Your #1 and 2 ALL time Hated Movies?

UPDATED: Friday, June 1, 2007 04:31
VIEWED: 28956
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Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:11 PM


Mine are:

#1 Class of 1999

#2 Return to the Posidon Adventure

*BTW my high school was used in the Class of 1999*



Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:04 PM


1 - Quigley down under
2 - Spiderman 2 and 3 well ok and 1

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:26 PM


1.Dantes peak 2.Hitch hikers guide to th galaxy



Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:36 PM


1. Breakfast Club
2. Fast and the Furious movies (Can't think of anything else that drives me crazy at this moment.)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:47 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

There's only one movie I seriously and desperately wanted to walk out of, and that was Napoleon Dynamite. Why didn't I walk out if I wanted to so bad? Because my ride was enjoying himself. So I suffered.
Also, I fell asleep during the Exorcist, so I guess I'm not all that fond of it, either.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:57 PM


I really don't watch movies all that much, but the one that I hated with a passion was Saw 3. I simply don't understand how those things do so well, or how they get such large fan bases (or any fan base for that matter). The whole plot just seemed to be trying to use as much fake blood as possible.

"It doesn't matter where you're going, 'cause how you get there's the worthier part."


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:03 PM



Originally posted by CATWOMAN:
1.Dantes peak 2.Hitch hikers guide to th galaxy


Are you talking about the series Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy, or that movie they made a few years ago that pretty much raped the book? If its the movie (I guess it is seeing that this thread mentioned movies) For me what made it a terrible film wasn't the story itself, but it was character placement problems. The guy they picked for the role as Arther Dent...that worked. The guy they picked to play Ford Didn't fit at all and I like that particular actor. The guy they picked to play Zaphod didn't do it for me and oh god! the woman they picked to play Trillion...someone should have lost their job for that.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:07 PM


You think you know--what's to come, what you are. You haven't even begun.

I forgive the movie for being so different from the book, which I never ever do except in this one case, because all the different manifestations of that universe contradict each other. Douglas Adams was a crazy, crazy man, with fluid thinking and storytelling, and he was changing things all the time. Of course that's what made him so brilliant. Apparently he was especially proud of the movie concept for Vogsphere.

But speaking of raping books, I think I have to add the Harry Potter movies to my list.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:09 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
There's only one movie I seriously and desperately wanted to walk out of, and that was Napoleon Dynamite. Why didn't I walk out if I wanted to so bad? Because my ride was enjoying himself. So I suffered.
Also, I fell asleep during the Exorcist, so I guess I'm not all that fond of it, either.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

People I know keep telling me that I NEED to see Napoleon Dynamite, but for some reason I've been stalling on it. Now you gave me a reason not to watch it.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:13 PM



Originally posted by PhoenixRose:
I forgive the movie for being so different from the book, which I never ever do except in this one case, because all the different manifestations of that universe contradict each other. Douglas Adams was a crazy, crazy man, with fluid thinking and storytelling, and he was changing things all the time. Apparently he was especially proud of the movie concept for Vogsphere.

But speaking of raping books, I think I have to add the Happy Potter movies to my list.

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.

I haven't seen not one of the Harry Potter movies, or even bothered to read the books. Just not my cup of tea, and is way past the red line.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:15 PM


Napoleon Dynamite and Deliver Us From Eva.

And speaking of raping books, the most recent that comes to mind was Ghost Rider.

And anything that Steven Segal is in.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:19 PM


Slightly off topic. The best Book to Movie I've ever seen was the "1984" brought out in the year 1984. It was well done and followed the book to the tee. They even found actors who totally fit the characters in the original book.

Back to our scheduled program...



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:20 PM



Originally posted by zerokiryu:
Napoleon Dynamite and Deliver Us From Eva.

And anything that Steven Segal is in.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior




Sunday, May 13, 2007 6:20 PM


River, I love your new tagline!

