'Is Serenity II a good idea?' - (article via whedonesque)

UPDATED: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 19:08
VIEWED: 5563
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Friday, October 12, 2007 9:43 PM


interesting proof that the internet is aWASH with speculation...
but - a little negative... pretty much saying 'let it go'.

on the dvd front - fails to mention the high sales of the FF set, fails to realise 'straight to dvd' - could mean movieS plural - not just one. fails to note recent non-cinema 'movies' such as stargate spin-offs or even BSG!

but hey = check it out...


Friday, October 12, 2007 10:20 PM


He makes some valid points. But, while I agree with his assessment of what Direct-To-Video-Movie has come to mean in the western market, IE--


DVD sequels are generally the province of trashy horror films and soft-core porn.

--I don't agree with his unstated assumption that this is the only way it could possibly be! It reminds me of the old assumption that "If it's animated, it must be kid stuff."

Anime proved that assumption wrong, and it also provides a proven business model for high-quality direct-to-video product. OAV's (Original Animation Video, sometimes rendered as OVA) are a decades-old tradition in Japan, as any otaku could tell you.

Finances needn't block quality, either. After all, if Joss could produce the original 14 episodes on a TV budget, there's no real reason it couldn't be done again.

"She's tore up plenty. But she'll fly true." -- Zoë Washburn


Friday, October 12, 2007 10:30 PM


I didn't find anything he said particularly discouraging, apart from the last paragraph he wrote. plus he's a fan too.

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Friday, October 12, 2007 11:14 PM


Well, considering how many people post, it's understandable how he could have come up with that list. It could be seen as negative... but it's more of a, "Calm down, guys. Let it be. We've got some good quality stuff, let's not sacrifice it for quantity here." But quite frankly, from what I've seen and heard and read, Joss isn't the type to sacrifice quality for quantity. Besides - he had six or seven seasons worth of Firefly in his head. He's got good material for a sequel.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Saturday, October 13, 2007 3:02 AM



Originally posted by wytchcroft (quoting an article):

"But maybe it's best to just enjoy what we have rather than trying to recapture old glory. Let us re-watch the 15 episodes and one movie over and over again, and memorize the lines, and make hats just like the one Jayne's mom sent him in "The Message" (episode 12), and let that suffice."

Scary as it may be, I largely agree.

Oh, I'd love a sequel, but primarily, if I'm really honest to myself, because it will blow new life into the 'Verse. And to this site. To see her spinning again, like a well-oiled engine; and, for a moment, at least, make me forget the painful memories of watching her gradually, but steadily, grind down to a near halt. To watch old friends return -- you know, folks like me, who never really left, but were gone all the same. The opportunity to make new Firefly art. Oh, I'm fair excited about these matters.

But as for the sequel itself, Serenity, the movie, was grand. Epic, I'm guessing. But, let's face it, it was written to end a chapter, not to start a new one. Mal had his shown-down with the Alliance; Inara came back; Kaylee got her "you mean to say" thingy; River could finally start her ascent from the black (thus also freeing up Simon, as it were). So, where does that put us? In harm's way, most like. There's always more story to tell, of course. But question is, can it be done in a way that leaves Firefly's dignity intact? Now, I'm sitting in front of this shiny jewel case. And when I open it, 14 precious episodes and a BDM await me; and fond remembrance, like a sweet vapor, emanates from the box. And when I close it, I have the reassurance that when I open it again, all will be the same; something to have, and to hold on to when darkness has come and day seems so far away.

Done the Impossible. Now, that was dignified. Browncoats all over the 'Verse rallying to get a major studio to put Firefly on the big screen. Wow. Hard not to get emotional 'bout that. But, in a way, I've always almost resented this "Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?" mentality. Not that I don't understand the need for more. But I'm saying there's dignity in realizing that the need for more essentially just means you appreciate what you have; and that thus the very cry for more actually detracts a bit from said appreciation. Because it is, after all, just another way of saying you're not satisfied. Does that make sense?

Where dignity is present not so much, I think, is in overextending the "Doing the Impossible" thingy. In getting a sequel like to the Matrix, or the Star Wars prequels: stories that were a near insult to the original, and thus really brought down the phenomena as a whole. Do we really want to see Firefly marred in the same manner? Now, Joss conducting the whole show, it wouldn't be bad, of course. But even Joss cannot get past the fact that he really wrote Serenity to be a conclusion of things; and it will be hard, even for him, to re-open the story -- and do it in a way that will not take away from it.

Having said all that, I still want a sequel. It's like a blood transfusion: it may make the 'Verse a bit ill, perhaps, but I'd rather see it unwell than watch it die. Or do I?

