Male and Female Imponderables - Everybody's Fool

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 17, 2006 10:27
VIEWED: 13560
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Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:08 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Well the last thread wasn't really moving this weekend so I thought I'd pose a new ponderable on a new thread...

First, here's the old one:

And the new ponderance... Why do we 'regulars' (and 'not-so-regulars' if that includes you too) come to so often? Have you ever been this involved with another fan site before or currently? And - are your 'on-line friends as real as other relationships in your life?

So... ponder my fair friends...


Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:16 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
Well the last thread wasn't really moving this weekend so I thought I'd pose a new ponderable on a new thread...

And the new ponderance... Why do we 'regulars' (and 'not-so-regulars' if that includes you too) come to so often? Have you ever been this involved with another fan site before or currently? And - are your 'on-line friends as real as other relationships in your life?

So... ponder my fair friends...

Why here? The people, the discussions. Okay, so maybe not the cringe-inducing RWED threads, but the discussions of the show and people's thoughts on it, as well as the random stuff we do in the not-so-serious threads.

I used to be this involved on the original Stargate Command site, but that was closed down after it was bought out by Sci-Fi and is now re-opened as a troll paradise.

As for reality, well, reality is what we make it. I could go into a lengthy spiel about Plato's Cave and various other philosphical musings here, but I choose not to.


(Thx to Desktop Hippie for the banner)
If you find yourself getting too worked up about stuff that isn't real (RP Threads etc), then go outside, breathe in some fresh air and try feeding the ducks. (Because ducks don't care about your politics, religion, skin colour, choice of music or even your haircut. They like everyone, provided you bring them food.)


Sunday, October 15, 2006 1:37 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

There are many answers to that question. I am on so much because I can be, because I have very little else to do at work, or even at home in the dead of night. I am on so much because I've found a virtual home here. I am on so much because it feels like the place to be, like I can make a difference, and like I'm surrounded, for the most part, by friends.
Are you as 'real' as my flesh-and-blood friends I get to see in real life? If not totally, then very nearly. Obviously the face-to-face element is missing. Sometimes I really wish it weren't. Most times I really wish it weren't. But I also think, in a way, the people you know on line have to really hold your attention for you to stay in contact with them. So in that way, maybe it's a little more real.
And no, I have never been so involved in any fandom or community. This one is special in that it doesn't tend to get on my nerves Browncoats are just shiny like that.

Also, this is one of my favorite songs! - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Sunday, October 15, 2006 2:42 AM


Woke up at 5am at least it's not 3am right? Okay so here it goes. Copilots problem of the day.
I met a boy I like in Arcata where I live. I mentioned to his best friend (who I adore to no end) that I have to move back to Redding. His friend then offered to pay my first months rent and deposit on a place of my own. The only reason I have to move is because I don't have any money at the moment to stay here on. Should I take it? For this person 5 or 6 hundred dollars is nothing. Also however I think I figured out that the boy I like isn't just some struggling guy making it on what he earns as a bouncer at one of the local bars. I think he might be a pot farmer.....arrrgggg.

An I carried such a torch


Sunday, October 15, 2006 3:27 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

I really don't know what to say to that one Copilot... it is one of those situations that you have to go with your gut instinct I think... you like this guy, but is it serious enough to accept such a generous offer? Also if you suspect he is a pot farmer are you comfotable with that and all that it might entail...? I'll pm you so you can email me sweetheart...

I thought I should respond to my own 'imponderance'... I come here because it allows me to be in contact with people in fun and challenging ways beyond my own social sphere... I first came here out of hunger to know more about the 'verse and to find out how I could support it's continuing story! I stayed because I found real friends here who share of themselves so generously and have such care for one another and such fun together! I looked at the friendships already apparent and longed to be a part of such an on line community ... then suddenly I found I was - it's that sense of acceptance that makes this home I think... that and the support I see folk giving one another...

I have tried to join a couple of Harry Potter forums after the last book was released... I never felt welcomed and often felt ignored. I maybe logged on half a dozen times and when I kept being ignored I just didn't bother any more - anyway I have so many friends who are fans of JK Rowling, but when I first joined I only knew one person who would understand what I was talking about and she was traveling overseas...

