Male and Female Imponderables-A ramblin man

UPDATED: Friday, November 3, 2006 16:02
VIEWED: 5619
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Friday, November 3, 2006 10:31 AM


about 5'6".

Ha ha.

I'm good. Getting ready to run my evening reports then scoot home. I work 8-4, EST.

How's things with you?

EDit: Kel, you posted while I was typing. See response above! I need to stop by your bar one of these days. I haven't posted in there for a while. I'm in need of a 7 & 7...


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:33 AM


RIMG and Spaceanjl- I sympathise...after our cat maimed the vet, he asked that we tranquilize him before entering the vets office ( of course knowing he's not the one who has to get the pill down Lovecraft's throat)

Rugbug- hmm I would have thought most folks around horses would know that too, but what did your barn poll reveal?

Tristan- poke poke ( sorry just felt like poking)

I've been trapped in meeting all day. Brain has died....on the upside I finally managed to talk another teacher into switching rooms with me so I can have the class I wanted ( right next to my best friend and as far away from the main office as you can the principal will never know when I'm late )

First kiss- well first meeting of lips was playing truth or dare.
First real kiss- long story short...ok no way I can tell this story without going deep into TMI and embarrassing myself so...never mind
I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:33 AM


Mavs - Not too bad. Another boring Friday. Deposited the paycheck so the excitement is now used up for the day. Work 9:00-6:00 EST so I gots about 2.5 hours left unless I can skip out early.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:38 AM


Same here, Kel, only I have direct deposit...

I don't take an official lunch break, just munch for a few minutes at my desk, so I get to work 8-4 instead of 8-5.

I beat a lot of rush hour traffic this way; a saving grace.


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:42 AM


I guess okay. GND called last night to say she's doin' fine. They were halfway to the rodeo and it felt like she was callin' to check in. Honestly, it felt a little wierd.


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:46 AM


OK NV- Pay attention to the signal here...she is checking in with her special guy. We girls like to do that when we go away from the guy who's most important to us. Makes us feel connected and plus we miss him....just thought you should know that:)

Mavoureen- so how do you say lunch break in italian?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:47 AM


Hey NVG:

My wife has this theory about men. It is called the Brick Theory. What she means by it is that you can take a brick and write "I want you" or "I love you" or some other such line and throw it at a guy. Hit him square in the head and he will pick it up. Only after that will a guy realize that you are interested.
Needless to say she told me it took a whole wall. So this is for you about GND Your own Brick Wall!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:51 AM



Originally posted by msg:

Mavoureen- so how do you say lunch break in italian?

Intervallo di pranzo, I think. My Italian is limited to "Where the f**k is my container?" and "Where the f**k are my leather samples?"

Gotta run, all. Have a great weekend. See y'all here on Monday.


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:53 AM


Have a great weekend Mavoureen...:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:58 AM


Actually, my print job has decided to be difficult. I'm still here...for a moment.

Why "lunch break"?


Friday, November 3, 2006 10:59 AM


My Own Worst Enemy. Theme song for the day.

Thats not all she said. I feel like I'm bein' tested. She also mentioned her older friend and that I should take her out. Okay, she's 40. I'd go out with a woman of that age in a heartbeat. But she's also been married six? times. She's a great woman but she also has at least one boyfriend she wrassles with and GND's uncle is in on the chase. So I feel no need for any such drama.

We spent the night at her house last weekend after watching movies late. I got to meet her dog Abe who regretably had to be put down this week. I picked his body up from the vet before they closed. I think GND wants me to make sure she's okay while she's gone.


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:00 AM


Howdy again, all!
Remember how I said I would be posting more today because things were a bit calmer? Work has made a liar out of me. I *think* it's back to being calm, but I am not holding my breath on that one...

DTH! Been missing you!

MSG, ma'am, you can poke at me anytime at all!

NVG, the more I read about the GND, the more intrigued I get.

KelKhil, thank you for the laugh! That is so bloody true! Bricks. Bricks are good!

