Enough! ...Stargate Atlantis is a Gorram JOKE compared to Firefly

UPDATED: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 09:50
VIEWED: 4213
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:23 AM


Ok, even though I didn't like the original movie Stargate and I never watched SG1 I finally decided I would try watching Startgate Atlantis, mostly because it happened to come on while I was channel surfing and because Jewel is in it (poor thing)...

I'm sure much of this is because of being spolied by Firefly but Stargate Atlantis was a HUGE dissapointment. It was WAY worse than I thought it would be... The production values are a total Joke... The lighting sucks, the acting is marginal at best making the characters completely unbelieveable and sadly Jewel seems totally out of place. I litteraly feel bad for her having to be on that show.

Are there many Firefly fans that actually watch this show regularly and like it? Please explain; did I just happen to catch the worst episode they ever made or are they all pretty much like this?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:37 AM


It's cotton candy, it's meaningless fluff. I don't have to pay attention or think a lot when it is on. I watch it because it is occasionally funny, occasionally good. Not Firefly funny, not Firefly good. If it went off the air never to return I'd not miss it.

Jewel enjoys being on the show, if you've read her blogs. It is a steady gig and actors gotta eat just like the rest of us.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 3:59 AM


Hmm, that's an interesting point;. I didn't look at the show like that. But if you compare it to the typical scifi produced movies you see on the weekend you're right that's exactly what it is.

I watch those movies while I'm working on the weekend for the exact reasons you pointed out.

My mistake was taking the show seriously, thanks for pointing out the error in my thinking.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:07 AM


Shows like SGA are on the air because enough people watch them to make a profit. They are like McDonald's. Not the best in the world, but they appeal to dumb masses.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:09 AM


i DO aim to misbehave

You start looking at every show and comparing it to Firefly, then you better stop watching TV altogether. I'm sorry, but that's how it goes.

Stargate: Atlantis has its moments, but I enjoy it. Just this past season, McKay asked if the rest of the team had any idea how many Stargate Addresses there were in the galaxy that had yet to be discovered.

Sheppard's answer: "42"

It's not Firefly - not FarScape either- and I think they know that.

Firefly is one of a kind.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:51 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by Channain:
You start looking at every show and comparing it to Firefly, then you better stop watching TV altogether. I'm sorry, but that's how it goes.

Stargate: Atlantis has its moments, but I enjoy it. Just this past season, McKay asked if the rest of the team had any idea how many Stargate Addresses there were in the galaxy that had yet to be discovered.

Sheppard's answer: "42"

It's not Firefly - not FarScape either- and I think they know that.

Firefly is one of a kind.

Totally agree Channy.

Stargate Atlantis is no Firefly, but then again neither is any other show on tv which is what makes Firefly all that more special and all of us so passionate about it.

I watch Atlantis mainly because I liked SG1. Atlantis has it's moments, but mostly it is mindless entertainment. If it got pulled I wouldn't really miss it and I certainly wouldn't feel moved to fight for it as I did Firefly.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:51 AM



Originally posted by Channain:

Just this past season, McKay asked if the rest of the team had any idea how many Stargate Addresses there were in the galaxy that had yet to be discovered.

Sheppard's answer: "42"

Sounds like somebody there knows Douglas Adams' Ultimate Answer, and a reasonable question.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 4:58 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by NewOldBrownCoat:
Sounds like somebody there knows Douglas Adams' Ultimate Answer, and a reasonable question.

Precisely. It is pretty shiny to see Jewel Staite working. In a way, she is still playing Kaylee - the difference being that she's fixing human machines, not mechanical ones.

Plus, she's on a show I can stand. I won't go anywhere near Desperate Housewives with a 40-foot pole. I love my captain, but a girl has to have her standards. I'll give anything sci-fi at least a looksee.

See, it's all in your point of view.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:19 AM


Wow... I'm very sorry you feel that way Penthos. Neither I nor anyone else has ever said SGA was as good as Firefly. Personally though I enjoy it a great deal and couldn't disagree with you more concerning the production values or the lighting. They have their fair share of poor acting as well, I'll admit that. Atleast they don't have as much as BSG, nor as much as SG1 had during it's last couple seasons. You had the misfortune, I imagine, of watching an episode of season four. Which was by far the worst season of the series to date. They had only a couple bad episodes a season before but in Four they had quite a few. You obviously didn't catch any of the episodes the show will most likely have nominated for a number of awards -American and Canadian- for special effects... though they probably won't get as many for acting and writing this season as they have previously. If any.

