Serenity movie title

UPDATED: Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:00
VIEWED: 8205
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Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:12 PM


I was reading some posts about the "Serenity" title being used instead of "Firefly: The Movie."

We all read that Joss wanted the "Serenity" title to separate the movie from the TV series for the movie audience, but another reason could be...20th Century Fox (not the broadcast network) still owns the "Firefly" name and the series. Fox still distributes the show throughout the world; the company may still own the trademark rights.

For "Battlestar Galactica" fans, remember creator Glen Larson wanted to do a new BG series, but he didn't own the TV rights, so he planned to do a feature film, which couldn't be called "Battlestar Galactica." Nothing on TV at least. Universal owned the TV series rights, but couldn't stop it as a feature film.

There's a major difference between TV and film.

Something to consider.

Any case, we have a movie upcoming!!!!!


Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:24 PM


They sold the movie rights fully, there is NO way they sold the ability to use every character, scenario, and set(the idea anyway) without also selling the name. They chose not to use "Firefly: The Big Damn Movie" and any other variation because they thought it best, not because they couldn't


Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:34 PM


No, FOX still owns Firefly partly or FOX wouldn't be able to sell it in their name as a DVD or broadcast in other countries in their name and on their foreign networks.

All FOX did was sell the movie rights to Universal but that means that FOX still gets some of the profits from the movie because they still partly own the characters, story etc...

So using Firefly in the title of the movie might mean that FOX gets more from the profits while not using it means that FOX will get less.

So this could also be a way to spite FOX, which I highly doubt. I think Joss Whedon just wanted to start fresh. He knows the fans know that the movie is going to be Serenity so we won't be confused but at the same time they can promote it as something new and fresh to a new audience. I think it is a pretty could marketing tactic.

Oh, and play Cantr II at


Sunday, March 7, 2004 12:45 PM


I think everyone's confusing FOX the network and 20th Century Fox the production company. FOX owned the rights to the 15 episodes (but not anymore-that expired) but 20th Century FOX own(s/ed--I'm not sure which) the characters, etc.


Tuesday, March 9, 2004 8:45 PM


You are correct. The FOX broadcast network has no rights to the series anymore. Those rights expired when the 2003-2004 season started in the fall. We are talking about 20th Century Fox (the studio), which produced and distributed Firefly. The studio may still own the name Firefly; this could be a strong reason for the "Serenity" title for the movie.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:58 AM


America loves a winner!

Other rejected movie titles:

The whacky adventures of Capt. Mal Reynolds.

Revenge of the terrifying space monkeys.

Tams in Space

The Hero of Canton

This land.

The kingdom of Badger.

They don't like it when you shoot at 'em.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 1:56 AM


Is it possable that they changed the title to Serenity so they could do a television series after the movie, without having to get the okay from Fox?


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 8:23 AM


Tams in Space:) i like it!

~lissa, spwhore


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:00 AM


As is the case with all of us, I'm a huge, huge fan of the series, but I'll go on record as saying I think the title stinks.

That's right, stinks.

Sure, it means something to us, but imagine seeing it in a newspaper listing. "Serenity?" It may have well been called "Beaches" for all the good it'll do to bring in a non-affiliated moviegoer.

I don't have a better suggestion, which makes me a bad man for rousing rabble, but I just can't cotton to "Serenity."


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 9:23 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Juggernaut:
As is the case with all of us, I'm a huge, huge fan of the series, but I'll go on record as saying I think the title stinks.

That's right, stinks.

Sure, it means something to us, but imagine seeing it in a newspaper listing. "Serenity?" It may have well been called "Beaches" for all the good it'll do to bring in a non-affiliated moviegoer.

I don't have a better suggestion, which makes me a bad man for rousing rabble, but I just can't cotton to "Serenity."

Well, if it is any consolation, it is only a working title, it could very well change. Joss is simply trying to separate the movie from the stigma of a cancelled series.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 10:44 AM



Originally posted by Juggernaut:
As is the case with all of us, I'm a huge, huge fan of the series, but I'll go on record as saying I think the title stinks.

That's right, stinks.

Sure, it means something to us, but imagine seeing it in a newspaper listing. "Serenity?" It may have well been called "Beaches" for all the good it'll do to bring in a non-affiliated moviegoer.

I don't have a better suggestion, which makes me a bad man for rousing rabble, but I just can't cotton to "Serenity."

Wasn't there some chick flick made some years ago called "Beaches"?

They can have my "Firefly" DVDs when they pry them from my cold, dead fingers....

Oh yeah, you, FOX TV!!


