Questions for Firefly game makers, please

UPDATED: Saturday, December 16, 2006 08:46
VIEWED: 10887
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Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:13 PM



I'm going to interview the people who have the rights to the Firefly MMORPG (Multiverse) in a few days.

Could you all please post any burning questions, queries or fears you have about the project?

I want to try to structure an interview with them that gets out to as many Firefly fans as possible, which also deals with any concerns & hopes peeps have.



Saturday, December 9, 2006 3:41 PM



1) Please ask multiverse if the developers they are hiring are envisioning the game being played in ships' perspective or from a personal character perspective.

ie: Everyone gets their own ship to upgrade and swap, ports of call just have different abilities attached to them etc...


Everyone starts out affiliated with a faction and crew someone else's ship with other players until they can strike out on their own. Crews are more like Parties in the MMORPG sense.

I am hoping for the latter, but it makes the game more complicated from a developer's perspective.

2) In a similar vein, will there be options of play for people to develop towns, real estate, and trade rather than crew ships?

Thank you for organising the interview, there will probably be more questions to come, but these were floating to the top of my head.

- P


Saturday, December 9, 2006 5:28 PM


Wow, thanks for interviewing!


1. Will you be seeking any fan/crew advice on the project? When wil beta's be needed for the game?

2. Are you in touch with the crew of Firefly and Serenity (i.e.Whedon) for input?

3. Will there be a Companion Guild? Kelai wants to be a high-class whore ;)

4. When will the RPG take place? Before the war? The Firefly days? Post-Serenity?


I am a really big fan, and my main concern is that there'll be flubs, like the planets won't be the same. So, basically, you get it.


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Saturday, December 9, 2006 5:55 PM


1) When will they start play testing?
2) How does someone become a play tester?
3) What types of character classes are there?
4) Can a player be a crew member of a ship (ex. The Captain, a doctor, a pilot or the hired gun)
5) Where can we as fans send our input to the game makers?
6) Can Macs play this game?



Saturday, December 9, 2006 6:04 PM


Along with holding true to the story of Firefly, I'm concerned with the graphics area considering the future of video game graphics is drasticly changing and it is one of the main aspects people compare with other MMOs.
Will the developers be implimenting things like DirectX 10 and will the game utilize top of the line visuals and detail that will soon be available.


Saturday, December 9, 2006 7:58 PM


1) What other OS's besides Windows will be supported?

2) Firefly was *very* character driven as apposed to action driven. What are you going to do to ensure the same feel for this MMO?

3) Will I be able to own half a moon?

4) (this was brought up by some one else in another thread) Given that most people will want to be Browncoats, and that the Feds by far outnumber the Browncoats, how will you acheive this balance in game?

5) Thinking of the t-shirt fiasco just a little while ago, I have to ask, what genre of game can fan projects make without getting the dreaded cease and desist orders (or possibly getting sued). Obviously not MMO, but is there any other(s)? e.g. Scrollers, "Run and Jump", etc

EDIT: added not before obviously to make the sentence make sense.

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:17 PM


1) What ideas do they have to make it different from other MMORPG's that are flooding the market?

2) Are they big Firefly fans themselves?

3) Can we name our weapons?



Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:46 PM


Just please make it true to the 'verse is all i can ask...


Saturday, December 9, 2006 9:54 PM


1. In many ways Firefly breaks the rules of what people expect from sci-fi, deliberately tweaking the cliches of the genre. Can we expect the game to embrace the same spirit of innovation? How will it break away from the cliches of the mainstream MMORPG paradigm?

2. Firefly, in Joss's words, "isn't about the people who made history; it's about the people history stepped on." How will the game maintain the 'working class' atmosphere without alienating gamers weened on a steady diet of upgrades and levelling?

3. The crew of Serenity was forever torn between two 'worlds' - not accepted by law-abiding, civilized culture, yet finding no real comfort in a life of crime. Will the game present players with similar moral dilemmas?


"Dream a little dream or you can live a little dream. I'd rather live it, cause dreamers always chase but never get it." Aesop Rock


Sunday, December 10, 2006 3:41 PM


More Questions!!

In response to the Fed/High-Class/Browncoat player equals, are there going to be non-player characters?

Can I be a Reaver? Or are reavers NPC's??

I'm sorta new to this MMORPG thing, but can you have multiple characters?


