Imponderables: Waiting For Sundown

UPDATED: Thursday, October 2, 2008 08:43
VIEWED: 6508
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Monday, September 29, 2008 3:41 AM



Originally posted by Oddbodskins:
So, I'm betting a good few of you lot have been taking in heroes season three, starts here weds, opinions? (spoilery free please!)

Aye. It's all right, I guess. Parts of it were remeniscent (sp?) of other shows, and they got close to jumping the shark in a few spots... but I hold out hope for continued all-rightedness. ^^


Monday, September 29, 2008 3:54 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Oddbodskins:
So, I'm betting a good few of you lot have been taking in heroes season three, starts here weds, opinions? (spoilery free please!)

Aye. It's all right, I guess. Parts of it were remeniscent (sp?) of other shows, and they got close to jumping the shark in a few spots... but I hold out hope for continued all-rightedness. ^^

All right is live-withable I guess, a continued absence of shark jumping is to be hoped for. Aright, thankee.

'That torpedo hit us hard. We've got serious damage to the thrusters, heat warping in the secondary camshaft and the right side emergency jets completely knackered. We can't thrust, our shafts bent, and we'll probably never shoot off from the right hand again!'


Monday, September 29, 2008 5:45 AM



Originally posted by Oddbodskins:

Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:

Originally posted by Oddbodskins:
So, I'm betting a good few of you lot have been taking in heroes season three, starts here weds, opinions? (spoilery free please!)

Aye. It's all right, I guess. Parts of it were remeniscent (sp?) of other shows, and they got close to jumping the shark in a few spots... but I hold out hope for continued all-rightedness. ^^

All right is live-withable I guess, a continued absence of shark jumping is to be hoped for. Aright, thankee.

I enjoyed it. My only issue was that I think I missed some eps at the end of last season and without having recently watched them, I was like "huh? Oh yeah." I kept wondering what happened with the Irish girl...was that answered somewhere? I felt a little lost. and I'm just not into the web stuff, so I'm sure there's whole stories I have no idea about. I'm also not really into comics or graphic novels, so....

There was quite a bit of re-cap exposition stuff that dragged in parts and they showed two episodes back to back, so the re-caps in the second episode felt unnecessary and repetitive.

All in all, it was pretty good. I'll still make time for it. I have a friend who's not going to watch. She basically said it's been off-air for so long she's gotten over it.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw


Monday, September 29, 2008 5:50 AM


I guess your friend would never make a browncoat 'bug.

That sounds not bad (by the by, the irish girl got trapped a year in the future, based on the fact that that future (apparently)got changed while she was there, I for one have no idea if she can ever come back)

(although it's not future from now, it was then, although I think the third season is four years on or something? so she may have disappeared three years ago series-time, in a timeline that ceased to be...)

'That torpedo hit us hard. We've got serious damage to the thrusters, heat warping in the secondary camshaft and the right side emergency jets completely knackered. We can't thrust, our shafts bent, and we'll probably never shoot off from the right hand again!'


Monday, September 29, 2008 6:34 AM


...and with all that, the chum is in the water...


Monday, September 29, 2008 7:39 AM


Good morning people.

Finished my rifle Friday night, zeroed it in Sunday, and walked quite a bit scouting for the colder months. Felt like crap last night but thanks to MSB's help (Airborn is the shit) I quit leaking at the nose like a faucet and got some sleep.

That was pretty much the weekend.

Oh, got to shop for furniture Friday with MSB and soon we will have a new couch and squishy chair for the living room. I may never want to leave the house.


Monday, September 29, 2008 7:55 AM


OK so right now I sit in Barnes and Nobles as I have no internet or email access at work. Friday afternoon the power blew and they got lights on by this morning but the server is dead...

Hmm I've like Heroes so far but I am not all that demanding when it comes to being entertained... but I will say it's struggling with story line and character's behavior is inconsistent and that's never good

Still looking forward to it... and Big Bang, How I met your mother, and Two and a Half men:)


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Monday, September 29, 2008 8:11 AM


Hooray for Monday night.

