Fifefly RPG ?

UPDATED: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:19
VIEWED: 9005
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:05 AM


OK well here the plan

I've been out there in the stars of cyberspace and i've been getting into RPGs on forums so i was thinking...

Firefly RPG Been done... or has it

well i did some web scralling and came up zilch so....

If I can get 5+ people willing to play i will start one up, i will be on everyday and i would like any others to be on at least every other.

The rules would be somthing like this:

1. No GodModing (Making unfair or unreaistic actions)

2. Follow the character rules (at the end)

3. Basic Forum rules

4. Respect other players ask them about getting into fights or action

5. Use good grammer and spelling

6. Third person please

Ok the brown coats are coming back after the wave about Miranda

Character name;
Alignment; (Allience, Browncoats, Pirates, Reavers, Bounty hunter/Mercenary)
Ship name;
Character Weapon; (Personal fire arms, if a proper name like SPB50 just add what type after)
Ship main weapon; (Rocket, Torpedos, Gattling cannon, Ram, *Ion cannon* battle ship only)
Ship secondary weapon; (EMP, Graples, *Plasma Cannon*, Boarding cutters, Flak, any of the above)
Ship type; (Fighter, Bomber, Frigate, Cruiser, Battlecruiser, Destroyer, Carrier)

You can have doubles of weapons if you want but a ship wouldn't be too good if it just had rockets and lets be smart don't put rams of fighters even if you are Reavers

Ok Which ship is for me part

Fighter, light fast one manned craft may only have main weapon and one secondary weapon from the primary section

Bomber, Light fast but out maneuvered by fighters, can have main weapon, and any secondaries from the list not for battleships

Frigate, Anti Fighters, Bombers and other frigates main weapon and any 3 non-battleship weapons

Cruiser, heavyest non-battleship, long range Torpedos come fixed with 3 other non-battleship or 1 Battleship weapon

Battlecruiser, What it says on the tin, main weapons and 4 non-battleship or 2 battleship weapons, only reavers can have Grapples on Battlecruisers (this was the ship seen in Serenity that the operative had)

Destroyer, The strongest ship sofar, but the slowest by a long shot, 6 non-battleship or 3 battleship weapons and 2 normal.

Carrier, The biggest ship, the same speed as a battlecruiser it has a compliment of 60 fighters and 25 bombers, it has flak and Gattlings and 2 other non-battleship weapons.

Don't all just take the big ships ok it's RPG not a game you can win just by picking the best ships.

The bigger the ship the slower they are to move and after battlecruiser they can't dodge shots.

The Big guns have low refire rates so they do a lot of damage but have to wait to cool before fireing again

Oh and i'd hate to put a downer on folk but Serenity is not allowed as a ship nor are the crew but they may be in some of the stories should this take off.

Ok this i really long so i'll end it soon


Fill out the ship data and write a BIO for ship, captin and crew(if you want)

And wait for me to except you!!

We'll be needing leaders for each side, I'll be leading the Pirates

After we have 5+ members i'll set up the RPG Page and this will be the join up and general talk page and planning.


PS this if my first time starting a RPG so if i need to add stuff tell me

Minna, you'll be so lucky.... try me


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:31 AM


Character name; Luna-Maria Hawk
Age; 18
Alignment; Pirates
Ship name; Zefie
Character Weapon; ZLR Compressed shotgun and Custom pistol
Ship main weapon; Gattling cannon
Ship secondary weapon; EMP, Boarding cutters, Torpedoes
Ship type; Cruiser

(Can't get dam pitures to work any help?)

Was born in space, the daughter of a merchant she was destined to continue to family business but fate took it course and by the time she was Sixteen both her parents were dead. She took the ship that was left to her and just wanted to get away from it all.

When she was seventeen she saved a pirate captain in a gunfight and he offered for her to join him. She did but at heart she wasn’t a pirate and after six months they spilt and the Zefie and her crew started looking for other work, but there is not other work for pirates.

She still makes a living by taking from those weaker and does a good job of it. Is her crew getting fed up with having a yellow-bellied captain?

