To Vote or Not to Vote, that is the Question

UPDATED: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 15:51
VIEWED: 2276
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Friday, June 15, 2007 5:05 PM


I am writing an article for News of the Verse on voting for Firefly in polls. I was hoping to get some feel for why or why don't people vote.

Would you browncoats please answer these questions for me?

1)Do you vote for Firefly? If so, Do you vote for BBC poll, TV vote, Stargate? Any others currently?

2)Why or why not vote? We search the 'Verse so you don't have to.


Saturday, June 16, 2007 6:21 AM


I do vote for firefly on the BBC poll and Tv Vote, but its really religiously, i do it whenever i remember to. The reason i do it is because i just see it as another way of supporting the show and showing other people that it is such a brilliant creation that people do go absolutely crazy for it.


Saturday, June 16, 2007 6:44 AM


Hi Redhead, thanks for your message. You asked if I vote and where...I consistently vote for Firefly as the best tv show ever at I do this, I suppose, because it's an outlet for some of my frustration regarding Firefly. First, I came late to the 'verse. I never saw the television series when it was on the air - life, apparently lots of pre-emptions, no real promos... all of these played a part. I vaguely heard of the film, Serenity during its all-too-brief run in a Nashville (98 miles away from my home) theater but never got to see it on the big screen. Last year -I thik it was July 2006- I finally saw the movie on our cable. I really liked it very much and when it was replayed, my husband and I both watched it and I told him it was based on a television series. Being the nice man he is he bought me the complete series on DVD and over the course of two days (we had to go to work, eat and sleep in between) we watched it...then we watched it just about every break we would look at one another and say "they canceled this - WHY?" It's become a catch-phrase in our house everytime we see something truly horrid on television..."..and they canceled FIREFLY??!! and this CRAP is on the air??!!" Anyway, the yearning for more lead me back to my long, long ago love of sci-fi and I discovered "Dragon*Con" just four hours away in Atlanta. I, and another reporter at our little newspaper conned our bosses into letting us go cover the convention and I saw a few browncoats, Summer Glau, and got even more fired up. After D*C I went back to the internet looking for any news of Firefly or Serenity and I found this site...It seemed there was little hope for a return to the series or (barring some big damn miracle) a sequel to Serenity. It seemed everytime there was a glimmer of hope; somebody would blow holes in it. To make a long story even longer, I started to check out some of the 'vote' threads. Even there, many posters were very negative about taking part calling it useless, meaningless and a waste of time. Voting in any poll may very well be pointless, but it is MY time to waste and it makes me feel like I am at least doing SOMETHING. When I started voting on the TVVote poll, Firefly was well below Queer as Folk; like 7th or 8th on the list. Now we're in second place and for some strange, pointless and meaningless reason that feels good to me. I have also voted for Firefly on the BBC poll and others but I am most consistent on TVVote. It is something to DO, for myself, to relieve some of my frustration that this magnificent jewel of a show was canceled with so many stories left to be told. That Firefly will become such a footnote in television history leaving some future t.v. suits saying things like "wow, firefly's audience showed up late, dude" "yeah, too bad what other mean-spirited, nasty reality shows do we have up our sleeves to feed the masses this year?"...makes me sick at heart for the future. Voting once an hour helps me for whatever pointless and meaningless and 'on-line polls don't ever count no one looks at them.." well, I do. This site has proven to be the one bright spot in my deep and true sadness that there will never be another Firefly episode. I will be returning to Dragon*Con this year but not as a worker; as a participant marching with the 76th Independent Battalion. Founded, as I'm sure you know, by another fan. Set up on the thinnest of mentions in a 'flashback' scene from Firefly..a show that didn't even run a full season. Don't know as that has ever happened with any series before. Sorry if this has gone on much, much longer than you wanted for a few simple answers to a few simple questions but I had to sort through some brain-tangles to understand myself. OOPs...time to vote again!


Saturday, June 16, 2007 7:14 AM


Thanks both of you and

Sister, Wow!

That was an awesome response. I know I'm going to use "Voting in any poll may very well be pointless, but it is MY time to waste and it makes me feel like I am at least doing SOMETHING." I feel inspired by your email to vote even more than I do.

Your job is a reporter? MMM, have you checked out Our aim is to gather the news, projects, and events from all the different fan sites and on the web mentions. We want to put them all in one easy to reach place and we would love for people (reporters are especially nice people) to submit any happenings in the Firefly verse. We want to make following what is going on simple. We're similar to Whedonesque but we're only Firefly and we try to bring information from the different threads on the different boards together ie (when Adam Baldwin stopped posting on the OB last Sunday, we summarized and linked back to the original thread.)

We'd love anybody's input but yours would be especially wonderful.

Thank you! We search the 'Verse so you don't have to.


Saturday, June 16, 2007 7:44 AM


Yes I do vote on the BBC poll, only for Firefly though since no matter how good any tv show is it will never compare to Firefly plus I've never been a Trekkie, Scaper or any other big fan of any other tv show.

I vote for Firefly cause if my votes help contribute to Firefly coming top of the poll then that means more publicity for Firefly.

Darkfly's Fan fiction, The Dark Chronicles OUT NOW, Chapters 2-4 have been added

Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Saturday, June 16, 2007 8:22 AM



Originally posted by redhead:
1)Do you vote for Firefly? If so, Do you vote for BBC poll, TV vote, Stargate? Any others currently?

Yes. Currently I'm voting in TV vote and the BBC when I remember other polls not so much.


2)Why or why not vote?

The idea is to maximize awareness of the 'Verse. It's actually worked too; the BBC poll was sparked by Serenity winning this poll and after the Beeb story sales of Serenity at Amazon UK went up. The more people notice our 'Verse the more browncoats there are the greater the chances of more 'Verse.


