FNG Here

UPDATED: Thursday, May 15, 2008 07:29
VIEWED: 3760
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:09 AM


This is my first post here on I don't know if this is the correct place to post this. For the Powers-That-Be, move it if I'm out of my lane. Here we go…

When this show first aired on FOX, I caught a few episodes here-and-there. Frankly, it didn't hook me then. I had no idea who Joss Whedon was - I was not then, and I am not now, a "Buffy" fan. FOX aired "Firefly" during a busy time of the year for me - the fall. I forgot all about the show. I am a news junkie anyhow, so even if it was aired during a better time, I’d have likely missed it anyway.

Years passed.

"Serenity" came out - I did not see it. In fact, I don’t recall seeing any advertising at all.

More years passed. Then - not too long ago - I caught most of "Serenity" on television somewhere. This time, months passed - but I was hooked. I did a little sporadic research on the web. A few weeks later, on an impulse - and on my way home from work - I stopped off and bought the "Firefly" series on DVD. I watched it straight through over the course of Saturday night & Sunday ... at least twice. The following Tuesday I went out & picked up the Special Edition DVD of "Serenity". I have watched those DVD’s 3~4 times over the past few days alone. Last night I watched disc 2 from “Firefly” … again. Hardly a week goes by where I don't watch at least one of the discs a few times over.

Last week I ordered a bunch of “Firefly” and “Serenity” T-Shirts and stickers. I have searched all over for all kinds of stuff. I know about the comic books and I know that they were all bound together into books. I want the original comics … and the books. I know about the action figures. I want them.

Is there a 12 Step Program for whatever is afflicting me?

I cannot explain the effect that the “Firefly” and “Serenity” phenomenons have had on me. This kind of thing should not be happening to someone like me. For the record, I am an adult white male, 44 years old. Although I am single, I do not live in my parent’s basement. I went to college. I have a good job. I own a car and a truck. I am a U.S. Army veteran. I was (am) an Infantryman – not some remf pogue. I like John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Willis films. I like guns, cars, trucks and jets. I like the smell of hot oil, grease and cordite. I like to get dirty. I like the outdoors. I drink beer and whisky … and I swear … often. I like baseball and football.

What I am NOT is one of those overzealous “Star Trek” or “Star Wars” freaks.

I am at a loss to explain how these two things – “Firefly” and “Serenity” – have done this to me, but I know - know – I am a lifelong fan.

Mr. Whedon, if you see this - get your act together and make another movie. We’ll be here … waiting.

HavocMan out…


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:28 AM


Hiya Havocman! Much like you, I came to the Firefly and Serenity universe way late. Saw the movie, Serenity on cable - mentioned to my husband that it was based on a TV show and he went and got us the DVD's - we, too are diehard fans who could NOT BELIEVE that with the tripe that's STILL on television, Firefly is not. There is a certain amount of 'depression' and guilt that goes along with being a 'johnny come lately' but you're here now and this WILL help - it will.
For the record - many, many years ago I was a Star Trek fan - but as life took over that fell by the wayside. Now I am a browncoat - have even marched in the Dragon*Con parade with the 76th in hopes that more people will join us to make a visual statement that we aren't going away and in the hope that some day we will have more because the Firefly universe is just too rich to abandon!
Welcome to the obsession, come join us over at the 76th - we've got quite a few veterans in our group and you will be welcome.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 11:30 AM


Join the club - once Whedon gets those hooks in you, it is damn hard to shake em out... your story sounds similar to my own (age wise and un-Trekie like) - I went through that phase where you just can't get enough of... anything... that is Firefly related. I have given away most of my FF loot in hopes of getting other folks hooked - it usually works (and i got my office space back)...

Welcome - enjoy this site - there are plenty of folks here to help you re-live this great program and who will listen to any "crying in my beer" stories you want to share...

oh yeah, Steve McQueen - good call - he would have been a good Mal...

edit to add: seems like i used FNG to introduce myself a while back... not sure if everyone knows it's meaning.. just letting you know, i do..


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:24 PM


I bought the DVD set just because Mark Sheppard was in it. But once i saw it i was completely hooked to the point where i have to limit myself to one Firefly related something a day. kind of sucks but i don't want to over watch it like i have with other shows. However i have recently got my brother and his wife into the show and now they love it just as much as i do.

"Would be you get your most poetical about your pecker"


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:06 PM


Well HavocMan, if you came looking for a twelve step programe to cure you of Firefly you came to the wrong place.

But we do understand. You have become one of those lucky people to have discovered this show. It is never to late. You may be interested to know there are comic books and other literature about the Firefly verse. Stick around and lurk through the threads and you will learn about the goings on around this verse. You may even have a "Serenity" charity screening in your neck of the woods so that you may see the film on the big screen. There are people who regularly schedule such screenings to introduce Serenity to new people, like yourself, and donate to charity. Not to shabby, hey.

So welcome and be active here. We want to hear from you. We play games a tease each other and otherwise have fun here. So feel free to join in and have some fun yourself.

And feel fre to ask any question about this sight or about Firefly.



Wednesday, May 14, 2008 1:14 PM


You think you have problems? I not only got hooked on Firefly/Serenity, but also on Buffy, Angel and Wonderfalls.

My granddaughter just returned my Buffy (all 7 seasons) collection and took my Angel (5 seasons) collection. I bought Firefly/Serenity for both my granddaughters, my sister and both brothers.

