Oh you have got to be KIDDING me !!!

UPDATED: Saturday, February 10, 2007 20:07
VIEWED: 5533
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Thursday, February 8, 2007 7:21 PM


quick story - I saw the movie serenity on DVD, I bought it whenever it came out about a year ago. I jsut discovered in the last month that there was actually a TV show which I ASSUMED came after the movie and I marveled at how they managed to get the whole cast to do the series. THEN...THEN..THEN!!! I start watching it in HIGH DEF on TV and I get totally addicted and start TIVO'ing it in HD and I keep asking friends if they have ever seen it but nobody has ever heard of it (My gang is all mid-40's so its not a shocker). I THEN discover I can buy the TV series on DVD and OH by the way its only 14 episodes and guess what, its been off the air for almost 5 years!!! Also the movie came after the morons at FOX TV or whoever CANCELED a totally unreal, fantastic, brilliant, clever, witty, engaging, engrossing MASTERPIECE of a TV show. SO for all of you who have spent nearly 5 years bemoaning your loss imagine just discovering Firefly, getting TOTALLY revved about it in a way I have never gotten revved about a TV show and then the other shoe drops - its canceled - of course its canceled, it was great and normally thats what dooms a good show. I watched every second and every feature of all the videos and OK it did really require to some degree that you watch the 2 hour intro but it wasnt mandatory, I didnt and it hooked me - I hope whoever the genius was who doomed this show is flipping burgers somewhere. I would gladly pay $25 an episode in pay-per-view to get them to make more of it. so NOW WHAT ??? I could scream....honestly. what a cast - including Ron Glass, I didnt even recognize him !! more river, more Jayne, more kaylee please !!!


Thursday, February 8, 2007 7:26 PM


We know how you feel, beleive me we know, the only thing for it is to help find Firefly a new home. plus there are the charity screenings of Serenity this june.

Why is the rum always gone?


Thursday, February 8, 2007 7:54 PM


I had that exact same heartbreak with the Wonderfalls tv show. I fell in love with this quirky odd hysterical show, and started to try to find out more about it on the internet, only to find out it had already been cancelled!!!! :-( The feelings of impotence are just overwhelming.

With Firefly I had heard about the struggle and the cancellation before I saw it (mostly from discussions on the Wonderfalls boards) and so though I was sad there would be no more Firefly and least I was prepared....

Try Wonderfalls by the way - its a Tim Minear show. Perhaps not entirely the quality of Firefly (but then what show could match it??!?) but still original and funny.

Your sister's not a cold-blooded murderer. She's never been a planner. - Karen Tyler

"Day" is a vestigial mode of time measurement based on solar cycles. It's not applicable...
I didn't get you anything. - River Tam

A life lived in fear is a life half lived. - Just Fran


Thursday, February 8, 2007 8:02 PM


Deanayer, we all feel your pain. My story is very similar to your's. I watched Serenity on DVD, liked it a lot, found out about Firefly, and then had my world crushed when I realized that it was canceled. This is probably the single greatest sci-fi show ever created and it met a very untimely end. But, we here at welcome you into the posse and hope that you will find a home here. As mentioned, there are numerous acts being taken to try and revive this wonderful show and every bit of contribution helps: go see the charity screenings, attend (even host) a shindig to draw others into the 'Verse, and buy Firefly/Serenity swag. Whatever you can do, do it. Because we here believe that we will rise again and gorramit, we will not go without a fight! So, again, welcome to the family.

Keep flyin'.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 8:28 PM


All I can say is, welcome.

I've gotten to the point where I don't think about it much anymore. I haven't been on this site in some time, but every once in a while there's that little urge to see if maybe *something* is stirring.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 8:28 PM


All I can say is, welcome.

I've gotten to the point where I don't think about it much anymore. I haven't been on this site in some time, but every once in a while there's that little urge to see if maybe *something* is stirring.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 10:09 PM


We've every last one of us been there , baby...

You WILL reach the point where you can grin ruefully when you see another newbie post the same message. It will hurt less, and you will be less angry, but it won't happen soon...

Meantime, hang around with us other fans, find a way to express your own thoughts and feelings about the show. If you can write, or do any type of art, do some and post it. Go on in your mind to where our BDH's didn't have the chance to go, and share it.

Watch the eps. Read the subtle observations thread, and the favorite quotes and favorite scenes threads, and then watch again and see what you missed.

If you can convert some non-believer, or attend a shindig or con , if there's one near you.


Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:27 PM


Operative: "Its worse than you know..." Mal: "It usually is."

Just want to say welcome, you feel the way a lot of people do, at least we have each other and all the events to share our love of "all things Firefly".

