Life Onboard Serenity: Journey To Beumount

UPDATED: Sunday, November 19, 2006 09:55
VIEWED: 13721
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Friday, October 20, 2006 8:11 PM



The wolf's on the prowl. Will return to the pack someday, but must take care of some things first. Tell E. I love her and don't let Jayne touch my guns.

"So what we going to do?" asked Wash.

Mal and Wash were the only ones on the bridge, the Black filling the forward window. Been about an hour since they'd lifted off to meet 13's people, when this new wave came through.

"Not sure. Although you checked it came from the same place as his Uncle's?" Mal said.

"Checked, checked and then double checked. Its the same place alright." Wash said pionting to the PoO line. Certainly showed the same place.

"Why can't the b*stard make up his mind if he's dead or not, why not come and tell, why leave us hurt and limping." Anger and frustration slowly crept into Mal's voice. "Why can't he tell us the whole truth!"

After a long pause Wash stated: "Everyone's going to be more messed up at this."

"I know." said Mal reaching for the ship wide comm, turning it on he said: "This is the captain, would all crew and passengers please report to the bridge.....and Jayne, don't touch Pain's guns!"



"awwwwww.. MAL!!!"

HE'S LIKE Jean Grey!!!


Saturday, October 21, 2006 1:13 PM


*Jayne was just about to go into Pain's bunk when he heard the Captain's message. To himself Jayne said*

Gorrammit why an' the hell not?

*Jayne let out a sigh and some choice words in Chinese and made his way onto the bridge. Jayne looked at Mal and said*

Why can't I touch Pain's guns? It ain't like he's alive or anythin'.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 22, 2006 8:24 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:

Why can't I touch Pain's guns? It ain't like he's alive or anythin'.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

oh the dramtic irony, oh the dramtic BUMP!!!!




Sunday, October 22, 2006 1:28 PM


*Mal replied to Jayne not turning around*

Actually he is Jayne 'cause we just received a wave from him.

*The news of Pain being alive confused Jayne a little as he said*

A what?

*Wash realizing that a moment to tease Jayne was in front of him, replied*

A wave. It's this nifty way of communicating with folks from far away.

*Jayne shot Wash a look and said*

I know what a wave is little man. Don't be insultin' my intelligence.

*Wash let out a chuckle and said*

You have intelligence? Since when?

*Before Jayne could reply Mal responded*

Alright enough teasin' Jayne about his smarts or lack there of. Pain's alive and well however we don't know why he ain't returning to Serenity.

*Jayne replied*

Does Fly know about this?

*Just then Fly's voice came from behind the men on the bridge. Her voice sounded a little weak from the crying she did in her bunk. Wiping tears from her eyes, Fly said*

Know about what?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, October 23, 2006 4:13 PM


BUMP!! Come on someone make with the posty.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 12:05 PM


"Pain's alive," 13 answered Fly. " 'On the prowl,' or something like that."

Now that he knew Pain wasn't dead after all, 13 preferred not to show that he cared. After all, he had an image to maintain.


Tuesday, October 24, 2006 7:28 PM


"You know if this is about coffee, i swear i'll get very angry." Choo said with a nervous twitch...

"Maybe someone should tell the captain." Guy said quietly to John. "Don't want a psycho running around the shi- oh wait....nevermind..."




Wednesday, October 25, 2006 11:09 AM


On Serenity's Bridge

*Fly responded to 13's answer*

Pai..Pain's alive? Are you sh*ttin' me 13?

*13 shook his head and said*

I sh*t you not Fly. Pain is alive and hopefully well.

*Emotions ran through Fly's head at the speed of light. She didn't know if she should be mad or happy that Pain was alive. Finally words came to Fly and she said somewhat loudly*


WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, October 26, 2006 9:18 AM


bump magic bump, magic, bump magic bump...


Thursday, October 26, 2006 5:35 PM


BUMPING!!! Where are the people posting the posty goodness? I need posty!!!!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, October 27, 2006 1:04 PM


Fly's gonna kick Pain in the pigu! And I am gonna laugh.


"Hola, Crew of Serenity, and in particular, Captain Reynolds.
This is Fanty, speaking for my brother Mingo, and inviting you gents to see if you'd like a little job.
Beep up back if you care.

"How was that?"

"Overdramatic as usual, Fanty. Why can't you just say, 'We'd like to see you about a job?'

"You have no sense of style, Mingo! It's all about the verbage!"

Sammy sat in her chair, staring at her blackened cortex screen. They were saying the man who was dead was alive, but he wasn't coming back.

The man who's bunk she'd been sharing. Closing her eyes, she tried to picture him, tried to remember. Instead, there were dark black eyes, a flash of black hair, a creased smile that enhanced a youthful face... Diggs. Diggs was dead, too.

That part hurt. That part seemed real. She held her bare hand up to the long ago? Years, Universe had told her.

