Imponderable Water Cooler - Put Away the Hair!

UPDATED: Wednesday, March 21, 2007 04:47
VIEWED: 5776
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:00 AM



Originally posted by msg:
So here partial to waxing myself , not a fan of being furry:)

I implied that I don't support plastic surgery in teens for the sake of beauty. And I don't. But then I should be OK with a "stache" on a woman. It is a fine line in some places (humor not intentional) about what alterations are OK, isn't it?

That's it. I'm keeping my unibrow. I'm putting my money on women thinking it sexy.


Big/small boobs have DD cups myself and as soon as I have a baby and finish nursing I am sooooo getting a reduction. I can't see why anyone would want them. They cause major back pain, ill fitting clothes, constant and unwanted assumptions about me ( as in I am slutty or dumb just 'cause I'm busty) If they weren't causing major back damage I'd live with them 'cause all in all I am happy with how I look now ( 2 years ago when I was 70 pounds heavier I wasn't so happy, but that was mostly health thing)

I'm not the only guy on this planet that likes the full range of sizes. It isn't an issue in the least for me. But the bigger-boobs-is-better mentality that pervades society has left an indelible smudge on the perceptions of women. 'A's must become 'C's. Bah.

And any talk of reduction is met with a lack of comprehension. MSG: Double-D? Don't you want to make them bigger? Another bah. Don't get me started on skinny models.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:01 AM


Mav- Yeah I noticed that...
I think that should be a rule on here. Even if you don't think you did something to hurt or offend, you have to say sorry...not for what you said ( as long as you are comfortable with it) but for hurting or offending someone else. 'Cause no matter what I think we all should feel sorry if we hurt someone , no matter how unintentionally...but that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...


"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:06 AM


Aiden learned 'more' and uses it all the time now...*sigh*

my St. Patty's weekend:

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:07 AM


msg = rarely wrong, including now.

*receives the big hug*

BTW, did you see where I can't order from Marks and Spencer? They won't ship overseas! Did you get your order from somewhere else, or have it shipped to someone in the UK who forwarded it on to you? That's what I'm thinking of doing...

*going on a hippie hunt*

EDIT: I love the first pic, jimi! Looks like a great time!



Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:07 AM



Originally posted by msg:
OK so how was everyone's St. Patrick's Day??

Thanks to the suggestions epicurean, I had a fine meal.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.5) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:07 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

I so totally did not want to rehash yesterday. But it's not over till the skinny guy sings apparently.

Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
And JQ, if you're still having trouble with it, I don't think Mav apprecaited you implying that she was a tease/that you couldn't help yourself because she was such a tease. And no woman would appreciate that very much. It's really in the same vein, hence "things you should not joke about".

Nope. No trouble, not me. Never. I get it. I get it! At least as much as a thick-headed Neanderthal can. HK set me straight in the last thread, having had issues with me in the past. As have you.

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
I tell you that you cross the line and you respond with wisecracks?{emphasis by HK}

Why do I feel like I just stepped into the twilight zone? I have missed something here...How did I misunderstand and how was I so misunderstood?

Wow, that sounds familiar.

JoQu, sweetheart, you just don't know when to shut the fuck up.

Then someone gets angry / annoyed and you act as though you're completely innocent and misunderstood.

Then you do it all over again.

I admit being dull of sensibility when it comes to some folk. I have always been one to push the envelope until it pushes back. It's how I've learnt my boundaries. I'm not completely innocent. But as a joker, I am motivated not by malice, but by mischief, a pest not a preditor. Met by Browncoat women such as ye represent, I have no recourse but to dip your pigtails into the inkwell. It is an awkward, fruitless and unfathomably stupid stance, but because you awe me, I nettle.

Originally posted by Zeek:
So how is a jokester supposed to know that someone he normally jokes around with is actually angry/annoyed?

Especially when everyone knows that JQ is joking anytime he's typing.

Hey! Waitaminnit! It ain't so!

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Well, after the ugliness that was the end of the last thread, my being called some sort of cyber-whore/tease...

*brushes herself off and puts on a smile*

I'm ready for a new day. One last word on this...

I don't want the last word on this. My position is indefensible. I apologize to you, Maura, before this high council of counselors. Never did I in my wildest thoughts ever wish you to construe any of my words to take on any similarity to "cyber-whore/tease"; we are talking about paintings here and not photos. Can I buy you a drink at the pub and let this all pass? I really have a hard time living without my muses. You inspire me and I envy you. I'm a good guy with an evil twist. Love me in spite of myself.


Originally posted by Mavourneen:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I don't presume to speak for Mavourneen, but you've done it to me on several occassions.

kiss: Sara. You can speak for me anytime.

More evidence that you are either the same person, kin to one another or there's some collusion going on here...

Edit: Topical
Like Father,

Like Son.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:08 AM


well golly gee, just stuck my big head in for a little looksee...

eta: damn, that was about this one?

hello one and all....