//breathe today So many lies s w i r l i n g
All A R O U N D You
you're S U F F O C A T I N G
the e m p t y shape in Y O U
s t e a l s your b r e a t h


Monday, December 11, 2006 2:04 AM


Well, I hope you get to interview the developer team. Because multiverse is just the platform and the owners of multiverse are going to hire and independent developer team.
This might be interesting for more information or to give advice to the developers:


Monday, December 11, 2006 2:31 AM


My major questions:

1) What control will Multiverse be retaining, and what control will be passed to the development team?

2) Is there one person who's calling the shots with regard to continuity, faithfulness to the setting, and so on, or is that a matter of negotiation between Fox, Multiverse and the developers?

3) Who from the original Firefly people (writers, cast, crew) are going to be involved?

Firefly MMO News:


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:10 AM


Hey, please ask the following:

1) No offence to Multiverse, but will the games graphics be as terrible as the screenshots on their website?

2) Please take into consideration a 'light and dark' Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic system of contact with NPCs. Trust, faith, and connections are most everything in the verse, and this would truly work well in a game such as this.

"Someone Ever Tries to Kill You, You Try and Kill Em' Right Back"
Very Shiny:
Even Shinier (Is that even a word? It is now...):
AIM: dog13000 YSN: reverse_drive2g


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:28 AM


1: how much will be the monthly fee?

2: will the game engine be world (ground) or space based.. or both?

3: will there be classes/professions/factions?

4: can we choose to be brwocoats/feds/reavers/else from the start?

5: what are the min. system requirements?


Monday, December 11, 2006 12:22 PM


okay. I've played lots of MMORPG's. One of my favorite parts of a not so favorite game was the interaction with major characters form the movies in The Matrix Online. My question is: Could we get in-game interaction wiht the BDH's?
My idea:
Post-Serenity. The signal is out and a new civil war is starting. You choose a side (Independents, Alliance, or neutral ("I didn't fight in no war.")) Choose to try and go about your bussiness normally, or take a stand and join the hard fihgting for the border planets, or eventually the Central Planets. I see the storm of Hell that Mal has brought on the Alliance and to all the world's spinnin. Big Battles between the military forces of the Browncoats and the Alliance. Or just tryin to make a living doing your best not to get involved your choice. But, it would need to have a good amount of Whedon input if this would be how it is set up.
Back to the questions. Would this be a one time patch? or would we have say monthly patches with one huge On-going story? In game appearances by BDH's? Could someone become an Operative? Could we possibly find out about Book's past...(hopeful)?
That's all i got for now, but i am majorly excited about this.

We shall call it...this Land


Monday, December 11, 2006 6:47 PM


Well I'm not sure what to ask since this Multiverse has only licensed Firefly and whoever they hire to actual make the game would have more answers, once they think of how they are actually going to make the game.
But my question would be:
Since there is no faster than light travel in Firefly, sometimes it takes weeks to go between planets. Would this require most action to take place on planets and it's nearby moons, and have travel around the solar system be a significant decision and an event for you character.
But like I said, that's a question that they can't answer.


Monday, December 11, 2006 7:02 PM


Tell them that they absoutely MUST work with Joss Whedons input.

The fan base for Firefly is so involved and strong their game will utterly fail if it doesn't ring true to the tone of the verse. Look at examples of Star Trek games that failed because game companies belted out a Trek game without paying attention to the world of Trek. Trekkies reject trite crap and the same will be true of Browncoats.

Do not fear me. Ours is a peaceful race, and we must live in harmony.


Monday, December 11, 2006 8:27 PM


Hello, Gossi.

My fears... Firefly is about character and story. Since "adventure" games are more traditional to holding to great story and character, what will the developers do to keep this theme?

Fear Two... MMORPGs are fancy treadmills, they have to be (so the current wisdom holds) to keep people playing. After all, this is a business and finding away to keep business is fundamental. This isn't to say some fancy treadmills aren't fun. However, if fans find themselves toiling away within the verse they love they won't be pleased. We, the fans, love this Verse and anything that hurts our perception of it will go the way of the dodo. So what will they do to limit the feeling of the treadmill?

...and I'll provide the answer to my own question in MMORPG developer speak: We have planned a truly dynamic system, totally immersing, fully implemented background stories, customizable characters, and so many quests it will never be kill 3200 bunnies to level. And yes, we will provide crafting on a level unseen in most MMORPGs because we know how to do it right. ...blah, blah, blah.