And hooray for there actually being stuff on TV that I look forward to watching.


Monday, September 29, 2008 8:19 AM


Would like to point out October 31st is Halloween!!!

* Nevada has some weird little alternative holiday and they chose to schedule it during Halloween*

Yes indeed hooray for good shows on Monday

Ok really can't believe I am stuck in Barnes and Noble's listening to elevator music while trying to work ( ok about 1/3 of my time is goofing off in here)


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Monday, September 29, 2008 9:55 AM



Originally posted by MSB:
... and Big Bang, How I met your mother, and Two and a Half men:)

I just started watching these recently! Don't know how I missed tehm before. On last week's Big Bang they mentioned teh "Secret" Supercollider (sp) underground 17 miles SW of Traverse City Mi and I jump up off teh couch and started trying to gigure out what is 17 Miles sw and if it looked suspicious or not! (scary part is they pronounced it right Traverse City right on teh show so they at least know about the place and wern't just grabbing an unknown)

Some men just wanna watch the world burn

The Shirtless Forsaken


Monday, September 29, 2008 11:02 AM


Had to take the kitty to the vet. She is now all wailed out and up do date on her shots.

Yeah Monday is the TV night this year. It has all the shows I'd watch. Chuck, How I Met Your Mother and Terminator. And they're all lined up against each other. Lost, Scrubs and obviously Dollhouse will be on the list whenever they start. Hopefully they're not planned for Monday night also. Oh and Spectacular Spiderman but that's like Saturday morning or something. :-)


Monday, September 29, 2008 1:42 PM


REminds me: have to check the dogs tags for shot dates. THanks Zeek.

Going home. Love to y'all.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 3:54 AM


NVG here. Up early. Nice outside after a (very) slight bit of rain.





Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:03 AM



Originally posted by nvghostrider:
REminds me: have to check the dogs tags for shot dates. THanks Zeek.

Normally my vet calls me for my yearly appointment but this time I was like...ok I remember it's always hot out when I take the kitty in so how come I haven't heard from them yet? (granted it stays hot in austin for a good long while but still)

Sure enough her shots expired in mid august. I had to call them. Found out they changed management though so I guess that's their excuse.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 5:41 AM


MSB has diferent phone numbers than when she was in SLC so the doc wouldn't be calling her. Seems I kinda like the mutts and should probably look out for them more.


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 6:28 AM


NV argh forgot shots


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:13 AM


Afternoon bumpage. Seems kinda slow in here today.

Well I have appointment #3 with the acupuncturist today. Back has been feeling better so I am going to keep it up for a bit and see.

Some men just wanna watch the world burn

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 9:54 AM


So what's it like? Do the needles feel like getting a shot or what? I would think that would get really painful pretty quickly. Or are they mostly painless? Do you ever flinch when one zings ya?


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 10:02 AM


eh some you feel some you don't. For the most part it is painless. A quick poke is the most on incertian. While positioning them it can get uncomfortable some times. Not really painful, just not comfortable. But then again I am constantly in pain when my back is out so my threshold for pain is a might bit high.

Some men just wanna watch the world burn

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Forsaken


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 11:17 AM


Cool Kelkhil... :)

Sorry been out and about yet again. Things are so busy here I will be an intermittant ponderer for a bit


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:21 PM



Originally posted by freelancertex:

Originally posted by GorramGroupie: I take your greeting and substitute my own:
Hene cheechee thppt!

isn't it i *reject* your greeting and substitute my own? :-P jk. adam savage rocks

wtf is hene cheechee thppt?

Random brain firings, means absolutely nothing in any way shape or form. Hence on the inponderables.
Ok, so thhpt is my way of doing , cuz it don't work any way.

'Who are you and how did you get in here?' 'I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.'
Police Squad


Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:31 PM


*is blown away by the major plot explosion in RvB Reconstruction* I...need a drink.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 3:55 AM


*bumps thread*


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 6:09 AM


(Readjusts thread from FLT bumping into it)

Good morning Ponderers.

