Women’s Superempowerment

UPDATED: Monday, April 16, 2007 10:52
VIEWED: 2336
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Sunday, April 15, 2007 5:19 AM


I was googling along one day and I came across this:

Just popped into my head when something randomly reminded me of the Series finale of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, where all potential slayers gain their powers.

Let's up the anti. All women on the planet gain superhuman powers, on about the "level" of Spider-Man, or anyone considered in his league. Powers and levels vary, but fall under the "traditional" powersets we think of: strength, telepathy, speed, flight, energy blasts, etc. Nothing too complicated, useless, or bizzare.

What impact do think this will have in various societies/cultures across the world? Remember, this isn't just a handful of people, this is half the human population on Earth, and the half that has throughout much of human history been considered the physically weaker, more "delicate" half of the species.

I think this is an intriguing idea. What does happen if you reverse (and exaggerate) the strength disparity between the sexes? It should show something about how you think the world works, and why.

Well as it happens this thread pauses only to ask if there is a way around the starting assumption before veering into a discussion about whether a small group of people with, in effect, magic powers could wipe out the people without magic powers, even if the other people with magic powers didn’t want them to. Rather a pointless argument.

But I still think it is an interesting thought experiment.

So, let’s empower women. Literally.

For every Watt her body generates, she will now get 999 from Elsewhere. (And for every W she has to dissipate, 999W go Elsewhere, so she does not boil in her own waste heat.)

If she throws a punch it will now arrive in a tenth the time, at ten times the speed, carrying a hundred times the kinetic energy. And you get ten times as many as you did before.

Obviously she has a hundred times the strength she had before*, and ten times the speed. To avoid accidentally damaging fragile objects like her boyfriend (or kids), her nervous system will be uprated, with 10 times the speed, and 100 times the precision. I know the brain is a part of the nervous system, but she will not become any smarter. I’m misogynistic like that.

To put all this into perspective, to do her the damage that a pistol bullet would have done before, you would probably need a light anti-armour weapon.

Empowerment will be an explicable physical effect via a mechanism I can’t be bothered working out. It will be permanent and effect all and only women until the end of time. It will not be possible to replicate it in any way. There will be a little warning, and the effect will take a month or so for each individual.

“Women” is to be defined biologically: human female past the age of puberty. Average age is a little under 13. That should make for some happy families.

In what ways does the world change? Would you like this to happen, and why?

*Pedants with physics backgrounds will notice that her body must therefore withstand ten times the strain. 100 times the force to break a bone * 10 times the movement required to break it => 1000 times the energy. I love it when the math comes together.


Sunday, April 15, 2007 6:26 AM


I love my captain

Oh wow. This is and interesting subject. I'd love to say something to this but right know my mind is still all jumbled about the possibilities. Right now all I can get into a clear thought is that most police and security forces would now be women and so would firefighters.

I'm going to go away and think about his some so I can come back with something a little more usefull.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Sunday, April 15, 2007 8:58 AM


Sadly, most women are smarter than the average male anyway, so now they're smarter and stronger than us? Damnit... well, now I can sit on my ass while the women folk do all the heavylifting. Still, quite a few of the men I know will be curled up in the fetal posistion sucking their thumbs and saying over and over to themselves "It's just a dream, It's just a dream, It's just a dream." Glad I'm a guy who's not as touchy on the subject.

Having fun yet?


I wanna take the Bullet,
The one aimed straight for your Heart;
I wanna meet the wolves halfway,
And let them Tear me APART,
But that's not the way they do it here...



Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:10 AM


This is a joke, but I'll bite. The only good I can see is that women would be able to ride me longer before complaining their arms or legs hurt. And when I punch 'em in the head they won't cry as much........Also, I wouldn't get as bored when my girlfriend cleans my apartment, she could do it faster.........


Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:26 AM



Originally posted by kaneman:
This is a joke, but I'll bite. [...]

You neglect they might have more self respect, and simply leave you to your own devices.

