Serenity Extended Edition on DVD

UPDATED: Friday, April 9, 2004 16:48
VIEWED: 5567
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Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:07 PM


I'd hope this idea is already stale, being done and old news. But just in case it isn't ...

There would have to be HUGE support for an extended edition of the Serenity movie, released on DVD. Maybe another 30 - 45 minutes worth.

Very small marginal cost involved, because I think the extra scenes the DVD-buying fans would most appreciate getting more of, would be extra scenes of personal interaction between the crew. Not extra high cost action scenes. But stuff that might slow down the pace of a big movie release, but that would be sweet nectar to fans of the show and those most likely to buy a DVD. And what a great way to sell the DVD to us after seeing the movie - you'd just HAVE to get it.

This seems like such an obvious win for everyone - we get more Firefly, more of Joss' brilliant writing, the studio gets more money, etc - that it seems like it shouldn't even need to be suggested. And yet the last time Mutant Enemy had a huge opportunity to do exactly this (the final episode of Buffy, which I think desperately needed another 5 or 10 minutes of scenes just between the main characters), it didn't happen. But whether you agree with me or not about Buffy, who thinks this would be a good way to go with the movie?

Regards to All


Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:15 PM


I think it's a splendid idea! I for one would definitely buy the extended edition.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 3:24 PM


Seems like a no brainer...Hell yeah!

"It's not your moment yet..."


Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:24 PM


"There would have to be HUGE support for an extended edition of the Serenity movie, released on DVD. Maybe another 30 - 45 minutes worth."

That would be stupid. Special editions are just a way for companies to milk more moolah out of a product. (I do, however, respect director's cuts.) The version that is shown in theaters should be the "real version." I don't have a problem with deleted scenes being placed on the DVD, though, as long as they are extras not treated as canon.

Also, if there's enough footage for 30-40 additional minutes, that pretty much means something's going wrong with the movie.

Of course, if there is an extended edition DVD, I will buy it. But I think Joss Whedon has more dignity than to allow an extended edition DVD release.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:29 PM


I'm a little surprised about this topic; the film hasn't even been made yet...
If Joss has 2 hours of film he wants to show then it will be a 2 hour movie...
if he ends up with 3 hours of film which he needs to tell his story then it will be a 3 hour movie...
I don't see any reason to assume that there will be any need for an 'extended' DVD.
It isn't like on TV where he had to cut scenes to satisfy the advertising the networks need to run.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:51 PM



Originally posted by Sydneysider:
I'd hope this idea is already stale, being done and old news. But just in case it isn't ...
There would have to be HUGE support for an extended edition of the Serenity movie, released on DVD. Maybe another 30 - 45 minutes worth.
... who thinks this would be a good way to go with the movie?

Duh. :-)
i'm sure we'll buy with or without the extras but extras would be a nice gift. isn't the latest to release twice, once as shown, rake in the bucks, then a few months later with all the extras, more bucks. just business $marts.

"They say the snow on the roof is too heavy. They say the ceiling will cave in. His brains are in terrible danger."


Thursday, April 8, 2004 4:59 PM



Originally posted by InvisibleGreen:
That would be stupid. Special editions are just a way for companies to milk more moolah out of a product. (I do, however, respect director's cuts.) The version that is shown in theaters should be the "real version." I don't have a problem with deleted scenes being placed on the DVD, though, as long as they are extras not treated as canon.

What's the difference between a dircetor's cut and an extended edition?

To me there is no difference because the director's cut is just the director being allowed to rerelease their movie with differing scenes/extended scenes than in the theatrical release. That is exactly what an extended edition is as well. The director had to cut stuff that wasn't ABSOLUTELY necessary to the big plot. Therefore, he gets a chance to add the cuts back in for the audience to enjoy at home. A movie can only run for so long in theaters before the audience will get up and leave. (except maybe LOTR.) With the DVD, the audience has the option of pausing the movie. Now, granted, a studio/producer can mess up on an extended edition but so can a director on a director's cut. If they model the extended edition after the LOTR extended editions, I think it would be a great DVD to own.

I do hope that they put bloopers during the credits of the movie or as a bonus feature of Serenity's DVD/VHS.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:16 PM


Great Idea! Get over on the official board and mention it so they'll hear about it :)


Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:33 PM



Originally posted by embers:
If Joss has 2 hours of film he wants to show then it will be a 2 hour movie...
if he ends up with 3 hours of film which he needs to tell his story then it will be a 3 hour movie...
I don't see any reason to assume that there will be any need for an 'extended' DVD.

Right on!


Thursday, April 8, 2004 5:33 PM



Originally posted by fireflywildcard1:
What's the difference between a dircetor's cut and an extended edition?