Ponder: Does gender have much to do with political descision making? We're stuck between a shit sandwich and a giant douche right now and I'm really leaning toward a vote of no confidence (if it existed in this country). I got to hear about my boss shaking Obamas hand and how great he is yesterday before interviewing for techs (which kinda left me with the same feeling). Then I get to watch McCain double back on his own words on You Tube this morning. I can see with him it is no bullshit. We know he's a loony white (no offense to the sane white folk here) man out for his own best intrest and the intrest of his allies. I don't trust him. Then we have Barack Hussein Obama. I take him as the nice guy everyone knew in school that never expected him to be manipulative and self serving. He is the kind of fella that would talk his way into some womans panties then convince her that it was the best thing to do despite the fact that they are both married and he visably had herpes. Not a lesser evil. A better concealed evil. The best trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist. I don't care about the tabloid mockery at the newstand of the local grocery store. I care about the slight of hand that he's pulling with people right now. At least the other asshat has nothing (nor the ability) to hide. Not saying that he is the better choice. But at least any semi intelligent human (and some apes) can see around McCains line of BS. He is a Regan-esque puppet. I just hate that later in his term, President Obama will make massive descisions that effect the people who elected him and will crush the hopes and dreams that were promised by him.
All these evil MFers out here right now are evil out in the open. Once his brand of evil is unleashed there will be no going back.

"It's okay baby. There is only a thirty five percent chance you'll get my herpes if you sleep with me."

So yeah, I dreamed all this. Something clicked in my head last night and did not let go until just a few minutes ago. That feeling is still lingering and reassures me that voting for neither is the best choice.

Guess I should listen to the coyote with the voice of Johnny Cash (Yeah, he was there).

Clarity is the path to inner peace.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 6:39 AM


Write in vote for Stephen Colbert for the win!!

Has there ever been a clear choice in these matters? I've only lived through Bush/Dukakis, Bush/Clinton, Dole/Clinton, Bush/Gore, Bush/Kerry and now Obama/McCain. Sorry but I don't see a single choice in that list that I really want as president. I've always felt that it's just choosing the lesser of the two evils.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 7:11 AM


If they want the job they shoudl not be allowed to have it....EVER!

As a matter of fact they should be exiled for even concidering the nominations!

Some men just wanna watch the world burn

Zombie Killing, Ninja in Training Kelkhil
The Shirtless Forsaken


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 7:43 AM



Originally posted by NVGhostRider: The best trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist.

omg, i cannot remember where that's from.

i agree though. I watched a debate between those two, and I'm really not impressed by either of them, nor am I impressed with any of the things I've heard them say. But the reality is one of them is going to end up in office, and we're going to have to live with that choice for at least four years ><

got a pondering question though: who would u like to have seen run for pres?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:14 AM


Back to Ross Perot. Easy to read. Knows business like no other. has little mans syndrome so the first country to fuck with us gets dirt rolled as an example to others.


Just sucks donkey dong that we constantly have to put up with whoever the parties can pay the most for.

I guess we should just count ourselves lucky Hillary couldn't get on the ballot.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:17 AM


*shudders* if hillary were on the ballot i wouldn't be living in this country.

nother ponder, and i hear/recieve this question a lot, just don't pay close enough attention to comment: what's *your* opinion on palin & biden? if u have one :-P


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:23 AM



Originally posted by freelancertex:
*shudders* if hillary were on the ballot i wouldn't be living in this country.

nother ponder, and i hear/recieve this question a lot, just don't pay close enough attention to comment: what's *your* opinion on palin & biden? if u have one :-P

Fear. I don't really care for either of them to be on deck for the presidency. Especially not with these two candidates. McCain might just die of old age 3 days after being sworn in and there are enough racist psychos out there that the secret service is going to have their hands full keeping Obama alive. This is the first time in my life that I really wonder if either candidate could survive a term in office.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:26 AM


given the possibilities, who do you want to be the successor? or do neither of the vp's tickle ur fancy either?

i hate the 'mccain is old' excuse. sounds like a cop out.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 8:37 AM


The whole thing is a joke. Spin and jokes and rumors. It really matters little in the end. I wish there wasn't so much put on this damn thing. People just end up disappointed. We should all just bend over and take it because regardless of who runs the country we'll still end up sore and shamed.

