Word on Firefly from Joss himself

UPDATED: Friday, May 18, 2007 00:35
VIEWED: 15149
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Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:15 PM


I don't know if this slipped past all of you, but here's a link to a story for ya.


Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:33 PM


I too read this article this morning - but when Joss was discussing the new media, he didn't reference Firefly specifically, nor did the Times.

I'm all for wishful thinking, but we need to be clear that he didn't really discuss Firefly, although I do think all signs point in the direction of Joss returning to TV with FF if he feels he can do it right (as the article alludes).

And here's the link to the actual article, in case anyone wants to read it.,1,608385.story

So ... explain to me your obsession with all things evil?


Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:33 PM


I too read this article this morning - but when Joss was discussing the new media, he didn't reference Firefly specifically, nor did the Times.

I'm all for wishful thinking, but we need to be clear that he didn't really discuss Firefly, although I do think all signs point in the direction of Joss returning to TV with FF if he feels he can do it right (as the article alludes).

And here's the link to the actual article, in case anyone wants to read it.,1,608385.story

So ... explain to me your obsession with all things evil?


Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:34 PM


Sorry for the double post - gorram computer ...

So ... explain to me your obsession with all things evil?


Sunday, March 4, 2007 6:42 PM


Yeah I suppose so. I guess I just got excited to have something to contribute after a long absence. :)


Monday, March 5, 2007 1:11 PM


well we can only hope that he returns to it...i heard somewhere here that he succesfully retrieved the Firefly TV rights from FOX...


Monday, March 5, 2007 1:20 PM



Originally posted by Snakebloke:
well we can only hope that he returns to it...i heard somewhere here that he succesfully retrieved the Firefly TV rights from FOX...

Not to be picky here, but it's bad enough people are taking the referenced interview to be about Firefly specifically, when it isn't. I don't think we need to throw additional and completely-unsourced remarks into the mix as well, because they will just cause people to lose their heads unnecessarily.


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Monday, March 5, 2007 9:09 PM


Oops, lost my head....damn.

The best scenario would be Joss reviving Firefly on the TV, second best is Joss launching ANY new show on TV. He is special...and he deserves to have a voice.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:01 AM


and i don't remember there being any problem with a little hope.

i simply mentioned a rumour that was going around. i didnt start the rumour nor do i condone rumour-mongering but if there is even the slightest of possibilities then excuse me for being a little excited.....lighten up man this is a forum of free speech


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:02 AM


*raises a glass* here here LiveBrown


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:28 AM


Well, no, it's a privately-run board with lots of people on it. But you'll note I wasn't running around trying to have your post deleted or your account removed, which would be an assault ony our speech.

What I did was make sure, as quickly as possible, to point out that the remark was an unsourced unfounded rumor before people started believing it, which only would have caused more damage.

See, that's how the "free speech" thing works. You say something, and then I get to say something. When someone criticizes you? That's not an attack on your free speech. It's just more free speech.


CSTS - SN/EN - PDX - 2007

Can't Stop The Serenity 2007

Unofficial Browncoat Cruise Newsline


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:44 AM


Well put.

"Dude, you never wanna fuck with a Browncoat, man." - Kevin Smith


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 9:05 AM



Sorry, just felt like being silly.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 1:44 PM


well im sorry if i insulted your free speech...but your original remark sounded a little tetchy

i know the theory of free speech so don't give me any of that 糟糕 please

i do agree with you to an extent but reacting in such a serious and quite frankly pedantic way to such a harmless comment is dangerous imo

why do you think Serenity was filmed?...because of great Firefly ratings? clearly not

Because of Universal's hate for FOX? possibly was hope...the hope of all us Browncoats, hope led to the hard work that we all put in promoting it and looking like plonkers wearing cunning Jayne hats to work...(me that is )

hope is part of what kept Firefly and indeed Serenity alive so a little more hope in this case can't hurt...i don't care if it is unsourced or not not all rumours are untrue (although then tend to be )


anyways i don't wanna fight with someone who is clearly of my senior


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:17 PM


Hate to interrupt all the free-speechifying and self-righteous posturing and all that, but does anybody have a link to a copy of this article for those of us not registered with that there website?