The ship used to be used by the military to transport cargo but after being decommissioned and brought by a merchant be became a family home. The ship was a frequent sight in the inner planets, it ran jobs for the upper classes and the owner was making a fortune but never even thought about leaving his ship for a manor or floating island.

The ship has been retrofitted to loot wrecks and other ships, fast and expert at ambushes the ZEFIE rarely kills. (If you kill the ships they can't come back with more stuff later)

The crack motley crew

Captain Luna-maria Hawk
2nd Fry Richter
3rd Camden Pratt
Navigator Wolf Cox
Medic 1 Roxy Griffis
Medic 2 Duke Koster
Cook Rena Spring
Gunhand 1 Freddy Welty
Gunhand 2 Stacia Woollard
Gunhand 3 Woody Winton
Mechanic Hope Enderly
Random girl Alexus Ray

Motley huh?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 11:49 AM


Character name; Walrus
Age; 19
Alignment; Browncoat
Ship name; The Loo
Character Weapon; Weird revolver type thing (Like Mal)
Ship main weapon; Gattling cannon
Ship secondary weapon; EMP
Ship type; Frigate

Walrus : Brought up on a remote planet, walrus earnt his nickname whilst fighting the Alliance at Serenity Valley... He had a big moustache... After the war was over, he sort of went into hiding and moved to Arial where he started a small mechanics business before getting too much of the Alliance lifestyle and went back to St Almans to find his family was dead and made it his life ambition to get in the Alliance's way as much as possible.

The Loo : The Loo is a vessel not too unlike a firefly class ship characteristicly. A little bit smaller and a little nimbler. The Loo has been the property of Walrus for 4 years and is crewed by...:

Pilot/Captain : Walrus
Mechanic : Ingrid Hoffland
Doctor : Andrew Hansen
"2nd in Command" : John Andrews
"Gun hand" : Rachel Goodman (< She's a real 'toughie', I wouldn't like to piss her off)

^^ Savvy ?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:01 PM


May be i should make this very clear (i guess i was a little mudled with ideas)

The *_* weapons can only be used by the Cruiser, Battlecruiser and Destroyer in the numbers i have shown

Frigate, Anti Fighters, Bombers and other frigates main weapon and any 3 non-battleship weapons
so it could have a

Rocket or Torpedos or Gattling cannon or Ram as main weapon and Rocket or Torpedos or Gattling cannon or Ram or EMP or Graples or cutters or Flak as each of its secondary weapons

so it could have EG
Gattling cannon

if you wanted a Battleship gun you would need at least a Cruiser

Maiku, Karens picking on me with her puppy dog eyes


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:06 PM


Okay, taken care of dear


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:06 PM


does this require any of the RPG books and games that you have to buy? if not im totally in

Character name; Joe Linscott
Age; 25
Alignment; Mercenary/Pirate(if ocasion calls for it )
Ship name; Sternsom
Character Weapon; Just a simple M16 with a M203 attachment
Ship main weapon; Gattling cannon
Ship secondary weapon; Boarding cutters
Ship type; Bomber

Joe Linscott
Born on Aerials, Joe was basically forced to become a lawyer. But at age 20 he was fed up with the life he didnt want, he robbed a bank clean of everything it had. He was caught purposely and went to court. He had a natural talent in law and won his case. He then took all the money he had and went to a boarder planet.

On his 23rd birthday, he wanted to leave the planet he was on and go for a new one. He went on a ship called the Brutus( ) when they were headed to the next planet over, they were boarded by Reavers. Luckily the ship had a huge amount of weapons that they were supposed to deliver and defeated all of the Reavers. The ship was in mildly good shape, and when Joe saw it he fell in love with it. He asked if they ship could be brought to the next planet they were going to so he could repair it and get a crew. The Brutus crew gladly excepted... for a price.

By the time he was 24, Joe had gotten the ship in running condition and with a full crew. His pilot, Kelly, his mechanic, Anthony, his right hand man Lex, the doctor, Chyanne, and the cook, Dre.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:23 PM


Ok so far both of you are going to get in, ranks and thinks will be sorted out in a few days time

No books this is just story based RPG not for everyone but give it a go you might get hooked

This is going faster than i thought it would LOL

Well come one people this isn't a half baked idea this is for real.

