Get off FOX!!

UPDATED: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:48
VIEWED: 11706
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Thursday, May 22, 2008 9:02 PM


Well excuse me for trying to keep things civil.

And never once in my post did I say or imply that you are a troll, I just asked that we not resort to trollish behavior and start a flame war.

I endured a lot of bullying in school and whenever it seems like someone is picking on someone I can't help but to say something.

And I've been subject to your "We don't want your kind around here" line myself, it may not have been in those exact words but the meaning was the same. So what you said just rubbed me the wrong way.

But it seems like civility has no home in this thread, so I'll be making my exit now.

See that^ I made my point without insulting anyone.


Thursday, May 22, 2008 11:14 PM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs. (excerpt)

Agreed - and I have no problem that any network is just about making money - it's just business, but ABC, NBC, CBS et al at least have the decency to not run programs that actively and constantly criticise the dumbing down and increasing moral depravation of American culture (Fox News) while acting as some of the biggets contributors to that dumbing down and depravation in some of the programming they air...


Friday, May 23, 2008 4:26 AM


May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.


Originally posted by whozit:

SigmaNunki is right; Fox is a network that is guilty of serial cancelling. Lots of great shows and damn near every sci fi show they ever aired all cancelled and relegated to the trash heap.

Get over it? Who are you to tell anyone else what to do? Live and let live. You want to watch Fox, feel free. If others here don't want to watch them, that's fine too. Free country last time I looked. Seems the only one here spoutin' off is you.

Me personally I dropped Fox after they cancelled Firefly. The only things on Fox I have watched since are shows that had our BDHs in them. The rest Fox can shove in their uncomfortable spot where the sun don't shine.

You people are rite! How dare FOX dump great shows like "A minute with Stan Hooper" and keep garbage like 24 & HOUSE on the air. We should send FOX blistering E-mails!

Very witty. Oh wait, that was that sarcasm thing, right?

Wow. Come up w/ that on your own or did you have help.

Holding the line since December '02!

Richmond, VA & surrounding area Firefly Fans:

Color Officer / X.O. Echo Company


Friday, May 23, 2008 9:32 PM


This is for Zerokiryu:

In my crude way I was trying to make light of Whozit's comments cause I too don't like bullies. But I failed miserably, obviously, and it was not my intention to insult or bully anyone.

I only had the best intentions and was trying to make a point. But please don't leave because I suck at subtle humor. I actually hate those sites where people insult one another and nothing else.

Truth be told, it was the first time I've ever responded to that type of behavior on this, or any other site, and I want this to remain a place where people can speak freely sans the insults and
foul language. If you felt I was being too harsh, I'm sorry.

Originally posted by zerokiryu:
Well excuse me for trying to keep things civil.

And never once in my post did I say or imply that you are a troll, I just asked that we not resort to trollish behavior and start a flame war.

I endured a lot of bullying in school and whenever it seems like someone is picking on someone I can't help but to say something.

And I've been subject to your "We don't want your kind around here" line myself, it may not have been in those exact words but the meaning was the same. So what you said just rubbed me the wrong way.

But it seems like civility has no home in this thread, so I'll be making my exit now.

See that^ I made my point without insulting anyone.

"Did you know that on some planets they juggle geese?"


Friday, May 23, 2008 10:03 PM


Hey Dave

You make a good point. Fox has a reputation for having a rather skewed vision of the world, and particularly, of America. Their politics come through loud and clear. But their history of canceling very popular programs, in exchange for reality shows, is legendary.

Whozit was talking about giving Fox more grief than the other networks. To be fair, when ABC canceled "My So-Called Life" they got lots of grief from adoring fans of the show. Ditto for the fans of "Joan of Arcadia" and CBS. They got plenty of grief (include me in on both accounts above). I can't recall NBC canceling a hugely popular show for something less appealing. They actually go in the opposite direction - they put on shows nobody really watches (just kidding).

Seriously, unlike Fox, NBC hung in there when the ratings for "The Office" were in the toilet, and now look at them. They have on their hands one of the top rated shows because they had PATIENCE. That, I'm afraid, is something that Fox will always be in short supply.

But my objection to Whozit comments was not that, in his opinion, we should get over it. He can say whatever he wants, but he could have said it without resorting to ugly words - foul language, cursing. Still, we all have the right, as television viewers who love quality programs, to complain to our hearts content. It is our God given right as Americans (You may now wave the flag here).


Originally posted by DaveGrinberg:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs. (excerpt)

Agreed - and I have no problem that any network is just about making money - it's just business, but ABC, NBC, CBS et al at least have the decency to not run programs that actively and constantly criticise the dumbing down and increasing moral depravation of American culture (Fox News) while acting as some of the biggets contributors to that dumbing down and depravation in some of the programming they air...

