Which episode did you wanna see?

UPDATED: Monday, May 3, 2004 17:02
VIEWED: 3357
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Wednesday, February 25, 2004 4:19 PM


( I don't know if this was posted already)If the show wasn't horribly cancelled, what episode were you waiting to see? What episode were you just itching to see, but wasn't even thought up?

I know that the one I was waiting for would be either when they caught up to Niska again, or maybe Early actually got savedin space. And then the blue hands came to go find out what happened, but then they try to kill him with the rod thing. So then he escapes and ends up going to the crew of Serenity for somewhere to hide. SO, then there would be another fugitive on board Serenity.

That script has kind of been in the back of mind for put in you input.


Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:05 AM


I want to see the "How Simon Saved River" flashback episode, cause you know we would've/will.

Also, I would've hoped that they'd figure out a way to do the "we've all lost our memories and don't know who we are" episode, because both Tabula Rasa on Buffy and Spin the Bottle on Angel had me in hysterical laughter. Dunno how they might go about it, since on the other shows it was induced by magic, but I'd love to see it.

"You are such a boob."


Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:19 AM


I really wanted them to run into the Reavers, not just the near misses we have seen, but a real "close encounter" for the crew.


Sunday, March 7, 2004 8:49 PM



Originally posted by Linden:
I really wanted them to run into the Reavers, not just the near misses we have seen, but a real "close encounter" for the crew.

A really tight episode where they have to fight Reavers, like an "Aliens"-esque episode, would be great to watch.

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Friday, April 2, 2004 2:32 PM


Ankhagogo I'd love to see an epsiode where they all lost their memories too. They're always funny They wouldn't need magic just expose them to some kind of gas that has amnesia as a temporary side effect.
and I know its a sci fi cliche and not really in the spirit of Firefly...but I always love alternate dimension/evil twin stuff. Maybe they could do it as someones delusional sickdream similar to Angel's "Soul Purpose" episode. Temporary evil boys & girls are hot.


Friday, April 2, 2004 5:25 PM



Originally posted by kaykath:
[Band I know its a sci fi cliche and not really in the spirit of Firefly...but I always love alternate dimension/evil twin stuff. Maybe they could do it as someones delusional sickdream similar to Angel's "Soul Purpose" episode. Temporary evil boys & girls are hot.

Heh. Yeah, I love that stuff too. "The Wish" is one of my favourite Buffy episodes.

Also, I'd like to see a "how Mal & Zoe Met" episode. It might be something as simple as "met in boot camp," but it might not.

"So...would his job be available?"


Saturday, April 3, 2004 12:37 PM


I would've loved to have seen a show in which Mal and Zoe have rubbed off on Jane a little. Imagine in season six or something, Jane is put into a leadership position, and he actually shows some makes a decision that isn't selfish!

I would have loved to see Zoe nine months pregnant, and beating the crap out of some guy to save Wash.

How far would the crew go to rescue River if Blue Sun had captured her?

Ooh, and what if they started up a new organized rebellion against the alliance? Could serinty be outfitted with weapons?

I also want to see more of how bad the alliance really is. Show them oppressing people a little more.

Joss would/will come up with vastly more interesting and suprising stories.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 3:42 PM


Something similar to HoG but with one of those Abbeys that Book came from.

If there are so many Fireflies out there, how come we only see the one? Another Firefly would be cool. Mistaken Identity, anyone?

Earth-that-Is. Oh, I know everybody left because it is in such terrible shape. I somehow suspect the planet is still spinning. I also note that human beings have been able to survive some pretty weird stuff, and I doubt the planet is totally empty.

Mal hates slavers. A job stealing a ship full of slaves (and freeing them) would probably appeal to him, especially if he could profit at it AND torque off the Alliance somehow.

I really want to see the episode where the crew is in deep kimchee away from the ship, and all of a sudden here comes Serenity to pluck their little buns out of the fire. Who is at the helm? River, of course. Remember, she is a genius, and she has probably watched Wash a time or three.

On the other end of the spectrum, "[Insert name], Zoe needs me! Take the helm!" "WHAT?!"
Now, [ name] could be Simon (eek), or it could be Jayne (God help us all) or it could be Book (but I suspect he is a good pilot) or maybe even Kaylee.

The Great Starship Race.

Now, every line, every word in the Ballad of Serenity has meaning. "Take my land": Mal's family had a ranch on Shadow. It seems to be gone. Much of the rest refers to the Battle of Serenity Valley and Mal's decision to abandon "the World" for "the Black".
But what about those first three words in the Ballad? What's the story behind that? How and why did Malcolm Reynolds come to join the military? Where did he learn his peculiar code of honor? Are these questions interrelated at all? Are you still reading this post?


Sunday, April 4, 2004 6:23 AM


OK. Here's a concept that could be just hilarious:

RL Fact: the bottom dropped out of the Emu Market. In Texas, many of these oversized, bad tempered, potentially dangerous birds have been turned loose to range free by farmers who realized that people just don't want to eat Emu. And now this idjit a few miles from me (here in TN) is raising Ostriches.
Disembowel a man with one kick, those birds can.

Let's take that concept forward 500 years:

A little R&R on a relatively deserted part of a world. Needed to land and shut things down so Kaylee could make some repairs, everybody needs fresh air...

Wash: "[Insert Chinese Expletives] do you see the size of this EGG? WOW!" as he comes out of the trees carrying a heavy burden.
Momma Ostrich :
Wash getting chased around by a crazed mother ostrich while his pals try to get a clear shot. This has great potential for amusement value.

Jayne: "Dinner! "


Monday, April 5, 2004 2:45 PM


Personally, I would LOVE to see Mal and Inara declare some feelings for each other, in actual words. They don't have to "do it" or anything jump-the-shark-y, but they could stop the "I act like I don't care about you but I actually do" school-yard stuff.

ANY historical stuff about Book fascinates me. Also, I would like to see him take charge (in spite of Jayne) if something happend to Mal and Zoe for one episode.

Having Simon actually say something nice to Kaylee without subsequently putting both feet in his mouth would also be appreciated.

I think River can do anything. She should continue to surprise them at every turn.



Monday, May 3, 2004 3:27 PM


Mainly for me, it's the backstory of why there was a Uniforcation war, what happened to Earth, anything charcter related, and more about Jayne. I want to know why he's such a bad boy and if it's possible to change his wicked ways like Spike (altered in some way or understand his motives) ^-^


Monday, May 3, 2004 4:29 PM


How about Vera's former owner comes back and wants his gun back.

He could have his own woman's name for it.

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Monday, May 3, 2004 5:02 PM


"River's first date" (and big brother Simon's reaction to same)

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