Joss on the Corner

UPDATED: Thursday, February 8, 2007 21:47
VIEWED: 4124
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Wednesday, February 7, 2007 5:54 AM


I've had a lot of celeb encounters of the "turn the corner, and there they were" variety, but this was too much!

Yesterday I was walking down Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, and I get to the corner of Arizona, and look to my right... and here comes JOSS!

I stood there and blinked hard, like Mal did when YoSafBridge said, "I am your wife."

Now, I'd been telling myself, "Never gonna meet Joss", because he's currently the one person I most wanted to meet, and nothing in my life ever happens the way I expect it to.

So I'm standing there trying to keep my balance, because the blood is draining out of my head, and all I can do is blurt out, "OhmyGHOD! Joss!"

He seemed pretty pre-occupied when he looked up at me.

I stammered something to the effect of "Can't believe the timing!" and then I remembered some'n, "Well, hey! My name's Chris."
"It's nice to meet you," was his reply.

I told him that I'd met Ron, Sean and (almost) Morena in my neighborhood, and that I've been trying to do my part to spread the word about Firefly.

Folks, I've met a great many celebrities in my day, and I've never been this star-struck!
I told Joss as much, and that I've had a lot of "strange luck", where things happen with really stellar timing.

Joss nodded and said, "That was good timing."

As I was walking away, after re-iterating how amazing it was to meet him, I remembered that video clip from one of the cons, where somebody asked him what was the one question he wished people would ask that they never did. Without hesitation, Joss had said, "Have you lost weight?" It occurred to me that he looked awfully skinny when I first saw him.
I turned and called, "Oh! And Joss!" He turned back. "Have you lost weight?" I said with as good-natured a smile as I could muster.
"Yes," he said, and walked away.

I had kind of a hard time walking in a straight line for a few minutes there, as my thoughts ranged from, "Can't believe I just met Joss Whedon... on a street corner!" to "Can't believe I just demonstrated to Joss Whedon that I am, in fact, a bibbling idiot."


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 5:56 AM


Oh, he already knows we're a bunch of bibbling idiots...that's why he liks us so much!


Literature has shown us some of humanity's greatest achievements; history, some of our greatest failures -- Alun Lewis


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 1:38 PM


That's it ! I'm moving to your town & going on walks with you !!!

Shiny luck !!!


Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back; a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. -Anais Nin


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 1:53 PM



Originally posted by BlueEyedBrigadier:
Oh, he already knows we're a bunch of bibbling idiots...that's why he likes us so much!

I suppose so, but I rather expected a couple more replies.

Was my story that bizarre?

EDIT: Was sitting here composing this bit of whinage during the exact time LittleAlbatross was posting the kind of response I was shootin' for!
That's the flip-side of my "strange luck".


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 1:59 PM


I've met a lot of famous people in not so planned situations.

I'm a HUGE Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I was in Pittsburgh for a week, visiting some of my family up there. (I live in Mississippi and don't get to visit much.) Anyway, I had tickets to a game. The Saturday night before the game, I'm walking around with friends downtown. It's very cold, and I have to answer the call of nature. We go into a hotel so I can run in the restroom. On our way back out, I see the reflection of Bill Cowher in the glass doors! I turn around and there's the entire team! They were having a team meeting in that hotel! I shook Jerrome (the Bus) Bettis' hand, (while he in effect shook my entire forearm! That guy is huge! I would cry every day if my job was to tackle him. Cry.)

I met Chris O'Donnell on a golf course. Had Gwen Steffani INTRODUCE HERSELF to me at a beach concert! This was before No Doubt got big and she was asking me and my friends to stick around and see their show. And Tom Cruise paid for a limo for me because he was told that the one he was in was being returned late, and that the person waiting on it,(me), was still being charged full price. I didn't meet him, but the limo came compliments of him, as well as an apology from him via the driver.

But I still want to meet the Firefly gang most of all!!!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:14 PM



Originally posted by LittleAlbatross29:
That's it ! I'm moving to your town & going on walks with you !!!

Shiny luck !!!