"Half of writing history is hiding the truth."


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 6:42 PM


I love my captain

I just followed the link in the original post. There was a link within the link. I didn't have to register for anything. But maybe my comp just did something strange and glitchy.


Op: You're fighting a war you've already lost.
Mal: Yeah, well I'm known for that.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007 8:27 PM


Snakebloke, your sig makes me laugh everytime.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 8:54 AM


Is this the same article without the logins required?


Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:43 AM


Here is the quote that I think everyone is getting hope from but very very sadly, I'm not...

"He would also like to return to television, after telling Variety in 2004, 'I have a bitter taste in my mouth with where TV has gone in the past five years.' Whedon said the experience he had with "Firefly," which was canceled after 11 episodes, taught him what guarantees he would need to go back. 'I don't want another 'Firefly.' I can't do that. It hurts too much,' he said."

Pretty much looks like no Firefly to me but feel free to give me hope. Gosh darnit! It's Mother's Day. I want hope!!!


Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:52 AM



Originally posted by redhead:

Here is the quote that I think everyone is getting hope from but very very sadly, I'm not...

"He would also like to return to television, after telling Variety in 2004, 'I have a bitter taste in my mouth with where TV has gone in the past five years.' Whedon said the experience he had with "Firefly," which was canceled after 11 episodes, taught him what guarantees he would need to go back. 'I don't want another 'Firefly.' I can't do that. It hurts too much,' he said."

Pretty much looks like no Firefly to me but feel free to give me hope. Gosh darnit! It's Mother's Day. I want hope!!!

One order of hope on the way! Careful... the plate is hot...

Just my observation, but I think what Joss is saying is that he doesn't want another experience of having a show he deeply loves get continually mishandled, and then slowly suffocated to death by a network... the way Firefly was.

I'm holding on to the belief that Joss would dearly love to reincarnate the 'verse as a series again. But the next time, he would have more control and protection for his creation.

It would be sweet, sweet revenge to bring back Firefly/Serenity as a series and have it be a thunderous success!

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

Firefly/Serenity Guerilla Marketing Posters ~
Cafe Press Shop ~

Spread the word today ~ Give the gift of Firefly:


Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:11 AM


Ah, hope soup. I musta done good.

Actually, I do feel better. Thanks!


Sunday, May 13, 2007 10:23 AM


I'll agree, I interpreted that as "I don't want to have the *experience* of having something I love stomped to the ground in its infancy." His love for these characters and 'verse is pretty obvious. He's definitely learned some hard lessons in both TV and movie experiences, but he sounds like a scrapper. :-)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 12:20 PM


I want to respectfully acknowledge the very hard work of all the browncoats that came before me. If it weren’t for their efforts there would not have been a Serenity and if there hadn’t been a Serenity then I wouldn’t be here now.

This is just to show the negative attitude browncoats that if it hadn’t been for their opposites then there would be no browncoat me. I only found Firefly through finding the BDM and if there hadn’t been thousands of positive thinking browncoat brothers and sisters then Serenity would have only been a dream in Joss’s brainpan. Thank you elder browncoats for not giving up the fight. For showing me the independent fighters light. It is my duty I feel to carry on and hold the line for the yet to find the signal browncoats. What right do I have to give up now? There are still thousands upon thousands of browncoats still to be made and tons of coin to be made by a network or studio willing to put a little effort into great entertainment like this.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 2:27 PM


Why is it that if you are to be a true browncoat, you're only allowed to say things like "We can't give up the fight." or "I'm just built that way, Firefly is coming back, I know it," or "I'm a rebel, thats just how I'm built. For all you guys who are negative..." and so on. Why is it so against the thought police that anyone would, when asked whether they thought the show was coming back, say "Wish it would, but it doesn't look like it." Like there is only one permitted opinion, or else you're not a true fan. The thing I liked about Malcolm Reynolds character is that he was smart, knew the odds, acknowledged the odds, and fought anyway. Please open your heart to the thousands upon thousands of fans who may occasionally say something negative, but who have spent years, time, money, and effort to get the show back, but reserve the right to say whatever they want to, thought police damned.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:39 PM


