I think I'm going to hurl...

UPDATED: Friday, February 20, 2004 08:24
VIEWED: 5933
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Monday, February 16, 2004 6:01 PM


My wife was flipping channels and noticed something so outrageous at first we thought it was some kind of parody commercial or something, but we soon realized (to our disgust) we were on the FOX channel, and they were indeed promoting "The Littlest Groom", a bachelor-like reality show featuring...yes, midgets.


Purple elephants are flying.
Good. Thanks for the update.


Monday, February 16, 2004 6:05 PM


That is so very pathetic. Wanna know what's even MORE pathetic? People will watch it. Bleh.



Monday, February 16, 2004 6:16 PM


those little guys loooooove fire....i suggest they use it to burn the producers of this show!


Monday, February 16, 2004 7:08 PM


Yes, I saw that on in the dining hall tonight. My head then proceeded to explode out of SHEER TERROR!

Please excuse me while I vomit.

It's sickening how comforting the privacy of the mind can be.
"Bible's broken; contradictions, false logistics. Doesn't make sense." - River


Monday, February 16, 2004 8:56 PM


What is even worse is the ad for their next show...

Basically, it's the bachelorette except half the guys are gay. If she choses a straight guy, they split $1 mil. If she choses a gay guy, he gets all of it himself.

Guess when it airs. Fridays at 8p eastern. Yep, THIS is what they cancelled Firefly for.

If the special hell is for people who talk at the theatre, where do Fox execs go?


Monday, February 16, 2004 9:35 PM


I heard about this new show while I was driving today. Laughed out loud at how low FOX will go... no pun intended.

FOX wants to position itself as the 'crusty, grotty, sleezy, brain stem inspired' viewing niche market.

When FOX cancelled Firefly, it was a statement against broadcasting anything smart, unique, artistic and thought provoking.

FOX: Inbred Idjets.



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Monday, February 16, 2004 10:59 PM


but isnt it even more shocking that a large group of the american public not only watch but enjoy this crap.....


Monday, February 16, 2004 11:52 PM


That is so true, I can't understand this obsession with so-called reality TV, as if anyone involved in these shows resemble a real person. It's just like in the 80's when everything was comedies, until people got sick of them. The programmers are all so intent on jumping on the bandwagon that they don't think they will outmarket themselves.

I saw the promotion for the diminuitive bachelor, and think that they have truly reached a low, and are going simply for shock. How pathetic.

I used to record a fair amount of shows, but find myself making that tape really last anymore. Don't any advertisers want my money?


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I can so understand the disgust everyone feels for this constant barrage of so called "reality" garbage that Fox keeps cranking out.

Not fifteen minutes ago a group of 4 employees in my department stood outside my office door discussing last night's "My Big Fat Obnoxious Finacee". You guessed it, another Fox gift to the already numb public.

What is sickening is that people watch this garbage, and I hear several of them say excitedly how they can't wait for the next episode. It makes me want to scream, to shake them and say "It is because of people like you that TV is killing great shows like Firefly! It is because of people like you that Fox is leading the way in networks spiralling television programming right into the sewer."

Maybe they should start a Jerry Springer Network for all of these people so they can get their "reality" fix 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Damn you Fox, and all other networks that feel the need to assail our intelligence w/ this filth you call reality shows!

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 4:21 AM



Originally posted by DeannaMay:
That is so true, I can't understand this obsession with so-called reality TV, as if anyone involved in these shows resemble a real person.

I think what you are seeing is Hollywood in full burnout mode. All the stories, show ideas etc, are "been there, done that" etc. and have no idea what to do. So they do "reality TV" because they ain't got no ideas left.

And they WON'T LET JOSS ALONE, and let him put shows on the air.

"Wash, where is my damn spaceship?"


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:00 AM


Feeling bitter? Want your TV-transcending TV show back? Frustrated by low-brow replacement shows that are cheaper and get a wider audience?

Relax, guys. People watch TV to be entertained--people like to be entertained. "Punch & Judy" used to be really popular before TV was invented. There's even a lot of "fairy tales" that are just stories about stupid people (like "The Three Sillies," which is all over medieval Europe and is about as deep as the title suggests).