Worst movie ever- Bloodrayne. I think Michael Madson was drunk throughout the whole thing and didn't even bother trying to act.

I agree about movies like Saw and Hostel- too close to some crazies out there for comfort.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:23 PM


I love my captain

First I have to agree with some movies already mentioned.
All Harry Potter films
Napolean Dynamite (my brother tried to make me watch it and I gave uo half way through)
Anything with Steve Segal. I don't understand the appeal

Now my top two are (or bottom two, depending on how you look at it)
1. Any movie that is considered a "Ben Stiller" movie
I cannot stand that man and I do not think he is funny. I may watch the occasional movie with Ben Stiller in it but not if it is "his" film.
2. The Queen of the Damned.
Talk about raping a book. Actually, it managed to rape two books all at once. And the really sad part is that Stewart Townsend is a wonderful actor and I was really excited before the movie came out when I heard he was playing Lestat.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:35 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by Kayna:
First I have to agree with some movies already mentioned.
All Harry Potter films
Napolean Dynamite (my brother tried to make me watch it and I gave uo half way through)
Anything with Steve Segal. I don't understand the appeal


Actually, the Harry Potter movies turned me on to the books, which I enjoyed (and you have to admit cudos to Rowling--she's got kids reading--I wondered if kids today even knew how.)

Steven Segal's first movie "Above the Law" I always thought was pretty good, but I admit he did slide downhill from there.

Now for mine:

The 1994 Fantastic Four movie by Roger Corman--makes the newer one look like "Casablanca" (my all time favorite--Serenity included--please don't flame me!)

90 min of nothing--15 minutes of crap scary I've seen a million times.


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:09 AM


There was a 1994 Fantastic 4 movie???? Also, considered yourself virtually flamed for not liking Serenity.



Monday, May 14, 2007 4:19 AM


Ok I only really have one movie that I hate with a passion (cause sombody tricked me into paying to see this piece of crap in the theatre) its *drumroll*


WHY oh WHY did they make that one, and WHY oh WHY didnt it just go straight to video (because of the budget and the actors I know but still)

I usually dont bother with getting worked up over bad movies..

But if ever someone gives you a DVD of the movie "Shepherd" from 1999 directed by one Peter Hayman... even if your a David Carradine fan... hit them on the head with it.


"I wanna live on an abstract plane"


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:25 AM


Highlander 2
Matrix Revolutions

Excuse me....



Monday, May 14, 2007 4:27 AM



Originally posted by Kayna:
2. The Queen of the Damned.
Talk about raping a book. Actually, it managed to rape two books all at once. And the really sad part is that Stewart Townsend is a wonderful actor and I was really excited before the movie came out when I heard he was playing Lestat.

Not to mention a waste of Aaliyah's talent.

She could have been brilliant in that role.


Rosa Rubicundior, Lilio Candidior


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:33 AM



Originally posted by Constance:


No way was Armageddon worse than Matrix Revulsions. Armageddon was Shakespeare next to that piece of crap.

Ewwwue Chrisisall


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:43 AM


1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Like watching a car wreck. Couldn't look away but was deperately bored. It wandered aimlessly all over the place. All kinds of artsy scenes very loosely conected.

2. It's a tie. a)Sin City, b)Envy, c)BloodRayne & d)Starship Troopers 2. a)Gore for the sake of gore, b)sheer stupidity and none of it funny, c)Uwe Boll... need I say more? And d)"Are you sure this is Starship Troopers? HOLY, Kimber is REALLY naked! When is this movie over? I want that 2hrs of my life back with interest." pretty much sums it up.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:43 AM


I love my captain


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Highlander 2

I'll up you one on that. Highlander 3

And of course, Dumb and Dumber


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:45 AM


I actually just watched Matrix Revolutions with a friend. Now I'm something of a Matrix fanboy, so my opinion isn't really valid, but he found it quite good. Not brilliant, no, but definitely worth a watch.

