How to Convert Buffy/AtS fans?

UPDATED: Saturday, April 3, 2004 21:44
VIEWED: 4475
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Monday, March 22, 2004 11:52 PM


Hi all,

It has shocked me how many of my fellow avid Buffy and Angel fan friends have not given Firefly a chance for various reasons. What can I do to get them to look past their prejudices?

Main stumbling blocks seem to be:

1) Resentment at Joss Whedon for abandoning BtVS and AtS in their final years for Firefly (in their opinion)

2) Complaints that Firefly is a sci fi.

3) They saw one episode when it aired and didn't like the western theme.

I am in awe of Firefly and find it hard to believe that so few of my friends who enjoy Joss Whedon's other shows seem willing to sit down and get introduced to this amazing new JW 'verse.

Any advice is appreciated.


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 5:53 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

I have run into some of the same stumbling blocks Zoriah. It seems there is a bit of resentment from Buffy & Angel fans that Joss put much of his focus into Firefly and now the movie, especially in light of the recent cancellation of Angel.

I have found it best to explain to these hold outs that I too am a Buffy and Angel fan (though perhaps not to the extent I am w/ Firefly) and that I enjoy Joss's Firefly too. I have had to break down their resolve by wearing my Blue Sun t-shirt to get them to ask me what it means & the significance of it to the series, by having my Firefly DVDs set out in a conspicuous location when they come by to visit, and making references to the show whenever I can.

Given time, they will check it out.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:00 AM


I'm going to convert my Dad eventually "when he has time to watch it"
He's a big Buffy fan, but he hates Angel so he is reluctant to try another Joss show, but I know he'll love it when he gets around to it

Why doesn't it ever go smooth?


Tuesday, March 23, 2004 6:12 AM


Three words: Chair. Rope. Gag.

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Wednesday, March 24, 2004 12:00 PM



Originally posted by Shiny:
Three words: Chair. Rope. Gag.

Saturday night?

"Pinky, are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I don't know Brain, where would be get lederhosen at this time of night?"


Wednesday, March 24, 2004 4:55 PM


got into a mild argument with an Angel fan over that today. Her argument was that Firefly must suck, because it made Joss abandon Angel. Now, I love Buffy, and Angel's great too, but Firefly rocks my world. if it didn't, I frankly wouldn't be posting here. So I taught her a lesson that will serve her well later in life: Never argue with a rabid fanboy.

once the snow got so deep you almost couldn't hear margaret atwood


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 12:36 PM


This is a tough one, and it bugs me too. One thing I've noticed is that it depends on the type of Buffy/Angel fan. Being a latecomer to the Buffyverse (Season 4 summer reruns on), and somewhat sardonic by nature, I thought of it primarily as funny, dark and deeply moving. I've noticed that fans from the first couple of seasons tend to think of it more in terms of romance than I do - hence the eternal debates we have over Seasons 2 & 6 (I refuse to call Season 2 the best Buffy season ever, and I liked 6, in all of its sad twistedness). My experience has been that these earlier fans are either hostile toward Firefly, or just don't like it as much because the characters are more...well, Western. There's less interpersonal pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, and more of the funny, dark and deeply moving.

My random 2 cents on the topic.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 1:27 PM


Maybe you should point out that Firefly must be something really special to divert Joss's attention away from shows as good as Buffy and Angel.


"..and here's to all the dreamers, may our open hearts find rest." -- Nanci Griffith


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:14 PM


I've found that once I have deflowered a Whedonverse virgin with Firefly, I have the opposite problem of trying to convince him that if he enjoyed Firefly for its outstanding writing, he will enjoy Buffy and Angel as well, as long as he gives himself a chance to get into it. Just last week I was talking to a Firefly convert I had just created, and told her that I would convert her to a fan of Buffy and Angel as well, and she wrinkled her nose and said "I don't think so, I have seen those before and didn't like them" I responded with, "have you ever actually sat down and watched an entire episode uninterupted" and got the very response I was expecting, "no, not really". So I have to agree with the chair, rope and gag theory. It may be the only way to impose our whedonosophy onto others who will thank us in the end....especially when all quality tv has vanished from the airwaves and all that is left is TV on DVD.

