A new convert - how did I not know about this show?!

UPDATED: Monday, October 16, 2006 19:58
VIEWED: 4619
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Friday, October 13, 2006 9:24 PM


Hello everyone! I'm a new convert to the Firefly universe... as in, less than a week old. That being said, I've already been through the series and the movie twice, and I'm far from sick of it. How could something so awesome have been around for years without me knowing about it?

That being said, here's a bit of encouragement for everyone. A chain of influence: a boy watched Firefly, and he loved it. He made a bunch of his friends (3+) watch it, including his girlfriend. She made her family (4) watch it, including here sister. Her sister made me watch it. In just a couple of months, one person converted at LEAST 8 people into die-hard fans - and that's just the part of the trail that I'm aware of.

In the past week, I have discovered that almost everyone I know is a Firefly fan. The guy at Barnes & Noble got so excited when we asked if they had the series on DVD that I thought he was going to pee his pants; I got a whole speech on how fantastic it was. I went to dinner with a huge group of friends the other night, and the entire table exploded with excitement when we realized that we were all Firefly fans. I'm home visiting my parents this weekend, and I put it on. My dad, who despises television, stayed for five episodes. My father has never watched fix straight hours of television in his life.

So all of this leaves me with one question and one statement. First of all, how on earth is it that this show hasn't be revived? As far as I can tell, it is insanely popular, it's still winning awards left and right, its fanbase is ridiculously loyal and enthusiastic, and it's growing in popularity each day. How is it that no networks have spotted this and acted on it?

I have hope. What I've found on the internet is a huge encouragement, and I hope everyone else still has hope too. Word of mouth is clearly working, because I see the love for the show exploding everywhere all around me. Here's to being optimistic, and knowing that sooner or later, the powers that be will realize that there's a pre-made goldmine just waiting for someone to put it on the air!


Friday, October 13, 2006 9:42 PM


Welcome Rockysoap.

You are not alone, that is for sure. You find more than your share of Firefly fanatics here.

We have all asked the same question. Why is this show not on anymore?

The people at Fox really are the only ones who can answer that question. I think the are so full of themselves they are afraid to admit they made a mistake with the way the handled Firefly.

We are hoping for FOX to sell off the rights so another network with some brains will convince Joss to start making new episodes.

Since your so new you may not know that we call ourselves Browncoats for the rebel uniform.

So you now have a name.

Explore our fansite, which is now your fansite. We have many interesting things going on. We love to have fun. We share and joke and play all kinds of games.

So sit back and have some Mudders Milk and a Ice Planet or two and wander through your new home.

I aim to welcome


Friday, October 13, 2006 9:54 PM


Welcome Aboard, RockySoap. It's always encouraging to hear the stories of Browncoats that are new to the 'Verse. Having new people learn about Firefly and Serenity is the biggest hope that we have. There are lots that argue about the amount of money that Serenity made for Universal, but most will admit that it is near the black if not already there.

Joss Whedon is tied up with 2 films right now, but he usually indicates that there are other projects on the back burner. As long as there are more people buying Serenity, the possibility of a sequel is very hopeful.

We're glad you made your way to We are a friendly group. If you ever need anything, just get on the Cortex and send us a wave. There is always someone around.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Friday, October 13, 2006 10:14 PM


In answer to the question you put in the thread title, I think a lot of the problem is that because it never took off initially, it never generated a buzz. Fox can probably take their share of blame for that, because of the crummy way they scheduled it. I'm sure that they'd argue that the show's low ratings proved they were right not to give it a push. Obviously, Browncoats like you and I would maintain that it was a self fulfilling prophecy. Also, Firefly was certainly expensive to make, so it's no wonder that they pulled the plug too soon.

I also think the BDM wasn't marketted entirely well. All the River Tam sessions were great for the converted but they didn't preach to the heathen masses; I certainly never saw them and if I had, I wouldn't have responded (they're also spoilers). Solid, conventional advertising was needed.

Without any new project in the pipeline, we're reduced to guerilla work. I'd never heard of Firefly either until word of mouth. It's the best salesman we've got. Hopefully, when enough DVD sales turn Serenity into a profitable production for Universal, they'll ok another. I'm hoping for a six hour miniseries. - my life - my work


Friday, October 13, 2006 10:23 PM



hughff wrote:
I'm hoping for a six hour miniseries.