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:11 AM


Howdy all! I haven't been around much so I'll keep quiet about issues other than to say I took no offense to Zeek's comment...

msg: congrats on the new niece. She's a very lucky little girl to have an aunt like you (and I'm sure mom and dad aren't bad either...I just don't know much about them )

I had no St. Paddy's to speak of. It hardly even registered, which then made me sad the next day. I took a lesson on my pony which turned out badly (it's hard to ride confidently when the pit of your stomach keeps telling you that you ARE going to fall off today. I didn't, but mostly because I decided to end things early. One last good line(series of jumps for the uninitiated) and we stopped). Then I taught a clinic on show turn-out...or how to get a dirty animal as clean as possible and how to keep yourself clean around them.... 'Twas tiring but good. Got home late, ate some yummy nachos and crashed. Yeah...that was my day of celebration. Heh.

Show season is starting up and with it comes incredible busyness, my first free weekend seems to be May 12-13. Eek! That is so not good...I'm the type that hates to be planned busy...I like spontaneous busy so much better. But I suppose it is a blessing to be able to be this active. Suck it up, Rugbug.

Hope everyone else is doing well. :D

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:27 AM


Thank you, Peter.



Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:36 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by RugBug:
I took no offense to Zeek's comment...

Okay, so what did you take? I mean, honestly I'm curious as to what you thought, exactly, upon seeing the words "We'll just mug the model wearing it. You take the shirt, and I'll take the girl." Did it just make you roll your eyes? Did you find it funny? Did you just brush it off as flippant and harmless? Something else? I would like to know.

Really, I'm sorry to harp on this, and a few of you obviously don't agree with me, but I think that joking about these kinds of things, making light of them, being flippant, or whatever the hell kind of tone it was supposed to be in, really doesn't help anything. Treating something as serious as rape (which does not happen only to women, so it isn't even about that) and making light of it is only going to make it worse. (ignoring it ain't gonna help much either) There are very few subjects I take as seriously as I take this one. The reason for that is not my story to tell, but it's a damn good one. So really, I would appreciate it greatly if my outlook on this could be respected, because not respecting it is literally the shortest path to being my enemy. The very. Shortest. Path. And I would prefer not to have that kind of drama here, with you people whom I adore. But I will not change my stance on this.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:40 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Thank you, Peter.

Thanks are certainly not in order, but I know what you mean. I think. The thought of never again seeing "Mavourneen has responded to your message!" in my inbox really did make me feel head-spun and breathless. There's few people on this rock that I admire. A lot of them live right here. I'm fairly sure y'all know who you are. Mavs you better know! I really just wanna be pals with everyone and there's probably more truth to the pigtails in the inkwell statement than I could ever be comfortable with.

I wasn't ignoring you. I wasn't avoiding you. I wasn't afraid of facing the music. I just couldn't believe I could hurt you. That is what I am most sorry about.

I would like to thank all of the Browncoats that circled the wagon around Mavs. While I was the perpetrator, I couldn't help but get a warm feeling about you all.


"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:44 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Mav- Yeah I noticed that...
I think that should be a rule on here. Even if you don't think you did something to hurt or offend, you have to say sorry...not for what you said ( as long as you are comfortable with it) but for hurting or offending someone else. 'Cause no matter what I think we all should feel sorry if we hurt someone , no matter how unintentionally...but that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...

I totally and utterly disagree with that. A shallow sorry is about the worst offense you could tack onto a previous offense. To me sorry means you made a mistake and you will put effort into not making that mistake again. "Sorry, but I'm going to continue to offend you." is like adding "not" to the end of a polite statement. You might as well just say, "I was out of line, not".

I will keep my sorrys sincere. Not that I say them often anyway.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:02 AM


hmmm good to know you still accept hugs?? HUGS Though I didn't mean that the apology should be insincere, just that you should always apologize and mean it if you hurt someone's feelings even if you don't think what you said was offensive, if it hurt someone else then you should be sorry that they were hurt, not necessarily sorry for saying it, only sorry that it hurt them...not sure I am making this clear as a distinction sorry for causing hurt not sorry for what was said, felt, or truly believed...

RIMG- aww look at the cute pics!

Mav- I usually have them shipped to a friend and she sends them on. Yes I'd say beg DTH to do it:) 'cause there is just nothing better than M&S

PR- see I simply assumed that Zeek was referring to mugging the lady for her top as a joke because Mav was trying to figure out how to get it. So I laughed it off , just like when I say I'm gonna take my students down to the swimming pool an play catch the electrical cord none of you feels the need to call child services or anything ( at least I hope you don't 'cause I'm totally kidding and would never hurt my kids) I'm not quite sure how you though he meant rape or assault with the use of the word mug so it must just be slang I'm not aware of or something ( which happens a lot when you're trapped in junior high and the only slang you hear is ..well...freakish)Anyway, so that's where I got a bit confused by the hubbub and all:)

Yes Mav she's adorable and all...can't wait to see her. The new little one is in Missouri far far away...sigh.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:04 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by RugBug:
I took no offense to Zeek's comment...

