Browncoat Bar & Grill - Coming soon Jimi-Beer on tap!

UPDATED: Monday, November 26, 2007 11:58
VIEWED: 16877
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Saturday, November 17, 2007 4:26 PM


To be honest, I went to Microsoft Word, typed in I'll have a wheat beer please and translated it to German.


Saturday, November 17, 2007 5:26 PM


You know, my cousin kept her name, just had her first and they gave him her last name.
Just a thought there. It's traditions as get in the way of continuity of nomenclature, pick a new one if the one you've got gets broke.

BTW, your sentence basically says "I eat a ****"

The way to order something in German is:

"Ich mochte *****(ein heifeweisen, ein bier, brot und kasse, whatever), bitte."

Or so my professor taught us.
You still did better than "I'm a jelly donut"!


Saturday, November 17, 2007 5:51 PM


I do know that essen is eat, but I honestly didn't care to proof read the sentence. My grammar was never a strong point and I have not really even tried to speak German since January of 1986 when I stopped being stationed there. I would like to thank you for the grammar lesson though.


Sunday, November 18, 2007 2:03 AM


"No power in the 'verse can stop me!"


Originally posted by MSB:
yeah they also smoke badgers... giggle ;)

HUGS LA and Phoebe... is it margarita time yet???

Jimi beer is the only kind I'm willing to drink:)Though I still prefer a nice martini or margarita:)

What she said!!

Hey twin brother *glomps Kelkhil* - who's responsible for the iminent arrival of a USA nephew for me!!! I love it!!!

Hello dearest Bryce!!! I miss you tonnes!! How are you??? How are my boys - the big one and the little two? Who am I? "Oh!! Hello!! There you are!! I was very quiet..." "I love you, will you marry me?" Ooooh - how are your kittens going - is your departed Black cat giving them mousing lessons? (did I tell you the black cat can walk on the ceiling now... he gave me a fright one day until I realised who it was...) Don't worry everyone - My twin-sister-from-a-previous-life understands me perfectly!!

Hey there Phoebe!! It's so good to see you hereabouts!

Oh I know there's heaps of folk I haven't seen in ages - but I prematurely posted and now I will have to go through the list to see who's about!

And I will have that margarita if it's going!!

EDIT: Hello Stinking Rose!! How are you darling??!! Did I tell you I found Bindies to go with my Sari??

Hi there Gorramn Groupie! How's life??

Hello Rallem - I don't think we've met but I love that there are always new folk in here when I get a chance to pop in from time to time - what are you drinking?

Hello Zero - thanks for the emails a couple of weeks ago - I have had barely any time for onlininess!

*hugs her shy HK* How are you ninja kitty?

*peers up the thread...* Is that...? Could it be...? *eyes light up in delight!* Mavourneen!!! How are you sweetie?? How's my dear boy? How's your husband (whom you shall never leave me alone with...) how are the cats? That stinky one misses me - doesn't she? and how's Rocky the awesome dog?? Oh dear - I'm missing you too Honey!!

Hello Emma!!

CPT Magda Martin, CO of India Co. (Australasia)


Sunday, November 18, 2007 2:48 AM


Rallem, any time you kneed a pushy know-it-all b*tch I'm yer gal!

You were sprechin' Deutch while I was still studying French in high school.

I may not remember much from college German but, dammit, I can still theoretically order in a restaurant politely!
I gots mad survivul skillz!

It's always fun to run a sentence through an online translator in a language you know, then read what you get, then run that back through to English.
Of course I do have a strange idea of "fun".

Helloooo Maaaagdaaaa! Yay for bindis! Consider yourself well and thoroughly glomped. Upside down.

It's snowing here. I'd send you some to keep you cool at Christmas, but it would melt.
Wait, if I put it in a bottle and then it melted the stamps wouldn't fall off the envelope! Then you could refreeze it, get it out of the bottle somehow, and then put it in your blender to make it all snowy again!
Or you could just order a frozen slushy foofy drink on New Years Eve and think of me fondly...


Monday, November 19, 2007 4:21 AM



Originally posted by stinkingrose:
You still did better than "I'm a jelly donut"!

RIMG *heart* Rosie.


Originally posted by stinkingrose:
You were sprechin' Deutch while I was still studying French in high school.

All the while I was going about being happily 5 years old. :P

*glomps Rosie*

*bigassjimibearhuggles Magda even though she ignored him :P *

*attempts to pouncetacklehuggle HK and misses due to her overabundance of awesome*

*snuggles MsB*

*tickles LA then hugs her big time*

*buys a round of drinks for everyone in the bar (hell, I made the stuff, might as well make good use of it)*

*does 6 carbombs with Kel in celebration of his good news*

*hugs Mavs again, if she wants more jimihugs*

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Monday, November 19, 2007 4:44 AM



Originally posted by RiverIsMyGoddess:
*attempts to pouncetacklehuggle HK and misses due to her overabundance of awesome*

((sits veeeery still))...


