Alternative casting?

UPDATED: Sunday, February 8, 2004 19:24
VIEWED: 7853
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Monday, February 2, 2004 6:36 AM


Do we know anything about which other actors were considered for the 9 lead roles in FF?

Rebecca Gayheart was considered for the role of Inara. That much I know. She could have been good. I loved her in “Earth 2”... which, like FF, met an all too early cancellation in spite of a very vocal fanbase.

Sub question: I know it’s hard to consider anyone else playing these roles… but if I may be so bold: who would have been your runners up for the roles?


Monday, February 2, 2004 7:28 AM


Well, I have to say Nathan Fillion could not possibly be replaced, in any way shape or form. Other than that, I don't think I'd mind Eowlyn MacGregor as Wash

Everyone Dies. Someone's carrying a bullet for you, doesn't even know it. The trick is, to die of old age before he finds you.


Monday, February 2, 2004 11:46 AM


All the actors in the show were born to play those parts. Nobody could ever replace them. And no ship could ever replace Serenity while we are at it.


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 2:14 AM


I'm not suggesting that one of the cast should have been replaced. I'm just saying "what if?".

Maybe Angelina Joine as Zoe? Naaaaah....


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 2:29 AM



Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:16 AM


Viel dank!


Wednesday, February 4, 2004 7:37 AM


My wife and I play this game with TV shows all the time where we cast a "big feature" version of the show with a "big name" all star multi million dollar money is no object type cast.

You end up with stuff like:


Mal - Tim Roth
Zoe - Jada Pinkett Smith
Wash - Owen Wilson
Jayne - Vin Diesel
Book - Morgan Freeman
Simon - Billy Crudup
Kaylee - Kirsten Dunst
River - Neve Campbell
Inara - Monica Bellucci

NOW - NOW - All I'm saying is this is a list of who could play the roles in a big budget feature if all the actors who already played the roles were somehow locked in a box and never existed. This is a purely whimsical fantasy cast in a world were the PERFECT TV cast does not exist.

Firefly Fan Film - Coming SOON


Thursday, February 5, 2004 12:57 PM


Erm, actually I had another idea.

Summer Glau as Tara in Buffy. She could have pulled it off easy.

Happy with current cast on Firefly but wouldnt have minded seeing Joss as Badger.


Thursday, February 5, 2004 1:14 PM



Hmm. Like us all, I would NEVER want to replace any of the cast. But your list is interesting.

(Mal: Tim Roth / Zoe: Jada Pinkett Smith / Wash: Owen Wilson / Jayne: Vin Diesel / Book: Morgan Freeman / Simon: Billy Crudup / Kaylee: Kirsten Dunst / River: Neve Campbell / Inara: Monica Bellucci)

I think Wilson, Freeman and Belluci are great calls. Dunst is pretty good, too, but she'd bring such a different, less subtle vibe, I think. Well, no, she toned it down in "Virgin Suicides." Hmm. But I can't keep straight who Billy Crudup is, and I LOVE Tim Roth, but don't see him as Mal. I'd rather change Zoe's race than cast Pinkett. Neve Campbell and Vin Diesel ... .

Harrison Ford could've done Mal once ... picture the Ford from Witness and Mosquito Coast, not Indy and Star Wars.

Oh, oh! Kiefer Sutherland as Mal! He can do haunted, he can do merciless ... he'd rock (not as well as Nathan, but still ...).

Brad Pitt as Jayne ... remember the menace he brings to "Fight Club" coupled with the dumb con boy from "Thelma & Louise." Scuff him up a little and you get a different, but potentially interesting, take on Jayne.



Friday, February 6, 2004 3:37 AM


Ooo! Owen Wilson as Wash! I wouldn´t have thought of it but now that you mention it... ~chuckle~

Don´t know if I agree with Pitt as Jayne though. Pitt is very talented, to be sure, but he´s more fast-talking-insane-guy than big-stupid-and-proud-of-it-guy. Pitt would have given Jayne an entierly different edge. (Man! I miss Jayne. ~sniff~)


Friday, February 6, 2004 6:27 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

FOFFilms wrote:



Mal - Tim Roth
Zoe - Jada Pinkett Smith
Wash - Owen Wilson
Jayne - Vin Diesel
Book - Morgan Freeman
Simon - Billy Crudup
Kaylee - Kirsten Dunst
River - Neve Campbell
Inara - Monica Bellucci

I can kind of see Roth as Mal, but I don't think he could do the character the justice Nathan does.
JP Smith as Zoe? Not too sure on that one. Zoe is a character that definitely reflects a military background, but she has a sense of humor and seems to have a softer layer underneath. Jada P Smith has always seemed pretty rigid in her acting to me. Not sure she could pull off the lighter side of Zoe, though she would do great in the military/butt kicking side.

Owen Wilson as Wash would be great. I love Wilson's jovial/comical approach to things. I think he would be excellent.

Vin Diesel as Jayne?!? Please kill me. Vin can not act his way out of a wet paper bag. He is like the Gen X version of Sylvester Stallone. He has all the acting ability of drying paint.