Okay, so what did you take? I mean, honestly I'm curious as to what you thought, exactly, upon seeing the words "We'll just mug the model wearing it. You take the shirt, and I'll take the girl." Did it just make you roll your eyes? Did you find it funny? Did you just brush it off as flippant and harmless? Something else? I would like to know.

Really, I'm sorry to harp on this, and a few of you obviously don't agree with me, but I think that joking about these kinds of things, making light of them, being flippant, or whatever the hell kind of tone it was supposed to be in, really doesn't help anything. Treating something as serious as rape (which does not happen only to women, so it isn't even about that) and making light of it is only going to make it worse. (ignoring it ain't gonna help much either) There are very few subjects I take as seriously as I take this one. The reason for that is not my story to tell, but it's a damn good one. So really, I would appreciate it greatly if my outlook on this could be respected, because not respecting it is literally the shortest path to being my enemy. The very. Shortest. Path. And I would prefer not to have that kind of drama here, with you people whom I adore. But I will not change my stance on this.

I believe I mentioned in the last thread that if you read something in there about rape that you were wrong. "I'll take her" is nothing more than a guy calling dibs on a girl in a bar. "That one's mine" doesn't imply anything about violence to the subject. You took a turn that has you off on some tangent that was never intended.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:07 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by msg:
Mav- Yeah I noticed that...
I think that should be a rule on here. Even if you don't think you did something to hurt or offend, you have to say sorry...not for what you said but for hurting or offending someone else. 'Cause no matter what I think we all should feel sorry if we hurt someone , no matter how unintentionally...but that's just my opinion. I could be wrong...

I totally and utterly disagree with that. A shallow sorry is about the worst offense you could tack onto a previous offense. To me sorry means you made a mistake and you will put effort into not making that mistake again. "Sorry, but I'm going to continue to offend you." is like adding "not" to the end of a polite statement. You might as well just say, "I was out of line, not".

I will keep my sorrys sincere. Not that I say them often anyway.

Translation: "No, I don't feel bad about offending people. They shouldn't be offended in the first place because I'm always right. And them being upset is really not my problem and nothing I should feel bad about. So I'm not going to apologize for being offensive, and will continue to make extremely off-color remarks because it's just what I do."

Just had to take that nice short route and sprint it, didn't you?


Originally posted by msg:
I'm not quite sure how you though he meant rape or assault with the use of the word mug so it must just be slang I'm not aware of or something

Mugging and then taking. Think about that for two seconds please.

Obviously what I said above did not quite compute and it's therefore time for another extended absence.


Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:08 AM


Yeah that's how I took it Zeek...I figured you were just joking about mugging her for her top and all...HUGS and I have to say I know more than a few guys who will claim "dibs" on a girl they don't know just to make sure the other guys don't hit on her first...hey it's kinda like firsties only in a more social way...You could go with that Zeek...from now on with your friends make the rule that they have to call firsties if they see a cute girl they want to ask out

EDIT- IO am now forced to post adorable pics until we all start feeling sweet and happy... you asked for it.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:24 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Obviously what I said above did not quite compute and it's therefore time for another extended absence.


There's no need for an extended absence. No one is saying rape is funny. Take a deep breath and read what we're saying.

Mavs thought the shirt was pretty and I thought the girl was pretty. That's the extent of where the joke came from. Apparently it way missed the mark with some people.

About the apology part, there is nothing to apologize for in this situation. As I said you need to try to do something different if you're actually sorry. How can a person change what other people read into a joke? Short of reading minds there's nothing that can be done here. It's just a misunderstanding. They happen every day. Again no reason to leave over it.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:25 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by msg: have to say sorry...not for what you said...for hurting or offending someone else...we all should feel sorry if we hurt someone , no matter how unintentionally...

To me sorry means you made a mistake and you will put effort into not making that mistake again. "Sorry, but I'm going to continue to offend you." is like adding "not" to the end of a polite statement. You might as well just say, "I was out of line, not".

I will keep my sorrys sincere.

Are we reading the same paragraph? We absolutely should be sorry about hurting and offending people. 1) Maybe I'm out of line. Period. 2) Maybe I'm dead on, but didn't express myself the best way I could have. Or 3) Maybe I'm dead on, and I am expressing myself perfectly. In any case, whether I'm being an @$$hole or just stupid, if there was hurt, there ought to be apology. If someone is "overly sensitive" to your remarks, you can apologize to them without having to include the rest of us thick-skinned souls, and you may continue to opine. More than one person here has simply chosen to ignore an offender. Being ignored isn't so bad really unless you can't stand it.