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 13, 2007 3:52 AM


If a sequel is made, and it is a Direct-to-DVD feature, I'm sure Joss would be able to make it look and feel big while working within a somewhat small budget. I read somewhere that before LOST, the pilot for FIREFLY was the most expensive pilot in TV history, and that it was around the ten million range. I think Joss would be able to pull of a fantastic vision of the future with that kind of budget. He did it before, I'm sure he can do it again. It's all about efficiency. The TREK film series were actually incredibly fiscal, and they still managed to convey an entire universe.

I do have one concern, though, in terms of plot and character. Right now, Simon and Kaylee are the only Joss couple to be in a successful relationship. They're perfectly frozen in time. But if a sequel gets made, you know that Joss is going to bump off one of them. There's no dispute about that. Heck, maybe to same money, he'll take out the majority of the crew in the first reel, leaving Mal, Jayne and River.

"And it starts with a sentence that might last a lifetime, or it all might just go down in flames. If I let you know me, then why would you want me? Each day I don't is a shame. Each day I don't is a great shame."

Loudon Wainwright III - "Strange Weirdos" off the "Knocked Up" soundtrack


Saturday, October 13, 2007 5:29 AM


Umm... doesn't seem likely. Joss is a writer with principles. He may often kill off characters for the sake of a good story but I can't imagine him killing off most of the crew to save money. Is this Wash/Book-related sour grapes?
Simon and Kaylee are probably wearing red shirts right now, but I think they'll just have a bumpy ride. I don't think Joss would kill off either of them without milking some drama from the relationship first.
I for one am hungry for more. And I trust Joss to deliver a quality story. And not kill off characters for no reason.

"Gorramit Mal... I've forgotten my line."


Saturday, October 13, 2007 5:57 AM


If all he is trying to say if calm down, lets not make fools of ourselves then fine, but a straight to DVD movie isn't the worse thing that ever happened and like wytchcroft one of my first reactions was, "YOU CAN HAVE MORE THAN ONE DVD SEQUEL!" While his possible scenarios cover the opposite ends of the spectrum, they leave a lot of wiggle room in the middle.

The only thing that really bugs me about this is that it was posted on whedonesque. I'm not sure exactly how that site is run, but I've been anxiously waiting word from Joss ever since the story broke from Tudyk, be it to squash the rumors or confirm them. I'm a little worried that this is Joss' indirect way of saying, 'I'm not sure this is such a good idea guys?'

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Saturday, October 13, 2007 6:52 AM


I think strait to dvd is a good thing (not a great thing) and I agreed with the order of his list. The only part I don’t like is F*>< having anything to do with it. I think those ppl are evil, greedy, bast**ds that do nothing unless there’s a golden egg in it for them. I know you can’t be in business and not make money, but the series dvds are making money hand over fist and they are well aware of this and that it has potential to make tons more.

Joss being burned out on making more “ Firefly” tv I don’t believe. The man has tons of story telling about the verse left in him. If not a new tv series than a BDM or 2. I think that he knows if a Sequel is green lighted by Universal (whether for the big screen or strait to dvd) he needs to pull all the stops and make it the best gorram movie or show that can be made. If it is as great as I know he can make them I’m sure there will be others to follow and he’ll become a very wealthy(er) man.

I view Joss as an artist ( like a painter) and an artist doesn’t approach his next painting and say “ I’m only going to paint this picture half a$$”. An artist doesn’t do that. He paints his next picture like it’s going to be the one that knocks folks on their ass. One, that they won’t be able to get outta their mind. FF was such a show. If it weren’t there wouldn’t be tons of fan sites that tout the show.

The cast are all in and I think Joss could get most of the original production crew back. The fans have kept this show alive and I don’t care if we’re seen as rabid or nutcases. Hell my wife already knows that. As browncoats we don’t turn our back on what we like/want. I don’t know if there will ever be more FF/Serenity but if Joss is given the go he should do his best. That’s all we ask of him. We’ll do our best as fans to promote and move the popularity forward, which isn’t hard once you get folks to watch the show.

Anyway whatever they come up with I’m there to enjoy and help push it along. I’m in for the long haul. I think lots of us are. Whether any new production or sequel would be equal to, not as good, or better by heaps than the original is unknown. One thing I do know is if there isn’t more we will never find out.



Saturday, October 13, 2007 9:32 AM


Straight to DVD is alright but here's an idea. How about a 3 Night Scifi Channel Miniseries which would give us much more character development than a sequel would. Then when it's released on DVD Joss could include a 30 minute episode on Books background to ensure DVD sales.

What do you all think? Could work right.

Keep Flying.


Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:04 AM



Originally posted by xraftermanx:
Straight to DVD is alright but here's an idea. How about a 3 Night Scifi Channel Miniseries which would give us much more character development than a sequel would. Then when it's released on DVD Joss could include a 30 minute episode on Books background to ensure DVD sales.