Here here. This is why I got upset over a few post's that said if your not fighting your lazy and not a true Browncoat. There have been quite a lot recently, with new people coming aboard and enthusiatic to bring the show back (which I admire and respect. More power to us) But lately when anyone says it doesn't look like it's going to happen, especially by those who've fought since the beggining, we're seen as lazy, not real browncoats, or worse turncoats. Look I don't want to make this into an argument but OneTrueBix had it right when he said this is a public board and we have the same right to say what we feel. Is there a chance for Firefly to come back to television? I want it to, even to this day I pray for a miracle, but let's face it, after 5 years that miracle doesn't seem forthcoming. Firefly took it's last burn.

Now having said that I ain't saying it can't come back as a sequel (which is what we're all hoping and striving for) maybe even a made for tv movie (if Sci Fi ever get their heads out of their arses and pick it up) I'll hope for a Sequel, a Trilogy, hell even hand puppet theater if Joss made it, but don't rag on those who say it coming back to tv as the original show is highly un-likely, cause even Joss said it ain't.

Let's all remember, Vet's and New recruits alike, WE'RE ALL BROWNCOTS, WE'RE ALL FANS. And just cause some have retired from the fight doesn't mean they've given up, they just made a place for you to take up where they left off.

Nuff said.

~*Peter* Peter*; power *re-peater*~

*Petrelli for President. Together we can soar.*


That Sylar, he's so hot right now.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 4:08 PM



Originally posted by Snakebloke:
well we can only hope that he returns to it...i heard somewhere here that he succesfully retrieved the Firefly TV rights from FOX...

Now THAT is good news. He wouldn't go through all that trouble to get the rights to the show if he didn't have something planned for it down the road.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:02 PM



A Browncoat is a fan of Firefly.


I have heard over the years "You're not a true Browncoat if you don't..." and it wasn't true then and it isn't true now.

About the comments that seem to attribute to the "Thought Police", which I may have written, they were trying to state a different view point from yours. That doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to think or post what you believe.

There are some Browncoats that I respect greatly that don't believe there will be an on screen continuation of Firefly (anytime soon). That doesn't diminish my respect in them in the least.

It is however something that I am still working towards and will continue to post about.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:15 PM



Originally posted by Mycroft2:

A Browncoat is a fan of Firefly.


I have heard over the years "You're not a true Browncoat if you don't..." and it wasn't true then and it isn't true now.

About the comments that seem to attribute to the "Thought Police", which I may have written, they were trying to state a different view point from yours. That doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to think or post what you believe.

There are some Browncoats that I respect greatly that don't believe there will be an on screen continuation of Firefly (anytime soon). That doesn't diminish my respect in them in the least.

It is however something that I am still working towards and will continue to post about.

Hey! You can be Alliance and STILL be a fan of Firefly buster! Keep in mind that River, Simon, and Inara were Alliance.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:21 PM


*FMF wheels in the milk and cookies trolley*

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:25 PM


With all the jokes aside. I feel that Joss will eventually return to Firefly because it will be the one thing that will keep him in the game. Also, I get the sense that all the actors who played in Firefly would, regardless of what they are involved in at the time, would jump at the chance for a new Firefly series. Last time I checked, not ONE of their careers were doing very well. Mark my words. Firefly will be back.



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:27 PM


Vive la différence!

P.S. Thanks for the cookies!


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:33 PM


I'm gonna respond to both posts at once


Hey! You can be Alliance and STILL be a fan of Firefly buster! Keep in mind that River, Simon, and Inara were Alliance.

Yeah, but they got on a Firefly class ship anyways, so they don't count!


With all the jokes aside. I feel that Joss will eventually return to Firefly because it will be the one thing that will keep him in the game. Also, I get the sense that all the actors who played in Firefly would, regardless of what they are involved in at the time, would jump at the chance for a new Firefly series. Last time I checked, not ONE of their careers were doing very well. Mark my words. Firefly will be back.