Now on to my all time most hated films.

#1: Gosford Park. I walked out. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, will ever make me watch that waste of talent and (more importantly) my time ever again. A movie about something in which nothing remotely entertaining or interesting happened. As opposed to a film like (because it's been mentioned here) Napoleon Dynamite, a film about nothing in which very little happens.

#2: I'm gonna have to go with Peter Jackson's remake of King Kong. It just shouldn't have been made, period. What a waste.

Forsaken initiate.


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:51 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:

Originally posted by Constance:


No way was Armageddon worse than Matrix Revulsions. Armageddon was Shakespeare next to that piece of crap.

Ewwwue Chrisisall

Ok yes, I agree. Not to Armageddon beeing in any way near Shakespeare in any way, but Matrix Revolutions was crap. So much so infact that I had totaly repressed the memory of ever having seen it. Now that I remember, I have the image of Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss having some kind of extremly boring and unnesessary sex (well unessesary for the movie anyways) and the depressing thought that the only music in the future is tribal, hippy trance techno shite.


"I wanna live on an abstract plane"


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:51 AM



Originally posted by BornToFly:
I actually just watched Matrix Revolutions with a friend. Now I'm something of a Matrix fanboy, so my opinion isn't really valid, but he found it quite good. Not brilliant, no, but definitely worth a watch.

One was stellar! Two was intriguing!

3 made my cry (not in a good way...).

The Jesus thing again!!!???
And: He dies in 1, she dies in 2; they BOTH die in 3....Matrix 2 & 3 is like Superman 4 or Highlander 2 to me; they don't exist.

Grrrr Chrisisall


Monday, May 14, 2007 4:56 AM


BWAHAHAHA...Supes 4...*wipes from memory, along with, let's face it, 90% of Supes 3*.

I will say though, that Revolutions kinda lost the 'feel' of what makes a Matrix film a Matrix film. It's definitely the weakest of the three. Something about it just doesn't sit right.

Still love it though

Forsaken initiate.


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:01 AM



Originally posted by BornToFly:
BWAHAHAHA...Supes 4...*wipes from memory, along with, let's face it, 90% of Supes 3*.

Superman 3 I will watch with my eight year old son; NO power in the 'Verse could get me to watch MR another time...not even a Clockwork Orange-like set-up...I'd choke myself unconscious first!!! I'd hyperventilate till passing out!!! I'd...well, you get the picture.

I love the first one so much...Chrisisall


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:27 AM


Solaris (w/george clooney) was So bad, and soooo forever set the standard in my family by which all movie suckiness is judged. It's the Solaris Scale of Suckiness. 10 being Solaris...


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:33 AM


Welcome to the show! Please be seated, as the next fight is about to begin!!

Originally posted by Sister:
Solaris (w/george clooney) was So bad, and soooo forever set the standard in my family by which all movie suckiness is judged. It's the Solaris Scale of Suckiness. 10 being Solaris...

That was a *GREAT* movie, if it 2001'd you, that's because of it's deep and signifigant message(s). In time it will be regarded as a classic, sister.

*sigh* Oh brother Chrisisall


Monday, May 14, 2007 5:34 AM


Someone mentioned Starship Trooper 2 and I have to say you gotta wonder about some of these producers that are out there...I mean what on earth were they thinking? That movie was so beyond bad that it made the 1st one look like pure art, which it wasn't, but the 1st one had a lot of good visuals. The 2nd one looked like it had a budget of $100 ,and they didn't think we would notice that a certain ships captain was brought back from the dead to play a trooper!

I'm sure NONE of the actors put THAT movie on their resumes.



Monday, May 14, 2007 5:37 AM



Originally posted by chrisisall:
Welcome to the show! Please be seated, as the next fight is about to begin!!

Originally posted by Sister:
Solaris (w/george clooney) was So bad, and soooo forever set the standard in my family by which all movie suckiness is judged. It's the Solaris Scale of Suckiness. 10 being Solaris...

