
UPDATED: Monday, November 6, 2006 19:06
VIEWED: 5691
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Friday, November 3, 2006 6:56 PM


I am suddenly filled with such panic and distress. I keep thinking "O.k maybe this month there will be the news that Firefly has been picked up again" but still nothing! I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like time is running out. Am I just over-reacting or does anyone else feel this way?

One of my friends made the comment to me the other day that Firefly is not coming back and that it is all over. Is it true? What is the situation?

I mean I don't want to give up hope but...

"When you can't run anymore, you crawl, and when you can't do find someone to carry you."-The Message


Friday, November 3, 2006 7:09 PM


I'm still hopeful. In fact, I'm more hopeful now than I ever have been before. I can't really say why.

Maybe a hug would help transfer some of the hope from me to you?


Don't lose hope!


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, November 3, 2006 7:13 PM


There's that four letter word again.

I don't know. Me, I had a real bad week, last week, what with the stuff going on with 11th Hour and whatnot. I've stopped wearing my Firefly cap, put my browncoat away, that sort of thing. Hard to say, for me, I get moody from time to time, ask anybody.

All I can *hope* for, at this point, is for NBC/Universal/SciFi to turn it around. NBC is currently doing great with Heroes, SciFi has BSG and Dr. Who, to be joined, *hope*fully, by the Dresden Files. Maybe, maybe.

I believe in Firefly. None of this would touch me at all if I didn't love it.



Friday, November 3, 2006 7:20 PM


I've still got hope...but I've gotta admit...sometimes I wonder.

My hope is mostly rooted in the fact that, yes, everyone who was once involved will jump at the chance to come back. That, yes, there is more story to tell. That's where my hope rests.

Fact is, whether we get the 'verse back in any material form is, to me, less important then being sure we keep it alive in our hearts. Keep adding new recruits, keep making fanart and fics and shiny websites.

Someday, if we get another movie, or the show gets picked up again, we'll be here, and we'll make it the biggest, shiniest, highest-rated and/or attended THING ever. But 'till then, we hold. Hold as long as need be. The truth is, I don't think hope CAN die for this, no matter what likelyhood is.

Sometimes, I think that maybe we've run out of lives. That we've already risen again and that it won't happen again.

Then I dosen't matter. If nothing comes, we've got what we have. And it's our job to hold. As Zoe once said "Hold this position, if we loose this, we loose everyithing." Well, I'm holding. and if something comes of it, well, won't that just be the shinest thing ever? And if nothing comes...then you just keep waiting. Keep hoping. As time goes past, we'll just wait.

It'll never be to late.

And that's why there will always be hope.

One day.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
On June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, November 3, 2006 8:15 PM



Originally posted by LadyKnight:
I've still got hope...but I've gotta admit...sometimes I wonder.

My hope is mostly rooted in the fact that, yes, everyone who was once involved will jump at the chance to come back. That, yes, there is more story to tell. That's where my hope rests.

Fact is, whether we get the 'verse back in any material form is, to me, less important then being sure we keep it alive in our hearts. Keep adding new recruits, keep making fanart and fics and shiny websites.

Someday, if we get another movie, or the show gets picked up again, we'll be here, and we'll make it the biggest, shiniest, highest-rated and/or attended THING ever. But 'till then, we hold. Hold as long as need be. The truth is, I don't think hope CAN die for this, no matter what likelyhood is.

Sometimes, I think that maybe we've run out of lives. That we've already risen again and that it won't happen again.

Then I dosen't matter. If nothing comes, we've got what we have. And it's our job to hold. As Zoe once said "Hold this position, if we loose this, we loose everyithing." Well, I'm holding. and if something comes of it, well, won't that just be the shinest thing ever? And if nothing comes...then you just keep waiting. Keep hoping. As time goes past, we'll just wait.

It'll never be to late.

And that's why there will always be hope.

{sniffel} That was just beautiful. Well said!

One summer.
One mission.
One army of Browncoats.
Starting June 23rd, we aim to misbehave.


Friday, November 3, 2006 8:22 PM


Hello Icankillyouwithmybrain:

We are here to convince FOX to either resume Firefly or release the rights so another network can start producing the show. We continue to grow in numbers and show ourselves by buying the DVD's. Firefly has been mentioned by other websites and the message continues to grow stronger. There is a thread that leads to a website to vote for your favorite TV show. If you go there you will see Firefly is in fifth place. Not bad when you consider all the programs that have existed since television sets have found their place in our homes.

