The 76th Independent Battalion (part 7)

UPDATED: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 03:53
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Monday, December 18, 2006 10:19 AM


They really do blend in and are unobtrusive. We'll bring a bunch with us, just in case.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:41 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Sounds like a plan. I will hunt down some of the black ones myself as they tend not to stand out as bad as the white ones. I will try to pick up several packs so I have extras for those that need them.

Be warned 76th, if you have blades DC security will make you peace bond them if they are not already. This is a requirement & you can be ejected or denied entry into events if it is not done.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Monday, December 18, 2006 10:46 AM


Thank you, Boomer, and thank you BrownCoat1.
We will have a weapons check at the rally point (the Hilton Bar, I think) before the march.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Monday, December 18, 2006 10:58 AM


I'm wondering that with this backstory, we are moving away from the model of ACW and more towards Ireland from Easter 1916 to 'the troubles' of the 1920s. Are the former members of the 76th part of a clandestine IRB (Independent Republic Brotherhood)?

To an earlier point - during the ACW, brigades in the Union service were numbered, but in the CS did take on the names of their commanders - some times the original name was retained even after the commander moved on, most famously the 'Stonewall' brigade.

Seperate question - can any one recommend a source for scarves? I'm wondering to what extent we can offer a easy way to acheive a common look and feel. One service that an organizational construct can offer is economics - can our S-whatever supply office look into this? I'm also hoping that said officer can also help on on central sourcing of other items. Just a thought, not trying to tack on beauracracy to what is supposed to be the fun of a faux army.

Regards all,



"The Spirit of 76"


Monday, December 18, 2006 11:25 AM


Quandom, we will be waiting to see what Doc has to say on the subject. We have a good start on the origins and actions of the 76th so far. I do want to point out again that we are coming into the story about midway into our history...after some minor actions, but before the main battles. So, we would be perpetually in that "zone", if that makes sense. This will allow us to keep out clean, relatively fresh look for the Cons of the future.
I do think, however, that our history can be based on just about anything we choose so far as "models" go...the goal is not to follow a set path; either the Civil War or the Irish Rebellion. This is a future unit, in a 'Verse we all love to play in, so our history can be what we make it. But because of the numerous possible interpretations, one person, DocJubal, has been chosen to figure this all out, and that wil be the accepted history.
As for the naming, that is still in BWTP's court. He said he would come up with something for us all to look at, and we should wait to see what he has.

To address the "S-whatever" supply officer, I guess that falls into my court, as I am designing the vest, coat, and smock. I am also looking at cloth types for scarves, and will be posting possibilities as they present themselves. The one I used in the photos above is actually a raw silk remnant...while it looks good, it is also quite heavy and will prove to be warm for Atlanta. So, I am thinking of crepe-like material, or a light-weight cotton. I am going as fast as I can to get all of this together so that we can have a common look and feel. By having one type of vest, coat, smock, helmet, weapon, etc., we get closer to the uniform look we'd like to have. I don't want it to cost an arm and a leg to be part of the 76th, but I also don't want to have anyone that throws on a long brownish coat and grabs a toy gun to call themselves a member of the 76th. I am not trying to make us elitist. Well, maybe a little bit, but that attitude will make us look good, and that is the over-all goal. To as faithfully as possible represent a facet of this beloved series of ours.
Central sourcing. Hmm. I know that I will be a source for coat, vests, smocks, and a few other items, but I do not have the capital to purchase several sets of pants, helmets, and other things we will all need. I don't mean that to sound sarcastic, but it is true. But giving links to places to find the things I/we cannot make is the best thing to central sourcing that we can do. That is why all of the relevant, up-to-date info is put in the first post of each 76th thread.

Oy. I hope that answers yours and others' questions. Thank you for bringing that up and letting me ramble for a little while.

If there are any questions along these lines, let me know!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Monday, December 18, 2006 2:08 PM


Alright a few quick things to add before I go to work.