Thanks! I was starting to get depressed because almost the whole day'd gone by with no more replies!
Thought nobody liked my story!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:20 PM


I loved it ! I would also go all bibildy if I met Joss !

It got me thinking that everytime I see someone famous here in NYC they are never friendly ! I've walked past Madonna, Brooke Sheilds and Lou Reed,as well as some soap opers stars , all of whom had that look like they would rather eat their own liver than be stopped.And Lauren Hutton actually said no when my friend asked to take her picture...

So I'm definately on the wrong coast...


Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back; a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. -Anais Nin


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:28 PM


I think ppl are surprised that you didn't ask the BIG question.What kind of jelly does he like,strawbreey or peach?

But all sillyness aside,what is the word on FF or sequel to the BDM. You let Joss slip by you without askin.Ppl are stunned.



Wednesday, February 7, 2007 2:53 PM



Originally posted by Slowhand:
I've met a lot of famous people in not so planned situations.

I'm a HUGE Pittsburgh Steelers fan. I was in Pittsburgh for a week, visiting some of my family up there. (I live in Mississippi and don't get to visit much.) Anyway, I had tickets to a game. The Saturday night before the game, I'm walking around with friends downtown. It's very cold, and I have to answer the call of nature. We go into a hotel so I can run in the restroom. On our way back out, I see the reflection of Bill Cowher in the glass doors! I turn around and there's the entire team! They were having a team meeting in that hotel! I shook Jerrome (the Bus) Bettis' hand, (while he in effect shook my entire forearm! That guy is huge! I would cry every day if my job was to tackle him. Cry.)

I met Chris O'Donnell on a golf course. Had Gwen Steffani INTRODUCE HERSELF to me at a beach concert! This was before No Doubt got big and she was asking me and my friends to stick around and see their show. And Tom Cruise paid for a limo for me because he was told that the one he was in was being returned late, and that the person waiting on it,(me), was still being charged full price. I didn't meet him, but the limo came compliments of him, as well as an apology from him via the driver.

But I still want to meet the Firefly gang most of all!!!

Cool stories, Dude! Especially the limo one.

I used to drive limousines about 15 years ago.
I worked for one company that had it's office in a hangar at Santa Monica Airport.
One day I came back from a run, parked the sedan, and was walking across the parking lot to the office, and a guy I'd never seen before had come out the door and begun crossing in the opposite direction.
As we passed each other in the middle, I flung 'im a good-natured "Hey, how ya doin'!"
The guy didn't respond, but about two seconds later some'n clicked in my brain, and my eyes went wide, and my jaw dropped.
I whirled and called, "Uh. Excuse me. SIR!"
He whirled with a "WTF do you want?" look on his face.
"You look an awful lot like Neil Armstrong!"
"Probably because I am!"
I was thinking "Jeez, what a dick!" for a split, but then my hand shot out.
"Well, it's an honor to meet you!"
He gave me the most begrudging handshake I've ever gotten, and capped it off with, "Yeah, whatever," and stomped off.

Turns out, he was there at the airport to film his documentary series for the History Channel, but that was the day that plumbers had the water for the whole airport turned off, so the poor guy was running around looking for a working toilet!

But then when I told the story later to a NASA PR woman, she said that Neil is like that all the time. "He doesn't like people."


"Spry for a dead fella!"


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 3:08 PM


Dude.. relax... lol.. some of us have to sneak online in between this pesky work!!!

GREAT story!!! sorry Joss wasn't a bit more forthcoming but probably he was on a mission... still how totally cool to actually MEET him in a "normal" setting. I mean really, a lot of actors don't get the LOVE and star struck that Joss does..

it was a very shiny story. Thanks for sharing!!



Wednesday, February 7, 2007 3:16 PM


Thanks, Chindi!
I just keep thinking "What if I'd been looking left instead of right? Or the crosswalk had turned green ten seconds earlier?"

Entirely too cool how that worked out!


"Spry for a dead fella!"


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 3:16 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

Oh, I would have been the babbling idiot of all time if that had happened to me! Congratulations on actually forming complete sentences! I would not have been able to put two words together at all if that had happened to me.

