creationent firefly/serenity day2

UPDATED: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 23:16
VIEWED: 5189
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Sunday, October 28, 2007 4:37 PM


Started rather early today, browncoat breakfast, charity auction(raised about 1k$ for equality now). Didn't realize untill into the breakfast that Summer wasn't going to make it to the event. Later I'll tell you how we were compt' for that. It was fun, the ladies at our table had the guys sit next to them, which I'm fine with. Had a good time with good food(bacon coulda been better, but oh well) we laughed alot. went to the Sean Maher photo op. Guys from QMx gave a presentation on stuff they produce thats verse related. Sean took the stage and was very relaxed and fun. Photo ops with summer, and Nathan, seperately, WOW she is such an elegant beauty, Ill post pics when I recieve them(Alan and Morenas' when I get home)On stage Summer was quiet but glad to be with us. When she came onstage to a standing ovation it took her a bit to relax. Well into her Q+A session a deep voice comes out of nowhere to ask her a question. Behind the stage a shadow comes into view and strokes her hair on screen. Nathan appears and the revelry begins. A little later they're told that Summers time is up and its Nathan's turn. He invites her to stay and they swap chairs. Later Another strange Questioner pops up to give Nathan a hard time about his Han Solo ripoff. Its non other than Alan Tudyk paying Nathan back for yesterday. A few Questions later and Sean Mayer jumps the stage and everyone hugs and the family is together for a while(well most of the family anyway) lots of laughter later the stage show is over. Those of us that did the breakfast are sent back to the photo op area to get our pictures taken with both Summer and Sean. Then we go through the autograph lines and another great con done.

ps the link to the artists' website is


Sunday, October 28, 2007 4:49 PM


Oh, fabulous. Thanks again.
Sure is nice to know our BDH are still
getting some enjoyment from their convention

Frisky Browncoat
...and relax...and relax...and relax...
Who's Bill Pardy?
Yessir, Captain Tightpants!


Sunday, October 28, 2007 5:39 PM


It really sounds like it was an amazing event,
and the Tam sandwich photo op must have been huge fun! LOL

I love how all the BDHs love to play with each other,
I think it is great that they bring that to the Q&A so the fans can enjoy the fun.


Sunday, October 28, 2007 6:43 PM


Gorram i wish i were there!:)


Sunday, October 28, 2007 7:23 PM


Thanks for the shiny report. I'm glad too that they all still have lots of love and respect for each other.


Sunday, October 28, 2007 8:39 PM


I was there as well. The details filed by others cover most of the nuts and bolts, so let me just add impressions. I could never be as eloquent nor thorough as our other reporters.

There is no doubt how much these actors love the 'verse and each other. It comes through with crystal clarity. The respect and affection is unmistakeble, and it extends out from the stage to the audience.

The fact that Nathan made the effort to come each say to see his friends and (perhaps) liven up the Q&A sessions... the fact that Alan would come back the day after his scheduled appearance for the same reason is further evidence of that.

The con was reasonably well run. There is still a push at the autograph line no matter what they say... the desert and breakfast extras were nice, tho the time at each table by the artists was strictly limited... I cannot even tell how long it was... 10 minutes? 15? It was brief... tho perhaps too long for the artists!! lol

For the most part the questions to the artists were thoughtful and succinct... when they were not, Nathan had a way of gently poking the questioner.. "Was there a question I missed???" he would dead pan to Alan or one of the others...

He is still the captain of this verse, and he revels in that, as do we in the audience. I have great respect for each of these individuals. The care and respect they show their fans is truly wonderful.. and in some ways, I think they look forward to the Cons as an excuse to reconnect with each other....

Sean said he had taken some time off from acting intentionally to give himself a break and clear the "palette" so to speak... now he is reading scripts and looking for his next project. He seemed very relaxed and happy to be there with the others and with the fans.. One moment of levity when a fan at the mic asked Sean if he would take a look at a minor stab wound (a joke), Sean quipped that there was an ambulance out front.. as the Ariel Ambulance had been trucked down for the event!

Yan told about his "best man" speech at brother Raphael's wedding. It was funny and lovely that he would share those personal moments with 500 of his closest friends.

Summer was luminous as she talked about her current project. She was the one person in the autograph line who took her time chatting with each person, even though she had an early set time for Monday.

Others have talked with greater clarity about Alan and Morena, so I will defer to them.. Nathan was asked about his work with Martin Firrel on the Hero project, tho he was not able to linger on any questions for too long.. there were long lines waiting to ask him questions- and he was trying to get to as many ppl as he could. He gave away swag (a la B3) what ever he pulled from his closet! lol.. photos from White Noise 2, and a script from same; money from FF and Serenity; his Emmy invitation from 2002.. strangely charming I have to say..

And Alan was quite humorous about his voice on Halo 3 v Nathan's.. Nathan got all the heroic lines.. "Come on Men, keep fighting, let's go, stay together" etc. Alan said he got all the foot soldier lines like, "where is my jeep?" "Oh god I am out of bullets, where am I suppsed to go" etc.

Alan also talked about his TV pilot. He thinks they will know by Jan. if it will be picked up. I think he said it was NBC but don't hold me to that. He plays a shark of a lawyer. A real "pri@k" (his description) lol.. he said it was something totally different for him; and he loves the suits!! and the love scenes...

Last of all.. the QMX guys hinted at future projects including a map of the verse with all the planets.. and they said.. make no mistake.. Universal is taking notice of the INCREASING demand for Serenity products.. an interesting side view at another revenue stream for the studio..

