Male and Female Imponderables - Stealing Society

UPDATED: Friday, December 15, 2006 04:30
VIEWED: 8184
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:57 AM


Sadly I lived a sheltered life ( what with the nanny and housekeeper and over protective parents and such) wasn't allowed to even walk to the corner store by myself until I was 12. So no checkers, not even a hint of plaid ...sigh

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:07 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
Sadly I lived a sheltered life ( what with the nanny and housekeeper and over protective parents and such) wasn't allowed to even walk to the corner store by myself until I was 12. So no checkers, not even a hint of plaid ...sigh

Yeah, but lookit you now!!

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:11 AM


LOL Damn I love you Jonny:)

"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:14 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
LOL Damn I love you Jonny:)

I get that a lot around here. I must be seriously misrepresenting myself...

EDIT: To all runaways. We don't know where, we don't know when, but we want our own place to call "This Land". HK suggested New Zealand and I'm thinkin' this is a good choice. For many reasons. Here's one:

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:23 AM


I thik I've mentioned that I was a wild teen,so i think my past should be plaid rather than checkered.

JO - You are a shiny person, with many shiny stories.So take the compliment , you silly man !!
I hope to read more blogs ...



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:40 AM


Jonny- perhaps it's not misrepresentaion, perhaps we're just smarter than the average women and recognize a great thing when we see him:)

oh and a bit puzzled about our new title...does it mean we are stealingsociety or we are a stealing society of thieves???
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."- Albright


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 10:50 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:
Jonny- perhaps it's not misrepresentaion, perhaps we're just smarter than the average women and recognize a great thing when we see him:)

I am not:

and I am not a:

or a:

Here, your eyesight's obviously impaired...:

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:39 PM


MsG: My ear infections come and go. The one I had when I posted that moved over to my other ear, then cleared out a day later. I don't get inner ear infections, only middle, so I can deal with them with some form of alacrity.

Biggest Injury: I got hit by a car about five years ago. It was going just under highway speed, and I was trying to reach my bus stop, there was snow piled so high it couldn't see me coming, and WHAM! The only reason I wasn't street pizza is because I'd managed to jump a bit.
Despite this, I ended up doing substantial damage to the car, and I ended up without so much as a bruise on my body, nor cut on my flesh. I was stiff and sore the next day, and I didn't go back to school until the following Monday, but physically, I was pretty much unfazed by the whole thing. I guess I'm just kinda tough.

Biggest Emotional Injury: Gradeschool. Between grades 1 and 7, I was the target for physical abuse by the entire school. Note, that while some people say this with hyperbole, when I say it, it is nothing but unblemished truth. The first memory of school I have is of a twelveth grader taking my six-year-old head in his hand, and smashing against the pavement. After that, my days were constant predation and fear of physical assaults from pretty much everybody. Those who didn't beat me (pretty much just the girls) humiliated me.
After I got out of that school (which was damn lucky, I know), physical abuse was traded for emotional abuse. After years of hiding, I tried to connect with people again, and these people took one look at me and a sign must have been pointing down at me saying "Victim". It was relentless and unending.
In high school, I had a friend. A, being singular. One. Unos. Un. There, I wasn't targeted for attack; I was summarily ignored. Nobody gave a damn about me, and at the time, that was about as much of a relief as I could have hoped for. I didn't belong anywhere, and nobody gave me a second glance. Why would they?

So, in answer to your query, my biggest emotional injury was grade-school. All of it. Appearantly, I'm still not over it. If I ever will be...

I ain't lookin' for help from on high. That's a damn long wait for a train don't come.

98% of teens have smoked pot, if you are one of the 2% that haven't, copy this into your signature.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 12:43 PM


Checkered past? No...
Plaid past? No, not that one, either....
Ah. I had a paisley past. Best way to describe it. Until, of course, I realized I was getting a bit long in the tooth to continue down that path. No drugs, though...never went that route.

On that note, I bid you all a goodnight and a pleasant evening!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:19 PM


JQ - modesty is wondeful, but again ,I say to you-take the compliments you silly man !
You're unique,funny and a wonderful part of our family.
All that ,and you have some very well put insights on life too.That's what makes you so very shiny !



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:19 PM


Most serious injury..hmm....I really have never been hurt too bad, though I have fallen off my horse countless times which definitely isn't the most pleasant feeling in the world...It actually kinda amazing that I've never broken any bones when doing horseback riding too!
I'd have to say that a pretty bad non-physical injury is just not having friends, which how I sometimes felt like a few years ago, but it was never as bad as it seemed like it was for James...*HUGS*. Kids can be really mean sometimes...