Have a great weekend, Mavourneen! And a to hope things get better!



Friday, November 3, 2006 11:04 AM


Intruiged you say? Any vexing questions? It seems the questions everyones had for me really helped me see the light in alot of things.


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:04 AM


Well, MsG has wandered off somewhere. Tidbit is a waitin' !

Tristan, NV, Kel, all else. Have a great weekend, again, everyone.

MsG- Don't forget to tell me why "lunch break" on Monday.

:waves goodbye:


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:05 AM


Rock the weekend Mav!


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:06 AM


Just wondered if you knew what it was Mavoureen:) I'm somewhat non-sequiter:)

NV- No you're being dispatched on one of the numerous "send boyfriend to take care of, help out, move something for, check the plumbing of, friend errands. We do that too. We know we can trust you to be nice to our friends and such 'cause you like us:)

Tristan- so how's the dating the drama girl thing going?

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:12 AM


NVG, it jst seems like she is interested in you. Y'all seem to get along well...she does not seem to be playing any games like she who shall not be named (other than trying to hook you up woth someone else) there any attraction from your side? Might warrant looking in to...

Bye, Mavourneen!

MSG, the dating is going wonderfully! We are going out again this evening, and then my brother and his wife will be joining us for dinner the following week. It's great, it really is. We have a lot in common, get along fantastically, and enjoy each other's company. There's no pressure from either one of us to hurry things along, and no desire for a serious relationship, either...two people with a lot in common just going day-to-day. This is a very nice change from the recent past.



Friday, November 3, 2006 11:14 AM


See I told you dating is fun:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:14 AM


Oh yeah. Her stepdad might be going for wood this weekend and she asked that I go with him. He's had multiple bypasses, but has always been one of the strongest and most patient people I'd ever known.

(Tries to avoid MSG's statement)

So, Tristan, how's thing on your front? Thanks for the "she who shall not be named" referance. Couldn't help but laugh out loud. What attraction might you be referring to? the attraction to the friend?


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:18 AM


Good for you Tristan! Glad to here you are having a good time.

NVG - Look for the little things in GND. Did she fiddle with her hands alot while you two were out with the kids Trick or Treating? Was she looking at you when you wern't suppose to notice? Any sighing for no reason? Did she "bump" into you alot while walking? these are all bricks in the wall!

Whe I think of more I will continue.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:19 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
No details Zeek?

No exciting ones. Watching a movie on the couch. After it was over we made out a bit.


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:20 AM


Don't make me give you the sister bap, know what you need to do!!!! Now get out there mister:) HUGS and such. You do what is best for you and makes YOU happy. 'Cause you need to be happy. You DESERVE it!

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:26 AM


NVG, I guess so...if there is any attraction to the GND as more than a friend. The way you describe her, she sounds wonderful, and may be a good match for you. Just me thinking of you being happy, brudda...let me know if I have crossed the line by suggesting anything.

Beyond that, all is going well with me. The bar's about ready for a Shindig...just let me know when you are headed my way!

MSG, dating is the best thing that has happened to me in awhile.

Thanks again, KelKhil!



Friday, November 3, 2006 11:27 AM


Ok have to go get my nails done. Will be back in about an hour:) If I don't see you ( any of you) before I get back...have a great weekend HUGS:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:29 AM


Where did the wisdom come from K? How the f^(k did you know? Can you see brick marks or does it show in the typing? There were plenty of little things like that. I guess it didn't help me bein' all concerned and all about her yesterday when she mentioned being hungry at work and I showed up with a sandwich and Arizona Sweet Tea.
One more thing. She told me not to do anything drastic with "she who shall not be named" this weekend. I don't know what that was all about. I don't want a damn thing to do with her.


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:40 AM


Admittedly, yes Tristan. But that seems to be the one thing I'm leery of after "she who shall not be named".
But needless to say, yes. Very much so.

Almost forgot. If I don't see ya here later MSG, I'l hoefully see ya next week. Thanks for the alignment.