How about this: Halloween. I was looking forward to it a bit more than I am now. My sisters kids might not be here and that is mostly what I was looking forward to.

That and yes, I miss them (pokes MSB because she is right despite not having said anything). They took off for Kalifornia last week and I don't know when they'll be coming back. My sister sent for some of her documents and chances are she is planning something I'm not supposed to know about. She is with the family of the guy she got into trouble with a few years ago which means he is probably there in Selma or is in Mexico and she is planning on going there with the kids. Either way I am not happy and want to drill someone in the fucking head over and over and over.

Anyhoo, Halloween. What is everyone doing?


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 10:07 AM



Originally posted by NVGhostRider: "The best trick the devil ever pulled off was convincing people he didn't exist."

Originally posted by freelancertex: omg, i cannot remember where that's from. i agree though. (...)

...but if everyone knows that saying, it's not much of a trick, now, is it?

As for gender affecting decisions - I don't think so. Not for intelligent people, anyway.

What we actually need to do is get rid of career politicians. "Politician" should not be a job. Nominate and elect regular people who already have regular jobs; no more salaries for being a "politician" and no more of that partisan hidden agenda dirty dealing in it just for yourself bullshit.

I approve of this message.

Brought to you by the Coalition for HK - Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 10:53 AM


See I write in Cthulu...why vote for the lesser evil??

Yeah I was all set to take the kids shopping for their costumes...sigh:( Hmm guess I'll just have to dress the dogs ( I'm kidding as NV has said it injurs their dignety to wear a little vampire cape or little red riding hood and carry a basket on their collar)

Ok if this week gets any worse I'm calling in dead. Cases exploding, extra fees on top of extra fees on top of a giant and unexpectedly large cell phone bill... argh

Anyway... at least we have friend coming tonight and our new furniture has been delivered:)
NV ( also at this point I think Jonny Cash's coyote should be president)


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:16 AM



Originally posted by NVGhostRider: Anyhoo, Halloween. What is everyone doing?

It's me and Andy's 4th anniversary ^_^ yup, silly kid asked me out on Halloween :-P


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten: but if everyone knows that saying, it's not much of a trick, now, is it?

lolz, point and match XD


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:25 AM


It's going to be okay. Been working on some stuff and calming my ass down.

Then again, dressing up the dogs might offer some comic relief.

(Listens to HK's stance)
Oh I'm defiantely writting you in now.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 11:47 AM


That's it...we're all agreed HK for president

This day must end right??


Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength; loving someone deeply gives you courage."
Life is anything that dies when you stomp on it.”-Dave Barry


Thursday, October 2, 2008 2:52 AM


day is over. its not the first anymore, its the second :-P YAY 3 days till the birthday ^_^ *does a dance*

about the dressing up dogs for halloween thing, it works out if u dont have a psychotic dog that tries to rip off whatever u put on his back and spazzes out so much he falls over and gets stuck @_@ that would be my little hairball of a pet.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 5:20 AM


Good morning people.

I'm not sure how she kept a costume on Milo. He's so wirey and jumpy. Lucky is mellow but I can see her rubbing against stuff to get it off. Crazy dogs.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 5:35 AM


lol. crazy dogs are the best XD


Thursday, October 2, 2008 6:00 AM



Originally posted by MSB:
That's it...we're all agreed HK for president

Colbert '08!! Besides we can't have a female president. There's never been a female president there for there can never be a female president. I've taken logic and that's rock solid right there. You can look it up. Though I recommend you don't. *runs*


Thursday, October 2, 2008 6:48 AM


... I can't seem to find any flaws in your logic.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 6:49 AM


Morning everyone.

