Adam on the radio

UPDATED: Monday, June 25, 2007 09:34
VIEWED: 3555
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Sunday, June 24, 2007 1:26 AM



Adam was on the phone at my friend Tommy's radio show. This is the link to the podcast:


scroll down to C. Thomas Howell and play "Breakfast in Bed".

He talked about Chuck, his new movie "Gospel Hill": and many other funny things.
Unfortunately he also said that for us Browncoats is time to move on...hope he was just joking...



Sunday, June 24, 2007 11:35 AM


For me, the only indispensable cast member is Nathan. If Adam has given up hope and moved on to other things, I'm both sad and glad for him.

But until I hear Joss himself tell us to lay down arms, I will hold the line.


Sunday, June 24, 2007 11:55 AM


Actually it isn't the first time he has said that. Can't find that old interview I read, but some time ago I read that he thought it was time to move on.

Perhaps he is right... in the sense of being on standby, rather than ready for the continuation.


Sunday, June 24, 2007 3:04 PM



Originally posted by xardoz:
For me, the only indispensable cast member is Nathan. If Adam has given up hope and moved on to other things, I'm both sad and glad for him.

But until I hear Joss himself tell us to lay down arms, I will hold the line.

I think they are all great in thier parts. But until Josh says otherwise- I am here

Although i am going to guess it was a joke....




Sunday, June 24, 2007 4:37 PM


Until last week Adam was posting almost daily on the OB(the Fox Firefly board). He decided last week that it was time for him to leave the board.

Adam saying "It's time to move on" may tied in with him leaving the message boards.


Sunday, June 24, 2007 5:38 PM



Originally posted by Tinadoll:
Although i am going to guess it was a joke....

Didn't sound like it to me. Wow...that didn't feel good. He just flat refused to answer Firefly questions.


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police


Sunday, June 24, 2007 6:05 PM


everyone moves forward in their own way, and at their own speed.

And no one ever says never...

Adam may have other things he wants to put his time and attention to; fair play to him... and when the time comes for a new film, my bet is he will be there.. if not, thanks for what we got so far.



Sunday, June 24, 2007 7:07 PM


Chindi's right. Adam has said before that he feels that he has to move on.

Fair enough. An actor has to eat, has to work, they can't pin all of their hopes on a role that may never materialize again.

My bet, though, as well, is that if the sequel is made, Adam will be there, ready to roll along with the others.

As for me, I'm grateful that Mr. Baldwin rode with us this far, generously shared his time, effort and love with the fans! Thank you, Adam, and know that we're supporting you in whatever new ventures are ahead!


Monday, June 25, 2007 12:45 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

If Adam has "moved on" it is as others here have said to continue his career and meet his obligations. If a sequel comes along, I imagine he will be there, not only for the check, but because he enjoyed his time with the cast and Joss.

As for whether it is "time to move on" for the browncoats, seems to me that is up to us not anyone else.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Sergeant

[img] [/img]


Monday, June 25, 2007 3:41 AM


Gee, I always saw Adam as the most ardent Browncoat among the cast.
I wonder why he felt it necessary to make a Grand Exit from the OB (deleting his account, making a big announcement), rather than just posting less often.


Monday, June 25, 2007 4:23 AM



Originally posted by Causal:

Originally posted by Tinadoll:
Although i am going to guess it was a joke....

Didn't sound like it to me. Wow...that didn't feel good. He just flat refused to answer Firefly questions.

...I know. I feel horrible. Makes me feel disgusted to be a Jayne fan. I will ofcourse support his work and i am sure he will be there if there is a sequal

But don't diss the fans..



Monday, June 25, 2007 4:29 AM



Originally posted by cljohnston108:
Gee, I always saw Adam as the most ardent Browncoat among the cast.
I wonder why he felt it necessary to make a Grand Exit from the OB (deleting his account, making a big announcement), rather than just posting less often.

Yeah, same here. Makes me wonder if something didn't happen to sour him to the Browncoat community. I'd like to see the "big announcement" if anyone happened to grab it.


- Grand High Poobah of the Mythical Land of Iowa, and Keeper of State Secrets
- Captain, Grammar Police


Monday, June 25, 2007 4:37 AM



Originally posted by Causal:
I'd like to see the "big announcement" if anyone happened to grab it.


From: Selcouth (thymewarp) Jun-10 12:57 pm
To: ALL (1 of 792)


I did intend to leave a farewell post, but the account deleted faster than I expected (which is fine).