My friends here matter to me as much as my friends in the real world. Maybe it's shallow of me but seeing the photos on other threads has given me a mental image of you and I love corresponding by email - so if anyone wants to drop me a line - you are welcome, just pm me your email address & I will respond (just don't forget to tell me who you are in here - Kelkhil really confused me once!!)... I am loving some of the 'kindred spirits' I am getting to know and I smile when I open my email in box and see some of your messages there!

And I genuinely love my browncoat friends and Firefly family! - Good night my imponderers...

Your Magdalena x x x


Sunday, October 15, 2006 4:04 AM


Goodmorning Magdalena and everybody.

Well my wife calls me obsessive. Is she right? She sure gorram the hell is. I’m obsessive about several things. If you’re obsessive about football, you don’t try to make and meet obsessive friends in a bingo parlor. So, I’m obsessive about the greatest tv series ever made. I ain’t alone. FF is the greatest little show about a space family ever! At the end of each eps you can bisect it, dissect it, talk about the ppl or the situations because the show has layers of depth. But you can only do this with like minded ppl . It’s one of the reasons that brought me here. That, and it’s just a great place to be. But my FF friends are who make it this way. Yes and they are as real as the guy next door. More real. I can’t talk to anyone around here about why Jayne is the way he is or what Book really was before he became part of serenity’s crew. I can talk to my wife some but she doesn’t have the level of love I have for the show. That’s Ok I don’t expect her to. The folks here get the show and understand that it wasn’t complete. We will hold till there’s more. And I know when we do get more we’ll all be here to talk about it. ain’t going away when the show restarts. Oooohhhh no….. it will just get bigger. J



Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 6:52 AM


I would take it, but on the other hand I cant afford my own food anymore. ;)

Do what you feel is right, but if your really in a hardspot where it comes to money, and if he is a nice guy, then you should let him help you out. Deal with one problem at a time.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:29 AM


Viterdraken...Thank you for making me feel less insain for even considering it. My only real problem seems to be that I can't seem to take charity from someone I'm sleeping with. Although I'm not sleeping with the friend so it's slightly less akward slightly.... In my head it seems like way to much to do for someone you barely know. Then again I've done similar things for people I barely know. Allbeit on a much smaller scale.

An I carried such a torch


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:32 AM


Copilot, I wish we could make it easier for you, but ultimately it's a decision you'll have to make. Do you really want to be with him? Will the fact that he's a "pot farmer" be a problem for you? What will you do when the money runs out? Do you have job prospects? You don't have to give us the answers, but think about the questions as you decide what to do.

I have never joined a fan site before this. is a new experience for me. I have been overwhelmed by how friendly everyone is here. I have only been a member for about a month and a half, but I've already started to make strong connections with some of the Browncoats that I've met. I agree it's been nice to have the picture threads to put a face with the username.

The first thing that attracted me to the site was that it's the first time since I watched Firefly on the Fux channel that I've found ppl that are just as obsessed about the show as I was. The second thing that attracted me to the site was that I could always find someone to chat with at any time. I'm a night owl, and I'm at my best in the middle of the night. There is always someone around and awake even if it is half way around the world.

I can see how these connections can grow to be as important as real ppl. I have found that Browncoats here are very supportive, intellectual, and at times very funny.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 7:34 AM


Im a very proud person, so I get the whole not wanting to take charity thing. But sometimes we just have to accept help from others even though we do not like it. I hate every time I have to ask anyone to do anything for me, but sometimes we have to if we want to survive.

You can’t stop the Signal.
Keep spreading the word about Firefly!


Sunday, October 15, 2006 8:51 PM


About the money... A friend gave me advice once that has served me well. Don't follow your heart because it can be swayed by emotions and fooled, don't go with you head because your mind can play tricks on you, go with your gut.

I have never been involved with an online community. This is my first and only serious involvement. I post at a couple of other sites but there is not the sense of family that there is here. I have made several wonderful friends here that are as important to me as my "real life" friends. There is something about this site and the Browncoats that come here that is special.

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Sunday, October 15, 2006 11:21 PM


The advise that your friend gave you is very sound. Your gut reaction will usually give you a clear choice of what to do. Is your gut telling you what to do? Talking with friends does help to clarify things. Do you have to make the decision right away, or do you have time to ponder it?