Politics: There's a scene from The West Wing (in season 2 I think, during the flashback to the original Bartlet campaign) where Leo (John Spencer, the Chief of Staff on the show) says he's "sick of voting for the lesser of who cares." That's how I've felt about US politics my entire life, since my mom explained to me who President Regan was when I was still a tiny thing.

Now don't get me wrong, I was originally an international affairs major in college, and gave serious thought to one type of government service or another, but I've always found national politics to be petty and meaningless. This is the first election in my lifetime that I actually give a shit about (well, 4 years ago I had pretty strong opinions, but it was a definite "lesser of two evils" -- or perhaps, "lesser of two idiots" -- situation). So in that Aaron Sorkin spirit of being sick and tired of "the lesser of who cares", I've been a Barack Obama supporter for two years now. For the first time in my entire life, it feels different to me. It feels real.

I've seen more than a couple of people say that Obama is just like all the rest, he just hides it better. "No one can be that good and still be in politics." What if he really is that good? I don't want to be so frickin cynical that I throw away my chance to have something great. I wouldn't do it in love, and I won't do it in politics. I'm sure he knows how politics works, and I'm not blind to the necessities that come with being a career politician. But there's more going on there, IMO. There's a light in his eyes that we haven't seen in a President in the last 20 years at least. I can't pass that up. And even if Obama turns out to be a manipulative politician, I still would consider him to be head-and-shoulders above the badly reanimated corpse that is John McCain.

Another interesting thing to me about this election cycle is that a year ago, I actually liked John McCain. I don't think I would ever have voted for him, because while I hold a couple of traditionally Republican views, most of my views are more Democrat and Libertarian, so I've yet to find a Republican I can agree with enough to feel comfortable voting for him or her. But I thought McCain was a decent guy, just with political views I don't agree with. As the campaign has worn on, I've found myself liking him less and less. Where did the Maverick go? Why can't he answer questions off the cuff? And what the is the deal with choosing Sarah Palin?? After last Friday's debate, I straight up hate the man. That's what politics can to do someone who isn't strong enough, IMO. It can take him from a free-thinking maverick and turn him into a lifeless meat puppet, spouting the bigoted party line and showing absolutely no respect for the intelligence of the voting public.

(The above is just my opinion. No offense meant to anyone. I generally do not talk about politics with anyone outside my husband, my father, one of my 3 brothers, and one very close friend -- I don't even talk to my mother or other four siblings about politics -- because opinions can be strongly felt and discussion can get heated quickly. This was meant to express my views on the current election, and not to offend anyone.)

I know it's easy to just check out of the whole thing, to paint all politicians with the same brush and withhold your vote as a protest. But not voting doesn't help anyone. And especially in a swing state like Nevada (I'm lookin at you, NVG! ), I think not voting is irresponsible. There's actually the possibility of an electoral college tie this year (269-269), so I think it's hugely important for all Americans who can legally vote to research both candidates -- and both VPs, who I think will be more important this election cycle than any other VP ever -- and decide who they believe will do the best job with the country, and then cast a vote for that person. Not voting just isn't an option, IMO.

Anyhow, enough of that.

Halloween: Through some really odd twists, hubby and I will be going as a sultan-type and a bellydancer. We actually have an awesome party to go to this year, which will be a huge improvement over last year, where we researched all the adult activities in the area, and realized we could either drive up into LA, or hang out at home. I ended up hanging out at home while hubby worked late. It sucked.

Anyhow, I'm doing some sewing for both our costumes, though hubby bought about 75% of his at a costume store. I'm also going to be wearing a really long black wig and false eyelashes. Should be pretty awesome.

And FLT, quite the coincidence -- the 29th is hubby and my 7 year dating anniversary. Actually our first date was on the 31st, but he kissed me on the 29th so that's what we've always counted. Well, he maintains that I kissed him, but either way there was kissing. Of course, now we have a wedding anniversary too, so the 29th hardly gets noticed anymore.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:05 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Politics: (...) I think not voting is irresponsible.

I think voting in ignorance is even more irresponsible.
(not aimed at anyone here, just a statement)

I actually heard a woman on the radio this morning saying that no Amerrkin should vote for Bare-rack Hussein O-bama because we're fighting those people (meaning him) in Iraq. That is ignorance at its best. That is someone I don't think should be allowed a vote.