Just to note, I could pretty much take your post. Change Jewels name and a handful of other things and it would pretty much sum up how I've always felt about Buffy and Angel. I've never liked the shows but I do understand that the dorky campiness is supposedly part of the charm... Perhaps my not being able to look past that is exactly what you are doing with Stargate Atlantis.

I'll also add that you will never see me starting a Buffy/Angel bashing thread anytime soon. I respect it's fan base far to much to do that. I do understand your disappointment if you started watching the show expecting something along the lines of Firefly. And I've felt exactly as you have about things other people truly enjoy so I'm not about to say you are not entitled to your opinion. To each his own and I hope you do find some television that you can enjoy someday.

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"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:21 AM


One of the charming aspects of SG1/SGA is they never take themselves too seriously. The serious shows outnumber the comedic ones 3 or 4 to 1, but they have fun in doing so.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:33 AM


Humor is definitely the main reason I enjoy the Stargate franchise. And few people do humor better than David Hewlett in my opinion. Nothing will thrill me more than for David and Nathan to do a movie together. Talk about death from laughing. What is it that makes Canadians so damned funny?

<------<<< ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(*)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ >>>------>

"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:42 AM


Totally agree with the McDonald's comparison.
And while Firefly is more like a gourmet sumptuous Sicilian pizza dinner with the works, every now and then I gotta have me a fillet-O-fish & fries.

Shep & McKay crack me upisall.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 6:50 AM



Originally posted by StrangeBird:
Wow... I'm very sorry you feel that way Penthos. Neither I nor anyone else has ever said SGA was as good as Firefly. Personally though I enjoy it a great deal and couldn't disagree with you more concerning the production values or the lighting. They have their fair share of poor acting as well, I'll admit that. Atleast they don't have as much as BSG, nor as much as SG1 had during it's last couple seasons. You had the misfortune, I imagine, of watching an episode of season four. Which was by far the worst season of the series to date. They had only a couple bad episodes a season before but in Four they had quite a few. You obviously didn't catch any of the episodes the show will most likely have nominated for a number of awards -American and Canadian- for special effects... though they probably won't get as many for acting and writing this season as they have previously. If any.

Just to note, I could pretty much take your post. Change Jewels name and a handful of other things and it would pretty much sum up how I've always felt about Buffy and Angel. I've never liked the shows but I do understand that the dorky campiness is supposedly part of the charm... Perhaps my not being able to look past that is exactly what you are doing with Stargate Atlantis.

I'll also add that you will never see me starting a Buffy/Angel bashing thread anytime soon. I respect it's fan base far to much to do that. I do understand your disappointment if you started watching the show expecting something along the lines of Firefly. And I've felt exactly as you have about things other people truly enjoy so I'm not about to say you are not entitled to your opinion. To each his own and I hope you do find some television that you can enjoy someday.

Yeah, I'm starting to wish I never started this thread because even though I didn't realize it at the time, it IS "bashy". I certainly don't mean to insult the SGA fans. Perhaps because it had been recommended to me, and I had heard good things, I was expecting something more.

I don't know what season it was from but the episode I saw was where these crystals that they brought back through the gate could somehow kill people in their dreams. I found the climax, where the guy is fighting a "crystal-posessed" version of himself in a dream to be totally ridiculous. But there I go hatin again...


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:01 AM



Originally posted by Penthos:
But there I go hatin again...

Hey- what ever floats yer boat. Peeps suggested I see Farscape, and I found it to be plain silly, but not the funny kind (For ME, mileage OBVIOUSLY varies, since there are SO many hardcore fans).



Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:07 AM


Same here re:Farscape. The wife loves it, I have friends that swear by it. It's ~okay~, but every five minutes or so I have to stop and mentally ask the characters on the screen, "You realize those are just Muppets, right?"


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:11 AM


I did like Farscape enough to rent their final movie- it was, y'know, okay- I liked it well enough.
I think I just didn't click with the main actor...but the female lead was definitely cool...I cry every time she dies in Pitch Black

Fazzi Bear Chrisisall


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:12 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by Penthos:
...the episode I saw was where these crystals that they brought back through the gate could somehow kill people in their dreams. I found the climax, where the guy is fighting a "crystal-posessed" version of himself in a dream to be totally ridiculous. But there I go hatin again...

Yeah, okay, bad example.