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Sunday, October 15, 2006 11:32 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I read something very interesting regarding the 'gut' feeling a bit ago. Apparently, the group of nerves in our solar plexus is a large enough tangle that it almost makes a second brain, and it really does react to things in a very basic way. I thought that was pretty cool.
As for what you should do, darling copilot, I have no idea. Listen to your gut, but also consider the possible consequences of all your courses of action, decide what you can live with, and go forward. - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:03 AM



PhoenixRose wrote:
I read something very interesting regarding the 'gut' feeling a bit ago. Apparently, the group of nerves in our solar plexus is a large enough tangle that it almost makes a second brain, and it really does react to things in a very basic way. I thought that was pretty cool.

Very interesting! It's reassuring to me when they find physical things that can explain the bases of our intuitive nature.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Monday, October 16, 2006 12:41 AM


Hmmm... good question. I don't know if I would call myself a regular yet, but I spend enough time here because all of the people seem pretty cool. I was big into computers when I was a kid and kind of lost interest when "everybody" started using them. I'm just like that. I hated Seinfeld when everyone watched it, but I watch it on reruns now all the time and I love it. I don't think I'd know what to do if I just went with the flow and rode the tide. I know what it would take, and it comes in an orange pill bottle and it's made in a Pfizer lab, deep in the core of the Earth.

I kinda suprise myself with how much I stop by here. As much as a computer nerd I was back in the day, I really began to loathe the internet when it became popular and corporations started to figure out that there was tons of money to be made on it, thus ruining it with pop-up ads and spyware and adware and whateverware they'll think up next. (Thanks for no ads on the site whoever!)

I like how this site isn't cramped with a bunch of annoying fanboys who know everything about the show and talk to you like you're stupid if you don't. Admitedly, I've only watched the show and movie one time (not a single time since I've posted here), but I think it's the greatest show around because it's so true to real life aruond us on a metaphorical level. I really like the idea that the show centered on that good and evil aren't always clear cut as Hollywood or the Media or Big Government may lead you to believe. I like the idea that the "Good Guys" might not exactly live by society's definition of good and evil all the time but,in the end, there is no doubt that they are good people... (even Jayne)

Which I guess would be a perfect segway for a little of friendly advice for Copilot. (Whatever the advice of a lunatic like me is worth) I'm not going to say something stupid like "Cool! He's a pot grower. Free pot man and a place to stay". Who knows, the guy might be an axe murderer? (I'm sure he's not)

But maybe, just maybe, he's your Wash and you would be doing yourselves a great injustice by not taking a little leap of faith. Sure, you may have to consider things like, because the law has the power to interfere, how do I set ground rules just to make sure that I'm protected in the worst possible scenario.... but don't let society's definitions of what is right and wrong decide this for you. Most of the people that would tell you that he is wrong are either high up to the gills on prozac or ritalin or gamble their savings away or eat until they can't walk without breathing heavy, etc., etc., etc.... Everyone does something that others would disagree with. (It just so happens that some are more visible than others, particularly things like my cigarette smoking habit which the bunghole Surgeon General has come out and says causes SIDS, thus labeling me a secondhand baby killer, making mothers around the world voice their distain for me smoking with guttural loathing).

Maybe he's a good guy and he's smart enough to stay under the radar and make a little bread without Big Brother stickin' his nose in. If you care about him and he care's about you and you really think he's a safe and smart person, I say go for it. I don't know if I'd just get into it because he's cute or something trivial like that without seriously weighing the pros and cons, although I might test the waters before I packed up and left.

As a bit of a disclaimer for me here, I should probably add that I'm not exactly known for my excellent life decisions myself. This is due in part though to my hesitations and the things I may have lost out on due to them. It's a tough choice you have ahead of yourself. Hope you make the right one. Just make sure you do what is right for you and not what other people might think is right for you. Either way you go... things usually have a way of sorting themselves out.

"A government is a body of people, usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, October 16, 2006 1:48 AM


I happened upon this site in '03, but my fanaticism hadn't firmly taken hold by that point, so I filed it and forgot it. In fact, it wasn't until two years later that my interest was piqued once more, that was after finally getting the box-set for a long awaited birthday present.
I've mostly been using this site, since the release of the Big Damn Movie, as a depository of my fiction, and I've only come onto the forums within the last five months.

And I cannot advise Copilot in her situation. I just don't have anything to say which wasn't better said by somebody else.