Morgan Freeman would make an excellent Book. I absolutely love Morgan and everything he has done. He has a way of really bringing a character to life.

Billy Crudup would do okay as Simon, but no way could he replace our Sean Maher.

Kirsten Dunst is starting to come into her own, but still can't top Jewel.

Neve Campbell is good, but seems to have hit a flat line on her acting development. I don't think Neve has the ability to play a character as dynamic as River. Summer was born for that role.

Monica Bellucci is beautiful, and to me personally, she is exotic looking enough to pull off the role of a Companion. Her acting talent is very good. I could see her in the role of Inara, though I would never want to replace Morena.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, February 6, 2004 1:23 PM



Originally posted by foffilms:
NOW - NOW - All I'm saying is this is a list of who could play the roles in a big budget feature if all the actors who already played the roles were somehow locked in a box and never existed.

Is that like Schroedinger's Cat? Inside the box is the perfect TV show, but if you open the box the TV show vanishes.

Let's try telling all the TV execs that, send them gift wrapped shoe boxes, and while their busy staring, sneak in and re-commission the show. Its so crazy, it might just work.

"I threw up on your bed"


Friday, February 6, 2004 1:47 PM


While I tend to agree with everyone on Jada as Zoe, I was realing pushign to think of someone with the strength and was really floundering. Sadly.

If you disregard race for casting (which you could in any case on any character IMHO) I would say Carla Gugino has the allure and strength for Zoe.

But I have to disagree that Vin Diesel can't act his way out of a wet paper bag - just because he has terrible taste in scripts - check out Boiler Room - he has a very great comical sensability in it.

THOUGH I would absolutely go with THE ROCK, Dwayne Johnson as Jayne - I mean, his stint on SNL shows he has the comic chops and he certainly has the muscle...

I just happen to think Tim Roth can play anything, and he could bring a stoic sensability the Mal needs. Though trying to think of someone who could do justice to the role after Nathan is tough.

I'd also flop over to Vigo Mortenson... He's a definite possibility...

Kirst Dunst in Drop Dead Gorgeous, shows her jubilent side - she doesn't have the same allure as Jewel, but c'mon - who does.... Meow....

Billy Crudup is so stellar - I think he is gold in everything I've seen him in.

And I think Neve is really coming into her own - I think she could play "crazy like a river" but also I could see Evan Rachel Wood (Thirteen).

Yes. Yes... Hmmm....

Mal - Tim Roth / Vigo Mortenson
Zoe - Carla Gugino
Wash - Owen Wilson
Book - Morgan Freeman
Kaylee - Kirsten Dunst
Inara - Monica Bellucci
Simon - Billy Crudup
River - Evan Rachel Wood
Jayne - The Rock

Have at me!
Firefly Fan Film - Coming SOON


Friday, February 6, 2004 3:07 PM


Tim Roth as Mal? Nononono... NO! I love Tim Roth, I think he has fantastic comedic talent but to see him as Mal? Absolutely not! I think I speak for the entire female population when I say that he simply doesn’t have the sex appeal to make a good captain of Serenity.

Also have to make my stand for Vin. The man’s got it. Watch "Pitch Black" and you’ll know what I mean.

My alternatives to your alternatives:

Mal - Ewan McGregor (Mischief incarnate! He could have pulled it off. Think less Obi Wan and more "Down with love")
Zoe - Angelina Jolie (Queen of kick ass-ed-ness, need I say more?)
Wash - Tobey Maguire (Can be both funny and wimpy at the same time. Great underdog.)
Book - Alan Rickman (If I ever cast a movie/TV show I’d cast him as something based on his sheriff of Nottingham alone. Brilliant actor.)
Kaylee - Sandra Bullock (Had the hardest time with this casting. Picked Sandra for her charm and warmth.)
Inara - Julia Ormond (A younger Julia... Vulnerable and classy at the same time.)
Simon - Alexis Denisof / Colin Firth (Can’t think of any better snobs at the moment.)
River - Milla Jovovich (Fifth Element... she’s got that jabberwocky part down REAL good.)
Jayne - Hugh Jackman (Has the strength and sarcasm to be a runner up.) / Dennis Leary (Just for the attitude.)


Friday, February 6, 2004 3:34 PM


Don't anyone get creeped out, but consider...

Alexis Denisof for Mal
(I used to hate Denisof, but have come to like him best of Angel's crew. Whedon declared Denisof to be one of his finest actors in an interview some time ago. I concur.)

Nicky Brendon for Wash

and...think about it before rejecting:

Sarah Michelle Geller for River.

Others pending....



Friday, February 6, 2004 3:50 PM


Here's my whole list:

Mal... Alexis Denisof
Zoe... Eliza Dushku
Wash... Nicky Brendon
Jayne... David Boreanaz (Brendan Fehr = okay)
Kaylee... Alyson Hannigan
Inara... Charisma Carpenter
Simon... James Marsters
River... Sarah Gellar
Book... Ron Glass (Accept no substitutes.)

Scream all you want. It's my world.