A whisper of silk beside her and Inara's face, warm and concerned, met her gaze. "Is there anything I can do to help, sweetie?"

Sammy fell into the arms of the beautiful woman and sobbed, breaking down once and for all.


Saturday, October 28, 2006 7:16 AM


"Now you care," 13 said, seemingly appearing in the doorway. "When you think someone's dead, you couldn't shed a tear, but now that he's alive you look like a gorram fountain."

"13," Inara warned, still holding Sammy.

"No, that won't work. Does she even know your name, Inara? Did you ask her if she knew?"

He stepped towards Sammy, hunkering to speak in her ear. "Who are you?" he whispered. "Not the woman I saw cleaning up my blood, not the one I saw fighting for other lives, and definitely not the woman I saw eating the finest food in the system with the man you loved.

"How can you look like her but be so weak?"


Saturday, October 28, 2006 9:19 AM


*JR had walked into the galley at that moment and hear what 13 said to Sammy/Ertia. Gritting his teeth and holding back the urge to fill 13 with lead, JR said to him in a low growl*

You wanna leave her alone 13? She's gone through a lot of pain and sufferin' and right now she doesn't need to be hounded by the likes of you. So 13 I ask you again, leave her alone. She'll remember Pain in time you'll see.

*JR sauntered off to the kitchen and took down a coulpe of pots and pans. He said to those in the galley*

I'm goin' to be cookin' up one of my specialties. Anybody wanna help?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, October 28, 2006 10:49 AM


"I cooked last night." said Choo trying to get some sleep at the table.

"As we all know." said Simon. "Havn't stop going on about it."

"Could be worst, i knew someone who never shut upo about geekos. Everything he said was related to them..." Choo replied.

"you sell anything to him?" asked JR.

"yeah....a frakking geeko." Choo shot back.

Suddenly the comm came into life. "13 their are some people here who want to talk too you!" the captain said.

Meanwhile, The Core.

"Seeing that he man 13 hasn't brought us any news about the Tam girl." the man said into the cortex screen. He was well dressed in the most expensive suit, hair trimmed to perfection, only strange thing was the dark pair of glasses that covered his eyes. "I am handing the mission over to you. Find the Tam girl. No matter what, if you come up against ANY resistance, do not hesistate to dispose of them."

"Very well." said the Operative, "She will be brought to you in one pieace. FOr the glory of the Alliance."

"yes....for the glory of the Alliance" the man repeated as the Cortex cut off. In front of him five blue handed men stood like statues.

"And Blue Sun of course." he said, smiling ear to ear.

(thought i'd throw something different in at the end. Hope no one minds...)




Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:00 AM


BUMPING!!!! *does the BUMP Dance* Also I think I may have writer's block cause I can't think of anything to post.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:23 AM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
BUMPING!!!! *does the BUMP Dance* Also I think I may have writer's block cause I can't think of anything to post.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?

*grabs writers block. Hits it with a large hammer.*

We all get sucks.

Now a word from our sponsors:

The Doctor: Think of it, plastic, all over the world, every artificial thing waiting to come alive. The shop window dummies, the phones, the wires, the cables...

Rose: The breast implants....

*Blue Sun Plastics. 'Cause it can do anything!*


Sunday, October 29, 2006 2:15 PM


Choo have you been raiding the Infirmary again?

*Fly stormed off the bridge and headed to her room, not caring about the smell of food cooking or the people in the galley. She muttered to herself*

I'm gonna kill that hun dan if and when he gets back. Stupid fool makes us think he's dead only to wave us that he's alive and well and that he'll be back sometime in the future.

Meanwhile on the Bridge

*Another beep on the console alerted Wash. He looked at the flashing icon on the vidscreen and pushed it. Reggie's face flashed on the screen and he said*

'Ey mon ees Pain there? Eye 'ave an eemportant job for eem.

*Wash replied in a somewhat calm but shaky manner*

Uh Pain's not here right now. Can I take a message?

*Reggie replied*

What do ya mean Pain's not there mon?

*Wash replied*

Like I said he's not here.

*Reggie was a little frustrated and said*

Well ees Fly there then? Perhaps she can take thees job Eye 'ave for Pain then.

*Wash replied*

Uh let me go get her Mr....uh what was your name?

*Reggie replied*

My name ees Reggie mon.

*Wash replied*

Right Mr. Reggie I'll go get Fly.

*Wash hit the shipwide com and said*

Uh Fly you're needed on the bridge. There's a message for you.

Near Fly's bunk

*Fly muttered to herself*

If that's Pain I'm gonna rip him a new one.

*Fly reached the nearest com, hit the button for the bridge and said*

Patch it through to my bunk Wash.

*Fly then entered her bunk and slammed the door.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:23 PM


"Don't try to rutting placate me!" 13 shouted, electric eyes burning. "Don't ever."