Halloween: Through some really odd twists, hubby and I will be going as a sultan-type and a bellydancer.
Forgive me if I'm over-stepping my bounds,
but I'm pretty sure the thread demands pictures of this. ^^

HK - Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:09 AM


The funny thing about my "bah women" post above is that my Dad seriously talks like that. He flipped out about Palin. He's a republican and he was like "I don't even know what I'm going to do now".

He seriously recommended that McCain could back out of it by having a press conference where he claimed to be drunk when he made the choice. Oh yeah that would go over so well. Everyone wants to hear that a potential president makes big decisions while drunk. Idiot.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:25 AM



Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
I think voting in ignorance is even more irresponsible.
(not aimed at anyone here, just a statement)

I actually heard a woman on the radio this morning saying that no Amerrkin should vote for Bare-rack Hussein O-bama because we're fighting those people (meaning him) in Iraq. That is ignorance at its best. That is someone I don't think should be allowed a vote.

Yeah totally agree. I like that there are laws against excluding people from voting because of language or education, but some people, seriously, should not be allowed to vote. Educate yourselves people! (Hence the comment above about researching both and making an educated decision.)

I saw a statistic a few months ago: 18% of American adults surveyed think the earth is flat. Seriously. And in case that statistic seems out of whack, 1 out of 5 The View hosts isn't sure if the earth is round, either.

So in light of that, the 14% of American adults who think that Obama is Muslim isn't quite so scary. I just disregard 18% of the population on principle.


Originally posted by Hell's Kitten:
Forgive me if I'm over-stepping my bounds,
but I'm pretty sure the thread demands pictures of this. ^^

Lol I'll see what I can do! I'm sure there'll be pictures, I've just got to get over the "omg, my face is on the internets!" fear of mine.


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:34 AM



Originally posted by Zeek:
The funny thing about my "bah women" post above is that my Dad seriously talks like that. He flipped out about Palin. He's a republican and he was like "I don't even know what I'm going to do now".

He seriously recommended that McCain could back out of it by having a press conference where he claimed to be drunk when he made the choice. Oh yeah that would go over so well. Everyone wants to hear that a potential president makes big decisions while drunk. Idiot.

Geez Zeek, it's almost like you live in Texas or something!


You can't take the sky from me...


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:36 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
I saw a statistic a few months ago: 18% of American adults surveyed think the earth is flat. Seriously. And in case that statistic seems out of whack, 1 out of 5 The View hosts isn't sure if the earth is round, either.

Are you claiming it isn't? I'd like to see your proof. :-P

I'm the type who would always be messing up these surveys. I'd be on the "undecided" side or just wouldn't answer if I was forced to choose one or the other. How would I possibly know if the Earth is flat or not? I've never been into space. I've never seen it myself. It could all be a huge conspiracy for all I know.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:51 AM



Originally posted by CaliforniaKaylee:
Geez Zeek, it's almost like you live in Texas or something!

Sadly he's from NY and is now in CA and has never even lived in TX. It's also kinda funny cause my brother is up in IL and is pushing hard of Obama. So, I go from talking to my Dad and trying to come up with a response to his crazy ramblings and then talking to my brother and have to do the same for his ramblings from the other side of the scales.


Thursday, October 2, 2008 7:57 AM


Ah, well at least his red-ness will be countered by all the blue-ness of CA.

My family is the same way though. My dad is a Dem, though fairly socially conservative. The brother just younger than me tends to hold conservative views, but cares more about the quality of person the politician is than his actual specific views, so he's been on the fence about Obama for months now. The rest of my family are staunch conservatives. One of my other brothers joined a Facebook group called "Stop Obama Now!". I am not talking to him until after the election, probably not until Thanksgiving, lol. But thankfully all my conservative family members are safely sequestered in Texas and Utah, so their red-ness can't sway the already crazy red-ness of their states.


You can't take the sky from me...






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