That was a *GREAT* movie, if it 2001'd you, that's because of it's deep and signifigant message(s). In time it will be regarded as a classic, sister.

*sigh* Oh brother Chrisisall

One shoud try to see the original russian movie though. The original or both.. then afterwards one can have long deep debates about the differences in the two..


"I wanna live on an abstract plane"


Monday, May 14, 2007 6:16 AM


I like cheap sci fi which is among the worst of bad movies, that means I like movies with lousy acting, cheap special effects, and highly contrived plot. As a result of this I once thought that there could be no movie bad enough to make me hate it. I recognize that a good movie can provoke hate by taking you places you don't want to go, but I really thought that the fact that I liked bad acting, bad plot, bad direction, and generally bad things made me immune to hating bad movies.

A History of Violence was the movie that proved that wrong. The special effects weren't bad, in fact they were great and I remember no time at which you felt like you were looking at a special effect instead of, say, someone's face being burned off by hot coffee. The camera work wasn't bad either. The lighting was also fine, as were the sets the costumes and the sound. Everything else was the worst I have ever seen in my life. The acting, the writing, and what passed for plot made me want to wretch.

It was the first and only time I left a theater thinking about how much of my life I had wasted, 96 minutes about 5760 seconds, enough time that on average ten thousand people died, and really knew what it was like to mourn every second lost. I had literally nothing else to do during that time and found myself wishing I had done just that: nothing. Never before and never since have I actually felt a sense of loss for having done something less productive than staring at a wall.

If I had been on my own I probably would have waked out, but the person who paid for my ticket was right next to me. Which brings up another thing, I didn't think I could feel like a movie someone else paid for was a waste, after all it cost me nothing except time, I was obviously wrong.

As far as I could see the only thing the movie had going for it, and I have to give it credit for it, is that in spite of offering nothing whatsoever to the viewer I meant it when I said, "I probably would have walked out." Notice the 'probably.' I might not have walked out even if I were the only one in the theater. Based on what I overheard and what was told to me directly every single person in the theater had the same experience I had, which means I have to give the movie a lot of credit, because every single person was kept not on the edge of their seat but at least interested by the continuing feeling that if you just watched for a little bit longer something would happen that would somehow make the movie worth watching. At every stage of the way it felt like something interesting was coming up, something that would turn the whole thing around and make enduring what had come before worthwhile was right just around the bend. That something never came, but the fact that the movie managed to give in the theater that feeling for more or less the entire time is very impressive.

I know that the theater I was in is not representative of most theaters, I know that there were people who liked the movie, even loved it, but I don't know what they saw in it. I'm sure there's someone who's going to be shocked that is the movie I hate the most, yet it is and I hate it so much all else pales in comparison and I have no second most hated movie.


Monday, May 14, 2007 7:21 AM


1. Dirty Dancing

2. Flashdance

As if sitting through chick flicks wasn't bad enough these include dancing as a vital element. Along the lines of what Chrisisall said, if someone strapped me down and forced my eyes open I would try my damnest to rupture a blood vessel in my brain to avoid watching these films.

I'm actually stunned at several of the films people have listed here, then again I'm sure my top two are bound to be on someone's favorite list.


We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far.


Monday, May 14, 2007 7:23 AM


The one that came screaming into my mind was Tim Robbin's "Jacob's Ladder". It's been 17 years sine that crap wasted 2 hours of my life and I'm still p*ssed off about it.

To any budding script writers out there:
1. The ending of "it was all a dream" is not ok. If the movie is nothing but a wandering, aimless drug-trip as a soldier dies then gee....NOTHING HAPPENED. So why did I need to watch?
2. We all know Viet Nam was bad. Let's talk abot something else now.

To any movie marketers out there:
Don't advertise a movie about demons and supernatural stuff and give me a Viet Nam drug trip. In fact, don't ever advertise one movie and give me a different one. Tends to make me grumpy.