With one last, disgusted glance at Sammy, 13 stormed from the bunk and onto the bridge.

"Someone wants to talk to me?"

Mal levelled his eyes at the robot, saying, "Yeah, they do. But soon after we're gonna have a little talk about using your in-door voice."

"I'll take the call now, Wash," 13 said.

"Regular phone network here," the pilot grumbled cheerily. "I'll put it through on the portable."

Tossing 13 a small, ten-inch wafer-thin monitor, 13 leaned against the wall, flicking on the display. The screen remained lifeless, and 13 readied to smash it in anger when a cutting woman's voice came through.

"Calm down, 13. Just an old friend checking up on you."


"Calisto," the voice confirmed. The screen remained black. "Now that we're past the small-talk, I'll cut to the juicy parts.

"I've been doing what I can, diverting Alliance patrols and such, but it get's really interesting once I start hearing rumors about you and that ship you've been riding on for the past while."

"What kind of rumors?" 13 said doubtfully.

"Not the good ones. I've been having a hell of a time trying to figure out why they're so determined to find Serenity, and how far they're willing to go. Believe me, they are willing to go very far."

13 scoffed, remembering a certain sequence of events that involved a certain robot, and led to the shooting of said robot.

"They've got spies, fleets, and entire flagships devoted to finding you, not to mention every mercenary in the galaxy.

"Something's going to happen, 13. Something big. Maybe the biggest thing since the war, and it's all centered around one small salvager.

"And the Reavers...they've been acting up lately. Attacking more and more settlements, capturing more ships, actually cutting off trade's like they're getting ready for something, like they're getting smarter."

Smart Reavers...not a comforting idea.

"Listen," Calisto said. "I know where you're headed. I'll rendeszvous with you once you arrive, and I'll be bringing more information."

"Thanks, Cal. I'd appreciate it. By the way, exactly how do you know all this?"

He could picture her smiling wisely as she whispered, "Eyes of the universe, my friend. See you soon."


Sunday, October 29, 2006 9:26 PM



Originally posted by DRPAIN:
Choo have you been raiding the Infirmary again?

Simon: BTW: did anyone see where Rivers medicine went this morning? Put them right next too the sleeping tablets last night and know there gone...

Choo: bugger... ... nope...havn't seen them...


"Do i smell cooking?" Zoe asked coming into the galley.

"Rustling up an old favorite...without most of the ingredints" JR replied, adding "Its a suprise."

"Hope its a good one." Zoe said eyeing the pan suspiciously.

"hows it going? Made contact with Pain yet?" Book asked.

"Nope, but people have most certainly been contacting us." Zoe said grabbing a cup. "been that busy Wash is thinking of becoming one of those corex call girls." Zoe said rolling her eyes.


Monday, October 30, 2006 12:20 PM


Fly's bunk

*Fly walked over to the vidscreen in the wall and turned it on. Reggie's face came into view. Fly gave the dreadlocked man a polite smile and said*

So what's up Reggie? I hear you wanted to talk with me.

*Reggie replied*

That Eye did Fly. Eye had a job for Pain but since 'e ain't there, Eye thought Eye'd give eet to ya.

*Fly thought it over and said*

What kind of job is it Reggie?

*Reggie replied*

Thee kind that requires a gun hand girl. Are ya een or not?

*Fly bit her lower lip as she thought about it then said*

Yeah I'm in Reggie. Upload your coordinates to me and I'll see what my Captain says.

*Reggie nodded and said*

Alright then girl. Eye'll be waitin' for ya response.

*Numbers and words flashed on the screen and Fly copied them down. She smiled at Reggie then turned off the vidscreen and left her room.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 2:24 PM


"How can you look like her but be so weak?"

He was right.
Sammy closed her eyes. She didn't remember the things 13 said she had done. She didn't know what he knew.

But she knew one thing, knew it with solid certainty. That woman, the one 13 knew, wasn't inside of her anymore, if she ever had been.

"Don't worry." John's voice, quiet and strong, "It isn't him. It isn't you. He's lost so much already and now he's lost something else, something he thought he could trust. He lashes out because he can't bear losing you, too."

"It doesn't make it right, John." Inara's voice is chastizing, "13..."

"Is right." Sammy stood up, and pushed away from Inara, ignoring the pain in her back and legs. "He's right. I'm weak."

Then she looked around the galley, Choo calmly cooking, Fly entering looking harried... Strangers who all knew her name. "I'm a burden to all of you."

"No, Ertia...think about this for a moment." Shepherd Book, using a name that she didn't know, and she stared at him. "You've saved all of our lives a time or two. And you are still that person, whether you want to believe it or not. God gives us trials for a reason, and there is something to be learned in all things."

"Yeah, well, maybe God aughta go pick on someone else." Sammy answered, "As soon as we make landfall again, I'll get out of your hair."