Glad to have you

[/img]'s worse than you know...Operative usually is.....Mal


Thursday, February 8, 2007 11:50 PM


Gosh I love it when a new person posts!! The passion really comes through. Gets me reved up all over again!

Welcome aboard. Grab some mudders milk. There will be someone come alone in a short while and fetch you a spanking new virtual browncoat of your own. Get some of your friends to watch the BDM and tv series with you. We're glad that you've found and decided to join the ranks.

Stay frosty, Z


Friday, February 9, 2007 1:43 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome to the site Deanayer. We're glad to have you here with us. Make yourself at home.

Believe me when I tell you that many here had the initial reaction you did when they first found their way here. There are quite a few of us that were here when the fight was on to save the show, then we had to go through the heartbreak of the cancellation. Thing is browncoats don't give up. I have been here for more than four years and there are some who have been around longer. Our efforts got the dvd set released, helped get the movie greenlit, not to mention the comics, trading cards, etc.

Don't lose hope. Tell every single person you know about the show and more importantly the movie "Serenity". Buy the dvds, give them as gifts, get the people you convert online. The more of us there are, the better our odds of the story continuing in some form.

Take care and keep flyin'!

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Friday, February 9, 2007 2:41 AM


Welcome Deanayer; Finding Firefly/Serenity so many years AFTER is like finding a winning lottery ticket for millions of dollars years AFTER it's too late to collect, isn't it? When we (husband & I) finished watching the series, the movie, all the 'extras'...we stared at the each disbelief that the show had been canceled. What with all the crap (including the 'reality' tv - sorry for those that like that stuff; to us it's the worst form of mean-spirited, frak your fellow man, watch talentless trios rip talentless wannabees to shreds bantha poo-doo EVER)that is STILL on the air; to have canceled FIREFLY?? What in the seven hells were they thinking??? I was seriously depressed until I found this site; got involved in hourly voting for the show at - yeah, I know it's probably meaningless but it something to frakking DO - joined over at SCI-FI forums to beg/plead with THAT network to revive Firefly...(even tho SCIFI seems more interested in wrestling(?!!?} and producing some of the worst, most gawdawful 'made-for' movies imaginable...(I mean, really - you see some of those shows/movies and say..somebody actually gave somebody lots and lots of money for THAT??)...sorry, it's early, haven't had enough coffee...and feeling a bit rantish...anyway..bottom line; welcome...glad you found us...join in...make noise...convert more browncoats...give firefly/serenity DVD's as gifts for everyone you know..donate same to libraries to make more browncoats..i'll go get more coffee now and shut the hell up.


Friday, February 9, 2007 3:18 AM


Welcome to the 'Firefly blues' dude. This forum helps, I've never been one for forums but this 1 is very friendly and helpful.

Plus as sister said it helps joining the vote.


'You can't take the sky from me'

Please click on the pink button once a day (for FREE) to help fund Mammograms for underpriviledged women.

Here's the web site link:
Thank you


Friday, February 9, 2007 4:21 AM


it is a sad story - indeed a tale of woe....
let me offer these wise words from the immortal bard....Mick Jagger

You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes, well you just might find
You get what you need

(and when you are in need - this is as good a place as any to get a little sympathy)


Friday, February 9, 2007 5:53 AM



I logged into the site this morning thinking it'd be a quiet day ( Fridays sometimes are ) and there you are, top of the page full of passion and filled with fight.

Welcome home! For that's what this place is.. home.
We all feel exactly the way you do.. and the feeling doesn't fade.. it ebbs and returns and sometimes gets you in the gut when you least expect it, but it is always there. You learn to live with it and you learn to do what all the folks in the thread have told you to do... watch the eps, visit here and yack, join in on some of the guerilla marketing ideas.. buy Serenity and Firefly and share it with everyone you know.

My plan this year is to buy both Serenity and Firefly twice this year for my local libraries ( they can't keep a copy in to loan out! ) and to buy a copy of each every month for family and friends that I missed giving them to last year. My circle of folks I've shared S/FF with is widening.. and that's what we need.. the word to spread to everyone so that this wonderful show becomes a mainstream recognized show.

Talk often, enjoy yourself and oh yeah...

*hands Deanayer a virtual browncoat just like Mal's*

you gotta have your 'coat!

Go to for more info!

Ask me how to join the Appreciatin' Nathan crew!


Friday, February 9, 2007 5:57 AM


Welcome to the 'verse Deanayer. We have all felt your pain. Now dig in and hold the line 'cuz I'm thinking we'll rise again.

Kepp Flyin'


Friday, February 9, 2007 6:17 AM


Welcome to the 'verse. I love seeing new folks still coming in, see folks our angels are coming!

we just have to hold the line.