So, here goes:

I truly appreciate all of the interesting and thoughtful posts that folks have made over the years, it has been highly informative.

My leaving the O.B. is really is no more complicated than the fact that after five years, it is time.

FF discussions were pretty well done, as far as I could tell.

I'm not much for chit chat threads...

As to polis:

The President has prevailed in the political war against the radical left defeatists and their fellow travelers. The U.S. Military has prevailed in Iraq (the mop up continues).

And since the GOP defeated McCain/Kennedy's huge immigration bill, what's left? A potential SCOTUS replacement? The '08 election? An Air war against Iran. Meh... those things will work out as they work out, I'm not interested in arguing that stuff, cause (a) Mrs. Clinton/Obama won't win (Giuliani, Thompson, or Romney will); the SCOTUS thingy is too esoteric for broad indepth discussions to nowhere & Iran... well, isn't Iran Bush's exit strategy to be completed by his successor? [have fun with that hypothetical "if" (for children)]. ;- )

I've had a blast... and the board was really fun for a lot longer than I ever expected.

Now it's time for to have 'other' fun.

Serenity always,


P.S. Please don't bug Thyme. :- )


Monday, June 25, 2007 4:40 AM


*sad for us-happy for Adam*

Well we have lots of shiny FF discussions over here if he wants to join...



Monday, June 25, 2007 6:06 AM


"Moving on" doesn't mean giving up. I "moved on" a long time ago.....meaning, for me, I accepted a "reality" that there won't be any more Firefly or Serenity. I love the series and the movie, and I'm grateful for the little material we have.


Monday, June 25, 2007 7:46 AM


Life is a question of balance. Being a Browncoat is fun in and of itself and should be cherished for that reason. There are good people here and good times to be had.

We had a lovely look into the "verse" and it was good, the experience has brought us together. I would love to see more. I think it is possible, though I intend to be patient as I think Joss is creative and will want to do something different to move the Firefly concept on.

In the meantime, I still have a life. Work is important and good. I have fine friends, a loving family and wife and if this is all we have to celebrate in the "verse" then "hail and well met" I am glad it was here.

Remember though, the Startek fandom was active and alive in 60's and 70's with no support from the industry. Then the bean counters did the math and figured they could make money and the rest was history. Fandom kept it alive there were many movies, series spinoffs, books and even a Saturday Morning cartoon. They enjoyed what they had and the world moved on. That same energy is here.

I go forth gladly and hope you all do the same.


Monday, June 25, 2007 8:34 AM


Tell ya what I think… maybe because I’m a very up person, or maybe because I just came off a CSTS screening and am feeling a bit philosophical… (with apologies for echoing others (‘cause I type kinda slow) and bending ears with my two cents.)

Different people have different ways of going about it, but I tend to separate the actors from the characters and the ‘verse itself. Helps keep that suspension of disbelief line from blurring. Would be happy to buy any of them (the actors) a drink in any bar, but not as Mal or Inara or Jayne etc. To me, the ‘verse lives distinct.

What I do sometimes, though, is think about it all from the point of view of Joss, or Adam, or Jewel, or any of the people who put so much of themselves into creating something that we all value so much. Joss, I think, likened the cancellation to a gut-punch, and you have to assume, to varying degrees, that the rest of them felt the same- especially if, as Adam mentioned, they all “got it” as they were filming, which is a rarity. I think they did feel for the ‘verse as we did/do. Listening to them all, it sounds like they all had an emotional connection to the ship, to the ‘verse, and to the characters as we all came to have.

The only difference is they do it for a living. They put a lot of themselves into making something we all could enjoy- laugh and cry and soar and fall. But when it got taken away, it hit double: they lost the ‘verse and they got fired, with all that comes with that. When the BDM took shape, I think it’s probably fair to say we all felt that rush, and the actors got a second lease, and clearly put themselves into it headlong. What a BDM! They got to re-live the ‘verse and re-tell the story, as well as getting a chance to showcase their talents again. And when it all didn’t go as well in the traditionally accepted manner that everybody hoped, think of the disappointment and the frustration and who knows what other feelings that come when your work isn’t recognized as you wanted it to be.

So it sounds to me like Adam’s tired (and frustrated and a little bitter) but, you know- fair enough. At what point do you stop tilting at windmills? Actors gotta act, and we all gotta eat.