Actually both Adam and Summer have pilots that were picked up for the fall. But I agree, they would all make time for a Firefly project.


Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:40 PM



Originally posted by FutureMrsFIllion:
*FMF wheels in the milk and cookies trolley*

---- plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose

Bestower of Titles, Designer of Tshirts, Maker of Mottos, Keeper of the Pyre, Owner of a too big Turnippy smelling coat with MR scratched in the neck (thanks FollowMal!)

I am on The List. We are The Forsaken and we aim to burn!
"We don't fear the reaper"

FORSAKEN original

What! No almond fudge?

Get a rope...



Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:45 PM



Originally posted by Mycroft2:
I'm gonna respond to both posts at once


Hey! You can be Alliance and STILL be a fan of Firefly buster! Keep in mind that River, Simon, and Inara were Alliance.

Yeah, but they got on a Firefly class ship anyways, so they don't count!


With all the jokes aside. I feel that Joss will eventually return to Firefly because it will be the one thing that will keep him in the game. Also, I get the sense that all the actors who played in Firefly would, regardless of what they are involved in at the time, would jump at the chance for a new Firefly series. Last time I checked, not ONE of their careers were doing very well. Mark my words. Firefly will be back.

Actually both Adam and Summer have pilots that were picked up for the fall. But I agree, they would all make time for a Firefly project.

True, but all the actors from Firefly seem to only play bit parts in movies or special guest stars in televisions shows. Now and then they get lucky and are picked to be on a new series which as we have all seen get canceled after 4 or 5 episodes. What I'm not getting is that the actors from Firefly are good actors and actresses...why does this keep happening to them? They can't be making much money so I guess they are waitressing on the side or are janitors in an office building. Go figure.



Monday, May 14, 2007 1:07 AM


I agree River6213, AFAIK (again quoting qhat ive been told by someone else) Joss got the rights back, possibly for a substantial ammount of money.

This is good news, but it could also be to do with the Firefly MMO game thats been annouced recently.

oh and thanks to NONSTOP for noticing my sig


Monday, May 14, 2007 6:15 AM


Actually, it's the Firefly MMO deal that proves that Joss does not have the rights to Firefly. Fox still owns the rights. Since the Firefly MMO deal was announced last December, there's been no word on whether or not Joss even knows about it, much less is going to be involved in making it. And the original announcement in Wired mentions Fox Licensing several times:

Multiverse, maker of a free MMO-creation platform, plans to announce Friday morning that it's struck a deal with Fox Licensing to turn the show into an MMORPG in the fashion of Star Wars Galaxies or Eve Online.

"We see virtual worlds as an extraordinarily promising new entertainment medium," said Adam Kline, Fox Licensing's vice president of media enterprises in an e-mail. "We believe Multiverse can deliver an experience that will remain true to the original series, while enabling a whole new level of personal involvement for fans."
(From )

I hate to be the bearer of bad news (and it's a rainy Monday morning, so forgive my surliness), but from what I've managed to piece together from reading between the lines and watching which mouths talk when, Joss does not own any of the rights to Firefly. He got permission from Fox to shop the rights around after they cancelled the show, but that was only to see if someone else would pay Fox money for the rights. When no one bit, the rights went back to Fox. Universal obviously got some rights from Fox to make the BDM, but apparently not all of them, since Fox Licensing is who is working with Multiverse on the MMO. (And those of you who have your Firefly Companion Vol. 2, what's the copyright info say? Fox?)

Joss may have a clause in his contract that states that Firefly and/or the BDM can't continue without him on board, but it's a long way from that to him owning all the rights. I want Firefly to come back as much as the next Browncoat, but unfortunately I think that means that either Fox Licensing or Universal Licensing would have to greenlight the project.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:19 AM


With respect to nay saying:

Consider the possibilities. First it is either possible or impossible to get more. As we are all human, as far as I know, we can not see the absolute truth we don't know which. If it is impossible nothing we say or do matters so there's no point to say it is possible or it isn't possible. If it is possible to get more than it is either possible or impossible for us to make a difference in whether or not there is more. If it is impossible than nothing we say or do on the topic matters so there is no point in saying it is or is not possible.