And the panel by the So Cal Browncoats about the aborted Flan2/B3 was very heartening. This is an amazing fandom, as you all know, being in it. But it is also kind of nice to be surrounded by it and reminded of it from time to time...
While "fan based" cons may be smaller and warmer.. there is also the risk of them not happening.. as we all know. The more organized cons, like this one, can be less intimate but they do not get cancelled at the last moment.

Yes it sometimes felt rushed in the photo lines and autograph lines etc. But sitting in the audience, watching these fabulous ppl interact with each other and with us, would be worth the price of admission in and of itself...

I hope that there will be future Serenity/Firefly cons (of all sorts) as it will enable all of us to watch all of them getting together...


Sunday, October 28, 2007 9:21 PM


*hugs* Chindi

Thank you! That warmed my heart it did and I'm thrilled you got to go!!!!


Monday, October 29, 2007 1:15 AM


Thank you all for your perspectives! Those of us who could not attend salute you.


Monday, October 29, 2007 1:30 AM


That sounded AWESOME, Nathan and Alan are so funny

Knightfly on Xfire,
Want pics, vids, ringtones,ect releated to Serenity and Firefly


Monday, October 29, 2007 1:56 AM


God, I wish I lived in America.

I think I'm gonna have to move there now.


Monday, October 29, 2007 6:07 AM


Chindi: thanks for the details, and I am always interested in the convention 'downsides'...
the rushing through is understandable because there are always so many people waiting, and fans would take up 10-15 minutes each if given half a chance...

So how full was the convention? They seemed to have tickets available still on Friday, but did it seem like a lot of tickets went unsold (if I lived closer I totally would have decided to go at the last minute!)?

It really sounded like a huge success, I hope so...
I would like to go to another Firefly/Serenity convention someday (I went to the failed FlanII, but I enjoyed B3 a lot)


Monday, October 29, 2007 9:12 AM


It was bigger than the flan for certain. I am not good at crowd estimates. I thought there were maybe 500 ppl.. someone else in another thread estimated 1000. I honestly do not know. I doubt it was as big as the BSG con last year... the only other con I have ever gone to... sorry.. someone more astute would need to assess the #s. I am certain they would sell more tix if they they are a business.

That they plan to do it next year already is encouraging.. I think....

you are right, of course, about how we would all linger in the lines at photos or autographs if we could, as that is our one-on-one time... so I do understand the gentle prodding, even as I dislike it! And pity the artists who have to put up with the same "witty" comments/questions etc from the fans.. lol.. it must get tiring..

No one I saw asked the crew outright about the sequel.. but I think the exchange between Alan and Nathan was fairly clear that there is NOTHING IN THE WORKS AT THE MOMENT.. having said that, the DOOR IS NOT SHUT AND BARRED EITHER!

Nathan was asked if he had the chance to return to this project at any time in the future would he=- and he said in great seriousness ABSOLUTELY. No hesitation. in a heartbeat (not actual quotes, but the gist of the answer.) Sean said he had fantasized about the opening of the sequel with Kaylee pregnant and shaving Simon's head, telling him he is just "too pretty"...

It is clearly on all of their minds, as it is on ours. There is nothing in the works, at this time. But the sales of the DVD and all the Serenity swag is getting noticed.. and that is not nothing... the planets may yet align... and I believe they will. And when they do, I know for certain that ONLY death could keep these ppl from returning to the ship and their "family"



Monday, October 29, 2007 9:27 AM



Originally posted by embers:
It really sounds like it was an amazing event,
and the Tam sandwich photo op must have been huge fun! LOL

Oh yeah. It was. I kinda ignored Summer and had a little convo with Sean while the cameraman was messing around and I felt a smidge guilty about that, but - when Sean is in the vicinity, there goes my attention . . .

I'll have my report, hopefully with pics, up next week.

Amazing event. Everyone should go next year. Creation pulled out ALL the stops and really chipped away at that bad rep. I didn't see a single unhappy person - and I talked to a LOT of people.

QMX DID say that Universal had taken notice of their sales . . .

- Tammy

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Monday, October 29, 2007 4:05 PM


more recollections...

Sean said his favorite bit in the series (they all said there were so many- but when pressed) he said it may have been the scene where he joined River on the pyre to face burning at the stake... he said the writing moved him and it summed up his relationship with River....

Nathan said it was when he woke up in OOG and asked if everyone would still be there when he woke up...

at one point, when pressed by a fan- he and Summer repeated the final dialogue in Serenity- Storms getting stronger etc. then, to playfully have the last word, Nathan said- "What was that?"

more memories as they trickle out of my brain



Monday, October 29, 2007 4:30 PM


I have put up some photos from Sunday over at flickr.

[img] [/img]

More to come.


Monday, October 29, 2007 8:42 PM


Raven! I missed you at the Con! Damn! These are excellent pics! I wish mine had come out so well!

"A government is a body of people usually notably ungoverned."


Tuesday, October 30, 2007 11:16 PM


My jealousy is at a maximum right now...

Thanks for the updates guys, much appreciated.

Ive gotta ask...

They must have fielded questions about a sequel or a firefly return... what were the responses like?

Ive always believed that the cast love each other too much not to jump at a chance to work with each other again.. Some of these posts really warm my heart in this regard. Nathan Fillion really is the captain of an amazing crew.






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