Imponderable Water Cooler - Walking On Thin Ice

UPDATED: Monday, March 26, 2007 10:13
VIEWED: 7583
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Friday, March 23, 2007 12:20 PM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
I've become a bit of a bra expert out of necessity: I wear a 30G (G, as in "ginormous pain in the ass"), which translates to about an 10 inch difference between the bust and underbust measurement, depending on the style of the bra.

(Edited because apparently I can't subtract 27 from 37 correctly.

I think the difference may be more than that, CK. Isn't it a cup size for every two inch difference between the rib cage and around the bust? I lost some weight which translated to having lost 4 inches around the rib cage, but went up 2 cup sizes as the bust measurement stayed the same.(I'm a 40H. It was easier to buy a bra when I was a 44F.)


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Friday, March 23, 2007 12:33 PM


Hehe, they wouldn't need much convincing. They are both huuuge Browncoats (as is the rest of our family). Even came to the airport to pick up hubby and I this past Christmas wearing their very own long coats of brown-ish color. Our dad went to the CSTS screening at the Drafthouse last year, so I think it's just an issue of them convincing Dad to let them go this year. That, and getting tickets before they sell out, of course.

But yeah, we're all big nerds. Full-family D&D campaign and 12 hour extended edition Lord of the Rings marathon at Christmas, conversations with my mom and sisters about who Jayne would be most likely to hook up with, whole dinner conversations peppered with movie quotes, and half a dozen WoW accounts between all of us. We're nerdy, we know it, we embrace it.

Originally posted by RMMC:
I think the difference may be more than that, CK. Isn't it a cup size for every two inch difference between the rib cage and around the bust?

The way it was explained to me when I was finally fitted, it's one cup size for every inch difference (C = 3 inch difference, D = 4 inch, etc), but because band sizes only come in even numbers, if you go down a band size (-2 inches) but your bust measurement stays the same (which, of course, is impossible to check without a bra that fits correctly!), you have to go up two cup sizes (+2 inches) to get the right fit. Or that's the theory, anyway. It seems like no two bras are made exactly the same, even within the same brand, to say nothing of labeling differences (depending on the brand, going from an F to an H might actually be 4 cup sizes -- F, FF, G, GG, H -- whereas other brands might only have F, FF, G, then H). If bras were made with mathematical accuracy, it would be a lot easier!


You can't take the sky from me...


Friday, March 23, 2007 12:35 PM



Originally posted by Zeek:
Though I'm one of those crazy metabolism people I think. I just don't gain weight no matter what I eat. You can see my ribs and probably my backbone.

Can I just say that I hate you?

Nyah. Not really. I got nothin' but love for ya, babe.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Friday, March 23, 2007 1:01 PM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Hehe, they wouldn't need much convincing. They are both huuuge Browncoats (as is the rest of our family). Even came to the airport to pick up hubby and I this past Christmas wearing their very own long coats of brown-ish color. Our dad went to the CSTS screening at the Drafthouse last year

hehe I was in the same theater with your Dad then. What a small verse we live in.


Originally posted by RugBug:

Originally posted by Zeek:
Though I'm one of those crazy metabolism people I think. I just don't gain weight no matter what I eat. You can see my ribs and probably my backbone.

Can I just say that I hate you?

You can say it right along with me. You think it's fun being a skinny guy? I wish I could put some meat on these bones. I'm also blessed with a long torso. And if you know what they say about guys with long torsos....let me know cause I've never heard a thing. (this comes from a note on a tuxedo measurement one time) But yeah I've always been measured with for "long" sleeves. So, picture long skinny, twig arms on a guy. Not exactly something to write home about.


Friday, March 23, 2007 1:11 PM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:

Originally posted by RMMC:
I think the difference may be more than that, CK. Isn't it a cup size for every two inch difference between the rib cage and around the bust?

The way it was explained to me when I was finally fitted, it's one cup size for every inch difference (C = 3 inch difference, D = 4 inch, etc), but because band sizes only come in even numbers, if you go down a band size (-2 inches) but your bust measurement stays the same (which, of course, is impossible to check without a bra that fits correctly!), you have to go up two cup sizes (+2 inches) to get the right fit. Or that's the theory, anyway. It seems like no two bras are made exactly the same, even within the same brand, to say nothing of labeling differences (depending on the brand, going from an F to an H might actually be 4 cup sizes -- F, FF, G, GG, H -- whereas other brands might only have F, FF, G, then H). If bras were made with mathematical accuracy, it would be a lot easier!

So, basically, they make it clear as mud for us, right? Right. *sigh*

I say, we round up all the lying clothes designers, ship 'em off on the "B" ark*, and make clothes for women that make sense and fit properly for all body types!


