonified fanatic.

So that's my report! 3/3 on the "Hell yeahs!" and 2/2 on the "intrigued for mores!"







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