Monday, November 19, 2007 4:49 AM


*wanders in from a busy Monday, waves to Jimi and then to the bar in general as HK is lurking and gee doesn't know where she is*

Hey all,


Monday, November 19, 2007 4:50 AM


*walks very slowly up to HK and gives her the biggest hug he can*

*gets her a cold -1.11C Dew and an M&M ice cream sammich*

EDIT: hey there Gee, have a good weekend ??

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Monday, November 19, 2007 5:14 AM


HUGS HK...well if your sense of humor is off while at work, it's probably because the soul sucking leeches are still active.. I really think we should consider poisoning one as a warning to the others of the herd ( or gaggle or whatever a large bunch of parasitic, worm like, blood sucking, evil creatures is called)

HUGS LA:) gearing up for the festivities??

HUGS Magda and jumps about... squeeee

HUGS Rosie... hey gorgeous...need a stuffing recipe that involves don't happen to have one do you??

HUGS Kelkhil... aw sweety so cool!!! Give Laurelin a big hug too ok.

only two days to teach this week and then...freedom!!!

*Snuggles Jimi


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Monday, November 19, 2007 5:20 AM



Originally posted by MSB:
the herd ( or gaggle or whatever a large bunch of parasitic, worm like, blood sucking, evil creatures is called)

It's a clew of worms.

I found it here:

Also, just for reference, a group of wombats is called a Mob.

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.


Monday, November 19, 2007 5:26 AM


Hey Jim,

not bad mate, spent most of it painting and fixing grout in the bathroom so feeling fairly manly and proud having fixed/prettyfied things round the house.

I also have to say I love the idea of a mob of wombats!

*waves to Msb


Monday, November 19, 2007 5:29 AM


HUGS you were all kind of productive this weekend... I did almost nothing ;)

Ah I knew there had to be some sort of specific word for that, but I must say I never would have guessed clew of worms... mob of wombats?? ( just had mental image of hundreds of cloned Magdas marauding through a DSW shoe store)


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Monday, November 19, 2007 7:22 AM


i had the same thought when I saw it on the list.

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Monday, November 19, 2007 8:04 AM


Oooohhhhhh Tool! I've got some going while I clean house and watch kids!

Hook me up with a bottomless Dew please!

EDIT: *waves to Madga on his way out*
Gotta busy day of cleaning and organizing, my day off you see.

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Monday, November 19, 2007 9:41 AM


ooh cleaning house with kids...dangerous ;)

HUGS Jimi just wait until it's both of us rampaging about the store...giggle


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Monday, November 19, 2007 2:34 PM


I'll check on the chestnuts, I'm pretty sure I've got one that involves them, wild rice, mushrooms, and cranberries...

Clew. Good word. I was going to suggest squidge or perhaps slime.

Made an alteration to a lovely sounding beverage recipe that wound up being quite nice.

(all measurements are approximate)
Peel of 1 clementine
1/4C brown sugar
1" sliver of candied ginger
1/2C sugar
1C dark rum (80 proof)
1/4C Bacardi 151
4C sweet cider

Warm sweet cider
Warm other ingredients together until sugars have dissolved.
Light rum mixture. Carefully.
Slowly pour in cider until either the flames have gone out or you've added all the cider. Once it is no longer alight, serve and enjoy. Do not attempt to perform any tasks requiring coordination.

...Hot rum & cider would be a good way to spend a winter...


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:08 AM


mornin' drinkers.

slow night last night, apparently.

*jumps in a 2nd story hammock and passes out*

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:29 AM


HUGS ok just email me Rosie... that drink sounds nummy

*makes a plate of food and puts it in the warmer for Jimi*


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 5:43 AM


heh, eating might be a good idea. i haven't done much of that in the past 36 hours or so.

gonna go home and have some chili soon, though, so that's somethin'.

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:53 AM


*waves distractedly as walking through the bar, pushing a cart-o-papers, and snagging a bottle of Black Bush, a few bottles of Jimi's homebrews, and vanishing into a previously-unused room*


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 6:58 AM


HUGS Neko hold on sweety break is coming. We can do it...

yes eating is good... you should do that Jimi


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 7:02 AM


*sneaks into neko's room and hugs the hell out of her again*

*sneaks out and snuggles MsB*

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:00 AM


*snuggles back and smiles*

Thanks Jimi ;)


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:32 AM


You know with all the snuggles and glomps going on in this room, I'm suprised that the floor isn't swimming in drinks.
*steps forward and pulls foot out of shoe that is stuck to floor*
Maybe not.
We got snow this morning. It was just a dusting, but I hope that means that we'll get some snow to play in this winter. Boise is not known for tremendous amounts of snow. Utah gets it all.