Monday, May 14, 2007 7:57 AM


1) Gone in 60 seconds. unbearably baaaaad. I'm thinking the flaming skull motorcycle thing fits right here too, but don't plan on finding out.

2) Jim Carey anything. He just gives me the heebie jeebies, and he's not funny.

I'm the president. I don't need to listen.


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:16 AM


first of all i think i quite like gone in 60 seconds and the fast and the furious trilogy, but am a car buff so my oppinion is tainted, and armeggedon [brain fart spelling] is a good movie kinda does what its supposed to,bigbudget triller

anyways worst films i've seen
1, gangs of new york. wasted two hours watching that crap
2, any james bond movie. why can't he just die in one or atleast lose out to a baddie



Monday, May 14, 2007 8:27 AM



Originally posted by irishwash:
2, any james bond movie. why can't he just die in one or atleast lose out to a baddie

James Bond is almost always out to save the world as we know it, if he were to fail then the next movie (supposedly a sequel) could not be set in the world as we know it. Hence he must win.

The only thing in doubt in a Bond movie is the fate of the sidekicks.


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:29 AM


Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Douglas Adams actually came up with the idea *so I've heard from some interview* Lying in a field -plastered- looking up at the sky, he happened to be carrying a Hitchhikers Guide to Europe...The reason the book is so well...crazy at times and parts are a little hard to make sense of ( a trilogy of five?!:P) because (something I heard for a teacher of mine) it was all originally a radio show that at any moment could be cancelled, so he had to be able to finish the 'story' at any time.
Then there was the Spiderman comment... I cried a little :P I actually can't bring myself to pass judgement on that movie mostly because I like Spiderman tooooo much

now the worst movie I ever saw...
1. 300 HAHAH that's right I said it!(Please, no need to tell me how wrong I am, my friend bitched me out for literally 3 hours about how I'm wrong and then did a low blow- talked about hating Spiderman....I don't even think its that bad I'm probably spiteful to all the hype)
2. The Lizzie Mcguire movie- everytime I babysat this family this movie was on, continuously. This was YEARS ago and I still hate it

That nerdy hat


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:47 AM


I love my captain


Originally posted by OrangeHat:
2. The Lizzie Mcguire movie- everytime I babysat this family this movie was on, continuously. This was YEARS ago and I still hate it.

You know, I was lucky enough to babysit mostly boys so I never had to suffer through that crap. I despise anything with Hillary Duff, just on general pricipal. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the epitome of mediocraty.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:02 AM



and armeggedon [brain fart spelling] is a good movie kinda does what its supposed to,bigbudget triller

the thing that bugged me the most about it, exept the crazy idea of Bruce Willis saving the entire world by blowing up a meteorite (with not that much warning), was the scene where he says goodbye to he's daughter. And the ending where everything is fine.. it was sickening. Im usually very positive toward catastrophe movies. Not this one. And why is it always Bruce Willis that has to save the world?? (Hes got the company of Keifer Southerland now I know, but anyways)

Armageddon came out just about the same time that song "daddy loves you" (I think it was by Will Smith) came out. All I could think about during that horrible scene just before Willis sacrefices himself for his daughter and the world was that stupid song... made the scene a bit funnier..



Monday, May 14, 2007 9:12 AM


yeah but the villains aren't out to end the world they are looking for domination, and then the next film could have james bond leading a revolution type film



Monday, May 14, 2007 9:14 AM


1: Batman & Robin
2: Highlander: The Source (okay, so technically, it's not out yet, but I've seen it, and it's baaaaad)

And to comment on two of the movies mentioned above:

I adored Solaris. Great film. As soon as I finished it the first time, I read the screenplay without even getting up to go to the bathroom, I wanted to continue the experience so much.

