getting close to 40

UPDATED: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 03:02
VIEWED: 5710
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Saturday, September 22, 2007 7:09 PM


I'm nearly 38..people I know keep telling me to grow up coz I'm nearly 40...what does that mean? Apparently it includes not obsessing about television shows that have died, and giving up some of my other interests....not gonna happen!!!


Saturday, September 22, 2007 8:41 PM


Good for you!

I'm 36. This fandom is as diverse and can be. You are just lucky to know something this special.


Saturday, September 22, 2007 10:16 PM


I'm 44 and the best motto I've heard is....
"I may grow older but I refuse to grow up!!!"
I don't know who said it but I've made it my motto for life. Bein 40 is fun, at least for me it is!!!

I wear a blaster under my Browncoat


Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:42 PM


Grow up? All the people who I know who have "Grown Up" have lost all their passion for life. Grow older, Yes. Have more responsibilities, OK. Don't grow up though. Don't loose that passion for life or anything in your life.

Universal HD's Firefly Boards at

Say Thanks to Universal for the BDM at

nusquam in ut nusquam


Sunday, September 23, 2007 12:57 AM


Hey I hear you man. I'm 36 and in little danger of 'growing up'. Although the way I see it I'm far more mature and responsible than people who claim me immature.

My life is organised, I don't owe money and I don't cheat on my girlfriend and ask my friends to lie about where I've been (like a few married folk I know of). I Don't drive like a licensed bandit on public roads, but I do indulge in going karting on a designated race circuit. I wax lyrical about Buffy to friends who think me bizarre because I don't obsess about watching the news and keeping up with current 'affairs' - (they aint current to me so stuff 'em).

Oh and apparently my job is immature and I ought to move to London where all the 'big' money is. Yeah right! Balls to that! I draw cartoons for a living, and my Nieces and Nephews love me for it!

Way I see it is so long as you do people no harm, they have no right telling you how to behave. No one knows what this ride is all it about.


Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:17 AM


I'm 51, amd dress as an Independent Soldier at conventions. "growing up" is highly over-rated in that regard. My opinion, you hold down a job, take care of you and yours, pay your bills, and enjoy life...thats plenty grown up enough. and if the "enjoy life" part includes being involved in a fanbase for a cancelled TV show, and interacting with wonderful browncoated friends, well, folk who don't understand that need to mind their own business.

Commander, Alpha Company, 76th Independent Battalion

also the designated sasquatch


Sunday, September 23, 2007 2:26 AM


I am considered very weird amongst my friends for being interested in not only a cancelled sci-fi show, but also such things as graphic novels (Gaiman and Moore) and loud guitar music.

However, I think we are more interesting as people because we don't follow the herd and act 'appropriate to our age'.

There is a poem that starts 'When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple...'. In our case, it's brown all the way!


Sunday, September 23, 2007 3:13 AM


gorram right!

Commander, Alpha Company, 76th Independent Battalion

also the designated sasquatch


Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:57 AM


*Looks at alarm clock in, uh, alarm.*

Day-um! I overslept "adult" by 10 years! Oh, well, since I'm comfy in my still-warm kiddie-hood...

*rolls over and goes back to play*

Some of us NEVER grow up. *waves to indicate self*


Originally posted by boris:
I'm nearly 38..people I know keep telling me to grow up coz I'm nearly 40...what does that mean? Apparently it includes not obsessing about television shows that have died, and giving up some of my other interests....not gonna happen!!!

Capn Mark of the Shiny Apple

Shiny Apple--a rare treat but handle with care or I'll blow yer gorram head off!


Sunday, September 23, 2007 12:04 PM


ha! I knew this would be the place to get rational intelligent feed back on the "growing up" issue. good to know there are more people out there who can enjoy life, and not worry about silly social concerns. to be honest, my more "mature" friends, are a pretty unhappy lot. hearty thanks to all of you.


Sunday, September 23, 2007 12:12 PM


Now I am learning about scary.

I'm 43 and my sister recently told me she sees some of me in her 6-year-old daughter. I couldn't be prouder!

Not gonna grow up if it means having no passion or enthusiasm for anything. I'm a fan of many crazy things (even the Cubs) and I don't aim to stop just because my age is a certain number. Nope.

You have my full support, Boris!

"We need to keep our heads so we can ... keep our heads."


Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:08 PM


I just turned 39 on the 29th of August. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to grow up. They're all just cold and dead inside, missing something in their own lives if you ask me.

Stay who you are and when people ask you why you're so gorram happy... you tell 'em what everyone else here has said. "I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!"

Now go out there and spread the word to thems that need it! :D


Sunday, September 23, 2007 4:50 PM



Originally posted by Mudkicker:
I just turned 39 on the 29th of August. Don't let anyone tell you that you need to grow up. They're all just cold and dead inside, missing something in their own lives if you ask me.