Inara bit her lower lip, thinking, "Maybe you need some time away, but you shouldn't be alone. My friend, Sheydra, has been asking me to come teach at her training house. It's quiet, a sacred retreat. You could come with me."

"You askin' Sammy to run away with you, Inara?" Mal's voice, crisp and clear from the stairs, "And here I thought I was the object of your affeccccccctiooooooons."


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:51 PM


*looks at name of poster* Who are you again?

*Inara rolled her eyes at Mal and replied*

It always has to be about you doesn't it Mal?

*Mal smiled and replied*

Well I...

*Before Mal could finish his quip, Fly placed a hand on his arm and said*

I hate to interrupt but I need to talk to you in private.

*Mal looked at Fly, his smile disappeared as he looked into her eyes, and said to her*

Right now now Fly?

*Fly replied*

Yes now.

*Fly let go of Mal's arm and walked in the direction of the cargo bay stairway, Mal following behind. Once out of the galley, Mal said to Fly*

What's this news that you need to speak to me in private about?

*Fly looked into Mal's eyes and said*

Pain got a wave from Reggie but since Pain ain't here I had to take the message.

*Mal raised an eyebrow and said*

Go on.

*Fly swallowed and continued*

Reggie needed Pain to pull a job for him, but Reggie gave that job to me and I'm goin' to take it sir.

*Fly handed Mal a piece of paper with coordinate on it and said*

This is where he wants to meet us at. I'm goin' to do the job and then I'm out of here.

Meanwhile in the Galley

*Jayne watched as Fly and the Captain left the galley and said to noone in particular*

What's that all about?

*Wash replied*

Either Fly's making out with the Captain or they're planning a suprise party. I'm hoping it's the party.

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 5:10 PM


"What? Recovery through incense?" somebody said under their breath.

I turned sharply to the speaker. The one they called 13, wearing a dark scowl. Our eyes met, and his scowl morphed into a dark, almost vicious grin. He mouthed the words, "tip my rod," and then looked away.

"A training house," I said. "Not many places that are easier to relax in."

And that was true. A place to rest, a place to breathe. The more I thought about it, the more it sounded as if I should make a stop there.

Then I saw River, standing fragile and separate. My place was where she was.

Ain't responsibility a bitch?

"This mean you'll be gone for a 'specially long while, Inara?" Mal said, coming into the room. "Cause there's some occasions when we might need you."

"It'll be a temporary position," Inara explained. "Although I might need some...time for myself as well."

Mal harrumphed, crossing his arms. "We'll have to work out the details, but it seems to be the best thing for Sammy at the time."


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 9:08 PM



Originally posted by SameErtia:
Choo calmly cooking,

OI! i didn't agree to that

"Needs more spice." JR pionted to the big pot, "and don't cook the protein to much. Doesn't taste nice burnt."

"mmm....burnt protein." Choo said sarcastically.

"So how far is this whore house," Jayne asked through a mouthful of Fruity Oaty Bar. "Got an opening?"

"oh...can i interview for that position?" Wash chimmed up. "I'd be better suited at it than Jayne. Wouldn't i dear." Zoe just replied by elbowing him in the ribs.

"shut up!" Mal cried. "Look, 'nara how far is this ... training house. Got some important jobs too be doing."

"Wait." Choo said astonised "You have a job? Gimme a minute and i'll go record this moment."

"About a weeks travel. Its not on the guild register, more..." Inara said trailing off.

"Its a secret club house." 13 sneered. "Not on any known lists, just there 'cause tbe guild ain't always right in their teachings..."

"Technically." Inara said "but it has the same facilities and-"

"Right then." Mal inturputed, feeling this conversation was over, slightly down trodden "Thats our next stop. After we've done the job." Before Inara or anyone could protest he was heading out the door.

"oh, you might want to tell Kaylee." he said quietly to the Companion, nobody noticing yet The door to the eingine room locked and sealed tight...

Okay, who upset someone we like....and where the puppy!!!


Wednesday, November 1, 2006 5:36 PM


BUMPING!!! I think it was the Space Monkies Choo. As for the puppy I think it ran away. *wonders where 13, Guy, ShipsCat, and JR are*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Thursday, November 2, 2006 4:00 PM


Shouldn't we go to the House first, so the Operative will have someone as leverage after the Maidenhead?

'We're all just floating.'


Friday, November 3, 2006 8:29 PM



Originally posted by Oath:
Shouldn't we go to the House first, so the Operative will have someone as leverage after the Maidenhead?



Good Piont.... see....this is why i'm not put in charge of anything important...

oh and b.u.m.p!!!!

WHOA! good bible...


Saturday, November 4, 2006 10:18 AM



Originally posted by Choo1701:

Originally posted by Oath:
Shouldn't we go to the House first, so the Operative will have someone as leverage after the Maidenhead?