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:31 AM


While 20th Century Fox may still own international distribution rights to the original series (as well as the distro rights to the DVDs), the film rights along with the name for use in a film are owned by Universal. The Choice to go with "Serenity" for the title was made (for good or bad) to separate the film from the series, which in the eyes of many, many people (most of whom never saw it) was a miserable and worthless failure.

Universal knows full well that fans of the series are going to see the movie no matter what the title, and they feel that the title, "Firefly" might hurt the film's chances among the masses who never saw the series.

"Serenity" is not a bad title; as the name of the ship, it's one that people will 'get', and while I do wish they'd stuck with the original, the way in which the film deals with the 'BoS' may well make it far more powerful for those not yet acquainted with the series.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 12:08 PM



Originally posted by AURaptor:

The Hero of Canton

Is it only me that thinks this is the greatest title ever? Not that I'm partial to Jayne or anything...

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Wednesday, March 10, 2004 3:46 PM


I'd just like to go on record as saying I love the title Serenity.

To me Serenity is a title that had multiple meanings in the show and has multiple meanings as a film title.

I just can't get my head around the idea of a chick flick named Serenity it is too much of a mysterious title to be instantly categorized, as Simon says in Out of Gas "Serenity has vaguely funereal sound to it", a chick flick with a funereal tone just doesn't work for me.

I keep getting images of a Western like "Silverado" in my mind. The title also reminds me of freaky thrillers like "Blue Velvet" with there misleading and mysterious titles.

Thinking that "Serenity" is a chick flick is like thinking "The Ring" is a romantic comedy about a wedding ring. I don't think people judge a film based only a single interpretation of its title.

To be perfectly honest if I had never seen Firefly and I saw "Serenity (Sci-Fi/Thriller)" I would be very interested to find out what it was about and if I saw "Firefly (Sci-F/Thriller)" I would be less interested. Serenity is simply a much more interesting title than Firefly.

Sorry if this offends people but I think it is the honest truth.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 7:38 AM


i love the title serenity hell not only did i get it put on the side of my class ring above a picture of earth i also name my computer it and its my licence plate.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:05 AM



Originally posted by outlander:
... Thinking that "Serenity" is a chick flick is like thinking "The Ring" is a romantic comedy about a wedding ring.

Last week someone tortured us by talking about "Titantic". This week, it's talk about another piece of steaming dung, "The Ring".

Another movie that put me off popcorn. It wasn't scary. It wasn't smart. It was simply annoying.

Ooooo, hear the music ... we're going to scare you in 2 minutes .... 90 seconds ... 75 seconds ... don't have a stroke, scary stuff is coming your way ... 45 seconds ... cover the kid's eyes .... scary scary in 15 seconds ....

then ... nothing.

The only vaguely scary part of the movie was the insane horse on the boat. All I wanted to say to the reporter chick was, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE HORSE, YOU FREAKING MORON!!!

Why oh why did a horse have to die to make that crapola movie?

Why oh why do you folk insist on talking about the crappiest pieces of dog crappy dung every distributed for the big screen?

I'm going to my corner to whimper now. Maybe if I pour lemon juice in my eyes, my tears will wash the taste of The Ring from my mouth and memory.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:38 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Knibblet wrote:


Last week someone tortured us by talking about "Titantic". This week, it's talk about another piece of steaming dung, "The Ring".

Another movie that put me off popcorn. It wasn't scary. It wasn't smart. It was simply annoying.

Ooooo, hear the music ... we're going to scare you in 2 minutes .... 90 seconds ... 75 seconds ... don't have a stroke, scary stuff is coming your way ... 45 seconds ... cover the kid's eyes .... scary scary in 15 seconds ....

then ... nothing.

The only vaguely scary part of the movie was the insane horse on the boat. All I wanted to say to the reporter chick was, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE HORSE, YOU FREAKING MORON!!!

Why oh why did a horse have to die to make that crapola movie?

Why oh why do you folk insist on talking about the crappiest pieces of dog crappy dung every distributed for the big screen?

I'm going to my corner to whimper now. Maybe if I pour lemon juice in my eyes, my tears will wash the taste of The Ring from my mouth and memory.

Thanks for the warning Knibblet. I will be sure to avoid "The Ring" at the rental place.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:45 AM


I have a couple of title suggestions:

Malcolm Reynolds and the tightpants of DOOM

Wash's Shadow Puppet Spectacular

The adventures of Inara, legendary space hooker

Kaylee and the Planet of the Space Monkeys

Jayne and Vera Strike Back

Fun with Reavers

Conquering the galaxy with terrifying space monkeys, one ship at a time...