Least favorite chore would have to be cleaning uo any kind of animal excrement...I'm NOT going to have pets when I live on my own.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:05 PM


Oi, you guys move way too fast for me!!

I'll start with this thread and end with the previous one I hadn't had time to respond to sooner...

Worst Injury, physically: toss up between (1) being thrown from / jumping from my crazy horse and falling on my head 17 years ago (yes, that should explain a thing or two), resulting in a rather nasty concussion, and (2) having to get 9 stitches in my thumb after trying to investigate a customer complaint using the returned product and a brand new razor blade. 5 years later, I can still feel the razor blade going into my thumb... *shudder!*

Worst Injury, emotionally: I won't tell you that. I've been through my share of bad, and am still going through it. It's had the cumulative effect of leaving me cynical, bitter, extremely distrustful, and emotionally distant, but I'm still alive and kicking. And cuddly!

Most hated chore: Um. Pretty much all of them. Washing dishes would probably be my mostest hatedest, though. Honestly, I've thrown dishes / silverware away rather than clean them.

Indulgence: Baths. Hot, hot, hot baths. Instead of foamy bubble baths, though, I prefer the powdery stuff that just dissolves in the water, turning it a deep blue or green, and makes the water ultra smooth and rich. If that makes sense to anyone other than me.... I soak in the bath and either read or, during (American) football season, watch my team get crushed by the opposition.

My newest indulgence is from "Bath & Body Works," a store into which I had never ventured until this past weekend. They sold me some girly things, and among them was one of their "aromatherapy sugar scrubs," and I tried it, and I swear... it was the best shower I had ever had in my entire life. I love it. It's all I need to survive. And here is a picture, if you're wondering what to buy me for the holidays:

Originally posted by ChrisMoorhead:
Worst injury - My first girlfriend breaking up with me. {delicately edited by HK} Physical pain just becomes numbing after a while, but losing her hurt more than anything I've ever experienced.

I agree with this completely, having experienced similarly. I always get annoyed by the old adage "Tis better by far to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." In fact, I fing hate that saying. At this point in my life, I would much rather "never loved" than suffer the soul crushing emotional wreckage of "love lost."

Originally posted by Kinetic:
dislocated elbow
2 separated shoulders

Jeez, I read those two things together as "Decapitated elbows." I am soooo tired.

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by RIMG?

Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
On that note - I think we all are one strong bunch of Browncoats !
or would we be a gaggle ? A herd ? or possibly a flock ?Help....

I think we should be a plethora. A plethora of Browncoats.

Band of Browncoats. We could turn it into an HBO miniseries.

What about Legion of Browncoats? Sounds both mighty and menacing. I think I'm just fond of the "menacing" part.

And that's enough from me. I spent the last half of the day at work dizzy / vertigo and it hasn't gone away yet; this computer monitor isn't helping. I think I'm suffering congestive heart failure. And I only say that cuz I work in the heart-fixing industry and like to jump to crazy panic-y conclusions like that. I'm sure I'm fine. Really. Except for the giant hole in my heart. *sniffle* HK's epitaph: I told you I was sick!



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:37 PM


Is it me or are we having problems on this site?
I think it is the update to my Windows Internet Explorer. Every time I get an update something goes off.

Well here I am.

Worst injury.

Like some hsve mentioned, it is the emotional injuries that hurt the most.

The hard one I am dealing with right now is not my own. My mother turned eighty-eight last november. She was born three days before the armistice of World War One, Originally known as the Great War. Now her short term memory is going. When I visit her she will bring up the same subjects over and over as if we never discussed them. So far she is still able to take care of herself and my sister and nieces live vary close, so they see her a lot and keep tabs on her. It is sad to see her go so slowly. As long as she can take care of herself I feel pretty good. I just don't know how long that will be.

You learn patience from this. She needs a cane to keep her balance and she takes very short steps. It takes some time to get her back and forth from the car. Never say you have stopped learning. I have learned to help climb in and out of the car and walk with baby steps to the door of whatever shop we are headed for. You learn to listen to her describe the same incident over and over while replying as if you heard it for the first time.

As long as she is happy. That above all other things is what I am greatful for. The warm hug when I arrive and when I leave. My inner smile when she asks me what I think about this Bush. She may have short term memory problems, but she knows what is happening in this world.