I wish I had a cool celebrity story where I actually got to meet a celebrity but my closest brush with fame came when they were filming "Terms of Endearment" in my hometown and Debra Winger was having an affair with the state governor. Her birthday came while she was there and I got to see her open her trailer to find it full of balloons from him. She didn't seem to mind all the people ogling her and she let us take photos. Later that day, Shirley MacLaine walked right by me with an armed police officer, but she was kind enough to stop and sign an autograph for me, even though I'm sure I was doing the whole babbling idiot thing.

Thanks for sharing the Joss story with us!

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 3:36 PM



Originally posted by zzetta13:
I think ppl are surprised that you didn't ask the BIG question.What kind of jelly does he like,strawbreey or peach?

Wasn't aware of this controversy! I'll bear it in mind for next time.


But all sillyness aside,what is the word on FF or sequel to the BDM. You let Joss slip by you without askin.Ppl are stunned.


Now that I think about it, my first words to him (after "OhmyGHOD! Joss!") were, "Sorry to hear about Wonder Woman."
He didn't look to be in any kinda mood for an intense FF/S debrief, so I tried to keep it brief.


"Spry for a dead fella!"


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 4:04 PM


I got to meet Summer, at one of the Serenity pre-screenings. I spent about twenty minutes waiting in line, trying to think of something pithy, smart and suave to say. And all I managed to actually get out (after seeing her BIG beautiful eyes and gently touching (ok, shaking) her hand) was "Thank you so much for doing this". And that was with forwarning and practicing while waiting in line!

I'm impressed you were able to actually have a conversation with Joss. I'm sure I would have been too stunned to say ANYTHING!

MAL "You only gotta scare him."
JAYNE "Pain is scary..." - Big Damn Podcast


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 4:15 PM


Gee, I feel like someone's poor cousin living here in Michigan. You don't get many celebrities out this way.

The only real stars I've met were musicians. I got autographs signed by this band called Ra (amazing band, the guys were really nice), and I've also met most of the members of Powerman 5000. Spider (lead singer) was really cool to the people that stayed for autographs. It makes you feel really appreaciated when celebs are actually courteous.


"You're a wee little puppet man!"


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 6:32 PM


CLJOHNSTON108, sorry if I came across as insensitive to your adventure in meeting JW because I sure don't want it to sound that way. I am very happy that you did and I think you handled the situation very well. I was only thinking of how I would have reacted if the same thing had happened to me (insert foot in mouth) and it may have not been as good. With the thousands of fans Joss,Nathan,Adam and any of the other FF cast have I'm sure the last thing they want to hear is "Hey what about Firefly and when is the sequel coming."

I hope that I would be a repectable enough person to allow them their space yet be a welcome enough fan to shake their hand and say " I enjoy your work. Thank you." That,I think is most likely what a celeb would want from me at most as they walk down the street. Unless the meeting was at a function that was to celebrate a tv show, movie or such.

I think that you did good fellow browncoat



Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:15 PM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
I rather expected a couple more replies.

I just this second saw your thread and I think your experience was great!

I got to meet Joss at Wizard World (comic book convention) in Chicago a couple of years ago, and then I ran into him at the bar of one of the hotels that night...but I didn't disturb him because he was relaxing and I had already had my 'moment'

But meeting Joss was the best for me, so I can well imagine how happy it made you!


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:17 PM


You were busy trying to get yourself lit on fire. It happens.

That is actually one of the reasons why I almost don't want to meet these people - I'd look like a horrible idiot, and I don't want to do that to me or them!

But, glad you got to meet Joss, anyhow.

::is jealous::

Rules and voting:


Wednesday, February 7, 2007 7:50 PM


I will set aside my jealousy and say with all sincerity,

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Thursday, February 8, 2007 1:59 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

That is so shiny that you got to meet Joss. Don't feel bad, I got a feeling most browncoats would have been as tongue tied as you were.