First, regarding the slogan/nickname/et al. Here are a couple things. The 57th Overlanders (notice Overlanders isn't in quotes) was a ground pounding unit based on what we've seen of the series. Therefore I believe that Overlander is the Independent version of Infantry. It isn't a nickname, it's an actual designation like the 1st Infantry Division in the US Army. That being said, before we have a designation, if we even want that (as we expand it could get difficult as we may need to be redesignated), we have to figure out exactly what we are. As to the slogan, I've been so busy as of late that I haven't had time to dedicate to the board, let alone comeing up with a slogan. So I hereby put it to the masses. Come up with some ideas for a slogan, post them on the other board (or email them to me if the board won't let you join) by let's say the 15th of January and we'll hold a vote. The person that submits the winning slogan gets a free 76th patch when they're made.

Second, history. DocJubal is writing our history, and as Tristan mentioned, there is no model we're working off of. It's a completely ficticious history, based on no current war model, as told from the perspective of the Alliance after the War. Though we are a unit formed at the beginning of the war, and will look like it at the parade, our history is being written as if school children are reading about us in their history books 50 years after the fact.

Third, scarves. This is pretty much an open-ended avenue. The only requirements are that the red match the red of the vest, and the green and the blue match the colors in the patch. Obviously it won't be perfect, but try and be close. If we do find a good supplier, than we will post it here.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 18, 2006 2:54 PM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:
Alright a few quick things to add before I go to work. ...

The 57th Overlanders (notice Overlanders isn't in quotes) was a ground pounding unit based on what we've seen of the series. Therefore I believe that Overlander is the Independent version of Infantry. It isn't a nickname, it's an actual designation like the 1st Infantry Division in the US Army. That being said, before we have a designation, if we even want that (as we expand it could get difficult as we may need to be redesignated), we have to figure out exactly what we are. ...

Second, history... There is no model we're working off of. It's a completely ficticious history, based on no current war model, as told from the perspective of the Alliance after the War. Though we are a unit formed at the beginning of the war, and will look like it at the parade, our history is being written as if school children are reading about us in their history books 50 years after the fact.

Let me tell y'all my inspirations, sources, notions.

-- Joss Whedon started thinking about the Sereniverse after reading The Killer Angels, about Gettysburg and the Civil War.

-- The Civil War is a major model for the recent history of the 'Verse. Not the ONLY one, but a major one, which seeps into the art direction, costuming, etc.

-- In the American Civil War, individual states and cities raised formations, which were locally supplied, then folded into the national formations.

-- Canon appears to indicate that the Independent Worlds were even LESS organized than the CSA. Closer to the situation in Italy in the 13th-15th centuries, or the Germanies of the 13th-17th centuries -- fractious, fragmented. Not especially Unified.

Given the above, I then looked at our name -- the 76th Independent Battalion. No planetary name was attached; we're... just Independent.

I looked at how we were "raised"... not by a club, or a group, but by the efforts of two individuals.

And I got to thinking.

If the Independent Worlds were as fractious as they're portrayed, it's certainly possible that individuals with wealth might have raised units on their own. Happened occasionally even in the Civil War; happened all the time in the Germanies.

Hence, we're an Independent Battalion, not just because we are browncoats, but because we weren't raised by a planetary government. Allows people who like to do characters the most leeway -- you can come from anywhere. You can even be a "Corewards gentleman of Independent sympathy."

The 76th? Obviously had some emotional significance to our CO. One of these days I'll uncover why, as I research.

As far as Overlander being the browncoat usage for Infantry -- don't know whether that's glued down in canon, or a reasonable interpretation. I know the 76th is what we currently think of as "infantry"... hence the emphasis on everyone having a G36 (variant)... but we're also capable of independent deployment against a wide variety of threats. Modern man-portable weapons make life a lot less pleasant for air and armor; those trends will only continue. We'll never have to "redesignate" as "overlander", "roller", whatever; as an independent formation, if the CO "acquires" a couple of rollers, we have a roller platoon. Heh heh heh...

I kinda have Jerry Pournelle's 42nd, under John Christian Falkenberg, in mind. Good reading, from a gentleman who Was There and Done That.

That's what's in the story stew.

Comments, feedback, additions, observations?