But you know what else? It ain’t over. It ain’t over ‘cause Joss still has a story to tell. It ain’t over because it’s in our hearts; because those dvds, and those screenings, and those shindigs, and those cons keep it flying. If you watched BSG 27 years ago, would you have guessed? Who would have imagined what Star Trek was going to become? We’ve done the impossible and we’re not done yet. Who knows what form the ‘verse has yet to take, or when, but you can be sure it’ll be poetical. Epic-like, in fact.

Different people do it differently. Adam says he’s done, and Jewel says she’s going to the Vancouver CSTS screening. What does it all mean? Dunno. Do a UniversalHD message board and Special Edition dvd mean anything? I hope so. Regardless of contractual obligations, if they all got the chance to take part in the ‘verse and tell the story again, would they? I do think so. As long as there are screenings, and dvds, and browncoats, am I going to keep flying? I know so.

So, do we hold? Damn right.


Monday, June 25, 2007 8:45 AM


yeah, we hold.

As someone above said, there is a community here. WE don't have to move on til, or when or if we ever want to.

For me, this verse is about the BDH but it is also about each of you.. Chris, and FollowMal and Bix and Jetflair and MAIII and everyone else who gives me a hello in the morning when I log on, or a howdy in the afternoon. Who tell me about a charity event or the DVDs in space...

and then there is Joss.. as long as he is breathing, there is still more to come sometime, somewhere somehow..

Up above, someone posted about separating the actor from the character. A very accurate and astute observation.. and MAYBE Adam needs to withdraw from the OB and all those discussions,, so that when Jayne comes back, he won't be Adam in Jayne's hat. There can be disillusion when you know an actor too well...

anyway, I stay here cus of the community we built. And the BDH are a part of that community, but they are not all of it.



Monday, June 25, 2007 9:34 AM


Took me awhile to download the podcast on my dial-up, but now that I've listened to it...

Adam sounded like he'd had a LOT of caffeine before he'd called these guys (who he apparently has a history with) to talk about his current project. (I like that CT knew what a Browncoat was (unlike Mark & Brian)!)
He knew he had a limited amount of time, and he probably just felt this wasn't the time to open the Firefly floodgates.
I don't think he's gone Shatner on us.

I (partially) agree with Orson Scott Card's comments in Part 2 of his Firefly Talk interview (Episode #51)...


Eric Olsen: I wonder what the odds are that we'll ever get anymore Firefly in some form or another...
Orson Scott Card: Well, I was hoping that you'd be "in the know" on that one!
Eric Olsen: Hehe, unfortunately we have not heard a peep.
Orson Scott Card: Look, the truth is, if Serenity had been a huge runaway hit... Yeah, of course, we'd be seeing sequels out the wazoo. But these actors have to have a life, and they have to be able to go on and make their plans, make their changes. And so, right now, my guess is, that while everybody who was in the cast feels a great nostalgia for their wonderful time on the show, I think it would be very hard now to reassemble the cast. Plus, it's been enough years, some of them are starting to look a little older. So, to reassemble that team, I don't think its even really... unless it can be done immediately, I don't know that it would be worth trying. I think that what we have to say is, "We got those episodes, few as they are. We have this great landmark feature film. And that's enough." It really is enough. What we need now is not more episodes of Firefly, or more sequels to Serenity. We need more Science Fiction, set in different settings, that is just as good. In other words, it's the artistic standard we need to reach — the storytelling standard; the writing standard; the acting standard. Not this exact thing. Y'know, that's one of the things that's been wrong with the influence of film Science Fiction on the genre as a whole: The fans of Star Trek don't want Science Fiction — they just want more Star Trek. The fans of Star Wars don't want Science Fiction — they want more Star Wars. Well, Science Fiction has always thriven on the idea that, "I want something new. I want you to take me to a place I've never been before, and show me a world I've never seen before. Give me experiences that did not exist until you invented them." That's the opposite of what Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans keep demanding. So, there's now a huge section of the bookstore, or several shelves, that are devoted to repetitions of previous experiences. That's not Science Fiction anymore — that's just continuing your addiction to your particular soap opera that just happens to have a guy with pointy ears in it. So, in a way, it would be defeating what Firefly accomplished by continuing to yearn for Firefly, and exactly Firefly, with these actors playing these characters. Instead, what we should be looking for is, what's the next series that's going to be this good that's not going to be formulaic?


"Spry for a dead fella!"






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