Me, yes I have erred, and will do so again. It's the human condition. But being a raging bull in a China shop just because it suits you, is another thing. Not saying that's what you are or what you've done. Your sorries should be sincere when called. Maybe that's the point. Maybe you should feel sorry more often.

Originally posted by Zeek:
...Not that I say them often anyway.

Practice makes perfect.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:29 AM


I would agree Zeek...which is where I was going with the different people different views speech. I was just suggesting that even if you see nothing wrong in what you've done if someone seems hurt by it you at least apologize for them feeling just makes people feel better to know that you acknowledge their feelings ( no matter if you think they are unreasonable or far off the mark) and that you are sorry they feel bad...
Still though I don't think anyone should feel the need to leave because we disagree...that's part of the fun is having different points of view and different ideas of least that's why I enjoy it here

Besides which Zeek we all know you make a living from mugging people so we shouldn't tease you (NOTE!!!: THIS IS A JOKE> NO ONE THINKS ZEEK WOULD EVER MUG OR HARM ANYONE> I AM NOW TEASING HIM BECAUSE HE'S SWEET AND HE'LL LET ME)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:38 AM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I would appreciate it greatly if my outlook on this could be respected, because not respecting it is literally the shortest path to being my enemy. The very. Shortest. Path. And I would prefer not to have that kind of drama here, with you people whom I adore. But I will not change my stance on this.

As I said, this obviously did not compute, and so it obviously is time for an extended absence. I was not fucking around here; I meant what I said. Shortest path. I told you, you took it, I'm done.
And that will be my last word at the water cooler until I get a terribly compelling reason to come back. Something tells me that's not likely, and definitely not soon.
So yeah. Bye.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:44 AM


Maybe that's just a personal pet peeve then. A sorry that isn't a real apology just enrages me 10x more when I'm upset over something.

I'm guessing that since the first example that springs to mind is fighting with my brother that this could just be a childhood issue. That's what comes to mind though. Him being a total jerk about something and us storming off to our rooms. Then him saying something like "I'm sorry you feel that way" because he knows that saying that is not in any way an apology, so I would of course not accept it and then I would look like the bad guy for not accepting the fake apology in front of our mom.

oh oh I'm at least not the only one. In freshman english our teacher flipped out once at a kid who was late to class three times in one week and said he was sorry every time. So, he got up and kicked the trash can across the room. He immediately apologized to the class then picked up the trash can and kicked it right back across the room. He repeated it again and then stared at the kid and said "does that 'sorry' mean anything if I just keep repeating the same action?!". We all sat there in total shocked silence and knew he meant business.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 8:48 AM


Hey cool ( not the teacher, but the student for calling him on it)
I was thinking more along the lines of student is late, I give student an after school detention, kid gets upset, I say " I'm sorry you are feeling so upset about this detention. I know that it really hurts you to get one. Is there anything I can do to help you be more on time next time?" See not apologizing for the action, just showing the kid I recognize he is hurt and I'm sorry my actions hurt him. My actions were justified, but causing pain and not saying your sorry doesn't help the situation. In my experience it only gives people the sense that you don't care how they feel. So I apologized for hurting him, but not for what I did, just for how it made him feel. I really was SINCERELY sorry that he was hurt and upset. I couldn't change what I needed to do, but I did feel badly that he was hurt and unhappy. So this is more what I am talking about. NOT an insincere apology, just SINCERE apology for the pain the statement caused.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:02 AM

DAYVE see, that's why i love coming here...everyone is so friendly, with a smile and a hello for everyone....


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:06 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"

Been missin' yer input, Dayve.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:10 AM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:

Originally posted by RugBug:
I took no offense to Zeek's comment...

Okay, so what did you take? I mean, honestly I'm curious as to what you thought, exactly, upon seeing the words "We'll just mug the model wearing it. You take the shirt, and I'll take the girl." Did it just make you roll your eyes? Did you find it funny? Did you just brush it off as flippant and harmless? Something else? I would like to know.

I took it as harmless. Like when I say I want to order one of the J.Crew models...not the clothes, but the model. Or tackle the cute boy at the gym. Or tie up the adorable fireman I met the other day.

Now, if Zeek had given me reason to believe that he was violent or thought rape was funny, I would think differently. There are certain posters that wouldn't get away with saying something like that because it would be laced with "rape" undercurrent.


Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
Really, I'm sorry to harp on this, and a few of you obviously don't agree with me, but I think that joking about these kinds of things, making light of them, being flippant, or whatever the hell kind of tone it was supposed to be in, really doesn't help anything. Treating something as serious as rape (which does not happen only to women, so it isn't even about that) and making light of it is only going to make it worse. (ignoring it ain't gonna help much either) There are very few subjects I take as seriously as I take this one. The reason for that is not my story to tell, but it's a damn good one. So really, I would appreciate it greatly if my outlook on this could be respected, because not respecting it is literally the shortest path to being my enemy. The very. Shortest. Path. And I would prefer not to have that kind of drama here, with you people whom I adore. But I will not change my stance on this.