Now who want to take the role of leader of the Allied Planets navy?

Brown coat, story at the start is get members and ships in to an army

The APN has to set about finding the browncoats and stopping them dead in their tracks

and every one else ... what do you think

They say if you think at night Snakes come out
No they don't
Don't they?


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 2:12 PM


Oh yeah, first in best dressed


Wednesday, January 17, 2007 7:26 PM


You might want to check out this shiny book (see the Role Playing Game shelves in Barnes and Noble stores)

Serenity Role Playing Game -book not just for RPGers-

and this

Serenity: Out in the Black by Tracy & Laura Hickman New RPG
If you like the artwork on the RPG covers, you should check out .


Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:21 AM


.~. MY SHIP .~.


Complete with shuttle.... Texturing went a little funny but, IT'S MEH SHIP


0118 999 881 999 119 725 - 3


Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:54 AM


Character name; Raskol
Age; 28
Alignment; Mercenary
Ship name; The Fiend
Character Weapon; M16 type of assault rifle (Similar to Jayne's. Not as advanced though).
Ship main weapon; Gattling cannon
Ship secondary weapon; EMP
Ship type; Fighter


One of the biggest gamblers in the verse has lost his biggest reputation. Gambled it all in a couple of hands. Then lost is all in a couple of hands.

Now he wants it all back. He is here to hunt those he fell to, and is here to make his game of infamy turn to a game of victory.

Residing on Persephone, seeing if there is anyway for him to settle the score...


Thursday, January 18, 2007 11:41 AM


Ok we still need some more peeps but we're going for it, K

Nice work WALRUS

If my other PC was working i'd get my GMAX Editer and give it a go, i don't want to disappointed so i'll try asking around other Forums for players

So much work *Tear*

Well MISTERSOLIDUS your in, i would like to know more about your character but take your time

So we'll give it a go but with only 145 firefly fans so far and only 4 joins. Where have all the brown coats gone, last time before this thead a new day one would be 300- 400 veiws i'll change the name

I would get the books but i find the story telling is some of the best bits so i'll aim towards that unless people want my to try other stuff

I this falls out then give The Ogame boards @

You don't notice thing about me like that
like what?
I'm wearing a black thong
How would i know that? "Blushing"


Friday, January 19, 2007 4:01 AM


All right, I updated the story a bit. I may add some more to it. If you have any insight, opinions, or anything you want me to clear up say so and I'll see if I can fit it in...


Friday, January 19, 2007 6:54 AM


Ok thats good

Problem time

I'm moving house in a week and i've had my internet moved so at any day my net will go out and i won't be back on for a week, i didn't plan this

You hold the fort for me till i get back, K

"Shut them and hide until I get..."

"We need to draw them till it's done. This is the place. We'll buy you the time."

"You hold. Hold till I get back."

Soz couldn't hold it back

Thanks if i'll on tomorrow i'll put up my first story part

battle royale on this saturday Flim Four 2245 hours


Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:09 AM


Name: Xavier Williamson
Age: 29
Alignment: Browncoats
Ship Name: Iconia
Character Primary Weapon: HK 417, Side Arm: Glock 31
Ship Primary Weapon: Gattling Cannon, Torpedoes
Ship Secondary Weapon: Flak, EMP
Ship Type: Carrier

Character Bio:
Xavier Williamson, born vesselside, the only son of a wealthy Core family who had become disolusioned with the hipocracy they saw in the Core. Xavier was born en route during his parents exodus from the core to the rim worlds. Living in seculsion from the world, Xavier's family ensure that any question he had never went unanswered. A a result Xavier grew into a man of many skills and interests, an expert in marksmanship and strategic thought. Raised to think for himself, Xavier set out on his own at the age of 18. With the seed money given him by his parents he quickly establised one of the most respected spacedock facilities outside of the Alliance Military. Although he never took up arms during the War, Xavier helped the cause of Independance in any way that he could. Knowing that the Alliance was too proud to accept help from a Rim Civillian he openly announced that his space dock would be available as a repair station to any vessel needing its services. After the war, Xavier kept alert for signs of discontent, quetly using his wealth to encourage such activities. When the Miranda Wave reached him and his network informed him that new forces were gathering in opposition to the Alliance Xavier knew that this time he must take a more active role.
In secret, Xavier's spacedock constructed for him a mighty capital ship, it's name: Iconia. Fully crewed with loyal men and women drawn from throughout the 'verse and protected by a detachment of marines, Iconia was launced and hidden far from the prying eyes of Alliance spies, waiting for the day when the Banner of Independance would again be raised.