I only fell is all.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 7:34 PM


Give them the same reason Buffy/Angel virgins who love firefly wind up watching those shows, More Joss. I didn't like Buffy until around the 10th episode, then I was hooked, I suppose it will be similar with Angel. Tell them eventually they will have to watch FF to get more good feelings that they previously got with BtVS or Angel. Have them imagine their favorie ep of their show, and then describe it to you. Then you relate that to FF and have them watch the FF ep that corresponds the most in your opinion. Personally I have had no problem hooking my friends who were Buffy/Angel addicts, they just wanted more Joss.



Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:21 PM



Originally posted by Zelda:
This is a tough one, and it bugs me too. One thing I've noticed is that it depends on the type of Buffy/Angel fan. Being a latecomer to the Buffyverse (Season 4 summer reruns on), and somewhat sardonic by nature, I thought of it primarily as funny, dark and deeply moving. I've noticed that fans from the first couple of seasons tend to think of it more in terms of romance than I do - hence the eternal debates we have over Seasons 2 & 6 (I refuse to call Season 2 the best Buffy season ever, and I liked 6, in all of its sad twistedness). My experience has been that these earlier fans are either hostile toward Firefly, or just don't like it as much because the characters are more...well, Western. There's less interpersonal pulling of hair and gnashing of teeth, and more of the funny, dark and deeply moving.

My random 2 cents on the topic.

Being one of the said season 2 fans, I feel the need to stand up for my species

Season 2 is imho all about the funny, dark and deeply moving (and season 6 is my favorite post high school season - perhaps in a tie with season 4). Season 2 just has a brilliantly tight and well-structured storyline - plus something a latecomer may not appreciate: the shock effect! Season one and part of season two were relatively lighthearted - though dark subjects are dealt with like mothers wanting to take over their teenage daughters' lives, kiddy league coaches putting their players in a coma, etc., Buffy always solves the problems and saves the day. So when Angel turned we all expected him to come around in a couple of episodes. When he killed Jenny, it had an enormous impact, and when Buffy had to kill him in the season's last episode, it was a real shocker - we'd grown used to our happy endings.

Anyway, needless to say, I love Firefly - so even an early Buffy fan can be persuaded.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 9:40 PM



Originally posted by Zoriah:
Hi all,

It has shocked me how many of my fellow avid Buffy and Angel fan friends have not given Firefly a chance for various reasons. What can I do to get them to look past their prejudices?

Main stumbling blocks seem to be:

1) Resentment at Joss Whedon for abandoning BtVS and AtS in their final years for Firefly (in their opinion)

As it has already been suggested, note that Firefly must be extraordinary to draw Joss away from shows like Buffy and Angel. To not check out his reason for doing so would be to judge him unfairly - and seeing that he did give us the best shows ever, surely he deserves a fair trial?


2) Complaints that Firefly is a sci fi.
To say that any of Joss Whedon's shows belong to one genre would be a mistake - ask them if they feel it would be fair to just label Buffy or Angel "horror", for instance (well, that's what they are - what with vampires and demons and all). Witty dialogue, vivid characterisation, good action and an absorbing story arc - those describe Joss Whedon's shows better than any genre label. And Firefly is no exception.


3) They saw one episode when it aired and didn't like the western theme.

Buffy and Angel are the same - to really appreciate them you have to have sunk your teeth (heh) into the characters and the main story of the season. Just one Buffy episode taken out of context only has a tenth of the impact of same episode seen in context. I'm sure any Buffy/Angel fan would agree.


I am in awe of Firefly and find it hard to believe that so few of my friends who enjoy Joss Whedon's other shows seem willing to sit down and get introduced to this amazing new JW 'verse.