What do you all think? Could work right.

Keep Flying.

It's fine as long as it gets to the entire Browncoat fanbase. Some of us never got to appreciate Firefly on TV because we don't live in the States. The Sci-Fi channel in the UK is the province of those who have satellite/cable, which I, for one, don't. A direct-to-DVD sequel would be much easier to get into the "foreign" market, which would improve visibility/sales.


"Carpe Aptenodytes"


Saturday, October 13, 2007 11:55 AM


I think having Universal greenlight it would be a good idea, provided it also makes it into DVD really soon, for foreigners and people without cable (like me).

Or we could have a Big Damn Trilogy and then some. That's a good idea, too.

I don't really care about the form that Firefly/Serenity makes, so long as Joss keeps it coming, and cable-less peeps like me can watch it

I don't at all agree with his view of "let it die while its still good". Joss wouldn't let that happen.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007 1:07 PM


I never really thought about how the International Community may not have the Scifi Channel. Yet most Mini-Series have a DVD release date right after it's debut on TV. It's not like a traditional Film that takes up to 6 months to come to a DVD. A Scifi Mini-Series is just what we need as it would widen the fanbase and also give us current fans what we so desperately want.

Keep Flying


Saturday, October 13, 2007 1:50 PM


For anyone who may have missed this on the "OB" Firefly messageboard, here is a message from Christopher Buchanan (the Executive Producer of Serenity):


I got a reply from Chris B. to an email I sent last week. Here are some (slightly paraphrased) things he said:

"• Joss will never be finished telling the story of FF/S.

• Keep your fingers crossed.

• The most important thing we fans can do is to keep the Browncoat community strong -- keep posting, keep having special screening, keep Firefly/Serenity in the minds of the critics, media, retailers, on Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, etc.

• In other words, keep flyin'!"

If Chris Buchanan is still this positive, then we can be too.

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

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Saturday, October 13, 2007 8:16 PM


I love the idea of more firefly but part of me is apprehensive sometimes an early death isn't so bad ex.Angel loved the series until the fifth season and then it lost me not that I don't still enjoy it but the joy was diminished Firefly has no blemishes there are no episodes I didnt like nothing to destroy the joy I felt from start to finish and yes the BDM was fantastic more epic then the series but that worked very well I'm just afraid to be disappointed I guess

My siters a ship, we had a complicated childhood


Saturday, October 13, 2007 9:23 PM



I best not be reading this right. :( The part where it says: "Edited because it's a no go," I mean.

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:25 PM


Yes, I inadvertently posted the previous thread that prompted the thread with the response from Chris Buchanan. Chalk up the mix-up to my juggling a variety things at once, and a technical thingy with my browser that isn't a particularly interesting story.

I've edited my previous post to avoid future confusion. Here is the correct link to the thread with the response from Chris B.:

The previous "no go" post was a pendulum swing back after someone asked Nathan if a Serenity sequel was in the works. Then that is what lead to Flyhead emailing Chris Buchanan to find out what was what.

Although a sequel is not greenlighted, as some had interpreted Alan's interview to mean, Chris is still very positive and would not have sent those encouraging words if he didn't feel that there's a realistic chance for more from the 'Verse.

Both Chris and Alan are optimistic. The continuation of Firefly/Serenity still comes down to how well the Collector's Edition DVDs sell, and the strength of the fandom keeping the 'Verse alive and kicking... so let's all do what we can to support both of those things!

11th Hour


"Because teenage pranks are fun when you're about to die!" - Hoban Washburne

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Saturday, October 13, 2007 10:34 PM


Pfew :) Thx, 11th. With an Executive Producer weighing in, for the first time I feel this thing may really become an actual reality. :) Wouldn't that be something?!

"Mei-mei, everything I have is right here." -- Simon Tam


Monday, October 15, 2007 4:50 AM


Like any big fan, I can recognize the desire for more of a great thing. Honestly, I search the 'net as often as possible for any signs of life, concering Firefly, but I also hope not to find some half-hearted project in the works that is going to turn the world upside-down.

I'll clarify a little bit. Like I said, I recognize the desire and understand it completely, but I think one of the most sensible posts in this thread was significantly ignored, because it opened a window to what comes across as selfishness. A sort of selfishness that has the potential to ruin a wonderful and beautiful storyline that, in all aspects has and end-chapter already written for it.

Logically, the story has its last chapter, which is fine with me. I'd rather not see another feature-length film on Firefly, if it meant that Serenity was lacking a piece of its heart and soul.

If money was all that mattered, Serenity would have been released a hell of a lot earlier than it was, I think. It isn't though, and it's always been apparent that Joss cares about his ideas and his imagination. The 'verse he created means more to him, to us, than just another buck.

