last time

UPDATED: Monday, June 2, 2008 07:12
VIEWED: 3777
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Wednesday, May 28, 2008 5:29 PM


Ok, here’s the last post that I will make about this whole Fox thing. It’s not really that much about them anyways.

Yes, I get it. Some in here obviously consider me trollish, I get it.

I’ve been called worse, and it’s totally cool to call me that cause your opinion counts just as much as mine. But one thing, did anyone who saw my comments as distasteful, which some where, see what the actual comments where about?

I’ve been a member here for a couple years now; I’m not new to the site. I know how comments have been made so you don’t have to tell me that I just don’t know about being a part of the “crew”.

I take Firefly serious, maybe a little to serious. But, if it wasn’t for fans like us who get all fired up and will stand up and shout about this show, then the BDM would not have happened.

Don’t lose heart.

I don’t like Fox, and get touchy to say the least about comments that are directed at them. I’m sorry I cant just got over it, and I refuse to get over it. I think that if we stay fired up then we still have a chance.

So call me trollish or call me mean. I’m not going to change. I don’t really see myself as anyone of the crew in Firefly, but if you remember Jayne never changed either. I’m a pissed off, fired up, proud as ever fan of Firefly. And for the record to ASARIAN, I don’t want to get super hero status, and don’t care if anyone responds to this thread, this is just how I feel. And to WHOZIT, the whole mom comment was not meant to be serious and you can pick on mine as much as you want, she’s a drunk old Irish lady if that helps you get a start . Please dont take the comment that I had made to you seriously about your mom. If you did please except my honest apologizes (and spelling)

Sua Sponte


Thursday, May 29, 2008 2:33 PM


Hello SirThomas:

As I have often been told. Don't worry about the little stuff. And by the way it is all little stuff.

I know we all get a little heated at times. I'm actually on meds for it. Really.

And I know I have mispoken when I should just have kept my mouth shut. So you are just human like the rest of us.

I know what thread brought you to bring this up. And it was a foolish thread that even I am ashamed to have responded to, on reflection.

If we were to count the number of threads that bash FOX I believe they would be a very tiny minority. I see hundreds of threads each year on worthy topics like "What is Book's history?" or "What is with Jayne turning in River and Simon?". Then of course we have the fun threads like Imponderables.

Being avid about Firefly is no crime. Cursing FOX is not a crime either. I have done my share of cursing FOX. Especially after they cancelled "Drive".

Just dust yourself off and get back into rhythm of life here. I really doubt anybody was seriously damaged in that "Get off FOX" thread.

So start lurking and find a topic that interests you and get back in there and have fun. This is a great group of people and you happen to part of it.

A Fellow Firefly Fanatic;


Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:01 PM


I never did see drive I hate to say. I dont really have a ton of time to watch TV, probably one of the reason I got so fired up when firefly was canceled.

Good show? What about?

and thank u for the words

Sua Sponte


Thursday, May 29, 2008 5:22 PM


It was a cross country race starting in Florida. Illegal of course. The winner would get a million dollars. But several of the people are forced to play because a family member is kidnaped and they have to win or the kidnaped person die.s There was more to the story, but the show only lasted four episodes so there is not enough to even speculate who was playing who. They just had to arrive a certain destinations by a certain time while following the clues they were given. The people running the race naturally had to be kept secret. Just one guy would hand out the next clues and any special tasks for the person who showed up last at any of the destinations. You did not want to be last. Nathan is forced into the race because his wife is kidnaped. It may be available because I heard they released the two episodes they filmed but never aired.


Thursday, May 29, 2008 7:34 PM


SirThomas: Just happened across this thread, and wanted to say I admire your thoughtful post. I didn't read the specific thread that prompted your post (I try to stay away from the threads that get all negative and personal attack-y; they make me very depressed) but you are to be commended for your response.

Traveler: I just lucked into watching Drive not knowing Nathan Fillion was even going to be in it (I like cars and saw a bunch of those goofy cross-country race movies as a kid), but it looked to be shaping into an interesting show. I'd love to see the episodes again, and even better the two other ones as well.


Saturday, May 31, 2008 12:54 PM


Hello TillieSong:

If you want "Drive" episodes they may be found at Select "Movies TV" then in the far right corner is video download. Click that and type in Drive. There about $1.99 an episode. No DVD's available.


Monday, June 2, 2008 7:12 AM


Thank you for the information!






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