Any advice is appreciated.

Bribe them with dinner or something, a free drink, maybe, and promise they only have to watch the pilot (you may forget to mention that it's a double). I was a bit apprehensive about Firefly myself (not being a big Western fan), but after the pilot - well, I wasn't exactly hooked, but I was pleasantly surprised and definitely ready to watch the rest of the series (re-watching the pilot now I don't understand that I wasn't completely hooked - but I guess a show has to grow on you).


Wednesday, March 31, 2004 10:09 PM


Thanks for the tips everyone!

It amazes me how passionate I have become about the show. I guess I made the assumption that anyone who enjoys well written, witty, whedonesque shows would be keen to see what Firefly has to offer. I was mistaken, but you have all given me ideas on how best to 'help' my friends discover just what a great show it is.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 1:26 PM


I apologized if I ruffled any feathers. I also think that Season 2 is brilliant - truly brilliant. However, as someone who started later I see it as the first realization of how brilliant the show I loved could be. It's like that was the time when they realized how much they could do - and then they went on to do it for another 5 years. My frustration is with my friends who maintain that Season 2 was the best and everything slid downhill from there. Since all they want from Joss is some reiteration of the Buffy/Angel romance, nothing that he's done since then (including Firefly) has been good enough.

It's been disappointing to me that these people, whom I counted on as obvious Firefly allies, haven't been, because after years of listening to them sing the praises of Joss, they turn out to only like the one thing he does. The farthest I've gotten with any of them was that I got one to watch the first 20 minutes of Serenity, after which she commented: "it didn't really grab me," and hasn't watched any more since.


Thursday, April 1, 2004 11:48 PM


First time I have posted here from Melbourne, Australia

I'm a ATS fan wanting to know more about Firefly. My question is are the DVD's available on Region 4 format - I have hunted in all the known Australia sites for DVD's but alas I cannot locate FireFly.

Could someone please let me know as I would love to jump on board and become fully immersed in the Firefly world. At the moment I feel like on the outside looking in :)


Friday, April 2, 2004 12:25 AM



Originally posted by Zelda:
I apologized if I ruffled any feathers. I also think that Season 2 is brilliant - truly brilliant. However, as someone who started later I see it as the first realization of how brilliant the show I loved could be. It's like that was the time when they realized how much they could do - and then they went on to do it for another 5 years. My frustration is with my friends who maintain that Season 2 was the best and everything slid downhill from there. Since all they want from Joss is some reiteration of the Buffy/Angel romance, nothing that he's done since then (including Firefly) has been good enough.

It's been disappointing to me that these people, whom I counted on as obvious Firefly allies, haven't been, because after years of listening to them sing the praises of Joss, they turn out to only like the one thing he does. The farthest I've gotten with any of them was that I got one to watch the first 20 minutes of Serenity, after which she commented: "it didn't really grab me," and hasn't watched any more since.

Hey, no feathers have been ruffled!
I agree, it's too bad when people close their minds to anything new. Ask the 20-minutes person if she really thinks she would have been an avid Buffy-fan after watching only the first 20 minutes of Welcome to the Hellmouth! You need to give a show a chance to grow on you - at least the time it takes to watch the pilot! Tell her, if she had decided to stop watching Buffy after the first 20 minutes, think about what she would have missed. Bribe them with a dinner (or some such) to sit through the pilot with you - that way you can keep an eye on them and make sure they finish it ;-)

OZGAL, I'm sorry but I don't think Firefly's out in reg 4 yet - if it ever will be! Get a code free dvd player which I'm sure would come in handy at other times, too


Friday, April 2, 2004 4:12 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by OzGal:
First time I have posted here from Melbourne, Australia

I'm a ATS fan wanting to know more about Firefly. My question is are the DVD's available on Region 4 format - I have hunted in all the known Australia sites for DVD's but alas I cannot locate FireFly.