A director's cut is a different version of the movie as the director originally intended it.

After a movie is shot, the executive producers at the studio edit the film to how they want it. In this case, the people at Universal will have control of the final cut, not Joss Whedon. If they want something taken out or changed it will most likely happen.

So the director's cut is the way a movie was intended by the director that was not honored by the studio.

In contrast, and extended edition is when they ask "What extra footage do we have that we can include to sell as a new release so that we can make more money?"


Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:02 PM


Ah, it makes me happy just thinking about it! If Joss' creation gets interfered with, I do hope there are lots of deleted scenes and bonus material and maybe even a director's cut version of the Big Damn Movie. Ah, Hell, I hope that anyways.


Thursday, April 8, 2004 6:21 PM


Personally I like to see DVD extras that show the actors out of character interacting on set, interviews with the writer and director about how the movie was conceived and executed, and the cuts that the director wanted to include but that got lost on the editing room floor for one reason or another.

My favorite extra: Joss' commentary on the last ep of Firefly. I loved it when he said that he had Summer bend way over at the waist to look at the twig/gun the way she did because she was a dancer and she could and he liked that.

What is your favorite extra?


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:31 AM



Originally posted by effigy3:
What is your favorite extra?

I loved the deleted scene from "OMR" with River and Simon. River is such a child at times, and that was definitely one of them.

BUT.. all time favorite DVD extra is Adam Baldwin singing "The Hero of Canton" in the funny hat. I'm a singer, and I love the way he NAILS the first note. . .going WAY off pitch and then wrestling it back.

"Wash. . .we got some local color happening. A grand entrance would not go amiss."


Friday, April 9, 2004 6:44 AM



Originally posted by InvisibleGreen:
In contrast, and extended edition is when they ask "What extra footage do we have that we can include to sell as a new release so that we can make more money?"

And what, exactly, is the problem with these folks - who are bringing OUR Big Damn Movie to the Big Damn Screen - wanting to make more money? The more money they make, the more likely the series will come back to TV - or some other venue that will continue our crew's journey. I fail to see the problem here, and I will pledge this very instant to buy any - and all - "extra" or "extended" or "director's" versions of the movie they want to put out. That would be the time when we collectively put our money where our mouths have been for the last 2 years.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, April 9, 2004 8:21 AM



Originally posted by Astriana:
]And what, exactly, is the problem with these folks - who are bringing OUR Big Damn Movie to the Big Damn Screen - wanting to make more money? The more money they make, the more likely the series will come back to TV - or some other venue that will continue our crew's journey. I fail to see the problem here, and I will pledge this very instant to buy any - and all - "extra" or "extended" or "director's" versions of the movie they want to put out. That would be the time when we collectively put our money where our mouths have been for the last 2 years.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

I disagree. As much as I love the show, I'm not going to buy rehashed crap just because it has "Serenity" or "Firefly" slapped on the cover.

and I think it is much more likely for Universal to make a sequel than a new TV show.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Friday, April 9, 2004 8:54 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by TragicStory:

Originally posted by Astriana:
]And what, exactly, is the problem with these folks - who are bringing OUR Big Damn Movie to the Big Damn Screen - wanting to make more money? The more money they make, the more likely the series will come back to TV - or some other venue that will continue our crew's journey. I fail to see the problem here, and I will pledge this very instant to buy any - and all - "extra" or "extended" or "director's" versions of the movie they want to put out. That would be the time when we collectively put our money where our mouths have been for the last 2 years.


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

I disagree. As much as I love the show, I'm not going to buy rehashed crap just because it has "Serenity" or "Firefly" slapped on the cover.

and I think it is much more likely for Universal to make a sequel than a new TV show.

Quite honestly I will be so happy to have the movie I don't care how they put it out, standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox, Reaver's cut, who cares?!? It is a movie!! Our movie! Our ship & crew flyin' again! I will buy it in any form it is boxed and presented in to the public.

As for whether or not it makes it back to TV, I think that depends on the final product of the movie and how it does in the box office. If it is a success, I think it will go to the small screen. If that was not Universal's plan, then why would they have Joss rewrite the script as a "springboard" to a series? Also, if it does go back to the small screen, no reason they can't do a sequel to the movie. TV would just generate more interest in a sequel, and increase sales of the first movie, all of which means more money for Universal, Joss, and the cast, and more Firefly for all of us.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:07 AM



Quite honestly I will be so happy to have the movie I don't care how they put it out, standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox, Reaver's cut, who cares?!? It is a movie!! Our movie! Our ship & crew flyin' again! I will buy it in any form it is boxed and presented in to the public.