Good Piont.... see....this is why i'm not put in charge of anything important...

oh and b.u.m.p!!

Yeah I haven't been put in charge of anything important since the incident involving mutant llamas and PEZ. It was very messy and quite disturbing . Oh and BUMP!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Saturday, November 4, 2006 11:48 AM


okay..i got it:

Whore House (Bye Bye people. Heeellllooo Nurse )

Regges Job (sees Flys post ^^^^^)

Madienhead Bar (BEER!)

Lilac (REAVERS!)

Madienhead Bar (MORE BEER! oh...and that crazy little girl kicking butt)

Running kicking and screaming into the BDM...and not entirely sure what will come out the other side.

Sound like a plan? or complete pile of gui sei?


You did WHAT with a Llama!!!


Sunday, November 5, 2006 8:36 PM


Yeah, so: please leave your name and number after the bump and we'll try too get back to you.


soooooo....where is everybody?


Monday, November 6, 2006 12:07 PM


Sorry for not posting anything lately but I have a nasty cold and I'm hopped up on cold medicine. Hmm I probably shouldn't have driven to the library then. Oh well!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Tuesday, November 7, 2006 6:30 PM




Wednesday, November 8, 2006 1:43 PM


bump, magic, bump, magic, bump, magic...


Thursday, November 9, 2006 4:30 AM


triple bump

Where are you guys?


Thursday, November 9, 2006 1:14 PM


Part IV of 'Attack of the Archive Demon'

"You have to learn to control yourself, 13."

The voice of Shepherd Book prodded in on 13, playing solitary hoopball in the cargo bay. The cyborg rests the ball at his side, turning slowly.

"What do you mean, 'control'? I have total control over myself. Nobody's in charge of me but me."

"Perhaps that is the problem. You need guidance."

13 snorted, eyes flashing in amusement. "Think of everyone who's tried to 'guide' me, Shepherd. Half the time I wind up dead in the infirmary for an hour or two."

"Maybe I've worded it wrong. This talk of solitude and retreats must have...refreshed my memory.

"There is a place I know of, a small moon called Haven. After it was mined out, it was simply abandoned. A small colony stands there now."

13 bounces the ball ominously. "Maybe you should get to the point soon. I'm almost done here."

"My point is that you seem to need some time away from everything. You're disjointed, angry, and too stressed for this kind of place. Some time spent on Haven might help you gather your thoughts."

13 considered this hard. It was no lie what the Shepherd had said about him. Angry? Yes, but it was righteous. Stressed? He felt ready to tear the bulkheads. In fact, it was odd 13 hadn't thought of the idea first.

Of course, it wouldn't be the best idea to leave now. Just after he had mocked the powers of meditation in the galley.

But that's with a training House. Different from a simple place. And 'Haven' has a nice ring to it...

13 sighed theatrically. "You're right again, Shepherd. But you didn't answer in the form of a question." This inspired a look of puzzlement from Book. 13 sighed again. "All I'm worried about is how to get there."

"It isn't too far off from Beaumonde. After you meet with your contact, I'm sure I could convince the captain to make a small detour."

13 whirled on the old man, eyes burning. "How do you know about that?"

Book put on an enigmatic grin. To 13 it seemed mocking. "Through the grapevine."


Friday, November 10, 2006 2:31 PM


BUMPING ON A 'VERSAL SCALE!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry I've been away but I had a cold which I still have but it's only a slight one. I should be better aand back to posting here by Monday at the least. *wonders where Oath, Nico, Ertia, JRC, Choo, Guy, Wolf, ShipsCat, and Experiment62 are*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, November 10, 2006 8:52 PM


I'm here. Just got serious writers block. CAN'T THINK!!sorry guys and girls.


Saturday, November 11, 2006 12:41 PM


im here but my internet is crappy, im only posting now because im at 62s house, he hasent posted because hes lazy.

we are THE FORSAKEN and we aim to burn!


Monday, November 13, 2006 1:38 PM


Meanwhile somewhere out in the Black....

*The screen beeped as the ASREV closed in on its destination. Pain woke up, glanced at the screen and said to himself*

Oh hey we're here already? About ruttin' time.

*The girl in the copilot's seat stirred, popped up and said as she rubbed her eyes*

Are we at the place with the horses?

*Pain looked over at his daughter, smiled and said*

No sweety not yet, but we're almost at the layover point where we'll catch a ride to the place with the horses.

*The girl replied*

Will I like Uncky Bob's family?

*Pain smiled, ruffled his daughter's hair, and said*

You bet sweetheart. You bet.