Could someone please let me know as I would love to jump on board and become fully immersed in the Firefly world. At the moment I feel like on the outside looking in :)

Welcome to the board OzGal! Always great to have someone new come aboard, especially if they are interested in learning more about the show.

I have not heard anything about Region 4 DVD releases yet. I know that Region 2 is due out on April 19th. If you have not turned up anything locally or on the net, you may want to send an email to Fox (since the released the DVD set) to ask about the Region 4 status.

You're not on the outside looking in, you're here now, just a matter of getting the episodes into your hands.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, April 2, 2004 10:01 AM


How to convert? Well I found the easiest way was to just be 'accidentally' watching the show whenever they stop by. They sit on the couch, and catch one of those Joss or Tim lines that makes them recognize that this show is a lot like Angel & Buffy. I remember I hooked a friend in the first 5 minutes of Serenity with 'We are just too damn pretty for god to let us die' I was accidentally watching 'Objects in Space' when one came over once, and let me tell you, that is NOT the episode to introduce them to the show with!
These are other ways I have tricked the fickle Buffy/Angel fans (and others) into Firefly bliss:
Nandi in Heart of Gold is played by the Dominatrix from CSI, this will work on your more 'alternative' lifestyle friends.
Jubel Early was a guy on Law Order, hey it got my mom to watch!
I actually told a friend that Holden 'Webs' Webster was on Firefly (as Webs) she fell for it and got sucked in, I can't help it if she's gullible.
Your 'I love the pain of the Buffy/Angelverse' people will fall in love with 'Out of Gas' god knows I can't get enough of that episode.
Your ex-military friends will get hooked during either the Message or Serenity, but I have found the former to work better.
And your Buffy Season 6 fans will get suckered in if you tell them Mal reminds you of the bitter angry resurrected Buffy.
Also your Drusilla fans will fall in love with River, cos she's like a smaller more barefoot Drusilla (crazy and dangerous is always a selling point).
But whatever you do, do not tell them that the guy from '2 guys, a girl and pizza place' is in it, NEVER DO THAT!

Or just be the jerk that buys all your friends & family Firefly for their birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, pet deaths, what have you. That's what I've done, and hey you're also increasing sales! So bonus for everyone! And hey, if I can get my 86 year old Stargate SG1 loving grandma to worship at the altar of Captain Tightpants, anyone can!

I took the road less traveled, AND THEY CANCELLED MY FRICKIN' SHOW!! -Joss


Friday, April 2, 2004 2:53 PM


The Buffy/Angel "Joss-abandoned-us" grudgeholders can be difficult. Admit I was leaning that way before Firefly started. Plus, you know, Space Western? what is he thinking Grudgingly watched the first episode and, well, here I am.

I find the Angel fans are a lot easier. If they think that Angel has gotten worse (I personally think season 4 was the best!) because Joss lost interest then I point out that Joss never really had a lot to do with the running of Angel. That David Greenwalt was running the show for the first couple of seasons and than others. So if they wanna be mad at anyone it should be David!

P.S. Sorry Mr Greenwalt, I still like you...but when it comes to converting people to Firefly I will stoop to any level!

Buffy fans, that's a little harder. I don't think the last seasons are as bad as some people do but I can't disagree that 2-4 were better, Adam notwithstanding.


Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:12 PM


Hey Ozgal! I live in New Zealand and haven't seen any news on region 4 DVD's of Firefly coming any time soon.

I just went ahead and bought the region 1 set anyway. I'd watched a few eps due to a friend having imported them in and immediately bought a set for myself online from Amazon.

And I'm so glad that I did I'm here to tell ya ;)


Saturday, April 3, 2004 9:44 PM


It would have been impossible to top Season 5 Buffy anyways, so a drop in quality was guaranteed thus Whedons shift in attention didn't really matter.

If the Buffy/Angel fans have seen season 7 Buffy and Season 4 Angel, then they already have an "in" with Fillion and Torres. So, if anything, they'll be interested in seeing the two baddies play good.






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