But then I didn't fall for Firefly right off the bat either. When the series aired on TV, Trainjob was the very first episode - I could tell something was off, but couldn't say what. The second episode aired was Bushwacked - not a great second, and not nearly my favorite. I thought Joss had lost his everloving mind, seriously.

If it hadn't been for Our Mrs. Reynolds airing third - and me trying to figure out where I'd seen the actor playing Mal without going to IMDb - I wouldn't be here right now.

Moral of the story: You can't judge a sci-fi series by a single episode. Most series take a season or more to get off the ground. Firefly was a complete fluke in that respect, but even then, I wouldn't exactly call Heart of Gold or The Message the strongest offerings either.

I think it's the character interactions on SGA that I enjoy the most. they've been described as patterned after Star Wars: Sheppard is Han, Teyla is Leia, McKay is Threepio (The citrus planet? we're doomed!) and of course Ronan is Chewie.

I just find it entertaining and funny. But then I can't get devoted to *serious* things like Lost because I don't have the time, and reality TV can go take a flying leap into a really smelly pile of something highly disgusting and indistinguishable.

I'm okay with entertaining and funny. I need a lot of funny these days.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:22 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
Moral of the story: You can't judge a sci-fi series by a single episode. Most series take a season or more to get off the ground. Firefly was a complete fluke in that respect, but even then, I wouldn't exactly call Heart of Gold or The Message the strongest offerings either.

Yeah, based on your responses I'm starting to think that SGA can't possibly be as bad as the one episode I saw... So maybe I should give it another try, maybe just for Jewel's sake.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:30 AM



Originally posted by Penthos:

Yeah, based on your responses I'm starting to think that SGA can't possibly be as bad as the one episode I saw...

I'd go with the beginning, if you can...the humour sort of creeps up on ya that way- like any other show, you jump in just "somewhere" in the series, you're gonna have a lot of backstory missin', especially for Ronon.



Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:31 AM


It's really not that bad a show. Like someone upthread said, don't compare it to Firefly. I used to drive myself crazy watching shows, thinking 'this crap is going strong after three years and we couldn't get an entire season of Firefly?'

Watch three or four episodes, get a feel for it. If you like, fine. If not, walk away. It ain't Shakespeare but it ain't Dancing With America's Top Bulimic Dwarves either.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:36 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by chrisisall: any other show, you jump in just "somewhere" in the series, you're gonna have a lot of backstory missin', especially for Ronon.

*sigh*... Ronon.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:48 AM



Originally posted by Channain:
*sigh*... Ronon.

I'm sorry, what were we talking about?

Was Sateda a GREAT episode or WHAT??? It's one of, if not my absolute favourite ep so far.
They were firing on all thrusters with that one.

Chrisisall, Rononfan


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 7:55 AM


i DO aim to misbehave


Originally posted by chrisisall:
Was Sateda a GREAT episode or WHAT??? It's one of, if not my absolute favourite ep so far.
They were firing on all thrusters with that one.

Absobloominglutely. the best move SGA made was to ditch the other guy they had on the team and bring in Ronon. Sure, he's a complete clone of Teal'c with a couple of tweaks, but he was the one thing needed to bring cohesion to the group.

He's the one who notices everything too - and has the biggest heart. When Teyla's pregnancy finally came out, Sheppard was all "Who'se DONE this to you!" While Ronon did the cool big-brother talk that ended with, "You know, Ronon is a good name. Boy or girl."

Okay, so secret's out. Now we all know Channain is crushing on Ronon. I like the big scruffy get-it done types. Sue me.

Doing the impossible makes us mighty
Minnesota Browncoats


Wednesday, April 16, 2008 9:50 AM



Originally posted by Penthos:
Yeah, I'm starting to wish I never started this thread because even though I didn't realize it at the time, it IS "bashy". I certainly don't mean to insult the SGA fans. Perhaps because it had been recommended to me, and I had heard good things, I was expecting something more.

I don't know what season it was from but the episode I saw was where these crystals that they brought back through the gate could somehow kill people in their dreams. I found the climax, where the guy is fighting a "crystal-posessed" version of himself in a dream to be totally ridiculous. But there I go hatin again...

Yeah. That was not my favorite episode either. Even as far as the humerous unusual Stargate episodes go. The episode of SG-1 where Teal'c is stuck endlessly looping through a virtual reality simulation would be my favorite in that category.

I'll take no offense then. Just sorta hope you'll give the SG'verse a second chance as not all the episodes are that goofy and insane... the clown part was a bit much wasn't it?

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"When you can't do something smart, do something right." - quoting Book
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