*Pain piloted the ASREV towards Refueling Station 15 where he'd ditch it, meet up with his uncle, and then spend some much warranted quality time with his daughter. He wanted to go back to Serenity, but Pain knew it wasn't a safe place for a child. Not when there were people after them, wanting to cause them hurt. Perhaps one day it'd be safe to bring Annabelle onboard but that day was somewhere in the far distance.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Monday, November 13, 2006 6:23 PM


Oath, your plan is beauty in simplicity- Inara & Me will hop off at the Training House, 13 & Book are off at Haven. Y'all need to get the job from Fanty & Mingo and we're rock & roll.

Serenity dropped in low over the Training House, it's rugged and remote mountain setting offering beauty and harmony as well as the seclusion needed in such places of retreat.

"Y'all sure this is the place?" Mal stood at the cargo bay doors as they opened to reveal Sheydra, blond and beautiful, wearing a pale blue gown.

"Yes, Mal." Inara rolled her eyes at him and stepped forward into the blond womans embrace, exchanging ebullient greetings.

Mal fidgeted a moment, like there was somethin' he wanted to say, but was holding back. "'ll wave. When you want. I guess."

Sammy shrugs. She doesn't know what she's doing here, or why. Only that she can't stay on Serenity, but she doesn't want to leave.

Mal surprises her by squeezing her shoulder, "You just take your time, mei mei."

"They'll be fine." Zoe's voice, calm and strong, and her own warm smile. "Get some rest, girl."

Sammy turns to face her. "Thank you, Zoe. And tell Wash..tell him thanks, too."

When she turns to look back Kaylee's thrown her arms around her, "We'll wave soon as we can! And take captures so we can see what you do! And don't worry about a thing!"

Sammy finds herself hugging the mechanic back, "Yeah, okay, Kaylee. You don't worry either."

There are too many goodbyes. Too many things to say. Sammy casts a last, terrified look around the cargo bay, meeting people's eyes, and then she darts down the ramp, and to Inara's side. They turn back and wave as Mal turns his back and punches the button to close the cargo bay doors.

Inara gives a heavy sigh and slumps against Sammy for a moment. "He didn't look back."

Sammy doesn't point out the obvious- neither did Inara...

Acolytes, cloaked in red, move silently through the halls. Shaved-headed monks pray, drink tea and whisper quietly. The scent of incense mingles with flowers, and the crisp scent of snow from the mountains.

Sammy pauses on the marble steps and breathes deep. Maybe she won't remember who she is... but maybe she'll find peace.


Monday, November 13, 2006 6:35 PM


"Wash? We're good, let's go."

Wash frowned slightly at Mal's voice over the com. "Well, that was fast. I expected at least a long farewell."

"Less is more." River muttered from the co-chair, where she sat with her arms curled around her legs. "Can't see if eyes are shut."

"Yeah." Wash agreed with a quirky smile as he flipped the setting switches, and slowly pulled back on the yoke, lifting the ship from the landing zone. "Can't do much with your eyes shut, really, except se... err..nothin."

Now River burst into laughter as Wash blushed pink.

"Wash? We got our course to Beaumonde?" Mal's voice behind them, his no nonsense captain voice.

Wash straightened and glanced back, his voice "Straight out. Be there in three days."

"Good. River? Don't touch that." Mal admonishes without even looking at what the girl is holding, then he's gone, looking to Captain somewhere else.

River holds up the Tyrannosaur and makes bitey-growly noises at Mal's departing back.


Monday, November 13, 2006 10:23 PM


Jayne, Simon, 62, Choo, Guy and Fly sat in the darkened galley playing a large game of cards. The smoke of cheap cigars making Simon want to hurl wafted around the room.

Been less than 3 hours since they left the training house and already Kaylee had sent a wave to the other two. Strangely Book and 13 were keeping to themselves.

"Can you please put those out? There quite distracting." the doctor asked, trying not to cough out his lungs.

"Not when these suckers cost c25 each." Choo said cooly, game face on, eyes darting around the others. Jayne was just mirking ear to ear, other cigar in mouth. Bluffing.

"There alright," Fly said arranging her cards, laying the cards on the table she proclaimed "Get used to them. I'm out."

"Part Machine. No effect," 62 said cooly.

"No x-ray eyes then?" said Guy.

"You ask that NOW!" Choo said astonished, looking at the small pile of goodies 62 had aquired, only beaten by Jayne's of course.

Jayne gave a small chuckle. Which then turned into a hacking cough.

"Don't say it." Choo said, glancing at the doc.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006 1:44 PM


Due for a long one, I think.

“Why do they call you ‘Oath’?” Smylee asked as I was eating in the commons and contemplating Samantha. Kaylee, not Smylee. I’d have to remember that.

I paused for a moment, holding my protein-laced chops midway to my mouth. It was strange how some of the crew called me by that nickname, as I’d never told them about it. Maybe I’d met one of them before and forgotten them. It seemed likely enough.

“ ‘Oath’ was my mother’s initials,” I answered, “before she married my father.” My mouth tightened at the memory of those two. The last time I’d seen them had been…five years ago, I believe.