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:21 AM


Just on biological setups - did you know that you get 'butterflies' in your stomach because all the blood rushes out of there and into, well, more sexually important organs.


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:49 AM


Good Morning, Everyone!

Coffee's brewing, sun is's gonna be a good day.

I come to this site to talk and listen to both like minded, and the non like minded folks out there. People with a common interest with me (Firefly) who lead very different lives. People who live very far away (waves at Magda!). People who are just around the corner ( hey Pagan Paul )

- I like this site because the folks are friendly to new comers and old timers alike. Our family keeps growing, and we just roll with it. I like that. A lot.


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:06 AM


Good morning Forsaken!

Bring me some Coca-Cola!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:35 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Good morning dear Penguin! ...*adopts her stern nanny look and voice* what do you say...? Please!

Hi Mavourneen! *waves to Mav* I love this ever growing family too!

Hello Mei Mei! Wow! - every time I find out something like that I think how cool it is that science keeps trying to prove things like gut instinct has no basis in fact... but they end up giving us reason to believe in it!

James - that is so cool - that you bookmarked and when you were "at one with the 'verse" you returned to your 'family'... we're certainly glad you did!

Hey Jack - it doesn't matter if you've seen Firefly once or 100 times - we love you coz you love our 'verse!! That's part of the charm of the folk here at too!

Got to go to bed though - I am sooooo tired! Will try to stay on later tomorrow! Love you all! - Magda x x x


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:38 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

*thinks Penguin is mildly confused*

Awwwwww, but I didn't get to see much of you, jie-jie!
Alright, sleep well! - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, October 16, 2006 4:56 AM


Morning, all!
Back from a long, interesting weekend involving arcade games, and auction, and a 6 hour drive...much fun, but very little sleep!
And look what I missed:
I got into this website after about seven months of searching for the right place. I was a Browncoat but did not know there was a label for it...and I did not know there were this many other people that loved the show and movie as much as I did. Yes, I was naive; sorry! Now that I have found FFF, I visit everyday, barring any out-of-town trips, internet problems, or heavy workloads. I love the conversations, the emails, everything! Heck, where else are you going to find such an attractive, intelligent, witty fan base, eh?
I have also never joined another fan site. I am a member of one or two other Firefly boards, but since I became really active in here, I don't visit anywhere else all that often anymore. Y'all are my family.



Monday, October 16, 2006 5:08 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by SimonWho:
Just on biological setups - did you know that you get 'butterflies' in your stomach because all the blood rushes out of there and into, well, more sexually important organs.

Is that why you come here?

After becoming a Browncoat in spirit (I am one of the "saw-the-movie-oh-it-was-series-before-that?" crowd), I couldn't get enough Firefly and websearched (not just Googled) for whatever I could find. I happened across and SAHARA--who doesn't post nearly enough anymore--gave it a recommendation. I'm not a joiner (my Forsaken membership is strictly honorary and by association only), so I lurked for a while before "signing up". This is the only place I have ever found worthy of my presence. And I am humbled when I visit.

FFF is delightfully and thoughtfully laid out (thanks to Haken, I assume) and easy to use. But it is the Browncoat element. That brings me here again and again. I find that even more than expressing my thoughts (which anyone has who dared to wade through my blogs realizes I don't have a problem expressing) is that I can't wait to read what you all think about things.

What makes FFF so wonderful is that though it is Firefly/Serenity/Joss that binds us all together, we all have our own lives and interests and beliefs that we can discuss here without it necessarily being directly related to the show. Most fansites I've seen are pretty one or two-dimensional and if the show isn't mentioned in a post it's not kosher. We are a community who "live" here by choice, not by circumstance like the "real" world. Everybody (insert usual RWED disclaimer here) respects everyone else even if they don't agree and the discussions are helpful instead of divisive. A day away from you all and I really feel like I've missed out on something important. There are posters I look for and feel cheated when I don't see them. And jeez, it's just plain fun!

Back to SimonWho for a sec. Then why is it that butterlies can negatively impact the...other?

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:09 AM


OK gotta catch up from the weekend.

First from the last thread:

Originally posted by RMMC:
i.) age to be able to have a job. 17. I think kids need to be able to concentrate on school and the school & job thing is a major physical/mental drain that they should be a bit older when trying to juggle those.