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:57 AM


The Hair Twitch Project

The Good, The Bad and the Shiny

In Space, No One Can Hear You Dream

Starship Cowboys

The Thin Brown Line

Paint Your Transport

Captains Outrageous

On Sunday, the Shepherd Saw Black

"We are exporting democracy because we have all of this unused democracy lying around at home. Why not make some money doing it?"


Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:07 AM



Originally posted by SlowSmurf:
They sold the movie rights fully, there is NO way they sold the ability to use every character, scenario, and set(the idea anyway) without also selling the name. They chose not to use "Firefly: The Big Damn Movie" and any other variation because they thought it best, not because they couldn't

HAHAHA!!! Big Damn Movie. Gorramnit! Ill be laughing about that all day.

How about Firefly:You Can't Take the Fans From Me. A little long but none the less fitting

*chuckles* Big Damn Movie *chuckles again*

Ahhhh.. Curse you sudden but inevitable betrayal!!


Thursday, March 11, 2004 10:28 AM


70 Earths in the 'Verse and She Walks Onto Mine

They Call Me Mr. Cobb.

Moonlight Over Persephone

Meet Me in the Cargo Bay

Perty Woman ('cause Inara, Zoe, River and Kaylee are sooo perty)

Earth That Was Don't Live Here Anymore

Alliance, Tigers and Bears ... Oh My!

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Thursday, March 11, 2004 5:03 PM


America loves a winner!

Perty Woman ('cause Inara, Zoe, River and Kaylee are sooo perty)

Umm..excuse me, but I think the title leaves out one perty gal.. Serenity! She is a fair piece of talent herself, AND she's kinda important to the show.... heh heh.

They don't like it when you shoot at 'em.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 5:25 PM


Much as I love the name "Serenity," I worry about it as a marketing device. I think people will open their newspapers, see it, and think it's something very much NOT what it will be. And since I want the right demographic to buy tickets and make this movie successful, so it will spin off into a new series, I am worried about this.

We all know that FF fans would go to this thing WHATEVER it's called, so we don't need a title that pleases us. What we need is a title that will draw in ticketbuyers who will then like it, go back, tell friends, and make this movie a moneymaker for Universal!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle. . . ."


Thursday, March 11, 2004 8:47 PM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

Originally posted by outlander:
... Thinking that "Serenity" is a chick flick is like thinking "The Ring" is a romantic comedy about a wedding ring.

Last week someone tortured us by talking about "Titantic". This week, it's talk about another piece of steaming dung, "The Ring".

Another movie that put me off popcorn. It wasn't scary. It wasn't smart. It was simply annoying.

Ooooo, hear the music ... we're going to scare you in 2 minutes .... 90 seconds ... 75 seconds ... don't have a stroke, scary stuff is coming your way ... 45 seconds ... cover the kid's eyes .... scary scary in 15 seconds ....

then ... nothing.

The only vaguely scary part of the movie was the insane horse on the boat. All I wanted to say to the reporter chick was, GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THE HORSE, YOU FREAKING MORON!!!

Why oh why did a horse have to die to make that crapola movie?

Why oh why do you folk insist on talking about the crappiest pieces of dog crappy dung every distributed for the big screen?

I'm going to my corner to whimper now. Maybe if I pour lemon juice in my eyes, my tears will wash the taste of The Ring from my mouth and memory.

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."

I gotta say, Knibblet, you're the first person I've met (myself included) that that movie didnt freak out- I have new respect for you, because I, for one, got up and locked the door about halfway through it, and I'm a 30-yr old man- There are several similar folk where I work, and they all got creeped out just the same- Dont take her word BC1, you might like it- And I caught the original version too, the Japanese version, Ringu, and that's hella creepy also-

He looked bigger when I couldn't see him.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:01 PM


It's true that the title could lead to misunderstandings about the tone of the BDM if that title is viewed in total isolation (i.e., seen as a "Chick Flick" or a documentary about peaceful wilderness vistas). But I don't think we need to worry about this. Movie titles almost NEVER appear by themselves. All it takes is one quick-cut teaser trailer or well-laid-out one-sheet, showing some snippets of gun-totin', spaceship-blazin' glory, and even the most dense potential movie-goer will Get that there's irony afoot here. In fact, the peculiar pairing of such a peaceful title and such a non-peaceful glimpse of content might make it more apt to capture the attention.

In short, I think the risk of such misunderstandings is minimal, while the appropriateness of the title on several levels is irresistible. I for one, say Serenity all the way!