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

SGT, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
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Monday, December 18, 2006 3:39 PM


I stand corrected. So there is a model. My appologies. But there is one thing I do want to get across, to everyone. Do not get so wrapped up in the minutiae that is sours the idea of the unit for you. Everyone here has some great ideas, and all of them will be taken into consideration (unless something opposing that has already been posted), but if something you suggest doesn't get taken as canon, or if something doesn't make total sense, or something isn't explained to your liking, remember this is all for fun. It's just a bunch of fans getting together to march at parades and walk around in costume. It's not as in depth as war reenactment groups or LARP. It's just people having fun. Flesh out a character if you want, or don't, just show up and march at the con.

Sorry I'm rambling, but I'm just seeing a trend forming that I've seen tear similar groups apart. If everyone continues to take this too seriously (and I think everyone here knows what I mean) than we're going to come to a point where people are leaving us based on principal over some piece of fiction that didn't mold perfectly with their idea of what they feel the unit should be, or not joining us at all because there's just too much going on for it to be any fun. I don't want to see that. I want to see 50+ like-minded people marching together with smiles on their faces because we did it. And Tristan, if you disagree, please chime in, but having fun is first and foremost, the rest is just filler.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 18, 2006 4:29 PM


DocJubal, thank you for that explanation. I like the way you think, and I like the direction this is going. I look forward to reading more!

76 having some significance? Maybe.
Roller platoon....hehehe.

Seriously, I really do like the way that Doc has thrown everything together to come up with a history.

BWTP, I concur totally. The main idea was to have fun, and to look good doing it. I could have asked if there were people planning on marching as soldiers and left it at "Shiny! I'll meet you there!"...but it turns out there are quite a few people interested in doing the idea of an "army" of soldiers that looked the same quickly popped into my mind. Yes, this is for fun and for our love of the show, and I agree with the end, it's for fun. I do think we can balance form and function, though, and I think we are so far doing that pretty well.
I have also been involved in groups that destory themselves before they even get started because of very, very minor things. I do not want that to happen to us, and I think the way to prevent that is with a strong leadership...and not to blow my own horn, but we have that right now...BWTP and myself, who both have our own special areas of organizational skill, are working to make this a fun, good-looking group that will last long after we are gone. We are finding help all over the place in all of you. If we can keep it together, this will be the shiniest way to show our love for the show.

So, again, thank you all for sharing a dream...and thanks for working together to achieve it!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Monday, December 18, 2006 5:36 PM



Originally posted by Tristan:

BWTP, I concur totally. The main idea was to have fun, and to look good doing it.

Have Fun.
Look Good.

Ain't bad goals, folks.

I've been very very careful not to pin down
too much. Iff'n you go and read that
historical excerpt again, there's a LOT of room
in the five years of the 76th's existence
to imagine your story.

I haven't even said how we survived Serenity
Valley, or how many survived.

I don't want to.

I want our "history" to be a framework, not a straitjacket.

I am the kind of guy who makes a good DM; I like backstory
and intricacy. But I want our 76th to be a welcoming place for
all browncoats, even the ones who could care
less about RPGing or LARPing or fanfic writing.

If all your heart desires is to wear the uniform and march...
that's enough to march with. After that? I reckon your dreams are yours.

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

SGT, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:42 PM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:
I stand corrected. So there is a model. My appologies.

Tain't any apology needed, Cap'n. Because you got the single most important thing right:


... remember this is all for fun. It's just a bunch of fans
getting together to march at parades and walk around in costume.
It's not as in depth as war reenactment groups or LARP. It's just people having fun.
Flesh out a character if you want, or don't, just show up and march at the con.

Iff'n my history makes you think twice about marching with the 76th...


Jes' show up.
Have fun.

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

SGT, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:43 PM


I need to ba able to put my words down like that. Thanks Tristan and Doc for that. I love the back story Doc, and I'd love to see more. I hope you didn't think my post was against the work you've done, that wasn't my intention.

Anyway, keep up the good work, everyone, just remember to have fun with this.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:50 PM


Private VerseExplorer reporting for duty. My goal is for a large quantity of fun and recreation. All of you are doing such a great job. Thanks!