Yes, but will you buy the standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox AND Reaver's cut? That's the real question. Buying the movie is a forgone conclusion, the question is are you going to buy rehashed crap (assuming the rereleased stuff sucks or is marginally ok)just becasue it says Firefly or Serenity on it?

As for the sequel/tv show I think I'll start a seperate thread for that.

"Societies are supported by human activity, therefore they are constantly threatened by the human facts of self-intrest and stupidity." --Peter Berger


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:26 AM



Quite honestly I will be so happy to have the movie I don't care how they put it out, standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox, Reaver's cut, who cares?!? It is a movie!! Our movie! Our ship & crew flyin' again! I will buy it in any form it is boxed and presented in to the public.
Preach on, brother - This is EXACTLY what I meant!


Originally posted by TragicStory:
Yes, but will you buy the standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox AND Reaver's cut? That's the real question. Buying the movie is a forgone conclusion, the question is are you going to buy rehashed crap (assuming the rereleased stuff sucks or is marginally ok) just becasue it says Firefly or Serenity on it?

Note: The bold in TragicStory's quote is mine. Also, make note of decidedly non-snarky tone of voice.

Abso-ruttin'-lutely! I will do anything that will help the show - or another movie - get out there and continue the story that Joss intended to tell in a seven year series.

As for the "assuming it's substandard" bit, since when does Joss put out anything that can be dubbed "substandard," "crap," or "rehashed"?


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:40 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Astriana:

Quite honestly I will be so happy to have the movie I don't care how they put it out, standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox, Reaver's cut, who cares?!? It is a movie!! Our movie! Our ship & crew flyin' again! I will buy it in any form it is boxed and presented in to the public.
Preach on, brother - This is EXACTLY what I meant!


Originally posted by TragicStory:
Yes, but will you buy the standard, director's cut, extended version, letterbox AND Reaver's cut? That's the real question. Buying the movie is a forgone conclusion, the question is are you going to buy rehashed crap (assuming the rereleased stuff sucks or is marginally ok) just becasue it says Firefly or Serenity on it?

Note: The bold in TragicStory's quote is mine. Also, make note of decidedly non-snarky tone of voice.

Abso-ruttin'-lutely! I will do anything that will help the show - or another movie - get out there and continue the story that Joss intended to tell in a seven year series.

As for the "assuming it's substandard" bit, since when does Joss put out anything that can be dubbed "substandard," "crap," or "rehashed"?


...I'm still free,
You can't take the sky from me.

You tell 'em Astri!

I will buy anything and everything w/ the name Firefly or Serenity on it. Sure I may not need it, but I will do all I can to support the movie, Joss, the cast, and the future of the show. I will try to convince as many as I can to do so as well.

"May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."


Friday, April 9, 2004 9:46 AM



Originally posted by embers:
I'm a little surprised about this topic; the film hasn't even been made yet...
If Joss has 2 hours of film he wants to show then it will be a 2 hour movie...
if he ends up with 3 hours of film which he needs to tell his story then it will be a 3 hour movie...

umm...i don't know about that last part.
3 hour movies are not the norm.
lord of the rings has a whole series of books worth of story-telling and warranted three 3-hour flicks.
ghandi was, well it was an epic historical film that completely filled 3 hours+.
i don't doubt joss' writing skills, and hopefully this will be a hit movie, but the final product will have to 1)kick some major ass; 2)test extremely well; and 3)blow universals socks off before they'll release it as a 3 hour flick.
just my humble opinion here.

me? i've had the box set since xmas and i can still sit through back-to-back "Serenity 1&2" and "The Train Job" and be happy as a clam!
is it possible to wear out a dvd?

"Take me, sir. Take me hard."


Friday, April 9, 2004 12:04 PM



Originally posted by embers:
If Joss has 2 hours of film he wants to show then it will be a 2 hour movie...if he ends up with 3 hours of film which he needs to tell his story then it will be a 3 hour movie...

I'm afraid you're wrong on that point. If Joss has a 3 hour movie, and Universal agree, he gets a 3 hour movie. If Joss has a three hour movie, and Universal want 90 minutes, Joss gets a 90 minute movie and a 2 disc DVD with deleted scenes out the wazoo.

"I threw up on your bed"


Friday, April 9, 2004 12:10 PM



Originally posted by Tallgrrl:
is it possible to wear out a dvd?

'Fraid so...

"I threw up on your bed"


Friday, April 9, 2004 4:48 PM


and I think it is much more likely for Universal to make a sequel than a new TV show.

If the movie does well and the DVD set continues to do well, I could see UPN reviving Firefly. They seemed to pick up Buffy when the WB didn't want it anymore.






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