If it is possible to get more and possible for us to have an effect on whether or not we do then what we say, or what we do, or both, matters. If there is a way that saying it is impossible would help us I do not know it. I also do not know of any way that saying we could get more would help, so the only thing that could possibly matter is what we do.

When someone says, "Firefly isn't coming back," that means, "Firefly isn't coming back," and thus there is nothing to be done. If there is nothing to be done nothing will be done. If nothing will be done the situation will not change. If the situation does not change Firefly will not come back, thus Firefly isn't coming back. If it said, and more importantly believed, it becomes self fulfilling.

There were people who tried to say that Firefly would have no continuation when it was first cancelled. If they had been believed when Universal tried to decide whether or not to pick up Serenity they would have found that there was almost no visible fan base because almost all of the things that made the fan base visible were in part attempts to get more.

How would they have reacted if they had been pitched a movie that continues a show which, as far as anyone could tell, no one cared about? Well they might have made Serenity anyway. It's possible. Just like they might make a second movie for no apparent reason. Both are within the realm of possibility, though fairly unlikely I should think.


Now no one in this thread has said it is impossible for us to get more, and that is important. If you say the odds of Firefly returning are crap that's one thing. If you say that the odds are one in million, billion, trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, ... or googolplex that's a similar thing. If you say it can't happen that is, of course, completely different. The difference between saying, "I think the odds of Firefly coming back are roughly the same as The Second Coming happening this afternoon," and, "Firefly will not return," is huge.

Since no one in this thread has said it's impossible to get more, they might still be doing things to exploit that slim chance they do believe in, in which case the above doesn't matter. I don't know what they're doing or failing to do.


There is something else to point out though. No one here is an idiot so everyone probably knows this, but people can forget to apply what they know and things can slip peoples minds. So here's the thing, it is a scientifically proven fact that people are bothered by large thing (in this case letdowns) far less than small ones. The attempts to explain this delve into coping mechanisms, ambiguous perception, the "psychological immune system" and various other things but the one thing that is well understood is that if an unpleasant experience is above a certain threshold you can cope and it doesn't have much of an effect, if it is below that threshold coping does not kick in and you end up less happy and more bothered by it than you would have been had it been more horrible.

This is true of electric shocks, this is true of relationships, this is true of sports, and this is true of TV shows. So the truth is that if the naysayers are right and Firefly doesn't come back the people who were sure heart and soul it would return will be less bothered by it than the ones who listened to the naysayers and were expecting that to be the case.

Getting people's hopes up protects them from unpleasantness, getting them down to earth increases the likely hood that they'll be more depressed and be depressed longer if there is ever definitive news that Firefly will not return.

So my question to the nay sayers is simple: "Why are you going out of your way to depress people?" I don't mean in the present by telling people who think we'll get it back that we won't and getting them down. I mean, if you are so sure that it won't come back why are you trying to make that fact much more painful when it becomes inescapable (which it will if you are right)?

I'm not saying that it makes you a non-Browncoat, I'm not saying that it makes you less of a fan, but it does seem like a nasty thing to do to people. Mind you nasty or not you have a right to do it, and I'm not going to try to stop you.


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:41 AM


ChrisTheCynic (ironic name!) --

I don't know if your post was directed at me, wholly or partially, but either way, I wanted to say that I'm not trying to depress anyone. I'm not saying we should give up on getting more Firefly and/or BDMs. I'm not saying it's not worth the effort; even if we don't accomplish anything, it would still be worth the effort.

That said, I think the more we know about the reality of the situation, the better. Knowing who owns what with regards to our beloved 'Verse helps us better focus our efforts. I've been watching the MMO situation pretty closely (I'm a huge MMO fan), and from what I've gathered from the bits and pieces reported, Fox can license out at least parts of the Firefly Intellectual Property without any input from Joss, and apparently without any input from Universal (the only evidence I have of this is from interviews with Multiverse, which say that they are working with Fox Licensing, and do not have the rights to use anything from the BDM).