Command Staff:
Captain: Xavier Williamson
First Officer: Johnathan Maury
Chief Engineer: Amy Pascal
Operations Officer: James Michaels
Weapons Officer: Connor Stuart
Fighter Wing Leader: Roland "Nitro" McCallister
Marine Detachment Commander: Vladimir Breckenridge
Chief Medical Officer: Dr. Anthony Tamerlane
General Quarters Officer of the Deck: Sonya Li
Senior Chief: Ivan Hasher


Sunday, January 21, 2007 5:10 AM


StillFlyin your in and with a good story line too

Ok with me thats 5 so lets hit this off i'll set up a new link and post it here soon.

stillFltin your in the first part of my story

As long as my net is still up

Come on people it's for firefly based fun !!!!

"Why is there someone you are good at talking to?"

PS if we need Allience ship i'll add one

Battle royale was get last night


Tuesday, January 23, 2007 7:27 AM


i'm not letting this die

You go StillFlyin you prove that we all can still keep flyin

My net may still go out any min but i'm game

Im watching macross right now



Tuesday, January 23, 2007 8:36 AM


Soz most of these are me but hell i really can't help it

Short edit to story the station was meant to be the one in your bio (No bad will happen to it as if you don't want it, only fuel cells (Next time i'll ask first)) Soz

Ok the Other Space rpg I was on (OGame forums) Died, not cool well i don't want to waste the 2 hours work i did on it so with zlicho do with firefly but RPG still i give you blah blah blah

Captian Lunas Parody Capatin Luna

Name: Luna-Maria Hawk
Age: 18
Alignment: Good (If not neutral)
Ship's Name: Zefie
Ship Class: Frigate
Primary Weapon: Fusion Cannon
Secondary Weapons: Lasers
Torpedo tubes
Launch bays
FTL Drive: Level 1

Extra info: The ship is small and nippy, the reactor is one of the best giving it a fast jump speeds and after lag time of about 5 minuets it used as the main weapon.

The ship carries 4 Valkyries which are in the ex-cargo space at the base of the ship. The Valkyries (From Macross) can change into walkers in the needs require it.

There a two torpedo tubes at the front with ammo for 40 launches, this is the ships long range weapon but would do little to enemy ships

The are laser loopholes along the port, stern, dorsal, aft, and rear with light fire-power to keep close range fighters off it's back.

The Fusion Cannon is also a coolant system, it is a moderate weapon system and is the only real risk to other ships with a re-fire time of around a minuet, but if over used will leave the reactor dried up and the ship would be powerless.

This ship as you may guess if looks like a bit of powerhouse can only fire for a short while and has to pull back, the ship has a battle time of about an hour at max.

Luna-Maria Hawk

Her grand-parents were on the Komm station and escaped to New Komm she was born there and life was becoming very easy there as the city grew. She was schooled at Gunam Academy and left at the aged of seventeen, after a while as a waitress she joined the new space program.

She was navigator on the Aquila and helped the landing on Yuna which was thereafter colonised. She was given a command of the Zefie. It was unknown how long the journey would be so it was decided that all crew would have to be under twenty years old to ensure that they would make the trip. The crew was only 50 in number, 5 bridge crew, 15 engineers, 5 pilots, 10 air crew, 10 troops and 10 operation crew from cooks to cleaners.

The ship had made it to an uncharted gas cloud,where it was attacked by three fighters, the Valkyries were launched and dispatched them with little damage. The sensors were however damaged and after being reset course heading was lost. The ship had lost it's position and found it's self in a war zone, it's mission was still to find Orb b what ever means.