I have to agree w/ LittleAlbatross though, I'm moving to your neighborhood and going on long walks with you to see who I can run into.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Thursday, February 8, 2007 2:29 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I'm quite sure that the extent of my conversation ability would have been "You're Joss Whedon! You rock socks!" If even that much. I'm sure I would have stuttered more than a little, or just stood there with my mouth hanging open until he passed me. I did that once when I was standing in line for a concert and the lead singer walked out the door, just chatting on his cellphone. He gave me this funny little smile and was way sweet when he came back and I actually managed to stop him with something like "Dude, I love you to bits!" But yeah, when I first saw him I just went and I can't imagine it would be much different with Joss...

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 9:59 AM


As a Joss Addict from waaay back (meaning BUFFY Ep.1, Day 1), I can wholeheartedly say NOT envy you one bit. Don't get me wrong, I worship the ground the man walks on. I think he's truly a gift to this world. I adore him with every fibre of my being. Love the way he thinks, what he's taught me about myself and the world, how he's helped me when I'm down (through his work), and every other thing I can't think of right now.

He's the one person in the entire world I would give anything to meet, yet because of the intensity of those feelings, I couldn't bear to stand there like some stroke victim because I couldn't get my stupid brain and mouth to work with me so I could thank him for all that he's done, and will continue to do for sad-ass people like me.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 10:35 AM


Don't feel too bad. I never get to meet anyone famous or interesting at all (though Jewel and I work out at the same gym here in Texas). My wife always says it wouldn't matter because I'm cool as a cucumber, unflappable, impervious to flap. Imagine my surprise when I proved that competely wrong.

I got a chance to meet one of my favorite musicians, Dug Pinnick from King's X. I was so cool when my friends introduced themselves and was so cool when he introuduced himself. Then, when he got to me, I suddenly started sweating and completely forgot how to make noises with my mouth. I ended up braying some sort of donkey/llama noise and getting my soggy sweaty hand in for a handshake. He was very nice. I was a trainwreck. And that was just Dug. I can't imagine what I'd do with Joss.

Customizeable handmade baby gifts personalized by my wife! Check them out at All proceeds go towards international adoption.

Leaning into the wind that used to carry me-Stavesacre


Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:52 AM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
"OhmyGHOD! Joss!"

That's probably all I'd have been able to get out had it been me. And I'd still be standing on the street with my jaw on the ground.

You did just shiny! Now I'll be jealous of you forever.

Thanks for sharing with us!


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at


Thursday, February 8, 2007 7:40 PM


That's cool that you got to meet Joss. Even though Regina's starting to become a hotspot for movies being filmed here (I am alternately proud and ashamed that THE MESSENGERS was shot here), the only celebrity I met was Don McKellar. He's this actor/writer/director whose big here in Canada. Happened to direct LAST NIGHT, one of my all time favorite movies, Canadian or sci-fi. I met him in a movie theatre, talked to him before his film started, left my movie early (seen it twice already) so that I can flag him down and ask if I could just talk to him, and he was totally cool. For half an hour, we went for coffee at the nearby Starbucks, and chatted about movies and filmmaking. He told the that Quentin Tarantino is exactly like me.

Unless if the gal I'm interested in beds me and tells me that I've been the best lover she's ever had, that is right now the greatest compliment of my life. Therefore, Don McKellar is the collest dude I've ever met.

"Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?"
"Have you ever fired ONE gun whilst jumping through the air?"


Thursday, February 8, 2007 9:09 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I'm quite sure that the extent of my conversation ability would have been "You're Joss Whedon! You rock socks!" If even that much. I'm sure I would have stuttered more than a little, or just stood there with my mouth hanging open until he passed me. I did that once when I was standing in line for a concert and the lead singer walked out the door, just chatting on his cellphone. He gave me this funny little smile and was way sweet when he came back and I actually managed to stop him with something like "Dude, I love you to bits!" But yeah, when I first saw him I just went and I can't imagine it would be much different with Joss...

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

I like to think if it had been me, I hope he would introduce himself so I could respond with "I know your name, jackass!"


Thursday, February 8, 2007 9:47 PM


That is so cool.

*wipes tears of joy*

Very nice.






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