I don't think being disconnected from reality does us any good. Knowing who owns the IP, who's attention we would need to get, which pocket to put the money in, etc, can only help our cause. I believe we can and will see more of the 'Verse in one form or another. I think if the MMO actually gets made, it could be the road to bigger and better things. But I don't see any point in living in a fantasy world where Joss owns all the rights, and all we have to do to get more of the 'Verse is to raise a couple of million dollars for Joss. We know that Fox still owns some part of the IP. Let's use that information to our advantage.


You can't take the sky from me...


Monday, May 14, 2007 8:43 AM


Gee... seems to me, if Joss bought back the Firefly right, that he may have mentioned it, or at the least hinted cryptically at it.

Whenever I hear a "Someone told me..." on a message board, without anything to back it up, it goes right into my "wishfull thinking" file.

"I thoroughly disapprove of duels. If a man should challenge me, I would take him kindly and forgivingly by the hand and lead him to a quiet place and kill him."


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:13 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
That said, I think the more we know about the reality of the situation, the better. Knowing who owns what with regards to our beloved 'Verse helps us better focus our efforts.

Amen, CK. Knowledge is power. And in this case it's all the power we have. "Focus our efforts" is the operative part of what I've quoted above.
Thanks for sayin'.


I don't think being disconnected from reality does us any good. Knowing who owns the IP, who's attention we would need to get, which pocket to put the money in, etc, can only help our cause. I believe we can and will see more of the 'Verse in one form or another. I think if the MMO actually gets made, it could be the road to bigger and better things.


My daughter who is an avid WoW player told me that an MMO of Firefly would be one of the most effective ways to spread the word, as she could see the FF world being just as addictive while playing.
She was at B3 with me when DarkHorse announced this and she literally leaped to her feet and shouted. Fox is who is licensing this by the by.
They announced it that day.

To carry on with your subject CK.

Saying there isn't likely to be more Firefly or Serenity at this point is realistic, it isn't depressing. It could be a rally to arms if you so desire to look at it that way. Realizing our beloved 'Verse is getting farther away from more with the passage of time shouldn't make us despondent, it should make us mobilize.

Let's mobilize Browncoats.

To join us go here:


Monday, May 14, 2007 10:48 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
ChrisTheCynic (ironic name!) --

Wanna know why I have that name? Habit.


I don't know if your post was directed at me, wholly or partially, but either way, I wanted to say that I'm not trying to depress anyone.

It wasn;t and I wasn't saying you were.


I'm not saying it's not worth the effort; even if we don't accomplish anything, it would still be worth the effort.



That said, I think the more we know about the reality of the situation, the better.

I agree.


Knowing who owns what with regards to our beloved 'Verse helps us better focus our efforts. ...

I wasn't talking about the rights discussion, and for the record I agree with you.


I don't think being disconnected from reality does us any good. Knowing who owns the IP, who's attention we would need to get, which pocket to put the money in, etc, can only help our cause. I believe we can and will see more of the 'Verse in one form or another.

What I'm talking about is that there are some, indeed some here, who will say that your last line is deluded, and that there is literally no hope. There's a difference between accepting that our chances suck and resigning ourselves to failure because our chances suck. You aren't doing that so my post was not about you.

I don't advocate living in a fantasy world of any kind. (Though it should be pointed out that there isn't a human being on this earth who doesn't. No one lives totally in touch with reality. It has been found that the people most in touch with reality are the clinically depressed, apparently part of being depressed is being unable to construct the kind of fantasy world normal human beings live in.)

I think you should know the truth, and accept the truth. It's what some people do after that that I disagree with.


What I was talking about with depressing people (which was not addressed at you) is that at some point either there will be more Firefly, or there will be something that undeniably proves that there will never be more (e.g. Joss giving up/dying.) If the second happens it will undoubtedly be unpleasant.

What's the best way to make something hurt the most? Well it isn't to make it as unpleasant as possible, if you do that a person's defense mechanisms kick in and it makes them feel less bad and for a shorter time than something less unpleasant.