Help Spread the Word to Non Sci-Fi Fans

I will be marching with the 76th
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Monday, December 18, 2006 5:55 PM



Originally posted by babywiththepower:

I hope you didn't think my post was against the work you've done,
that wasn't my intention.

See above.

No apologies needed.

Show Up.

All my history-writing is for is to give people with a taste for backstory
something tasty to chew on. If it doesn't help people have more fun,
it ain't doing what I want it to... and oughta be ignored.

Of course, I conjure it is helping people have fun.
But I'm belike to be prejudiced. *twinkle*

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

SGT, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:57 PM


I know I'm not an active member of the 76th, but I'd like to chime in with my thoughts.

I like Doc's backstory. A LOT. I think that the idea of some rich schmo outfitting a regiment fits right in with what ya'll are trying to do. He's financed the basic uniform (coat, vest, et al), but the peripherals are entirely what the volunteers brought with them. So, you end up looking like your Battalion, but not automatons or so-called "structured military".

You're a dedicated group, fighting for what's right...with whatever supplies you can find/bring/raid/etc.

Renegade Military Supplier
"I love my Captain."


Monday, December 18, 2006 5:57 PM


76 being significant? Could be something as simple as the founder being born in 2476.

That's my first idea, more may come later.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Monday, December 18, 2006 6:10 PM


Thank you for that, Doc.

Show up.
Have fun.

I don't think I could have said it better myself.

Thank you, VerseExplorer! By the way, there are open spots for medics if you are still interested. RIMG is the officer in charge of that.

Boomer, I am not sure I like the thought of being called a "schmo".
And thank you for summing up what I have been trying to get out of my mouth (fingers?) for several posts now.

Nico...never thought of it that way...the 76th for my birth year. Hmm.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Monday, December 18, 2006 6:12 PM


I thought it was simply because Zoe had mentioned the 76th in the flashbacks. I could be mistaken though.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Monday, December 18, 2006 7:57 PM


BWTP, in reality, yes, it was because Zoe mentioned the 76th in one of the deleted scenes from the pilot episode. However, going by your dating system (to find our birth year) I ended up being born in it is kind of funny.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Monday, December 18, 2006 8:18 PM




I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:29 AM


I know it's been mentioned before that we'll be using a simplified version of the US Army ranks (no specialists or the like), but I have a question about the insignia. It's one that seems pertinent to me, given that my rank insignia is affected by the question.

Are we using the modern insignia, or the WW2 era ones? For example, here's the current day PFC stripe and the WW2 one, just to demostrate the differences.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:47 AM


We're using current. The WWII era one is the current one for Private. The only thing is we haven't decided on how the rank will be worn. I cast my vote for wearing it upside down, as Jayne wore the rank patch on his shirt in the Maidenhead that way.

Ranks will be:

Private (PVT)
Private First Class (PFC)
Corporal (CPL)

Sergeant (SGT)
Staff Sergeant (SSG)
Sergeant First Class (SFC)
First Sergeant (1SG) (as high as we'll go for now)

Lieutenant (LT)
Captain (CPT)
Major (MAJ)
Colonal (COL)
General (GEN)

I'm officially dropping PV1 and PV2 and opting for a single PVT rank. I will correct it on the website when I get a chance. I have also dropped 2LT and 1LT opting for a single lieutenant rank LT. Also Dropeed Lieutenant Colonal and kept Major, I just didn't feel that LTC was necessary and we know for a fact there was a Major rank (Mal and Zoe told the story about how Tracey had shaved off the Major's mustache and glued it to his own face).


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 1:58 AM


Okay, thanks for clearing that up.

As far as Jayne's shirt is concerned, I think that may have just been an artistic choice of his, but I like the way it looks.

Demolitions specialist for the 76th Independent Battalion.
From blowing open locked fridges, to destroying Alliance gun emplacements, it's all fun for me.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 2:10 AM


I thought that too, but I kinda like the ranks being upside down.