Friday, November 3, 2006 11:43 AM


NVG, I understand. It's good to know, though.



Friday, November 3, 2006 11:55 AM


Hane you posted more pics of the shiny pub? I can hadly wait to see it in person. May be a while, but I still wanna.


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:03 PM


HAppy Friday Eveniing Ponderers.

Just popping in for a bit.

NV - This girl likes you ,sweetie.I understand you're leery, but don't let it pass you by.
And bringing her lunch was wonderful.There should be more thoughtful men like you in the world .


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:05 PM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Where did the wisdom come from K? How the f^(k did you know?

To quote myself earlier. The wife said that it took an entire wall for me.

I pride myself in being able to read people. Just not when I am interested in said person.

Those are invitations Bub. The fiddling with hands means she wanted to hold your hand but was afraid to take the first step. The looking when you are not suppose to notice was her building up courage to make the move. The sighing was two fold: giving up on making the first move and fustraited that you did not notice her looking and decided to make a move.

So when she gets home take her out and MAKE A MOVE. Nothing too fast mind you. Just hold her hand when you are walking.

Good luck!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:06 PM



Well, I'm bound to be someones bitch. Why not someone I actually like?


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:14 PM


Oh, the hand holding thing. We cuddled a bit when we spent the night at her friends house. Mostly to get warm. I love holding hands beyond all belief.
Did I mention she dances? My grace is limited to pretty much caveman proprtions so I really want to learn. One thing that really gets my goat.
She's good at everything she does. Who does that? I can't master crap but have a general knowledge of many things. No comprende.


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:22 PM


NVG, not yet. There are two in the Blue Sun room...I may have some pictures of it in use this weekend...we'll see about that.
Just let me know when you'll be heading out. Heck, after D*C, you may want to swing by for a day or two!

LA29! Evening! Hope all is going well in your neck of the 'Verse!

Amen, KelKhil!

Hey, NVG, see if you can get her to teach you to dance...that might be a good thing!



Friday, November 3, 2006 12:22 PM


She probably thinks the same thing about herself and that you are good at everything!

But if she makes you happy then you're Golden man.

The one thing that most people don't have in their relationships with the opposite sex is friendship. Its kinda important. You not only have to love the person, you have to like them too.

She sounds like a really good person. You make her sound that way so we know you think she is! The only thing left is to take that first step.

Good Luck with that! We're rooting you on!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:32 PM



Originally posted by Kelkhil:
The only thing left is to take that first step.

Oh oh someone who's all down with the posting pictures thing, post the little lobster dude from the little mermaid and then someone else who's down with the singng thing, sing "kiss the girl".


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:38 PM


(Shakes in horror)
Little Mermaid flashback. I musta seen that movie at least twenty times. Doncha love little sisters.

But a good enough suggestion. But I like having my friend for now. Don't get me wrong. If the chance arrives I ain't passing it up.

I gotta go for a few hours. Another fun class to teach and I must work up some motivation.

Must block out mental kissing images.


Friday, November 3, 2006 12:56 PM


Zeek, this is where we would need the expertise of Penguin...

NVG, we'll be waiting to cheer you on.

I am out for the weekend, y'all. Have a good one!



Friday, November 3, 2006 1:10 PM


RugBug - Specifically, just the names of any other manuals on the subject of how to find, treat and train a war horse. Any time period or culture is good.

I can recall reading in "Hagakure" how Yamamoto Tsunetomo admonishes people who cut tendons in their horses legs in order for them to take longer strides, so I know that many different cultures have had different and sometimes extreme opinions on how to make a horse worthy of battle.

SPACEANJL - If you have any medieval treasties or manuals on battle oriented horsemanship, I'd love to know about them. I already know a great deal from larger strategical standpoint (How to employ a cavalry in general) but I'm looking for more specific technique oriented writtings.

Tristan - My first kiss happened when I was only 5 years old. My mother and I were at a friend of the family's house. I was appearently annoying their daughter who was my age. She then proceeded to force me to the ground and kiss me.