Me, too! Plus I want 2 more movies to complete the trilogy, and I want the series to go back on TV for 10 years. Is this where I put my Christmas wish list? We can never have too much of the 'Verse.

I made a web site to introduce my friends to the 'Verse.


Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:31 AM


Hello RockySoap, welcome to the boat.

I really enjoy hearing sotries like yours. Makes me proud to be a browncoat. Yep F_X did a sloppy job with the J/verse. Many of the folks here never even knew it existed until after the fact. Myself included. There's a lot of money could be make if it returned in series or sequel fassion. So far the network hasn't shown any brains about that. I do believe they may be hands-of-blue guys :)

Anyway good to have you with us,



Saturday, October 14, 2006 3:15 AM


Welcome! I, too, was a latecomer who didn't watch the series in its original incarnation. Some friends did, the ones who eventually turned me on to it, but my response was, "yeah, whatever". It took seeing "Serenity" last fall and then my friend loaning me her DVD set of the series to get me hooked.

Actually, I'm kinda glad I didn't watch it when it was on F*X. It would've been far too frustrating for me. Seeing the shows in the order Joss intended them to be seen on the DVD collection was a good way to be exposed.

You'll have fun on this forum. I'm not usually a big participater in fan forums, but this one is a lot of fun and you'll meet some great people.

The 3 rules of aging:
1. Never bypass a bathroom
2. Never waste an erection
3. Never trust a fart


Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:06 AM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Hey, Rockysoap! Your story sounds very much like mine. I guess when you become a Browncoat, there are goggles you put on that identify every other Browncoat. That's because we're all diversified, undercover, in-disguise, super-secret fans (at least, compared to most other fandoms).

Anyway... Welcome to our corner of the 'verse! Hope you have a shiny time!

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love - it's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone."

Trouble-Maker in the House!


Saturday, October 14, 2006 7:29 AM


Welcome to the 'verse! It's awesome to have new Browncoats comin' among us! I mena, it's shiny

When I found out about and watched Firefly, I thought along the same lines you did. "Why haven't I heard of this?" and, unfortunatly, "What channel is this on? There has to be more than this!" Unfortunately, I was crushed, butthe movie and comics helped me there.

Anyways... uhh.... nice t' meetcha, and don't be a stranger, y'hear?


The only animals I'm not comfortable with are parrots, but I'm learning as I go. I'm getting better and better at 'em. I really am. - Steve Irwin, our Honorary BDH


Saturday, October 14, 2006 8:07 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun. - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Saturday, October 14, 2006 1:44 PM


Welcome aboard!

"Come a day there won't be room for naughty men like us to slip about at all." - Malcolm Reynolds


Saturday, October 14, 2006 3:15 PM


Welcome home, Rockysoap (#23207)!!!
It's right shiny to have you aboard.

Your post described exactly the principal way
the browncoat love is spread: no publicity,
and a little dedicated guerilla marketing,
but mainly word of mouth and occasional

I like to give new recruits a dish of strawberries
and a mug of Mudder's Milk, then invite them up
to the galley to question the buffet.
(At 23,207 we have too big a crew to sit around
the table all at once)
There'll be fresh bao and wife soup up in a few
If Traveler didn't tell you where to find the
ice-planets, here's a hint: cooler, bottom shelf.

Please do not step on ShipsCat or into her dish.

Join us in the Caption threads -- new blood needed

If anyone offers you a virtual browncoat, new or
used, wear it in good health!

bun, dashing out for more provisions
~Bastards singed my turtle~


Saturday, October 14, 2006 4:00 PM



In the past week, I have discovered that almost everyone I know is a Firefly fan. The guy at Barnes & Noble got so excited when we asked if they had the series on DVD that I thought he was going to pee his pants; I got a whole speech on how fantastic it was.

I have to whole heartily agree with you there.

I haven't been a fan for long but it is just crazy that everyone I talk to now seem to be huge fans! Why? oh why?


Saturday, October 14, 2006 4:07 PM


Get yourself over to Hot Topic and get yourself one of those Pretty Serenity or Firefly shirts. Where it around and just watch the Browncoats that come out of the woodwork. I wore mine through the Airport a couple of weeks ago and you would have been surprised at the number of suits that approached me or gave me acknowledgement.....maybe those suits should have been brown?

Welcome, I fell into the Firefly verse pretty much the same way and have never been the same. Luckily!