"Not everyone gets me and Zoe at first glance."


Saturday, May 24, 2008 12:56 AM



Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Hey Dave

You make a good point. Fox has a reputation for having a rather skewed vision of the world, and particularly, of America. Their politics come through loud and clear. But their history of canceling very popular programs, in exchange for reality shows, is legendary.

Whozit was talking about giving Fox more grief than the other networks. To be fair, when ABC canceled "My So-Called Life" they got lots of grief from adoring fans of the show. Ditto for the fans of "Joan of Arcadia" and CBS. They got plenty of grief (include me in on both accounts above). I can't recall NBC canceling a hugely popular show for something less appealing. They actually go in the opposite direction - they put on shows nobody really watches (just kidding).

Seriously, unlike Fox, NBC hung in there when the ratings for "The Office" were in the toilet, and now look at them. They have on their hands one of the top rated shows because they had PATIENCE. That, I'm afraid, is something that Fox will always be in short supply.

But my objection to Whozit comments was not that, in his opinion, we should get over it. He can say whatever he wants, but he could have said it without resorting to ugly words - foul language, cursing. Still, we all have the right, as television viewers who love quality programs, to complain to our hearts content. It is our God given right as Americans (You may now wave the flag here).


Originally posted by DaveGrinberg:

Originally posted by Shinygoodguy:
Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS only care about making money. They couldn't care less about quality programs. (excerpt)

Agreed - and I have no problem that any network is just about making money - it's just business, but ABC, NBC, CBS et al at least have the decency to not run programs that actively and constantly criticise the dumbing down and increasing moral depravation of American culture (Fox News) while acting as some of the biggets contributors to that dumbing down and depravation in some of the programming they air...

"Not everyone gets me and Zoe at first glance."

I used foul language because I was in a foul mood, I'm sorry about that and it wo'nt happen again.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:38 PM



The poster voiced his/her opinion, you voiced yours and then felt the need to insult his/her mother anong various insults to his/her intelligence.

Listen, this was a joke that I put out there to the poster. Did you see the part, and you even quoted it, that said sorry couldn't help it. It was a JOKE.

It’s like your mama jokes. And the comment on the posters intelligence was not an insult, I meant exactly what it said. The person made a stupid, misinformed comment, and yes I pointed it out. The comment on the intelligence of the poster was something that I did mean. Don’t make a comment here unless you have the facts, or don’t expect someone to not tell you facts or get angry with you if you make a deluded statement void of facts.

I feel strongly about what fox did. I’m not going to say all nice and fuzzes to someone that I disagree with about something that I am passionate about.

People, if we are not passionate, and fired up about firefly then what hope is there for anything to possibly come about. Whether it be a movie, or in a perfect world the show be picked up and we get season 2 or who knows.

It just seems to me like we are losing so many of the diehard browncoats. I know that this is all wishful thinking and hope, but if we don’t have that, then what are any of us doing in this site. Why is this site even still up?

I’m not going to apologize for what I said. The part about the posters mom was completely a joke. Don’t focus in on the less then tasteful or off colored remarks, that’s just me and its not going to change how I approach things because I don’t take them that serious when it comes to certain remarks.

I do take Firefly seriously. I will not move on about how I feel about Fox, and I feel that we as browncoats should not either. I’m not saying don’t watch anything on the network cause if you like something then fine that’s all good. But my feelings for Fox are what they are and they are not going to change. Fox killed Firefly. Firefly was not given a chance to be what it could be because of Fox’s decisions.

It’s like Book said, “I don’t care what you believe, just believe.” This is what I believe in. I want to do my part as a browncoat and provide and show my hardcore support for a show that I love.

Do or think what you want of my comments that I made. Call me trollish or ignorant or whatever you want, I really don’t care. Cut out and edit the things that I say to make it sound as unintelligent as you would like. But when you are reading what I say to find what “mean” things that I say to show that I’m just some pissed off stupid fan, think first if you really do care for the show and the future of the show, or if your just content with the now.

I leave this post now with the final words that when someone replies will probably be one of the few things quoted…….F**k Fox. (there, I edited something)

Sua Sponte


Tuesday, May 27, 2008 12:48 PM


Oh sorry I failed to answer your question of if someone said the mom comment to me how would I feel. I would laugh, honestly no joke. I feel less insulted with a comment like that then one acting like I am a child.

Please dont talk down to me. Say what you think but just dont say it the way that you would talk to your children. That's it, that's all I care about.

If you want to throw in a joke or two about pretty much anything, like my horrid spelling or something that's cool and would probably make me laugh. If you disagree with something that I said about firefly then please say something, especially if I'm completely wrong.

Also Fox told Joss that he was free to try and sell Firefly to another network, which is there one and only redeeming quality. All Fox wouldn’t do is let the BDM be called Firefly

Sua Sponte






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