Well I have rambled again. This what happens when you get to the improbables so late.



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 2:59 PM


'Ello folks. Again I seem to have fallen behind a bit as these threads keep going and going...

Worst injury? Hmm...well this is kind of embarrassing because it could've been prevented had I only paid attention to what I was doing, yet since I'm a self-proclaimed court jester (with Penguin's approval, of course!) I guess it's appropriate for me to do embarrassing things and then let more folks know about what I had done.

I don't remember how old I was but I believe somewhere between 12 and 14. It was summer and my younger brother and a friend of ours were riding our bikes and found ourselves on the playground of the local public school. It was early evening so somewhat dark. I attempted to ride my bike between some monkey bars and didn't see this horizontal bar that was level with my forehead (yes, in plain sight, but I managed to overlook it - smart, eh?). I wasn't going very fast at all but I hit my head on the bar, lost my balance and fell backwards onto my bike. The bolt holding the rear tire on ripped right through my jeans and left a nasty scar on the backside of my left thigh. I had a big ol' bruise/bump on my forehead and my leg was bleeding. My brother helped me walk my bike home and had my dad check my wounds and treated the one on my leg. Not real serious but it's the one that comes to mind.

As for emotional wounds - I've had my share but I'll spare you all the details as I've rambled on enough for now.

Court Jester of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 3:26 PM


HK - Oh, I forgot about Bath&Body works stuff as an indulgent thing...I love that stuff way too much!

Traveler - *hugs* I hope your mom is doing alright...the emotional stuff is always the worst...

McQ - Yikes, probably the worst way to get hurt is falling down in front of other people. Whenever I do, they have to laugh first, then ask if I'm I said kids can be mean...

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 6:16 PM


WOW Asortafairytale:

It looks like everybody went to bed or are watching their Firefly DVD's.

I have been creative and added a new picture to my signature. It took a little work because you have to put one space between each of the pictures or the system sees it as one item and can't figure it out. Thus you get nothing. After a little experimenting I finally figured you just place a space between them like you do with words. So simple and yet it took some trials to figure it out.

Do not feel bad about my mother. She has lived a long and honest life. It is just hard to see her slow down so much. I have watched movies that had parents surprized by the speed their children grow up. But us children also witness our parents age. My mother has actually outlived all her childhood friends. My mother would show up alone for a class reunion. Of course you have to understand she came from a very small town and the graduating classes were probably less than a hundred. My graduating class was near a thousand. Life in the big city of Milwaukee.

My mother lived in a time when you sat in front of the radio and listened to the ongoing serials and cliff-hangers they produced. The phone had a crank and the toilet was out back.

I am rambling again. I bet if you combined all my posts they would add up to a pretty good sized book. I should put some effort into creating a story. Maybe I could get Joss to make a movie of it.

Take Care Asortafairytale;



Wednesday, December 13, 2006 8:19 PM


RIMG - Wanting a good death is not part of American culture, never has been. We're a nation of competitive winners, the people in the greatest positions of financial and political power having little to no concern for glory or honor. And why should they? Money separates them from war and other atrocities too much for them to recognize any amount of decency or goodness borne of it. I'm glad that you, though, hold it in high regard.

JQ - I've actually written about how the entire concept of mourning death as much as we do is a result more of selfishness than anything else. That's not entirely bad, though, humans do need to be selfish on occasion, but it's a thin line. I've seen that sort of selfishness give way to competing for attention (Look at me, I'm the most upset! NO NO! I AM! I AM MORE UPSET THAN ANYONE!). It can get really disgusting, but I know none of ya'll are like that. I appreciate the sentiment, that I am wanted and my presence is desired, but I know you'd all be happy for me on some level if I got what I always wanted.

HK - I can very much relate to that sentiment. People were telling me that a lot after what happened with she and I, that I should just try and remember the good times. That only makes it hurt worse, doesn't it? Remembering what you don't have anymore. Maybe it makes me selfish, or a bad person that I can't live vicariously through my memories, but that's just how I am.

Place my body on a ship and burn it on the sea,
Let my spirit rise, Valkyries carry me.
Take me to Valhalla where my brothers wait for me.
Fires burn into the sky, my spirit will never die.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006 9:52 PM


So much has been said in this thread. So many sad painful stories (even when they are told with humor). I don't have any words to express how much I empathize with everyone. Painful experiences are one thing that we all have in common.