I'll be in my bunk.
XO of the 76th Battalion


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 2:13 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Nicodemus, it was my understanding that we would use modern Army rank insignia for the 76th, but that enlisted ranks would be turned upside down. The decision to turn them upside down came from the fact that Jayne wears a sergeants stripes on his jacket in the Maidenshead Bar in the BDM & they are upside down. Whether it is indicitive of how they are actually worn or not, who is to say, but it does look shiny & it will be different than how they are currently worn by the US military. Personally I have always liked enlisted insignia inverted as it was in the military prior to the current doctrine.

For example, current US military rank insignia for a sergeant (E-5) is this:

[img] [/img]

The older, inverted style was this:

[img] [/img]

I guess the older style was actually the original which would make the new style inverted. You get my meaning.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 3:17 AM


May I just add my 2 coin to the "groups tearing themselves apart before they even get started" thing. THIS IS MY OPINION ALONE, you don't like it, yell at me not the Big Damn Fans who are organizing this.

Many groups probably split because of EGOS, everyone wants their suggestion used. This group march was Tristan's idea, he set up is Chain of Command (don't make me remind you about that) and they set down our "rules" for the 76th. It's their game, they decide. So check your egos at the door and you'll have a damn fine time. Sit back let those in command do the "tough" stuff but do feel free to voice your ideas, they do listen. Browncoat fans are the finest in the Verse and I really don't see conflict arising but if you don't like the 76th history then make your own for your character that you just joined up, so you weren't part of the "history". Does it really matter which way the star points or which way the stripes face (how about sideways - LOL) Of course it doesn't.

It's all for fun, Browncoats!

I aim to misbehave!

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For lapel pins and badge holder lanyards

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 3:24 AM


mornin' soldiers.

FFG - that is a damn fine way of putting it, well said

SFC Alexander, Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:18 AM


Both sleeves are now knitted, they will be redyed this evening which with this weeks humidity means drying time they should be ready for metal "finishing" towards the end of the week, then off to the leatherworkers :)

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:54 AM


I second fireflygal's two cents and raise it to FOUR cents!! Ego can get out of hand; here's a suggestion - if you'd like to write your own character's story and send it to Doc to be included in the history of the 76th...that'd be great! And you history/story can include the evolution of your particular sidearm/weapon/knife does that sound, CO Tristan, sir?? Hope I'm not being too presumptious here.
Oh, ArtCat..can't wait to see the sleeves; I've got the folks at ImaginKnit on hold until I see what you've come up with...Hmmm humidity...I am familiar with that, being in Tenn. and all; dryer?? Just a wacky suggestion! Take care troops, as the Christmas Chaos is upon us!! Yikes, I'm expected a veritable RUSH of Relatives shortly; but I'm committed (or should I BE committed??) to staying in touch and on the board and voting often throughout the next two weeks..
Have a great Tuesday everyone.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 4:55 AM


Morning, 76th!

First off, thank you FFG for your words. It is sometimes odd to remember that this idea started out in my head. Look what it is turning into! This is great, this is shiny! I am just glad that everyone is as gung-ho as I am! But you are right. I do have a chain of command, and we are deciding the direction in which the 76th will move. We love the ideas and input, but it is true that not everything can be used. So, please do not be offended...anyone...if something you suggest is not used. Many of my own ideas have to be put to the side in order to get things done.
Above all, this is for fun...but ordered, organized, uniform fun! No matter what happens between now and the parade, the moment we start walking down that street lined with people, and they see what we have created, and we see the smiles in their faces, it will all be worth it, believe me!

Ok, on to the business.

Not sure I have to, but I concur with the ranking system BWTP has come up with.

I was also under the impression that we had decided on using the "upside-down" rank insignia. If it has not been decided, then I go ahead and propose that we accept this as part of the uniform of the 76th.
We could also bounce around ideas for placement of the rank insignia. I know we started this on one of the past threads, but I don't think we decided on where to display the rank on the Type B uniform. I think it would help if I designed and built a Type B smock before we really discuss this in detail.

RIMG, good morning to you, too!

ArtCat, thank you for the update. I can't wait to see them! Stupid humidity making us wait!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:00 AM


I missed your post, Sister....must have been typing mine while you sent yours!