And my suggestion: One day, someone brave will create an online adventure game with MMORPG elements. There will be no treadmill. The lure of the game will be the Verse it is set in and the stories one gets to be a part of within it. Call it a playground for fans. Let that be the rallying cry of the developers. We don't need to play every day. Give us stories that are like episodes that we can all take part.

How will they even come close to insuring the level of writing is to the calibre the fans are accustomed?

There is a small glimmer of hope, from me, regarding this game. But it is quite tiny. A "visonary" needs to come along and define a whole new method. I sincerely don't believe a traditional MMO is the way to go.

Imagine, for just a fraction of a second, that "episodes" were written by Joss, Tim, Jane, etc. And the 'production' was brought to life through a game format. Instead of tuning into the tube once a week you got to sit down and play an episode... The risk, though, is likely too great. Huge production costs married to vast uncertainty. One day the vision I describe will come to pass. I look forward to it.

So, Gossi, essentially I want them to riddle me this batman: what are they bringing to the table? Why do they think we'll like it?

I fully expect the same drizzle answers they all give. Good luck ferreting out something of excellence.

Wow, do I sound the stinker, or what? I'm saddled with a vision of what is to be while having to toil with what is. Not always fun.

Additionally, how does the game intend to fix the natural imbalance between what was given and what will be given. That is, what was given was the ability to share in the lives of the BDH. What will be given is nobody can be a BDH. How do you entice a group of people that are used to being BDH when they are within the Verse and suddenly flipflopping it such that nobody is a BDH?

I don't want to be a facsimile of Mal or River, I want to BE Mal or River. Yet, if I can be Mal or River so can everyone else and the 'special' is lost. How does one contend with this?


My signature...Rhae.


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 7:59 AM


Not to push or anything, but when can we expect to hear a response regarding your interview (yes, I know I'm being impatient)?

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Tuesday, December 12, 2006 10:47 AM


My largest concern would be the same for most online games.

Interaction between players seeking a sport/game and those seeking RP/an immersive world.

Most of us on this forum would probably lean toward stepping into the shoes of the characters we love but, in most MMOs being LEET and "pwning newbs" in PvP can quickly become the all-consuming point of view for many players.

Not that either side is better or more valid. I tend toward the immersive world end of the scale. Looking more to "play house" and occasionally see some adventure. I could see the game being a good platform for many playstyles but, ultimately, it seems like giving each type of activity its role and place to flourish is very difficult to pull off.

Personally, I would like to see something closer to early Star Wars: Galaxies with a touch of 2nd Life/IMVU and better ways to seperate sport and RP players to enjoy their playstyles and good plots.

I'll be watching how this develops closely.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:20 PM


There's only one question that matters here. Is Joss Whedon going to be directly involved with the creative end of the MMORPG? Cuz if Joss ain't at the helm, no one in their right mind's gonna hop on board.

At the very least, Joss needs to make a public statement saying he's very cool with it and wants his fans to have a good time there. If this happens without Joss' blessing, it's gonna crash and burn faster than fox cancels great shows.

"Hang on, travelers..."


Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:31 PM



Originally posted by ZachsMind:
There's only one question that matters here. Is Joss Whedon going to be directly involved with the creative end of the MMORPG? Cuz if Joss ain't at the helm, no one in their right mind's gonna hop on board.

At the very least, Joss needs to make a public statement saying he's very cool with it and wants his fans to have a good time there. If this happens without Joss' blessing, it's gonna crash and burn faster than fox cancels great shows.

"Hang on, travelers..."

If this doesn't get Joss's blessing then I'm not interested in the tiniest wee bit. Tiny. Wee. Bit. Not one.

My signature...Rhae.


Saturday, December 16, 2006 7:13 AM


Are connections with the original writers, cast and crew spelled out in the license? If they are, can you tell us something about them, and if not, what are you hoping for in that area?

Those relationships aren’t covered by the license. In fact, we didn’t think it was a good idea to start discussions with Joss or Nathan or anyone until we closed the deal with Fox. We just finalized that deal last week, right before the news went public. And the very first call I made after that was to Joss’s agent. And then I got the chance to talk to a couple BDH’s and composer Greg Edmonson at Flan B. They were really supportive. We haven’t hired the game-design team yet, and obviously the game design is what has to drive these choices. But that said, we would absolutely love to work with the writers, cast, and crew. It could only make the game more true to the sho

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"


Saturday, December 16, 2006 8:46 AM


Take a look at recomendatons.....

disucssions about this game and possible games...which is now coming true.






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