Stay who you are and when people ask you why you're so gorram happy... you tell 'em what everyone else here has said. "I may grow older, but I'll never grow up!"

Now go out there and spread the word to thems that need it! :D

Amen! 47 and loving the 'verse. This is the first time I've ever done anything like this and I'm having the time of my life!

The quote is."I may grow older, but not up..." by the Parrothead poet himself, Jimmy Buffet.


Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:32 PM


oh, uh...excuse me, I seemed to have wandered into the retirement home thread. I'll just show me purdy, 21 year old ass to the door.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at


Sunday, September 23, 2007 5:40 PM



Originally posted by derangedmilk:
oh, uh...excuse me, I seemed to have wandered into the retirement home thread. I'll just show me purdy, 21 year old ass to the door.

"Storms getting worse."
"We'll pass through it soon enough."

Vote for Firefly at

I'm not anywhere near retirement, you young whippersnapper!

It was my then 16 year old daughter (now 18, hey maybe I am old?) that introduced me to Serenity and then Firefly.

BTW we spent this weekend plotting and planning Halloween costumes. We dress up to give out candy. She's going to be a female ninja in a black kimono and I'm putting finishing touches on a Zoe costume.


Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:37 PM


Boris, I'll be 38 in about two weeks. Growing up means growing old so forget about it!

"Well, my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle."


Sunday, September 23, 2007 6:59 PM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by boris:
I'm nearly 38..people I know keep telling me to grow up coz I'm nearly 40...what does that mean? Apparently it includes not obsessing about television shows that have died, and giving up some of my other interests....not gonna happen!!!

I turned 40 a whole month ago... so far I feel younger than ever and I am certainly not going to give up on the wonders of life... like 'Firefly' and 'Serenity', wearing odd socks, singing silly songs on trains, pretending my toes are unicorns when I am exhausted on the Subway and I have "Charlie... Charlie... Charlie... We're on a bridge Charlie, a wonderful magical bridge Charlie!" and pretending I went to Hogwarts when i am playing with kids, or having Father Christmas on my speed dial on my mobile... or having food-gasms, shoe-gasms, choc-gasms, or just good old orgasms when i am out and about!!

I don't intend to start acting like a 40 year old... coz nobody has given me a handbook to 'How to act like a 40 year old" yet... nor have I met anyone whom I took one look at their behaviour and thought "Oh by the way they are acting that person must be 40!"

I don't worry about whether folk are intimidated if I smile at them coz if they are they need more smiles in their life, not less!

I will tell someone I love their outfit if I do - no matter whether I know them or not!!

I will sing and dance in the car with the radio up way too loud! I will keep 'The Ballad of Serenity' as my mobile phone ring... at least until I find the 'Fruity Oaty Bar' as a MP3 track for free!

I will take glomps, tackle hugs, snuggly cuddles and give them in return to whomsoever needs or wants them... (unless they make me really sad... and even then...)

I will keep loving my friends and telling them that I do! I will hold my best friends' hands in public and not care what folk think! I will kiss and hug my friends coz you can never have too many of those!

I will attend dress up parties with a sense of commitment to the theme or character which is the order of the night!

I will continue to share of myself with my friends near and far!!

I will treat each new opportunity like an adventure!

I will love and cherish my friends and family no matter how little time I get to spend with them, on or off line!

And most of all - I will love and cherish myself!!

And I have discovered that younger men rock!!! (They didn't seem to so much when I was younger myownself... )

I keep wondering what I will do when I grow up - perhaps I'll go to university and study history or jewellery making... at any rate I am heading to live in France for a year next year... after than - who knows??

I remember Julia Roberts saying, when she gave birth to her twins, "I feel like a real grown up" I loved her for it - in her late 30s she still didn't feel like a grownup until she had her own little ones, and being grown up doesn't mean losing your passion for life when you're talking about kids!!!



Monday, September 24, 2007 1:21 AM


Far as I can see, age is just a state of mind. As long as we keep following our own goofy little stars, I reckon we'll stay young and interested in life, in our heads, at least.

I just had a birthday (there's a party thread) and as far as I am concerned it just meant that people gave me a load of neat stuff for my kitchen. (cookbooks - not one of which has any indication of 'diet' or 'low fat' anywhere in it's conception.)

Recently, at a friend's house, the dinner talk turned to DIY and property prices. I had the urge to put two forks up my nose and shout 'wibble'. I was also one of the oldest people there. *sigh*

I don't think having a house and paying a mortgage means you have to hang up your enthusiasm for anything - it just means that you have your own space to put all your comic books in!