“You’ve got parents?” the captain said. He always seemed to enter a room with words in his mouth. “Seemed like you just sprung up from that station we picked you up on.”

“You don’t question that (the word lush came to mind) other passenger’s origin, nor did you even consider not taking him aboard.” What was that fellow’s name? I know it started with a ‘K’ or an ‘N’.

“That’s ‘cause he’s just a kid. Nothing but a little off course. But you,” he settled onto a stool, facing me directly, “I cannot seem to figure out.”

I shrugged in what I hoped was a dispassionate, unflappable manner, replying, “Can’t a man leave his past unheard and his future open?”

“An’ you never exactly get into share-time with any of us, Cap,” the young engineer pointed out. “Only Zoë’s got a clear image of you before now.”

That seemed to sting the captain a little, and he moved off of the subject of my origins. Thankfully.

My mind turned again to Samantha/Ertia. I had only a brief encounter with her former self, that is, Ertia, before the trauma that reverted her to Samantha, but she seemed warm, happy, yet a little sad, as if her life was a mirror that had been repaired with a shard of glass missing.

And there was ‘Pain,’ the mercenary, who I’d had a brief exchange of words with. A steady gun-hand, I’d been told, but more than a little troubled. And he had problems with wearing pants.

Wolf, the silent footrest who never looked the pretty engineer in the eye, never spoke a word to much of anyone. Word had it that he’d betrayed the crew once, but had been let back into the fold. And the strange goblin-like thing that followed him around seemed to be his only friend.

That merchant cook…the one who complained lightly about cooking, yet obviously seemed to enjoy it. An honest, working man (not to mention dashing, handsome and irresitable to the opposite sex) . Brewed a decent cup of coffee.

The woman Fly, Pain’s long-time partner and marksman. A woman I’d never had the chance to speak to, but who seemed pleasant enough, as long as she wasn’t yelling or just finished a conversation with 13.

13. That one disturbed me more than the rest. Violent, volatile, and viciously bitter under a thin surface, he struck me as the type who might someday wake up and try to murder the crew. As far as I knew, the only documented cyborg in the history of the galaxy, a machine wreathed in a soft coat of flesh. The one who’s eyes burned with barely concealed fury and grief. His former crewman Guy was a quiet, reserved type, yet he could be counted on it seemed.

Something furry, purring, and hungry leapt and stretched across my lap. I petted it absent-mindedly.

Forgot there was a cat.

And that is Oath's take on everyone. Except for the ten...or so....others.


'We're all just floating.'


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 1:25 PM


*The grey stripped tabby purred as the strange man petted her. The cat got up from the man's lap, stretching as she yawned, her claws digging into the man's leg. The man yelped as cat lept off his leg and onto the floor, searching for her food dish. Not finding it in its usual place, the cat let out a loud meow which in cat meant*

Where the ruttin' hell is my food you hairless ape servants?

*The tabby, miffed that there was no food presented to her decided to stroll off to the room that belonged to the whiny black haired man who's sister was a bit on the nutty side. The cat purred to herself as she thought*

Perhaps a hairball on his pillow will amuse me.
WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 5:35 PM


Awesome post, Oath!

Training House: Sunset

Sammy sat on the wide marble steps, watching the sky change colors as the sun set. It was like her...shifting, changing, brilliant streaks that hurt the eyes, but it was sinking towards darkness, down below the mountains. Was that were she was going?

Two of the moons were already risen, so close you could almost touch them and the gleam of the nearest planet followed the sun in it's fall towards the horizon. She sipped her tea and watched the night sky appear, not moving even as it turned colder and the chill seeped through the stone beneath her and into her bones.


Wash was trying not to laugh as Jayne lost yet another hand to the folks playing cards.

He'd only come down off the bridge for a moment, to get some water and see his wife. Seeing Shipscat's bowl on the counter, he filled it and put it back down beside her water bowl.

"Guess we got used to Ertia doin' that, huh?" He asked no one in particular. "We'll be on Beaumonde two days time. Shepherd? Were we dropping you at Haven first? Or after?"

"Fanty & Mingo don't seem the type to take to late comers." Zoe chimed in, "Maybe aughta drop em after we get the job?"

Wash shrugged. "We're making good time. Don't see us bein' late. Fly? Rumor had it your gettin' off, too?"

The gunhand shrugged, "Got a little job to do. We're rendevouxing with Reggie's ship right before Beaumonde. Won't be but a quick hop. I'll find y'all when the jobs done."

"Seems we're getttin mightly slim aroun here." Jayne barked, and then groaned as Simon drew the Tall, again. "Hell, Doc! Why don't you take my pile now? Save me the humilIAtion?"

"Wow. Jayne can say humiliation." Wash gave his wife a grin and a wink. "Anybody care to mind the bridge for a half an hour or so? Auto is set. Jest needs a live eye on it."