I think the idea of a mini-series, rather than another film, is a good one. If life is to be breathed into Firefly again, it should be done with integrity and respect for its fandom.

The only way to do that, in my humble opinion, is to return to the roots of the story. New-old events that preceed that which took place in the movie.

Seriously. Who wants to try to make peace with a piece-meal version of the Firefly crew?

We can't fly without a pilot.


Monday, October 15, 2007 5:33 AM


Our BDH's have become Big Damn Stars. Nathan, Alan, Summer, Morena, and Gina are gaining popularity by the minute. I don't see how their busy schedules and contractual commitments will allow them much time or opportunity to do more Firelfy. I know that they love Firefly, but I'd bet their agents consider it a step backwards. Time will tell.


Monday, October 15, 2007 11:52 AM


I have read this thread with interest. Is Serenity II a good idea? It depends on the script when you get right down to it. Could Joss take the ending he made and do it again, I think the guy is pretty talented and could write a place to go from here. Heck, I have a few ideas myself and if I had a life (I am a college instructor and a grad student with a wife and three kids) I'd try my hand as some fan fic.

A Mini-series sounds like a very good option. A feature film could work as well. I think the economics of the situation preclude direct to DVD as the stars and Joss want to be paid for their work. Joss has mentioned that they actors were not paid as well as other movie players in an effort to get this story out.

Unfortunately, the same economics preclude more series TV unless there is a significant amount of money involved. The actors all have good careers now (partly thanks to the boost they get from Firefly) but going back might mean that they will become type cast. For example, the orginal Star Trek cast found it very difficult to work in other films or TV.

This is an interesting time to be a Brown Coat ;-)


Monday, October 15, 2007 12:14 PM



Originally posted by Seer:
Seriously. Who wants to try to make peace with a piece-meal version of the Firefly crew?

We can't fly without a pilot.

Me. Fact is, while I'll REALLY, REALLY miss Wash and Book... I still absolutely adore the other seven characters. On top of that, there's a new dynamic... a new relationship... a more promising future for Mal and Inara... the aftermath of Miranda coming to light... all this interesting stuff.

Plus, Joss seems to feel that you can't really go back to Firefly. He's moved on, and is looking ahead. Here's an analogy for you...

"So I thought too, once. But I have been too deeply hurt, Sam. I tried to save the Shire, and it has been saved, but not for me. It must often be so, Sam, when things are in danger: some one* has to give them up, lose them, so that others may keep them."

*It's typed like this in the Houghton Mifflin revised edition printed in 1956.

RPG launcher bought in third world country illegally - $10
Landmines - $50 per
Attack/track dogs bred 1st class - $250-500 per
Highpowered assault rifles - $600 per
The look on your face when I show up on your doorstep with a bigfoot - ... Priceless

"You gotta love that the first pirated HD DVD is the one about space pirates who broadcast a video that the government wants to keep secret.

Can't stop the signal."


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 6:49 PM


Just to stem the anguish about this:

Much as I love Jewel, let's not get all depressed, here. This is what she said:

"Okay, okay, okay: Lets address these Serenity 2 rumors before anything else. I have no idea what you people are talking about! Seems to me someone (with a name that starts with A and ends in LAN) said something in an interview that was misconstrued as the sequel being greenlit, which is not the case at the moment. I will never say it will never happen, because that's just blasphemy in my opinion, but it's not happening at the moment… no matter what you read on the internet. You know better than to believe everything you read, anyway! "

No one, not even the most ridiculously optimistic, has ever said they thought what Alan meant was that Universal (or, anyone else) had greenlighted a sequel.

Pretty much, Jewel's NOT Joss.

So, I'm still waiting to hear from HIM about the rumors about Universal /being interested in/ a sequel, as expressed by Alan in the original interview.

Hang in there, folks. This is far from over.

-Raycheetah =^[.]^=
The enjoyment of any good thing is only enhanced by sharing it with others.


Wednesday, October 17, 2007 7:08 PM



Originally posted by Seer:

The only way to do that, in my humble opinion, is to return to the roots of the story. New-old events that preceed that which took place in the movie.

Huh? So the story goes backward but the cast get older??? no...


Seriously. Who wants to try to make peace with a piece-meal version of the Firefly crew?

We can't fly without a pilot.

and willow shoulda stayed with oz - and i don't accept that tara ever got killed - and really, well buffy died anyway when angel left - and killing fred just means no more angel to me (though i have a friend that's happy coz he heard that in the comic they ALL come back alive!:) yay! Shiny!:) puh-lease...

i'll fly with whoever joss can shove in a firefly gorram it! don't mean i love wash any less.






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