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb

*from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Friday, March 23, 2007 2:28 PM


Well folks, I'm out for the weekend. Wish me luck. Seems like "She" is really wanting to spend some time together this weekend.



Friday, March 23, 2007 2:54 PM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:

If bras were made with mathematical accuracy, it would be a lot easier!

Sorry, but it is really women that should grow their breasts with some degree of mathematical accuracy. (Insert joke about Pi here.)

I know that an individual bra is not inexpensive, especially those that are hard to find. An old friend used to have hers made custom. Something like this:


---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Friday, March 23, 2007 3:41 PM


All this talk of bra sizes and that which fills 'em is rekindling my desire to find a good plastic surgeon and get some of me own...!


Especially now that silicone is back on the market! Yay! \o/



Friday, March 23, 2007 3:54 PM


Tsk, tsk... you're fine just the way you are!

King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:23 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
All this talk of bra sizes and that which fills 'em is rekindling my desire to find a good plastic surgeon and get some of me own...!


Especially now that silicone is back on the market! Yay! \o/

Quit feeding my pet peeve.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Friday, March 23, 2007 4:46 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
All this talk of bra sizes and that which fills 'em is rekindling my desire to find a good plastic surgeon and get some of me own...!


Especially now that silicone is back on the market! Yay! \o/

Why? You couldn't possibly be having trouble attracting men. Is it just a personal thing?


Friday, March 23, 2007 6:17 PM


Whoa, there. Hallo. Didn't mean to elicit any comments like this... although, considering this thread, I shoulda known better. *coos at Penguin*

Originally posted by FlyVote:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Especially now that silicone is back on the market! Yay! \o/

Quit feeding my pet peeve.

(Repsonse follows...)

Originally posted by Zeek:
Why? You couldn't possibly be having trouble attracting men. Is it just a personal thing?

Aww, thanks for sayin'! It has nothing to do with attracting anyone, though. Just a personal thing (see below).

FlyVote - I don't mean to dismiss your pet peeve, but...

While I imagine there are a lot of people (women and men) subjecting themselves to plastic surgery simply because they feel the "peer pressure" need to "fit in" or look "just right" in the eyes of others... seem to be dismissing those of us who are intelligent and well adjusted enough to not actually have a problem with how we are, and who don't base our actions or appearance on what "society" tells us. As if it isn't possible to want to modify ourselves in any way unless we're succumbing to popular opinion; that's simply not true.

As an engineer / designer, I have an innate need for symmetry and proportion, when it comes to certain things. I just happen to be one of those things - I don't think I'm proportionally quite right as I am. (I don't seek to be top-heavy, I seek balance.)

I consider breast implants and other plastic surgery akin to dying or cutting your hair in a certain style, getting piercings or tattoos, wearing certain style shoes or clothing, going to a gym to sculpt your body to a certain shape; I make no distinction, it's all exactly the same to me.

It's an aesthetic, not a self-loathing.


On the previous, previous, (previous?) subject of children and plastic surgery - it's not entirely the children who are bent, it's the parents. No child can go to a plastic surgeon to get work done without parent's consent. I only have a problem with this because (1) it's not necessarily biologically the best idea to artificially modify a body that hasn't had a good chance to finish growing properly and (2) emotional (read: chemical) imbalances in immature humans (read: children) quite often excessively skew their perceptions, leading to choices that otherwise may not have been made (read: too young and inexperienced to make an informed decision). Just turned 18 and want tits the size of Cancun? I wish you a speedy recovery. Just turned 14 and get teased for big ears? Suck it up, panty-waist.

...I think that's all.
And thank-you for visiting the World of Hell's Kitten. *snikker*



Friday, March 23, 2007 6:58 PM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten: seem to be dismissing those of us who are intelligent and well adjusted enough to not actually have a problem with how we are, and who don't base our actions or appearance on what "society" tells us. As if it isn't possible to want to modify ourselves in any way unless we're succumbing to popular opinion; that's simply not true.

My intent isn't to be judgmental or dismissive. I think you are of sound mind. Feed your need.


As an engineer / designer, I have an innate need for symmetry and proportion,

!!engineer / designer cool. PM me about that - I'd like to know what you do and talk some nerdy stuff. I'll be in and out this weekend, but I'd like to hear from you.

Do whatever you need to make yourself happy, as long as it is at least 93% legal and doesn't hurt others.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Friday, March 23, 2007 11:50 PM


Good morning everybody.

I'm off to spend the weekend attempting to get rid of that albatross around my neck by writing somemore of my dissertation.



Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:13 AM



I am going off to DIE OF BOREDOM, now.

That is all.



Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:59 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

I am going off to DIE OF BOREDOM, now.

That is all.


Yer gonna get all corpseified and gross.

---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX
Vote for our Big Damn Heroes big push for March 27th, Nathan Fillion's birthday.


Sunday, March 25, 2007 1:55 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by Mircea:

Thurs-Fri I work for Manpower as a clerk/staffing specialist. Mostly means I enter people's data into the computers and try to find jobs for people that don't really want to work.

OK... there used to be an all male strip group (akin to the Chippendales) here in Australia called 'ManPower'... might still be for all I know... so as I read that I had a brief flash in my brainpan of Mircea works for Manpower?? Huh... who'd have thunk?

Oh - and Hi Everyone!!!

"I can put one foot in front of the other - I'm Magdalena, & I'm marching with the 76th"



Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:49 AM


King of the Mythical Land that is Iowa


Sunday, March 25, 2007 3:19 PM



Originally posted by magdalena:

Oh - and Hi Everyone!!!

Magda!!!! How have you been?! *hugs Magda*


When we're down, don't frown. Come join the camp-out at

“Any idea why they’d take his heart if it wasn’t to worship the demon of the week?” -- Lieutenant Eve Dallas, Conspiracy In Death by J. D. Robb


Monday, March 26, 2007 7:19 AM


Seems the thread has been sleeping for a bit.

(Kicks thread)

Hope that gits 'er goin'.

Weekend went fine. Spent my birthday cleaning one of the shoot houses for a safer game Sunday. Saw 300 with my sisters Sat night and had a few drinks at the bar "She" tends part time. Had to leave early due to sister still having visit with PB and BV. A friend from work actually picked me up a little later and we returned to "She's" bar. Shot some pool and hung out. it was nice.

Before closing "She" noticed I was shooting for shit and offered free shots for the shots I made. It went like this.
"She" walks to our corner carrying a shotglass and a bottle of JC, gives me the ultimatum and sits at the small table near the pool table. With he look I got there was a chance I could have run the table. The first shot was immediate and precise. As she poured the cuervo my heart sank and it seemed I lost the will to drop anymore balls. I missed the rest.
Gorram feminine wiles.
We were supposed to meet later to shoot pool at another bar (more meat market). I ended up leaving after 30 minutes to avoid boredom and a possible altercation. Left her a message, no return yet.
Still worried about going on the daytrip this Sunday. Even if she can't go I hope she'll at least tell me. Seems she's been pretty open and honest lately.
That's about it. If the daytrip don't happen Sunday there is a big shoot scheduled, barbecue and Wrestlemania afterward.


Monday, March 26, 2007 7:29 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
"She" walks to our corner carrying a shotglass and a bottle of JC, gives me the ultimatum and sits at the small table near the pool table. With he look I got there was a chance I could have run the table. The first shot was immediate and precise. As she poured the cuervo my heart sank and it seemed I lost the will to drop anymore balls. I missed the rest.
Gorram feminine wiles.

...I don't get it. At all.
The feminine wile of pouring a shot made you not want to drink any more shots...?
*so confused*



Monday, March 26, 2007 7:41 AM


Oh yeah. If the fashion of which the shot was poured was so defined that it is now a permenant picture in your mind like it is mine.

Once, while we still worked together, there was a few minutes of down time and I introduced her to the genius of Robot Chicken. After eight minutes of muffled laugher I had to answer the phone. As I walked back she looked up at me in a way I had not been looked at in years.

It happened again when I retrieved my prize.


Monday, March 26, 2007 7:52 AM


mornin' (well, afternoon at this point) Imponderables. Drink deep.


Originally posted by Mavourneen:
msg, your work is done. My work is done. So I can ask you the question I've been meaning to ask for a few days now. Did you see Eddie Izzard's show "The Riches" on F/X, and did you like it?

Not that you were asking me, but I saw it, and I kinda liked it. Gonna watch again tonight (3rd episode).


Originally posted by msg:
...the conversation went like this
Kid1- " I have to hurry up I'm late for G's class"
Kid2- "Well come on it's not like she'll kill you"
Kid1- You don't know that"

'tis always better to be feared anyhow... :)


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
All this talk of bra sizes and that which fills 'em is rekindling my desire to find a good plastic surgeon and get some of me own...!


Originally posted by Penguin:
Tsk, tsk... you're fine just the way you are!



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
As an engineer / designer, I have an innate need for symmetry and proportion, when it comes to certain things. I just happen to be one of those things - I don't think I'm proportionally quite right as I am. (I don't seek to be top-heavy, I seek balance.)