When I first started reading the thread, I thought oh not much has happened to me until I started reading, and it triggered a lot of memories of pains and injuries that I haven't thought about for awhile.

Worst injury: When I was about 7 years old, I was playing in a field behind a friend's house. We were playing follow the leader. The friend that was in the front accidentally kicked a hornets' nest. A black swarm of hornets headed for all of us that were following her. I ran screaming 2 blocks to my house. I was stung from the tip of my head to the tips of my toes. I now have an emotional scar that makes me really anxious around stinging insects.

Emotional injury: Yep, I've had a lot of those. Anytime I show a vulnerable side, and someone comes along and stomps on me. Yuck!

Traveler, I love your new signature pic. It's funny what one little space between pics can do.

Chris, it is sad when we lose anyone from our lives. There will be a small comfort in knowing you would want to go that way, but we all want you to tell your future kids and grandkids about the experience.

JQ, I have had barely enough time to read the threads. I will be reading your blogs when I get a free moment.

Morning to All when you come back after a good nights sleep.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:33 AM


mornin' Imponderables.

MSG - I had no intention of either when I made the thread, it is just a song title that I like, and I am sure that arguements could be made for either case. :)

Traveler - I know exactly what you are talking about when you describe listening to the same story over and over and having to pretend that it is the first time. My grandmother is 84 and has been doing that for a few years now, and it's very hard to watch, I agree there as well. She still teaches the hula a few times a week, and paints almost every day, both of which make her very happy.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:56 AM


RIMG - You are so lucky to still have your grandmother !
I miss mine very much.My MIL does that repeating thing too , but she's not that old, just nuts.

Traveler- You mother is lucky to have a son like you that cares enough to make those age allowences.Too often we see children who just pay no attention to their older parents, or have so patience for them .You have a good heart
I have a very soft spot for the elderly as I took care of my grandmother, and her sisiter when they couldn't do for themselves anymore.
I no longer have either of them here ,but they are always with me.



Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:06 AM


mornin LA.

I am very glad to still have both of my grandmothers, though both of my grandfathers are no longer with us, and both were gone relatively early in my life.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:10 AM


RIMG - Both ? You are doubly lucky then.I was very close with my grandfather as well ,but he passed away when I was 9. So I only have childhood memories of him.And some very colorful family stories too.



Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:21 AM


I barely remember my paternal grandfather, except through stories or pictures (I was maybe 4 or 5 when he died, I forget the exact date). My maternal grandfather passed when I was 8 or 9, so I remember a little more about him. I wasn't really close to either of them, not nearly as close as I am with my grandmothers.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 4:44 AM


Morning, all!
For this morning's coffee, we are back to the chocolate candy cane.

Traveler, thank you for sharing that about your mother. That is my biggest fear; losing my mind slowly and not knowing it. I am glad that she is happy, though...that is one good thing. And the hugs. Mother's hugs are the be-all, end-all of wonderfulness.

McQ! Yep...we all fall behind from time to time! Glad to see you when you are here, though.

CMH, I do agree with your take on the whole "remember the good times" sentiment. In the case of a lost love, it is, in my opinion, a bad idea to dwell on things like are right in that it just makes things worse.

VE, when you do get a chance, check out JQ's blogs. They will give you a smile and brighten the season a bit more.

To all I have missed by name, good morning, and I hope all is well with you so far.
I am off for more coffee, then I will be back.

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 6:53 AM

TRISTAN's real quiet in here today...where'd everybody go?

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:27 AM


Tristan, it is quiet this morning. Usually there is an entire new thread by this time in the morning. Hopefully more people will show up by the time I come back.

Bye for now.

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:32 AM


I was at lunch, but am back now.

Still, I agree on the quiet. Many of the people who have posted by now have not made their daily appearances.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:50 AM


Huh...may be time to send out search parties!

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 7:59 AM


* rummages around in the refrigerated storage units, replenishing his cold medical tonic supply.

Ready when you are, sir.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 8:03 AM


I'm really hoping that it's just a "Can't connect" problem for them...or maybe they did all run away with Hell's Kitten and not even tell us!

*looks around for a note*

Nope, they didn't leave anything. Alright, let's see what we can find, then!

*gears up and heads out of the thread with RIMG in search of the lost ponderers*

CO of the 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:


Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:07 AM




Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:17 AM


Izzat new NVG? Either way, I bet it hurt like hell. Looks good though.