Please vote for Firefly:
Gina's Birthday April 25th - break 3000! Vote like crazy that day!

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:34 AM


no, I'm with Kaneman on this- nothing spells lovin' like a good ole' fashioned donkey kick. You've never made love till you've knocked your women square in the back of the neck. They can't get enough of that


Sunday, April 15, 2007 10:00 AM


I read once that women are capable of far greater violence and cruelty than men.

According to the writer, women carry grudges longer, and can be more inventive when dishing out pain.

So if you suddenly give enhanced physical abilities to women who had to endure some trollish behaviour....well justice needn't be pretty.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote


Sunday, April 15, 2007 10:57 AM


No human - man or woman - needs superpowers. We can barely use the brains and abilities we've got, no need to make things worse. If you look at all the war and catastrophe over the past two thousand years, do you really think we could handle the responsibility needed to use superpowers wisely? Sorry, but I don't have that much faith in humanity.


"If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your ambition."


Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:02 AM



Originally posted by deepgirl187:
[...] We can barely use the brains and abilities we've got, no need to make things worse. [...]

Good point, we'd need to posit some improvement in human character. Unfortunately, if some better moral character did not come along with the greater powers, it is likely the situation would rapidly deteriorate.

Please vote for Firefly:
Gina's Birthday April 25th - break 3000! Vote like crazy that day!

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:49 AM



Originally posted by Canter:
I read once that women are capable of far greater violence and cruelty than men.

According to the writer, women carry grudges longer, and can be more inventive when dishing out pain.

So if you suddenly give enhanced physical abilities to women who had to endure some trollish behaviour....well justice needn't be pretty.

Big Damn Browncoat Vote

Too bloody true- with most guys, they're pretty up front about grudges- namely, they find said folk, fight 'em, and that's (Usualy and/or hopefully) that. A lot of women, however (And I've seen it done) will gather info, intel, friends to help out, and get a total and destructive plan to ruin said persons life. As I said, I've seen it done a couple times. It was bloody scary.
*Runs away from mob of angry women-folk*

Having fun yet?


I wanna take the Bullet,
The one aimed straight for your Heart;
I wanna meet the wolves halfway,
And let them Tear me APART,
But that's not the way they do it here...



Monday, April 16, 2007 10:52 AM


Why bother, when he can be a quadriplegic with a flick of your wrist?


Originally posted by Kayna:
Right now all I can get into a clear thought is that most police and security forces would now be women and so would firefighters.

I’ll say. Any job that is physically demanding, dangerous or unpleasant. Criminal, for example.

Imagine a family of three: 13- year old Alice, 17-year old Bob, Charlie their father.

Obviously, Alice should be happiest about the change. Aside from being able to beat the bus to school, she can now wear that really short skirt her Dad dislikes. I know she did before anyway, but now she will not have to resort to cunning. She can openly walk out of the house wearing it – who can stop her?

And she can take revenge on that boy who hurt her. See how he likes having his heart ripped out of his chest, in full view of all his friends!

The catch is that she could return from a job well done to discover that Bob’s ex has had a similar idea. Or some opportunist thief taking advantage of a house without anyone capable of guarding it. A locked door would not stop her, so who could?

And what about her boyfriend, who is so amazing, you just don’t understand.

But she can’t be in three places at once – four places if she tries to have her own life. And even if she is at the right spot at the right time, she is still herself weaker than almost every potential attacker.

Most women would be in a better position than Alice, but you see her problem. How serious the problem is depends on the scale of the power disparity between the sexes – huge in this case - and the crime rate. If there is no crime, then there is no problem. At the other extreme, if every member of the weaker sex is doomed the moment they move out of sight of their other half, there is a serious problem.

On the principle that the strong prey on the weak, I imagine the crime rate will skyrocket.

I guess Alice will need a reputation for being hard a lot more than she needs to be thought nice. And trustworthy friends. In the meantime, Bob should be very concerned about how much his girlfriend likes him. And Charlie really needs a wife…






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