Deanayer, have you caught Done the Impossible? if you have not, you are in for a real treat, a journey of the browncoats, hosted by none other than the man we call Jayne, Adam Baldwin.

Browncoats are the shiniest folks in the 'verse


Friday, February 9, 2007 6:33 AM


I want to echo everyone's else sentiments, Firefly is an exceptional series, Serenity a great movie. We all feel the love and pain that goes with it's history.

For more 'verse see for what these folks reckon could follow

You can create your adventures with the Serenity roleplaying game

Happy to have you aboard!


Friday, February 9, 2007 6:35 AM


welcome to the fold... Now get out there and get more people interested in the show. Have them buy both FIREFLY and SERENITY...keep the sales jacked and spread the word!



Friday, February 9, 2007 12:57 PM


Welcome to our bit of the 'verse, deanayer. I feel you pain, even though I did see it on TV (and you shoulda seen how those filthy so-and-so's treated our shiny show...or maybe not, it was ulcer-making and I wanted to head to CA with pitchforks and torches and I seem to be getting off track. oops. ) when the NTSNBN showed it originally.

Please let me give you a nice glass of Irish whiskey to sip in welcome, and to help bring the blood pressure a bit.

So, welcome to our humble home. We're not content to let things sit, either, so you may want to check out the guerilla marketing and or the events forums.

Welcome again!


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at


Friday, February 9, 2007 1:14 PM



Originally posted by deanayer:
quick story - I saw the movie serenity on DVD, I bought it whenever it came out about a year ago. I jsut discovered in the last month that there was actually a TV show which I ASSUMED came after the movie and I marveled at how they managed to get the whole cast to do the series. THEN...THEN..THEN!!! I start watching it in HIGH DEF on TV and I get totally addicted and start TIVO'ing it in HD and I keep asking friends if they have ever seen it but nobody has ever heard of it (My gang is all mid-40's so its not a shocker). I THEN discover I can buy the TV series on DVD and OH by the way its only 14 episodes and guess what, its been off the air for almost 5 years!!! Also the movie came after the morons at FOX TV or whoever CANCELED a totally unreal, fantastic, brilliant, clever, witty, engaging, engrossing MASTERPIECE of a TV show. SO for all of you who have spent nearly 5 years bemoaning your loss imagine just discovering Firefly, getting TOTALLY revved about it in a way I have never gotten revved about a TV show and then the other shoe drops - its canceled - of course its canceled, it was great and normally thats what dooms a good show. I watched every second and every feature of all the videos and OK it did really require to some degree that you watch the 2 hour intro but it wasnt mandatory, I didnt and it hooked me - I hope whoever the genius was who doomed this show is flipping burgers somewhere. I would gladly pay $25 an episode in pay-per-view to get them to make more of it. so NOW WHAT ??? I could scream....honestly. what a cast - including Ron Glass, I didnt even recognize him !! more river, more Jayne, more kaylee please !!!


Welcome to our world.

If she hasn't been, FollowMal will be around with a virtual brown coat for you. Poke about. Stay a spell. We're all friendly--and great looking (check out the photo thread in Talk Story).

Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets

Captain, Grammar Police


Friday, February 9, 2007 1:39 PM


Oops. I thought anybody could supply newcomers with a virtual browncoat, so I gave Iutitia (I think?) one. Sorry, FollowMal!

Anyways, welcome! Wow, it just keeps me going, knowing that there are still more coming in, all pumped up and whatnot. Again, welcome, and write some letters to Universal thanking them for the spectacular job they did with Serenity (and nudging them for a sequel)!

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Friday, February 9, 2007 1:48 PM


Welcome to our world. We share your pain.

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Friday, February 9, 2007 2:18 PM


No worries Shameless.. sometimes FollowMal gets all busy in Mal's bunk.. (lord KNOWS what she finds down there to keep her so preoccupied) so SOMETIMES we hand out the coats... don't want the new recruits to be cold now do we?? and we CERTAINLY want them to feel welcome, so hand away.. it is never wrong.

And welcome to Denayer... I reiterate all the above sentiments complete with sighs, anger and resignation...



Saturday, February 10, 2007 8:07 PM


Welcome home, crew member #25175.
I see you've been 'coated and offered a drop,
but here are the strawberries and the Mudder's
Milk off in a corner by the ramp.
Please partake, and then there's the buffet
up in the galley.

Spread the Firefly love wherever you can!

("Wonderfalls" is really different. I had to watch
borrowed discs and needed to watch twice or more
but didn't get the time. Reco you find an opportunity
to curl up with the full set. Jewel is in it, a

~Bastards singed my turtle~
~Who is Bill Pardy?~






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