People like dumb things. I don't know why you're shocked at this. And /I/ like dumb things, too--not just fantastic works of art like "Firefly". Don't blame Fox for human nature. I mean, we all hate Fox (heck, even Mat Groening hates Fox) but really, why do we have to be elitist sci fi snobs?

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh--I guess I'm just complaining about the complaining. It's just, well, here I am in Asia and there is nothing that compares to the overall quality of Firefly--America (and specifically creators like Joss) has taken the television show to an art form that is unsurpassed elsewhere in my experience, except perhaps in the UK. Most places have "Fox" quality stuff all the time--because it sells. And it will always sell.

Firefly is the cream--and you're complaining that everyone else is drinking water. (Sorry to beat a dead horse--I'll stop now.)


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:02 AM



And I think calling them inbred idjets is an insult to the inbred idjets community




Tuesday, February 17, 2004 5:48 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

SerenityNow wrote:


People like dumb things. I don't know why you're shocked at this. And /I/ like dumb things, too--not just fantastic works of art like "Firefly". Don't blame Fox for human nature. I mean, we all hate Fox (heck, even Mat Groening hates Fox) but really, why do we have to be elitist sci fi snobs?

It is obvious people like "dumb" things. If they didn't, networks like Fox would not continue to turn out garbage like "Simple Life", "Littlest Groom", and "My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee".

I am not really surprised persay by the viewing choices, as I am completely and utterly disappointed by them. I can understand that the majority of TV viewers want simple, thoughtless television to watch, and that they do not want to invest the energy into the thought processes behind a quality show, but that does not mean I agree with, or follow, the mainstream.

Sci fi enthusiasts have long been apart from the mainstream and if reality shows are what the general population are watching, I am glad that I am part of the minority.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 6:47 AM


Dude--don't you ever want to just be like a kid sometimes and like dumb, mindless fluff just 'cause it's fun? Trash TV is just another form of childhood regression, in my opinion--like watching some of the sillier anime (Dragonball, Ranma & 1/2, and the like) or (shudder) going to a Disney cartoon or James Bond movie. It's whimsical, not a petty form of evil.

The petty evil, is of course, doing nothing but these shows in place of Firefly. That's the real issue.

Of course, like most elitist sci fi/fantasy snobs, I read only the *best* (China Mielville, for ex.), eschewing the pulp stuff (Piers Anthony) and don't watch much TV if I can help it except for very selected shows (you know which). But people I really respect /do/ watch that trash TV--just because the shows are fun and lighthearted. And they read those books. It's because, well, what is the point of life if you can't let go of your brain for a bit and enjoy something that just makes you feel good and laugh. And even I admit that after a few drinks, even the "Obnoxoius Fiance" show looks pretty good (I do need some drinks, though).

Again, I find myself beating a horse. Sorry folks. I guess my point is, I think y'all's anger is misplaced and you're being kinda judgemental. (yes, I am the kettle.)


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 6:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

SerenityNow wrote:

Dude--don't you ever want to just be like a kid sometimes and like dumb, mindless fluff just 'cause it's fun? Trash TV is just another form of childhood regression, in my opinion--like watching some of the sillier anime (Dragonball, Ranma & 1/2, and the like) or (shudder) going to a Disney cartoon or James Bond movie. It's whimsical, not a petty form of evil.

Yes, I do at times want mindless entertainment, but when I do, I watch a comedy show or one of those really horrible B rated movies so I can have my own version of MST3K on my couch. I have never, ever felt the urge to watch a reality program.

The problem w/ "reality" tv is that it is not "reality". It is easy to tell that the majority of what one sees is scripted, thus not reality at all. For networks to pass this off as reality is an insult to their intelligence.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:01 AM


Fox = Barnam & Baily circus.

That's why they canceled Firefly, it wasn't a circus act.


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 7:09 AM


Sat through the same garbage previews of some of these new reality shows while watching the Simpsons the other night. My kids were ready to commit me because all I could say for the rest of the night was "..and they took Firefly off for this trash...".


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 8:00 PM



Originally posted by Jayne'sJoJo:

And I think calling them inbred idjets is an insult to the inbred idjets community



* snarf *

Okay... okay... yer right.