I pre-ordered the Blu-ray Firefly and purchased the HD Serenity DVDs, although I don't have a player for either.

Now, about this 12 Step Program???????


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:01 PM


No twelve step program, Havocman. Only further addiction I'm afraid.

We all understand exactly where you're at, we've been there too! Welcome to the 'Verse, you're a Browncoat by virtue of your love.

*hands Havocman a browncoat from the storage shed*

Look around, you'll find links to very interesting stuff and get involved in some of the BC charity's fun and very rewarding.

Make yourself to home, we're happy to answer questions and always enjoy talking.

eta: What does FNG mean?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 3:25 PM


If i had the money there would be no stopping me. I would have bought one, possibly two, of every Firefly related thing in the verse. To bad Im so poor.

"Would be you get your most poetical about your pecker"


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 4:50 PM


ahhh, Memories.

I put a post just like yours on here 2 years ago, well, except I got girl parts...

Never joined a FANatic site in my life till I got here....

Anyway welcome to the Flan-dom, pull up your chair and sit a spell...

Fancy a virtual cup of Earl-Grey-Green tea or some harder Mudder's Milk? Careful, the mudder's milk doubles as boot polish this time a year...


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 5:09 PM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
eta: What does FNG mean?

ah-hem ... uhhh ... forgot there'd likely be ladies here.


And thanks for the welcome folks.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 6:11 PM


Ahhhh, silly me.

Thanks for assuming I'm a lady.
I DO have girl parts but you could've spelled it out.
Folks here are pretty easy going about such things.

I'm glad you've joined us.
Always nice to have gentlemanly gentlemen here.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008 8:20 PM


your story is only different from all of ours' in the method, not the degree of obsession. I got hooked about 5 min into my first episode, been around here ever since

And sadly, there is no 12 step program. There's only Cold Turkey, and it's a real bummer, relieved only by the hope that there will be dome mopre to be hooked on someday...

Meanwhuile, welcome to the party.


Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:04 AM


It IS ridiculous though, how one gets hooked on this series so easily. It's just that damn good. Maybe it's because it's so short: it makes what there is more beautiful.


Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:22 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:
What does FNG mean? the parlance of Battlestar Galactica.... Fracking New Guy


Thursday, May 15, 2008 4:55 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.

Welcome aboard Havocman. Glad to have you here posting with us.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Thursday, May 15, 2008 5:27 AM



Originally posted by FollowMal:

Thanks for assuming I'm a lady.

Says so right in your profile

Thanks again everyone ... I just need to stay out of certain rooms here...


Thursday, May 15, 2008 5:48 AM


Welcome! You are in fine company.

A good way to show your support is to vote for Firefly as the best show ever at .

I work at my PC and since you can vote up to once an hour, I've downloaded FlyVote ( which pops up every hour automagically to make regular voting that much easier...

Also, a good way to show your support is to sign up at the Universal HD Firefly forums ( as Universal is the only company paying attention to Browncoats right now. They show FireFly every Saturday night on Unversal HD. Even if you don't get that channel, it's good to log into their forums on Saturday around 8pm because the Admin there actually reports to the people at Universal. It is my undertanding that it BECAUSE of the active Firefly forum over there that Universal HD is running the show at all this year.

Oh, and also, you can show your support by writing a review for the series on (

) where you can watch the entire series for free online.

I feel it is the responsibility of us newcomers to help carry on the fight for those who have been here fighting for more Firefly all along.

Zoe: Don't think its a good spot sir, she still has the advantage over us.
Mal: Everyone always does; that's what makes us special.


Thursday, May 15, 2008 6:22 AM



Originally posted by HavocMan:

Originally posted by FollowMal:
eta: What does FNG mean?

ah-hem ... uhhh ... forgot there'd likely be ladies here.


And thanks for the welcome folks.

Well , I knew that...

But , by precedent , 'round here , we call the newish folk ,
" Ruttin' New Guys/Gals " ,
or , RNG's...

Welcome to the Revolution...and , the obsession...Thanks for your 'story' , and your support...Always nice to meet the new folk...


Thursday, May 15, 2008 7:29 AM


Welcome FNG. Typical use of the acronym from a Vet. I like that. I'm a retired Vet myself.

I think some things may be misunderstood or have a bad sterotype, and one is that there's supposed to be something wrong with being a Trekkie or a Star Wars freak, which I must say I'm guilty of both. However, having said that I've been a Firefly fan from the beginning. My state of mind could only go back further if I'd been involved in the production. This thing hit me like a ton of bricks and honestly took over my top spot for favorite series of all time, which had previously been Star Trek. All that with a pilot and 13 episodes. Powerful stuff.

I'm not sure if there's a multi-step program for our affliction with something as amazing as Firefly. I honestly hope (short of a labotomy), that there isn't. I have several copies of the series (gotta make sure I have extras I can loan out to convert disbelievers) as well as all versions (and extras) of Serenity. Got the comics, got the figures (6 sets so far, not sure how many there are, Inara and her 'crossbow' is sure cool) and both volumes of the official companion, as well as shirts and not sure what else off the top of my head....

So, many others are smitten, in a big way and I'm sure I speak for others in saying we're glad to welcome another to our ranks.

Mal's expression in the scrapyard when he first see's Serenity says it all.






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