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:27 AM


Got it last night. Sure it hurt, but I was already thinkin' about the next one the moment the needle hit skin. I'm really considering the 76th patch.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 10:38 AM


The 76th patch is a damn shiny idea too. Hell, I'd be willing to get a matching one. :)

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:49 AM


Is there anyone out there willing to listen to a collection of problems?


Thursday, December 14, 2006 11:57 AM


Oh, my these threads do move quickly don't they?
I'll be willing to listen to ya NVG...not sure if it'll do you much good though.

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:20 PM


I think a little venting may help.

I'll start off with good stuff first. John from Outsiders Tattoo invited me and whoever I wann bring to fo paintballin' the weekend after Christmas. I'm really lookin' forward to it.

While at work today I got a message on Myspace from GBD today sayin' that she liked that I got a new tattoo and that she'll be home tonight. I miss her, but I really don't wanna see her. I needed more time away from her. It'd be different if she'd called and said Hi or whatever while she's been gone, but she didn't

BACKGROUND: I E-mailed Tristan and MSG a few days ago the goings on of Saturday night/Sunday morning. there was alot said between her and I and I really don't want the drama. She called me before I left the art sale I was at to say that she missed me terribly and that I needed to hurry up and get home. I actually took my time and didn't get home 'til almost 10:00PM. Basically she called a few more times to make sure I was okay and she keeps throwing out the I Love You thing.
Of course she had a few drinks and she really seems to mean it, but its F-ing with my head. That had happened before with her. I just don't want that kinda love.
Continuing, we go back and forth for an hour about various things and I end up leaving. I was tired and angry and I don't know what. I'm just fed up with all the back peddling. I don't want any part of any F-ing game and she knows it. She even mentioned how stupid "She Who Shall Not Be Named" is and how I'm such a great guy. I never bring her up. Not even in my head. But GND seems compelled to get some kind of reaction out of me.

I went and spent some time with her family last night (had to show off the new tat and say Hi). It really hurts to think I have to stay away from them too. And I really don't know why my mentality has had such a strange shift. I gotta shut up for a bit and work.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:27 PM


*Hugs NVG*
Like, I said I'm sorry that I'm not very good at giving out advice for this sorta thing, but virtuals hugs help, right?
hope things work out for ya!
Oh and your tattoo is very shiny!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 12:46 PM


Thanks for the hugs. Like I said, I just need to vent a bit. I've been taught that there are times a person needs to stop tryin' to fix shit and do nothing. I ain't like that. But in the last 24 hours I have had the sub-concious feeling of doing nothing for right now. I don't do that. I never have. Its just kinda wierd to have that of all thigs come up. Do nothing.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:06 PM


I know how you feel. When I have a problem, I usually feel the need to try and fix it, but sometimes that'll just make even more problems that you'll want to fix too. I would understand how it might just be better to do nothing and just wait and see what happens....
I'll give you another hug if it helps at all!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 1:13 PM


Thanks again. Just don't squeeze too hard. I've been feeling a bit nautious for the last hour or so. I think it may be just nerves. But I never fel like this and it has taken me fo a loop.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:17 PM


Hello Nvghostrider:

I don't know the whole story, but it sounds like there is nothing for you to fix. You can not fix somebody elses attitude. If they can not see their own problem then they will never be able to fix it themselves. And if I have learned one thing in this world it is this a person has to see themselves for who they are. You can help them see it, but they have to be open enough to accept what you show them. After that you can not do any more. It is up to them. The only person you can work on is yourself. You have the to decide what you want and what you need.

Even doctors know they can only do so much and the rest is up to their patient. So take care of yourself.

A quote from another very brilliant TV series, 'The Prisoner', "Who is number one?"



Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:35 PM


Hello Traveler...I knew someone else would be better at the advices than me.
Where is everyone else? Usally these threads go a mile a minute!

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:46 PM


I suspect it is the season. The holidays take a lot of work for some people. I am lucky not to have that much to do.

It will pick up again when we get past December and the celebrating is done.



Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:47 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

*tears into the thread as fast as her recently discovered ninja skills will let her...*

Hello - I haven't really had a chance to read the whole thread but by the gist of it I have to tell you about a real injury and/or emotional one!!??