Your idea regarding the histories is a good one...but talk to DocJubal before sending him anything. I know he will be willing to look at what you have and see how it fits into his story, but don't overwhelm him with emails.
Doc, please chime in at any time on this.

Personal choice is allowed within reason for sidearms and knives, but we are firm on the G36-style for the main longarm, Sister. I am pretty sure that is what you mean, but I do want to clarify that.

You are not being presumptious at all. Thank you for that. The history thing will hinge on Doc, so we will wait to hear from him.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:26 AM


Hi guys.

I'm a bit off-topic right now...I had a really frustrating day today with clients and employees and I just wanted to start screaming in the middle of my office until all the windows in the building break and they have to cart me off in little white van but only after prying me off the ceiling and .......
So I thought I'd retreat a bit and read the posts. It helped. I'm calmer now. The twitching has stopped. Thank you.

Doc, I got your message and sent you an e-mail. It's a bit rambling (please consider the day I've had ) but you'll get the idea.

I don't have much to add. I'm very impressed with all your endeavours.
Artcat: You're so cool!
Tristan: I'm not keen on a mascot, but it's up to you. I've written Doc some of my ideas on the history/nickname thing and I'm sure he'll collate all the data and formulate an excellent proposal.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:28 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I thought it had been decided to go w/ the upside down rank insignia too Tristan. Guess there is still some debate on it. If we are still deciding I want to voice support for the upside down insignia. This is the older style of military insignia and lends an air of the frontier and old history to the new, sci fi feel of the show. A mix of two worlds, kind of the way Joss intended, right?

I know I suggested subdued metal insignias be worn on the collar of the uniform as they are on the current military BDUs (though I have seen small patches w/ the black thread insignina used too). Let us know what you decide.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 5:38 AM


Morning, Canter. I am sorry your day is going that way! Remember something if you do head for the ceiling...your average ceiling fan will not hold the weight of an adult.
I am not too keen on the idea of a "mascot" either, not yet. Perhaps after the first march we can revisit that.

BrownCoat1, morning! I am pretty sure we had discussed the upside down rank issue, but I don't think it got to a vote. So, 76th, let's vote on this. Do you prefer to have the rank insignia as the current US military wears them, or upside down?

Also, BrownCoat1, if there are mini subdued patches, I would rather go with them than pins. Less chance of them "falling off", and I think it would look better. Thoughts?

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:12 AM


Upside down insignia.
Mini subdued patches.

I was pondering this: I see this in some media, though I do not know how prevalent it is in actual military organizations. I though about the medics having a white arm band with the traditional red cross, to make it easier to find one of us should you need, uh, assistance. The reason it is a question is that in a combat situation, I would be gunning for the guy with the medic insignia, to keep my enemy from being able to patch up the troops.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
Sign up and info here:

'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Tristan:
BrownCoat1, morning! I am pretty sure we had discussed the upside down rank issue, but I don't think it got to a vote. So, 76th, let's vote on this. Do you prefer to have the rank insignia as the current US military wears them, or upside down?

You got my vote. Upside down.


Originally posted by Tristan:
Also, BrownCoat1, if there are mini subdued patches, I would rather go with them than pins. Less chance of them "falling off", and I think it would look better. Thoughts?

I noticed that the new Army uniforms are mostly using the sew on rank insignia patches. They appear to be sewing them on the front now near the button line, as opposed to the collar where they wore them when I was in. I think for simplicity sake it would be easier to shoot for the collar for the insignia patches personally. I will see if the local surplus store has them and get a price on them, see what they have available, etc.

I do agree that patches will prevent lost pins, pin backs, etc. I know it used to drive me bonkers losing the backs that held the pins on. The things wore out fairly quickly since they had to be removed often for cleaning and pressing of the BDUs. Patches seem to be standard now & far easier to manage / maintain.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:


[img] [/img]


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:18 AM


I thought this was settled, too...that we would wear the insignias upsidedown; problem is that I live in rrrrrrrural Tenn. and might have diffugulty locating one..any thoughts?
CO Tristan, sir...please know I would not overburden our historian (Doc) about if those who want to write up a personal story..just bring a hard copy with them to D*C?? Maybe we can meet up for a meal and share 'em and Doc can decide whether they'll become part of a future link on our web page???
That way no e-mails will be flying and confusing other stuff! (it's good you made a thread just for weapons as it was getting tough to stay up with the costumes!