That I don't think is a good idea. How are kids supposed to save up any money for the insanely expensive college tuition? I was working 3 part time jobs in high school and I still came out of college with major debt.

As for why I come here, it's the community. Everyone is really cool here. Friendly and accepting and all that. Plus the conversations are pretty interesting too.

I've been involved in one other online community like this. It was probably 6 years ago but basically a thread like this is what kept me coming back. A thread where people just have a long conversation and are all being friendly.

Copilot I don't know what to tell you on this one. Is the guy offering money the same guy that you like? I don't know if I could take drug money and still feel ok about it. Just seems like dirty money to me. However, you might have a different view point on it. So, really it all comes down to the way you feel about it. Though I think if you're asking then you're trying to get us to convince you it's ok.


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:17 AM


morning all- accidentally posted on old thread so if you want to see me all whiny then go sick again( sigh)

Anyway, I actually stumbled in here by accident. MisterG had mentioned the site and I do love Firefly and I had to give my students a test and was truly bored, so I wandered in here and everyone was so great and the imponderables so cool...I stayed and have been so happy!!!. I love you guys and this place ever so much...

Speaking of which..HUGS lovely Magda and sorry I missed you this weekend. I'll email you and whine in a bit:)

Copilot- I think you should go with what feels right, but I will say this. So often people turn down the offer of help not wanting to seem pitiful and weak. When really the person offering was simply trying to be supportive and kind. Taking help means only that you are smart enough to know that you ( like every other human on this planet) can't stand alone and be totally without support. Also, I hate when I offer help that I know is truly needed and have it turned down for the sake of pride. It hurts me to know that the person doesn't trust me enough or feels embarrassed by the help when I offered out of love and friendship.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:23 AM


Mornin' folks!

I came here because I had watched everything that was available to me at that point and needed more connection with the 'verse. Simple as that. I joined a few other Firefly sites, but they moved too slowly, so I haven't really been back. has enough members to keep things interesting.

I have been part of other fandoms. I was on the official X-Files site as well as MASHEO (Mulder and Scully Hate Each Other). That was really the first. Internet wise, I am also on a few BB's about of which is my real internet home.

Are you all as real to me as my real life friends? Hate to say it, but no. Mostly because I'm just not a chatty type person, so I just wouldn't know what to e-mail anyone, etc. And there is only so much, "My horse was so awesome today" that the average non-horseperson can handle. Which is probably why the aforementioned horse board is where I feel most at home (and have met in RL the most people). But all that's not to say that I don't think you all are very shiny people. 'Cause I do.

Oh, and for a little Horseworld/'Verse connection: I was watching my tape of NBC's coverage of the World Equestrian Games (WEG) this weekend and my mouth dropped open when I heard "Going for a ride" from the Serenity soundtrack played over the teaser. I couldn't believe it. Flabbergasted, I tell ya. I had watched the broadcast when it aired but missed the beginning. I was all kinds of excited.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:49 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I'm glad you mentioned the upper age limit on the driving thing, MSG. While I'm not an advocate of "age", I'm a big proponent of "ability". Surprised nobody else mentioned it 'cause I know that in our heart of hearts we've either laughed at it, or cried about it.

And since everyone else seems to have an opinion on CoPilot's query, I put in my chips, too. I agree with MSG about pride being the negative motivator. I mean one of the reasons we all come here (*cleverly ties thread and sub-thread together*) is for the support of our friends. Is money and emotion qualitatively so different when it comes to aiding--supporting--our friends? Help is help.

Now, the help you're talking about, CoPilot is complicated about where the money comes from. Is the money "dirty"? No, the money did do anything. Is the holder of the money dirty? That is the question. Is it ill-gotten? (As true Browncoats, if that is what we are, we don't look that close, do we?) The bottom line is all about trust. Money between friends can kill a friendship. I've seen it. But money between friends can also be just another no big deal. (Can I have $20 till payday goes on all the time.) The trust is two-fold. Will you feel obligated, or will the friend make you feel obligated until the money is repaid? (This is a loan, right? Because if it isn't--if it's a gift--that changes everything.) That's your side of it. The other side is his. What would happen if you couldn't pay it back? Could you still be friends? Are you willing to risk the friendship (if it's true) on a few hundred dollars? If the friends says "Eh, forget it, it's a gift", will you feel guilty anyway?