Just turned 18 and want tits the size of Cancun? I wish you a speedy recovery. Just turned 14 and get teased for big ears? Suck it up, panty-waist.

...I think that's all.
And thank-you for visiting the World of Hell's Kitten. *snikker*

Gods I love that woman. :)


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

I am going off to DIE OF BOREDOM, now.

That is all.


* revives HK with a tasty medicinal tonic *

Yay on the good weekend NVG.

SFC Alexander, Chief Medic for the 76th Indepentent Army Battalion
-Man is not a rational animal, he is a rationalizing animal.
-How we behave toward cats here below determines our status in heaven.
-A zygote is a gamete's way of producing more gametes. This may be the purpose of the universe.
-Anyone who cannot cope with mathematics is not fully human. At best he is a tolerable subhuman who has learned to wear shoes, bathe, and not make messes in the house.
-It is better to copulate than never.


Monday, March 26, 2007 8:45 AM


Hey there everyone-

Today was certainly the day from Satan's *ss. Glad it is winding down. And after a great weekend, too!

1. Got my taxes done
2. Neighbor very interested in buying Dora (truck) for his nephew.
3. Very competitive game of Battleship; Tidbit (6 years old!) almost beat me. Almost.
4. Excellent thrift store run - Great pants for Tidbit, and a cool tie-died shirt for him. My son, the Dead Head!

RIMG- Glad you mentioned The Riches- I saw 2nd ep over the weekend, and liked it. A lot more than I liked the pilot. Still, Eddie is the best reason to follow the show (so far...)

NV- I'm happy to hear your weekend didn't end in the county lockup. I was wondering what your birthday carousing would entail. Sounds like it was under control...but I think I'm with HK. I reread your post, and still don't quite understand. Big question I have...why would you promise to meet someone later then not show because you might get bored? I'm be hella pissed if I had agreed to meet a friend for pool and he didn't show. Hella Pissed.

EDIT: After I posted this, I went back and reread your posts. Still unclear, but you MAY have been referring to meeting your coworker at another pool hall.
And as to the look "She" gave you? I am instantly reminded of 16 Candles from the 80's, where Long Duck Dong says:

Dude, she's yanky your wanky.



Monday, March 26, 2007 9:09 AM


"Did he just go crazy and fall asleep?"


Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Seems she's been pretty open and honest lately.

Hope it's real and hope it stays.

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
All this talk of bra sizes and that which fills 'em is rekindling my desire to find a good plastic surgeon and get some of me own...!


Especially now that silicone is back on the market! Yay! \o/


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Whoa, there. Hallo. Didn't mean to elicit any comments like this... although, considering this thread, I shoulda known better.

We'll just blame it on your extreme ennui altering your perceptions, shall we?

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
It has nothing to do with attracting anyone, though. Just a personal thing (see below).

While I imagine there are a lot of people (women and men) subjecting themselves to plastic surgery simply because they feel the "peer pressure" need to "fit in" or look "just right" in the eyes of others... seem to be dismissing those of us who are intelligent and well adjusted enough to not actually have a problem with how we are, and who don't base our actions or appearance on what "society" tells us. As if it isn't possible to want to modify ourselves in any way unless we're succumbing to popular opinion; that's simply not true.

As an engineer / designer, I have an innate need for symmetry and proportion, when it comes to certain things. I just happen to be one of those things - I don't think I'm proportionally quite right as I am. (I don't seek to be top-heavy, I seek balance.)

I consider breast implants and other plastic surgery akin to dying or cutting your hair in a certain style, getting piercings or tattoos, wearing certain style shoes or clothing, going to a gym to sculpt your body to a certain shape; I make no distinction, it's all exactly the same to me.

It's an aesthetic, not a self-loathing.

The alterations argument is brief and not at all an opposing point of view, merely a clarifying one, if it is even that. Breast implants, other plastic surgery, dyeing or cutting hair in a certain style, getting piercings or tattoos, wearing certain style shoes or clothing, going to a gym to sculpt your body is a matter of degree perhaps but more than just that. It is a question of "permanent" vs. transient, invasive vs. prosthethic. If it no bother you, it no bother me.

But if (math geek alert) you need to define your external appearance solely by means of Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden Ratio, then I must beg to differ. Of all of the countless homonids with who I have become acquainted over the scores of seasons I've watched and learned upon this earth, you have repeatedly demonstrated your individuality, idiosyncrasy, distinction (there are more; Roget says so). Why then opt for symmetry? Synthetic symmetry at that? Striving for the epitome, rather than exhalting the self? Are you Nietschesque? We already cower before your obvious superiority! Ah yes. It's not for us. I say revell in your asymmetry! Glory in it! It sets you apart, and that where you should be. Where you cannot harm us...