I do respect your outlook on this, I just don't hold to the same (comment only, I think rape is very serious). I'm not asking you to change your stance...I'm just saying that I don't hold it and that your stance isn't the only one. If that is on a very short path as well, then so be it. I can allow you to feel as you do about Zeek's comment, can you allow me to feel as I do?

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:23 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:

Originally posted by Mavourneen:
Jimi, your bear hugs are wonderful...

Glad you like them, I enjoy giving them (ask sister or Tristan).

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Oswald was a fag.

Yeppers, RIMG gives some good, solid man-hugs. I am sure he reserves his best for the women-folk, though.

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion.

More Information:


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:33 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I do respect your outlook on this

I didn't see anyone disrespect anyone. All I know is there's anger and I'm confused. I give up on that whole thing.

On to what's currently on my mind. Does anybody here have a wii? If so what do you think of it? Is it worth getting? I've got $130 in BB giftcards burning a hole in my wallet and that's a nice discount towards a wii. (side note: I really have no idea why broadband companies offer to give you a $100 giftcard to sign up for a service you're already going to get anyway)


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:36 AM


See now it's going to be such fun at D*C...though knowing how tall Tristan is, I now have a visual of how tall Jimi is and I may look like y'alls kid and or a munchkin....argh Why can't I ever find short friends...why must I always look like the stray child..LOL

Rugbug- yeah I agree rape's not funny, but I'd say we all know Zeek and could never think he'd joke about that ( which he didn't I went back and looked and the first comment he made was just mug her...which isn't anything to do with rape or anything) so I'm not sure how this got turned to a big cranky snarl over thinking rape is there some usage of the word mug I'm not aware of??

Zeek- yeah the kids I tutor have one and they really love it. I have to say it seems to get them up off the couch and moving a lot more than traditional video games so I am all for it. It's really kind of cool

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:42 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Zeek- yeah the kids I tutor have one and they really love it. I have to say it seems to get them up off the couch and moving a lot more than traditional video games so I am all for it. It's really kind of cool

I guess I'm worried it'll be like a fad. I'm not much of a gamer these days anyway. The games I play are years and years old. I've got my old genesis hooked up right now and I'm playing an ancient RPG. I guess I'm a child of the 8/16-bit eras where games were just meant to be fun and played over and over and over. These days it seems like games are meant to be played once and then tossed aside for the next game of the day.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:45 AM



Originally posted by msg:
so I'm not sure how this got turned to a big cranky snarl over thinking rape is there some usage of the word mug I'm not aware of??

I think the problem was with the word "take," not "mug". It does have more than one connotation. Ex. Wash: "If I were unwed, I would take you in a manly fashion" (paraphased...don't crucify me if I misquoted) and "I'll take the herb-encrusted salmon." Or maybe it was the combination of mug implying violence and then take used as Wash said it.

But in the end, it's different interpretations and I can respect that Rose is upset by the comment, but to chastise and run away because others don't see it that way is fruitless.

Games: no help there. I haven't played a video game (what are they called now?) since my neighbors moved away 2 1/2 years ago and took Mario Kart with them. That was my one and only game. I do love me some Yoshi.

RIMG and Tristan (if he reads this): Wow, you guys look fantastic! That looks like so much fun. And I agree that it looks like RIMG would be a wonderful person to be wrapped in the arms of. Big, enveloping bear hugs are the bomb-diggety. And this, from a total, confirmed, non-hugger.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:46 AM


Hey you should buy just kidding.
I'm not sure if it's a fad or what, but it seems really cool and enjoyable, though I'm not the best person to ask as I never play computer games. Somehow they just don't appeal to me...not interactive enough ( with real people) and too pointless...oh look I ran down a hall and turned a corner and shot some monsters and then ran through a door and down a hall and turned a corner and shot some monsters...etc

Rugbug- ah I got hung up on the mug thing... cause I took it about the same way I would if Mav and I had been looking at that and I said you take the earrings I'll take the know just a wishful thinking thing...oh well. Hopefully she'll take a breather and feel better and come on back in...

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:56 AM



Originally posted by msg:
OK so how was everyone's St. Patrick's Day??

Mine was good. In the morning I was volunteering at durham cathedral and got a little girl to dress up as a monk.

Then on the evening I went to see a genesis tribute band with my mam, dad, brother, aunt and uncle. It was great.

anyway. has anyone else seen that story about the baby polar bear? It's so cute.



Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:03 AM


MSG, you have no idea how psyched I am that you will be there! It's going to be great getting to meet you. We still have a coffee date, right?

I read through the past few threads and see that things got taken way too far once again from a simple comment.