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:34 AM


Oh you're in Boise?? I'm in Salt Lake City... how cool is that?

It's gone cold again..sigh


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:37 AM



Originally posted by MSB:
Oh you're in Boise?? I'm in Salt Lake City... how cool is that?

It's gone cold again..sigh


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi

I used to be in Logan, that would've been even cooler. All our stuff is still there, in storage

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:38 AM


send the cold down here to me, MsB !!!

it got cold for a few days, then warmed back up.

gorramn, the drinks here usually don't tip over, some enchantment that kel put on them. that stickiness on the floor is, uh, um, i mean, er, hmmmm, well, it'll come out with a little turpentine and elbow grease.

i am headed home for the day, bitches

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 9:42 AM


*snuggles Jimi* Have a good time!


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:39 AM


*wanders in hot and sweaty from band practise*

Hey all, cold and damp here but no snow, hope everyone is doing good, stupidly busy day today.

*grabs a beer and borrows one of Jimi's hammocks*


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:43 AM


*puts in an order for turpentine*
hmmmm, where do you order elbow grease?
*wanders over to the bar, looks under for a phone book*

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 10:50 AM


Hot and sweaty?? Band practice??? Are you a Band geek??? LOL HUGS
My sister's having marching band fits because her house is across the street from the high school and she swears the band is psychic because every time she goes to put the baby down for a nap ( no matter what time of day) the band starts practicing and marches around and past her house...


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 11:44 AM


lol, I sort of was but we didn't march and I am a drummer so have rock and roll credentials, in metal bands etc but have also done classical, jazz, blues work, premiered stuff up at the Edinburgh festival etc


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 11:47 AM


Ah that kind of band....


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Tuesday, November 20, 2007 3:29 PM



It's embarrassing getting your butt kicked by a room full of people who barely come past your bellybutton. I was son's "buddy" at karate tonight. Man am I a creaky stiff old bag of goo.
I am going to be feeling it tomorrow.
I can't even use the defense that I slipped in mud and wrenched my knee this morning because that wasn't even part of the problem.

So: recipes!
Wild Rice, Cranberry, and Mushroom stuffing (from Wisconsin)

Yield 6 servings

2/3C wild rice
2 2/3C water
Salt to taste
1 1/2C finely chopped mushrooms
1/2C chopped onion
3Tbsp butter
1/4tsp salt
freshly ground pepper to taste
1C chopped fresh or frozen cranberries
1/3C currants or raisins (optional)
(can also use as stuffing for double-thick pork chops, chicken, or turkey)
Rinse rice; drain. Bring rice, water and salt to taste to a boil in saucepan. Reduce heat. Simmer, loosely covered, for 45 to 60 minutes o until rice is tender and most of liquid has been absorbed. Let stand for 5 minutes, drain.

Saute mushrooms and onion in butter in skillet for 10minutes or until mushrooms and onion are tender. Stir in 1/4tsp salt, pepper, cranberries, currants, and rice.
Preheat oven to 350F. Spoon stuffing into baking dish. Bake for 30 minutes.

Bread Stuffing with chestnuts and dried fruit (about 12 cups)
Use shelled and roasted fresh chestnuts, or canned or frozen if desired; do not use chestnuts packed in syrup, which are too sweet for this dish.

Prepare basic bread stuffing (Joy of Cooking 1997ed, p482)adding 1 1/2C coarsely chopped chestnuts and 1/2C dried fruit such ast raisins, cranberries, cherries or diced prunes, when tossing the bread with the seasonings.

I'm presuming you can use your own favorite bread stuffing recipe without too much trauma.

I'd probably suggest throwing chestnuts into the wild rice recipe, as I think that would go quite nicely together!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 2:18 AM


mornin' drinkers.

That recipe looks good, Rosie, thanks for sharing it.

*leaves hugs and chocolate for anyone who wants 'em*

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:00 AM


Hi everyone (wish I had time to glomp everyone individually but as usual I am late! Mass glomp will have to do)!

Looking back at what's been going on I have to say congrats on the shiney news Kelkhil! I shall get started knitting another ickle Jayne hat!

Justgrabbed 5 mins over lunch to search for jobs as I'm very fed up with mine (not sure if I hate teaching or just teaching here. Either way, at present I am not having a fun life at all!)
Seen a couple of fun positions doing conservation in Africa! Might apply for those this weekend. One of them pays a whopping £1.5K a year!

Sounds like HK's job is a bit sucky at present. Could I tempt her and anyone else here to run away to Africa with me?!



Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:36 AM


Hey all,

another busy sucky day at the office but could be worse.

I think I'll have to give Africa a miss Emma as I suspect blonde hair & fair skinned type people that burn in the sun might suffer somewhat!