"Not completely as well as the series of Firefly..." - From a review of Serenity at


Saturday, June 16, 2007 8:44 AM



I got your PM. Will reply when I have a chance (off to a wedding - weekends are busy)


---- ---- ---- ---- ----
FlyVote (version 2.6) Be a Big Damn Hero: For Windows/Linux/MacOS9/MacOSX. Vote for our Big Damn Heroes!


Saturday, June 16, 2007 11:32 AM


Howdy REDHEAD :)

First a couple of statements then I'll move on to your questions about voting.Now SISTER has said it so very well and many of us feel her aggravation,pain and frustration as only another browncoat can. I too want to help out as much as I can but time,money and family-family have to come first. My browncoat family is my family too and I want to be there for them and Firefly as much as I can but I do have limitations. Anyway since I can't obligate myself to traveling long distances or staging big shindigs I have to be content with just trying to stir the brew on the forum boards.That way at least I can contribute and do little art projects and jokes kinda like CLJOHNSTON, a browncoat friend of mine.

Now for your question. I do vote tv-vote often but I wouldn't say religiously. I do it when I think about it and yepper it does make me feel good and like I'm doing something. I vote tv-vote because there is no signing up for anything to do it. It's simple, so I go there and do it. Having to sign up on a site just to cast a vote isn't that appealing to me. That's why I mainly stick to tv-vote.

Well that about it, Z out


Saturday, June 16, 2007 1:18 PM


1. Yes I vote. I use FlyVote's vote reminder thingy and I vote all around the 'Verse when I do it, BBC, tv vote, Stargate, over at Skiffy, etc.

There are some days that I forget, though.

2. You know, I was not a big proponent nor believer in voting until the SFX poll translated into the sales and attention from the BBC. Then I sat up and took notice.

Firefly/Serenity being in the public eye helps, no two ways about it.

Now, all that being said, it's not always popular to request that folks vote in the 'Verse. When the BSC posted the Call to Arms post here recently, I was asked by a rather posh British fan on the UK board to do something to myself that was anatomically impossible and literally made to feel unwelcome over there. They'd had enough of voting and requests it seems. So it's not BC wide that it's being thought of as the thing to do.

I also want to point out that over on Whedonesque where a link to the IMDB vote is up there is a rather lackluster response and some comments about the fandom being not as strong as it once was.

Scroll to the last two posts.

That's for another question and answer and debate session though.....

To join us go here:


Saturday, June 16, 2007 1:56 PM


I started out voting on the TV Vote website because I thought that it would bring some extra attention to the show and because I'm naturally competitive. I also enjoy interacting with the great people on the vote thread on this board. Actually, my very first post was on the TV Vote thread. I had been lurking for months, until, like a good browncoat, I loaned out my only Firefly dvd set and started posting as a way to deal with not watching the show regularly.(I've since purchased an extra set.)

And then I started voting, with the help of Flyvote(GREATNESS!!), everyday, every waking hour I could. It was fun and I had the time. I figure every little bit helps. So why not.

Vote for Firefly at

"The lion and the calf shall lie down together but the calf won't get much sleep." Woody Allen


Sunday, June 17, 2007 3:53 PM


Hi Redhead; got your PM and figured I'd post here.

Been out on vacation for two weeks; so I've not been as visible on either the BBC or TV_vote topics as usual; I expect to resume my usual activities at this point.

I've been an active participant on the tv_vote poll for about 8 months; why? Hmmm. Well, it has gained us visibility amongst other various fandoms which vote there; and there's a certain amount of 'pride' in pushing Serenity to a #1 spot. If it gartners more attention at some point than just the fan folk who visit there, great! If not, well, I'd like to see Serenity 'top' the chart there at least briefly to show our fans have as much 'stick to it'ness as the Xena fan base has shown.

The BBC poll was driven by the 'success' in the SFX poll, as I'm sure you know. I was also active in the SFX poll. We were rather surprised when SFX published the 'results' that sales of Serenity spiked in the UK, where SFX is widely distributed (I've since noticed SFX on the newstands in the US). I have to believe that the BBC coverage of that also helped drive a few sales. Sales equals improved odds of some sort of sequel activity, so the more the merrier. I'm hoping that at some point BBC closes out their poll, and publishes some sort of story on it; that would be the best. I'd settle for them just closing the poll if they aren't going to so we can stop voting, though;-). In any case, going to keep a close eye on it and will attempt to rally the troops if we fade off.

In general, I'll pop over to most any poll once or twice; however, since anyone anywhere can start a poll at some point you have to draw a line. At that point, I try to prioritize those which
a) Are most fun (eg: tv_vote)
b) Are most likely to raise awareness to others about Serenity / Firefly.

Please vote for Firefly:

BBC poll is still open, vote!

Consider $5/year to support FFF:


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 9:08 AM


Just wanted to let everyone know that I posted the Voting article on

You all gave me such great quotes I had trouble choosing. The article practically wrote itself. Between info I got here and from other boards, I found a new perspective.

Also MySerenityBF from Universal HD Board submitted a story with a number of voting links I was unaware of. Might want to check them out and see if you are interested in voting those polls.

Thank you for being so great. Hope you enjoy the article. We search the 'Verse so you don't have to.


Tuesday, June 19, 2007 3:51 PM



Originally posted by redhead:

1)Do you vote for Firefly? If so, Do you vote for BBC poll, TV vote, Stargate? Any others currently?

Yes. Most often on TV Vote (that is, every hour I can get my paws on a frakkin' keyboard!) but I hit the others occasionally too.


2)Why or why not vote?

Why not?

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at






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