"But I will pay it back." I have no doubt you would if you had it. Problem being, did you expect to find yourself in this position even a month ago? Can't predict the future. Jus' sayin'. You gotta ponder. That's all. Weigh it all. Not just what we say. And maybe that's what we mean by listening to your gut.

Don't reject it out of pride. But please be very sure you are compfortable with accepting the money. And very clear on the terms and expectations.

So, my turn. I really need help with this one. How do you keep a post under 500 words?

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:57 AM


Hello fellow ponderers. Bright and wonderful morning here in the Battle Born state.

So, we got our deer, shot video at the range last night, and generally had lotsa fun this weekend.

Now for the hard part. It was suggested by my bestest friend (at 1:00 AM) that I just call Ms. Incredible? this morning and get it over with. What do y'all think?


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:58 AM


Wow- that was seriously well thought out Jonny:)I would completely agree.

Rugbug- I'd love to listen to all you want to say about how your horse did today, but we are horsey people... which speaking of I must tell you the fabulous story of the ferrier. Came to shoe yesterday and our little ( ha ha 17 1/2 hands 2000 pound Percheron)Tinkerbell, just would not pick up her foot ( which has never happened) and her legs are so heavy there's no way you can make her. We're all standing at the back end trying all kinds of tricks to get her to lift it, when in walks my brother who asks what we're doing and with some frustration my sister tells him. He busts up laugh ing and says he knows just what the problem is. She's been holding her front leg up this whole time, while we've been at the back and she's so big no one could tell

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:13 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Now for the hard part. It was suggested by my bestest friend (at 1:00 AM) that I just call Ms. Incredible? this morning and get it over with. What do y'all think?

I'd say a big NO to that. You've got the upper hand right now don't you? I mean she called you and asked you out. You turned her down and she said she'd call to ask you out again this week. No need to jump the gun. Wait for her to call and then play it however you like. I wouldn't go showing too much interest by calling her though.

Granted it's all stupid relationshipy game stuff that I don't like, but she seems like she's a game player with the way she's treated you so far.


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:56 AM


NV-hmm Do you want to call her? If you call her, do you think that she'll just go back to treating you like you're her personal toy to be dropped when she feels like it? Are you sure you want to get involved with her again?

IF the answers to those questions are: Yes, No, Yes Then I say go for it and call her up right now...if not, maybe wait and see how this plays out. HUGS and remember I have my bappin hand on stand by and I will smack the daylights out of her if you want me to.

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:00 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
Wow- that was seriously well thought out Jonny:)I would completely agree.

Well I do tend to think too much. Which may be why I have such a hard time condensing my words. But thank you for the kindly said "wow".


Originally posted by msg:
Rugbug- I'd love to listen to all you want to say about how your horse did today, but we are horsey people... which speaking of I must tell you the fabulous story of the ferrier. Came to shoe yesterday and our little ( ha ha 17 1/2 hands 2000 pound Percheron)Tinkerbell, just would not pick up her foot ( which has never happened) and her legs are so heavy there's no way you can make her. We're all standing at the back end trying all kinds of tricks to get her to lift it, when in walks my brother who asks what we're doing and with some frustration my sister tells him. He busts up laugh ing and says he knows just what the problem is. She's been holding her front leg up this whole time, while we've been at the back and she's so big no one could tell

What Magnificent Beasts!

How come all we ever hear about is Clydesdales (which I think are REALLY cool. And, no, it's not all Budweiser's fault; Clydes didn't become cool because of Bud, Bud used them bacause they were cool. Bud might have made them cooler...). Do you belong to the Percheron Horse Association of America? That's where I Googled the Percheron pix. 'Round here a Perch is a fish and a Heron is a wading bird. Can't tell you what kind of image that brought forth...



Fisheating BirdFish? Self-devouring Serpent...?

No, wait that's your tattoo.

RugBug, What kind of equines do you have?

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:10 AM



Originally posted by magdalena:
And the new ponderance... Why do we 'regulars' (and 'not-so-regulars' if that includes you too) come to so often? Have you ever been this involved with another fan site before or currently? And - are your 'on-line friends as real as other relationships in your life?

So... ponder my fair friends...