Dude it think it came out pretty well. I love to write stories and have a few 200 pagers so some of my entry's will be very in-depth and descriptive, oh and I love cuteness so some bits may be OTT.

I want my ship is meant to be weak (that's the point, you can't be a cute underdog if you can mince the the enemy)

And Heres the only story part

October 10, 2791
1935 hours
Malastere XIII Debris Field
Zefie, Bridge

Zefie dropped into normal space; the shield came adding a blue haze to the rest of the lights on the ship. The ship had ended it’s run in an asteroid field, Brown rocks the size of the ship drifted past, the field must have stretched for at least a 100 parsecs every way.

Commander, Jason Path: “Status report Mr Faur, what the hell happened?” Strain in his voice

Lieutenant Simon Faur: “We’ve had a fuel burn out, primary tanks empty that’s why we slammed out sir.”

Luna-Maria enters the bridge

Captain Luna-Maria Hawk: “Jason, Simon why have we dropped out?”

Jason: “We’ve run out of fuel sir.”

Luna-Maria: “How could we let that happen?” looking upset.

Simon: “It’s no ones fault Captain, the reactor over heated and ate it’s way thought the fuel cells, we still have secondary power.”

Luna-Maria: Perking up “Have a team check for stress damage and send any casualties to the infirmary.”

Jason, Simon: “Yes sir.” In unison

Luna-Maria stepped across to the window and stared out.

Luna-Maria: “Where are we?” putting her hands on the sill in front of her

Simon: “Still plotting, we may have jumped a bit farther than we planned.”

The rocks sailed past the ship drifting slowly it manoeuvred out of the way, something disturbing floated past. At first it could have been a ship but as light glinted off of it became apparent; it was a skyscraper; it wasn’t alone, there were other building, cars anything that you find on a city street, scorched and drifting past.

Jason: “How much is a bit?” oblivious to the seen outside

Simon: “I don’t know sir.”

November Tex and Marilyn Hawk enter the bridge

Luna-Maria turned to them as they entered

Luna-Maria: “Marilyn can you man the comms and Tex I’ll need a scan of the area.”

Luna-Maria turned back the window the scene had changed little. A cigar shape the size of their ship drifted past.

Tex: “Captain I’ve picked up a planarity shelter a kilometre from the ship, the powers still on”

Marilyn: “Luna the shelter is broadcasting emergency signals,”

Jason: “Do they have power cells?”

Luna-Maria turned round and faced the bridge crew

Luna-Maria: “Find somewhere to dock on the shelter. Inform Master Sergeant Wiggins and Sergeant Wolfe that I want to lead a team onboard.

Jason: “Sir… that’s not a good idea.”

Luna-Maria: “Last time I checked I was captain not you.”

She moved to the door

Marilyn: “Good luck sis,”

Luna-Maria smiled but didn’t turn round

Luna-Maria: “Jason your in command until I get back.

October 10, 2791
1945 hours
Malastere XIII Debris Field
Zefie, Cargo bay

Master Sergeant Caelie Wiggins: “Captain I have five personal suited up and ready to go.”

Luna-Maria: “Where is Sergeant Wolfe, there may be people we need to help out there.”

Sergeant Suzanna Wolfe: “Sorry Lun… Captain, I’ve not worn a suit in awhile.”

Luna-Maria: “I can tell… your air brace is on backwards.”

Wolfe blushed and turned around the air brace.

October 10, 2791
1950 hours
Malastere XIII Debris Field
Planetary Shelter IX

Away team log

Captain Luna-Maria Hawk
Master Sergeant Caelie Wiggins
Sergeant Suzanna Wolfe
Lucas Fleming
Eireann Blair
Lucky Rahl
Rodger Townsend
Davina Ammons

The door slid open, the first room was an entry hall it was full for crates in zero G they floated. No bodies but the room had the feel of death around it, there was a gash in the roof but it had been blocked by some of the crates.

Lucas: “No life signs in these two rooms sirs,”

Luna-Maria: “Are we to late?”