Wednesday, November 15, 2006 9:00 PM


great post Oath. Although you forgot dashing, handsome and irresitable to the opposite sex on my bit

"I'll do it," said Guy. "Had a little bit of practise at Niska's place. Seeing that there's no skyplex to run into..."

"Whats our insurance like?" Choo chimed sarcasticallly.

"pieace of goo-se," said Jayne taking a large pistol out of his holster and laying it on the table.

62 just shrugged pulled out an even bigger gun, smiling at all the preplexed faces around the table. "Your move J.a. n. e,"

"Ain't a girls name," said River mysteriously from the door frame. After getting everyone'd attention she said to Mal, "You wanted a word?"

Mal's nervouse glances caught the attention of Simon. And everyone else "Perhaps later on..." he said, steering her out the door, "Now go play nicely for a while."

Rolling her eyes she said "I can kill you with my brain."

"I know you can..." Mal said striding back into the kitchen.

btw: anyone got the rules for the card game? Never worked out what they were...



Thursday, November 16, 2006 1:05 PM


I have no clue about the rules either Choo.

Refueling Station 15

*Pain docked the ASREV at Dock 13 on Level 3. He shut down the engines and engaged the airlock seal. Pain waited for the light above the airlock door to flash green and when it did he said to his daughter*

We're here darlin'. Are you hungry or somethin'? I have some credits and I know this great place with the best deep fried mushrooms this side of the 'verse.

*Annabelle made a face at the sound of the mushrooms and said*

I'm allergic to mushrooms daddy. They make me break out in hives.

*Pain replied*

Oh well then now I know. Ok scratch the mushrooms. We can order somethin' else.

*Annabelle smiled at her dad and hugged him. Pain put a arm around his daughter and the two of them walked out of the airlock and into the Refueling Station.*

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, November 17, 2006 2:02 PM


BUMPING!!! Must have posty! Someone make with the posty chop chop!

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?


Friday, November 17, 2006 8:40 PM


"How long you been allergic to peanut butter?"
"Since Birth."
War of the Worlds (2006) [lol]

Seens Tom Cruise and Pain have got something in commen

BTW: what are we exactly looking for in Reggee's delivery? A box? A ship? a Moon-thats-actually-a-spacestation????




Saturday, November 18, 2006 11:49 AM


I believe Reggie's job would include having to smuggle something black markety to an unspecified location on Muir (which is either a planet or a moon, I have no clue).

Refueling Station 15

*Pain and his daughter headed for the Spacer's Bar & Grill on the eighth level of the station. There they would meet up with Pain's uncle, chat for a little bit and then head off to his uncle's home on Persephone. Pain and Annabelle walked through the doulbe doors of the restraunt and sat down at one of the booths in the far right corner. It was a good spot for Pain to see who entered and exited the establishment. One of the waitresses came over to Pain's booth and handed them two menus. She looked over at Annabelle, smiled at the girl, then said to Pain*

Is this your daughter? She's very cute.

*Pain smiled and said*

Yes ma'am she is and you are correct in the fact that she is a cutie.

*The waitress smiled and said*

Well I won't argue with that. I'll give you two a moment to decide what you want but in the meantime can I get you two somethin' to drink?

*Pain looked to his daughter and smiled at her as she said*

I'll take a Blue Sun Cola.

*The waitress nodded, wrote it down on the pad of paper in her hand and turned to Pain who said*

I'll take a coffee. Black no sugar.

*The waitress smiled, wrote Pain's drink order down and said*

Ok that's one Blue Sun cola and a coffee, black with no sugar. I'll have your drinks ready in a moment.

*Pain smiled at the waitress and watched her leave. He felt Annabelle tug at his shirt sleeve and turned his attention to her. She smiled at him and said*

When's you uncle coming to meet us daddy?

*Pain smiled at his daughter, ruffled up her hair and said*

He'll be here in a little while darlin' don't you worry.

*The waitress meanwhile was behind the counter filling the drink orders of Pain and Annabelle. While the two were loking at the menus, she walked over to the vidscreen on the wall near the drink dispenser, pulled up the call screen and said to the shadowy man on the other end*

That man you call Pain is here. He's sitting in the far right booth. He's with a little girl too.

*The shadowy man replied*

Good work there lil' lady. I'll be there in a few hours. Make sure they don't leave.

*The waitress replied*

Yes sir I'll be sure and do that.

*The vidscreen went black as the waitress picked up the drinks and headed for Pain and Annabellle's booth.*


*Agent Womack smiled as he leaned back in his chair. He turned to the two men at the helm of the ASREV they were in and said*

Good news boys. Looks like that hun dan named Pain is alive and well. Put in the coordinates to Refueling Station 15. We're going to bag us a wanted 'fugee.

Is it time for a new thread?

WWJD: What Would Jayne Do?






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