And I thought A Histroy of Violence was great, in my(and many others') top 10 for that year.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:19 AM


I love my captain

sorry, double post
read on


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:22 AM


I love my captain


Originally posted by Storymark:
2: Highlander: The Source

Is that the one with the guy in the mountain? If so than it's the Highlander 3 movie I mentioned earlier.
There's been some talk about Highlander 2 but I admit, I actuallly like that movie. Sure it's not the best movie in the world but I thought it was amusing and Michael Ironside is always a great villain. Highlander 3 however, was just horrible. Crappy, unbelievable story, no continuity with the other films, and since when did Connor adopt a kid?

Ok, I just read your post again and I see it's a new Highlander movie?!?? Why would they do such a thing? WHY??? The first one was great but every movie after that has gotten progressively crappier. The show was all right if you took it as a seperate entity from the movies but not great and that Endgame movie made me ill.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:29 AM



Originally posted by OrangeHat:
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: Douglas Adams actually came up with the idea *so I've heard from some interview* Lying in a field -plastered- looking up at the sky, he happened to be carrying a Hitchhikers Guide to Europe

Yep, the whole story is in the foreword of "The Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide To The Universe" Which is all 5 books plus a short story in one giant book.


...The reason the book is so well...crazy at times and parts are a little hard to make sense of ( a trilogy of five?!:P) because (something I heard for a teacher of mine) it was all originally a radio show that at any moment could be cancelled, so he had to be able to finish the 'story' at any time.

The history is right in that it was originally a radio show, but the books weren't a transcript. Every time it went to a new medium (radio, TV, book, play, movie) it was rewritten with just the basic idea and characters the same.

Another fun bit of trivia, the first book ends abruptly because he had missed so many deadlines* that his publisher told him literally "finish the page you are on and send it in".

*"I love deadlines, especially the whooshing they make as they go flying by" -Douglas Adams


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:30 AM


Sorry Chrisisall...hated it (solaris)...and, actually loved for "DING...fight?" no thanks, it's pointless and life is too short - we like what we like and we don't like what we don't.


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:33 AM



Originally posted by Kayna:

Originally posted by Storymark:
2: Highlander: The Source

Ok, I just read your post again and I see it's a new Highlander movie?!?? Why would they do such a thing? WHY??? The first one was great but every movie after that has gotten progressively crappier. The show was all right if you took it as a seperate entity from the movies but not great and that Endgame movie made me ill.

I'm a big fan of the series, whgich I hold on the same level as the first movie. 2 & 3 sucked. I enjoyed Endgame, though it did have problems. But The Source... not only does it not feel like a Highlander film (it makes 2 feel like a great follow-up), but it's just a horribly written and made film top to bottom. I like the characters (this one centers on Duncan, Methos, Joe and some new folk), but the movie is just plain awfull. Post-apocalyptic setting, tazmanian devil-style sped-up fight scenes, Cannibal biker gangs, and a Villain who says some of the most idiotic dialog I've heard, and that's when he's not singing "Who wants to live forever" from the original film. Bad, bad, bad movie.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:23 PM


We sniff the air, we don't kiss the dirt.


Originally posted by RiveR6213:
There was a 1994 Fantastic 4 movie???? Also, considered yourself virtually flamed for not liking Serenity.


Yes, it was never actually released, you could only see it at comic cons, but now you can get it pretty easy on ebay.

And hey, come on--Casablanca isnt no 2 on the AFI list of all time greatest movies for nothing. (I still watch Serenity at least one a month though)


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:02 PM


I love my captain

After all Peulsar never said he didn't like Serenity, just not quite as much as Casablanca.

Serenity isn't my favorite movie either but it is in my top five with Firefly as my favorite TV show ever.

As to the Fantastic Four movie you're refering to, I've never seen it but I now what kind of crap Roger Corman turnes out. Any fan of MST3K has seen a few of his..."films"...
The thought of a comic book movie coming from that man is just revolting.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.






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