Hey Qing ren!! (sneaky ninja kiss mid-subject)

Anyway - I have to give Q the biggest hug coz my funniest injury story is a little like his - though not as serious! I grew up a couple of blocks from my cousins who had a lot more freedom than me and when I heard them coming up the hill past our place (we lived on a corner so the footpath ran alongside the back fence) I sort of parked my bike next to the fence and stood on the seat to see them coming! Just as I called out to them the bike started to fall from under me and I kind of jumped to avoid the kind of tangle that my poor Q got into... only to find that I'd thrown myself into the biggest, meanest, oldest rose-bush in the garden... both of my parents had to come out ond extracate me from it's huge thorns... and believe it or not I still have several tiny scars on my body from where the largest thorns went in... deep!

Worst injury though was when I was a chaplain at a National Christian YOuth Convention - I lost my footing on the way to breakfast one morning and severely twisted my ankle... I was wheelshair bound for the conference (it was on a large university campus) and on crutches for 6 weeks, and physio for weeks after that! Ouch - it was a lesson in humility, as well as being there for people wherever you find them - I kind of set up a small community in the sick bay area where I ended up spending most of my time for the remainder of the week and was there for the overworked doctor and her supporters, other young people who came in injured or sick, and even some of the chaplains who had been rostered on for sickbay duty only to find themselves unravelling from the heat, stress and lack of sleep!

Worst emotional injury... ummmm... I think I have successfuly blocked it from memory now...

Huge hugs to VerseExplorer for sending me the Rice Crispy Treats for Christmas!!!! Thank you so much Kaylee-clone - I actually squealed in the Post Office!!

Ms G - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! & huge hugs!!! Love you Li'l Sis!!

NVG - stupid women...You'll appreciate a non-stupid woman all the more when she comes along Honey! (glares at GND for her stupidity )

Tristan working on some more ninja skills qing ren...

Sorry if I missed anyone - I miss you all but will soon be in my 'own' place with my 'own' internet access for the next 6 weeks!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 2:50 PM


Ah, that makes sense...
I have successfully been avoiding the holiday craziness myself, although it is only mid-December. The only problem I have is that the music is really getting on my nerves, and also the fact that I haven't bought any of my Christmas presents yet....
I'll probably end up buying them like two days before Christmas day...

EDIT: Hi Magdalena! *waves*

Love keeps her in the air when she outta fall down, tells you she's hurting before she keels. Makes her a home.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:13 PM


I avoid the holidays as much as possible. I get this feeling there is divice that turns people insane this time of year. There are some radio stations that have been playing Christmas music for a couple of weeks. I like Christmas music, but how often can you listen to "White Christmas?"

I am so happy my favorite station does not get into this. They will start in a week or so, but that is not to bad. I only listen to the radio in my car, and the morning DJ's spend most of their time discussing insane celebrities and the their own crazyness. So it is just one bad pun after the other.

Hello Magdalena:
Enjoying the heat. If we could exchange some of our winter for some of your summer it would great.



Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:19 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Hi 'Sorta'! I totally understand about the music too - my biggest annoyance is that it's been around the 40c mark (100F) but for no apparent reason the shopping centres insist on playing 'Jingle Bells' and 'Frosty the Snowman' and they really, really irritate me!! They have absolutely nothing to do with Christmas but they get played, out of season every single year...

Oh ... and I have actually made most of my gifts already - just got to wrap them all now!

EDIT: Hello dear Traveler! It's a little milder today, and last night we actually had rain!! It was divine! Today I can actually see the blue sky for the first time in over a week as the change in wind direction has blown the smoke away! Continue to spare a thought/prayer for our firefighters though - the change in wind direction isn't always good news to them, though the lower temps are better for their health in general!

Oh Oh Oh ... another EDIT: I have been to Portmerion where The Prisoner was filmed Traveler!! I know about 'Who is number one?" and did you know that Leo McKern who was in it, and is most famous for his role as 'Rumpold of the Bailey' was actually Australian? He was the friar in 'LadyHawk' too for those too young to know what we old folk are talking about...

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:34 PM


Thanks for the warm words folks. I guess that it is a bit smart to follow my gut (I think I may be hungry). I'm out for the day. Hi to everyone I'haven't seen in a while. Hugs to Mags just because. I hope to march with ya in September.

I guess its time to go home and face whatever music there may be. I don't know when she'll be home this evening, but I may just turn everything off and read under my worklight. Its not that I don't wanna see her. Its just that I don't wanna see her right now.

Goodnight folks.


Thursday, December 14, 2006 3:42 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"

Me too NVG!! I do hope to march with you too HOney!! Take care of yourself!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"






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