firefly whats te real story

UPDATED: Tuesday, April 3, 2007 16:51
VIEWED: 2521
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:25 AM


I have recently discovered firefly after seeing the Serenity film. to put my feelings in perspective I love sci fi generally and have watchee as many TV series as poss since about 1966.
Firefly is the best bar none. Really no question.
my kids love it. my wife doesn't like Sci Fi she loves. i've got a mate whos not into sci Fi he loves it!!
you guys keep saying that the film & series is selling really well.
So whats the real story someone must know why theres no new TV series or Film It don't make no sense!

He's lookin to shoot some folk


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:29 AM


Well, nobody around these parts is liable to be disagreein' with you on that score, bigman. Don't make no sense, indeed.

Welcome to the shiniest little ship in the 'verse, anyhow. Help yourself to strawberries and ice planets. Hows about you tell us how you found your way to Firefly? We love stories.

I'm pointin' right at it!


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:05 PM



Originally posted by bigman:
So whats the real story someone must know why theres no new TV series or Film It don't make no sense!

ratings. The tv show had poor ratings and the movie basically broke even at the box office at best. That doesn't impress the studios.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:26 PM


Feel your pain, bigman; I was a late comer to the 'verse, myownself. Saw the movie first-then the series...can not, can NOT believe something so wonderful was cancelled. As far as we know, the actors contracts to do another movie run out in Sept. of this year-Joss does not appear to be pursuing another network-so we can only hope that someone, someday brings back this wonderful show. There will be a new release of the film, Serenity later this year and there will be a new comic book and the "Firefly official companion Vol. 2 is due out this year as well but to my thinking, the tv series was the best and I missed it when it was actually on the air. Doing what I can to keep the interest up, tho; vote hourly for Firefly as the best tv show ever at - have joined scifi forums to beg and grovel for the return of the show - and I'm marching in the Dragon*Con parade in Atlanta this summer hoping to make an impression on any tv types there.


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 2:40 PM


Welcome BIGMAN glad to have you aboard.You are among like minded ppl. No one here disputes the networks reason for not being happy with Fireflys numbers on tv. But those numbers have changed and they(F*X) need to take some of the responsiblity for the show not becomeing a success themselves. They have not.

Anyhoo I'm sure if it were given another shot things would be different.We're still fighting the good fight and they know it.



Wednesday, March 28, 2007 4:45 PM



Firefly was placed on Friday nights and that is a poor time for TV viewing. Then It was premented for other programs. This caused plenty of confusion.

But I think the main reason it vanished is that FOX was looking for another Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Firefly was different and FOX could not see beyond that. The FOX people did not even broadcast the Primier episode because it was to slow. Thus the "Train Job" was quickly produced to begin the series. This left a lot of holes in the plot line and that added to the confusion.

We are lucky to have the DVD's in the true order that Joss wanted them shown. So now the story line is understandable.

Will there be more? That is our purpose. By supporting web sites like this one we are showing, not only FOX, but the entire industry that this show is one of the finest programs ever produced.

So by joining us here you have added your weight to the scale toward the return of this wonderful show.

Always remember that you now have the entire TV series and the movie on DVD at your disposal. It may not seem like a lot, but it is the small gems of this world that shine the brightest. Know your good fortune for what you have found. FOX threw Firefly to the ground and you were intellegent enough to pick it up.

Your thread shows you are a Browncoat and that is something you will have forever.

Welcome BIGMAN. Thank you for joining our site and I hope to see other posts from you.

I aim to welcome:



Wednesday, March 28, 2007 8:04 PM


Honestly , TRAVELER , that is one of the Shiny-

est greetings I've ever seen...Way to go ,

Brother Browncoat !

Welcome Aboard , BIGMAN !

Your kind of enthusiasm is what keeps us

Flyin' , and is what will cause us to PREVAIL ,

over the Long Haul...You're gonna come with Us ,

and we're Proud to have you...


" When once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return."

--Leonardo da Vinci


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 9:52 PM


I'll jump on this thread and introduce myself as well. I've the kind of man who walks around the spaceport not looking at the destinations - just the ships. When I heard all the clammor about this little transport, I have to admit I was skeptical.

Over this past Spring Break, I borrowed a friend's "lender set" of the complete series (she has one that she lends out, and one that she keeps for herself). I watched the entire show, beginning to end, essentially with pauses only for body functions. When I finished, I went back through the series and watched each commentary, each special feature. I bought a copy of the TV soundtrack off iTunes, drowned myself in the music, and went to sleep. When I awoke, I drove to the nearest rental place, got Serenity, watched it - twice - and all the features.

Needless to say, I'm hooked. Then again, if you're here, you must know what that's like.

After a small bit of research, I'm fairly certain I understand why the series was cancelled (I won't say "failed", because it certainly didn't). What I don't get, however, is what has prevented it from being revived, now that it so obviously has a larger fan base than many currently-running shows. Like all of us, I'm sure, I'm chomping at the bit to see more Captain Tightpants, more of sweet Kaylee, more of that damned hat, all of it. I don't want to imagine what it must be like for the people who have been here since the beginning.