I'm not going to make you any promises. I have no say in any network or power over Joss Whedon.
But here is a place that does bring hope. I have found wonderful people here and they have shared their desire to bring this show back.

You must remember what you do have. The original episodes and the movie that came out last year.

I nearly missed out on this myself. I only got a glimpse of Firefly when it first aired and then it was gone. I had completely forgotten about Firefly. Then I went to Best Buys to pick up a couple of movies to add to my collection and I spotted the Firefly collection. I saw Ron Glass on the cover and new this must be a good show. I have never seen Ron Glass without enjoying what ever he is a part of. And as you know after watching the first couple of episodes I came to share the same feeling for this terrific show as you must have. I new their must be a fansite and discovered this extraordinary place.

So we have a lot already. Do not worry about the episodes that could be and learn to cherish those you have.

Come here and make friends to share this with. We have dicovered that we are from different backgrounds and are very diverse group of people. Our backgrounds vary in every way. Some of us are loud and bellow, while others are quite and still. It may be that Firefly is going on right here. There are Malcolms and Rivers and Jaynes amoungst us. We play and joke and question. So if you are looking for more Firefly, then look here. I have discovered new friends and I know there are people here who want to be yours. Be a part of us.

You have picked up that bright little gem called Firefly that Fox tossed to the ground and that makes you a Browncoat. I feel secure in saying we want to share that with you. To laugh at Jayne and cry with River and know that Mal never gives up. To see the love of Zoe and Wash. How Simon cares for his sister. To hear him say Mie Mie as he holds her in his arms. This is ours. You know what I'm talking about or you would not be here.

Does your alias mean River is your favorite character? She overcomes a lot of pain and fear.
I like the ending of the movie when she tells Mal to continue his speech, after he says, "You already know what I'm going to say." She wants to hear his words. I thought it was nice of her to let Mal express his feelings about Serenity.

Do you have some favorite scenes or quotes?

Let us know. That is why we are here.

I do not think we have met? Have you been here awhile or are you new to this site?

So if you are new, welcome.
I hope to see more posts from you.

Take care Icankillyouwithmybrain;


Friday, November 3, 2006 8:41 PM



Originally posted by IcanKillYouWithMyBrain:
I am suddenly filled with such panic and distress. I keep thinking "O.k maybe this month there will be the news that Firefly has been picked up again" but still nothing! I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel like time is running out. Am I just over-reacting or does anyone else feel this way?

One of my friends made the comment to me the other day that Firefly is not coming back and that it is all over. Is it true? What is the situation?

I mean I don't want to give up hope but...

Hmmm, maybe next month. End of the calendar year.

Time not running out. Still a year left on the contracts of all the actors. And even after that it just means re-negotiations. And they all want to do a sequel.

Here is something that just happened recently.
Universal owns the Sci-Fi Channel. Firefly is going to have another Marathon in December USA.
Sci-Fi Channel has a Firefly board.

Firefly used to be in the Classic SCIFI TV

But they have now moved it to SCI FI Channel section which acknowledges that they keep showing marathons.

Universal is showing Firefly on Unviersal HD AND Universal paid to have Firefly taken from film to High-Definition. Sci-Fi has started airing Firefly in France and probably other countries.

We still keep getting *NEW* Official merchandise.

Theaters keep screening Serenity. Charity Serenity Screenings keep happening. is hoping fans will outdue the Charity Serenity Screenings from 2006. Tote Board As Of September 25, 2006
With 41 Screenings Reporting $65,900.24 (Est.) raised for charity.

2007 New Serenity comic books.

2007 Serenity model with lights and spinning thing.

2007 New Serenity ornaments or something

There is money to be made in the 'verse.

Nathan (Our Captain) Fillion is going to be on LOST November 8th, 2006. His movie SLiTHER is out on DVD now. White Noise: The Light is being released in theaters January 5th, 2007. As more people find out about Nathan...more people find out about Firefly/Serenity. Same with any of our Big Darn Heroes.

Joss Whedon is going to be making the Wonder Woman movie. Same with Joss.

Did you realize has been active since 2002? See top right corner of home page.