I'm imagining a FOX exec meeting where the head person gets up and says, "When I tell you that my inbred idjit programming director makes me look like an inbred idjit child... I hope you understand the full meaning of what I say... "



"Doing the impossible makes us mighty." - Malcolm Reynolds


Tuesday, February 17, 2004 9:29 PM



Originally posted by SerenityNow:
It's whimsical, not a petty form of evil.

Shows like "The Osbournes" or My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiancee" aren't what I'd call whimsical.

Hell, even before the "Reality" T.V. craze, we had things like "World's Worst Car Wrecks" and "When Animals Attack IV". Yeah, that sounds like a hoot. Instant classic, that. Fun for the whole family.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 2:12 AM


I always liked "World's Wildest Police Videos", but they cancelled that too. It had awesome dialogue like "It's a disaster waiting to explode." Plus, it was about jusice, instead of tricking people. Actually, it was about car chases. But at least it was entertaining.


Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:34 AM


Now see I would argue that the entertainment value of non-Reality based programming is higher, if only because creativity and imagination are involved.

It's programming to the least common denominator. It's sad. Do you realize that today, classic shows which are considered some of the finest TV ever, would not make it past their 5th episode? Cutting Edge TV doesn't cut it anymore. It's like living in Rome and realizing the Colloseum is 5 times larger than any theater. Why? Cos people liked watching people actually kill each other more than people pretending to kill each other. It's sick, but as long as people kept showing up, they kept coming up with more and more ways to kill people in more and more depraved ways. The people got so caught up in the kill fever that they didn't even realize that the people who were being killed were just like they were. Gladiators are long since gone, but the theater remains. Why? Because eventually people get so numb to it they turn their backs on it completely.

I watch TV as an escape, I'm pretty sure that's why I'd rather watch Firefly or Buffy or Angel or those type of shows rather than 'the most obnoxious gay batchelor millionaire midget has to choose between lola the sheep and betsy who's actually a man (which hey the midget is down with being gay and all), and if he picks Betsy we electrocute his cat, and all the wacky antics take place on a rural Alabama farm.' I mean that's not an escape that's reveling in someone else's misery, and it's a damn freak show. Do you think anyone would watch American Idol if they didn't have Simon Cowell ripping people new colons every episode? Would people watch The Bachelor if the girls weren't such easy hoes? I mean whenever I hear people talk about that show it's to rip down everyone on it. That's not watching pleasure that's being a fan in the stands while others rip each others limbs off.

Even shows like ER are at least entertaining, they are stories about people, people you can relate to, or people who are like other people you know, and they have bad days, and good days, but they get through it all and keep on going, just like you. I mean remember when Roseanne first came on and what a breath of fresh air it was? Or even Married with Children? Neither of these shows would make it today. Hell Buffy wouldn't have made it to it's second season. I am still in a bit of wonder that shows like Arrested Development and Malcolm in the Middle are still around. I mean they are kinda risky comedies. Do you think Friends could cut it these days if it just premiered? Break it down like this: Okay there are 6 friends, 3 boys, 3 gals, and they are like lifelong friends, they live in the same building and hang out in a coffee shop, and the show is just that. 6 people hangin' out. Yeah that'd last about 5 minutes. Or Seinfeld, so there's this Jewish comedian guy and he complains about everything, and all his friends are either neurotic or just as bitter and jaded as he is and basically we just sit back and watch the wackiness ensue. No go there either.

I dunno, I guess it's just easy to be a silly TV snob.

'Never underestimate the incredible power of a large group of stupid people'


I wish stupidity were painful


Friday, February 20, 2004 8:24 AM



Originally posted by Tomanta:
What is even worse is the ad for their next show...

Basically, it's the bachelorette except half the guys are gay. If she choses a straight guy, they split $1 mil. If she choses a gay guy, he gets all of it himself.

Guess when it airs. Fridays at 8p eastern. Yep, THIS is what they cancelled Firefly for.

If the special hell is for people who talk at the theatre, where do Fox execs go?

Hopely I can shove my boot up those execs @$$ first. Their out of their heads. Its no wonder Fox is nor will ever be #1 station. They remove all the good shows for stupid shows like this.

We must get Firefly back on the air.

Keep SERENITY alive..






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