I swore I'd NEVER let it happen again.

Kelkhil - I don't know what women are like where you're from, but I think it's bull that any of them could claim we need a brick thrown at us to know when they're giving us attention. The way females act these days, with so many of them being flirts just by nature, and other portions just doing wierd things (How exactly does batting your eye lashes translate to "ask me out"?) to get your attention, well fuck, why don't they do the asking? Flirting in general seems a pointless exercise to me, all of this "Do they/Don't they?" "Should I/Shouldn't I?" crap... how does the ability to communicate through body language and pick up on "vibes" translate to worthiness? The whole damn system's screwy and primitive, and I get sick watching it take place.

Did I rant again?

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, November 3, 2006 1:46 PM


I have to agree with you on the game /flirting thing.Seems to me if you like someone you should just say so & avoid the whole stupid game thing.
I've seen too many friends fall prey to it.Sad to Watch some otherwise smart people act like fools & get heartbroken.

Have you completely ruled out women or are you waiting for the right one ?


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, November 3, 2006 2:17 PM


See that is just it CMH. The "should I shouldn't I" thing goes both ways. You think you are the only one going through it when you are interested in a woman. Chances are she is too! The difference is she was probably brought up by her folks and society to never make the first move. "Only loose girls make the fist move"! It is sad but that is how it is looked at by society. Not all flirting is meant to hurt. Sometimes it is meant to tell you that it is ok to make that first move.

Oh and it is a metaphorical brick.


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 2:22 PM


Kelkhil ,how did you get to be so wise ?


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, November 3, 2006 2:34 PM


See my face is kinda flat from all the falling on it!


The Shirtless Forsaken


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:05 PM


Hi everyone! This is Kelkhil's wife. Just had to pop on to say a few things....

NVG: Dear many clues do you possibly need? She called you while she was going on vacation, just to "check in?" She's missing you...and let me tell you that we don't call are friends after half a day just 'cause we miss 'em, it's because we miss them (in this case, you) on a much deeper level. She's droppin' so many hints, you need a shovel to clean it up (I mean it in a good way!). Oh, I don't know about the other girls out there, but most of us tend NOT to "cuddle" with mere friends, either. Hold her hand, bring her lunch more often (GOOD move, by the way), give her a quick kiss on her palm (weakens the knees, that one), smile at her, or the good stand-by - start a tickle fight!

Oh yeah, and the "Brick Theory" states: A girl can write "I like you" on a brick, throw it at a guy's head, and he'll wonder why the brick likes takes a few to get the point across.

And while I agree that us females should step up and make the first move more often, it's hard. Yeah, society's traditions do get pounded into us early, but I think it's more of a self-esteem issue. Sad but true.

Ummmmm....sorry if I was a bit bold! Hope you all let me come back sometime!

Look for the ridiculous in everything and you will find it.


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:19 PM


Laurelin- Oh thank you thank you thank you... See it's not just me NV...we all think she wants you! HUGS and I hope it all goes well. BTW lovely name Laurelin:)

CMH- See and I have tons of guys who were completely put off by how up front I am. I, if I am interested ( of course prior to marriage) would walk right upa nd tell I guy I liked him and wanted to go out. Had more guys run in terror than I can count. I don't think guys need bricks or girls for that matter. If you just straight up say what you need or tell someone how you brick needed. It's like the psychic present thing..girls thinking guys should psychicly( this feels like I spelled it wrong, but that could be the merlot talking) "know" what they want and then getting all mad when the guy guesses wrong. If you want something...say so.It's remarkably effective:) Guys if you like a girl...say I like you , wanna go out. She'll either say yes or no. Then you know for sure...divination and interpretation are for crystal balls! OK not ranting any more...