Saturday, October 14, 2006 5:47 PM


hughff wrote:

I'm hoping for a six hour miniseries.


Me, too! Plus I want 2 more movies to complete the trilogy, and I want the series to go back on TV for 10 years. Is this where I put my Christmas wish list? We can never have too much of the 'Verse.

Raise ya a Serenity set/mockup we can tour at Universal Studios when not in production.


Originally posted by Dirtweed:
Get yourself over to Hot Topic and get yourself one of those Pretty Serenity or Firefly shirts. Where it around and just watch the Browncoats that come out of the woodwork.


Which one ya got?

Official Universal Serenity t-shirts, tees and hoodies
And Official Firefly shirts

Only retail store Hot Topic mall stores

Online stores

Search for Firefly Search for Serenity

Firefly Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) brown
Firefly Hero T-Shirt (Captain Malcolm Reynolds) olive
Firefly Logo Shirt Brown
Firefly Logo Shirt Gray
Firefly Logo Shirt Black
Firefly Logo Womens Shirt Brown
Firefly Jayne Public Relations shirt
Firefly Jayne Public Relations Baby Tee

Serenity Bad Guys T-Shirt (Jayne Cobb)
Serenity Blue Sun looks like light or baby blue writing on white
Serenity Blue Sun looks like dark blue writing on white
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt Sheer
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE T-Shirt
Serenity *Browncoat* I AIM TO MISBEHAVE Zipper Hoodies brown
Serenity Buddha Baby Tee white on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt green on brown
Serenity Buddha T-Shirt some color on some color (you have to ask)
Serenity Logo Baby Tee
Serenity Logo T-Shirt
Serenity Logo Zipper Hoodies Black
Serenity River T-Shirt (River Tam)
Serenity Sihnon Companion Academy Baby Tee


Saturday, October 14, 2006 6:09 PM


Welcome Rockysoap!

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, October 14, 2006 6:41 PM


Man, I wish I was getting the same rosy outlook. I guess I have to be more up front with my Browncoatness to identify the others. I went to Blockbuster to see if I could buy the show and the girl behind the counter certainly knew about it and liked it, but being another total Alliance tool kinda company naturally they didn't carry it. That's about the only BC I 've met in RL in about three weeks. And I didn't hear about it from anyone, I just stumbled upon it.

I have run into a few other people who've watched either the movie or the series, but I wouldn't exactly call them Browncoats. Maybe I just live in a lame area. Anyone here local to Sonoma/Marin/Napa region?

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Saturday, October 14, 2006 6:41 PM


Man, I wish I was getting the same rosy outlook. I guess I have to be more up front with my Browncoatness to identify the others. I went to Blockbuster to see if I could buy the show and the girl behind the counter certainly knew about it and liked it, but being another total Alliance tool kinda company naturally they didn't carry it. That's about the only BC I 've met in RL in about three weeks. And I didn't hear about it from anyone, I just stumbled upon it.

I have run into a few other people who've watched either the movie or the series, but I wouldn't exactly call them Browncoats. Maybe I just live in a lame area. Anyone here local to Sonoma/Marin/Napa region?

"When I write my memoirs, that sh!t'll be in there, guaranteed."


Sunday, October 15, 2006 12:40 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

Where is everyone that they have Browncoats coming out of the woodwork? I wear my Serenity shirt, my Blue Sun shirt, and my 'coat complete with patches on a regular basis, and still do not get accosted by random strangers who love the show. Nor have I gotten a chance to do any acosting. Does that seem right to you? - show 'Versal your gratitude!

A good friend who points out mistakes and imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a secret of hidden treasure. - Gautama Siddharta


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site and the ranks of the browncoats Rockysoap! Glad to have you here posting with us.

Thanks for sharing your story with us. We love reading how new people discovered the show. Sounds like nearly everyone you know likes the show. Of course there are bound to be some people you know who are not familiar with it yet. Those are the people we want to reach, the ones who have yet to be converted. You need to introduce them to the 'verse and get them hooked.

Take care. Keep posting, keep converting and keep flyin'!

Holding the line since December '02!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


Monday, October 16, 2006 4:36 AM



Fashionably Brown

CafePress has a bewildering array of designs from the 'Verse!

Big Red Button

TCM's Space Bazaar: Inspired Gear for You!