The best way to make some as depressed as possible and for as long as possible about an unpleasant event is to make it so that it doesn't activate the person's defense mechanisms. It has to pass under a certain threshold.

So if you knew a rabid sports fan's and you wanted them to suffer if their team lost what do you do? Well rabid fans are so invested that a loss is enough to trigger their defenses, if you want them to suffer you've got to make it so that doesn't happen. Too increase the suffering you actually have to lessen the blow. One way to do that is to convince them their team will loose, an expected loss is less of a blow than a normal one. If the expected loss doesn't trigger their defenses they'll suffer more and longer than they would have had they not expected to loose.

That's the way human beings work.

My point is that all of us here are smart enough to know this, even if we haven't all read the research supporting it. So maybe, knowing this, people who are so sure that one day we'll know Firefly is dead forever shouldn't be doing everything in their power to make that more painful should they be proven right.


Monday, May 14, 2007 7:34 PM


hmph.... this is the reason I don't come here as often. I feel I've lost my place here. Oh well. Nay Say away.

~*Peter* Peter*; power *re-peater*~

*Petrelli for President. Together we can soar.*

Peter:"I'm not going to blow up, but I am going to kick some ass."


Monday, May 14, 2007 7:50 PM


Your place?!?

Is there a pecking order here?



Monday, May 14, 2007 9:04 PM


thanks for the link, haven't read it before

check out my MYSPACE at...

Darkfly Auer on Second Life(Online Game)

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Monday, May 14, 2007 11:15 PM


First of all I don't think that anyone here has been called a non-browncoat or anti-browncoat or anything like that. Secondly I also believe that no one on the thread has said that you can't voice your opinion whatever it is.

It's pretty simple to me. I think the beginning post at the top was put there as something positive. It was then attacked by the nay-sayers. Everyone here has a choice. You can either feel positive that there will be more FF/BDM or you can look at that differently. I choose to view every scrap of new info posted here in a good light. Thats my choice. Your choice is up to you. Till Firefly returns or we get a BDSequel I hold.



Monday, May 14, 2007 11:31 PM



Originally posted by Misstressahara:
hmph.... this is the reason I don't come here as often. I feel I've lost my place here. Oh well. Nay Say away.


There's been a spate of "opinion saying" lately that is frankly removing some good feelings from the board.

I hope you will feel more welcome when I say that you and your opinions ( and your shiny Heroes knowledge! ) are much beloved here and I hope you will not stay away. I would hate that.

The board is a place to come to for fun, discussion and friendship. Some folks take the discussion part more seriously than they do the friendship part, but not me, so please stay and discuss good stuff with me.

Besides who's gonna keep me filled in on all the new Heroes stuff I need to know.


Originally posted by River6213:
Your place?!?

Is there a pecking order here?


I got the impression she meant her home feeling place, River. That feeling of being within a family. I for one love that feeling here and have always hoped even thru trying times that you've felt some of that too. I know I have felt it toward you.

There have been a lot of posts on this board lately that have made some folks feel outside of that. Every time there's stress like that, there are folks who leave the active fandom. And right now we need that active fandom with the SE coming. out.

Most of all it's just nice that we have each other. Kindness is hard to come by in the world and the little bit we have here is special.

To join us go here:


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:30 PM


Okey dokey well it seems clear then that i have misheard/interpreted something.

i still am blindfully hopefull that Firefly will return. It's fair enough that Joss doesn't want any more failures but as i am sure i love kaylee , i am sure that you cannot stop the signal :P

it will return, as there are 3 parts to my entertainment that i NEED to live EVE Online:Battlestar Galactica: and of them is AWOL, and im gonna hunt them down :)

..anyways the MMO will be great :)


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 12:38 PM



Originally posted by Snakebloke:
i still am blindfully hopefull that Firefly will return.

Inspite of my realistic outlook Snakebloke, I too wish for more Firefly. I'll never stop wishing for more Firefly.


To join us go here:


Friday, May 18, 2007 12:35 AM


*sigh* i know i know.....anyways thats me done, now im off to play EVE






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