Mal said it best. " keeps her in the air when she oughtta fall down… tells ya she's hurtin' 'fore she keels… makes her a home." This series has so much love supporting it that I can feel it, just from my briefest encounter with the 'verse. So again, I have to ask - with such a passionate, stable fanbase, why can't we have our desires met, our thirsts quenched?

Sorry - quite a lengthy introduction, I know - I tend to do that I'm happy to be here, and willing to help. Another Browncoat Volunteer, reporting for duty.

Dirt Napping with Baby Jesus


Wednesday, March 28, 2007 10:34 PM



Originally posted by JustAnObjectInSpace:
What I don't get, however, is what has prevented it from being revived

Why wasn't it revived, simple answer:

The powers that be hate us, simple as that.

But we shall persevere, and in the end we shall be the victors.

Can't say how long that will take though.


Thursday, March 29, 2007 7:29 AM


I know I new here too,
So i'll ask this:

Has any one read any fanfic that they can say truly would make a great script for an eisode of a new Fire fly series.

I would say what keeps the series form comming back (and this is form a business stand point) Is that there's not enough for a studio to invest in.

Sure the fan base is there, but if you want a studio to in vest the tens of millions of dollars it taks to produce a show, well you have to have something more that fan base.

It's as if i asked you to give me 100,000$ dollars for a new business I'm starting, but I don't have a business plan, a budget sheet, or any thing else except my enthusiasum. Would YOU give me 100,000$ dollars?
Because if the answer is yes, the we should talk more.

If we as fans truly want the series back we have to form sometiong more substantial. Lets find some good stories to make in to episodes, lets suggest some season story arcs, lets be proactive.

I'll start:
I think if FireFly really started up again a big question you'll have to answer is how does the 'verse react to the knowladge that the Confederation generated the reavers?
I say all out war, with even the confederacy tearing itself apart down declaired "old world" nationl lines (finally America vs. China; integrated exodus my butt.)


Saturday, March 31, 2007 2:48 PM


Hey Jonnywar,

There's plenty of fic out there, (just look in the BlueSun threads for evidence of all the talented people beavering away out there). As a starting point you could try

They've given a bash at finishing off series one and have managed season 2 as well.



Saturday, March 31, 2007 4:03 PM


Welcome BigMan, JustAnObjectInSpace, and JonnyWar. It's great to see new folks showing up. It means that word about Firefly is spreading.

If you're really interested in finding out why Firefly didn't make it on F*X, pick up a copy of "Done the Impossible" at:
It's a documentary done by Browncoats about Firefly, the fans, and Joss Whedon's efforts.

Traveler was right: airing on Friday nights, being pre-empted for other things, shown out of order, and F*X wanted another show than the one Joss was giving them. I've even heard it as F*X wanting a show more along the lines of Melrose Space. Firefly was expensive to make, and it was when Reality Shows were coming along. They were cheap to make.

There are a few things that indicate that there might be more to come. Joss has always said that he would give us more if someone with the money came and asked him to do it. Rumor has it that the DVD sales have put Serenity in the black. Universal is putting out Serenity as a Special Edition because they see it could profit them. Who knows what the future might hold.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 12:25 AM


Ok DonCoat you asked for it!
Basicaly I love Sci-Fi so when a new film ie serenity came out I went to see it. i thought it was pretty good. After it came out on DVD I hiered it and heard somewhere that it was based on a TV series that was axed. I thought can't have been that good if it was axed!(sorry) Then I joined a video rental club & found Fire-fly disk 1 on the site so after much debate with my wife (who doesnt like sci-fi)I ordered it. watched all three episodes straight off & immeadiatly after went on-line bought the complete? series and the film. I am now a bit obsessed (a bit?).
tonight we're playing our first Serenity RPG.
Oh and I watched the first episode with another friend on friday an he loves it too!

He's lookin to shoot some folk


Sunday, April 1, 2007 3:06 AM


I want to see them make 'Feegles on a Firefly' because it has real potential in a televisual format

Other then that, heya new faces, I feel your pain =( but I hope you can at least enjoy yourself here while you bide away the hours before the next FF ^^

Our criminal institutions are full of little creeps like you who do wrong things.
Many of them were driven to these things by a horrible force called Music.


Sunday, April 1, 2007 8:27 AM


It don't gotta make sense; this is big buisness!!! They have their heads shoved far enough their pigu's that they can start sniffin' daylight.

Having fun yet?


I wanna take the Bullet,
The one aimed straight for your Heart;
I wanna meet the wolves halfway,
And let them Tear me APART,
But that's not the way they do it here...



Tuesday, April 3, 2007 4:51 PM



Greetings to both of you.

I know we are not the powers that be, but our ranks are growing as is evidenced by the new members showing up right here. I have welcomed many newcomers since I arrived and there were plenty here already. If the show never continues, remember we are spreading the word about the episodes that do exist. People are buying them and discovering this excellent program. So there is good here. Without site like this to spread the word many people would not know about Firefly or realize they have a place to share the experince.

So another welcome to you both. And now more Browncoats have joinded our ranks.







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