Firefly bits & bobs : Mortui non mordent


Monday, October 16, 2006 5:06 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Where is everyone that they have Browncoats coming out of the woodwork? I wear my Serenity shirt, my Blue Sun shirt, and my 'coat complete with patches on a regular basis, and still do not get accosted by random strangers who love the show. Nor have I gotten a chance to do any acosting. Does that seem right to you?

Don't worry that happens to me too. I wear my Firefly stuff around quite a bit. Too much in fact because my sister has threatened to call "TLC's What Not To Wear" on me. Every once in a while somebody will say something. A few weeks ago I was in Home Depot and the guy at the register said that he really like the movie, but hadn't seen the show. Couldn't really talk much, but i did tell him to definitely watch the series and to check out this site. And I wear my Serenity shirt whenever I go to the movies with mixed results.

No luck with converting my family, Sister doesn't like Sci-Fi, my Dad is usually too busy to watch TV or movies and would probably fall asleep anyway, my brother-in-law saw Serenity and didn't like it. I tried to explain to him that the movie wasn't supposed to be like Star Wars and it only had a $40 Mil budget. He was aware of this and also of the Browncoat movement, but apparently he likes special effects more than a plot and acting ability.

So don't worry PR your not alone.

Everybody always has the advantage over us, but that's what makes us special...and Browncoats.


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:24 AM


One good note is that I've never met anyone who's seen FF that didn't like it. Unfortunately, there are hordes of people who have never heard of it.

I've had two FF/Serenity related shirts that I've had for around 3 or 4 months. In that time, I've probably worn one or the other about 10 times....and I've had two fans approach me so far.


Monday, October 16, 2006 2:50 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Where is everyone that they have Browncoats coming out of the woodwork? I wear my Serenity shirt, my Blue Sun shirt, and my 'coat complete with patches on a regular basis, and still do not get accosted by random strangers who love the show. Nor have I gotten a chance to do any acosting. Does that seem right to you?

Of course you know it would take no prodding at all for the male population of to accost you anytime you even hinted that you would want us to, and most reciprocally would offer you the same opportunity at a moment's notice. "Have you ever been with a Warrior Woman?"

Er, Excuse me, RockySoap. Um, Welcome. We're a friendly crew and some might accuse us of being overly so. But we're just the right amount of friendly. It's a caring place you've come to and we welcome you. There a 'verse to explore and so little time. Have fun!

"Well, here I am."


Monday, October 16, 2006 3:43 PM


Hi Rockysoap, welcome to our corner of the 'verse!

Let me offer you a glass of Irish Whiskey.

Lots of folks have already outlined lots of reasons why the 'verse was so hard to find (between the main network and mu local affiliate, only about half the episodes were ever actually shown in my area...bloody, no good, F*X!)

Welcome and look foward to seeing ya hereabouts. Come on into the partay when ya feel like dancing or noshing (just leave the llama pen door closed. Trust me.)

PR- I had problems finding other Bowncoats, too, hence the button I got at Pennsic. Find shiny folks all over now, and have had several opportunities to try to convert strangers.

Banner courtsey of Aim2Misbehave (Thank you!!)
"Those grenades?"
"Captain don't want 'em."
"Jayne, we're robbing the place, we're not occupying it."


Monday, October 16, 2006 6:57 PM


Its great to listen to newbie's stories. its stories like yours that help give the rest of us hope that new people are still picking up the show and movie.

Its still a big question whether there will be a sequel to the movie or not, but some of us, myself included keep up hope, especially as the fanbase expands which stories like yours demonstrate.

Just make sure you get people to see the show and important to buy the movie dvd. Its also a good idea to buy Serenity related stuff, like the comics, novelization, the Visual Companion(really nice).

There is also the book Finding Serenity, I highly recommend checking it out.

Welcome to the addiction! Its like the mafia, once you enter, you never leave! But only less deadly and evil and etc...
It is hard to find Serenity/Firefly fans here in Montreal. There is our group, but almost no stranger remarked about Firefly/Serenity. maybe I am not wearing my tshirts enough.


Monday, October 16, 2006 7:58 PM


It's always so nice to hear the stories that new folks tell.. and yours in particularly shiny, what with the many Browncoats you have met and who have said something to you. Makes me have hope that the slow and steady work we've all done is paying off some with folks enjoying the 'Verse.

You need your browncoat since you've joined our ranks.

*hands Rockysoap a browncoat that fits just right*

Make yourself to home and talk often... we usually have lots to talk about.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal
Go to and check it out!






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