Friday, February 6, 2004 9:12 PM



have you ever watched anything other than a whedon show? LOL


Originally posted by Ruxton:
Here's my whole list:

Mal... Alexis Denisof
Zoe... Eliza Dushku
Wash... Nicky Brendon
Jayne... David Boreanaz (Brendan Fehr = okay)
Kaylee... Alyson Hannigan
Inara... Charisma Carpenter
Simon... James Marsters
River... Sarah Gellar
Book... Ron Glass (Accept no substitutes.)

Scream all you want. It's my world.

Firefly Fan Film - Coming SOON


Saturday, February 7, 2004 10:39 AM



You found me out.

[Ektually, ever since the first airing of episode 1 of Buffy, I have asked myself: Why bother?]



Saturday, February 7, 2004 1:35 PM



Originally posted by Ruxton:

[Ektually, ever since the first airing of episode 1 of Buffy, I have asked myself: Why bother?]


Here here!


Saturday, February 7, 2004 2:54 PM


Uma Thurman as Saffron

Or as Mal might have had to start calling her, The Bride.

Sliders: Gate Haven -


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:38 AM


I love Uma Thurman in every role. :)


Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:01 PM



Originally posted by Ruxton:

(I used to hate Denisof, but have come to like him best of Angel's crew. Whedon declared Denisof to be one of his finest actors in an interview some time ago. I concur.)

I agree! I didn´t like him either when he was on Buffy. Now he´s my favorite.

Remember that episode in season two of Angel where Wes had to pretend to be Angel?
A big bully is holding Cordy at gunpoint, looking for Angel.
Wes puts Angel´s long black coat on and storms into the room.
-I´m Angel! [trips on the coat] You looking for me?
(Love that entire episode. )


Sunday, February 8, 2004 12:54 PM


This whole alternative casting is kind of fun to contemplate. I´ll play. (Not that I would ever, ever want to replace the current actors.)

Mal. To me, Nathan Fillion just captures this character so incredibly well, it´s practically impossible to imagine someone else in the part. If I had to chose though, I would go with Brendan Fraser. He´s great at comedy but from what I´ve seen he can do drama really well, too.

Zoe. Another tough one. I honestly couldn´t think of anyone to replace Gina at first, she´s just so perfect for Zoe. But then I thought about Khandi Alexander who plays the coroner in CSI Miami. She has a cool and calm about her that I feel echoes Gina in many ways. I can see her as a "kick-ass warrior woman". I think.

Wash. I´ve been trying to imagine Owen Wilson as Wash, and while I can see him doing the comedy parts, I can´t really see him in the more dramatic scenes. For instance, in "Out of Gas" when Mal tells Wash to get to the bridge and Wash refuses, that whole scene I can´t really picture Wilson in. Perhaps John Cusack or Jay Mohr, but I don´t feel like even they can match Alan Tudyk.

Jayne. For some reason I ´ve been thinking about Vince Vaughn in this part. I´ve seen some of the movies he´s been in and I think he´s a pretty good actor, someone who can balance between the "muscle" that is Jayne but also a lot of the stuff that Adam Baldwin keeps under the surface.
He manages to make Jayne likeable despite the fact, that on paper, the character is kind of the opposite.

Simon. I just don´t know. I like Sean Maher so much! Maybe Joaquin Phoenix. Maybe.

River. I managed to watch the episode "Damage" (Angel) recently which featured Navi Rawat as the psycho slayer Dana and got a distinct "River vibe" off her. (It could just be the crazy talk.) I thought she was really, really good at displaying both the "crazy" part of the character but even the vulnerability. Before seeing this episode I couldn´t think of anyone else as River except maybe Alison Lohman.

Kaylee. Anyone playing the part of Kaylee has to have the same natural sweetness as Jewel Staite has. You just can´t act all of that. I was thinking maybe Scarlett Johansson (Lost in translation).

Book. Like Browncoat1 said, I think Morgan Freeman would be excellent in this part. He certainly has the range for it.

Inara. Morena Baccarin doesn´t engage me as much as the rest of the cast do, unfortunately. I don´t feel like she inhabits her part as well as the others do. At least not yet. Although, I thought she was pretty funny in "Our Mrs Reynolds" and I felt for her in "Heart of Gold" when she cried over Mal. I also like how sweet she is towards Kaylee and River. She´s like a big sister to both of them. So, who to choose? Krista Allen is a possibility.



Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:06 PM


Argh! I suck at this whole trying to underline or write in bold letters. Why do I even try?


Sunday, February 8, 2004 1:55 PM


Oh man, John Cusack as Wash! Why didn´t I think of that? ~slaps forhead~ That should have been mine.


Sunday, February 8, 2004 7:24 PM


Gweilo, Wes got me when he upped with the two 1911s (big 45 autos), emptied them, dropped them and went to work with the shotgun. Just amazin' good stuff, a huge surprise to me, and well performed as well. His Don-Johnsonesque unshaven look also helped set the mood.

Zoe: Vicky Pratt (Mutant X) would be near-perfect in that role.






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