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
On the previous, previous, (previous?) subject of children and plastic surgery - it's not entirely the children who are bent, it's the parents. No child can go to a plastic surgeon to get work done without parent's consent. I only have a problem with this because (1) it's not necessarily biologically the best idea to artificially modify a body that hasn't had a good chance to finish growing properly...Just turned 18 and want tits the size of Cancun? I wish you a speedy recovery...

...I think that's all.
And thank-you for visiting the World of Hell's Kitten. *snikker*

Edit: Oops. Forgot the last point. I thought 20 was the new 18, developmentally. Mentally anyway. (Citation: Dr. Philip McGraw, PhD.)

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place." George Bernard Shaw


Monday, March 26, 2007 9:22 AM


This was a pretty crazy weekend. I was social every day. Very tiring.

Though I did get to play the wii out of it. It was fun though I wasn't all that impressed. The boxing seemed impossible to control and the tennis was just about flailing when you want to hit the ball. I'll probably still get one though. And if georgetown really wins the ncaa tourney I'll have a very nice wii starter fund to buy games and controllers.

Saw TMNT too! Turtle power!!! The movie was about what I expected. A bigger version of the cartoon show basically. Though the plot was a bit out there and there were some plot holes for sure. Overall I give it a B+. Even though SMG just made me think they replaced April with Buffy. Which they pretty much did.


Monday, March 26, 2007 9:23 AM


Praise Mavs and her over protective goodness. She may be the vengeful godess who overlooks my romantical well being.

I was to meet "She" at another place after she closed up the place she tends part time. It takes at least an hour to clean, count, and sort. Its not that she didn't show up, its that I wasn't willing to wait longer than an hour at a place I didn't really want to be in the first place. It was me who took charge and said that I didn't want to stay. No point in being miserable and F-ing up an already great night. There is part of her life I have no need to be a part of. One of the things she told me the other day is that she never had the chance to be overly social and (as if I need to say it) she's never really had the chance at an actual "romantic" relationship.
Part of the compliment she paid me after lunch the other day was not only to be open and honest, but to tell me that the value of being around someone who's not just trying to sleep with her is a huge shock.

I don't know what you have or haven't reads Mavs. Seems everyone here's been so busy with stuff that the info is mottled and scetchy at best.

Try not to fret. I'm free. So much anger has been relesed in the past few weeks that I cannot begin to communicate my pleasure in doing so. Its not that I am looking at this as a chance to be with her. It's more like a chance at actually having her as a friend and, at the very least, not being angry anymore.

All of the B.S. I just posted aside, I think that if "She" can understand that I was tired, had a great time already, and had a game scheduled for the morning (the abridged phone message I left), then there should be no need for anger or hurt feelings. Unless of course she never checked her phone messages.


Monday, March 26, 2007 9:44 AM


This is all I have about relationships at the moment. ARrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! People suck! Life is beautiful! I'm extrodinarly happy! Screw it all I give up! I'm so flipping in love!


An I carried such a torch


Monday, March 26, 2007 9:44 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
Praise Mavs and her over protective goodness. She may be the vengeful godess who overlooks my romantical well being.

Just makin' sure...

I don't know what you have or haven't reads Mavs. Seems everyone here's been so busy with stuff that the info is mottled and scetchy at best.

Like I said, today (especially) was hellish. And, it's hard to keep up. You have too many acronymistic chicks in your life.


Unless of course she never checked her phone messages.

HERE's the piece I was missing! You left her a phone message that you wouldn't be there ! Aha!
*smoothes down the hackles on the back of her neck*

I'm good. We (and I know I speak for the absent msg on this) just want you to be happy. When peeps don't make the NV happy, WE (your online Browncoat harem)aren't happy.



Monday, March 26, 2007 10:13 AM


(Counts himself lucky to have Mavs and MSG on his side)

I'm not being very cautious this time. She knows my stance on honesty. As I stated to her the other day, "People can beat me down, spit on me, shit on me, and maybe even talk down to me. I can get past it pretty easy. I just won't stand for anyone to f*$&(*' lie to me."
There should be no need for caution, even in a friendship. Any person you value as a close friend might be an even closer enemy if caution stands in the way.

Oh lovely Copilot, I'm so happy for you. Seen a few things here and there that really serve as great evidence of your true happiness.

Didn't realize the thread already grew beyond the Jonny Mandate.
Next thread, already in progress.






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