HUGS and such to all and sundry. Kelkhil's wife it was lovely to meet you:)

I choose to rise instead of fall- U2


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:20 PM


Kelkhil - Well that's their damn fault for letting society set a standard for them! Look at me, I don't live by common social standards (Save for the ones I'd get arrested for not abiding by) and people think I'm anything from evil to utterly insane! But do I care!? NO! I know the truth! I am prepared for the impending collapse of America! I sleep on the floor because it's just manlier that way! I don't inebriate myself because it would make me less efficient! And I send bullets to people for Valentines Day!

*points gun* Who wants it!?

Where am I? Oh yeah. Women should know that the only thing that makes them "loose" is sexual permiscuitiy, and be confident enough to make the first move without feeling "skanky". People in general need to start placing more value on stoicism.

LittleAlbatross - My life will be consumed in a raging fire before I reach the age of 40. There can be no attatchments when that happens, so I'm celibate until Odin calls me home.

Also, women cause headaches.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkiries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:30 PM


I thoght we weaken legs.

Although we are very differnt CMH I really respect your devotion to your standards.And are you sure about the raging fire thing ?Somehow I picture you as more of a survivor.

We can't know what the Gods have in store for us.Maybe you'll live to 90 & settle down.All cozy & the like.


I swallowed a bug.


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:31 PM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Laurelin:
Hi everyone! This is Kelkhil's wife. Just had to pop on to say a few things....

Wondered what that loud "thump" was. Kelkhil being shoved off the computer chair onto the floor! Wow, fella. All that military training doesn't help you with Jack when it comes to the Missus, huh. Purty sure that's just the way of things...

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:43 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hello Laurelin!! I'm so glad you made it!! Hey Imponderers! - this is my 'sister-in-law' y'all! (since Kelkhil is my 'twin' brother!) How's all the snow??

I love your theory!! I was grinning at Kelkhil's passing on his wisdom and thinking that it probably took him ages to get it and now that you two are happily married you've probablly had to explain it several times... in short words!! Welcome to the Imponderables and please, please, please come back often!

MsG! Hey Li'l Sis! Are you about this weekend? Hugs to you and MisterG!

Hello LittleAlbatross!! thank you for the email sweetheart - I'm about to reply! You are just way too clever for me!

NVG! - I can't tell you how very right my Laurelin is about GND... she does like you! (and, frankly, who can blame her?) Oy! I can vouch for all of things she says - and I have thrown bricks at guys until you might think they were intellectually damaged by it... maybe they were coz one or two of them told me years later that they didn't have a clue!! Oh - and brushing a stray hair out of her face works wonders just before you take her hand... *sigh*

Mavourneen - thank you so much sweetheart! I love being part of this community and though it is sometimes hard to be in a totally opposite time zone - it makes the world seem so very much smaller when I feel I have friends in the USA too! PM me your address & I'll send Carson a postcard!

I know I'm forgetting something important, but appologies to all! I have lots to do & little time to do it!...


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:54 PM


Magda, my treasured friend.
It figures that now that you're here I'm off to put Dylan to bed & watch some tv before bed. A very exciting Friday night I know.Hope you're doing well. Have you heard that there's Baileys with chocolate mint ?
I'm going to stop at the pub for some & then I'm off for the night.Enjoy your night/day Magda ! I'm looking forward to your email as always.

I swallowed a bug.


Friday, November 3, 2006 3:57 PM

LAURELIN guys are great..

JQ: that "thump" was Kelkhil knocking the chair over to get to the fridge 'cause I bought him beer today (I know the way to a guy's heart!).

Mags: Hello again! I didn't realize I had another sister-in-law, but I sure am glad to have one! And please, please, come take some of our snow away!! By the way, Kelkhil brushed a strand of hair out of my face during our wedding (a true "awwwww, how sweet" moment) and I agree that that would be a nice addition. Wonder if he's taking notes?
The brick I used with Kelkhil was this: I was telling a mutual friend about the brick theory while staring pointedly at him. After we'd been dating for a few weeks he asked if that was for his benefit (I told him "Of course not!" HA! guess the secret's out now).

You're never too old to have a happy childhood!






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