I am not here to debate, just came in to agree about the RIMG hugs.

Thank you, RugBug. We did have a blast, and it was a real boost for me to really hang out with other Browncoats. Been smiling like a moonbrain from the moment they showed up...even people at work are asking me if I am alright!

Now I am going to pull a Hell's Kitten...see y'all next time!

Commanding Officer of the 76th Independent Battalion.

More Information:


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:05 AM



Originally posted by msg:
Hey you should buy just kidding.
I'm not sure if it's a fad or what, but it seems really cool and enjoyable, though I'm not the best person to ask as I never play computer games. Somehow they just don't appeal to me...not interactive enough ( with real people) and too pointless...oh look I ran down a hall and turned a corner and shot some monsters and then ran through a door and down a hall and turned a corner and shot some monsters...etc

Rugbug- ah I got hung up on the mug thing... cause I took it about the same way I would if Mav and I had been looking at that and I said you take the earrings I'll take the know just a wishful thinking thing...oh well. Hopefully she'll take a breather and feel better and come on back in...

See I think the wii does have pong. At least I think it has ping pong where you actually swing the controller like a paddle.

Also, the answer to your videogame woes is Counterstrike. You can wear a mic and talk with your team while you go and kill other players who are also real people. Much more interaction. You can say things like "wall hacker!!" and "why didn't you follow me...I blame you for me dieing last round!!". Or you could hide somewhere and spend the round teaching your team to diagram sentences. They might mute you though.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:05 AM


Oh I want a polar bear... how cute is that bear. The other day on our local news they had a baby black bear cub and the news anchor was holding it..oh I really wanted that bear as a pet. Of course I generally want all cute animals as pets and it's lucky I haven't won the lottery as I'd have a menagerie of epic proportions.

Zeek yeah husband does Wow that's just too much trouble and not too enjoy able for me... I realize lots of people love it, just bores my socks off

Tristan- Oh yeah so excited. I can't wait to see some of you ( I wish it could be all of us) and get to hang out in real life....oh and you bet coffee date is still on!

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:10 AM


Good lord, I managed to step back in just at the craziest possible point, didn't I? I went back and read the thread prior to this one, and I have to say I'm with Rugbug on this. I didn't see any violence implied, and since I hang out almost exclusively with guys, I'm fairly used to "damn, I'd tap that" comments. As to the rest of the hubbub... I think you can respect someone's opinion while disagreeing with it, something we're generally pretty good about on these Imponderables threads.

One thing I have noticed, though, over the course of months, is that there seems to be a wide-spread problem of not understanding when people are joking, and not recognizing when someone isn't play-mad, but seriously hurt. I take everything as a joke until the profanities start to fly, and which point I'm often caught just as off guard as JQ or Zeek or anyone else whose joking has inadvertently stepped over the line. As I've mentioned in the past, I'm horrid at talking to women, so I often have no clue when something has gone from "har har, very funny" to "seriously, you're being rude and hurtful." And text only makes it more confusing, since there's no tone or body language, and no way to stop someone in the middle of a sentence.

So maybe we need to come up with a way to tell people when we're joking, when we're not, and when something has offended -- and what that specific something was, since it's not always as obvious to the joker as it is to the person who was offended. Any thoughts?

Anyhow, Zeek: hubby and I purchased a Wii last week, and we're totally in love with it. I'm not sure you'll be able to find one at BB though, all the ones we checked, as well as their online store, are plum out. There seems to be another US release coming up around April 12th or so (EB Games has two huuuge Wii bundles that are suppose to ship out around then), but until then, it looks like all the chain stores are completely sold out, and only getting sporadic shipments of one or two Wiis unexpectedly now and then.

So you could get lucky and walk into a BB on the day they got one Wii in, but when we were looking around last week, we couldn't find any in stock in our area. (OTOH, if you find a place in Austin that has them in stock, let me know, my family has been thinking about buying one as well. ) We ended up looking on eBay, and watching several auctions during their last few minutes. They *all* went for between $290 and $310, so we just went and found one with a Buy It Now option at $299 and picked that up, rather than trying to win an auction against 18 other people. Ended up being not that much more than we would have paid at a store, once you factor in tax.

The one we got came with WiiSports, and we've been playing the hell out of that, including while we're on long flight paths in World of Warcraft. We play the non-toolbox way ( [caution: profanity] ), which means that after a couple of minutes you get warm enough to want to change clothes, and after 20 or 30 minutes, have worked up a good sweat. And we've both been sore the past couple of days. >_< We also picked up SSX Blur, being big fans of Tricky, and have had mixed experiences with it. EA hasn't returned to the simplicity of Tricky's menu interface, and that's a huge annoyance for us. Other than that, the controls have taken some time to get used to, but we're determined to bend the game to our will, lol. We played the new WarioWare at a party not too long ago (yes, all our friends are huuuge geeks, and we get together, get drunk, and play either Wii or GuitarHero, lol), and that was ridiculous amounts of fun.