*magics a round of drinks for everybody into existence on the bar, grabs a cup of tea and heads to the beer garden*


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 6:49 AM


HUGS and thanks ever so much Rosie... I knew you 'd know what to do:)

Em- oh sweety it's where you're teaching I promise. You may want to wander in to other schools on an off day and speak with people who teach there and see how they like it. Then you can get a better idea of the teaching environment you prefer. I loved my old school and am enduring this one right now, but I am so out of here the minute I can get some things settled... a bad administrator can absolutely make things so miserable and make you feel like you hate teaching and everything... HUGS and I am so sorry you got a bad one on your first time out of the gate

*takes the chocolate and snuggles Jimi*


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:11 AM



Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Sounds like HK's job is a bit sucky at present. Could I tempt her and anyone else here to run away to Africa with me?!

Oh, you have no idea....
I've been promoting a "Run Away With Me!" scheme for months - if not years - now, yet no one ever seems to take me up on it. Africa can certainly be one of our stops. ^^


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:16 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by EmmaRigby:
Sounds like HK's job is a bit sucky at present. Could I tempt her and anyone else here to run away to Africa with me?!

Oh, you have no idea....
I've been promoting a "Run Away With Me!" scheme for months - if not years - now, yet no one ever seems to take me up on it. Africa can certainly be one of our stops. ^^

i offered. you ran away and hid.

Commander, Alpha Company, 76th Independent Battalion

Friends are the 'verse's best way of telling you that you are not alone in this crapheap of a world. Friends who are also Soldiers keep you alive to see it.

"As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly..."


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:42 AM


Hey ... I'm right with you HK sweety. I do think you should get away from your evil job( and I think our master plan is coming along nicely even if it's totally unreaslistic) We could make a realistic plan to get you out of there too... HUGS

HUGS do realize that , thanks to Phoebe, I now have a large collection of Zeph pics...giggles


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 7:44 AM


I am still all for the "Run Away With Me" scheme, you just tell me when and where.

*snuggles MsB*

*cautiously approaches HK to give her a massive hug*

Lt. Alexander - Chief Medic / XO Alpha Co. / Logistics & Transportation Specialist - 76th IAB

i am just a worthless liar.
i am just an imbecile.
i will only complicate you.
trust in me and fall as well.
i will find a center in you.
i will chew it up and leave.
i will work to elevate you.
just enough to bring you down.


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:01 AM


*snuggles Jimi and then moves aside for HK*


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:12 AM


I am all for running away, Africa sounds nice, but I think y'all(sorry but southern speak makes this sound better) wouldn't appreciate my 4 kids making a ruckus and destroying any calm you might get from running away, so I will sacrifice and stay, mind the bar and wait for your letters.

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:42 AM



Originally posted by Zephyr1956:
i offered. you ran away and hid.

...not entirely true.
As a general rule, yes, I hide.
But said hiding did not, in fact, have anything to do with your offer. =P

Point of fact, you once helped me hide:

GorramGroupie, sorry, the point of my "Run Away With Me!" scheme is to ... well ... run away ... from responsibilities ... and part of that means not have yelping dependents latching on. =/

I have made my last University loan payment. VICTORY! \o/ Credit Cards are almost at $0. I can easily ship all my boxed possessions to Mom to sell on eBay. Then I will be completely independent, debt-free, and able to execute Operation "Run Away With Me!" without hinderance.

I'll start drawing a map of all the Browncoats we have to pick up on the way... should be an interesting map... XD ((giggles insanely))


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:43 AM


Hey there will be loads of kids there.. LA's and Jimi's and Kelkhil's, and FMF's and...I can keep going like this for a while...

Kids are fun...why wouldn't we want them there??
I do whine about my students some, but I wouldn't trade most of them for anything:)


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:47 AM



Originally posted by MSB:
Kids are fun...why wouldn't we want them there??

((blink, blink))
I am not familiar with this definition of "fun" of which you speak.

I guess I'll just have to run away by myself... =( ((sniffle))


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 8:51 AM


Um..hey blind woman... we're all with you HUGS HK

Fun- Annie is following my sister around whining about something and her dad tells her to stop it. She turns around and says in an exasperated voice " Can Annie WHINE?"
I love that child... LOL

Fun- One of my students decides to decend from upper level of the school to lower level via the giant posts that support the upper deck. He slides down and lands directly on the principal. :)


Nope, don't use cologne. Women I date think the smell of sawdust is sexy. That's probably why I don't... date many women.- Gibbs
You start talking about capes and tights and I'm out of here. -Ando Masahashi


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:28 AM


Ahh, that is the only reason I still have 4 kids, they're too darn cute to kill. Most of the time.
My 2 year old is a dynamo, go go go until he collapses, always making messes, I want to throttle him. Then he goes and does this:
"mommy, i want an apple"
"I can have an apple?! Thank you mommy!"
Like us giving him something is the greatest thing that ever happened.

"It's no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense." - Mark Twain






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