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:18 AM


And now for an update on some costuming things...

I played with the vest last night, trying to figure out some way to close them in the front to give them a better look under the coats. I ended up using the same galosh hooks I use for the Browncoats, just without any added hardware. They do the job quite well, and the vest looks good closed. However, you can see the hooks on the vest. They aren't obtrusive, but they are there. The next option, if y'all don't like these, is to go with velcro, which can be hidden a little better.
I also ran into a slight problem with the length of the vests. As they are right now, they cover my gunbelt. That was not a problem until I built some pouches for the belt...the vest covered them. So, I tried tucking the vest under the belt...and it looks weird to my eyes. I'll be building a "shorter" vest to see if I can make that problem go away.

And these are the belt pouches I built last night. They are very simple and very easy. The hardest thing was setting the snaps, and those are pretty simple. I based these off what Mal and one or two other soldiers were wearing. IRL, they would be good for a wallet, pack of smokes, etc...for the uniform, I think they help with the look. I can make bunches of these, in different colors of leather. Let me know what you think of these, and if anyone is interested in getting some.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:28 AM


RIMG, thank you for the votes.
I also agree with you on the armbands. I was thinking of having the medics put the cross on their helmets, but you have a point in the combat-zone. Perhaps just for the parade, have the helmet with the cross as well as the armband, and if the medics decide to ditch their head-gear for the remainder of the day, you will still have the we know where to go for the beer, of course!

BrownCoat1, thank you for the vote, too.
And also, thank you for pricing the sew-on insignia. I do agree that it will be easier to deal with those than risk losing pins. If your local store has a good supply, and you are willing, can we use you as a source for these? I realize many people do have a local surplus store near them, but several do not; especially our out-of-country recruits. If this does work for you, at your leisure figure out a pricing and shipping cost for these, if you don't mind. I also have a somewhat local surplus store, so I may be able to be a source as well.

Sister, I was not aiming that directly at you! It was a general announcement that your post led me to think of...I hope you did not take it that way!
I like your idea of meeting up at D*C over coffee or cocktails to discuss this. Those that can't can still contact Doc to find out how he wants to handle this.
Oh, and it was Doc, our Ordnance officer, that started the weapon thread. Yes, it was a good idea to get all of that in one place.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:42 AM


Tristan, the vest with the closures looks really good, and I am fine with the fasteners as they are in the pictures. Also, I really like the look of the belt pouches, and wouldn't mind having several of them myownself (smokes and money/ID come to mind, as well as somewhere to keep a bottle opener). Putting the cross on the helmets is good too, though I will need someone to tell me what kind of paint or whatnot to use (I assume a stencil for the cross would be best, as I cannot draw even the simplest of straight lines).

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
Ever marched with the Independents? Wanna?
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'cause the Roman Gods up to that point were crap. Jeff, the god of biscuits, and Simon, the god of hair-dos.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:50 AM


RIMG, thank you for that on the vest closures.
And the pouches, too. I will whip up a bunch of those in between sewing "gigs" over the next few months, so I should have plenty of them.
As for the crosses on the helmets, as the Medic-in-charge (), that would be a decision you can make. I don't know that I ever saw one in the series, but you can probably base it on the modern way of doing it...if you feel really froggy, you can probably look up the Chinese symbol for "medic" and use that. Eh?

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 6:50 AM


I vote for the inverted, not-the-current-US-Army-way of wearing the insignia.

Must be the ex-Navy in me.

Other stuff floatin' round:

CANTER: Got your email -- look for something back soon, and thanks!


Originally posted by Tristan:
Sister... I like your idea of meeting up at D*C over coffee or cocktails to discuss this. Those that can't can still contact Doc to find out how he wants to handle this.



Iff'n anyone wants to write a detailed history of their character, drop me a line: I'll do my best to help float it right in line with the loose, roomy history of the Battalion that I've envisioned.