Hmm, I guess I'd be one of those semi-regulars as I'm not here as frequent as I was. I thinkt there's an important element in RL friends in the fact that you can get to know them, hang out with them, see differences in behavior, speech, body language, likes, dislikes and actions. You definitely get more depth from the people you know in the real world. As for people in this community, I think you guys are all great and I would love to get to know you in real life. The thing about online friends is that it transcends age, race, and other barriers that are normally encountered in the "real" world. Also, the internet offers a sort of anonymity and the idea of "the stranger" and sharing your thoughts/feelings with them without any sort of pretense can be somewhat attractive and comfortable. But really, I feel there's no substitute for being with people in real life. That doesn't mean that online friends are any less per se, it just means you can't get to know them on the kind of level that you could if you were around them in the real world.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:14 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Just popping in before bed, everybody.
NVG, unless the 'getting it over with' thing is telling her she can stop messing with you and get stuffed, I say you shouldn't call her. If she calls you... Well, be careful.
And hey, for any of y'all who haven't seen, my dearest friended has introduced herself here: so give her a big shiny welcome! - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:16 AM


Cute story, MSG.

I've had to do the opposite many, many times. Pesky horse won't stand still for wound care or foot soaking, etc. What do you do? Have someone pick up the other foot. Ta da! Compliant horsey.

Co-Pilot: Couple questions for you...

1) Do you have a job yet so you are making money and can pay back this guy?

2) If not, when do you foresee having a job? Are you actively looking?

Back when I heard you had to move home, my first thought was "she doesn't HAVE to." There are ways to make it work. But I would be leery of accepting help from someone other than family if I wasn't in the position to pay it back quickly. There's a fine line between letting people help you and needing to have people help you. The first is okay. The second leads to a life of codependency and limitations.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:19 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Hello fellow ponderers. Bright and wonderful morning here in the Battle Born state.

So, we got our deer, shot video at the range last night, and generally had lotsa fun this weekend.

Now for the hard part. It was suggested by my bestest friend (at 1:00 AM) that I just call Ms. Incredible? this morning and get it over with. What do y'all think?

NVG! Hmm, it's hard to say since I'm not fully familiar with the situation as I'm still catching up. I understand your feeling as I hate games as well. I subscribe to the idea of "if you want to talk to me, just call me." Games suck, hate this waiting for 3 days before you call crap, or whatever it is. But at the same time you have to be sensitive to her and kind of check out how she's feeling. See if you can get a feel for her perceptions on this matter and remember that reciprocation is important.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:30 AM


PR - How's everything? Hope you are well

MSG - Hey you, how's the baby thingamastuff going?

Magda - *hugs* Hi!

NVG - Hang in there man, the beginning is tough!

Rugbug - How are the horses treatin ya?

Tristan - How ya holdin up man? Hope things are going okay for you.

All those I missed - *hugs* It's busy here at work so I will chime in as I can.

This above all, — to thine ownself be true.


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:09 AM


So, you guys wanna hear my weirdness from the weekend? Went to a party for a friend's birthday. Different friend got nice and drunk. She became super friendly at this point. Anyway she knows that I've got a crush on her friend from college and told the birthday girl that if she lived in town she'd go for me too. Then she asked me some weird thing about going on a trip to watch leaves change colors with her and her college friend. Then she got interrupted by another person and it didn't come back up. Anyway it was enough to get me confused and thinking about the girl again. Argh.

If this trip to see leaves change colors thing is real do I really wanna go? Of course hanging out with those two ladies sounds like a fun trip even if it is to watch paint I mean...leaves change colors. However, wouldn't I just be messing with myself by stirring up emotions for no real reason? That is unless she's planning on moving to town after she graduates...which I got no indication of the last time I hung out with her. $#^%@# This is why I didn't want to know if I had a shot or not. Then I could just not think about all these things.