Keep flyin' (serenely)

Department of Redundancy Department


Thursday, March 11, 2004 9:50 PM


Y'know, when I first heard about "The Lord of the Rings," I thought it would be about a guy who runs a jewelry shop.


Thursday, March 11, 2004 11:24 PM



Originally posted by InvisibleGreen:
Y'know, when I first heard about "The Lord of the Rings," I thought it would be about a guy who runs a jewelry shop.

My grandma thought it was about boxing. Just sayin'.


Friday, March 12, 2004 1:35 AM


When you think about it the issue of calling the Firefly movie Serenity is the same issue Joss faced when he call a show about vampires Buffy. People get almost the complete opposite to what they expected from the title. Which I think is the point and the clever thing about it.

The more I think about the title the more I think it is going to work and work well. People remember the title Buffy The Vampire Slayer because it is such a contradiction. The same thing could work for Serenity. It could be a really clever way to market the movie.

"Laugh, Cry and Scream when you find Serenity"


Friday, March 12, 2004 4:14 AM



Originally posted by SevenPercent:
I gotta say, Knibblet, you're the first person I've met (myself included) that that movie didnt freak out- I have new respect for you, because I, for one, got up and locked the door about halfway through it, and I'm a 30-yr old man- There are several similar folk where I work, and they all got creeped out just the same- Dont take her word BC1, you might like it- And I caught the original version too, the Japanese version, Ringu, and that's hella creepy also-

I stand by my opinion. "The Ring" wasn't scary nor did it make a damn bit of sense. What pissed me off totally was when their clues didn't add up and/or directly contradicted one another. You have the reporter finding out from the mother's best friend that the parents adopted the little girl - and then later she finds the birth certificate showing that the mother gave birth to the girl? Okaaay ... Which is it? Adopted or birth parent?

It was a predictable piece of crap. The only two semi-entertaining parts were the insane horse and when the father 'toasted' himself.

I want to see the Japanese one - I'm hoping that it was just the american version that sucked ass.

Of the people I know, half thought it stank up the multiplex and half were scared to death.

There's only one good thing I have to say about that movie (besides "it's over") and that is to say, "It was beautifully shot. The cinematographer did a fine job of making crap script and acting 'look pretty'."

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, March 12, 2004 5:27 AM


I hope they find a better title. "Serenity" just doesn't seem to relate that this flick is a sci-fi adventure, which will not help draw in the sci-fi market like a title such as "Aliens" or "Star Wars" or "Close Encounters of the Third Kind". Love the name of the spaceship, but don't necssarily agree that it's the best name for the movie. I think "The Reavers" or something like that sounds better...



Friday, March 12, 2004 5:48 AM


Other potential Big Damn Movie titles:

Around the 'verse in 80 Days

Lord of the Shindig

Firefly Wars: A New Hope

The Alliance Strike Back

Revenge of the Browncoats

S.B. The Extra-Testimonial

Bat out of a Special Hell

Seven Smacks for Sevens Saffrons

"I'll be in my bunk..."


Friday, March 12, 2004 6:44 AM


More Titles for the Big Damn Movie

10,000 Slimy Fingers of Niska

The Island of Dr. Tam

Tam After Tam

Inara Serra, Intergalactic Companion of Mystery

Have Gun, Will Haggle

Beyond the Red Button

The Cargo Bay: A River Runs Through It

Fuzzy Kneecaps (i think this might also make a great cocktail)

Dance of the Sugarplum Reavers

Kaylee: Princess of the Black

Simon Says ...

We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers

Very Fine Hats Vs. The Shadow Puppets of Doom

Big Pile of Panic and the Smallish Droppings (i think this might also make a great name for a rock band)

"Just keep walkin, preacher man."


Friday, March 12, 2004 2:51 PM



Originally posted by Knibblet:

Dance of the Sugarplum Reavers

ok, wierd mental image there lol. hey, maybe summer could do some ballet! perhaps a pas de deux with an attacking reaver...

~lissa, spwhore


Sunday, March 14, 2004 11:00 AM



Originally posted by Knibblet:
I want to see the Japanese one - I'm hoping that it was just the american version that sucked ass.

Haven't seen the American re-make on a point of principle, but Ringu is one of the scariest films I have seen - there are two or three genuinely disturbing (and not bulldish sudden jump cut scares) moments, and a concept that gets under your skin.

Ringu 2 isn't as good, and avoid the prequel like the plague apparently (predictably, Ringu 0).

"I threw up on your bed"






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