Talkin' about sidearms and kit in your history makes sense to me. Our primary longarm is the G36, so "that's how it is" -- but other kit, which would be determined by your characters' personal preferences, is perfect grist for a personal history, or a nice bit of fanfic.

Now, if this seems like obsessive yarn-spinnin' to you,
and you just want to show up and march -- DO SO, please,
and pay no mind to those of us spinnin' yarns.

The Battalion exists to be fun.

I'm doin' what I'm doin' to help with the fun.

If what I'm doin' isn't your idea of fun,
find a way to have fun with us... and come join the fun!

"Jubal 'Doc' Harris" // Bill Ernoehazy

SGT, 76th Independent Battalion

Ever marched with the Independents?
Sign up and info here:


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:18 AM


Question of 'leather bags'.

I have a period correct 'Gunners sack' which is a light brown leather bag with shoulder strap and front strap - will this work for the 'leather bag' that we are specifying for our impression? I'ld like to re-cycle my ACW kit to the extent consistent with our desired impression.

Similarly, is there a proposal for a standard 'soft cap' for snipers? I have one I picked up for $5, looks a bit like a shallow circular tin with a small brim. I can post a picture of this along with my current impression of a 'sniper rifle' this week end.

If we are still considering slogans, permit me to propose what I've been putting in my signature, "The Spirit of 76". I'm thinking that the Independents of USA descent would definitely think back to the 1776 War for American independence. You can have alot of fun with this theme. I realize that this may mean alot less to our bretheren in AUS and SA.

Back to my work telecon.



"The Spirit of 76"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:20 AM


Ello everyone i am Roon the newest recruit to the 76th.

I'm just curious on how i get my gun, cuase we all need guns.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:20 AM


Thanks for the 'history' of the 76th.
As a 'corewards man of independent sympathies' I'll be excessively eager to contribute my own future history.



"The Spirit of 76"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:20 AM

SISTER offense taken, sir! Just floating an idea about backstories for those folks who want to mess with them. Dang, it's tough without facetoface/voice to voice contact...but I am so proud of all of us!! (insert big, silly-ass grin here!)... I'm having a GREAT time on this project and I hope everyone else is as well!! I LOVE how the vests look; should you want to make them shorter that'd be up to you, sir!! (smile!) Those pouches look super as well! Thanks for asking around on the insignia thingys as I think they'd be a bit tough for me to find.


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:23 AM


"We got guns,
They got guns,
All God's children,
They gt guns!
We're going to walk all over the battlefield,
All God's Children got GUNS!"

The Marx Brothers, from "Duck Soup"

The only kind of Marxist to be - Groucho!

Can this be one of our marching songs?



"The Spirit of 76"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:24 AM


"We got guns,
They got guns,
All God's children,
They gt guns!
We're going to walk all over the battlefield,
All God's Children got GUNS!"

The Marx Brothers, from "Duck Soup"

The only kind of Marxist to be - Groucho!

Can this be one of our marching songs?



"The Spirit of 76"


Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:47 AM


Thank you for that, Doc.
I do guess I need to state that...a history is NOT necessary. For those that don't want to work on a history, do not feel you have to!

Quandom, that bag sounds like it will work. Is there any way for you to get a picture of it to me so I can be sure?
As for the "soft hats" for the snipers/demo guys, we are still working it out. Somewhere between a "boonie" hat and a "do-rag" is where we are right now. We do not want modern-looking hats such as billed caps, though.
Please do post the photo of the cap so we can take a look at it.
To the sniper rifle, as long as it is based off the G36 (or SL-8 civilian version) it should be fine.
I like "The Spirit of '76". How does everyone else feel?

Welcome again, Roon!
For the guns, we have a number of sources, from ebay to All of the longarms we are using are based on the H&K G36 model. There is a weapons thread that goes more in-depth into this subject...drop by there and check it out!

Sister, glad no offense was taken...and thank you for the ideas and comments. I feel the same way with that silly grin!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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Tuesday, December 19, 2006 7:49 AM


I will be posting a new thread, but it will be later this be patient. Work life is demanding a bit of my time today!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion

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