Wiggins: “Captain if they were smart they would have gone deeper inside,”

Luna-Maria: “Right,”

Just for fun not for the firefly RPG

I'll give it my all


You have my love with you stories


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 9:14 AM


I hate to do this but someone has to

As we have had a lack of members and only stillflyin on the RPG story page i have this to say

I wont close it down but if the other members and new members don't join then I’ll have to commandeer, and build new characters for the story

“Get to work”

God help us all


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:37 AM


Character name; Guan Smith
Age; 47
Alignment; Alliance
Ship name; Pompeii
Character Weapon; Lasater pistol
Ship main weapon; Ion cannon
Ship secondary weapon; Plasma Cannon
Ship type; Battlecruiser

Join the Alliance at 18 from a wealthy family, on his 13th tour of duty he is one of the highest ranking Alliance captains and is currently leader of the Vermilion taskforce. He has been assigned to annihilate pirate dens and any remnants of the Independents. He is cold and methodical. He’s got a wife and 3 children at home and contacts them daily, he has a vast crew of hundreds and commands over 10 thousand on other ships.

Vermilion taskforce
Is made up of:

Pompeii (Battlecruiser)
Joining (Battlecruiser)
Calera (Battlecruiser)
Roman (Battlecruiser)
Torch (Destroyer)
Oblivion (Destroyer)
Washington (Carrier)
Jersey (Carrier)
Alabama (Carrier)
Newtown (Cruiser)
Victory (Cruiser)
Sailent (Cruiser)
Miranda (Cruiser)
William (Cruiser)

The force is on detail and Pompeii, Roman, Washington, Newton and William are in the open sector, the perfect hiding place for those that don’t want to be found.

I am think of growing a big black moustache I’m a traditionalist


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:47 AM


Ok your In but a little more detail would be nice ok, this story just got a whole lot better

loving the big black moustache

My new house smells funny


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 11:55 AM


Character name; darren jake owen
Age; 23
Alignment; pirate
Ship name; the salvager
Character Weapon; hand held pistol
Ship main weapon; gattling guns
Ship secondary weapon; EMP, grapples
Ship type; frigate

darren jake owen
he is a cowardly man, always running from both sides of the law. he has almost no friends, besides his crew, and they don't even like him that much, in fact he has to hire a new crew each time he lands cos they leave, but he doesn't land too often cos not many people will be pleased with him on thier planet. the only person who does like him is his tactical advisor, john bolsen. he has stayed on his crew for as long as darren has been a public enemy. this is because john loves a challenge, and with the amount of people coming after darren, john get to plan out a many difficult strategies for escape.

the reason why nobody likes him is because he is a sly weasel. he looks for ships which have been abandoned or with very weak defence and salvages all he can. ten he gos to some sucker who hasn't heard about his reputations, uses enough big words, and rips peopl off by alot.

the salvager
not many guns, or defence, it is used mainly for running away. if confronted, the EMP is first to be used, and if possible, taken down with the gattling guns bfore the enemy has a chance to restore normal function. if however the ship has good defence, then the EMP will be used as a distraction to run away. the grapples are used to grab weaker ships for salvaging. several escape pods are on board the ship as well for obvious reasons.


captain: darren jack owen
pilot: jane sheppard
mechanic: nick jasper
medic: josie killica
gunhand: butch johnson
tactical advisor: john bolsen

once you get past all the backstabbing, the cowardness, the fact that i rip people off, and the lack of care i feel for others, i'm really a nice guy


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:01 PM


Ok nice story

Odd we got more pirates that browncoats lol

your in jam lets make this big

Join in people it's going to be lots of fun and all it needs is brains

Build this up and lets fly


Tuesday, February 13, 2007 12:19 PM



Originally posted by WALRUS:
.~. MY SHIP .~.


Complete with shuttle.... Texturing went a little funny but, IT'S MEH SHIP

Off topic: Walrus - Nice rendering of a "Space 1999" Hawk! What was the shuttle based on or is it one of your own?

AND in ref to the ship name - Oh Ha Ha! At least you didn't call it the 'Honey Bucket'! :tongue

Back to your regularly schedualed RP...

"I've heard more intelligent sounds coming out of a pair of corduroys" - Herbert Phillip Lovecraft from *Cast A Deadly Spell*






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