We hold. We hold till Mal gets back.

Never say Never.


Saturday, November 4, 2006 12:27 AM


Since seeing the Movie last year I looked out for the Series, it was not shown on Sci Fi (UK) until recently so at least they have recognised it has a following!

Never give up hope! A war is slow and at times hard, and it is alway darkest before the dawn! TV execs are Business Men and that means build the support and when it becomes viable we are in!

failing that $200,000,000 jackpot on Euro jackpot on Friday if I win it I will pay myself.


Saturday, November 4, 2006 1:23 AM


Just to add a little here. The wifes brother is coming into town today. He is a lawyer in Houston,Tx and has many friends. He also is a Si/Fi kinda guy (he loves Trek and Planet of the Apes) which makes him a fellow friend of mine. I'll be sending a copy of the BDS back home with him. I'll be willing to bet he calls up wanting more. The verse is getting bigger every day. The rations may be getting low but "hold the line" FF/Serenity will return.


PS: Good luck Evilbungle. I hope you win !!


Saturday, November 4, 2006 3:48 AM


Hope, like faith, can be a miserable bitch. She tears you up inside like nothing else and can leave you gutted and empty and in complete darkness. As humans we can't help but believe that if enough of us form a community based on love, someone, something, sometime will see our faith/hope and respond, even if it's to take advantage of that for the purpose of making money. I have a sticker on my computer at work that reads, "Since I gave up hope, I feel so much better." Yet, I know I'm not fooling anyone let alone myself. Through two busted marriages and one that's starting to crack, I have tried to hang on to hope. Despite the fact hope hurts, in a ground-glass kinda way. I will add that even when things look the darkest and hope fades from sight and you fall down into that great, cold, black hole from which you feel you will never claw your way up again; out of the corner of your (mind's)eye there will always be a glimmer, a tiny sparkling shard that your passion cannot go unnoticed forever. That is hope and though she be a bitch and a tease and many times false she cannot be killed. Hope thrives on passion and love. I come to these boards for the glimmer and the sparkle and the hope. Keep holding.

"She's tore up plenty, but she'll fly true."


Saturday, November 4, 2006 4:46 AM


Hope? Of course...we hope and will continue hoping...

As Mal Said, "I may have been on the losing side, but I'm not convinced I was on the wrong side."

We hold until Mal gets back. Period.

Well, looks like things are going to get interesting. Define interesting. Oh god Oh god we're all going to die?


Saturday, November 4, 2006 6:35 AM



Originally posted by EvilBungle:
failing that $200,000,000 jackpot on Euro jackpot on Friday if I win it I will pay myself.

Hey, I forgot about lottery jackpots. I play the lottery where I am too. More Browncoats--more chances someone will win.

Serenity will some day show enough of a profit.

1. DVD sales.

2. Sales of Official merchandise. Universal gets a cut.

3. Box Office. Serenity is still showing in theaters. If you have 25 or more Browncoats, you can probably convince a theater that they will make a profit showing Serenity. Off times and off days are a good bet. Beer and pizza theaters too. Browncoats know how to shindig--and food and drink is where theaters make their money. Universal gets a % of ticket sales and/or rental fee of film.

4. Charity Serenity screenings are still being arranged by Browncoats. Universal gets a $250 rental fee. For more info on Charity Serenity Screenings, see

Spread the word about Firefly/Serenity. More people know about it--more people fall in love with it--more Browncoats. Which leads to more 1-4 and more Browncoats and also more chances that a Browncoat will win the lottery which can lead to more 1-4...


Sunday, November 5, 2006 5:37 PM


You guys are right, there is still hope. Can't stop the signal, right? Thankyou for easing my fears though. It really helps to know that there is still a fighting chance for the show, especially the whole universal/SiFi factor which is something I hadn't known before.

To answer your question Traveler: Yes, I guess my name does imply that River is my favorite character. It's a hard toss up between her and Mal though. I love all of the characters sooo much. I cry when they cry, I laugh when they laugh and I hurt when they hurt. It's hard for me to just watch the show, without living it.

I'm a huge fan and love this site, but I find I don't have much time to visit here with all the things going on in my day to day life. I have been a member for quite sometime. Maybe about a year and a half or so.