Since we're both squarely PC gamers, we tend not to buy many consoles, and usually not in the first year they've been out. The decision usually comes down to, can we get gameplay on that console that we can't get on a PC? With the Wii, the answer is a clear and solid "yes", and I think the games are only going to get better. Before either launched, I was squarely in the PS3 camp (having gotten a chance to play with it at E3 last year), but the games out for the Wii are just so much different than anything else out there, and so ridiculously fun, that the PS3 was quickly knocked out of the running (despite finding several in stock when we went looking for a Wii last week).

Anyway, that was probably waaaay more of an analysis of the Wii than you were looking for, Zeek, but being that my entire family is made up of possibly the biggest gaming nerds you'll ever meet, the pros and cons of buying a Wii have been discussed in depth for the past several months. The pros definitely won out.

And MsG, don't listen to Zeek: the answer to your gaming woes is World of Warcraft. 8.5 million people playing at once, in a completely social, interactive world. Or you could just wait for the Firefly MMOG, either way.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:23 AM


LOL Ck would it truly damage your opinion of me to find out that I tried Wow and it took me 10 minutes just to learn to walk. I really suck at it!! It was really too difficult just walking let alone doing anything else on it. While I type well and like computers I have never played computer games( you may now all gasp in shock) I didn't like MYST I have never owned a Play Station, x-box, or any other game thing. I only use the computer for FFF, lesson plans, email and the like... it sadly doesn't interest me. I know tons of people who love it, but I'd rather read a book, go to the gym, or spend time with friends ( which is how I'd catagorize what I do here) ...that's me the computer anti- geek as my husband likes to say:)

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:28 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Been missin' yer input, Dayve.

thanks JQ, but it seems i've been placed on Ignore by most folks, so i'll be sliding on down the dial... stay frosty


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:29 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Good lord, I managed to step back in just at the craziest possible point, didn't I?

It's going to take the better part of an hour for me to read through your post--as one of the long-winded among us, I must say even I am impressed--but your timing is unbelievable!!

Maybe you and PR got this cannot occupy the same space at the same time thing going on? Actually, I think you've been lurking, waiting for just such a moment to make your grand return. Either way, I've missed you. We've missed you (I think I can speak for the others). Welcome back!!

Now to work my way through your post so we can do battle maybe.

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:34 AM


CK you came back!! I'm not much of a hugger so how about just a

That's a pretty good testimonial for the wii. Yeah I'm aware that there's a nice little shortage going on, but I only live a couple miles from one best buy and then a couple more to the next one. So, I can just keep looking and looking. Maybe I'll take a quick look around tonight.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:41 AM



Originally posted by Dayve:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Been missin' yer input, Dayve.

thanks JQ, but it seems i've been placed on Ignore by most folks, so i'll be sliding on down the dial... stay frosty

Eh, I often feel like I'm on the ignore list...but it my case it's because I pop in and out so much. I'll be all active and then gone for long periods. 'Tis my own fault.

But know, from one semi-ignored to another...I miss seeing you around.

Oh, and hi CK! I'm always surprised at how much you write and yet it is still interesting to read. It's a skill, I tell ya.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:42 AM


I shall look for the armor JQ...I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:48 AM


but but but...we love you Dayve...we don't ignore you:) HUGS

"I'm not all that interested in the mental health of people who want to kill me. "- Leroy Jethro Gibbs


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 10:49 AM


Don't worry JQ, more than half of that is just gushing over my crush on the Wii.

Yeah, I knew I wasn't going to be able to stay away long. I'm still smarting over the non-inclusive attitude some Browncoats seem to hold towards Mormons, so it may be awhile before I venture out into the wilds of the rest of, much less Whedonesque, but I feel pretty safe here with my fellow Imponderables.

Heh, MsG, remember that thing I just said about respecting someone else's opinion while disagreeing with it...? Hehe, I'm just teasing you. Honestly, I think your view on video games is more the norm than mine, but I've known that I'm a freak of nature for a looooong time. Generally, I'd rather play games than just about anything else (though sewing, knitting, and other physically-creative things do elbow their way in from time to time), and since the guild that the hubby and I are in is made up exclusively of people we know in real life, when we get on voice chat with the guild, it's a lot like going bowling with friends or something. I do hope you'll try out the Firefly MMOG though, assuming it ends up being as awesome as I'm hoping it'll be.

Btw, which method did you use to walk around in WoW? The W-A-S-D keys, or the mouse? I have a long-standing disagreement with my father over which is easier to learn.


You can't take the sky from me...


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:03 AM



Originally posted by msg:
LOL Ck would it truly damage your opinion of me to find out that I tried Wow and it took me 10 minutes just to learn to walk.