Monday, September 24, 2007 5:07 AM


Boris seems that you’ve gotten great feedback from everyone here. Just to add my 2 cents. I myself am over the half-century mark just barely and am proud of it. It feels good to know that I’ve made it this far. Like my father-in-law always says “ I’m happy to have lived another year than to reached the alternative!”

Anyway people that are telling you to grow up are likely just not interested in Firefly, si/fi or several other things that you try to talk to them about. This only means that right now those folk may not have the same interest as you do. An example, I really am hooked on FF/Serenity and I talk about it all the time. It doesn’t make me less mature than, lets say a friend on mine that wants the add more horsepower to his car engine because he wants to go faster. Or another friend that loves to talk about fishing and tells me about all the fish he caught last week, or another friend that is forever complaining about his acing muscles because of the softball tournament he played in the past weekend. These are all things I did when I was much younger. I have nothing against any of my friends wanting to do them. But their interest in these things doesn’t make them more “mature” than me, just different.

Enjoy your age no matter what you like, don’t like, are interested in or couldn’t care a ruttin hoot about. As long as it isn’t harming anyone it’s your business. Oh and bwt if you are trying to convince them into watching FF don’t stop. A little resistance is often common.


Monday, September 24, 2007 6:05 AM


When I grow up I wanna be taller.



I think it's 'cause he's just so ... old. I'm not sure how old he is, but I heard him use the word "newfangled" one time. So he's gotta be pretty far gone.


Monday, September 24, 2007 6:27 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:
Far as I can see, age is just a state of mind. As long as we keep following our own goofy little stars, I reckon we'll stay young and interested in life, in our heads, at least.

I just had a birthday (there's a party thread) and as far as I am concerned it just meant that people gave me a load of neat stuff for my kitchen. (cookbooks - not one of which has any indication of 'diet' or 'low fat' anywhere in it's conception.)

Recently, at a friend's house, the dinner talk turned to DIY and property prices. I had the urge to put two forks up my nose and shout 'wibble'. I was also one of the oldest people there. *sigh*

I don't think having a house and paying a mortgage means you have to hang up your enthusiasm for anything - it just means that you have your own space to put all your comic books in!

HA! Truer words were never spoken! Good to see there are folk out there like me. Ya I have more responsibilities and as such have to BE more responsible but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to eat Count Chocula cereal whilst watching Teen Titans cartoons with my little girls.
I play softball at the ripe old age of 40 and only plan on stepping back from that sport when my body can't keep up with my mind anymore. And that's not gonna happen because I will it not to be so.
There's a difference in the definitions. Some people say to grow up because they see you loving a TV show and think it's immature. To me immature is someone that can't accept responsibility, NOT someone that exersizes their imagination.

"Got a headful of lightning
And a heart full of rain
And I know that I said
I'd never do it again
Oh and I love you sweet baby but I always take the long way home."


Monday, September 24, 2007 6:37 AM



Originally posted by SpaceAnJL:

There is a poem that starts '

"i am old, i am old - i shall wear the bottom of my (brown) trousers rolled"

ts elliot.


Monday, September 24, 2007 6:59 AM


I so like your response to this one Magdalena.

Turned 40 a couple of months ago and too be honest I don't know what alll the fuss is about, I am quite enjoying it.

I was plenty out spoken prior to turning 40 and always said that once I reach the myhthical middle age I would say exactly what I wanted without hesitation, well I am 40 and I do say what I think and boy (or girl) it feels so much better.

Its not my fault if someone wants to know what I think of them and they don't like what's said, if you don't want to know the truth do not ask the question is my new motto.

Anyway life after 40 is good, as far as I'm concerned, enjoy it and have fun.

There is too much frowning and not enough smiling in this world.

Just been to France, lovely place the majority of people we met were really friendly, just have a go at the local lingo and join in it worked for us.

Why have they taken the sky from ME


Monday, September 24, 2007 2:11 PM


can't wait to be forty, sounds like a liberating kind of milestone...getting kind of sick of my thirties now anyway.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007 3:02 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Zephyr1956:
I'm 51, amd dress as an Independent Soldier at conventions. "growing up" is highly over-rated in that regard. My opinion, you hold down a job, take care of you and yours, pay your bills, and enjoy life...thats plenty grown up enough. and if the "enjoy life" part includes being involved in a fanbase for a cancelled TV show, and interacting with wonderful browncoated friends, well, folk who don't understand that need to mind their own business.


Well said Zeph, and I agree one hundred percent.

To the Special Hell with what some people think. Let them look down their noses at us. Let them whisper that we're "strange" because we are fans of a dead tv show. Let them laugh because they don't understand. I for one feel sorry for them because they will never know the camaraderie I have found with my fellow browncoats. They will never know that feeling of being part of something bigger than themselves.

Grow up hell! I'm staying young at heart until the day I check out.

Holding the line since December '02!

[img] [/img]

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company
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