"When you can't run anymore, you crawl, and when you can't do find someone to carry you."-The Message


Sunday, November 5, 2006 5:50 PM


Kewl, another marathon on 12/12, 8 AM to 3 PM!

I wonder when Sci Fi will show Serenity? Is it still making Universal money on pay TV?



Sunday, November 5, 2006 6:56 PM



Originally posted by AlienZookeeper:
Kewl, another marathon on 12/12, 8 AM to 3 PM!

I wonder when Sci Fi will show Serenity? Is it still making Universal money on pay TV?


Yes, AlienZooKeeper, it is. It was just on HBO again this weekend. It'll be on regular tv before we know it. More recruits then too.

It's hard to keep hope when things are quiet on the battlefield and there aren't very many troops around you and there doesn't seem to be much point to the war. That's kind of where we are right now. And it may be that like grunts in the field, we have very little sway over what happens.
So that means we do what all good soldiers do, what Mal did in Serenity Valley.. we watch out for each other, we have each other's backs, we stay armed and active and we make points where we can ( buy the DVD's, watch the marathons and write SciFi, visit the SciFi board and overwhelm them with the sheer numbers of us there, buy the official merchandise, recruit, guerilla market and share the DVD's, both movie and tv show, try new campaigns and ideas to spread the 'Verse) and we hold, we hold right here waiting for Mal to get back. Cuz that's what he'd do for us. He'd hold. So I hold.

"You hold. Hold 'til I get back." Mal


Sunday, November 5, 2006 7:05 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

Hope = love.

"What the world needs now is love, sweet love - it's the only thing that there's just too little of. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. No, not just for some, but for everyone."


Monday, November 6, 2006 5:35 AM



Originally posted by IcanKillYouWithMyBrain:

I mean I don't want to give up hope but...

I still haven't given up hope, simply because you can just tell that it's not over! Everyday we get new people on this site who just found the show and love it! There's also the fact that every so often SciFi shows Firefly marathons, and don't forget that it's only been a year since the movie came out! There's still time!

Remember: "We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty!!"
Don't give up just yet!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Monday, November 6, 2006 6:03 AM


I still have some hope, but it's very small these days. If I was asked to put money on an outcome, I'd put my money down on no more verse in film.

I think there will be comics and novels and such, but the actors are getting older and moving on. I just don't see the practicality of the verse returning unless it happens incredibly soon.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:05 AM


I'm with you. My hope for a renewal of the series is about zero. But my hope for a new movie is still very high.

Everybody always has the advantage over us, but that's what makes us special...and Browncoats.


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:37 AM


Come on ppl!! Call me insane but we can not give up. There is more FF coming! I can feel it. I am very optimistic and up-beat about this. I will take the lash of 78.6 floggings before I would say FF is gone.

We may hear laughter and it may about us and behind our backs but when FF returns and the lucky studio is hauling in all that coin I will hold my head up and say " I was there. On that day when Mal and crew raised the Serenity flag." Some things are just in your bones.



Monday, November 6, 2006 7:58 AM


I waver between hope and despair.

But no matter how deep the depression (as stated on another thread...that sweet depression...) gets, I can't bring myself to give up.

I still visit this site everyday for news. I've found a lot of fun little video clips on, and as soon as I figure out how, I'd like to share them with everyone.

That keeps me flying....for now.

I just wish we could hear from the Big Damn Heros. Some little message saying they're still with us. All the stuff I see is at least one year old.
I hope they haven't forgotten us.

Burn the land and boil the sea...


Monday, November 6, 2006 8:12 AM



Originally posted by yinyang:
Hope = love.

love = everyone here on
AND MY GIRLFRIEND!!!! oh god my girlfriend..........does that make me a bad person???

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."


Monday, November 6, 2006 7:06 PM


Hello IcanKillYouWithMyBrain:

I can understand how share what the crew of Serenity feel.

My favorite is Jayne. We both have so much growing up to do. But like yourself I love them all.

You actually have been around a lot longer than I have, so when say you don't have much time to post, I see why we have not met before.

I'm glad we finally did meet. I certainly understand your concerns. When the movie came out I really started to believe. Universal realized we were out here. And that is what encouraged them to make "Serenity". So if our numbers keep growing, and they are, someone may say, "lets do it again."

So I am a lot more hopeful now. But most of all I am happy to meet such wonderful and caring people show, Firefly, draws to it.







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