If it helps it took me like a half hour to get tired of "kill x number of y monster then come back" quests until I ran out of town and got killed by a spider. I uninstalled the beta and was happy I've never spent any money on a MMORPG in my life.

Which brings me to my contradictory there gonna be an imponderables guild in the Firefly MMORPG? I might have to get over my dislike of MMORPGs for that one.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:07 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by msg:

Originally posted by JonnyQuest:
Now to work my way through your post so we can do battle maybe.

I shall look for the armor JQ...I'm sure it's around here somewhere.

Well, hate to disappoint--and contrary to the notion that I like living on the razor's edge--I can't really disagree with much what's been said. It is hard to communicate nuances in texty fashion. But if I have to identify every joke by saying "Fore!" I'm pretty sure whatever measly humor I might be attempting, will be lost altogether. I hope Rose gets over this, 'cause I really do like having her around.

Originally posted by RugBug:
Eh, I often feel like I'm on the ignore list...but it my case it's because I pop in and out so much. I'll be all active and then gone for long periods. 'Tis my own fault.

Have I ever totally ignored you? Haven't I even gone out of my way sometimes to include you? Hasn't there been a chasm left by your absence? No wait. You can't have a chasm in a watercooler. A...a vortex? I'm insensed. Or something.

Short take on the specific problem and I'm dropping out of the convo if not the thread. "Mugging" set up a violent context, humorous or not. (I would tend toward humor here, but I tend toward humor everywhere.) After "taking the shirt"--we must assume by "force" since she wasn't offering it, we are left with a shirtless, read: vulnerable, girl for Zeek to "take" in whatever context we now have left.

The intended meaning--I believe Zeek--was not take her by force and violence and against her will, but merely to acknowledge her as attractive and worthy of "conquest" by way of whatever charm he may possess, which hasn't been apparent in this discussion but I'm willing to bet he has some.

The perceived meaning could easily be built up from the mugging to the taking, first of the shirt, then the girl. I don't think it's a huge leap. Especially for someone who is especially sensitive to the subject, which has been noted by PR on several occasions, but even if it weren't, she mentioned it here. Acknowledging her feelings would not have been out of place. It's not an admission that you agree with her perception by saying you are sorry for offending her. It's not a false "Sorry you feel that way" either, unless you mean it that way.

As this is starting to retread, I will stop. Also as it's quittin' time, I will stop. Let's move on, shall we?

Dayve, I'll never ignore you so much as loathe you... (Everyone remember the ?)

"Well, here I am...Does that seem right to you?"


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:26 AM



Originally posted by JonnyQuest:

Originally posted by RugBug:
Eh, I often feel like I'm on the ignore list...but it my case it's because I pop in and out so much. I'll be all active and then gone for long periods. 'Tis my own fault.

Have I ever totally ignored you? Haven't I even gone out of my way sometimes to include you? Hasn't there been a chasm left by your absence? No wait. You can't have a chasm in a watercooler. A...a vortex? I'm insensed. Or something.

So it's a whirlpool of ignorance? I like to know that I fill the ignorance quotient in any group. Gives me purpose and all.

Nobody should vacate the thread.'s just group dynamics at play. In every group there will be's how you get through them that defines how successful a group will be. So, basically, I say "deal, forgive, learn, move on."

I'm so the touchy-feely type, huh? Heh.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:31 AM



Originally posted by RugBug:
I'm so the touchy-feely type, huh? Heh.

*gets in line to be touched and feeled*

I couldn't help it. Besides you said you didn't want to be ignored.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:38 AM


Remind me not to wander round here singing Frank Zappa lyrics, liable to get myself lynched >.<

I'm going to chip in, (although I'm not going to be surprised if the post is later heavily edited) and say that I don't think there's any subject so serious you can't make jokes about it. I simply couldn't deal with the pressure's of my job if I didn't make hugely inappropriate jokes about the most serious aspects of it, both to relieve the tension and to trivialise whatever I'm going through.

Humour, to me, is a coping mechanism. End result of this is that i tend to get told my sense of humour is either black, morbid or weird and creepy. I try to play nice around here, not much that's stressful, but I don't think there's any subject I'd consider completely taboo for a joke.

Anyways yeah, probably the reason this kinda thing goes on so long is latecomers wanting to put their opinions across, I recognise it, but damned if I'm not still guilty.

Our criminal institutions are full of little creeps like you who do wrong things. Many of them were driven to these things by a horrible force called Music.


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 11:47 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:

Originally posted by RugBug:
I'm so the touchy-feely type, huh? Heh.

*gets in line to be touched and feeled*

I couldn't help it. Besides you said you didn't want to be ignored. co-workers are wondering why I'm snickering to myself.

Odds: couldn't agree more. I had to be very careful about my comments when my grandmother was dying. Some folks would've thought I was a cold, callous wench. But really, I loved the old bag and it was hard to see her go.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw






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