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:16 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Ged:
PR - How's everything? Hope you are well

Awwww, things are going all right, thanks for asking!
I think that my life will be very different by this time next year. One way or another. As Joss would say, there are a few things on the burner
Right now, though, as I do still have my job and have to go back tonight, I should really, really go to bed. I hope you're doing well, too and I'll talk to you soon I hope - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:20 AM


Zeek- well if you enjoy the company then just look on it as a chance to have fun and spend some time in the company of fun people. Not everything needs to be relationship bound ( especially at your age) and sometimes it's just fun to get some practice flirting ( or kissing, or what have you) in and later it'll come in handy for your true SO...or it could turn out that several years from now you have occasion to move near her or vice versa and you in up in a great relationship because you laid that early foundation.

yeah Percherons are great horses..though our Tink is much lovelier than the pic you found...similar coloring, but a long blond mane. She looks like a hippie chick in horse form and has the cutest tiniest whinny...and see Rugbug this is why I said talk away:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:49 AM


YES! finally, first time on in a goramn week. Did I miss anything important?
Got seriously bummed out last week cos I lost me 'Browncoat' wristband. *sob*. that reminds me, I must order another one...

I had never even searched another show on t'internet before Firefly, let alone joined a board. To me, you are all very real, very caring people. I feel like I know you all so well, especially the regulars on this thread, even though I've never met any of you. yet... I would be honoured to count to as my friends.

'Fraid I can't advise you on that, Copilot, I'll leave it to the more wise and knowing imponderers.

Edit: ahh, practicing kissing: not done that in a ridiculously long time.
Eight out of ten voices in my head prefer Whiskers.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, October 16, 2006 8:55 AM


So I'M off for lunch. I've decided to stay away from the phone for at least another two days. Gettin' the feeling that there may be some strange subconcious game my bestest friend may be playing (crazy women folk and their jealousy). Besides, I told myself I wouldn't call 'til Thursday and gorrammit I intend on waiting (at least until Wednesday).


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:03 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Zeek- well if you enjoy the company then just look on it as a chance to have fun and spend some time in the company of fun people. Not everything needs to be relationship bound ( especially at your age) and sometimes it's just fun to get some practice flirting ( or kissing, or what have you) in and later it'll come in handy for your true SO...or it could turn out that several years from now you have occasion to move near her or vice versa and you in up in a great relationship because you laid that early foundation.

I don't know what age range I'm giving the impression of, but I'm 25. She's just finishing up grad school. I'm not too worried about gaining experience. I'm pretty much relationship bound. Besides way too many friends are getting married these days. Can't wait for all the fish in the sea to get caught.


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:07 AM


OK NV I love you dearly so I say this with great love...stay away from the bad woman!!! Well at least wait until she calls you ( or Friday, whichever comes first) When you do call her, make tentative plans with other friends so you can call her and say " I was just checking in before I made other plans to see if you wanted to do something." That way you aren't stalling yourself out waiting on her and you have something fun to look forward to if she bails on you.

Zeek- I knew you were somewhere in the mid-twenties. As an old woman ( 33) just remember the average age in 1890 of a man getting married was 26 and it's now you've plenty of time there hon and plus you're an amazing catch so I'd just sit back and let the lovely women attempt to reel you and and you can let the one you like best catch also I have to say weird coincidences happen. I had a friend who had a short relationship with someone only to have that person move to her town 4 years later and they ended up married:)
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:08 AM


umm... Grad school? how old would that make her?

Eight out of ten voices in my head prefer Whiskers.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:13 AM



Originally posted by Smartbutdumbblonde:
umm... Grad school? how old would that make her?

My guess would be 23-24. Never really asked. No matter really. Close enough to my age is the only important part and that seems to be covered.


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:16 AM


hmm- you may want to ask...I was in grad school classes at age 20 so you might be off on that estimate Zeek:) However I must say it's really nice to see so many guys all excited about marriage and families and such...warms the heart ( as well as refuting all those nasty articles about immature men with committment problems)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:26 AM


Before I go, here's an idea I've been toying with: If people her go to any conventions, they are likely to run into at least one other imponderer, so hows about we have an 'Imponderer' badge, or a t-shirt or something to wear to convetions or shindigs so its easier to spot each other?

Just an idea...
Feedback, anyone?

Eight out of ten voices in my head prefer Whiskers.
98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:36 AM



Originally posted by msg:
( as well as refuting all those nasty articles about immature men with committment problems

Hey now! I like those articles! Every time I read one I hand it over to the Wifey and say "see you could have married this guy"

Those things make me look good!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, October 16, 2006 9:53 AM


LOL- Kelkhil that's fabulous!! Though my husband says he's never taking another Cosmo quiz again:)

SBDB- Great idea...hmm I feel cafe press calling me. I may have to work up a design for "The Imponderables- answering relationship questions and bonding through"

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2






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